How to take care of wet chemicals on your hair. How to restore hair after a perm

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Owners of straight hair have always looked with envy at curly women. After all, curls help create a cute playful look. They always look stylish and attractive. That is why many girls decide to curl their hair with chemicals. Thus, they provide themselves with volume and a beautiful hairstyle for every day. Back in 1935, the first perm was made after this procedure has since become a hot topic. We will talk about this in our article.

Preparation for the procedure

Before the procedure, experts recommend washing your hair. After all, grease and pollution will prevent the penetration of the reagent into the strands. In this case, during washing, you do not need to intensively rub the skin. Just gently apply the shampoo and rinse with warm water.

Weakened hair can be cleaned a few days before curling. In this case, a slight fatty film on them will only save the curls from excessive damage.

It is worth noting that the quality of the future perm will be determined by the correct haircut. If horizontal "chemistry" is planned, it is necessary to ensure a smooth transition from long strands to shorter hair. All this will facilitate the winding of curls on bobbins or curlers. Also pay attention to the fact that the length of the strands can affect the success of the entire procedure. For horizontal "chemistry" the best option is hair that does not exceed 20 cm in length.

Short and long curls

It also has its own peculiarities in the preparation and conduct of the procedure. Based on the fact that too short strands cannot be wound correctly on curlers or bobbins, they are not cut before curling. It is better to do this after the procedure.

Long hair is best styled with spiral conical curlers. The result is the so-called vertical chemistry. The technique for performing this procedure is somewhat different. Winding strands start from the roots, moving towards the ends. This approach makes it easier for the master to work with hair of any length. Special bobbins are great for those who want to get uniform curls. Many girls like just such a perm of hair (photo below).

The choice of the master is a crucial moment

It's no secret that hair curling is a rather aggressive procedure. Its success and the degree of damage to the strands will largely depend on the professionalism of the master. Therefore, the choice must be approached with all responsibility. What factors should be taken into account?

1. A good and responsible specialist will start with a test of your hair type. He must also assess their condition. If the strands are exhausted, a good master will never undertake to do “chemistry”. He will prescribe a wellness course.

2. An experienced hairdresser should ask what daily care products the client used before the procedure. It is also important for him to know how long the client has been staining. All this information is extremely important. After all, for example, the use of shampoos and balms containing silicones can lead to the fact that it will not be possible to form the correct elastic curls. And freshly dyed hair should not be contacted with the reagents of the perm composition at all.

3. You can distinguish a good master by the fact that he will definitely perform a trial curling of one or two strands. It is also worth asking what products he works with. After all, modern cosmetics are designed specifically to reduce the percentage of damage caused by perm. Curls can be protected from excessive aggressive influence of reagents.

4. And, of course, a good specialist will definitely give recommendations to the client on how to care for curled hair.

Hair care after a perm involves not only the use of special products, but also the correct handling of a new hairstyle. Consider the basic principles and advice of professionals.

  • During the procedure, the master tells clients that shampooing will only need to be done on the third day. You shouldn't have done it before. You need to use a special shampoo and warm water. There should be no aggressive movements. Strands must not be squeezed and twisted. It is better to simply blot with a soft towel with light movements.
  • The use of a hair dryer and hot rollers must be postponed for 5 days. Do not use hot air during drying. To preserve the beauty of the curls, they must always be styled after washing the hair using curlers.
  • Experts say that curled hair will be better washed in the salon. For drying there, you can use a lamp with infrared radiation. It is worth noting that this does not mean at all that you will have to visit the salon too often. After “chemistry”, the hairstyle does not become greasy so quickly.
  • Caring for perm hair involves the use of a comb with sparse teeth for combing. On the first day after the procedure, this does not need to be done at all. In the future, it is forbidden to comb the strands. These actions will break the curls and give the hair a "washcloth" look.
  • After the procedure, you can tint your hair. This will refresh her appearance.
  • Also, experts recommend protecting curls from the harmful effects of the sun's rays. To do this, you can purchase daily care products that contain UV filters. Please note that salt, bleach in water can harm weakened strands. After swimming in the sea or pool, rinse everything from your hair with clean water.

If the hair was permed, care after the procedure also implies the use of products for healing. For this, both products prepared according to folk recipes on their own and products of cosmetic companies are suitable.

Folk remedies for the care of permed hair

Among the variety of existing recipes, a mask that has a nourishing, moisturizing effect is suitable for us.

A mixture of eggs, black bread, kefir and honey gives an excellent result. Preparing a mask is not difficult. A few pieces of bread for the night pour a glass of sour milk. The next day, we introduce 2 yolks and two tablespoons of honey into the gruel. We mix everything thoroughly. The composition is applied to the roots and hair and kept for half an hour. Then rinse off with warm water. To achieve a good result, it is necessary to apply the product several times a week.

We present to your attention another effective recipe. It is just relevant for those girls who have had permed hair. Hair care can provide cognac with honey. To prepare the mask, take a teaspoon of honey, cognac, burdock oil and one yolk. It is necessary to mix all the ingredients and apply to the entire length of the strands. We cover the head with a film and warm it with a towel. Wash off the mask after a few hours. This recipe will provide good nutrition to overdried hair.

warm oils

Natural oils will help provide excellent hair care. They must be used warm. So valuable components penetrate the hair better. For our purposes, olive, burdock or castor oils are perfect. They can be used in their pure form or make masks based on them.

Let's prepare an excellent hair care product after a perm. Take two tablespoons of butter (any of the above), add the yolk, 5 g of yeast and a little cream or sour cream to the container. Mix the ingredients and carefully rub into the roots, distribute along the entire length of the hair. Wash off the mask after half an hour.

Ampoules will help reanimate curls after curling

Various cosmetic brands are developing complex formulas that will help restore curls after a procedure such as a perm. Caring for your hair with these products makes it easy. No need to waste time preparing masks. It is enough to open the ampoule and use it as indicated in the instructions. Healing cocktails are placed in a convenient package - in ampoules. Each of them is designed for one application. Some products recommend rubbing only into the scalp. And other products can be distributed along the entire length of the hair. Unique formulas allow you to see the effect almost after the first application. However, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment (5-10 sessions). In choosing, you can rely on the reviews of experts and familiar people. Also, always focus on brands that perform well.

Shampoos and balms

These products need to be taken care of. They will help improve the condition of the hairstyle after a procedure such as a perm. Hair care is not difficult if you choose the right products. When choosing, it is necessary to give preference to products that are maximally enriched with natural ingredients. To date, the following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Secret key;
  • Natura Siberica;
  • D'oliva;
  • Joico;
  • "Belita-Vitex";
  • Liv Delano;
  • Kativa.

Many professionals speak well of the lines of these campaigns. Shampoo and balm can provide daily care, moisturize and repair damaged strands.

Instead of a conclusion

In conclusion, it remains to add that no matter what type of curl you choose, you need to prepare for the fact that the hairstyle will require costs and effort to restore the health of the hair. In general, experts do not recommend such experiments for owners of weak strands. Well, in general, having such a huge selection of various regenerating agents, you can always look gorgeous.


How to care for hair after a perm

Curls can also curl in “decent people”, contrary to the popular folk ditty, perm to help. Suppose you become the owner of the cherished curls. How to take care of this beauty and keep the “chemical” curls for as long as possible?

Since chemistry is the strongest intervention in the structure of the hair. You can minimize the consequences by following some rules.

  • Chemistry dries out the hair. Therefore, special products will now need to be included in daily care. Special restorative masks can be applied no earlier than the 4th wash after curling. Almost any cosmetic company - from the mass market to luxury brands - has a line of products for damaged hair. Therefore, it is up to you to decide what to choose from the whole variety, depending on personal preferences and budget.
  • In addition, after curling, there is a high probability of getting an unpleasant "bonus" - dry split ends. Therefore, it is better to cut the ends after it and include special oils or sprays for split ends in daily care.
  • If the procedure is done in the summer, then it is necessary to hide the curls from direct sunlight under wide-brimmed hats and use sprays with UV protection.
  • You should not dye your hair after chemistry for 2 weeks, let them come to their senses, besides, during this time the paint will be worse fixed.
  • After the procedure, it is recommended to wear loose hair more often. Since ponytails, shells and other hairstyles with elastic bands and barrettes can weaken curls.

Rules for home care after a perm

In order for keratin to be fixed in the hair, you need not wash your hair for the first 2-3 days, do not style it with a hairdryer, do not use styling products. Curls should secure their new shape. Otherwise, you risk getting a disheveled "burdock".

1. Oils for hair restoration

One of the most common means for caring for damaged hair is oils. Most often used:

  • olive;
  • castor;
  • burdock;
  • sunflower.

If there is no desire and time to prepare a mask, then simply apply a little warm oil to the entire length of the hair. Keep the oil under cellophane for at least 40 minutes, then wash your hair. Oils will help strengthen and restore your curls, for this, use them once a week.

2. Shampoo

In advance, you need to take care of a special shampoo. Now it is not a problem to find shampoos designed specifically for hair that has undergone strong chemical attack.

The main thing is that they should be soft, contain organic ingredients such as coconut oil, shea (karite), wheat proteins, amino acids, vitamins and keratin.

3. Rinsing

After each wash, the hair can be rinsed. You can pick up a conditioner of the same brand as the shampoo. You can also cook it at home:

From vinegar - to strengthen and shine.

Dilute 1 tablespoon of 6% vinegar in 1 liter of water.

From lemon juice - for quick recovery.

Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into 1 liter of boiled water. Thanks to him, the hair is restored faster, perfectly fortified and become pleasant to the touch.

After washing and rinsing, do not rub your hair with a towel, and gently blot and form curls with your hands. Try not to stretch or deform them to keep the curls. Wait until they are completely dry, do not go to bed with a wet head. Otherwise, you risk waking up with a “dandelion”.

4. Styling and combing

For permed hair, you will need a comb with a rare comb, preferably a wooden one. Wet and wet curls are generally better not to comb, you need to wait until they dry. Comb should be with minimal pressure, starting from the tips. If possible, you should refuse a hair dryer - as the hair is already overdried.

In addition, conventional styling products are no longer suitable. It is advisable to purchase special ones. The most common of them are mousses and foams for curly hair. And for modeling and styling curls, special wax is great.


These simple methods will help you keep beautiful curls for 2-3 months. Hair care after a perm is a very important process. And the more correctly and carefully you choose the care products, the more luxurious the curls will look. And then you decide for yourself whether you want to remain curly and do the procedure again, or return to straight hair.

Perm is not only a way to achieve beautiful, lush curls, but also the ability to significantly reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands of the scalp in the summer. Many women suffering from scalp problems can only be saved by this old hairdressing method. In addition, perm is a great way to create the appearance of thick hair.

However, in addition to the positive effects, exposure to the chemical composition on the hair has many negative side effects, after which it is very difficult to restore the hairline to its previous state. Hair continues to split, break, and remain dull for a long time.

Unfortunately, there is no way to return the tips that have been exposed to chemicals to their previous appearance, however, there are several ways that will help the hair, save the hair stalk from further cutting and drying.

Hair care after perm

Curled hair requires more care and attention than undamaged hair. In order to minimize the effect of an aggressive cosmetic preparation on the hair, you need to completely abandon drying with a hair dryer, hot styling and combs with frequent teeth. Hair fixing varnish should also be replaced with more gentle foams, mousses or special liquids for perm styling.

The chemical composition damages the hair stalk, gradually destroying it, increasing its fragility, therefore, after washing, the hair is not wrapped in a towel, but wiped with light movements that do not contribute to tangling the hair. After that, the strands are straightened with your fingers and left to dry naturally.


It is because of the increased fragility and trauma of the hair after perm that you should not sleep with a wet head in the open air.

There are also special requirements for washing directly: you need to use shampoos with a neutral pH. Hair is washed with warm water only, too hot or cold water will accelerate hair damage.

After the procedure, it is best to use shampoos designed specifically for permed hair. Most often they have the following components in their composition:

  • vegetable oils;
  • extracts of medicinal plants (argan, coconut);
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • vegetable proteins.

In the summer, you should not be exposed to direct sunlight for a long time, and also expose your hair to salty sea water. After bathing, the hair should be thoroughly rinsed.

In order for the hair not to fade quickly and retain its natural beauty for a long time, you need to use mixtures of base and essential oils after washing. Natural vegetable oils will help keep the hair dense and delay the cut and breakage of the hair as much as possible. To preserve the beauty of hair, hairdressers recommend using the following oils:

These base oils are mixed with a few drops of essential oils of jasmine, lavender, citrus, mint and blotted with slow movements with the palms smeared with the resulting mixture, strands, gradually forming a curl. It is best to carry out this procedure by preheating the mixture in a water bath. It is best to use a mask based on the oils listed above, applied evenly to the hair. After application, the hair is carefully wrapped in polyethylene and a towel is wound on top. After 30-40 minutes of exposure, the mixture is washed off, thoroughly washing each strand.

Owners of oily scalp during the application of oils need to ensure that the mixture does not get close to the skin under the hair, since vegetable oils have the ability to increase the secretion of sebum by the skin.

In addition, chemically curled hair requires a caring action not only from shampoos, but also from balms and masks. There are many special care lines in various price categories aimed at maintaining the density and durability of hair curled with chemicals for as long as possible. They must also contain a large amount of oils, as well as glycerin components that can envelop the hair, stick its scales back to the trunk and prevent it from falling out of the bulb. Some girls prefer to prepare such masks on their own, buying the simplest options for care lines and diluting them with a few drops of the oils listed above.

How to restore hair after a perm

Sooner or later, the hair that has undergone a chemical curling method becomes completely unsightly, becomes dull and untidy. It will not be possible to completely restore the cut ends, they will have to be cut to the distance that the hairdresser and the client of the salon consider necessary.

In most cases, it will not be necessary to completely cut the curl to the place where already healthy hair begins to grow, it is enough to cut off completely tattered ends at a distance of 5-7 cm from the end of the hair.

Masks are applied weekly for the remaining length. To consolidate the positive effect and further reduce the risk of hair excision, a mixture of healing oils continues to be used. The rules for hair care remain the same as for perm.

It will not be superfluous to take a vitamin-mineral complex aimed at accelerated hair growth and restoration, strengthening its bulbs and improving the appearance of each curl.

In some cases, salon clients resort to a procedure - sealing the hair with a special composition, as a result of which all hair scales are tightly attached to it and the risk of brittleness and excision of the end is significantly reduced. However, this procedure is quite expensive and not suitable for everyone, since the mixture used also consists of completely chemical components and in some cases has the opposite effect, enhancing the negative effects of perm.

Gradually, hair under vigilant and attentive care will acquire an increasingly healthy and natural look. The growing strands will already be much denser, radiant and beautiful.

Kuznetsova Irina, medical columnist

I had a chance to somehow hear a scabrous ditty about curls. Say, from whom only they do not curl, they just do not curl from people who are good from all points of view. A sort of juicy village humor on the verge of a foul.

A very revealing ditty, in fact: natural curls often become the subject of female envy, what can we dissemble. Well, envy is far from creation. So it is tempting to blurt out something about the short-sightedness of nature, which endowed curls on the wrong person. What, in fact, is observed in this ditty.

But glory to progress, now any woman can acquire luxurious curls, even if by nature she has absolutely smooth hair without a single hint of curls. And for this it is not at all necessary to twist naughty strands into different-sized curlers every day.

For all the time that hairdressers began to use special preparations for perming, the technology of “curling” female heads has undergone few changes.

But the pluses nevertheless added: the compositions for waving have become more gentle, less injure the hair and scalp, and even contain special caring complexes. But even in this situation, after a perm, the hair needs a special one.

The first two to three days after a perm will decide how your hairstyle will look in the next three months. If you refrain from washing your hair during this period, and also hide the hairdryer from yourself more securely, then there is a strong hope that your newly acquired curls will retain their elasticity and natural look for a long time.

Most importantly, take note that to care for chemically curled hair, you should purchase products specially designed for this case - from shampoos and balms to masks, mousses and varnishes.

However, prescription masks and rinses will be a real help in caring for “chemical” curls.

The bottom line is that in the composition of folk cosmetics there is not a single gram of unnatural substances, everything is only exclusively natural. Namely, this is what your stressed hair “craves”.

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Sulfates in shampoos - benefits and harms to hair

Homemade permed hair masks

Home remedies for rinsing permed hair

How to make the hair shine even after perm, the curls are beautiful and even, and the head does not turn into a “dandelion” a few hours after styling?

Despite the fact that perfectly straight hair is now in fashion, wavy curls and curls are still an attribute of romantic femininity. In order not to suffer with curlers and curling irons, many girls dare to perm. Of course, this significantly reduces the time spent on daily styling. But the price for this is the deterioration of the condition of the hair.

Perm is a serious stress for the hair. To make the curls look alive and healthy, you should be guided by the following general rules of care:

  • After four shampooing sessions after curling, proceed to the daily application of nourishing masks. They can be made independently from vegetable oils, eggs and dairy products. For a more pronounced effect, ready-made professional products are used.
  • Immediately after chemo, you will most likely have to cut the ends, because. they will start to crack very soon. To prevent this phenomenon in the future, regularly apply special serums, sprays, oils and anti-cut balms to the tips.
  • During the summer, you'll need to keep your curls out of direct sunlight. If you can't wear a hat or bandana all the time, be sure to treat your hair with a UV filter before going outside.
  • It is not recommended to dye hair that has undergone a chemical wave. For at least two weeks, you should not use any coloring or tinting compounds.

Avoid complicated hairstyles that require hair to be pulled back into ponytails or buns. Firstly, it damages them even more, and secondly, it promotes straightening. The best option is loose curls.

Home Care Rules

  • The most important condition for a permanent curl is not to wash your hair for the first couple of days after the procedure. This is due to the fact that keratin should be fixed on the hair, and the shape of the curl should be fixed. If you break this rule, your hair will become tousled and will resemble a dandelion. Further care consists of several main points:
  • Hair that has undergone a chemical wave can be called damaged. For this type of hair are simply necessary. Olive, castor, coconut, burdock, and even - these are the best options. Just heat the oil, spread it through your hair and leave it for 40 minutes under a plastic cap. Pamper your curls with this treatment at least once a week.
  • Washing your hair is not so easy. Most likely, you will have to change your usual shampoo. Ideally, if you find a special product for hair that has undergone chemistry. Otherwise, you should give preference to mild natural-based shampoos with oils, proteins, amino acids and vitamins in the composition.
  • A mandatory step in home care is rinsing. It is advisable that the conditioner you use be of the same brand as the shampoo. If you can’t find the right tool for you,. To do this, it is enough to dilute a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar in a liter of water.
  • In order not to break the shape of the curls and not damage them, the hair should not be wiped with a towel. They only need to be lightly soaked, gently forming a hairstyle. It is desirable that the curls dry naturally. At the same time, it is forbidden to go to bed with a wet head.
  • If you decide on a perm, take care of purchasing a comb with rare teeth. It is better that it be made of natural wood. At the same time, you need to comb your hair only when it is completely dry. Start at the ends and work your way up to the top with minimal pressure. Be sure to apply foams or styling mousses that will help form a beautiful hairstyle. If you have small curls, use wax.

Folk cosmetology

If you can’t find high-quality store cosmetics for curly hair care, folk cosmetology will always come to the rescue. Here are the most popular products that will provide complete care for your curls:

  1. Mix cognac, liquid honey and burdock oil (1:1:2) and add the yolk of one egg. Lightly dampen your hair (you can spray it with water from a spray bottle) and spread the mask along the entire length. Wrap the curls with a film, put on a warm hat on top and leave for at least three hours. Rinse off with shampoo.
  2. In equal proportions, mix dried calendula and nettle, as well as half the norm of oak bark. A tablespoon of the mixture should be poured with a liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour over low heat or a steam bath. When the liquid has cooled, it must be filtered. You can rinse your hair with this decoction after each wash.
  3. In equal proportions, combine chamomile, nettle and linden inflorescences. Pour a tablespoon of herbal composition with a liter of boiling water and insist for half an hour. Strain the mixture while it is still hot enough, add to it a few crusts of rye bread, vitamins, squeeze out an AEvit capsule and leave for another quarter of an hour, covered with a towel. Spread the mixture through your hair, put on a plastic shower cap (or wrap it with a film), and warm it on top. After an hour and a half, wash your hair with shampoo.
  4. Place two large spoons of dried burdock root in a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Strain after a quarter of an hour. The resulting composition is used as a rinse aid.
  5. If you have stale rye bread that is no longer edible, it may very well benefit your hair. Pour boiling water over the crusts so that they are completely covered with water, cover with a film and send to a warm place. The mixture should ferment from five hours to three days, depending on how badly damaged your hair is. When the mixture is ready, grease your hair and scalp with it, wrap it with a film and hold it for a couple of hours. Then wash off with shampoo.

For a high-quality perm from a qualified master, you will have to pay a considerable amount. Fortunately, folk remedies for hair care cost almost nothing, because. most of the ingredients for them are already in every kitchen. Whether you decide to continue with the curl or opt for straight hair, it will be healthy and strong enough to withstand any experimentation.


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