How to propose to your ex wife. Poems of a marriage proposal. I'm not a fool, I understand that a woman like you will not be alone for a long time

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Your eyes, your smile
Made me crazy for a long time
When I first met you
Fell head over heels in love with you.

You gave me hope
With you I believed in a dream
I love you with all my heart
I want to start a family with you.

I want you to be mine
From now on, once and for all,
Tell me darling
Will you marry me?

You were able to conquer me
And I fell in love like a boy
In your beautiful eyes
And feelings flared up like a match.
You are amazing, smart
You are so gentle, so graceful
Your smile drives you crazy
Trust me, I'm serious.
You are tenderness, joy, you are a dream,
I just want to wake up with you
You are my life, my destiny
I can't stop admiring you.
And I want to ask you
Are you ready to meet eternity with me?
I won't stop loving you
You are my joy, perfection.
I want to live with you, I live my life,
Are you ready to answer "Yes" to me?
Please accept my ring
The most beloved in the world!

As soon as I met you
I immediately realized - you are mine!
You are the one I've been waiting for
Who I've been looking for all my life.

I want to ask today
The question that torments me.
I am only yours with all my heart.
Will you be my wife?

I can't breathe without you
I'm suffocating without you
And as if I'm wounded, powerless,
When you are not with me.

With you I am alive
And two wings grow.
I love you alone in the world
You were made just for me.

And at this hour, in this place
I want to ask you now
My beloved in the world
Will you marry me?

I offer you my hand
And your heart is already yours.
I wish to be with you,
Please, be my wife.
I don't represent anyone
Next to me. Only you!
Tell me yes, I'm begging.
Make my dreams come true!

You are special, sweet, tender,
And I gave you my soul
You are beautiful, you are flawless
And I love you very much.
I promise you, I swear, forever
I will become your strong wall
I will always be responsible for you
I will share my life with you.
I will protect you from bad weather
Closing from problems, grief and troubles,
I will always be your constancy,
I always turn off the lights before bed.
Just imagine us in 20 years,
I will be a solid, important uncle,
You will still smile at me
Our house will be chic and very large.
Imagine we have kids
A cheerful son, or a beautiful daughter,
We will read books with you at night,
Mom's eyes will be exactly the same.
But just to make it all work out for us,
We must create our family with you,
I suggest you spend your life together
Answer the cherished "yes", I beg you!

Today I made a decision
You suddenly propose.
I want to be your husband
Connect our hearts.
'Cause I love you so much
You alone. I live by you
And I will give everything in the world
For you to say yes!

I woke up today thinking
That I can't live a day without you
What you just want all the time
I give love and care!

I want to wake up with you
And fall asleep with you alone
I want us to be a family,
Forget everything in the world with you.

I love you with my heart, soul,
I'm ready to give the whole world
I propose to become my wife,
And live with me all your life?

I've been waiting for you for so many long years
And every day I hoped for a miracle
After all, your eyes are incredible light
I won't forget for a minute.

I fall on my knees silently..
A star from heaven - fell into the palm of a ring
And in the most intimate confession:
- I want you to become my wife.

The only one! Expensive!
Love you. Forever I am yours.
Decide my fate, my dear,
I ask - be my wife!

I'll get down on one knee
I will look into your eyes
My wish is unchanging
I want to hear you: "Yes!"

Asking a simple question
For some reason, I'm very scared.
I want to spend with you
All my life, all days and nights,
Never part
Give love, raise children
I'm anxiously waiting for an answer:
Will you be my wife?

The 21st century is the age of inconstancy, free relationships, lack of commitment. And the most relevant and painful topic in the circle of girls is “When will he propose to me?”.

Indeed, there is nothing worse than being in a dead relationship that has been dragging on for a long time and will not lead to anything.

It turns out that there are men with such characters and distinctive features who can date for 20 years and never propose. Someone like this course of things suits, but someone certainly wants to get married.

And, if you want a relationship that will lead to a wedding, then you need to understand your man if he is ready for a serious relationship.
How to do it? The following 10 suggested signs will help that a man will never propose.

10 signs your man will never propose to you

Negative thoughts about marriage

Once you start dating a guy, you need to find out his thoughts on getting married. In the meantime, while you dream of a dazzling and radiant wedding, a ring on your finger, the best romantic proposal ever made, and the perfect wedding dress, he may hate the very idea of ​​marriage.

How can you find out about it?
First, what are his thoughts on getting married? Does he like to go to weddings?
Does he talk about marriage as the end of life and wonder why people get married at all?

To find out, you need to listen to his thoughts on the institution of marriage. Does he have any phobias related to marriage, perhaps he believes that all marriages lead to divorce.

He is not permanent

This is another indication that he does not have a wedding in the near future.

When you notice that the guy you date is very considerate, very romantic some days, showing you his affection, like buying you flowers or asking you out on a romantic date, while other days he's just a brute and doesn't call you much days without any particular reason or explanation, then perhaps this is because he is indecisive and does not know what he wants from you.

You are not close to his friends and/or family

Dating a secretive guy who hasn't introduced you to his friends or family yet? This is an important sign that your boyfriend will never propose to you.
Dear girls, the truth is that he may be married and you are just a mistress.
Sure, you've met them a couple of times, but if he's considering you as a potential wife, he'll try to make sure his parents get to know you better than just some girl he's dating.
A very big sign that he will propose to you when he tries to make sure that his family knows you and accepts you as part of life, like him.

Short term plans

Another sign for girls with serious intentions who are waiting for an offer from their lover. The moment you think about plans for the next week, you notice how your man becomes very joyful, but as soon as it comes to vacation together next year, he instantly starts to stutter, then gasp and mumble something like “Let's think more on that."

If he sees you as part of his future, he has no qualms about making plans, or at least thinking about them. Ladies should be aware that if a man becomes very confused and stressed when you are trying to make plans, then this may be a sign that he does not really see you in his future.

All talk and no action

Some girls may unconsciously date guys who avoid talking about the wedding, but what about those men who love to talk about the wedding, but also don't make marriage proposals?

Yes, indeed, there are such men, they can seriously discuss the wedding, you will tell him what you think about it, and he, in turn, as if he himself passionately wants to think about the future with you, but that's it.

And nothing else happens. If after a serious conversation with your boyfriend about the wedding, he is joyful and excited, but at the same time he:
1. Does not buy a ring,
2. Doesn't propose to you
3. When you bring up this topic, he finds 1000 excuses and reasons.

Dear girls, you need to think seriously about this. As long as his excuses sound like real reasons for not getting married, chances are he's just stalling until he's backed up against the wall and forced to make a decision.

Already a wife

Very often, psychologists warn girls who dream of a wedding never to perform marital duties for their men. Don't be a wife until he puts a ring on your ring finger and you get married.

This is one of the biggest reasons why you can find a relationship that lasts 10 years and suddenly breaks down. If you were together for how long in a civil marriage, that is, lived together, had sex, had a common budget, why would he marry you again?

You perform all the marital duties that he only dreamed of. He is happy with everything and just sees no reason to propose. For this case, the saying is suitable: “Why buy a cow if you have free milk?”.

Of course, there is no fixed relationship period after which couples should decide to get married or just start talking about it.

But according to relationship experts, 1.5-2 years is enough to make a decision. If you have been dating your young man for about 3 years, but there is no relationship development, then there is a high probability that this is not your other half.

He lives in the past

Some young people cannot let go of their past and move on with their lives. Girls should avoid them. Does your boyfriend often talk about his past or previous relationships?

Cases from the past, comparison, whatever, it doesn't matter. If your boyfriend reminisces about his "best years" in college, or something in the past that he can't let go of, it's a sign that he's not capable of living in the present, and an indicator of not being ready to start a new phase in life.

If you notice that your boyfriend does not live in the present, then in fact this means that he does not appreciate the fact that you are around and do not worry about your future.

financial instability

Another sign that a man is not going to propose to you anytime soon.
Stability means a lot to a man. That is why many men who are under 40 years old are not yet married. While talking about marriage, they start talking about investments, jobs, money, and more. Men want to be sure they can take care of you after marriage.

single friends

"Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are." Good confirmation of this proverb. Guys with single friends will have a hard time imagining married life.
If a man is always among happy bachelors, do you think he will want to change his life?

If all his friends are bachelors, he most likely will not want to change his lifestyle.
But to be fair, it's not about all guys.

He's bad at problem solving

If your boyfriend is not very good at solving problems, often prefers to run away from them, then he may not want to get married. You may have noticed that even the very idea of ​​discussing a wedding scares him.

The St. Petersburg Magistrate's Court gave Zenit striker and Yulia Baranovskaya the opportunity to sit down at the negotiating table and jointly decide how much money the athlete should pay for the maintenance of three joint children

If the parties do not find a compromise, on May 23, a process will begin that promises the player the loss of half of his earnings. The children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov is closely watching the showdown. The date and time of the court session on the claim of Yulia Baranovskaya for the recovery of alimony from Andrey Arshavin for the maintenance of three children, the justice of the peace of the 169th precinct of the Primorsky district, Elena Chernyavskaya, tried not to advertise.

On the Internet site of the world courts of St. Petersburg, civil case No. 2-304 / 2014-171 was listed as impersonal, without a plaintiff and a defendant. Having made the virtual search as difficult as possible, Judge Chernyavskaya was not distinguished by diplomacy in live communication either. Even at the entrance, the bailiff confessed to a Fontanka correspondent that he had received an order not to let the press in, while the judge herself referred to being busy and did not discuss the possibility of journalists being present at the meeting. Although it is open by default, it can be closed only at the request of one of the parties.

Only the smiling and sympathetic assistant judge confirmed hesitantly: yes, Arshavin and Baranovskaya will meet today. According to rumors, the reason for the closeness is due to the fact that magistrates rarely consider high-profile cases and are not ready for close attention to their work. An official reason was found for the closed doors: the technical possibilities do not allow anyone other than the participants in the process to be allowed in. The hall is really small, but several visitors will definitely fit in it.

By 12:30 Yulia Baranovskaya arrived at the courtroom. Dressed modestly, with low-profile makeup, she really gave the impression of an oppressed mother, for whom the lawsuit is the last chance to receive the funds required by law for the maintenance of three children. Andrei Arshavin did not come to court. Around this time, he visited the SOS village in Pushkin and played football with the children. The interests of the footballer were represented by lawyer Pavel Voloshin.

At the preliminary hearing, Judge Chernyavskaya found the case prepared for hearing, set the start of the process for May 23, and before that time invited the plaintiff and the defendant to agree and conclude an amicable agreement on alimony obligations.

According to Fontanka, the parties agree to negotiate and pre-trial resolution of the dispute. At least no one voiced a fundamental "against" at the meeting.

The preliminary alignment of forces is in favor of Yulia Baranovskaya. Back in September 2013, the British Court took her side, which approved the settlement agreement. According to him, Arshavin had to pay a large amount of money at a time, pay alimony monthly, donate a car and a three-room apartment in Kolomyagi. According to Baranovskaya, the former common-law husband did not fulfill these conditions, so she turned to the St. Petersburg Magistrate's Court and won another victory.

In February, Judge Chernyavskaya issued a court order to recover alimony from Arshavin in the amount of 50 percent of all income. The bailiffs of St. Petersburg even sent a copy of the executive document to FC Zenit about withholding half of the salary from the football player and started looking for his other financial sources. They say that the conditions under this order are much harsher than the London agreement, since they take into account Arshavin's third-party earnings - his business, advertising contracts, and so on. But the judge Chernyavskaya herself canceled this order, since the footballer filed objections on time, and forced Baranovskaya to file a lawsuit.

Lawyer Andrey Tyndik, representing the interests of a single mother, told the Fontanka correspondent that the children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov became interested in the dispute and even offered help, since, apparently, there is reason to see a violation of children's rights in the difficult relationship of adults.

According to Fontanka lawyer Pavel Voloshin, representing the interests of the football player, to the offer, even before the trial, Yulia Baranovskaya refused (probably referring to a plan for a monthly payment of 50 thousand euros until June 2015, with a subsequent revision of the agreements).

“Now we will consider other options and make a proposal. In general, without details, the idea is to accumulate half of the maintenance funds in the personal accounts of children so that they are provided for when they enter adulthood. At the same time, the possibility of spending money before the age of majority is not ruled out,” Voloshin added. - We hope that the proposal will suit our procedural opponents. As a last resort, Andrei is not afraid of a lawsuit, since, according to my information, he fulfills maintenance obligations. The settlement agreement is good because it suits both parties. Any other court decision will not please the plaintiff or the defendant, there is a possibility of appealing it.”

Andrey Tyndik confirmed that Yulia Baranovskaya is not against dialogue.

“The dispute is of a simple nature, so it is not surprising that the court gave time to discuss the settlement agreement,” he told a Fontanka correspondent. - We are waiting for proposals from opponents. Peace settlement is the best way for Andrey Arshavin. However, the idea of ​​accumulating funds in the personal accounts of young children is absurd in its essence. We need to invest in their development now. Expenditures require education, medicine, and other areas. When they grow up and have access to their father's money, it will be too late. Adults will be able to earn themselves.”

By law, Yulia Baranovskaya until December 2023 (until the eldest son comes of age) has the right to recover half of her earnings and other income from Arshavin, until April 2026 - a third, and until August 2030 - a quarter, when he turns almost 50 years old.

Alexander Ermakov

Having met a loved one for a certain time, every woman wants to get married, have children, take care of her beloved family. Almost all girls dream of these moments from an early age.

But men, when it comes time to propose, sometimes fall into a stupor. Everything seems to be clear, but how can you do it in order to get “yes” in response?

What does a woman want?

A marriage proposal is the most unforgettable moment in the life of every woman. We all watched a bunch of movies, read a lot of books, heard stories from our friends about how wonderful this moment in life was.

Girls imagine so much about this that they expect the impossible from their guys. Everyone is waiting for a flight in a hot air balloon, a carriage decorated with flowers, an orchestra under the windows and fireworks in the sky. We imagine an unforgettable picture, and even a slight deviation from our own scenario plunges us into terrible disappointment.

Women are emotional beings. A woman will remember all the details of the moment of the marriage proposal. Every detail will not go unnoticed.

But at the same time, we do not think about the fact that young people do not always guess about our fantasies, and very often do not attach such great importance to the very moment of offering a hand.

What do men think?

For men, the situation is slightly different. Men are practitioners. They don't pay that much attention to detail. But the storm of emotions that some event can cause in a woman may not make any impression on a man.

For a man, the moment of the proposal is not so much important as the very fact that he finally decided to settle down, start a family and found the only one with whom it is good not only to spend the night, but also to wake up in the morning.

Men are often logical and not romantic. It is difficult for them to come up with something and very often it is scary to implement what they have started.

Everything is like in a fairy tale...

There are men who really bring a fairy tale to life - they take their loved ones to the islands or to the sea, order a chic dinner, and musicians. At the right moment, a box with a diamond ring appears ...

Of course, whoever has money does not need imagination.

But you can propose to your beloved at a lower cost. After all, the main thing is not how much money a man spent, but how much emotion he invested in his act.

Real stories of ordinary people: girls tell

Somehow, with my friends during the next bachelorette party, we started a conversation about who and how made proposals. Heard a lot of stories. It turns out that in most cases the "fairytale proposal" was ordinary, but very touching.

1. Get out or get married

(Olga, 28 years old, 3 years before marriage together and 2 years married)

Familiar Olga just cleaned the apartment. Her boyfriend suggested taking a break, laying down for a minute and closing your eyes. Olya lay down on the sofa, and Igor turned on the music channel. She closed her eyes for a minute, and when she opened them, there were two glasses of champagne in front of her and Igor with a ring in his hands.
Olga always blushes when she remembers this moment.

2. Proposal in shorts

(Katya, 32 years old, 2 years before marriage and 3 years of marriage)

Katya's husband also made a marriage proposal in the "traditional" way.
Once she came home from work hungry, angry and with an unwashed head. It was a normal day, "nothing foreshadowed danger." Oleg met her and immediately ran into the room. When she entered, instrumental music was playing (a CD, of course) and Oleg was on his knees with a box in his hands, dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. It was unexpected, simple and wonderful.

3. And Paris didn't help

(Inna, 30 years old, 3 years before marriage, 3 years together)

All her life Inna dreamed of visiting Paris. And when her boyfriend invited her to go there for a joint weekend, her happiness knew no bounds. The whole day they walked and wandered around all the sights. Until the evening, I could hardly drag my feet. Tired Inna through a dream heard: "Will you marry me?". It turns out that her boyfriend could not decide to propose all day, although he took her to the most romantic places. Inna acted wisely - she said "yes" and lives quite happily with her husband.

4. It's all about the pancakes!

(Tanya, 33 years old, 5 years before marriage, 9 years of marriage)

Artem and Tanya met since school. After graduation, they began to live together. Tanya never made any hints of "legitimizing relations". One morning Artyom brought her breakfast in bed. When Tanya appetizingly crushed pancakes with jam, the guy asked her: "Maybe we'll get married? Stop living in sin already!" No matter how much Tanya asked what prompted him to such a thought, Artyom always laughs it off, saying that he ate cool pancakes.

Offers that didn't really exist

There are women who do not care where, how, when a loved one proposes. If only he did. But the beloved is in no hurry ...

5. So will you marry me or not? Yes or no?!

(Nadia, 26 years old, 1 year together before marriage, 1 year married and divorced)

Well, my friend's colleague just couldn't wait for her boyfriend to offer to become his wife. She was exhausted from waiting. And on New Year's Eve, which they met together, she asked directly: “So are you marrying me or not? Yes or no?!". Since Nadezhda is a big girl, and Stepan's life was still dear, he simply could not say no. Nadia chose the ring herself, two weeks later the dress was already bought and the restaurant was booked. And a whole month after, all the employees heard a sentimental story about how the romantic Styopa, under the chiming clock, knelt down and asked her to fulfill his only desire - to become his wife.

6. "Sanya, will we ever get married?"

(Olya, 24 years old, 1 year together before marriage, half a year married and divorced)

Another story about what women are willing to go to in order to put on the cherished white dress. My old school friend lived next door to his future wife. We walked together, met for about a year. And so, when Sasha escorted her home, she unobtrusively asked: “Sanya, is it true, will we ever get married?” “Well, of course, we’ll get married,” Sasha replied, “forgetting to add the word “someday.” The next morning, his phone was hot with calls from all the relatives and friends of the future wife, who congratulated the young man on such a good decision. As an honest man, Sasha still had to get married. True, this marriage did not last very long. But that's another story...

When Romance Isn't Needed

But there are also women who don't need all the romantic stuff.

7. It would be better if he did not show off

(Irina, 27 years old, 5 years together, 2 years married)

My friend dated her future husband for five years. Everything was going to legitimize the relationship. Ira is not a very romantic person. She realized that the guy was preparing a surprise for her a month before the event. The young man was nervous, clumsily trying to guess the size of the ring, started talking about wedding topics.
When on March 8 he invited her to a restaurant and made proposals, Irina made a surprised face. But she admitted to me that it would be better if he offered it simply and without “show off”.

8. "Well, are we carrying statements?"

(Anna, 36, 6 years together before marriage, 10 years married)

Another acquaintance lived in a civil marriage for six years. When Anya became pregnant, they began to think about how to legalize the relationship. During the next attack of toxicosis, the guy came up and said: “Well, are we carrying statements?”
They came to the registry office in shorts and sneakers, and the practical and unromantic Anya bought new furniture with the money saved. They live happily ever after, their daughters are already ten years old.

Real stories of ordinary people: men tell

9. And what's next?

(Ivan, 36 years old, dating for 3 years)

Ivan and Olya met when two years passed after Olga's divorce. Ivan fell in love with Olya and sincerely became attached to her son, although he himself never thought that he could love not his own child. After three years of relationship, the man began to plan a romantic marriage proposal.

To one evening we went to visit friends, a conversation began about weddings. And Olga said that she already had a wedding, she didn’t need any rings or dresses, that all this was nonsense for young girls.
Disappointed Ivan never asked Olya to become his wife...

10. That's all love

(Vladimir, 30 years old, dated for 4 years)

Volodya and Ira met for four years. The novel was stormy - converged and diverged several times. In the last year of meetings, everything seemed to be going well. Volodya decided to make an offer. Ordered a restaurant, bought a ring. But one must have talent, so that on such a day during dinner, the couple managed to quarrel.
Reconciled there. But after the question: "Will you become my wife?", Ira answered: "I'll think about it."

After the restaurant, there was no answer or greeting from Ira for several days. Then she called and said that she was leaving to work in another city.
That's the kind of love...

11. Wrong ring

(Slava 28 years old, 3 years together before marriage, 1 year married)

Slava and Lyuda had excellent relations. We already knew our parents and all the relatives. Everything went to a logical conclusion. When Slava offered her hand and heart to Luda on Valentine's Day, she could not help crying. "From happiness," Slava thought. But no!
It turns out that Luda always dreamed of a diamond ring, but there was no stone...
After that, Slava is not eager to surprise his wife.

Women's happiness: would be cute next

A girl, waiting for an offer, does not need to fantasize about how a young man will surpass all known romantic films and come up with something incredible. You should not draw this moment a million times, thinking through every little thing. After all, when your boyfriend says the cherished words, not everything can go as in your fantasies. And it hurts so much to be disappointed.

And your future husband may feel your displeasure, and an unforgettable moment may take on a bitter note. It doesn't matter if he sings a song to you, writes on the pavement, draws on the wall of the house or just whispers in your ear. Your beloved and dear person wants to live together all his life - is that really not enough?

A man who decides to marry has already done half the work. But one must not just buy a ring and set the table. You can make proposals without rings and sweets. Think about what your girlfriend loves, how you can surprise her.

Remember - women love to listen and remember what they heard. Best of all, tell her why she lit up your life, why you can’t live a day without her, how you want to spend all subsequent days with her.

And, girls, if your man didn’t guess a little with your dreams, don’t judge him strictly, but learn to understand, because you are going on a difficult and exciting journey together - life together. And the most important thing that both men and women should remember: marriage proposals are only a moment, a wedding is only a day. The main thing is how you will live together if you decide to get married.

Looking at your married friends, have you bought a ring and are you ready to offer your hand, heart and kidney to your beloved? Stop and think!

Everyone around suddenly decided to get married and have children. Your social networks are full of wedding photos of happy newlyweds, and every day it becomes more and more difficult for you to find a friend who could go to football with you: after all, they are all at home with their wives, and they suddenly did not care about football. Yes, and parents add fuel to the fire! Everyone asks when the grandchildren will be, and they sigh sadly, they say, “Oh, I wish I could live to see your wedding, son!”

And so, one fine (or not so) morning you wake up with thoughts that time is ticking, the clock is ticking ... in short, it's time to get married. So should you propose to your girlfriend right now? There are five good reasons to delay.

1. It's expensive. Expensive is not so much the proposal itself, but its consequences. If you have no idea how much a medium-sized wedding costs now, I have bad news for you: it costs a lot! Do not propose until you have at least half of the required amount. After all, the engagement for most girls means "soon we will become husband and wife." And waiting after the offer for another three years until the amount needed is accumulated is not very pleasant. Of course, questions are removed if both of you have discussed more than once that you don’t want a wedding at all, but are ready to just come to the registry office and put stamps. In this case, the costs will be affordable.

2. You had a fight. If you are going to make an offer, approach this issue responsibly. Almost every girl dreams that a marriage proposal is not a casual question, but something ultra-romantic and touching. So asking a cherished question to a girl with whom you are in a quarrel is definitely not the best idea. She may perceive this not as your sincere desire, but as a desperate step towards reconciliation.

3. Your girlfriend told you several times that she doesn't want to get married. Not for you, but in general. She is against the stamp in her passport, she does not even want to think about children in the next n years, and in general she is happy to be at the stage of the relationship where you are now. By proposing to her, you will put her in a terrible situation. She will either have to step over herself and agree to marriage, or cold-bloodedly refuse, breaking your heart. It is much easier to find out again in advance with soft, distant conversations whether she would ever want to get married in principle. Find out when she is ready for it and why she does not want marriage now, and solve these problems.

4. You have even the slightest doubts about your happy future together. If you haven’t walked up yet and are guided by the rule “come on, then I’ll get a divorce, if anything” - just don’t get married. I don't care that everyone is getting married and having kids. If you are not 100% sure of your partner, you should just admit that perhaps this is not your man at all. In the meantime, the wind is walking in your head, you yourself are not ready for a serious relationship and you will not be happy in them. Don't do something you'll regret later.

5. You didn't have time to live together. Yes, yes, yes, before sex was only after the wedding, and in some countries even today the bride sees the groom for the first time after their engagement - and they all lived and live happily. But in our realities, living with each other before marriage is very important. No matter how strong your relationship may seem, it can crash against the harsh reality in the form of socks scattered around the house, a toilet seat not lowered, and burnt cutlets with salted pasta. You will have time to go to the registry office, but for now, look at each other in conditions of total everyday life. Alas, you can learn a lot of unpleasant details about each other.


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