Viburkol for pregnant women instructions. Candles Viburkol - use during pregnancy, reviews. Instructions for candles Viburkol: use for children and adults

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Homeopathic treatment, which many people consider to be safer due to the small number of contraindications and side effects, is becoming more and more popular among pregnant women. After all, it is during this period, full of concern for the life of a child growing inside her, that a woman begins to feel the value of her health especially sharply. Taking care of yourself and your baby makes expectant mothers choose healthy foods and safe medicines. Doctors understand this and, along with pharmaceutical preparations, offer homeopathic remedies that help keep pregnancy and women's health safe for the child. So, the drug "Viburkol" during pregnancy will help stabilize the tone of the uterus and prevent miscarriage, relieve pain during childbirth and relieve stress. Moreover, the beneficial properties of the drug do not end there.

Pharmacological group

Homeopathic medicines

Indications for the use of viburcol during pregnancy

Some readers, especially dads or grandfathers, may be somewhat surprised by the recommendation to use Viburkol during pregnancy, because they are familiar with this drug as an effective children's medicine that a doctor could prescribe during a fever associated with the appearance of milk teeth in children and grandchildren or during acute respiratory infections caused by various viruses. Yes, Viburkol is a fairly popular drug in pediatrics, which does not prevent it from being useful for adults, especially expectant mothers.

But if the drug is useful for children, if necessary:

  • bring down the temperature and ease the pain when the first teeth appear,
  • relieve the symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, rubella, chicken pox, tonsillitis and help the child's body cope with the disease faster,
  • reduce the symptoms of dyspeptic phenomena, such as increased gas formation or flatulence,
  • stop inflammation in the ear-nose-throat area,

then adult women seeking to give birth to a healthy child, it is all the more useful.

Among the indications for the use of a homeopathic remedy can be seen:

  • nervous strain (and future mothers are generally restless people, especially on the eve of childbirth or if any suspicious symptoms occur in the form of pulling pains in the lower abdomen, etc.),
  • diseases of the genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature (if treatment cannot be postponed during pregnancy, then you should at least choose the safest one, which justifies the choice of the drug "Viburkol"),
  • acute infectious diseases of the gynecological plan (adnexitis, salpingitis, oophoritis, etc.) as part of complex therapy,
  • colds that occur against a background of high temperature (to relieve symptoms),
  • the threat of miscarriage against the background of increased uterine tone,
  • reducing the severity of spasmodic pain during childbirth, facilitating childbirth.

It must be said that during pregnancy, Viburkol suppositories from the tone of the uterus can be prescribed at different times:

  • in the early appointment is associated with the threat of abortion, n
  • and later - with preparation for childbirth (to facilitate the birth process and reduce pain).

For information, the drug "Viburkol" is widely used in gynecology for menstrual disorders and painful periods (dysmenorrhea). And for the elderly, this drug helps to cope with the intoxication syndrome caused by various serious functional disorders in the body, which are more than enough in old age. Less commonly, the drug is used to treat convulsive syndrome.

Release form

People are accustomed to consider medicines produced in the form of small white granules of a rounded shape as homeopathic remedies, and do not even think that such preparations can have other forms of release. So the drug "Viburkol", used in obstetric practice during pregnancy to prevent dangerous complications, is produced by a German manufacturer in the form of rectal suppositories.

Candles are shaped like a torpedo, with a slightly pointed end on one side and a funnel-shaped recess on the other. The color of the candles is white or pale yellow, and the smell is very weak, not irritating. The surface of rectal suppositories is smooth, which makes it easy to insert them into the rectum. The package contains 12 suppositories, packed in blisters of 6 pieces.

"Viburkol" is a multicomponent drug. According to the instructions, each candle contains 1.1 mg of chamomile, belladonna, nightshade and plantain, 2.2 mg of lumbago and 4.4 mg of calcium carbonicum. The drug is quite concentrated. We find a high dilution only in the last component (D8), the other components have dilutions from 1 to 4.

Some concerns may be caused by the presence of belladonna in the preparation, which is considered a very poisonous plant. However, the content of belladonna (Belladonna) in the preparation is so minimal that it provides only a mild sedative and antispasmodic effect, without having a toxic effect when administered rectally.

On the basis of belladonna, another drug has been created - "Belladonna Extract", which is also available in the form of rectal suppositories and is used in the last stages of pregnancy.

If you choose from these two drugs, then doctors prescribe Viburkol suppositories during pregnancy more readily than suppositories with belladonna, where the content of the latter is much higher. "Viburkol" contains an extract of belladonna in the amount of 1.1 mg at a dilution of D2, i.e. the ratio of belladonna extract and alcohol is 1:100. At the same time, belladonna candles contain 15 mg of extract at a ratio of active substance and alcohol of 1:10. So is it worth it to be afraid of using Viburkol suppositories, even if the belladonna extract with a significantly higher content of a toxic substance is allowed to be used during pregnancy?


Candles "Viburkol" - one of the few drugs that doctors safely prescribe during pregnancy, because no matter what the effect of the drug, it will be useful to the expectant mother if she has health problems or a sudden spasm brought the uterus into tone, which is fraught with a breakdown pregnancy.

The special formula of the drug provides a complex effect on the body of a child or an adult. "Viburkol" is credited with several very important actions at the same time:

  • antipyretic,
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • sedative,
  • analgesic (analgesic),
  • antispasmodic,
  • anticonvulsant.

The first four actions justify its use in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory pathologies of the respiratory and genitourinary systems. The second, third and fourth are indispensable for increased uterine tone and preparation for childbirth. And the latter makes it possible to prescribe a homeopathic remedy for convulsive syndrome, which is caused by disorders of the peripheral circulation.

Taking the drug for fever helps to gently and gradually normalize the temperature, which distinguishes Vibrukol from antipyretic drugs and NSAIDs. An important feature of multicomponent suppositories is that it does not interfere with the physiological processes occurring in different organs, but only increases their efficiency or, in a simple way, efficiency. Activation of phagocytosis is noted, the rate of elimination of toxins from the body increases, and the synthesis of a natural immunostimulant - interferon is more active.

Since all components of the drug act in combination, we get a general strengthening effect at the output. The main objective of the drug is to increase immunity. And if the protective functions are at their best, then the body itself will be able to cope with the disease.


Rectal suppositories "Viburkol" - a natural herbal preparation. And this means that its action will be more gentle and careful in relation to such important organs responsible for the metabolism and excretion of the drug as the liver and kidneys. It can even be said that a herbal medicine with its characteristic effects will not only not harm vital organs, but will also help them recover if their work has been disrupted due to an illness. Moreover, the body itself will deal with the restoration of disturbed physiological functions.

This is the basis of all homeopathic medicines. Their goal is not just to relieve symptoms, but to heal the body, which gives a more significant and lasting result.

Once in the body through the large intestine, the drug is gradually absorbed into the blood, providing both local and systemic effects. However, the composition and concentration of active substances is such that they do not cause intoxication of the body, as is the case with drugs based on chemicals. This is a very important feature when it comes to treating a woman who is the guardian of a new life, because in this case you can be sure that the problem will be solved, but neither the pregnant woman nor the fetus in her womb will be affected.

Use of viburcol during pregnancy during pregnancy

"Viburkol" is a drug in which only natural components can be found in doses that are safe for the life and health of women and children, which means that there are no prohibitions on its use during pregnancy. This is noted in the instructions for the drug. A drug that is safe for a child from birth is simply not capable of harming anyone. No wonder it is so actively offered by obstetricians to women at different stages of pregnancy.

It is clear that, like any other homeopathic or pharmaceutical preparation, Viburkol may not be suitable for everyone due to its rich composition. It is possible that the expectant mother may be allergic to any of the components, which she did not even think about. Doctors always clarify this issue and can, if necessary, advise an equivalent replacement for the drug if it causes intolerance reactions. Without consulting a doctor, the expectant mother should not take more than one drug.

When can a gynecologist prescribe Viburkol suppositories to a pregnant woman? "Viburkol" during pregnancy in the early stages is usually prescribed if a woman complains of pain and cramps in the lower abdomen. This symptom may indicate the threat of premature termination of pregnancy.

When there is a threat of termination of pregnancy in the early stages due to insufficient production of progesterone in the body and the resulting spasm of the muscles of the uterus, Viburkol suppositories are prescribed simultaneously with Lutein tablets. The former relieve the sudden uterine tone, the latter introduce an analogue of progesterone into the body, which will reduce the contractility and excitability of the muscular layer of the uterus in order to prevent further spasms.

Due to its safety for a pregnant woman and fetus, the drug can be prescribed if the expectant mother has one of the inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system or an acute genital infection. It can be pyelonephritis, which is diagnosed in a large proportion of pregnant women due to kidney overload, or adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).

The drug will also be useful if the young mother did not save herself and she was knocked down by a cold, accompanied by chills and fever.

In late pregnancy, Viburkol is prescribed in preparation for childbirth. It helps to relieve excessive excitement, relieves stress and pain on the eve of labor, thereby facilitating the birth of a child and preventing various complications that accompany prolonged painful childbirth.

As for the reviews about the drug for expectant mothers, they are mostly positive. Women thank the doctors who prescribed them such an effective drug that helped keep the pregnancy when there was a threat of termination.

There are, of course, negative reviews associated with possible allergic reactions, but nothing can be done about it. Almost all medicines have such a side effect, even those offered by traditional medicine and homeopathy.

Some women claim that Viburkol did not help them, but this cannot be ruled out, after all, each organism is individual. But on the other hand, perhaps the whole problem is in the wrong dosage, which should also be individual.

As for the reviews of mental disorders with long-term use of the drug, the question immediately arises, what is the duration of treatment in question (the recommended course of treatment is no more than 2 weeks)? And why are such disorders not seen in young children? Apparently, when incomprehensible symptoms occur, it is necessary to understand in each specific case what exactly happened and why.

Rectal suppositories "Viburkol" are intended for introduction into the rectum. There is no other use for them in the instructions, which means that the question of where to insert Viburkol candles during pregnancy is incorrect. Moreover, vaginal tablets and suppositories are used extremely rarely during this period so as not to harm the fetus.

As for the safe and effective dosage, obstetricians suggest that pregnant women inject into the rectum through the anus 1 suppository 2 times a day with an increased tone of the uterus. If the risk of miscarriage is low or in question, it is enough to use 1 suppository at night.

If it seems to someone that this dosage is unsafe, for comparison, let's say that newborn children can be administered from 1 to 1.5 suppositories per day (the suppository is divided into 4 parts and 1 part is administered 4 to 6 times a day). For children 1-6 months old with acute respiratory pathologies that occur with fever, the introduction of 2 suppositories per day is shown (i.e., 1 suppository 2 times a day, as with the threat of miscarriage).

Older children and adults may be prescribed 4 to 6 suppositories per day, which is 2-3 times the dose for pregnant women. Moms hardly need to worry about the prescribed treatment, which is safe even for newborns. And the doctor prescribes the duration of treatment based on the condition of the patient, so there is nothing to worry about here either.

And now a little about how to properly use candles during pregnancy. The suppository must be inserted deep into the rectum, pushing it forward with a finger (sterile gloves are required). It is best to do this in a sideways position. If a woman cannot cope on her own, she should be helped by medical staff or relatives.

After the candle is inserted, it is recommended to lie down in the same position for at least 10 minutes more so that it, having melted, cannot slip back. Having melted under the action of heat, the drug begins to be absorbed into the blood already in the lower sections of the small intestine, which excludes its splitting under the influence of digestive enzymes, as happens with oral administration.

Side effects of viburcol during pregnancy

Since Viburkol suppositories are prescribed quite often during pregnancy, there is already enough information about the side effects of the drug. Like any homeopathic remedy, Viburkol has very few of them.

The instructions report possible allergic reactions, which occur quite rarely as a manifestation of intolerance to various components of the drug. Some women complain of burning and itching at the injection site, which only indicates an increased sensitivity of the skin in the anus, while others talk about more severe allergic manifestations associated directly with intolerance to the individual components of the suppositories. In the latter case, urgent withdrawal of the drug and the use of antihistamines are required.

By the way, hypersensitivity to the composition of the drug or its individual components is the only contraindication to the use of this completely safe remedy.

There are also complaints from pregnant women that after the introduction of a candle they have a feeling similar to the urge to defecate. This is not surprising if the intestines were not cleansed before introducing the suppository. Still, as an auxiliary substance (and this is the bulk, especially when it comes to homeopathic preparations containing from a tenth to a millionth or more of an active substance), solid fat is used, which will envelop fecal particles and act as a laxative.

If the intestines were previously cleaned, as it should be done, there are false urges to defecate, most likely associated with the incorrect introduction of suppositories (for example, the 10-minute interval was not maintained so that the suppository completely melted. In addition, it must be borne in mind that "Viburkol" is an antispasmodic, which means it can affect the sphincter of the rectum.

Almost all mothers know what Viburkol candles are. Since they have practically no contraindications, pediatricians often prescribe them to babies literally from the first days of life, and gynecologists recommend it to solve health problems during pregnancy. Let's see how safe and effective this drug is in reality and whether it is advisable for expectant mothers to use it.

Description of the drug

Viburkol is a complex homeopathic preparation that is available in the form of white or slightly yellowish suppositories of an oblong shape. It contains natural herbal ingredients chamomile and belladonna. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties and does not adversely affect the body, so it can be used in all trimesters of pregnancy.

When the doctor prescribes

Unfortunately, resistance to disease during pregnancy decreases, and doctors do not have many mechanisms for treatment. Each time you need to evaluate the appropriateness and effectiveness of a particular therapy and the potential harm that it can cause to the child. Therefore, for example, doctors try not to use antibiotics and other drugs in the treatment of expectant mothers that can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

At the same time, doctors choose Viburkol not only because it is safe, but also due to the fact that this drug activates the body's own defenses and helps to quickly restore all systems and organs after a disease.

Features of the use by pregnant women

There are no warnings for use during pregnancy with Viburkol suppositories. Doctors often prescribe it for the threat of miscarriage due to increased uterine tone. Also, this drug is used in complex therapy in the treatment of cystitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, SARS, to reduce high fever and eliminate the symptoms of flatulence. In some cases, it is even used for labor pain relief.

Instructions for use

Viburkol suppositories should only be used rectally. Usually, with uterine tone, the doctor prescribes one suppository twice a day - in the morning and in the evening before bedtime - for 14 days. In each individual case, the decision on the advisability of using the drug, its compatibility with other drugs and dosage should be made by the doctor. Self-medication is not the best strategy during pregnancy.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the drug has practically no contraindications and side effects, sometimes individual intolerance to its components may occur.

Also, before use, be sure to check the expiration date of the medicine and follow the correct storage conditions. An expired drug or one that has not been properly stored can cause serious harm to health. It is necessary to store the drug in a dark, cool place (not higher than 25 degrees), where there is no access to direct sunlight, no more than three years from the date of production. Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

"Viburkol" refers to homeopathic medicines, and has a minimum of contraindications for use. Adverse reactions are allowed due to individual intolerance to one of the components in the composition of the product, which is available in the form of suppositories. For their manufacture, extracts of the following natural components are used:

  • nightshade;
  • belladonna;
  • belladonna;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • plantago.

At the same time, chamomile flowers well stop inflammation of a different nature and soothe. Plantain quickly heals various injuries due to its antiseptic qualities. It stops bleeding and relieves pain, relieves inflammation, and helps to cope with uterine hypertonicity. The belladonna enhances the effect of chamomile. Nightshade acts in many ways - it relieves spasms and fever, soothes, and has a mild laxative effect. Backache normalizes sleep, stabilizes hormonal levels.

In addition, the composition includes calcium - it is responsible for regulating metabolic processes, solid fat (it helps to shape candles) solyanum dulcamar. Candles have a sharp unpleasant smell, but this does not affect their quality.

The drug is prescribed as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and sedative. In addition, "Viburkol" has an analgesic effect - it is an excellent antispasmodic. The drug is especially effective at the initial stage of the disease or at the first symptoms of poor health. It is often prescribed to infants from an early age, and therefore there is no need to worry about its effect on the fetus when given to a pregnant woman - neither mother nor child will be threatened by this homeopathy - the fetus will develop normally.

Also, the appointment is made in the case of:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen;
  • severe spasms;
  • Inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system;
  • The appearance of seizures;
  • Lowering body temperature;
  • The need to anesthetize childbirth;
  • Nervous excitement.

The tool acts as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory - it helps to stabilize the condition of a pregnant woman. But most often it is prescribed to reduce the tone of the uterus. The action after the introduction of suppositories begins after 5 minutes - the fat from the composition of the drug is melted, and this contributes to the rapid absorption of the active substance into the intestinal walls and penetration into the bloodstream. It is also often prescribed for colds, in the treatment of various infectious processes. Candles have proven themselves as a means to prevent the progression of inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, Viburkol is prescribed a week before childbirth - the remedy anesthetizes the process as much as possible, relieves the painful manifestation of intestinal colic caused by increased flatulence, and helps the body cleanse itself in advance. It has been noticed that already 2-3 days before the moment of delivery, the stool in women in labor becomes more liquid, which does not require additional pressure and strain to clean the intestines.

In addition, the drug is characterized by a sedative effect - it normalizes the state of the nervous system, lowers the threshold for excessive anxiety, which is usually high in expectant mothers - they are often nervous and worried, which negatively affects the child. This drug can mobilize the internal reserves of the body, stimulates the immune system. But even after removing the main symptoms, there is no need to refuse further homeopathy - in order to restore the functions of all the internal systems of the mother's body, the course should be completed. This will help eliminate various complications that provoke infections.

In addition, the drug "Viburkol" is used for menstrual irregularities and their painful course. In more rare cases, convulsive syndromes are treated with it.

Ways to use

Many pregnant women ask the question "Where to insert" Viburkol "?". The answer is simple - in any condition of a woman, these rectal suppositories are injected into the rectum. Experiences with vaginal administration are highly undesirable. They begin to act quickly - almost the same as a drug given by injection. This is due to the fact that in the rectum there are many blood vessels through which the drug is quickly absorbed and distributed throughout the body. At the same time, it does not irritate the intestinal mucosa, liver, stomach, duodenum and esophagus.

Some women have difficulty inserting suppositories into the rectum; they melt quickly. This is true, so you do not need to hold them in your hands for a long time, which must first be washed thoroughly (the water should be cool, not hot!). You should also wash the anal area. You can use rubber gloves for this procedure. To insert a candle, you should lie down - in this position, the muscles of the anus will be as relaxed as possible. Do not lubricate the candle with petroleum jelly or vegetable oil - they can cause a reaction with the constituent substances of the drug. And the further effect on the body of such a mix is ​​unknown. But it is also not recommended to use physical force - this can damage the intestinal mucosa. If you managed to enter the candle, you need to stay in a supine position for about an hour - so the active components can be easily absorbed.


During pregnancy, the appointment of "Viburkol" is done on an individual basis. The instructions contain information and recommendations on taking the drug 1 piece every 20 minutes for 2 hours. But in the case when it comes to a pregnant woman, this cannot be done! If there is a threat of miscarriage, to relieve the tone of the uterus, it is worth putting 2 candles a day - for example, in the morning and in the evening. If there are complaints of severe pain, a fever begins, more than 2 pieces per day should not be put anyway. An overdose can cause oxygen starvation of the fetus or mental disorders in a woman - expectant mothers become overly nervous, unreasonably restless.

For diseases of a neurological and other nature, it is enough to take 1 suppository at bedtime. The duration of such treatment is no more than 2 weeks. The doctor, depending on the clinical picture of the course of a particular disease, can adjust the dose. A pregnant woman should not make such an appointment on her own, although her condition is not a contraindication to taking it. The composition of the drug includes various extracts, to which individual intolerance may exist.

It happens that the use of the drug does not have the expected effect. Sometimes the symptoms get even worse. This is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor. Therapy "Viburkolom" after a certain period of admission needs to be strengthened - it is supplemented with other drugs to reduce the tone of the uterus.

Advantages of "Viburkol"

This biological preparation does not have any agents similar in composition and spectrum of action. In terms of effectiveness, these suppositories can only be compared with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The dosage form is convenient. The tool is not addictive. It has no age restrictions - it is prescribed to babies from the first days of life and to people of a rather advanced age. At the same time, suppositories are able to reduce the manifestation of side effects of other drugs of biological composition. They do not violate, do not weaken the concentration of attention, the speed of psychomotor reactions will not fall. Pharmacies dispense medicine without a prescription.

Indications for use in children

For babies, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • rubella;
  • chickenpox;
  • to alleviate the symptoms and course of SARS;
  • alleviate the condition with excessive gas formation (flatulence);
  • stop inflammation in the nose, throat and ears.

Contraindications, overdose and side effects

In some cases, "Viburkol" became the cause of allergic reactions - patients developed a rash on the skin, tormented by itching. In this case, immediate consultation with the attending physician is required. It can be urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. To date, information about an overdose of the drug has not been recorded. But this is not a reason to use candles in unlimited quantities.

Contraindication can only be individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug.

Interactions with other drugs

In this matter, "Viburkol" demonstrates complete safety and "friendliness". There is no negative impact on his part on pharmaceutical preparations and other homeopathic remedies. Candles can be used as part of complex therapy together with antibacterial agents and analgesics, hormones and NSAIDs.

Release form, packaging, storage conditions

Candles are produced by German manufacturers in the form of a torpedo, which has a slightly pointed end on one side and a funnel-shaped recess on the other. They are light yellow or white. Their surface is smooth, which helps to quickly and easily insert into the anus. Candles are in blisters of 6 pieces. There are 12 in a pack. Candles should be stored in their original packaging, in a dark and dry place where the temperature does not exceed 25°C. Get one at a time if needed. Direct sunlight and being near heaters is unacceptable - the heat will melt the candle and its reception will become impossible.


Herbal medicine "Viburkol" helps to restore the body after a disease - this is often written in their reviews by patients who have tested the effect of the drug on themselves. Some people report a long-term result from the action of this homeopathy. Women thank the doctors who prescribed the candles, and the manufacturers - they really relieve unnecessary nervousness and worries, normalize the natural processes in the body and gently affect it - almost everyone who shares their feelings is united in this. In some cases, there are stories about the occurrence of a rash resembling hives. But it should be remembered that most drugs cause one or another adverse reaction. Homeopathy and folk medicine are no exception.

There are complaints in the reviews that the candles did not help - in this case, the explanation tends to the individual characteristics of each organism. If complaints about mental disorders caused by the remedy are found in the reviews, a logical question arises about the duration and dosage of the intake. There are also complaints of itching and burning at the injection site. This may indicate a violation of the recommendations for use (wash the anus before inserting the candle) or personal hypersensitivity of the skin in this area of ​​the anus. Perhaps the problem will be eliminated after taking antihistamines.

In the reviews there are complaints that after the introduction of a candle into the intestines, the woman experienced urges similar to defecation. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to visit the toilet before taking it and try to cleanse the intestines. But you should not be afraid of such a reaction of the body - solid fat from the composition of the suppositories melts inside and envelops fragments of feces and can act as a laxative.

False urges of this nature can be caused by violations of the rules for introducing candles - the time has not been kept for it to dissolve inside.

Acquaintance with homeopathic medicines in most women occurs during pregnancy, when traditional medicines are prohibited or not recommended. One of the drugs that appears in the first-aid kits of almost all women during pregnancy is Viburkol. The medicine has a wide list of indications for use and a positive reputation among doctors, so many expectant mothers use it without fear. When Viburkol is prescribed for pregnant women, how does it work and does it work at all? Let's figure it out.

What is Viburkol?

Viburkol is a rectal suppository. The drug is produced by the German company Heel, a leader among manufacturers of homeopathic remedies, with a product portfolio of more than 1,500 products. In Germany, Heel products are no less dearly loved than in our country. Moreover, Germany is the birthplace of homeopathy, it was here that Hahnemann first spoke about the positive aspects of this method of treatment more than 200 years ago.

Heel creates its products based on a new concept of homeopathic treatment - homotoxicology. This branch of homeopathy was created by the founder of Heel, Hans Heinrich Reckeweg. Its essence is that the disease is caused by toxins, and therefore for its treatment it is necessary not to eliminate the symptoms that bring discomfort to the patient, but to fight the causative agent of the disease and the toxic substances that it produces.

For many, homeopathy is associated with safe and natural remedies. However, contrary to popular belief, homeopathy has nothing to do with herbal medicine. The power of medicinal plants is used in herbal medicine. Homeopathy is a therapeutic method, the principle of which is to influence the body for treatment in small doses of a substance that in large quantities causes negative symptoms. That is, for example, belladonna leads to dry mouth, and microdoses of the substance can be used as an expectorant. Microdoses are understood as the dilution of a substance in water by tens and even hundreds of times. These substances are not always safe, they can be fungi, minerals, herbs, snake venom, living things, such as insects. The term "homeopathy" is translated as "similar to a disease", that is, the body is treated with a substance that causes the disease.

German homeopaths in their work follow the principle of "strength of mind and body", homeopathic medicine should be selected individually for each person, based on his state of mind. The doctor must observe how the patient reacts to taking a homeopathic remedy and, if necessary, make adjustments to the treatment. However, such drugs would not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, the so-called "modern homeopathic medicines" were developed, they are also called antihomotoxic. These include Viburkol and other Heel products. Homeopaths, based in their work on the laws created by Hahnemann, have a negative attitude towards complex homeopathic remedies. There are also many opponents of "modern homeopathy" among representatives of traditional medicine.

What is in Viburkol?

Viburcol contains 4 plant components and 1 mineral, which have an analgesic, sedative, antipyretic effect, relieve spasms and reduce inflammation:

  • chamomile - reduces, soothes, relieves the inflammatory process associated with mental stress, for example, when teething in babies and in expectant mothers;
  • belladonna - enhances the properties of chamomile, has the ability to reduce inflammation;
  • plantain - has antiseptic properties, reduces pain, has an expectorant and hemostatic effect;
  • nightshade - has a sedative, antipyretic, spasmodic property, can act as a laxative;
  • lumbago - normalizes the balance of hormones, calms the nervous system, helps with sleep disorders and depression;
  • calcium carbonate - regulates calcium metabolism in the body.

To obtain a suppository, solid fat is used. The drug is unique, no pharmaceutical company produces analogues with exactly the same set of components as Viburcol.

Efficacy and safety of Viburcol during pregnancy

One of the acute problems of gynecology and obstetrics today is the threat of abortion. Medical statistics say that about 17% of pregnancies are at risk of failure for up to 12 weeks. Children born to women who have been observed with the threat of miscarriage for a long time are more likely to get sick. To prevent miscarriage, women are prescribed hormonal drugs that increase progesterone, as well as drugs that lower the tone of the uterus. A safe drug that reduces the tone of the uterus is Viburkol. During pregnancy, it is prescribed without fear. The drug does not have a toxic effect on the body. It is recommended by pediatricians even for newborn babies during teething and as an antipyretic.

In addition, Viburkol is considered a safe drug that helps a woman during childbirth with discoordination of labor. This is a fairly common pathology, which is observed in about 10% of all women in labor. For its treatment, drugs of various categories are used, including tranquilizers, drugs. When they are used during childbirth, in 20% of cases, weak labor activity is observed, which requires the use of tonomotor agents that reduce the uterus. These drugs can adversely affect the health of the child.

Viburkol reduces the likelihood of developing discoordination of labor activity when it is used the day before and during childbirth. A study conducted in 2011 by Dr. Kramarsky proves the effectiveness and safety of the drug. It was attended by 52 pregnant women who were at risk of developing this pathology. The first group was prescribed Viburkol, and the second - more serious drugs (antispasmodics and b mimetics). The results of the study were as follows:

  • 2 women from the first group had discoordination of labor activity;
  • in the second group of women with pathology turned out to be as many as 7;
  • in 4 women from the second group, childbirth was carried out by caesarean section due to weak contractile activity of the uterus;
  • the average Apgar score in newborn babies of women of the first group is 8.1;
  • babies of women from the second group received an average of 7.2 points.

Viburcol proved to be more effective than drugs traditionally used for the prevention of pathology. At the same time, the likelihood of developing side effects in the case of using Viburcol is much lower.

How to use Viburkol suppositories for pregnant women?

As the instructions say, Viburkol during pregnancy is prescribed in the following cases:

  • with inflammatory processes of different localization;
  • with an increase in body temperature caused by inflammation and respiratory diseases;
  • with spastic pains, including those due to dyspepsia of the stomach;
  • for the treatment of gynecological diseases;
  • as an anesthetic during childbirth;
  • with the threat of miscarriage;
  • with discoordination of labor activity.

In case of a threatened abortion, a woman is prescribed 1 suppository three times a day. To prevent discoordination of labor activity, Viburkol should be used on the eve of childbirth twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. After the onset of labor, the drug is used every 3 hours. With an increased tone of the uterus, 1 candle is prescribed daily at bedtime. The course of application of the drug can reach 2 weeks.

Women with children are familiar with Viburkol, as this remedy is often prescribed for the treatment of infants. But sometimes you have to "get acquainted" with this medicine even before childbirth, since Viburkol suppositories during pregnancy are used to solve many health problems. Let's figure out what kind of drug it is.

During pregnancy, for the treatment of certain diseases, many experts recommend the use of homeopathy. After all, expectant mothers should not take many of the usual medicines, as they can harm the baby.

And homeopathic remedies act more gently, they are safe, but quite effective. Among these drugs is Viburkol. This medicine has a wide range of indications.

What is the remedy?

The drug Viburkol is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. The term "rectal" answers the question of how to use suppositories: the agent is injected into the anus. The drug is produced by the German company Heel, which specializes in the production of homeopathic remedies.

The principle of homeopathy is the treatment of the disease, not the removal of symptoms. The body is affected by small doses of substances. Including substances that in large doses can be toxic. That is, the principle is used: "all the poison and all the medicine, it's all about the dosage of the remedy."


Candles Vibucol is a complex preparation, it includes five main active ingredients:

  • Chamomile flowers. The tool effectively soothes, relieves inflammation, helps to cope with uterine hypertonicity.
  • Beauty grass. The component relieves inflammation and synergizes (enhances) the healing properties of chamomile.
  • Plantain. It is a well-known antiseptic that promotes rapid healing of lesions. In addition, this component helps relieve pain and stop bleeding.
  • Nightshade black. The action of this component is diverse, it soothes, relieves fever and spasm, and has a slight laxative effect.
  • Lumbago. The component normalizes the hormonal background, soothes, normalizes sleep.
  • Calcium carbonate. This is the only mineral component among plant raw materials. It helps to regulate metabolic processes.

The excipient is solid fat, which melts at body temperature.

Advice! Vibucol is a drug with a unique composition. There is no analogue that has a similar composition.


Vibucol is widely used to treat expectant mothers, as it helps to solve a wide variety of problems.

The drug is prescribed:

  • to relieve the increased tone of the smooth muscles of the uterus and remove the threat of interruption;
  • with inflammatory diseases of a different nature;
  • to lower the temperature;
  • to eliminate flatulence;
  • as an anesthetic drug.

Most often, the remedy is prescribed for uterine hypertonicity, about a fifth of pregnant women face this problem. In this case, the risk of miscarriage is very high, to save the pregnancy, prescribe:

  • hormone replacement therapy with a lack of progesterone;
  • Viburkol to relieve spasm of smooth muscles.

Viburkol is prescribed without fear, since the remedy does not adversely affect the baby.

Advice! The safety of the drug is confirmed by the fact that the instruction recommends using it for the treatment of infants. For example, as an antipyretic during teething.

In addition, suppositories are often used in the prenatal period and even at the time of childbirth, since the drug reduces the likelihood of complications such as discoordination of labor. Studies have confirmed the safety and efficacy of this homeopathic remedy.

How to apply?

The treatment regimen depends on the condition of the woman and the diagnosis. But in any case, the drug is taken only rectally.
So, with hypertonicity, a pregnant woman is prescribed, as a rule, three suppositories a day, it is necessary to put candles in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening.

If the remedy is used to prevent discoordination of labor, then it is enough to use one candle twice a day with an interval of 12 hours. A homeopathic remedy is prescribed on the eve of the expected date of birth, the course of treatment is two weeks.

Precautionary measures

The only absolute contraindication to the use of Viburkol suppositories is individual intolerance to any of the components. In this case, the development of various allergic reactions is possible, ranging from skin rashes (urticaria) to Quincke's edema. In other cases, the drug is well tolerated.

Advantages of the tool

Women treated with Viburkol have noted the following benefits:

  • quick effect, the drug is no less effective than anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, but much safer;
  • the absence of side effects and contraindications, with the exception of individual reactions of the body;
  • simple application.

However, there are women who were dissatisfied with this remedy, believing that it is not very effective. There is certainly a therapeutic effect from its use, but it may not last long.

To relieve hypertension and treat various inflammatory diseases, the expectant mother may be prescribed the drug Viburkol. This is a multipurpose tool. It relieves inflammation and spasms, lowers the temperature, anesthetizes. At the same time, the composition of the product contains exclusively natural components - four plant extracts and one mineral.


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