Decorate the car for the wedding with your own hands. How do-it-yourself wedding cars are decorated. Master class on how to make gold rings on a car

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A wedding is a celebration of two hearts in love, which is remembered for a lifetime. On such a day, everything should embody a fairy tale: the atmosphere, the bride's dress, the groom's suit, and, of course, the newlyweds' car. Here the question arises: how to decorate a car for a wedding?! Below are the main examples of decorating a wedding car and tips on choosing the main decor elements.

Ideas for decorating a car for a wedding

Today, many agencies are engaged in providing services for an outdoor wedding ceremony, accompanying the evening with a cheerful host, decorating and preparing a festive car.

Each themed wedding will have its own special style, which, in order to save money, can be followed without the help of specialists.

It is not difficult to decorate a car for a wedding, it is enough to think over the image to the details, arm yourself with an idea, patience, good mood, a lot of balls, ribbons and other festive accessories.

How to decorate a wedding car with your own hands?

Before starting work, it is worth presenting the final version of the design of the car or simply identifying the framework for future actions. For example, if the choice fell on decorating with fresh flowers, you should not be zealous with a variety of shades. To make the wedding car seem consistent in the same style, you should choose a color scheme of no more than two or three colors. Also, you do not need to get carried away with decor in order to get a good aesthetic result. As a subject for fastening all elements, you can use adhesive tape, both regular and double-sided, and glue for decoration.

In order for the work performed to be successful and have an irresistible appearance, it is worth adhering to the following:

  • determine the color and size of the main car;
  • choose holiday accessories that will be used for decoration;
  • for greater harmony of color, you need to know the tone of the outfits of the bride and groom.

There are many options on how to decorate a car for a wedding. Some of them are listed below.

Easy option - glitter and colored paper

The most original and unique decoration of its kind for a wedding car can be hand-made garlands made of colored paper.

Using inexpensive material, you can get wonderful and original jewelry. For a greater festive effect, you can use rhinestones, miniature butterflies, ribbons, flowers, bows and sparkles - both large and small. The most important task at the beginning of work is to fully think over the image of the future decoration. It could be:

  • multi-colored garland in the form of angels, butterflies or hearts;
  • a large poster for the car of the bride and groom with a festive inscription "Wedding" or "Newlyweds";
  • posters for other cars "Guests" and so on.

Decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands is an art that must be backed up by a creative vision of the process and basic hand-made skills.

Standard decoration of multi-colored gel balls

Various compositions of balloons and gel balloons look beautiful on a festive car. In order to create one of them with your own hands, you should look at the decoration of cars for the wedding, photos of which were left after the weddings of your acquaintances and friends, in various wedding catalogs, or maybe find a simple master class on making flowers-fours and eights. It is also worth choosing the color of the balls correctly and adjusting their size in each figure.

Let's say that to create a regular four-flower, you need four medium-sized plain balls and one contrasting small one for the middle. We connect all the balls with each other with tails, fix and connect with the middle. Such creations can wonderfully decorate the hood of a wedding car, thin ribbons and bows can also be used additionally, and smaller figures can be attached to guests' cars.

Car decoration with colorful ribbons

The most common and unpretentious way to decorate a car for a wedding is known to our parents. After all, they also tried to hold their celebrations at the highest level. Rings were the main attribute on the roof of the wedding car, and multi-colored ribbons on the hood. Guests' cars were also decorated with ribbons, but less actively. For a more festive effect, you can experiment with ribbons and make roses or bows out of them.

Decorating a car for a wedding with ribbons is easier to do, since the ribbons are easily attached to the car. Based on this, you can not worry that they will be lost along the way.

Today it is fashionable to decorate the entire hood with ribbons of different widths, attach flowers to them or combine them with tulle.

Wedding image of a car with tulle

With the help of tulle, you can create a festive and airy image on the hood of a car, which is easy to experiment with. Below are several options for using this material.

bridal rings

We place tulle in the center of the hood or roof of the car, to which we attach the rings. We decorate with fresh flowers and, if desired, decorate with a ribbon. The resulting decoration of the wedding car with tulle will look more advantageous on a dark car, and the rings can be replaced with a figurine of the newlyweds, bears, swans or doves.

Crown of newlyweds

A wide ribbon of tulle is attached to the hood of the car, a circle is formed from it. Next, the necessary decorative elements are alternately placed on the tulle and firmly attached to the hood. If desired, in the center of the educated crown of the newlyweds, you can place your favorite figurine or wedding doll.

bridal veil

A long wide ribbon of tulle is taken, attached to the hood, roof of the car and trunk. Each place of fastening the material with the car is decorated individually according to preferences. If there is a tape left on the back of the trunk, then you can not cut it off, but leave the end of the tulle fluttering in the wind like a bride's veil when the wedding car moves.

Making compositions from fresh flowers for every taste and color

Elegant wedding decorations on the car are easy to make using fresh flowers. Having decided on the color palette and the variety of colors you need, you can safely proceed to the design of the car.

The main location of the future accessory will be the hood, also often decorated with buds with ribbons, car handles and mirrors. Flowers are collected in small bouquets and fixed on the wedding car. Together with them, multi-colored ribbons are used, a bouquet based on tulle or any other fabric looks bright. The main task of the florist is not to overdo it with the number of buds, as you can get carried away with the process and end up with a whole flower bed on the hood of the car.

Doves and butterflies add romantic style

Bright large butterflies and doves look original on the body of a wedding car. You can purchase and choose suitable decor options at any gift store. Also, anyone can make such decorations themselves.

If desired, multi-colored butterflies can be cut out of colored paper, painted with paints, decorated with sparkles or embroidered with bright ribbons. It will be more difficult with pigeons, and it is advisable to buy them in a specialized store. Decorating wedding cars with your own hands adds originality to the celebration, makes it possible to completely create the desired image, and also adhere to it in all details and trifles.

"Good luck!" Miniature bride and groom dolls

Today, dolls and figurines of newlyweds, which are attached to the car, are gaining great popularity. They touch, convey the whole spirit of celebration and just look great against the backdrop of the bride and groom.

Basically, the location, colors and additional decor are determined at will. Below are ways to decorate a car for a wedding with soft toys.

  • Many lovers choose toys (cubs) as such dolls and attach them to the trunk with the inscription "Newlyweds". To the bottom of the plate, you can attach tapes in the same tone, which will flutter in the wind when the car moves.
  • In some cases, the figurines are placed on the hood of a wedding car, surrounded by tulle, hearts, flowers or balls.

Now it’s worth arming yourself with an idea, deciding on the choice of decor elements and starting to train.

It should be remembered that decorating a car for a wedding is not difficult, the main thing is not to overdo it and not use all types of decor in the design at the same time. It is better to focus on a combination of two types, for example, tulle plus fresh flowers, and get a good result than to form balls, ribbons and other accessories into one awkward bouquet. You should also pay attention to the color scheme of the elements. Don't aim for a rainbow, but focus on one bright and two complementary colors.

By following all the basic rules for decorating a wedding car, you can get a decent result without extra costs for the services of specialists.

Success in creative work! May you live happily ever after!

Anna Lyubimova June 3, 2018, 15:44

Wedding procession- one of the most exciting moments of the celebration, which gives it significance. It is necessary not only to choose fashionable means of transportation for a couple in love, in which they will go to the wedding hall, but also to decorate them effectively and elegantly. Let's not forget about the guests. Witnesses and relatives, bridesmaids and groomsmen, go after the newlyweds also by car, so the decor of the cars with the selection of wedding accessories embodying the event must be chosen harmoniously.

How to decorate a wedding procession?

So how to decorate a wedding car for newlyweds and guests? Emphasis is placed on the transport of the main characters of the celebration - the bride and groom. In the same style, but more modestly, the transport of accompanying persons is issued.

Perhaps the question of how to properly dress up a car for a wedding is a little banal in modern voice acting. This is not a ritual, there is scope for creativity, where there are no clear instructions. Choose those attributes that, in your opinion, reflect style and conviviality. It can be good old dolls on the hood in the form of a bride and groom, rings on the roof or a composition of a pair of swans. Our grandparents did not have the opportunity to decorate the car with creative printing stickers, airbrushing, magnets and various things that the modern industry provides. But you can well afford the original decoration of the wedding car in 2019, showing ingenuity and creativity.

Photo of decorating a wedding car with printing stickers

How to dress up the car of the newlyweds?

The current fantasy of youth knows no bounds. Along with the classic design, you can find the most extravagant and extraordinary solutions that challenge the conservative society. And this is cool, because such a magnificent event happens once in a lifetime, and young people have the right to show creativity, which will become memorable for a lifetime not only for the heroes of the occasion, but also for those invited.

In accordance with the traditions for the bride, you can order a white car for the wedding. This classic color is versatile for jewelry of any kind. A black car looks no less impressive, but if the design concept is supposed to be burgundy, the decorations can be slightly lost in this range. The play of contrasts is also interesting. If, for example, a decision is made to decorate a celebration in blue, the bride’s car can be white. It is recommended to decorate it mainly with blue accessories, and the groom's car with light and blue decor. A very important point - all cars of the cortege, in which young people and guests travel, should arrange in the same style in accordance with the chosen theme and color scheme of the wedding.

Photo of the wedding procession

Fresh flowers are not just a classic, it is very symbolic, and considering that you will need a car for a maximum of half a day, the flowers will not wither, while displaying the freshness and fragrance of the event. It should be noted that it is preferable to decorate handles, mirrors, that is, non-heating parts of the car, with them. For the hood, you can choose compositions of their artificial flowers and fabric accessories.

Magnets displaying photos of young people at different moments of life - children's and teenage images of the bride and groom, the period of dating and courtship - look touching

What is included in the car decoration kit? The main platform is the hood of the car. Miniature decoration of rear-view mirrors, handles and bumper should be provided. The rooms are also decorated with bows, ribbons, flowers, but they should not completely cover them, especially the radiator. You can place a composition of artificial flowers or a large tulle bow on it.

Decoration on the hood of a wedding car

This central part can be decorated symmetrically and asymmetrically. Be sure to use tape. They give a special solemnity. Wide ribbons stretched across the entire hood in several rows are collected near the radiator or on the right side of the car and decorated with a flower arrangement in accordance with the chosen color scheme. You can completely “dress” the hood in fabric by attaching rows of flowers to it.

Photo of decorating the hood of a car for a wedding

Of great importance is the length of the hood of the car for wedding decorations. If it is small, it is better to choose compact elements, or one large composition near the radiator, for example, two hearts made of flowers, or a large bow with rings. Ribbons running from the radiator to the base of the hood will visually lengthen the vehicle. As an idea for decorating a bride's car at a wedding, we can recommend a large rose on the hood, made of tulle and ribbons. For the groom, it can be a huge bow made in the same stylist.

It will be interesting to look at one big heart, laid out of the same type of flowers on the entire surface of the hood and decorated with ribbons, stretched diagonally translucent tulle fabric, collected in folds, with a flower arrangement.

Most importantly - do not cling to the hood everything that is associated with a wedding. If two rings are placed on the roof, it is enough to decorate the hood with floral and ribbon arrangements. You should not additionally attach dolls, swans, hearts and everything else. Do not forget that the car will look spectacular only in a stylish, tastefully thought-out design. The cylinder and veil look original, you can use the photo on the hood. Focus on one large central composition and laconic decorations extending from it. Look beautiful balloon compositions. But it must be latex balloons. After all, if at least one burst along the way, the pattern will be broken.

Photo of decorating a car with balloons for a wedding

It is important to securely fasten the decorations on the hood. For this, elastic bands, ribbons, suction cups, tapes are used, which are attached under the roof of the car and behind the side door axles. It is desirable to connect the elements to each other as much as possible so as not to lose them in the process of movement.

How beautiful to decorate a car for a wedding guests?

Important for compliance with the general style has the fact that all cars need to be decorated in the same way. Decorations of the car of friends at the wedding should be made in the same colors, using the same materials and compositions as the bride and groom, but in a more modest design.

Photos of wedding cars for guests

Of course, hearts, rings and other symbols of the newlyweds should not be placed. Universal - balls, bows, flowers, ribbons. Cars can be bright, but it is desirable to differ in color from the cars of the main characters of the event. Of course, ideally they are the same brand, but it’s not always possible to pick up a tuple in this way, especially if friends come by their cars. Therefore, you should observe the general style of decor, having agreed in advance.

Decorations on car handles for a wedding

You can decorate the car handles with flower arrangements made from natural or artificial flowers attached with ribbons or ribbons. The composition will look very impressive if you attach ribbons fluttering on the go to it. Another option for decorating handles is bows with ribbons or balloons.

Photo of decorating car handles for a wedding procession

What else can decorate a wedding car?

Various themed figurines can also be offered as options for festive decoration. These can be swans or two hearts made of flowers, a wedding doll separately on the car of the bride and groom or a couple on a common car, hats in the form of a male cylinder and a ladies' hat.

Photos of hats on wedding cars

The car can also be decorated with fabric or magnet butterflies, compositions of large balloons and small balls around the perimeter of the car. The main thing is not to overdo it and choose all the elements harmoniously. Take two base colors and one or two midtones, and as accessories, for example, balls of the same size, laid out in neat compositions, and rings on the hood or roof, or combination of butterflies with tulle bows and flower arrangements. Tulle is one of the most popular fabrics for decoration, as it allows you to create luxury by gathering into folds. It makes spectacular bows, roses, you can simply pull it over the entire hood, gathering it in a knot at the rear-view mirrors.

Photo of a tulle bow on a wedding car

Don't forget about the bumper decoration. It will look very impressive large double layered bow from tulle in two shades with a laconic floral composition fixed in the center. Rooms, in principle, cannot be closed, but in honor of such an event, traffic cops usually make indulgences. Therefore, you can attach a sign to the room with an inscription, for example, “cool wedding” or with the names of the newlyweds.

Being carried away by car decor, do not forget about such an important point as maintaining a complete view for the driver

The windshield, mirrors and rear view window above the bumper must be open.

When decorating the cars of the wedding column on your own, the question often arises of how to attach the tulle to the wedding car. For this, ribbons, ribbons and elastic bands are used, which fix the fabric on the radiator grill and mirrors, and are threaded through the hood cover. It is important to pull the tulle long elements tightly so that they do not lose their shape during movement.

Wedding car outfit with magnets

One popular and easy-to-use way to decorate a motorcade is wedding car magnets. Under the order, you can make a completely variable set of magnets in the form of hearts, butterflies, as well as individual products with the names of the newlyweds and cool inscriptions. It is noteworthy that their form and content can be anything that will give wedding decoration originality and exclusive. You can arrange them and combine them as you wish. The only limitation of their use is that they only stick to metal surfaces. If you want to decorate the glass, you can use stickers.

Photo of wedding car magnets

Options for decorating wedding cars with flowers with examples

Flowers are always included in the decoration of the event. Fresh flowers on a car look very gentle and touching. But keep in mind that they are alive and do not retain their original appearance for a long time, especially in extreme conditions of riding around the city during the hot season. Do not place them on the radiator and hood. An acceptable option is car handles and mirrors, a roof and a bumper.

Artificial analogues of colors in modern manufacturing technologies look almost indistinguishable from real ones.

Therefore, it is ideal for creating compositions. The main thing is to choose flowers in the same style. Do not load cars with them too brightly, using all types of paints. A maximum of two contrasting colors or three or four pastel shades in accordance with the main range. Lilies look good with tall thin stems of herbs or inflorescences. Roses can be combined with lilies of the valley or abundant greens, but not with wildflowers. Daisies make a beautiful combination with cornflowers and mimosa. Maki - only with greens.

Photo of decorating a wedding car with roses

Show off your florist talents and try different arrangements beforehand to find a pleasing option that matches your style of celebration.

Wedding car stickers

Cool car stickers that arouse interest in your wedding will become a memorable accessory not only for those invited, but also for the public of the whole city. For example, who will remain indifferent to the cars where the "brotherhood of the groom" or the "gang of the bride" rides. You can choose the most unexpected inscriptions. Don't be afraid to experiment. It is unlikely that any of the passers-by had to deal with the mafiosi who call the wedding procession publicly, for example, as “the mafia of the bride” or “the godfather mafia”.

This is your day - declare yourself to the world, let everyone pay attention to you, remember and imitate. And you will have something to remember and tell the children.

Preparing for a wedding is a troublesome business, because you need to think through every stage, every little thing in organizing the celebration. Not the last role is played by the choice and decoration of the wedding car for the newlyweds. On such a bright and festive day, you want to show yourself in all its glory, because even passers-by willy-nilly pay attention to a richly decorated wedding cortege.

To make the car look really festive, it's time to start decorating it. Moreover, you can easily make the lion's share of paraphernalia with your own hands, but first, let's clarify some of the nuances:

  • If you take a car in a company, you should check in advance whether it is possible to decorate it yourself. Sometimes not too pleasant situations arise when on the eve of the wedding it turns out that the car is covered with some kind of expensive paint, on which even traditional tapes cannot be attached. Discuss all questions in advance;
  • If desired, cars for the motorcade can be selected in the same shade - it will look very elegant. Decorations should contrast with the color of the car itself. Basically, preference is given to the classics - a black, white or silver car, but if you like a bright car, make sure that the decorations are discreet, otherwise the cortege will look clumsy and ugly;
  • If the cars of the motorcade are of different colors, try to keep the bright and colorful cars at the end, and the more restrained models at the head of the motorcade, otherwise your vehicle, no matter how elegant it may seem, will be lost against the background of colorful colors and colors;
  • Remember that light-colored accessories will look elegant on dark cars, and bright-colored jewelry on light ones;
  • When considering where to attach accessories, be guided not only by aesthetics, but also by a practical point of view - first of all, decorations should not interfere with either you or the driver;
  • Take care of a secure fastening - it will be very unpleasant if dolls or rings fall from the hood at the most crucial moment, and the ribbons fray during the ride. The fastening must be extremely reliable.

We decorate the wedding car with balloons

Well, now it's time to start decorating the car. The easiest and simplest way to decorate your vehicle is balloons.

photo: decorating a car for a wedding with balloons is the easiest way

The process of decorating a car for a wedding with your own hands with balloons is simple: get the right amount of balloons of 2-3 colors and fix it. You can form garlands out of them, fixing them on the roof or create fancy hearts - it depends on your abilities. Pay attention to the mount - it must be strong and reliable, otherwise the balls will burst or develop in the wind when the car develops high speed.

Wedding car decorations with bows and cloth

Light and airy fabric is a great chance to decorate your car. The most common decor are bows. You can easily sew them with your own hands, combine several types and colors of fabric: for example, durable satin and light organza. A few ribbons can be sewn to the base of the bow so that when the car is driving, they easily develop in the wind. When choosing a bow, pay attention to its size: either one large accessory or several small ones is appropriate. The color of the bows should be the same on all machines - such a tuple will look very elegant and neat.

photo: Fabric as a car decoration for a wedding looks light and airy

You can also cover the hood of the car with tulle or tulle, which is sold in any store and will be inexpensive. You can complement the composition with flowers and ribbons.

Decoration of cars with flower arrangements

Live and artificial floral arrangements will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding cortege. Car handles will not remain without decor - you can attach ribbons or bouquets of flowers to them. You can make such a simple decoration on the island of satin ribbon or tulle. To do this, cut out a long rectangle, sweep it around the edges with a thread and assemble it into a small boutonniere. Baste a flower and multi-colored ribbons in the center. The mini-composition will be attached to the handle with ribbons.

You can decorate the hood and trunk of a wedding car with flowers, the main thing is to choose the right composition.

photo: It’s easy to decorate a car for a wedding with flowers with your own hands - just fix the finished bouquet on the hood

Flowers are a beautiful decoration for a car at any time of the year. It can be both real and artificial compositions. Someone will say that there is nothing good in artificial flowers, although in fact you can find many interesting specimens of a wide variety of colors on the markets, which are difficult to distinguish from real ones even close up.

The advantages of artificial flowers are that they are not afraid of any atmospheric precipitation, artificial analogues will last longer, they are attached very easily and firmly, you can even rent them, but you will have to tinker with compositions of natural flowers. Basically, they decorate the radiator grille or the hood of the car. Such flowers are installed in a special ready-made fixture on the car - and the paint on the vehicle will not be damaged, and the likelihood that the bouquet will fall apart along the way is reduced.

It is not at all necessary to choose expensive roses or lilies to decorate the car, they can be replaced with seasonal flowers. Chrysanthemums, gerberas, daisies, wild flowers will look very gentle and elegant. If desired, you can attach flowers with stems or lush buds to the sides of the car using suction cups.

Decorating a wedding car with ribbons, stickers and appliqués

Ribbons and magnets are one of the most popular ways to decorate a car. You can use a variety of color combinations. When purchasing ribbons in a store, keep in mind that you will need to secure them well, so their length should be 1.5-2 times longer than desired. The easiest way to fasten the tape with an elastic band, for this, one end of the tape is tucked in half, and an elastic band is sewn to it. A tape is put on the hood (with an elastic band inside), and the free ends are tucked up and tucked to the elastic band. You can simply tie all the details or sew ribbons to the ribbon, but then you need to make sure that the knots are strong and the structure does not loosen. Ribbons adorn antennas, mirrors, trunk lid. You can sew homemade roses or bows on ribbons.

Butterflies made of nylon fabric on a wire frame also look great - they can not only decorate the interior, but also a wedding car. To do this, a paper or nylon tape is pulled over the hood, it is advisable to fix it so that the pattern resembles cobwebs. Butterflies are tied or sewn to ribbons. And on the door of the vehicle they can be fixed with adhesive tape.

License plate stickers with the names of the newlyweds and funny inscriptions are also popular. After the wedding, they can be washed off with plain water. You can put dolls in wedding clothes on the bumper or attach a top hat and a veil - the symbols of the bride and groom, it all depends on your preferences and imagination.

Master class: do-it-yourself wedding rings with a bouquet for a car

Such a popular attribute as wedding rings, framed by a floral composition, can be made independently. To do this, you will need a flexible water hose, artificial flowers, AA batteries, golden paper tape, two old school rulers and tape.

To begin with, we steam the artificial flowers to smooth out all the roughness and bruising. It is best to hold them over a boiling pot or kettle.

After that, you can start assembling the composition. Secure it securely with glue or tape so that your bouquet does not get ruffled by the wind.

Now we need flexible hoses - these can be thin hoses (about a centimeter in diameter) for water or drain hoses that you can buy at an auto parts store. These hoses are hard and hollow inside. Gold-colored tape for winding can be bought at any flower shop, and old AA batteries can be found in any home.

To make a ring, you need to evenly bend the hose and insert a battery from one end - we will close the structure on it. For a complete composition, we need 3 rings of different sizes. Check if they are securely fastened, they can be additionally fixed with superglue (careful that there are no drips) or tape.

We wrap the rings and two wooden rulers with a golden ribbon - they will serve as the basis for the design. It is advisable to pre-glue the rulers together so that they hold more firmly.

Both rings are firmly fixed on the ruler, fixed with adhesive tape or glue. The third ring will serve as the basis - with its help, the entire structure will be mounted on the roof or hood of the car.

After that, you can fix artificial flowers on the structure and allow the craft to dry. So, after spending a little of your time, you can make original car decorations with your own hands, and no worse than purchased ones.

The cortege is an integral part of the wedding ceremony. If invitation cards are a calling card for invited guests, then a string of wedding cars is a calling card for everyone who sees it. The most beautiful, of course, should be the car in which the newlyweds will go. It is usually decorated last and in a hurry. And it would not hurt to approach this matter with all responsibility. A master class on decorating a car with your own hands for a wedding will help you quickly understand this matter.

Economical and simple

The most economical and easiest way out is balloons.

To do this, you need to purchase balloons, inflate them and fasten them in the desired composition with beautiful ribbons. Balls can be grouped into pyramids and garlands, formed into hearts and rings - it depends on the number of balls and on the imagination of those who decorate the car.

Note! You need to fasten them tightly, otherwise, with a quick movement, you can lose the whole outfit.

Space for imagination

The most common way to decorate a car for a wedding is to decorate with cloth and bows.

Two colors of fabric on the hood is a good solution:

Sew one big bow:

Make a heart out of fabric

Assemble the fabric and ribbons into an assembly:

There are a lot of options.

In order not to be considered tasteless, you need to remember: if a big bow is made, then it should be one. There may be several small ones.

Ideally, all cars of the wedding procession should be decorated in the same style. If the car of the bride and groom has a huge bow, then the rest should also have smaller copies of the main decoration.

bright flowers

Decorating wedding cars with flowers is rightfully considered the highest priority.

Both fresh flowers and artificial ones are suitable for this. Live ones look great, but fixing them is much more difficult. In addition, the wind will fray the petals, and the compositions may fall apart. Therefore, when choosing fresh flowers to decorate wedding cars, you need to take all this into account.

Now the markets sell a lot of artificial flowers, which can hardly be distinguished from real ones. It is much easier to decorate a wedding procession with them.

Rings are an important attribute for a wedding car. They can be made by hand. Necessary materials:

  1. Flexible hose about 2 meters;
  2. Styrofoam or hard cardboard for the base;
  3. Gold foil or ribbon;
  4. Bells;
  5. Scotch;
  6. Drapery material.

Three rings are made of flexible hoses: two are connected to each other, they are attached to the third. But first they all need to be wrapped with foil or tape, then carefully fastened with tape. Ready-made rings are firmly sewn to the base so that they do not fall on the road. The base is draped with fabric or flowers; bells can be hung on the rings themselves.

The combination of tulle and flowers to decorate a car for a wedding is elegant and quite simple. The fabric can be stretched from the glass to the bottom of the hood or trunk, and secured there with a cover. Flower arrangements do not have to be very large. How to make jewelry from tulle? You can find out about it in the video below.

Tulle, as a rule, is distributed asymmetrically, so a small bouquet in the narrowest part of the fabric will perfectly decorate the car. You can put a doll on the radiator grill, or attach a heart made of fabric.

Car handles can also be decorated with flowers, ribbons and bows, making sure that they match the main decoration of the car. This can be seen in the photo below.

Video on the topic of the article

The wedding day is the most important and responsible day in the life of a young family. Every bride and groom want everything to be perfect on this day, including wedding decorations for the car. On such a solemn and long-awaited day, young people can afford everything, including a luxurious limousine, richly and beautifully decorated. But not always when preparing for a wedding, there is a desire or opportunity to spend money on specialists to decorate a wedding car. Especially if the spouses themselves and their families have a creative streak and a lot of ideas for decorating a car for the heroes of the day.

Creating wedding decorations for a car with your own hands, you get much more positive emotions, because preparation for the wedding and active participation in it give incomparable pleasure from anticipating a happy moment in the life of a young family.

Wedding decorations on the car: what you need to consider

When decorating a wedding car, remember that you should take into account the color scheme, which includes both the color of the car itself and the colors of the bride and groom's outfits. Wedding decorations on the car should contain colors that are in harmony and contrast with the main color scheme.

On a black car, light compositions of ribbons and flowers will look spectacular and beautiful - the choice is wide here - from snow-white to the entire palette of pastel shades.

On a white car, pink and pastel shades, as well as rich and bright colors of purple-blue or red, will look best.

Decoration of a wedding car: what is most often decorated with a wedding car today

Wedding decorations on the car are very rich and varied in all their variations. But recently it has become very fashionable to decorate a car for a wedding in an elegant minimalist style - puffs and drapery made of tulle or organza, small but tasteful arrangements of fresh or artificial flowers and ribbons fluttering in the wind.

Wedding decorations for a wedding also often include summer-floral boutonnieres and "curtains" on the doors. The hood and trunk are now preferred to decorate with compositions of tulle and organza, ribbons and mesh for floristry. Balls, dolls, all kinds of figurines are still used, but not so popular.

On the other hand, traditional car rings remain popular and respected and fit perfectly even in the most minimalist decorations for a wedding car.

We present to your attention a gallery of interesting ideas for decorating a wedding car, some of them are equipped with detailed master classes, from which you can also learn useful information.

We wish you inspiration and good luck in your work!

Wedding decorations on the car: master classes

Car dress in white and lilac veil, taffeta hearts, faux flowers and beads. The master class can be read here:
Composition on a car made of ribbons and artificial flowers - MK can be read here:

Lavender decoration on the bumper and trunk of the car. Master class:
Rings on the car, master class:


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