Congratulations on the day of the angel tamare. Congratulations to Tamara on her birthday Congratulations to the woman Tamara

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The meaning of the name Tamara: date palm.
origin of the name Tamara: from the biblical female name Tamar, but in Russia it is used in the form adopted in Georgia and Armenia.
Relatives and friends affectionately call Tom, Tomochka, Tomusik.
Women with this name are straightforward and consistent, inquisitive and curious.

Of course, everyone wants his words to be warmly received in a special way and remain in memory for a long time. To do this, they try to pick up beautiful words, racking their brains for a long time and choosing a rhyme for holiday verses. We suggest using ready-made holiday greetings to Tamara happy birthday in verse. Poems are very different - long and short, easy to remember or for writing on postcards. And we also have the ability to send musical greeting cards directly to Tamara's phone in special widget blocks. A regular phone call will come to the cell phone and the birthday girl will hear the beautiful sound card you have chosen. Try it and make such an audio surprise!
Beautiful birthday greetings to Tamara in verse, which can be read with expression or sent to the phone of the birthday girl. Touching words will surely please the hero of the occasion and guests.

Happy birthday Tamara

Tamara is the name of an ancient queen.
In it - the outlines of blue rocks,
Outlandish branches bloom trees,
Transparency of a mountain spring.
Tamara - the wings of an eagle over the steep,
Copper strikes copper in the distance.
I want clouds to go around you!
Do not have adversity and sorrows!

We give the world a huge tome
On the day that adorned the whole year,
Everything, everything, everything in the world, except
Sadness, grief and adversity!

We also wish Tom
Make a wish, Tom!
Live in a huge castle-house
With a young husband, moreover!

Well, in it - you will understand for yourself,
How the kids scream
There will be a place for mom and dad
To raise grandchildren!

And therefore, dear Tom,
Let the house be a full bowl !!!

Congratulations for Tamara

You are enchanted by the unknown
You are artistic and charming
You are powerful, but you are modest,
Surrounded by attention!
May you be lucky, Tamara
After all, you are named so for a reason -
Worthy of happiness and love!
May your dreams come true!

I wish my Tamarochka
Happiness always smiled!
So that the clouds pass and the sun laughs!
So that only good luck always and in everything!
So that your house would be bright and joyful!

Everyone respects Tamara.
Everyone knows her very well.
All hands not out of boredom.
Awesome hands!
We wish you. Tom,
Only peace, happiness at home,
For everything to be great
Both in business and in personal life!

Congratulations to the woman Tamara

Tamara, you are luxurious and smart,
I know for sure you are a star!
You light up the whole way,
And the crowds of fans are coming!
They give you gifts and flowers,
You deserve this beauty!
You will always help everyone with advice,
You are at least capricious sometimes!
To you, Tamara, happiness from the heart,
May your cherished dreams come true!

Poems of congratulations to Tamara

In the name Tamara - beauty and strength,
Our birthday girl has strength in beauty.
We wish you joy and happiness
And in all matters you are always on top!
On your birthday, I want to wish you good luck
Good health and earthly love.
May fate give you everything you want
And your wishes always come true.

Congratulations on your birthday
Kiss, wish
We have great luck for you
And, of course, a simple mood.
So that there are no boundaries for love,
You were happy b - to the tips of the eyelashes.
We can say all this tirelessly,
Happy birthday, beautiful Tamara.

Cool congratulations to Tamara

Tamara, dear Tamara!
Today is your angel day.
Do not put out the fire in the chest,
I swear on my head.
All perfection intertwined in you,
I don't dream of listing them.
You are the promise of bliss
And life with you is like heaven.
To not look at things gloomily,
Be friends with humor more often.
Everything will be fine for you
And as if the song will become life.

Sweet friend Tamara,
Your mysterious spell
This is how they attract us, girlfriends,
And everyone around loves you!
We congratulate you today
We always want to be happy!
Love, good luck and warmth!
So that friendship is strong!

Congratulations to Tamara happy birthday in verse

Gentle and sweet, Tom, dear
Happy birthday, I congratulate you.
Stay the same forever young
Joy and happiness disinterestedly giving.

Let adversity pass by
Problems melt like fog
To love for years to come
It would read like an interesting novel. (FROM)

Poems of congratulations to Tamara

Tamara, the long-awaited holiday
Today has come again!
And a lot of good different words
I want to say in your honor!

May you be lucky, dear
In business, success accompanies
Live on, prosper
Be an example to everyone!

Happy birthday greetings with the name Tamara

Tamara, sun, happy birthday!
And let dreams come true.
You are our angel and inspiration
And the moonbeam is also you.
Be more beautiful than summer, brighter than the sun,
And all the flowers at your feet.
Believe me, luck will smile
To you, goddess of beauty.

Happy birthday to daughter Tamara from mom

Tommy, my daughter!
I congratulate you!
There is no one in the world closer
And dearer to me!
Let my Tomochka
Everything will be fine in life:
Lots of happiness and good luck
Lots of loyal friends!

It's your birthday Tamara!
Let the magician from the fairy tale come!
And give you everything you want
Everything you love will bring you!
From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate you
And we want to be happy!
And the one who lives with you
No way, never forget!

Congratulations to Tamara

You swim in the ocean of happiness,
You wake up early in the morning.
And take a breath of the freshest air,
Enjoy this day, Tamarochka, start.
Let friends walk side by side in life,
Which will save you from unnecessary whining.
You develop self-confidence
Then get whatever you want out of life.
You definitely deserve love
So let her fly to you without fail.

Queen Tamara, beautiful lady!
We wish you health, success, love
You shine brighter than any tungsten
Captivating a man with an eyebrow.

On the beaches of the Bahama, savoring tequila,
In Paris, Venice or Urumqi -
May the years multiply the beauty of your strength
And the inner voice will not be silent!

Still haven't made a choice of the most suitable verses? Do not despair! Look for similar universal verses on your topic on other pages of the site. Links to such pages are at the top of this block of text.
And we also recommend making a pleasant and unexpected voice audio present directly to the phone of the "hero of the occasion." Imagine what emotions a person will experience when Putin congratulates him on the phone! Send voice audio congratulations to Tamara from Putin to your phone! Give a cool audio gift to the birthday girl right now!

The name Tamara came to Russia in the 12th century. It symbolized the name of the Georgian Queen Tamara. The name translates as "fig tree". Since childhood, Tamara strives to make her life varied and interesting. Therefore, she cannot sit in front of a computer for a long time or read a book. For games, she also quickly loses interest. But curiosity and curiosity never go away. Tamara is quite an artistic person, and she always wants to show off in front of other people. One of these options is the school theater. She is friendly with strangers, but does not forget about caution. The nature of the leader often leads her to marry a man younger than her age. Such a marriage satisfies both parties. He loves children very much and stops at nothing to satisfy their needs. exemplary hostess.

We congratulate Tamara on the day of the angel
And we will celebrate a beautiful holiday in her honor!
Nature on a May day even plays
As if Tomu congratulates us.
We are proud of you, Tamarochka,
What an amazing person you are -
diligent, responsible, reliable,
Cautious in business, secrets, friendship.
And if you believe - even in a year, -
That friendship will keep you forever,
Give a lot of tenderness, warmth,
So that friendship is the strongest.
On the name day of Tamara, congratulations,
We wish her all the best and happiness!
Let life be bright, varied,
After all, such a life is beautiful for you!

With all my heart I wish you a happy birthday to Tom
Health, vivacity, cheerful mood.
Peace in life and comfort in the house,
Strength and hope and plans to build.
To love and receive love in return
Do not forget girlfriends at the feast,
Live many more bright years -
Life is good and worth admiring.

Girlfriend, today is your birthday!
And this is a holiday, whatever one may say,
Angel Day, Tamara, good reason -
Therefore, accept wishes from your brother:
I wish to merge with Tenderness,
And live with Lady Luck
Never meet with Tosca
Make friends with love.
Let it be difficult - do not be sad!
Look into the face of Madame Bede.
Be your own boss
And stand next to Happiness everywhere!

You were born beautiful for a reason
Wonderful beauty Tamara!
I wish you happiness today
Let dreams come true - I know for sure
That you deserve great happiness
I want love to hurry to you
Good luck I will wish a lot
And never be discouraged!

Girlfriend Tamara, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

The meaning of the name Tamara:"Date palm" (Hebrew).

Outwardly, Tamara is very sweet, gentle and vulnerable. She is quite inquisitive, interested in everything new. She will never let you down, as she treats promises of any kind responsibly. She diligently treats everything that is entrusted to her. True, thanks to her rich imagination, sometimes she likes to be carried away in her dreams somewhere far away. Toma is always very well-read, but she only reads books that she likes, and not those that are provided for by the school curriculum. She is a creative girl, so she is practically not interested in schoolwork, which is why her studies are at an average level.

Professionally, Tom cannot find himself. She tries to work at different jobs, changes areas of activity. However, nothing attracts her. This is explained by the fact that she does not like monotony and routine in life, she cannot linger on the same job, she needs to constantly change the situation.

Having married, Tamara becomes a leader. She is jealous of her husband for almost everything, often this jealousy is justified.

Other forms of the name Tamara: Tom, Tomka, Tomulya, Tata.

On this day, everything is for Tamara -
Congratulations and flowers
Fanfares sound in her honour,
Toasts are raised.

Be cheerful and beautiful
radiant, mischievous,
Cheerful and clear
With an eternally young soul!

Tom, Tomochka, Tamara,
You are beautiful, no doubt.
We know you have a secret -
Beauty is your secret!

We wish you more
Stay young
Sweet, kind and happy.
Well, we are always with you.

Tamara, I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday! I wish you bright sunny days, warmth and peace in your soul, happy eyes and a great mood! May there always be reliable and faithful people, warm family relationships and excellent well-being!

Drink champagne and whiskey
Eat sushi and lobster
In general, the life of a royal
I wish Tamara.

The villa will be let the yacht
Bentley is at the gate
And on white blankets
Let the handsome prince lie down.

Let the fur coat be made of fur,
And diamonds shine in my ears
And let fate offer
Bright options.

Happy holiday, Tamara!
Be cheerful. Be like this:
Kind, bright and happy.
Drive away all sadness.

May good luck in your life
Won't betray, won't let you down.
And the best health
Never let it go.

Congratulations, Tamara,
And I wish you better days
To light stripes
Life pushed you faster
So that both body and soul
Leisure did not tire you,
So that prosperity reigns in the family,
And harmony, and peace,
To make everyone wonder:
How is everything so easy for you?
So that you can climb
Even very high.

You are not a woman, queen!
Everyone is struck by the sparkle in their eyes.
Kindness is in the heart.
And a smile on your lips.

And they call you for a reason
Such a glorious name.
Incomparable Tamara,
Reach the top in everything!

I wish you now, Tom,
May you bloom like a rose!
Let it be comfortable at home
I wish you earthly blessings, warmth!

Love and always be loved
Let the world give colors
Let sorrows pass by
So that you live, as if in a fairy tale!

Tamara, I sincerely wish you
The same always be beautiful.
Let everything be smooth in your destiny,
So that you always remain happy.

Do not grieve adversity and sadness,
Let there be no problems at all.
Health will be strong, like steel,
Sometimes let a miracle happen in life.

Tamara, I wish you
Health, happiness and kindness.
I congratulate you today
Always be beautiful.

I wish you prosperity
I want to live always in love
May your life be sweet
And you create, and you live.

You bear the name of the queen, so let fate be royal
Will give you success, and warmth, and gentle caress!
If adversity meets, suddenly failure will befall,
Be royally cool and say: "I will not cry!".
Always be original, mischievous, unique,
And most importantly, Tamara, be royally loved!

Congratulations: 55 in verse, 6 in prose.

You have a bright, good holiday today!
On the name day, I wish you warmth,
Tamara, there will be a lot of happiness in life,
Surely a dream come true!

Let everything go always, as they wished,
May heaven help you in this!
I want to know what you didn't know
Do not believe evil, deceptive words!

Tamara, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

I wish my beloved Tom
On a holiday a big name day,
So that there is a lot of happiness in the house,
So that he is an angel.

May your hopes come true
There will be no interference anywhere.
Let everything be better than before
Your laughter sounds loud.

You were born beautiful for a reason
Wonderful beauty Tamara!
I wish you happiness today
Let dreams come true - I know for sure

That you deserve great happiness
I want love to hurry to you
Good luck I will wish a lot
And never be discouraged!

Sister, it's your birthday today!
And this is a holiday, whatever one may say,
Angel Day, Tamara, good reason -
Therefore, accept wishes from your brother:

I wish to merge with Tenderness,
And live with Lady Luck
Never meet with Tosca
Make friends with love.

Let it be difficult - do not be sad!
Look into the face of Madame Bede.
Be your own boss
And stand next to Happiness everywhere!

Tamara on a birthday
I wish the list is long:
good luck and health,
And joy with love

Luck and success
Mysteries, laughter,
For you to be beautiful
Cheerful and happy!

Tamara is a royal, well-known name.
You are a beautiful name to match,
Cheerful, beautiful, charming,
Let me wish on my name day:

Let your life sound like a bright song
Let him generously give joy, grace.
The fate of desire will embody the cherished ones,
To make you happy yourself!

Tamara, happy birthday!
May fate be bright
Let life pamper you with wines -
From Love, Smiles, Warmth!

May the laughter never end
And native people around!
Sister, let the best happen to you
And next to your heart friend!

Your name day has come, Tamara,
This day is spiritual and bright.
Your name sounds like a guitar pick
Your character is even more interesting!

I know your circle of interests is not narrow,
And I want to wish you, Tom,
Every day is an experience, not a burden
To be. So that it was light at home!

Tamara, happiness and health
I want to wish you
And live with great love
And achieve goals in life.

But remember - affectionate and gentle
It is so important for a woman to be!
To love limitless
Love your man!

Tamara, on your name day, I would like to wish you not to know worries in life, and if there are unrest, then only from joyful and happy events! May there always be prosperity and prosperity in your home! Let there be merry laughter every day! May the angels be frequent guests in it! Happy angel day to you, dear!

Tomochka! Tamara! Today is an unusual holiday, today is your name day! And on this wonderful day, I wish you to receive only good surprises and gifts from life! So that your heart is always light and light! So that the evil winds of trouble bypass you! All the best to you!

Let the fanfare sound in your honor,
Let the salute take off into the sky,
Happy angel day to you, Tamara!
Let hymns be sung in your honor!
You are stunningly beautiful
And graceful and slender,
Everyone will agree with me
You are the only one like this!
Let life give gifts
Magnificent to you
And may all that the heart asks
It will happen in your destiny!

Tamara, Tomochka, happy angel day to you!
I dedicate congratulations to you,
I wish you health and well,
I wish you love, well-being!
May the house be filled with joy
May the angels protect him
Let light and comfort always be in it,
Friends often visit him!
Let your life bloom like a garden in paradise
Let there be no place for sadness in it,
Let happiness quietly enter your life
And never leaves!

Incomparable Tamara! The queen once had the same name, and you also have a regal posture and self-esteem, but there is no pompous arrogance and narcissism in you, you are always open in soul and heart. On your name day, I would like to wish you that fate will reward you with dignity and give you everything you wish!

Tamara! Let the name day not be such a rich and fun holiday as a birthday, but this day is special! It is filled with divine light and warmth, on this day, your guardian angel rejoices with you with quiet joy! May he always be by your side, without leaving for a minute! Let him help you find the happiness you deserve!

My dear Tamara! Happy Angel Day! On this bright day, I would like to wish you that rainy days happen as rarely as possible in your life, that the sun shines over your head as often as possible, that magnificent flowers bloom around, filling your life with a charming aroma of happiness!

Tamara has a birthday today,
And I want to wish you
Let life be sweet like raspberries
To live and not know sorrows!
Let fate bring gifts
Only the ones you need
You are modest and do not ask for anything,
But desires are better visible to her!
May they always be with you
Best and true friends
Release the tit, and as a reward
Life will give you a crane!

The look is mysterious and languid
Affects all men
Congratulation for Tom
Composed on the birthday
I wish her every hour
accept compliments,
'Cause she's gorgeous
You won't find better in the world!
Let them throw at her feet
Millions of red roses
Let everyone love her
And not jokingly, but seriously!
May wishes come true
Dreams come true
You are the goddess of the universe
The embodiment of beauty!

Your name was the queen,
And you yourself are a queen,
You are beautiful like a bird of paradise
And you know how, Tamara, to shine.
I wish you on your birthday
I am good luck, warmth and kindness,
To start your day with a smile
And it always ends with a smile!
Let your life flow serenely
Encountering no obstacles on the way
Let your happiness be boundless
You deserve great awards!


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