Men: what do women want? What do women want from men?

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Very often men ask the question - What do women desire?

In one of the films, when a young man asked his companion - "what do women want?", She whispered in his ear - "We ourselves do not know what we want."

Indeed, this question has been going on for quite some time. This means that not now women have become so incomprehensible, but have been so from time immemorial. Men do not understand women, and this is an indisputable fact. What can guide women's logic when she leaves a handsome and successful man for some boorish slob? Such cases are not isolated.

People say - "The ideal man does not drink, does not smoke, does not have mistresses and ... Does not exist." No one calls for an ideal, and this kind of cloying is annoying. No one is campaigning for drinking liters of beer, smoking and cheating. No, but there is still a certain set of unwritten rules.

I want to note right away that when reading these rules, you don’t need to think that you will now change your “I” or become a slave and henpecked. Not at all. But if you have real love for a woman, then these rules will not seem slavish to you. Women want a man the way nature created him. A man is a protector, a courageous man. Such a man does not have the words “I can’t” or “I can’t.” Courageous man can do anything! Even combine the roles of lover and husband at the same time.

A responsibility

Perhaps the first thing a woman draws her attention to. A man should be responsible for his words and deeds. On duty, a man always takes the first position, and a woman the second. And if you really like the place of the permanent leader so much, then remember that even more burdens fall on the leaders. If you are dating a woman, you must understand that now she is a part of you, that you are responsible for her, her health, spiritual state. Try to carry these burdens with dignity.

I'm not saying that you need to fulfill any whim, but if you already promised to go to the doctor with her, then, keep your word, go. Let her feel like behind a stone wall next to you. May your words never diverge from deeds.


I'll tell you a big secret - women love to obey. Feminists become when they do not see real men. Until a certain time, my favorite phrase in my vocabulary was "I said." And then I met the man of my dreams, I tried to show my “I said”, but it wasn’t there.

And it was like that. My work colleague, by the way, a man, and I went to an event that took place after 10 pm. We had to shoot a report there. Naturally, I warn my young man that I will be late. He asks how I will get there, especially since the event was held in another city. I said I would take a taxi. In a flat voice, he said - "I'll pick you up, and this is not discussed." My tongue was spinning - "And I said that ...", but since it is not discussed, it means that it is not discussed.


Here you will have to try. You have to keep your ears open all the time. Pay attention to every little thing - a new blouse, other earrings, new makeup, hair cut a centimeter. A woman likes it when a man sees every little thing. Then it will be more difficult, you need to remember important dates - the birthday of your younger sister, the name and patronymic of mom and dad, the date of your first date. I don't know why we like it. But for me it was very surprising and pleasant that fact when my man told me - "August 25, we made love for the first time." In truth, I no longer remembered this date, but I was pleased that my man remembered the day when we merged together.

Care must be taken in everything. You call her in the morning, ask - did she have breakfast, how does she feel, how is her mood?

Confidence in yourself and tomorrow

You must be confident in yourself, you must boldly look into the eyes of tomorrow. There should not be any barriers for you, any mountain should obey you. Even if you, like her, are terribly afraid of spiders and mice, in no case do not show your weakness in front of her. As often as possible, tell her about future prospects at work, about your plans for the future, life goals.

Having goals in life is a must for every person, not just for men. A person without a goal is an empty place. So more confidence. Just don't let your confidence turn into 100% boasting. A boastful man is terrible.

Family and Children

Most women want to get married. And for a real man, she will run to marry in order to cook delicious dinners for him, and give birth to beautiful children from him. If you have long-term plans for your woman - to be with her until gray hair, then talk more often about the happiness of family life. Talk about how happy it is to have your children, your hearth, your nest. Talk about your family traditions, love for family holidays, respect for the older generation.

Romance and Intelligence

Here I will not be a pioneer if I say that women love romance. Therefore, do not forget about all the pleasant little things. No one insists that you give huge bouquets of roses or diamond rings. But you can give all sorts of plush toys, bunches of daisies. All this is very nice and works flawlessly on a woman. Say compliments. After all, the woman who is next to you is the best in the world, otherwise you would not be paired with her now. So why not tell her about it? Tell me how beautiful, smart, desirable she is. How good you are with her, how tasty she cooks. Don't skimp on compliments. Will it get away from you?

Ideally, you need to know at least a few verses, to be knowledgeable in art. By the way, show your intelligence, tell her about those things that she does not know about. Tell us about your hobbies, about the information that you received during the day. Share your experiences and knowledge with her.

When my future husband and I were still dating, such a story happened. I was busy with work, I had to make several trips, clean the apartment, wash the dishes. My chosen one was taking me to the next meeting, and I complained that there was little time, and there was still a lot of work, and the dishes had to be washed. He, a man in a business suit and tie, said - "I will help you, I will wash the dishes." How did I try to dissuade him! Like, you don’t need to wash the dishes for me, he still insisted on his own. Upon arrival home, he followed me, arrogantly entered the apartment, and washed my own dishes. Helped me a lot on that difficult day.


Perhaps I should have started with this point, but I still decided to leave it for dessert. Women love sex just as much as men. But still, we have a difference in love for sex. You like fast sex, the result is important for you. Women are more inclined to devote time to the process. Do not forget that during sex, a woman needs affection and compliments. Make the foreplay long. Forget about time. A woman can come to the "finish" in two minutes, but for this she needs a long preparation with caresses.

Perhaps this can be put an end to. Don't think these rules are too complicated. And if so, then I can assure you that by fulfilling them, you will be rewarded a hundredfold in return. For such a man, you will always want to be at your best - in bed, in the kitchen, with friends. Everywhere.

There is one very good wisdom. When a woman goes to a man, she leaves everyone - mother, father, brother, friends. Everyone! For one person. Therefore, you need to replace her with fatherly love, and maternal help, and brotherly trust, and friendly understanding. After all, you have become the foundation for her, try to appreciate it.

Konstantin Mokanov

It is difficult for men to understand women - their psychology is very different. They do not understand what their chosen one wants, and she is offended that her desires remain unfulfilled. The "root of evil" is that women keep a "terrible" secret that should never be made public - they themselves do not know what they want. This is, of course, a joke, but there is some truth in it.

Contradictory psychology of a woman

A certain motivation is hidden behind transparent and obvious desires - a woman is not always aware of this. In order to "get" the most intimate from a woman's soul, you need to correctly formulate questions - this will help to understand the psychology of a woman.

If we consider all the women's "I want" in a complex, then you can easily see their inconsistency. The demands of women are so high that no one can meet them. But women subconsciously continue to wait for the prince, even if they have already managed to marry the average man.

The psychology of the fair sex is such that girls do not notice their own inconsistency. When a man does not behave the way a woman would like, she blames him for not loving her. But even if the chosen one begins to change and indulges her, then she is again unhappy. The man seems to her weak, "without a core" - why respect him? If the "subordinate" begins to rebel and defend his position, it means that he is not ready to change in the name of love. The circle closes - no matter how a man behaves, he will still be bad - this is the psychology of a woman.

To gain mutual understanding, you need to know what features female psychology has. Since ancient times, marriage was considered mandatory for every girl - this is an indicator of her need, value. Women shifted all responsibility for themselves, their children, their own well-being to their husbands. Girls “absorbed” these basics from childhood - this is how their parents raised them, these norms were cultivated in society.

For a long time, a woman was perceived as an “addition” to a man - her parents tried to marry her as profitably as possible, unmarried girls felt flawed and diligently looked for a gentleman. The paradox is that women do not see anything humiliating in this - such is their psychology. Many girls perceive marriage as a kind of deal - they provide care and take care of the hearth in exchange for material and social well-being.

But modern relationships are based on the principles of equality and mutual pleasure, so the institution of marriage has changed. The most powerful reason for creating a family is love, although no one can unequivocally say what it is. Men and women perceive it differently, which is why misunderstanding is growing.

On a subconscious level, girls remember the "ancient motive": a man is a tool with which you can solve all your problems. This thought may be hidden or explicit, but in any case it is natural - such is the psychology of a woman. The main weapon is coquetry. With his help, they skillfully manipulate men, achieving their goals. If a girl cannot keep her chosen one, this is a sign of her “poor quality”. As a result, a woman's self-esteem depends on whether she has a husband.

Books on psychology say that the problem of many families is that the wife shifts all responsibility for her own realization to the partner. If she feels inferior, it's his fault. A woman wants to get out of a state of internal imbalance at the expense of her chosen one. She herself does not understand what exactly she lacks, so her request looks something like this: “Give me something, I don’t know what.”

Books on psychology: what is a female pendulum?

The self-worth of the representatives of the opposite sexes is formed in approximately the same way. Pride is “tuned” through interaction with the outside world, and insignificance is “nourished” by internal experiences, emotional imbalance.

The difference between a man and a woman is that they use different means to achieve harmony - that's what books on psychology say. Men are more self-sufficient, therefore they can be realized through a hobby, a career. The girl is dependent on her partner, and it is very difficult for her to overcome the discomfort on her own.

While a girl follows such stereotypes, her psychology is contradictory, incomprehensible to men. The position of the pendulum, which walks between insignificance and pride, depends entirely on the thoughts, behavior, feelings of the partner.

The psychology of a woman is such that she always tries to choose a strong man who will make her personality significant, status. When such a partner appears in her life, she temporarily finds harmony. Periodically, the girl challenges him and tests his strength by arranging "tests". If he is still strong, smart and powerful, then she gives him her favor.

But even here there are contradictions. No matter how strong a man is, a woman wants to “break” him, rebuild him for herself - this is a feature of psychology. She strives to single-handedly take possession of his thoughts, feelings, "capture the entire territory."

If a man does not want to give up, then the woman will reproach him for not valuing her enough. Feeling sorry for herself will make her look for another partner with whom she can believe in her self-worth.

Psychology books say that it is necessary to train moral flexibility in order to find a way out of this situation. A woman can include a large number of representatives of the stronger sex in her game, trying to satisfy all needs. It is not at all necessary for her to have an intimate relationship - it is enough to receive male recognition.

It is important to understand that it is very difficult to pick up a "set" of men, while remaining faithful. The state of mind will still depend on them, so it will not work to find harmony. Even if only one male puzzle falls out, the whole picture will fall apart.

The advice of doctors is unequivocal: you need to prepare for the fact that the exit from this game will be painful. You will have to reconsider your views, admit that your principles for building relationships are not ideal. A woman cannot escape social pressure - many people will condemn your new behavior.

A woman will receive complete satisfaction only when she can find inner integrity - all books on psychology write about this. If she feels comfortable alone with her inner "I", then she will not have to rush from one "pole" to another.

What do men really look for in a woman with whom they are ready to spend their lives? Hundreds of acquaintances and meetings - all this to find your soul mate. The magazine site is ready to highlight this issue, which worries our readers so much.

What kind of woman do men dream of: a girlfriend who will become a companion for his adventures, a passionate lover, an ideal mother for future children, or a girl who is as similar as possible to his own mother? What do men want from a woman? Here are the 10 main virtues that an ideal woman should have according to men:

1. She is cheerful and lives her own life.

The ideal woman should know how to take care of herself, have her own style, and be able to find time for her friends and family. This is a woman who loves travel and adventure. She knows how to enjoy the joys of life, whether it's a walk in the park, a sunny day or a delicious dessert.

Men dream of a woman who does not put the search for a groom at the head of her existence, does not evaluate her success in terms of marriage and does not wait for the perfect man to start living.

2. She can become his best friend

The ideal woman should help a man be at his best: laugh at his jokes, compliment him and let him shine in the most important moments of his life. And, of course, a man should try to do the same for her.

3. She doesn't have to make the first move.

There are constant discussions on this topic, but, nevertheless, the answers of the majority of the men surveyed show that the ideal woman should not take any action in order to get to know each other, because every man is a hunter at heart and dreams of conquering us. In addition, only in this case a woman can be sure that she is really interested, and not just picked up her initiative.

4. She shouldn't pressure him.

This is a very important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman: men cannot stand pressure and restrictions on their freedom. Do not call him several times a day, innocently asking "Where are you?" Do not bombard him with texts or emails, and also avoid questions about your future. Better yet, eliminate the word "marriage" from your vocabulary entirely.

Men do not like to give reports and build their lives according to a schedule, but prefer spontaneity and chance.

5. A real woman is sexy, but no frills.

Every man dreams of a sexy woman and this concept changes as your relationship develops, but most men believe that women should avoid sexual comments and overt flirting at the beginning of dating, but when the relationship becomes more serious, more intimate expressions of love are already quite appropriate.

6. She knows how to choose the right time for sex

Of course, we live in the twenty-first century and no one waits until the wedding night to have sex, but the first intimacy is an important step for a couple, and yet many women do not understand how too fast the transition to sexual relations is. may affect dynamics. When women have sex and get aroused, they are influenced by the hormone oxytocin, which, according to some studies, makes them more attractive to their partners. If you find yourself in bed with a new acquaintance too quickly, then there is a danger that your relationship will not develop outside of sex.

7. She won't look past men's pranks.

A real woman will not tolerate inappropriate behavior from her man. Guys respect women they can't afford to have an affair with because they know the consequences. If he realizes that betrayal is a serious mistake, he will appreciate you even more. Men also like women who adhere to the following principles in their lives: never date married or already engaged guys.

8. She should be attentive to him

The woman that a man dreams about knows how to show small signs of attention that make it clear how much he is really dear to her. She remembers that her man loves, and is always attentive to his needs, whether it be a favorite dish, music or something else.

9. She knows how to choose a real man

A real woman knows how to choose a worthy man: serious and reliable, who knows how to be honest and sincere with her. You should have the same views on life, education and cultural level, in addition, a common attitude towards money is very important (one of the reasons why couples fight most often). Despite the fact that there are many theories according to which opposites attract, think twice before linking your life with a spender.

10. She knows how to love for real

How do women know they are truly in love? Sometimes there comes a moment when they exclaim: "Here he is!", Considering him the prettiest of all other men, and others less so. In fact, love is the unique realization that the other person's happiness is just as important as yours.

The beautiful and strong halves of humanity are so different that sometimes it becomes incomprehensible how they even managed to connect? Multivolume works of psychologists, philosophers and physiologists answer not only this question. Scientists also know that from men. Only as long as you study the research, the need for an answer will disappear by itself ... But do not despair, you will find out the answer to the burning question here and now.

The main thing, from women, is ... No, not sex, but sincere interest in it. Attention and care is the first thing a man wants to feel next to a woman. An affectionate, joyful look from the meeting, without a shadow of resentment and reproach. He wants someone to take care of whether he is good or bad, whether he is full or hungry, cheerful or tired, whether he is warm or cold. Of course, it may look like a “mommy”, but there is a significant difference: in keeping the measure and in an intonation full of languid love.

The next most important item on the list, from women, is wisdom. When he is carefully listened to, supported and given valuable advice, while a woman does not have to be an expert in the professional field of her man, a hint can be given about how to get out of a conflict situation, for example, making useful acquaintances, investing money, and so on.

Well-groomed - that's what men want from women. No, not to meet him every time in full dress and high heels. But elementary cleanliness and tidiness is a must. Sincerity and fidelity in relationships. Flattery will sooner or later be recognized, and the least of it will follow - alienation. And fidelity is such a natural state of love that it is not surprising when a breakup follows betrayal. Sincerity in sexual relations is also important for a man. Imitation of violent passion disappoints almost the same as treason. And frankness and the desire to please each other - fastens relationships better than forged chains.

A man also wants to believe that he is the source of a woman's happiness. This is confirmed by the smiles radiated by the half at the meeting, and the fervent laughter at his jokes. And also a slight sadness in the eyes when parting, even for a short time. He likes cute SMS, kisses at a meeting and other small ones. Believe me, a man flies to such a woman on the wings of love after work and tries to surprise his beloved with something pleasant: flowers, cake, and even jewelry.

And one more important point. A man needs freedom. Not in the sense that he can cheat on a woman left and right. He must be sure that he is running to your meeting not on orders and not because he is obligated by a stamp in his passport, but of his own free will. And so that the desire does not disappear ... re-read the article first.

Such is the psychology of relations between men and women. Books written by scientists detail every nuance of their relationship and can be a good guide to the world of understanding and love.

As long as mankind exists, exactly as long as there is a question of relations between women and men. What do women want from men in the modern world, when relationship stereotypes are imposed by American show business? What does a woman really want from a man? Think for yourself what movies we grew up on, what principles were mixed into our thinking, what priorities a modern person prevails ... Very often they come down, unfortunately, only for the banal satisfactions of the flesh.

And the question of the relationship of couples must be considered from two sides. The first side is from the torn of the woman herself, the second side is the side of the man's point of view. Today we will look at the side of a woman’s view, taking into account her desires.

What women want from men

Whatever the woman. She can be prudent, she can be insidious or, on the contrary, loving, she always wants love and no wealth can replace it. The fact is that the feeling of love and the desire to be loved are inherent in women by nature. Only the beloved woman is truly happy. And the frequent talk of men that money is the "love" of any girl is not entirely true. The fact is that money can give a lot, but cannot replace a lot. And therefore, marriages of convenience do not exist for a long time, sooner or later a woman, feeling love for herself, will leave for another man, even if he is not so rich.

Similarly, in ordinary families in which there is no love, no mutual understanding and complete relationship, problems begin in frank relationships. When a woman is unhappy with her man, she loses her desire to be with him. It's like in the wild, the male who is not the winner in the pack is not entitled to the female. Only today's institution of marriage obliges to be with a man, and a man with a woman. But marriage is not always what it should include in itself. Therefore, problems in relationships are transferred to problems in sex. That's why a woman doesn't want a man. If the wife does not feel support in her husband, does not see her beloved, her best friend in him, then the night caresses will sooner or later become obsolete. But whether women always want men or not, everything can be fixed. And it depends on both. The most important thing is to feel each other, support, understand, forgive the partner's weaknesses, of course, if they do not go beyond what is permitted. And in general, the relationship of two is like on candy wrappers of the famous chewing gum “Love is ...”, they are made up of hundreds of small things.

Sex and relationships

There is a belief that a woman wants sex more than a man, this is not entirely true. At the beginning of a relationship, bed scenes are always stormy, bright, interesting. But over time, everything falls into the usual track and the couple rubs against each other. Moreover, if a man works and comes tired after a hard day, then he will want to sleep at night, and not “go in for sports”, although his wife may want to, on the contrary ... From the above, they began to conclude that women desire sex more. Of course, it is not necessary to discard the specifics of temperament, this is also a big factor in the relationship of two.

A man as a father, is it important for a woman

Another important factor that affects a woman relative to men is the ability to be a father. This is not only the very moment of conception, this is the moment that begins from birth and ends with the child's coming of age. The help of a man is very important when the child is small and it is very difficult for a woman to see everything. His help in education is important. What is important is his desire to donate time for the family and that it would be “not under duress”, but voluntarily. It may be hard for some men, but this is what can unite their family. After all, a career that usually comes first for a man can fall apart at any moment, and at this difficult moment his family will support him! So men, we hope that you will be able to create unique families in your own way, in which hope, faith and love will reign!


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