The best snow scooter with a back. The best of the best: rating of children's snowmobiles. The best children's snow scooters with a back and a handlebar

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So that the children could ride snow scooters, the manufacturers combined skis and children's sleds into one whole and added a steering wheel and a brake system to the resulting design.

It turned out to be a perfect vehicle for skiing from snow-capped mountains. The steering wheel connected to the central ski allows you to choose the direction of movement, and the brakes stop the transport in time if there is an obstacle on the way.

For driver comfort, a soft seat and shock absorbers are provided to smooth out bumps in the road. By the way, on a winter scooter you can not only slide down, but also ride in a straight line, for example, to school or kindergarten.

How to choose the right snowmobile?

  • The main thing is skiing. There are three of them in a children's snow scooter: one central rotary and two side ones. Skis should be made of durable flexible plastic, because there are various obstacles on the roads and snowy slopes. It is good if the manufacturer produces spare skis for the selected model - in case of breakage, they can be replaced.
  • Shock absorbers smooth out bumps. The simplest models can be without them, but it’s better to choose the more expensive option to ride without shaking.
  • Frame quality. Steel frames are the strongest and heaviest. They are suitable for skilled drivers and their parents. Aluminum frames are lighter, but in the event of a breakdown, it will no longer be possible to assemble the structure. Plastic is suitable only for beginners - it simply cannot withstand a lot of weight.
  • Load capacity. Manufacturers usually indicate it in the instructions for the product. High-quality and durable models withstand the heaviest load.

When choosing a children's snow scooter, a careful study of the different options is necessary, because the child controls it independently, and skiing from the mountain implies high speeds and heavy loads. Let's take a closer look at security and other important characteristics that will help make a correct comparison of different models. This information will be useful to anyone in order to make a reliable rating based on their own preferences.

Defining selection criteria

Here are the parameters that you should pay attention to before buying.

  1. The level of safety is determined by the quality of the materials used, responsible assembly, and other production factors. We note the following nuances:

In any case, the snow scooter must be appropriate for the age of the child and not create additional difficulties. We should not forget that an engine is not installed here, so moving up the hill will have to be done on our own. For this reason, it is imperative to make a comparison taking into account the weight of different models.

Modern snowmobiles and their varieties

Most of the models presented in the trading network are created according to the following typical scheme. Two wide skis are fixed on a metal frame, made of durable, frost-resistant plastic. The seat is rigid. The front ski, together with the steering column, is used to change the direction of movement. For transportation, a cable with a handle is built in. Engines are not used in them, because they are designed for skiing from slopes. As an example, you can study in more detail the children's snow scooter? Argamak?, in which there are all the components of the classical technique of this type.

Here are some of the changes and additions. They are used in various modifications (Russian and foreign production):

In addition to? classical? options, domestic stores offer the following snow scooters of Russian and foreign production:

  • Products with plastic cases. They are more easily damaged by scratches, but are more resistant to corrosion compared to metal counterparts.
  • Inflatable snowmobiles weigh a little. If the air is released, they take up a minimum of space during transport and storage. Some models can be used all year round. In the summer they are used as a means of navigation.
  • Scooters. This variety is distinguished by the presence of only one or two skis installed in series along the axis of movement.

Domestic manufacturers: the best models of equipment

With high-quality assembly, Russian snow scooters are in no way inferior to imported products in terms of reliability, stability, and other technical parameters. The depreciation of the ruble is also a positive factor for a potential buyer. Current economic trends make domestic goods more attractive, so we will first study their rating.

The cheapest. The leader in this nomination is? Comet? and other Russian-made plastic models. Here, the economy is due to the use of an appropriate, inexpensive material. Comparison with other options will allow you to quickly make sure that such a snow scooter has a low own weight, so the child will be able to fully use it without unnecessary physical effort, without needing the help of adults. The closest analogues on a metal frame cost about 30-40% more.

Russian Winter snowscooters are equipped with a folding backrest. They can be defined as the most compact. Since they are designed for a maximum weight of up to 100 kg, at the same time they can be awarded the palm in their ability to withstand maximum loads without damage.

Is the rating headed by the best domestically produced snowscooter by a combination of significant factors? Snowstorm Pro Series. Here are the features of its design and appearance, explaining the adoption of such a decision:

The Snowstorm snow scooter was created according to the classical scheme, in which individual components and details are well thought out:

Rating of imported equipment

The lightest? inflatable snow scooters made of plastic resistant to low temperatures. The weight of such a product is about 1 kg. For comparison, we can give the parameters of the Snow Moto model SnowRunner, which is the champion among the classic models: 4 kg. We note the following additional advantages of air-filled equipment:

  • Inflatable snow scooters are quickly brought to the working / storage position. In storage mode, they take up minimal space.
  • To perform these operations are not required: special qualifications, special tools.
  • Inflatable snow scooters are well cushioned, which increases comfort, safety, and reduces the likelihood of damage during shock loads.
  • They can be used in the summer in the process of bathing, as well as a comfortable seat. Inflatable snowmobiles? These are versatile, multifunctional products.
  • The cost of their components is low, so a high-quality imported model can be purchased at a very reasonable price.

To maintain objectivity, we list the negative parameters that inflatable scooters have:

The shortcomings listed above are not present in BMW's Snow Racer 2, which will top the list in the "plastic snowscooter" category. This is one of the few vehicles produced under the famous brand that does not have an engine installed. We present its distinctive parameters and emphasize individual advantages:

Despite the really excellent overall parameters, it is necessary to note a few negative details that distinguish the BMW snowmobiles of this model:

The most beautiful snowmobile. This category is conditional, because each person has his own preferences. Nevertheless, the first places here may well be taken by Snow Moto products (Canada). In a special production series, products are presented that resemble snowmobiles in appearance. Let's take a closer look at the features of the Polaris model, created using design elements of the motorized equipment of the same name:

Most versatile? It's a snowmobile with wheels. In this market segment, there are several models from Chinese manufacturers. They are made on the basis of the classical scheme, with a backrest, a foot brake. A drive mechanism has been added to it, which pushes four wheels out of the bottom. In this use case, you can successfully overcome areas without snow.


The example of Snow Moto Polaris clearly shows that in fact a high-quality modern snowmobile has not only excellent aesthetic parameters. Its technical and consumer characteristics also deserve the highest marks. In order for the comparison of different models before purchase to be correct, the criteria mentioned in this article should be taken into account, as well as the requirements of the future owner and the features of the period of operation.


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