Analyzes of a pregnant woman by weeks table. A complete plan of examinations during pregnancy. An exchange card is the most important document of a future mother

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When registering for pregnancy, a woman is carefully monitored during which the course of pregnancy, the risk of possible complications and the likelihood of their occurrence, the growth and development of the fetus, and, of course, the condition of the expectant mother herself are assessed. For this, a pregnant woman undergoes a mandatory examination, which includes a fairly wide list of laboratory tests.

List of tests by trimester of pregnancy

According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 572 dated November 1, 2012, the basic range of examination of pregnant women includes:

1 trimester

(from fertilization to 14 weeks)

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood type and Rh factor (with a negative Rh factor, the husband also gives blood per group and Rh factor);
  • biochemical blood test (total protein, urea, creatinine, glucose, liver enzymes (AST, ALT), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total cholesterol);
  • coagulogram or blood clotting (fibrinogen, platelets, platelet aggregation, clotting time, bleeding time, prothrombin index, APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time);
  • blood for syphilis (RW reaction);
  • blood for HIV infection and viral hepatitis (B and C);
  • smear from the vagina and from the cervix for microflora (fungi and gonococci) and cytological examination;
  • examination for sexual infections (according to indications): chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others;
  • double test (in the period of 11-14 weeks): determination of plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and beta-hCG to exclude severe malformations (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);
  • blood for rubella and toxoplasmosis (detection of antibodies type M and G).

2 trimester

The need for laboratory research

General analysis of blood and urine (KLA and OAM)

A complete blood count determines the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which are necessary for the transport of oxygen. Also in the KLA, the number of leukocytes and ESR is studied, which is normally slightly increased during pregnancy. Platelets are involved in blood clotting, their determination during pregnancy is also necessary.

In OAM, the content of leukocytes, the presence / absence of protein, the density and reaction of urine, and the presence of pathological structures and substances (cylinders, bacteria, glucose, and others) are studied. OAM is the most often handed over analysis, which helps to suspect or determine the pathology of pregnancy (surrendered at each appointment).

Blood type and Rh factor

Blood group and Rh factor are necessary in case of emergency blood transfusion in case of bleeding (for example, placenta previa), in case of negative Rh, a blood test for the group and Rh factor is necessary to exclude or treat Rh conflict.

Considering the increased load during gestation on all organs of a pregnant woman, BAC is given twice during the entire pregnancy (more often according to indications), which allows you to evaluate the work of internal organs.

Blood for syphilis, viral hepatitis and HIV infection

The study is carried out three times during pregnancy and allows you to identify the listed infections, the presence of which adversely affects the development of the fetus, as well as the condition of the woman during pregnancy.

A smear for microflora and cytology from the cervix and vagina

Smears for microflora are taken three times during pregnancy and make it possible to identify colpitis, cervicitis, which can provoke infection of the membranes and the fetus. Cytological examination excludes precancerous and cancerous processes of the cervix.

Antibodies of the IgM and IgG class to the listed infections are determined and make it possible to identify acquired immunity or its absence, as well as an acute process, the presence of which is unfavorable for the fetus.

The indicators of the blood coagulation system during pregnancy are slightly increased, the analysis of the coagulogram reveals the threat of thrombosis in a woman, abortion and premature birth. Also, a study of blood clotting is necessary to confirm preeclampsia and its treatment.

Double and triple test

It is carried out to determine the degree of risk of congenital pathology of the fetus and chromosomal disorders.

Deviations from the norm

  • in the case of low hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the KLA, they speak of anemia,
  • with a significant increase in leukocytes and ESR, an inflammatory process in the body of a pregnant woman is suspected,
  • an increase in eosinophils - allergies or helminthic invasion,
  • with a decrease or increase in platelets - a violation of the blood coagulation system or preeclampsia.
  • detection of leukocytes, cylinder bacteria in OAM indicates inflammation of the urinary system,
  • the presence of protein makes you think, first of all, about preeclampsia.

Read more about urinalysis during pregnancy in our separate article.

Blood type and Rh factor

If a pregnant woman has a negative Rh factor, and her husband is positive, then she monthly, and after 30 weeks, every 14 days donates blood for the titer of anti-Rh antibodies. Their appearance, and, moreover, an increase in dynamics indicates an Rhesus conflict.

Blood chemistry

  • an increase in liver enzymes, total and direct bilirubin indicates liver pathology and / or preeclampsia,
  • an increase in blood glucose may indicate the development of gestational diabetes mellitus,
  • an increase in urea and creatinine - a violation of the organs of the urinary system or preeclampsia.


An increase in blood coagulability and a decrease in bleeding time indicates a violation of the coagulation system, which is observed in autoimmune diseases, antiphospholipid syndrome and preeclampsia and threatens the development of a coagulogram

thrombosis and abortion.

Wasserman test (RW), blood for HIV infection and hepatitis

Positive tests for HIV infection and syphilis, as well as the detection of antigens for viral hepatitis (Hbs antigen) indicates infection of the pregnant woman and threatens the condition of the fetus (prophylactic courses of treatment for placental insufficiency are prescribed).

A smear on the microflora of the vagina and cervix

The detection of pathogenic or opportunistic microflora (in a significant amount) indicates colpitis, which is fraught with inflammation of the amniotic membranes, the development of chorioamnionitis and intrauterine infection of the embryo / fetus.

According to indications, additional tests are prescribed to detect sexually transmitted infections.

Blood for rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus

  • when antibodies are detected classCoagulogram
    and G and the absence of class M antibodies to the listed infections indicates a previous infection and the presence of immunity,
  • detection of class M immunoglobulins is a sign of an acute process,
  • the absence of antibodies of both classes means that the pregnant woman has not met with the causative agents of these infectious diseases and there is no immunity to them.

Double and triple test

An increase in the indicators of a double and triple test indicates a high risk of chromosomal diseases in the fetus (in particular, Down syndrome) and intrauterine malformations of the fetus. But an increase / decrease in indicators for various conditions of a pregnant woman (multiple pregnancy, acute infectious disease, hormonal disorders, low or overweight, and others) is not excluded.

If chromosomal pathologies and congenital malformations of the fetus are suspected, the pregnant woman is prescribed further prenatal diagnostics (thorough ultrasound, amniocentesis and cordocentesis, genetics consultation).

Some research on pregnancy

If you are just planning a pregnancy, you should know that while carrying a baby, there will be a lot of trouble with examinations. There is no escape from this process. Each pregnant woman, when she is registered in the antenatal clinic, is given referrals for many tests. Some studies will even be repeated within nine months. And no matter how much you want to spend your strength and patience on passing these tests, you should not refuse it. Thanks to the results of laboratory tests, you can find out if your pregnancy is proceeding normally, and in case of any problems, eliminate them as soon as possible.

Tests before pregnancy

There are several tests that are worth taking at. At this time, it is very important to examine the body for the presence of TORCH infections, which are dangerous for the normal intrauterine development of the child. This is toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus. As you have already understood, the timely detection of these diseases will allow you to get rid of them sooner.

For example, in France, marriage is not registered if a woman cannot document that she has been vaccinated against rubella. This is such a dangerous infection that if you get it while carrying a child, it is recommended to terminate the pregnancy. Such extreme measures are resorted to because rubella always leads to severe fetal malformations during its development. Even if a woman has had rubella before, it is worth re-donating blood by ELISA, which determines the amount of antibodies to this disease. Also, two months before the planned pregnancy, you need to do a smear test for the presence of sexually transmitted infections.

Tests during pregnancy:

There are many more tests required for delivery during pregnancy. About what kind of examinations you need to pass and why, we point below.

- blood group and Rh factor test

It is carried out twice - at the beginning of pregnancy and shortly before childbirth. It is clear that pregnancy does not affect the blood type and Rh factor, which remain unchanged. But it happens that the first examination is done by incorrectly determining the blood type or Rh factor, and doctors are reinsured in case of a blood transfusion, if necessary. This study is of particular importance when the father-to-be is Rh positive and the mother-to-be is Rh negative.

- blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C

Such an analysis should be carried out to determine the degree of risk of a woman's disease for these infections. If the body is infected, it cannot be treated during pregnancy. This also applies to syphilis and HIV infection. However, to reduce the risk of having an infected child, doctors use drug prevention methods.

- general blood analysis

It is usually done once every two months. Despite the simplicity of the study, it is very important because of its information content. Thanks to the indicators of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels, which gives a general blood test, a qualified doctor makes an opinion about the state of the woman's body. If she has anemia, which is not uncommon for women in position, she needs to be corrected in time with iron supplements and diet. A general blood test will also show an exacerbation of a chronic illness, if a woman has one.

- general urine analysis

It's kind of . It shows whether the organs of the urinary system are functioning normally. Indeed, before pregnancy, kidney disease, if present, could not reveal itself. The analysis will also show if there is protein in the urine, which in turn indicates the onset of preeclampsia and its severity. (Preeclampsia is a complication of a normal pregnancy, characterized by a disorder of a number of organs and systems of the body).

- blood chemistry

Shows the work of various organs - the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys. For example, from the indicator of the level of glucose in the blood, which gives the analysis, one can judge the work of that part of the pancreas that produces the hormone insulin, which is necessary for the normal metabolism of glucose in the body.

- Ultrasound

Usually carried out three times at 10-12, 20-22 and 30-32 weeks of pregnancy. Thanks, the doctor can assess the location of the fetus, blood flow and the condition of the placenta, the general condition of the child and his internal organs. The first ultrasound is necessary in order to determine whether the fetus is really developing. The second - to identify possible malformations and determine the sex of the unborn baby. Third - to assess the growth rate of the child, the amount of amniotic fluid, a possible delay in the development of the child.

If the results of this study revealed the presence of intrauterine infection or there is a suspicion of fetal malformations, the doctor prescribes additional studies.

- a smear for the study of the flora of the vagina, cervical canal and urethra

With the help of this analysis, the gynecologist monitors the condition of the birth canal in a woman. The results will show if there is any infection in them. In this case, the obstetrician-gynecologist usually recommends doing a study for the presence of urogenital infections, and if they are present, prescribes treatment. In addition, very often pregnant women are concerned about vaginal candidiasis (thrush). As you know, it occurs due to changes in the state of the microflora of the vagina, hormonal levels, weakening of the immune system. A smear will allow you to make a diagnosis in a timely manner and resort to treatment.

Expectant mothers are often afraid to take a smear, especially in early pregnancy. Experts assure that it is not worth it, even at an early stage it is not dangerous. The mucous plug in the cervix protects the fetus from the effects of the external environment. In addition, the smear is carefully taken with a special swab or brush. It cannot provoke a miscarriage. triple test

Screening study to exclude chromosomal diseases in the fetus. The test includes the following indicators:

  • alpha-fetoprotein - shows the state of the fetus, its kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, the permeability of the placental barrier;
  • human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) - shows whether a woman is pregnant with twins and whether the gestational age was calculated correctly;
  • free estriol - shows the concentration of the female sex hormone (estriol).

- coagulogram

Checking blood for clotting. The fact is that changes can occur in the coagulation system during pregnancy. If the study has identified abnormalities, there is a possibility of some forms of miscarriage and complications during childbirth.

- cordocentesis, amniocentesis

Doctors prescribe this analysis in exceptional cases, when previous diagnostic methods did not clarify situations, because this analysis is a serious interference in the process of bearing a child. It boils down to the fact that with the help of a special needle, fetal material (cells of the placenta, amniotic fluid, etc.) is removed from the uterine cavity, which is examined.

Testing rules:

- what about the blood?

It must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, but drinking is not prohibited - drinking does not affect the performance. You need to donate blood in the morning, when its indicators have not changed yet.

Most often, blood is taken from a vein, which is convenient, accurate, and informative. In laboratories today, vacutainers are used for this - disposable systems. The advantages of this system over a syringe and a test tube are that there is no need to take excess blood and it is not damaged during sampling. This gives a more accurate result. But not all laboratories use vacutainers.

In many medical institutions, blood for a general analysis is still taken from a finger. As you know, this is painful, and you should know that there is modern equipment that allows you to get the same result from a material taken from a vein. This is what modern laboratories do.

What about urine?

Material (urine) is usually collected at home with the first morning emptying. Before that, prepare a container (a well-washed jar of baby food will do, but you can also buy a container for urine in a pharmacy). Also, before taking the analysis, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the external genitalia under a shower with soap and water. The excretions from them should not get into the urine. After that, in a place convenient for you (toilet, bathroom), collect no more than 100-150 ml of an average portion of urine in a container. Close the container tightly with a lid and hand it over to the nurse in the laboratory, not forgetting to sign with your first and last name.

As for the smear, it is taken during a gynecological examination and does not require prior preparation from the patient.

Specially for- Olga Pavlova

Pregnancy is a quivering and significant stage in a woman's life, when she needs to take care not only of herself, but also of the baby's health. Therefore, when the expectant mother is convinced of her interesting position, she will not only have to change her rhythm of life, but also fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions. When pregnancy occurs, you should be prepared for the fact that you need to regularly visit a gynecologist and take important tests. All examination results will be mandatory entered into the exchange card, with which you will go to the maternity hospital.

Tests in the 1st trimester

The key analysis of a pregnant woman at the beginning in the 1st trimester is a urine test for hCG levels, which must be done before being registered. It is this analysis that determines pregnancy in the early stages, when a medical test can still be wrong.

How long does it take for all major tests to be done? Registration is carried out before the 12th week of pregnancy, and it is in the first trimester that the most important examinations are prescribed to detect deviations in a woman's health or pathological development of the fetus. Even if you have no complaints, you are full of energy and outwardly healthy, this is not a reason to believe that nothing threatens you - some diseases are very insidious and occur in a latent form.

Mandatory tests in early pregnancy:

  1. A microflora smear is a laboratory study that characterizes the microflora of the uterus, vagina, and urethra. Usually a smear is taken by all women visiting a gynecologist.
  2. Bacterial seeding - allows you to detect deviations in the opportunistic flora and determine the presence of inflammation in the vagina, which can threaten infection of the fetus during childbirth.
  3. A smear for genital infections is necessary to determine sexually transmitted diseases and occur without any signs in a latent form.
  4. Complete blood count - allows you to determine the presence of inflammatory processes even without external manifestations and anemia, which is a faithful companion of pregnancy and can lead to oxygen starvation of the fetus. Blood sampling is carried out from a finger in the morning on an empty stomach. If you eat a hearty breakfast, the results of the examination may be distorted and a secondary examination will be required. You will have to undergo this study throughout your pregnancy.
  5. Biochemical blood test - makes it possible to evaluate the work of many internal systems and organs. Usually this analysis is carried out once, but if indicated, a second examination is possible at any stage of pregnancy.
  6. A blood test for the Rh factor and blood group - allows you to determine the compatibility of blood groups and the presence of a Rh conflict. Blood sampling for research is carried out both from a woman and her partner.
  7. An HIV test is one of the most important tests for a future mother, which will determine the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus. In the case of an affirmative result throughout the pregnancy, the woman will be shown special therapy.
  8. A blood test for syphilis is an RW study already familiar to many, which is prescribed for every medical examination. Blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach.
  9. A blood sugar test is prescribed to detect latent diabetes mellitus, which can develop due to an increased load on the pancreas, which is responsible for producing insulin. Blood sampling is performed both from a vein and from a finger together with blood sampling for other types of research.
  10. A blood test for TORCH infection - allows you to identify four diseases that often occur in a latent form (rubella, cytomegaly, toxoplasmosis, herpes) and become a common cause of miscarriages, fetal malformations, and inflammatory processes in the child's body.
  11. Urinalysis - helps to determine the presence of salts, proteins, erythrocytes and leukocytes, indicating abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys. To avoid false results, you need to collect urine in a clean container, be sure to first carry out hygiene procedures.
  12. The first perinatal screening is one of the most important examinations of the expectant mother in the first trimester of pregnancy. Allows you to identify such serious malformations as Down syndrome, chromosomal pathologies, hydrocephalus, dysfunction of the spinal cord. Unfortunately, screening is quite often erroneous.
  13. Amniocentesis - if perinatal screening showed abnormalities, a woman is recommended to undergo an additional examination, which consists in the study of amniotic fluid. This method is aimed at identifying chromosomal abnormalities in a child and is very informative. Amniotic fluid is taken with a large syringe with a long thin needle, which is inserted through the abdominal wall into the uterine cavity. Even with normal screening results, amniocentesis is recommended for all women who decide to become a mother after the age of 35.

First trimester

This is a very important stage when the formation of the main organs and systems of the child's body takes place.

As the fetus grows, the load on the woman's body increases, and if she has untreated chronic diseases or inflammatory processes, this can be fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, it is better to pass all the tests recommended by the doctor in the first weeks and, if necessary, take effective measures.

At the beginning of pregnancy, a woman has a lot of examinations, but you should not try to pass everything in a few days. This is a very big load on the body, which can have an extremely negative impact on well-being. Do everything as your doctor recommends, try to do without liberties!

In no case do not go for blood tests if you feel unwell, severe toxicosis or a breakdown. It is better to postpone a visit to a medical institution for a few days than to risk your health. After passing the tests, do not rush to immediately leave the hospital, sit in the lobby for 15-20 minutes - if your health worsens, you can always seek help from medical professionals.

If in the past, when taking tests, you experienced a sharp deterioration in well-being, dizziness and fainting, it is better to take an accompanying person with you. In addition, the support of a loved one at such an important moment will never hurt.

Tests in the 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, the number of important studies will be reduced by a factor of three. This is the calmest period of pregnancy, when you can enjoy your position without frequent visits to the antenatal clinic.

Mandatory at 12-24 weeks of pregnancy:

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. General blood analysis.
  3. Glucose tolerance test - used to detect impaired glucose tolerance, and, consequently, a predisposition to diabetes mellitus. It is carried out in two stages - the first blood sampling is carried out on an empty stomach, the second - two hours after taking a loading dose of glucose. All this time, the pregnant woman should be in the antenatal clinic under the supervision of physicians. Glucose is introduced into a woman's body in two ways - using a special "sweet" cocktail or injection. The second method is more comfortable, because the girl will not need to drink too sweet water, overcoming nausea.
  4. The second perinatal screening allows not only to study the structure of the baby's organs, but also the amount of amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta. This study is optional.
  5. Tests in the 3rd trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, women do only two mandatory tests - a general blood and urine test. But they will have to be taken often - every two weeks before a scheduled visit to the gynecologist. Such a frequency will allow the doctor to detect the slightest deviations in the health of the expectant mother and take emergency measures.

What tests are taken during pregnancy over 40 weeks?

If a woman has not given birth before 40 weeks, the following studies are necessary to prevent pregnancy complications:

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. Urine analysis according to Nechiporenko - allows you to determine the quality of the kidneys and the presence of inflammatory processes in them. It is this organ that experiences the greatest stress during pregnancy.
  3. Urinalysis for acetone - deviations in the amount of acetone from the norm may indicate serious pathological processes in the body.

Are all tests required?

All of the above studies are important, but no one will force a woman to do them by force. But by refusing important examinations, you risk the health of your child. All women are admitted to the maternity hospital - both examined and not. In the absence of test results for HIV, women in labor are sent to the observational department, where there are homeless people and women with AIDS, syphilis, hepatitis B.

Some analyzes can be waived if you passed them at the planning stage. Many women are very distrustful of doctors in state antenatal clinics, but this is not a reason to refuse to register and, moreover, to pass all the necessary tests. If you wish, you can be observed in a private clinic, this is not prohibited by law.

The safety and health of the baby is in your hands, so treat all examinations during pregnancy responsibly!

The most crucial moment in the life of any woman is the bearing of a child, and therefore she must know what tests to take when planning a pregnancy. If the spouses decide to have a child, a man should also first consult with doctors and be fully examined. As for men, they will also have to pass some tests to be sure of the possibility of having children and in the absence of pathologies. In addition, it is necessary to determine compatibility. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:pregnancy" width="640" height="480"> !}

Research at the planning stage of children

During the medical examination, it will be necessary to undergo several examinations, a list of which will be provided by the doctor in advance. So, in addition to compatibility studies, they include:

1. Examination of women and men for infection, including:

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2. In order to exclude the Rhesus conflict, you need to check for blood compatibility. With a positive

As a result, the chances of fertilization are reduced.

3. With useless efforts to get pregnant, you should find out which ones you need to pass when planning
man. Basically, it will be a spermogram, as well as examinations for the compatibility of the couple.

3. From men, the conclusion of fluorography and laboratory diagnostics for syphilis is also required.

Gynecological registration and general examinations

Basically, women have the first suspicions about conception somewhere in the third or fifth week. The main features

  • delayed menstruation;
  • tendency to sleep;
  • nausea.

If the test was positive, you should not postpone going to the gynecologist. As practice shows, it is necessary to register for up to three months. Experts say that after this period, possible deviations in the development of the fetus cannot be corrected, and the child will develop deformity with appropriate negative indicators.

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An examination is performed on a gynecological chair. Further, the doctor asks the woman about the symptoms, measures weight and pressure, and then writes out a referral for tests during pregnancy, which are mandatory:

1. Ultrasound - performed in the early stages in order to confirm the fact of fertilization and to check that the baby is developing normally in the uterus.

2. Analysis during pregnancy - a general study is carried out in order to detect protein. Healthy people should not have it, so the fact that the protein is found in the material indicates that the analysis is poor and there are pathologies in the genitourinary system. In addition, doctors take another analysis for bacterial culture in order to identify dangerous microorganisms. Urine according to Zimnitsky reflects difficulties with the kidneys.

3. Such an analysis is taken from pregnant women only upon registration in order to determine a large amount of indicators:

  • It is necessary to donate blood to determine three indicators:

- white blood cells responsible for fighting infection;

- hemoglobin, required for the transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen;

- erythrocytes that determine the state of the immune system. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:donating blood" width="638" height="480"> !}

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4. A swab taken from the vagina will be able to confirm the previous analysis. Infections can harm the baby, and can also infect him.

5. Analyzes after a frozen pregnancy, if any.

After receiving the results of the above data, including the compatibility of partners, the doctor records the data in the exchange card - a very important document that should always be with you. It is useful in case of an emergency, so that any doctor can quickly understand the health of the mother and baby. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:pregnancy research" width="640" height="480"> !}

Additional Research

So, we learned what tests are taken during pregnancy at the beginning, and now we will consider other studies,
assigned to expectant mothers.

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- previous interrupted pregnancy due to chromosomal pathologies (possible deformity) of the baby;

- complex genetic diseases in relatives;

- the age of the pregnant woman is more than 35 years (may affect genetics and provoke deformity).

  • KGT. Cardiotocography is a kind of listening to the baby's heartbeat, but with the use of ultrasound. The mother lies on her side, and sensors are attached to her stomach, which will record heartbeats. The procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes, and an important condition is that the baby must be at rest
  • Biochemical studies are necessary to identify categories of women with a high risk of having a baby with anomalies - Edwards and Down syndrome. In addition, general screening for biochemistry allows timely detection of defects in the form of the absence of a brain and spinal cord fusion. This analysis is prescribed twice in the first and second trimester. To ensure information content, such checks are scheduled on a weekly basis.

In the first trimester, do "double testing" from 10 to 14 weeks. The study got its name because doctors look at two markers: data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:hcg marker" width="480" height="314"> !}

HCG is synthesized by the placenta, and therefore it is examined in the early stages. In the event of his significant increase in Dr.
they talk about the impact on the genetics of the child and the high risk of developing Down syndrome, Edwards or heart disease.

– PAPP-A protein associated with pregnancy. When anomalies occur in the chromosomes, its concentration decreases.

In the second trimester, they do “triple testing”, and by weeks, doctors affect 16 and 18. As for the tests performed
during this study, these included:

- the amount of free NE synthesized by the placenta with the participation of the fetus. If this figure is greatly reduced, doctors
establish placental insufficiency, malformation of the central nervous system, chromosome anomalies;

- AFP is a protein that is produced by the yolk sac, and then by the liver and gastrointestinal tract. With its elevated level, experts talk about the presence of neural tube defects. Too low an indicator is also bad and indicates that attention should be paid to chromosomal pathologies.

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It should be noted that the decoding of the values ​​of biochemical markers is individual for each female body.

TTG and how to take it

In order to prevent distortions of TSH, the patient needs to exclude physical activity two days before its delivery.
It is correct to take the material on an empty stomach in the morning, and if you need to track changes in the TSH hormone, then after a while the material is taken at the same time.

Also, before taking TSH, it is not recommended to be nervous so that there is no release of hormones from the adrenal glands, and change
result of research on TTG. If this happens, TSH will be greatly overestimated, and will decrease only after the pregnant woman calms down.

As for the norm, the level of TSH changes throughout the day, and the maximum concentration is noted in the morning. That is why you should not be surprised when, after a heavy dinner the day before, there will be a high level of TSH in the morning analysis.


An important role in the complex of procedures scheduled for weeks is played by the delivery of urine during pregnancy. With the help of a doctor's urine
able to detect many problems. During such an examination, including tests according to Zimnitsky, it is possible to establish pathologies that, with timely therapy, will not harm the child.

So, what tests are given during pregnancy? data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG:urinalysis" width="640" height="480"> !}

All women are sent for a general analysis of urine. It is mandatory to take it in the first trimester to determine the physical
collected material. In addition, specialists with the help of analyzes, including according to Zimnitsky, establish
indicators of protein, acetone, sugar, salts, bile pigments, bacteria and epithelial particles.

If necessary, more studies are prescribed that take into account certain indicators:

  • Analysis according to Zimnitsky makes it possible to assess renal work and the possibility of isolating specific types of salts.
    Urine according to Zimnitsky is correctly collected throughout the day every three hours and at night too.
  • An analysis according to Nechiporenko during pregnancy is required to study the level of leukocytes and special elements in a concentration per 1 g of urine. Collect an intermediate stream.

Deciphering the urine of a pregnant woman and an ordinary person is no different. With a slight increase in leukocytes, it is equated to the norm. In turn, as in the glucose test, a large amount of protein and sugar indicates diabetes and impaired kidney function. A significant increase in the rate of leukocytes in any trimester signals the process of inflammation in the urinary tract. data-lazy-type="image" data-src="" alt="(!LANG: research on Zimnitsky" width="640" height="480"> !}

How does pregnancy affect test results?

The development of a child in the womb contributes to a change in all body functions, and therefore blood for pregnancy, TSH, the study shows other data.

Changes are especially noticeable in women who donate blood. A general analysis is able to show the growth of plasma, which occurs faster than red blood cells spread. Thus, there is a thinning of the blood, a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hematocrit, which is why doctors say imaginary anemia. About an obvious anemia during pregnancy, the level of hemoglobin is more likely to indicate.

In the second half of the term, an increase in the leukocyte count begins, and antibodies to diseases can also be detected.
Pregnancy provokes an increase in blood clotting, and therefore the decoding of the test will show all the components of the serum at an elevated level. Proteins in a pregnant woman are 1 g lower than they were.

Another characteristic change is an increase in the level of fatty acids in the blood, as well as cholesterol.

Measurements for glucose are characterized by a slight presence of an indicator in the urine and blood, which are considered the norm.


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