Soften your feet at home. Ways to soften the skin on the heels at home. Treatment of dryness and cracks. apple mask

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Rough, cracked heels are a problem for many people. The legs look unkempt, the feet hurt and cause discomfort while walking. Similar problems arise most often in people of mature age, in lovers of open and “flapping” shoes without backs. One of the reasons can also be improperly selected shoes - too tight or having an uncomfortable last. Proper foot care will help on the heels and get rid of discomfort, and return them to a healthy and attractive appearance.

wet way

The procedure should begin with the removal of the dead insensible layer of the skin. There are two ways to do this - dry and wet. For wet, we take a container with hot water, add sea salt and baking soda there, which will help both soften the skin on the heels and relieve fatigue. They will eliminate minor inflammation, accelerate the healing of corns. We steam the feet well for 15 minutes and proceed to cleaning. Perfectly removes the stratum corneum of the skin pumice stone, special grinding files or metal brush-graters. They should carefully treat the entire surface of the foot, areas with old skin, corns require special removal. Do not rub with great force, with steamed legs it is easy to damage the more delicate layers of the epidermis, which are under the old ones. If the situation is very neglected, it is better to repeat the procedure after a few days, but still try to remove the entire gray-white layer, if this does not cause discomfort to you. When the heels are thoroughly cleaned, rinse them with cool water and wipe dry. Now the feet are ready for applying the cream. It is better to use special tools designed specifically for this part of the body. Such creams have a thicker, denser consistency and can both soften the skin on the heels and deodorize it. The menthol and eucalyptus included in their composition will give a feeling of coolness and lightness, reduce sweating, and urea will accelerate the healing of wounds.

Dry way

The second, less known, but no less effective way to soften the skin on the heels. To do this, you need a regular grinding file for a pedicure. Neither pumice nor graters will give the desired result, only this tool. The foot should be dry, and we slightly moisten the file with water and begin to process the leg. If the procedure does not take place in the bathroom, then something should be placed under the leg, because after a few seconds, pellets of dead skin will begin to crumble on the floor. Again - we act without fanaticism, as necessary, the tool needs to be moistened. Then, as in the first version, rinse and apply the cream.

Soft and pink heels are easy

Regular cleansing of dead layers will help both soften the skin of the feet and prevent the formation of dry, coarse calluses and the appearance of cracks. However, cleansing alone will not be enough. It is also important to constantly nourish and moisturize it. How to soften the skin of the feet? Firstly - creams, secondly - masks, for a snack - vitamins. The cream is required to be applied daily, best at night. Masks - 1 time in 7-10 days. For masks, both special cosmetic preparations and ordinary oil, fatty sour cream, wax-based balms and even bee honey are suitable. The selected product must be applied in a thick layer on the foot, wrapped in cellophane, insulated and securely fixed, for example, by wearing woolen socks with a tight elastic band. It is best to leave the mask on all night and wash it off in the morning. Sometimes all procedures aimed at softening the skin on the heels do not give the expected effect. In this case, the cause of the increased may be a lack of vitamins, water or fats in the diet. Review your regular diet or drink a course of vitamins A and E, a multivitamin complex with trace elements.

The main causes of rough skin on the feet are:
- improper care;
- wearing uncomfortable and hard shoes;
- violations in the work of the endocrine system;
- lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to their size and shape. The foot should feel comfortable inside the shoe. In no case do not choose shoes if they press or press on the toes. A high and unstable heel increases the risk of corns, corns, and skin roughness.

When taking water procedures, it is advisable to use a pumice stone weekly to exfoliate old and dry skin. This allows you to improve the process of cell regeneration and soften the rough skin of the feet. After taking a bath, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer to the feet.

It is better to choose more fatty products, as they perfectly soften the skin of the legs.

Baths and masks to soften the skin

With rough skin of the feet, various baths and masks help, which are quite easy to perform in. Before carrying out a pedicure, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the skin in hot water with the addition of a small amount of soda, laundry soap and ammonia. After 20 minutes, the skin will soften, after which you can begin to manipulate the removal of the stratum corneum and cuticles.

If corns and corns appear, which spoil the appearance and cause pain when walking, baths with the addition of a decoction of medicinal herbs will help. The most effective and beneficial herbs for the skin are chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort, nettle. They relieve inflammation, increase tone, soften the skin. After steaming, carefully treat the soles with a pumice stone, and at night apply oily cream or petroleum jelly to problem areas.

To soften the skin, apply a thick layer of Vaseline and leave overnight.

Perfectly softens the skin bath of oatmeal. Brew 2 tbsp. hercules in a glass of water and add to a basin of water. To improve the result, you can mix oatmeal with infusion of needles.

The milk bath makes the skin soft and smooth. Mix warm water with hot milk in equal proportions and place the legs for 20-30 minutes. After the first procedure, the feet will become much better. After the bath, wipe the skin of the legs with lemon juice, which has a whitening effect.

Baths with the addition of essential oils can not only eliminate rough skin, but also get rid of fungal infections of the feet. For example, mix 2 drops of bergamot, tea tree, lavender oil, add to prepared water and hold your feet for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, dry the skin and apply a nourishing cream.

With the advent of the spring-summer season, we are starting to pick up our open shoes intensively. And here we notice our untidy legs and wonder how to make the heels soft at home.

Ode to heels

Our legs are one of the tools of female beauty. And it's not just about their length. Not at all. Beauty is a complex concept. If you do not have a beautiful pedicure, it does not matter. But if you, without a twinge of conscience, will demonstrate to those around you your hardened heels, you will be considered a slob. And then neither the length of the legs nor the perfect pedicure will save you.

That's why it's so important to know how to make your heels soft at home.

Causes of heel problems

Do you look with envy at women whose skin of the legs, as it seems to you from the outside, is literally satin? In fact, this is the result of a long work. After all, more than half of the fair sex is faced with the problem of hardened heels. Why do such metamorphoses occur with the skin of our feet, because in childhood we all had silky, smooth heels?

There may be several reasons for this. And the most important thing is to correctly identify them. Only then can we talk about quality care.

Your heels are under a lot of stress every day. It is no wonder that the skin often roughens on them and calluses, cracks, and corns appear. The reason for this may be the following factors:

Cosmetic taboos: what not to do with heels

If you are wondering how to make your heels soft at home, you should also remember the exact opposite rules.

What kind of manipulation can be hopeless and dangerous?

  • Set your razor or blade aside first. Not only can you get hurt (and your heels will heal for a long time and painfully), such a procedure (cutting off keratinized skin) will not bring any result. After a while, the epithelium layer will recover. But it will be much thicker. After such manipulations, it will become much more difficult to return a healthy look to the heels.
  • Don't get your hopes up for the hot tubs that are heavily advertised and offered in our pharmacies. This thing, of course, is necessary and useful, but it is intended, rather, for foot massage. In the fight against keratinized skin, it is of little use. The thing is that the water in it is heated only to room temperature. To steam out the legs, this is not enough. The temperature of the water in this case should be equal to the temperature of the body. Or be a little higher, for example, 38 degrees.

heel care rules

How can you still get soft heels at home? Very simple: make foot care a daily habit.

If you still don’t know how to make your heels soft at home quickly, our advice to you is: take foot baths daily. Herbs (sage, oak bark, chamomile), minerals (sea salt, soda) can be added to the water. And remember: salt and soda soften the skin, making it easier to exfoliate dead skin cells, while creams and oils nourish and moisturize.

Exfoliation Secrets

Of course, we all heard about the magic tool of any fashionista called pumice stone. In the process of taking foot baths, its use is very justified. It is advisable to clean your feet with it little by little, but often. Today, many offer a universal double-sided object, on one side of which there is a pumice stone, on the other - a special soft brush. The latter should be used after treating the feet with pumice.

You can also purchase special paper-based files. They come in different grain sizes. But their main feature is that such files do not scratch, but peel the skin.

For lovers of comfort, cosmetologists have a great offer - scrubs and peels. Gentle effect on the skin and a stunning effect - these are their main advantages.

Our helper is soda

This white powder has truly unique properties. He comes to our aid in diseases of the throat, and with increased acidity, and in the fight against rough skin. In pursuit of beauty, we bypass beauty salons, pay huge amounts of money to cosmetologists, and sometimes we don’t even think about the fact that we have a magic tool at hand that can be used at home on our own. Now we're talking about soda.

However, it should be remembered that you can not keep your feet in a soda solution for a long time, otherwise you will be provided with a violation of the pH balance. And this can lead to such consequences as dehydration of the skin and discomfort.

Soda foot baths

How to make heels soft at home with baking soda?

Try soda baths.

  1. For 5 liters of water, you only need 3 tablespoons of white powder. It is better not to delay the procedure and limit yourself to 10-15 minutes. It is desirable to do such baths for 5-7 days, and you will notice that the skin has acquired a healthy look. At the end of the procedure, make a light massage and lubricate the feet with cream. You can wear cotton socks if you are treating your heels before bed.
  2. It makes sense to add a little essential oil to the soda solution. Then you will also get a relaxation effect. If you take such a bath often, you can forget about sweating feet.

The best friend of heels is glycerin

This is another unique remedy that will make your heels pink and soft. In addition, glycerin perfectly fights cracks.

How to make heels soft at home with glycerin? A simple recipe that is available to everyone: fill an incomplete bottle of glycerin to the brim with apple cider vinegar. It is advisable to use apple. Shake well the resulting solution and lubricate their feet in the morning and evening. The heels will become satiny, and the nails healthy and shiny.

This effect of the tool is very easily explained by the properties of its components. Glycerin attracts water and moisturizes the skin. Apple cider vinegar contains many useful substances (fluorine, potassium, pectin and vitamins).

Soft heels: folk remedies

The gifts of nature should not be neglected. Herbs, vegetables, fruits - all of these can be used to combat the rough skin of our feet.

Try the following miracle remedies, and the result will not keep you waiting.

  • Zucchini mask. A young vegetable can be grated or passed through a meat grinder. Put on the fabric (necessarily natural!) And wrap it around the heels. Fix and sit like this for no more than half an hour. Then wash off the rest of the puree and grease the legs with cream (preferably nutritious).
  • Lemon mask with egg. An excellent product that is effective after a steaming bath. Take a teaspoon of lemon juice and starch and add the yolk. Apply the mixture on the heels. Over time, the mask will dry out and turn into a hardened crust. Rinse it off with water and treat your feet with a moisturizer.
  • Apricot mask. The southern fruit has long been a regular guest even in northern latitudes. It is famous for its beneficial properties. In particular, it is used to treat heels. Mash 3-4 apricots and add 2 teaspoons of oil (olive or vegetable) to the resulting gruel. Heat this mixture for 3 minutes over low heat. Then apply the mask with a makeup brush on the heels. Then you need to wrap your legs in polyethylene and sit like this for about 20 minutes. After the procedure, be sure to rub a nourishing cream into the skin of your feet.

Now you know how to make your heels soft. For especially lazy people, there is also a way out - modern cosmetics. Faberlic has a K-9 foot cream, Avon offers Foot Works, and Doctor can be distinguished from domestic creams.

In a word, there would be a desire, and then you will notice the result very soon.

Skin care is required constantly: at any time of the year, it needs cleansing, softening, moisturizing and nutrition. In cosmetic stores today there is a large selection of a wide variety of skin care products: these are creams and gels, tonics, lotions and masks, but their effect is not always as wonderful as they say and show in colorful commercials, but many of them are quite expensive.

However, it is quite possible to make the skin softer and softer with the help of home remedies: it will not require large expenses, and the components for preparing homemade cosmetics to soften the skin are always at hand.

Today we will talk about the best folk remedies to soften the skin of the heels, hands, elbows and legs at home.

Most often, we have coarsened skin on the hands, on the legs - mainly on the knees and heels, and on the elbows - they are subjected to loads and external influences to a greater extent than the rest of the body. How to soften the skin in certain areas of the body, we'll talk right now.

The best products for hands

Perfectly soften the skin of the hands homemade masks from ordinary foods - for example, flour and butter.

It is better to take olive oil (2 tablespoons), and mix it in a deep bowl with an oil solution of vitamin E (1-2 capsules) and cornmeal (¼ cup). Apply the mixture on your hands carefully, holding them over a plate - on both sides of the hands, on the wrists, rub it into the joints, age spots and cuticles. Hold hands like this for 5-7 minutes, then wash with warm water and mild soap (preferably liquid), and pat dry with a towel. Such a mask can be done once a week, and once a month is enough for prevention: it improves blood circulation, cleanses, softens and rejuvenates the skin of the hands.

Oatmeal has long been known for its softening properties. You can take ready-made flour, or grind cereal in a coffee grinder or mixer - you should get about 1/2 cup. Pour flour into a bowl, add aloe juice (1 tablespoon) and a little water if the mixture is thick. Apply and wash off this mixture in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Baths are another great tool for softening the skin of the hands. You can make them with potato broth, whey, sauerkraut juice and fresh cabbage, 1-2 times a week. After the baths, you need to apply a greasy cream and wear gloves, so it's best to do this at night.

An excellent bath-mask to soften the skin of the hands at home is obtained with semi-liquid mashed potatoes: you need to lower your hands into warm mashed potatoes for 10 minutes, then wash them with warm water, and rinse with water with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.

A decoction of flax seeds softens the skin of the hands well - it is especially useful to use it after washing, cleaning or washing dishes.

Softening the skin of the legs at home

When it comes to softening the skin of the legs, most often women think of the feet, and especially the heels, but the skin on the calves, knees and hips also needs care - the knees should be remembered first of all. It often happens that a woman looks quite fresh and young: there are few wrinkles, and the figure is slender, but her knees betray her age in the most treacherous way. It is convenient to take care of your feet in a sauna or bath, but you can do it at home - at least do not forget to lubricate them with cream after a shower and bath - chlorinated water is very harmful for the skin of the knees.

Masks and wraps can be done not only on the knees, but also on the entire skin of the legs, from the hips to the ankles. Ordinary kefir (4-6 tbsp) is mixed with eucalyptus oil (2-4 tsp), the mixture is rubbed into the skin of the legs, wrapped in cling film and a thick warm cloth. The wrap is kept for 20 minutes, then the feet are washed with warm water. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a month, and on the knee area - 2-3 times a week, and the skin of the legs will be soft and smooth.

You can add cucumber juice (2-4 tsp) and lemon (4-8 drops) to kefir - then the effect will also be whitening. This remedy is very useful for those who sunbathed a lot in the summer: the brown and rough skin on the knees will become tender and pink - you need to rub the mixture well into them in a circular motion.

To soften the skin of the legs, many women like a ground coffee scrub. You can take coffee grounds - for example, after you have brewed coffee for several people, or use freshly ground coffee, adding a little warm water to it. The legs should be rubbed with it completely, in a circular motion - hips, knees, calves, ankles, feet, and then all the skin will be cleansed of dead cells, and become soft and smooth. After the scrub, you can lubricate your feet with a nourishing cream.

Take care of the skin of your legs, and you can safely wear mini-skirts: no one will ever doubt your youth.

An excellent remedy for knee care is ordinary table salt, and in general it can be used to soften the skin on the elbows, feet and other parts of the body - a positive result appears quickly. Even the darkest and most rough areas of the skin become light and soft. To prepare a knee scrub, you need to mix salt with honey (50 g each), add 1 tsp. castor oil, and a few drops of your favorite essential oils. You can also add coffee grounds if you wish. It is good to use the scrub in a bath or after a bath, when the skin is steamed, and after the procedure, lubricate the problem areas with a greasy cream - a cream with beeswax is perfect.

Home remedies for skin on elbows

And now about the skin on the elbows - why does it darken, become rough and peel off? Why does the skin on the elbows need to be softened? There are few sebaceous glands on the skin of the elbows, and there is practically no protective film there, which is why cracks, calluses and small wounds appear. And if you also wear synthetic sweaters and turtlenecks, and even in the cold season, the skin on your elbows will constantly peel off, and a rash may even appear. No need to lean on your elbows if there is no need for it: you can read books in a different position, and while eating it is also better to sit upright - we try to put our elbows on the dining table; and it’s not at all worth opening the doors with your elbows - they are not intended for this.

Dryness and roughness of the skin on the elbows can indicate problems in the endocrine system, so you should also consult a doctor: a specialist will help balance the diet and select the necessary vitamin preparations - for example, elbows often suffer from a lack of vitamins A and E.

To soften the skin on the elbows, it is enough to use some kind of scrub, purchased or homemade, 2 times a week, and even just rub the elbows with a hard washcloth - they must be lubricated with a greasy cream every day, and even the usual "Children's" will do.

If the skin began to coarsen and peel off, it is worth using compresses, baths and masks.

To soften the skin on the elbows at home, compresses are more effective, but they are best done at night - disks or tampons moistened with vegetable oil must be fixed on the elbows. During the day, you can make baths with oil: sunflower, corn, olive, almond, burdock or even avocado oil - keep your elbows in warm oil for up to 15 minutes, and then gently wipe with a napkin and gently rub with a washcloth - dead cells are easily removed. Even if you just rub oil on your elbows when you are in the kitchen, the skin on them will no longer be dark and rough.

To soften the skin on the elbows, it is good to use fresh cabbage leaves for compresses: they should be slightly kneaded, applied to the elbows, tied with a bandage and left overnight.

Mask with powdered milk and lemon: powdered milk (1/4 cup) is mixed with lemon juice so that a slurry is obtained - you can add water. The mixture is applied to the damp skin of the elbows, kept for 20 minutes, washed off and gently rubbed with a hard washcloth for several minutes, then the elbows are lubricated with a fat cream.

How to soften the skin on the heels

There is a lot of talk about foot care, but not everyone understands the importance of this care: people think that their feet and heels are unworthy of attention, or they deserve it in the very last place. Meanwhile, there are many biologically active points and nerve endings on the feet - by acting on them, you can improve and restore your health, however, when the skin is rough and cracked, this is almost impossible.

How to soften the skin of the feet and heels at home? The skin of the feet and heels must be made softer - for example, with the help of baths from herbal decoctions.

The following infusion softens the skin of the heels and feet well: chamomile, birch leaf and mint are mixed in equal parts, pour 5 tbsp. mixture with boiling water (2-3 l), and insist for about an hour; filter, add warm water, dip your feet into the infusion, and take a bath for 20-25 minutes. After the bath, the roughened areas are gently rubbed with a pumice stone, the feet are lubricated with a nourishing cream, and lemon peel compresses are applied to the problem areas - it softens the skin and heals wounds and cracks. It is more convenient to do this procedure before going to bed, and leave the compress on all night.

And another inexpensive universal recipe to soften the skin of the heels. Mix glycerin 1:1 with ammonia, and rub this mixture in the morning and evening on the knees, elbows and feet - the skin will become soft and pink.

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Nadezhda Sergeeva | 08/21/2015 | 93590

Nadezhda Sergeeva 21.08.2015 93590

Rough, dry heels do not paint our legs. How to make heels soft at home?

Due to constant friction and stress, the skin on the heels quickly loses its smoothness, especially during the season of open shoes. And rough, rough heels are far from an aesthetic sight. In addition, a cosmetic problem can develop into a medical one: corns and calluses quickly form on damaged skin.

The secret to smooth heels is regular care.

Make it a rule to give a little to your heels every night. Nothing complicated needs to be done:

Do not overuse coarse pumice and in no case cut off dry skin on the heels with a blade! If you clean your heels like this, there is a big risk of infection and serious problems.

Do not rub steamed, wet heels with a pumice stone or abrasive grater. You can damage the healthy layer of skin and further increase dryness.

Pamper your heels with warm baths a couple of times a week. A heel bath with soap chips and sea salt is especially good (dissolve 0.5 cups in a small amount of hot water).

After the bath, enhance the effect with a heel scrub from ground coffee and vegetable oil, mixed to a thick slurry. The skin will become smooth and hydrated.

Massage every day by rubbing any heel product into the skin - a regular moisturizer or oil.

To keep your heels smooth and tender, wear comfortable shoes, and in the warm season, walk barefoot more often on relief surfaces.

There are many ways to make your heels soft at home. We have chosen three of the most effective and simple.

Soften Heels in 10 Minutes

This recipe has been tested by our readers and received a lot of rave reviews. So:

1. Spread clean and dry (not steamed!) heels with cream (any emollient, you can use a baby cream).

2. Wait until the cream is completely absorbed into the skin.

3. Now arm yourself with a file or a non-rough heel grater, lightly wet it with water.

4. Gently and quickly rub your heels. In a minute, you will see how the dead dry skin is exfoliated and falls off.

5. Continue to clean the heels, when the file dries, moisten it again with water.

6. When you polish the skin to the end, wash your feet and again smear the cleaned area with cream.

7. Put on cotton socks and let your feet rest for a while.

If you do this procedure at night and go to bed in socks, the next morning you will not recognize your heels! They will become pink, smooth and soft, like a baby.

Apple cider vinegar and glycerin for heels

Vinegar for heels is a very useful tool. It not only removes dryness and softens the skin, but also kills the fungus. And in combination with glycerin, the effect is enhanced several times.

To get rid of rough heels, make a compress of apple cider vinegar and glycerin at night.

1. Prepare a mixture of 3 teaspoons of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of vinegar.

2. Soak pieces of gauze in the mixture and apply to the heels.

3. Wrap your feet in plastic and put on soft socks.

4. Leave the compress overnight, and in the morning wash your feet and apply cream on your heels.

Such procedures need 3-4, but the result will be visible after the first application. This method helps even with shallow cracks in the heels.

Hydrogen peroxide for soft heels

A hydrogen peroxide bath for the heels will help, even if you have completely started your feet and the soles have become very rough.

1. Take a small basin or bowl, pour 1.5 liters of hot water into it. The temperature should be such that you can endure it.

2. Add 4 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide, stir.

3. Dip your feet in the water and steam them for about 10 minutes, depending on the condition of your heels.

4. Use a soft pedicure brush to remove whitened, dry skin from your heels.

5. Apply cream to the heels and massage well.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent substance, so you need to do such a foot bath no more than once a week.

These methods will help you quickly put your feet in order. If you know other effective steps to clean your heels and make them soft at home, please share them with us.


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