Happy Easter Bunnies! How to make an Easter Bunny What can you make an Easter bunny out of? DIY Easter bunny from paper scheme

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On the bright holiday of Easter, you can not do without the Easter Bunny. It is a traditional holiday attribute in Europe and America. On the eve of Easter, mass sales of chocolate bunnies and postcards with their image begin. Millions of kids are waiting for this cute little animal that hides colored holiday eggs.
Since children like this tradition, rabbits also appeared in the form of soft toys. They often decorate the house, give to relatives or friends.
This master class will help everyone to sew an Easter bunny on their own. This simple craft can be done with your child.

Materials and tools:
cotton fabric;
threads (white, pink);
synthetic winterizer;
beads (black, 3 pieces);

1. To start making the Easter Bunny, you need a template. Therefore, first we draw a rabbit figure on paper and carefully cut it out. This will be the template for the future.

2. Now we transfer the pattern to the fabric. We fold the fabric in half, apply the rabbit template, trace along the contour and cut it out exactly along the line. You should get two identical parts. To make a rabbit, it is best to take a linen or cotton fabric, plain or with a small pattern.

3. For decoration, we need a bright narrow braid. We cut off a piece of braid, apply it to the body of the rabbit and sew it on so that no stitches are visible on the front side. We cut off the braid protruding beyond the edge of the figure. We use white thread for sewing.

4. Animate the figurine. We make a muzzle for a rabbit using beads. Sew eyes from black beads. We do not cut the thread, it will come in handy for sewing on the next part.

5. After sewing on the eyes, we attach the nose with the same thread as the eyes. Having fixed the nose, we make a mustache. To do this, we thread several times (about 4-5 times) the thread through the bead to make several loops.

7. Having finished the design of the muzzle, we proceed to stitching the parts of the rabbit. We sew the details manually with a seam “over the edge” with pink threads. We start sewing from the bottom, from the paws. We make sure that the stitches are the same.

8. Sew the rabbit incompletely, leave the bottom unsewn. Through this hole we fill the figure with padding polyester. We distribute it evenly so that all parts of the rabbit are filled. The figure should be a little flat, so we fill it with synthetic winterizer not very tightly. If there is no synthetic winterizer, you can replace it with another filler, for example, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer, holofiber or others.

9. Having filled the rabbit with synthetic winterizer, we sew up the place of filling with a seam “over the edge”. OK it's all over Now. Craft Easter Bunny is ready!

10. The rabbit will become an original decoration of the festive table. Also, a bright figurine will decorate a basket with eggs, which you can give to friends.

Easter cake), and the Orthodox rabbit is considered a symbol and hero of the holiday in Western countries.

According to ancient legends, this wonderful animal collects and hides chocolate eggs of different colors in its shelter, and as soon as the children wake up on Sunday morning, they go to look for the animal's mink where delicious sweets can lie. But they do not go to everyone, but only to those children who behaved well and studied well during the year. In another legend, they were looking for dwellings, and one of the children who finds eggs in it will be happy and lucky all year.

In our country, there is such an interesting custom. You probably remember when you were still small, your parents would bring some kind of yummy, and you ask where did you get it? Adults say that the bunny brought a present and you run around the house and rejoice, not knowing how he could do it.

So in Russia, too, everyone knows about the Easter bunny, and for this holiday in kindergartens, and even in primary grades, they prepare crafts for this gentle animal with their own hands. So I would like to tell you how to make it from different materials and it will be not only a souvenir for Easter, but also a good gift for children.

Making a paper animal is not difficult. It will be especially funny for your children.

We will need:

  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Ruler;
  • Paper.

1. First, we need to cut out a square of colored paper, equal in length and width.

2. Fold this sheet in half.

By the way, all the lines that you bend should be clear and even, along them you need to fold our rabbit.

4. Unfold the paper, you should get separated lines from the fold. And we begin to bend one section, then another. The photo shows how to do it.

5. We take the middle with our fingers and bend it to the first section. Now connect the bottom side to the top.

6. Expand again, we should get even 8 sections.

7. Fold one and the other side diagonally. See what the end result should be.

8. We count 3 sections and bend.

9. Take the lower right corner with your fingers and bend it a little in the middle.

Thus, we bend to the end so that the middle of the triangle just barely reaches the corner bend.

10. We turn the hare over on the other side and do the same operation.

11. All the ears are done, go to the back. We make a corner along the second line from the bottom, first in one direction, then in the other, so that it is easier to work inside the hare.

12. We unbend the back part and start the triangles inward.

13. We wrap the back along the lines that we have.

14. And now we bend the body of the rabbit in the middle, and in its head part we press it to the ears

15. We do the same with the second side.

17. And we begin to form the ears, and in order to do this, we should get 2 folds on each side. See the picture for how to make them.

18. Now from the nose to the ears, we also bend a little.

19. We bend all the corners from the bottom of the rabbit inward, but not much, just a little bit, so that the animal stands.

20. Then we open the bottom and our wonderful animal is ready.

21. You can paint over the ears, in a redder color, and paint on the eyes, but this is already at your request.

22. You can easily put an Easter egg in it.

By the way, if you are doing it for the first time, then first practice on an unnecessary sheet of paper, otherwise it will not work the first time.

Easter bunny made of fabric with your own hands

I want to show how easy it is to make this beautiful souvenir, and in the easiest way. According to this option, you can sew not only a hare for Easter, but also any other toy that you like. Let this cute creature delight your kids on this wonderful holiday.

We will need:

  • Textile;
  • Holofiber balls;
  • Thread;
  • Needle;
  • Beads;
  • Satin ribbon 2 pcs;
  • paper cord;
  • Bar;
  • Sisal 2 colors.

1. First you need to draw the stole on cardboard and carefully cut it out.

2. Take the fabric and fold it in half with the front side inward.

3. We put the cut out part on a rag and outline it.

4. Where is the hind paw in the figure, we make 2 notches with a pen or pencil, so that this place is not stitched.

5. Along the contour lines that we drew, we begin to flash. The width of the tie is approximately 2.5 mm.

6. We begin to cut out the rabbit, stepping back from the seam about 5 mm.

When you cut out the bunny, do not forget to cut 3 notches with scissors on all rounded areas (under the paws, on their tips, on the ears, near the tail, and so on). We make them without reaching the seam 1 mm. so that when turning the part, the seam does not spread.

8. So that it is not crumpled, it is advisable to iron the bunny.

9. Also, with the help of a stick, we fill the hallofiber. We start pushing from the ears and most importantly, so that there are no empty spaces.

11. We make eyes, and for them we need beads and black thread. We sew them through.

12. We begin to decorate the toy. We make a bow from a satin ribbon and fasten it with a thread.

13. Sew to the neck of the rabbit, do the same with the rest of the ribbons.

14. You can also glue a flower and beads on top.

15. Well, the bunny is ready, if you want, you can make a stand for it.

16. Glue sisal on a block, and on top of a hare.

Rabbit from felt for Easter 2019

It turns out a very interesting souvenir, and children especially like it. Imagine if the child will help you do it. I will say right away, be patient, because he will be eager to help. But it's worth it, because this fluffy animal will not only decorate the festive table, but will also cause great delight among your children.

We will need:

  • Felt three colors (white, beige and yellow);
  • Threads in the color of felt;
  • Glue fabric;
  • Holofiber;
  • Pencil;
  • Paper.

1. First, what needs to be done is to draw a bunny, cut out all the available details.

2. Also draw a testicle and cut it out.

3. We will have it from yellow felt, so you can outline and cut it.

4. In this way we make details from white felt:

  • torso 2 pcs;
  • head 2 pcs;
  • ears 4 pcs;
  • Paws rear 2 pcs;
  • Paws front 2 pcs;
  • Cheeks 2 pieces need to be done so that they are mirrored.

By the way, when you draw the contours, the cut paper can be attached with pins so as not to move.

5. And the same from beige:

  • Inner ears 2 pcs;
  • ext. paws 2 pcs;
  • spout;
  • mouth.

6. Start stitching. With threads (preferably double) of white color, we connect the body to each other and sew from the edge of 2 - 3 mm. passing through the loop from below.

Distances should be the same.

We do this in a circle, but not completely, to fill our hare.

7. Using glue (moment crystal), glue the front legs and legs to the body. You must first glue the pink inserts to the hind legs.

9. Getting to the head part. Glue the inner ears on the outer ears.

10. We sew overeating part of the ears from the back. Just like the body at the end of a little - a little filling with cotton.

11. We form a face. We insert the ears and fix it with the help of pins, we also insert the torso.

12. Glue the mouth, cheeks, nose and eyes.

13. On the cheeks, draw small stripes in the form of antennae.

14. We sew the head in a circle, not forgetting to fill it with hallofiber and paste it on the body.

15. Glue an egg to the Easter Bunny, and it's ready.

You can give to relatives, relatives, children, or keep this souvenir as a keepsake.

Video tutorial on how to tie a rabbit?

How to crochet a very interesting animal? I think everyone will like this idea. The fact is that you can not only give it as a gift, but even put a bottle of lemonade on the neck or close an Easter egg on the festive table with a bunny. It looks very original, so watch the video and understand for yourself.

After watching the video, I think it became clear how to make such an unusual animal. A good souvenir and gift for your loved ones.

The scheme and pattern of the Easter Bunny

The most interesting thing is that the Easter Bunny can be made even from felt, or fabric, as you already understood. But for this you need a pattern. There are people who do not know how to draw well. Therefore, the animal can be made according to the scheme that will be proposed below. And then, everything is simple, we copy from the monitor onto paper or copy and print, cut, put on the fabric you like and transfer the images. In general, there are no difficulties.

Option 1:

1. First, make a copy, cut out the hare pattern in duplicate

2. We do the same with additional details.

3. Eyes and fingers that are small details can be cut out by eye after you sew the hare.

And you can do it this way, draw a hare on the material in duplicate and cut out all the details from the same paper.

Option 2:

We also cut out the hares, transfer them to the fabric, sew, stuff them with cotton wool.

Option 3:

Option 4:

Well, choose a rabbit that you will be interested in and start sewing.

If you have any ideas about this article, you can write comments.

Sometimes the comfort in the house can depend on inconspicuous, unobtrusive details. Soft toys sewn with your own hands will help to give the house an atmosphere of comfort and coziness. There are a huge variety of variations of the toy in the form of a rabbit, but we offer the simplest version of the toy, which even a beginner will master. A very important point in the manufacture of such a toy is a correctly made pattern. In the West, the rabbit is considered an integral symbol of Easter, and here it will be a good gift not only for Easter, but also for any other holiday.

Option 1

It will not be difficult to make such rabbits, moreover, they can be sewn from the remnants of the fabric.

We will need:

  • pattern
  • small patches of fabric (not necessarily plain, it can be with a small pattern)
  • filler (synthetic winterizer, holofiber)

Rabbit pattern:

We print (we draw from the screen) a pattern.

We fold the fabric flap in two additions. We transfer the pattern to the fabric and cut it out in shape. At this stage, you can embroider the eyes and nose of the rabbit. Or later draw with a marker.

We cut off the material with the translated contour in several places with pins, then we sew it on a sewing machine. At the bottom we leave 2-3 cm unstitched.

We cut out the workpiece. In places where the contour turns, the fabric is additionally notched. We turn our workpiece on the right side, then tightly stuff it with padding polyester. If desired, stuff the toy with hop cones. Then our bunny will bring even more benefits. Since the rabbit figurine is small, it is better to take a ball filler for stuffing.

The cut can be stitched. It is better to do this with a hidden seam. We tie a satin ribbon, a bell around the neck of our rabbit and tie a bow. The Easter Bunny is ready.

Variant 2

It is easiest to sew such rabbits, there is no need to draw a muzzle for them. Copy the pattern or draw, and happily start making toys.


In this article, we will tell you about different ways to make your own Easter bunny. Let's start with the simplest version of this Easter craft for kids. The most accessible material for children's creativity is paper and cardboard. You can make an Easter bunny very easily and quickly from strips of thick paper or cardboard rolls.

The photo below is another example of how to make an Easter bunny out of paper. To make this Easter bunny craft, your child must first cut out several strips of paper that are the same width. The head of the Easter Bunny is made of a strip of paper glued with a ring. The ears are glued on top separately. To make paws, it is necessary to make small incisions on both sides on the strip that is intended for the body. Glue the finished Easter bunny onto a strip of green paper - "grass".

An interesting craft for Easter is an Easter bunny from a sock. To make an Easter bunny from a sock, you will need a regular sock with a high top. You will also need bank elastic bands, ribbons, decorative pompoms, purchased doll eyes. As filler for the Easter Bunny, we recommend that you use rice.

How to make an Easter Bunny with your own hands:

1. Fill the sock with rice. Adjust the amount of cereal yourself, depending on the size of the sock. Tie the sock with elastic bands in two places to create the head and torso of the Easter bunny.

2. Cut the top of the sock in half to make the ears for the Easter bunny.

3. Decorate the Easter Bunny. Glue on his eyes, make a nose and cheeks out of pompoms, tie a bow

From colored cardboard, clothespins, decorative pompoms and puppet eyes, you can make such cute Easter bunnies. With such Easter bunnies, it is appropriate to decorate the house for the holiday.

See what an adorable Easter bunny you can make from an ordinary egg using pumpkin seeds. To make this Easter craft, you'll need a hot glue gun and store-bought doll eyes. Doll eyes can be purchased at children's craft stores.

Many different Easter bunnies can be made from the so-called. waste material. For example, the Easter bunnies in the photo below are made from cardboard toilet paper rolls and disposable spoons. The noses of the Easter bunnies are made of purchased decorative pompoms, the eyes are purchased doll eyes.

Even one disposable plastic spoon will make a wonderful Easter Bunny. Judge for yourself. With such an Easter bunny, you can decorate a pot with a houseplant for a holiday or an Easter composition. Children can play with the Easter Bunny as a toy. Note: we want to draw your attention to the fact that the muzzle of the Easter Bunny must be drawn by the so-called. permanent (indelible) markers. The clothes of the Easter Bunny are made of napkins, the body is made of a cotton pad, and the paws are made of a cotton swab.

A lot of Easter bunny crafts from disposable plates can be found on the Internet. Here are just a few of them.

At the beginning of this article, we already told and showed you how to make an Easter paper bunny very simply and quickly. Now we will tell you about a more complex way to make an Easter bunny out of paper. We will learn how to fold an Easter paper bunny using the origami technique. The photo below shows a detailed diagram of the origami Easter bunny.

For kids, there is another very fun way to make an Easter paper bunny. We trace our palm on paper, cut it out. We cut off the middle finger, bend the thumb and little finger. Voila! The Easter Bunny is ready! It is appropriate to decorate a postcard for a holiday or a children's application with such a paper Easter rabbit.

A beautiful Easter bunny can be made with a child using the papier-mâché technique. To do this, you will need a balloon, which must be inflated to the desired size. After that, it is desirable to hang the ball by a thread. Next, it must be lubricated with any greasy cream or petroleum jelly and pasted over with pieces of newspapers or printer paper in several layers. At the end, you need to glue the ball with pieces of colored corrugated paper. Or you can leave the ball white, and when the glue is completely dry, paint it with paint in the desired color. Note: use ordinary PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 as glue, or homemade paste.

Wait until the glue is completely dry, then make a small hole in the paper. Deflate the balloon and take it out through this hole. Decorate your Easter Bunny. Attach the Easter Bunny ears, tail, make a muzzle.

Charming Easter bunnies can be quickly and easily made with your own hands from pompoms. To do this, you need to make two pom-poms from yarn: one is larger (for the body), the other is smaller (for the head). Then tie or glue them together. Glue the ears cut out of felt, eyes and beaded nose to the Easter bunny. That's it, the Easter Bunny is ready!

Spring is already in full swing, and very soon one of the most important Orthodox holidays will come - Easter.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that the symbol of Easter is primarily colored eggs and Easter cakes. But gradually other symbols enter our lives. Easter bunnies are also among them - a symbol of fertility and fertility.

Last year, Krestik already talked about where this symbol came from, and also showed master classes on making a wonderful Easter bunny using various needlework techniques.

The wonderful tradition of making DIY crafts for Easter is preserved, and today we want to offer you other options.

Gypsum Easter Bunny

To make such a rabbit, we need:

  • Gypsum (alabaster, etc.)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Empty tin can or plastic cup
  • tassel
  • Stir stick
  • Kinder Surprise Egg
  • Plasticine
  • White acrylic paint
  • Thick colored paper
  • Dry grass, moss or decorative sisal
  • Ribbon
  • Small flower pot

Let's take an egg from a kinder surprise (these will be molds) and grease them from the inside with vegetable oil (so that the gypsum is well behind the molds later)

And plasticine will be needed for small rings - coasters. A mold fixed in such a stand will definitely not turn over.

We take a dry mixture of gypsum and dilute it with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Pour the resulting mixture into molds. And let it dry completely.

Carefully remove the frozen halves. If the edges are uneven, then they must be sanded with sandpaper. Wash off the dust with water.

This procedure is best done with gloves!

Let's move on to decorating. We paint the blanks with white acrylic paint.

While the paint dries, cut out two blanks for the ears from colored paper.

And we collect everything with the help of a thermal gun.

As you can see in the photo, the edges of the lugs are beautifully decorated with machine stitching. This can be done on a sewing machine, or you can do it easier. Pierce small holes along the edge of the ears, and then draw a line with a regular pencil. You will get an imitation of a machine line.

We draw a muzzle for a rabbit and plant it in a pot. Decorate with grass or sisal, tie a ribbon.

The basis for the rabbit does not have to be made independently from gypsum. You can take an empty chicken egg (a more fragile option) or buy a wooden blank.

And carefully sew the hole with a hidden seam.

With the help of a ribbon or rope we tighten the ears. Sasha is ready!

Optionally, you can make a muzzle for a rabbit out of contrasting fabric.

Master class original

Fabric rabbit

Textile bunnies are great DIY Easter gifts!

To make one such rabbit, we need:

  • cotton fabric
  • synthetic winterizer or other filler for toys
  • small piece of cardboard (optional)

We cut out the template of the future rabbit from paper:

And transfer the pattern to the fabric, folded in half.

We pin it with pins so that the parts do not move and sew two sides on a sewing machine, leaving a small unsewn space for eversion (it is most convenient to leave a hole from below, on the rabbit's stomach).

This method - first sew the details, and then cut them out - is great for small elements: the fabric does not crumble, it shifts less.

Cut out with small allowances. To make it convenient to turn the toy, we make small cuts in the places of bends.

We turn it out, carefully straightening all the corners.

And we sew the ears in half. We carefully tie the threads.

We stuff the toy with synthetic winterizer or other filler.

So that the rabbit can stand without support, you can make him a stand. To do this, cut out a small oval from cardboard, and a slightly larger oval from cotton fabric. We cover the cardboard stand with a cloth. We tighten the edges with a “forward needle” seam.


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