You need crystals. Crystals, their structure, and role in human life. How to grow a crystal in an hour

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Growing a real crystal is quite simple, interesting and informative. This article talks about how to do it at home.

Crystals are formed from any substances whose atoms and molecules are grouped into an ordered structure. They do not require a lab or special equipment to grow them. The simplest reagents that are always at hand will do.

Growing a crystal is one of the easiest and safest chemistry experiments available at home. Even a child of primary school age can conduct it under the supervision of adults.

The reward for your efforts will be an item of extraordinary beauty that you create with your own hands.

Types of crystals

  1. A monocrystal is a solid large crystal, for example, an artificial stone. It is formed under the condition that the crystallization processes are extremely slow.
  2. A polycrystal is formed when crystallization proceeds rapidly. In this case, many tiny crystals are formed. This is how metals behave.

Ways to grow crystals at home

One of the easiest ways to grow a crystal is to cool a saturated solution. What processes take place?

  1. In warm water, the substance chosen for the experiment (for example, salt) dissolves completely.
  2. The temperature of the solution is lowered: this reduces the solubility of the salt. An undissolved salt is formed, which precipitates.
  3. The formation of a precipitate begins with the formation of small grains both in the solution itself and on the surface of the container in which it is placed.
  4. If there are no foreign inclusions in the solution (ordinary dust particles, villi, etc.), and cooling occurs gradually, these grains-crystals coalesce into larger and regular crystals.
  5. Rapid cooling causes the formation of many tiny irregular crystals at once, which do not connect with each other and inhibit each other's growth.

The crystal will also grow if the solvent (water) is gradually removed from the saturated solution. How to do this and what will happen in the vessel?

  1. Dishes with a saturated solution must be kept at a constant temperature for a long time.
  2. The ingress of litter and dust should be excluded, as well as slowing down the evaporation of water (for this, it is enough to cover the container with paper).
  3. You can grow a crystal on some kind of suspension in the middle of the container (then it will acquire the correct shape), or at the bottom of the container.
  4. If the crystal grows at the bottom, it must be rotated periodically to achieve symmetry.
  5. In place of the evaporated water, a solution of the same consistency should be added as it was at the beginning of the experiment.

The basic principle in this case remains the same: the slower the processes that affect crystallization go, the more beautiful, larger and more correct the crystals will turn out. If the original crystal, which served as the basis for growth, had an irregular shape, it will fill in the missing parts during growth and take on a configuration typical of the nature of its substance. So copper sulfate will eventually grow into a rhombus, and salts of potassium chromium alum form an octahedron.

It is believed that at home only a small crystal can grow from improvised means. This is not so: with due attention, there is every chance to grow a crystal of any size and weight at home. In fact, for this it is enough to continue the crystallization procedure until the desired result is achieved. Of course, you must immediately choose a container that is suitable in size.

Preservation of crystals

Failure to comply with storage conditions may lead to the destruction of the crystal. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the selected substance in advance in order to avoid disappointment at the end of such a long and painstaking work.

Thus, the chiseled edges of an alum crystal, under the action of ordinary dry air, will fade due to loss of moisture and crumble, forming a gray powder. The same will happen with sodium sulfate and thiosulfate, salts of manganese, zinc, nickel, Rochelle salt. The only way out is to place the crystals in sealed transparent vessels. Some recommend covering the crystals with clear varnish, but this only delays the death. And yet - varnished edges lose their original luster and look artificial.

High temperatures destroy crystals grown from copper sulphate and potassium alum. The life of such crystals can be extended by storage in a domestic refrigerator. However, even here they will last about 2 years.

Another problem of crystals of water-soluble substances is that they are destroyed by temperature changes due to moisture, which is stored in a small amount inside them. For this reason, specks, chips appear, the edges are washed off, and the gloss is lost.

Perhaps the most stable of the substances popular for growing crystals is table salt.

What can you grow a crystal from?

In addition to the above substances, crystals at home can be grown from sugar.

It is much more difficult, but at the same time more interesting to grow artificial stones (amethysts, quartzites, rubies, etc.). This is a rather laborious process that requires special equipment to maintain a constant temperature, pressure, humidity and other indicators important for the success of the experiment. In other words, to get an artificial stone, you need a real laboratory.

What should be the substance for home growing a crystal?

  1. Safe, non-toxic. Not all substances with a crystalline structure correspond to this requirement. For example, potassium cyanide KCN (or sodium sulfide Na2S) also forms crystals of its characteristic shape. But it is impossible to conduct experiments with him at home, because he enters into an oxidation reaction with oxygen in the composition of the air and releases toxic substances that are dangerous to humans.
  2. The second important quality is stability. That is, the selected substance must enter into a reversible reaction with water. In addition, resistance to temperature fluctuations is important. Some organic substances can be irreversibly destroyed when exposed to hot water (hydrolysis reaction).
  3. The cost of reagents. As you know, the first experience (or several) may not be very successful, therefore, for starters, it is better to opt for inexpensive and affordable substances.
  4. Yes, growing crystals will require a lot of purified water - this should also be taken care of in advance.
  5. The ability to dissolve in water. Before starting the experiment, you should find out what consumption of the selected substance for a given volume of water will be required. To grow a sugar crystal, for example, you need to dissolve at least 2 kg of sugar in 1 liter of water. So it is better to pre-graph the solubility of the starting material. To do this, subtract the mass of the same volume of the filtered solution from the mass of a glass of water after the dissolution is over and the temperature stabilizes. This will help to get an idea of ​​how much substance for crystallization is needed for a given volume of water.

How to grow a salt crystal

The easiest way to practice on ordinary table salt. Then you will not need special chemical reagents, only salt and purified water.

Step 1. Prepare a salt crystal by tying it with a thin thread fixed in the middle of a small stick (pencil, pen).

salt crystal

Purpose: to place the crystal so that it is immersed in the solution, but not in contact with the surface of the vessel.

We tie a salt crystal to a thread and place it in a glass

Step 2. Pour warm water into a container (transparent so that you can observe the growth of the crystal) and add salt. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Then add salt and repeat. It is necessary to salt the water until the salt stops dissolving. This is noticeable by the appearance of sediment at the bottom of the vessel.

Step 3. The solution must be gradually heated by placing it in a container of a larger diameter with hot water. As a result, the precipitate will dissolve. If there is something left at the bottom, it is better to pour the solution into a clean bowl.

Step 4. Place the container with the resulting solution in a place with a stable temperature. Immerse the seed crystal on a thread into the solution. From above, the vessel with the solution must be covered with paper.

Embryo crystal on a thread is immersed in a solution

Step 5. The crystallization process has begun. Further, when the water evaporates, it will be necessary to add a solution of the same salt content to the container as it was at the beginning of the experiment. After a while, it will become noticeable that the original crystal has increased in size. You can grow it as much as you like, as long as the size of the container and patience are enough. The resulting crystal will be quite durable.

How to grow a sugar crystal

Sugar crystals can be used as table decoration or candy for kids. But they are quite expensive due to the high consumption of sugar. For 2 cups of water, you will need a total of 5 cups of granulated sugar.

sugar crystals

The process of preparing the solution is similar to how it is done for salt crystals. It is most convenient to grow sugar crystals on toothpicks or wooden skewers. For "seed" it is enough to dip the skewer in syrup and dip in sugar so that it evenly adheres to the surface. You need to wait for the sugar to stick well and dry.

To form colored crystals, it is worth adding food coloring to the syrup (the best option is juices).

It will take 1 week to grow a sugar crystal from the specified amount of ingredients.

Sugar crystals on sticks (Video)

This video shows how to grow edible sugar crystals that are not only beautiful to look at, but also very tasty.

How to grow a copper sulfate crystal

Salt crystals are transparent white, and copper sulfate gives a rich blue tint.

Copper sulfate crystal

It is no more difficult to grow such a crystal than a hydrochloric one: you will need a saturated solution and a seed crystal on a thread.

Copper sulphate crystal suspended on a string

We lower the seed into a saturated solution of copper sulphate on a thread

The solution in a transparent container must be placed in a shaded place with a stable temperature, hang the crystal as in the case of salt, and wait, periodically adding the solution instead of the evaporated one.

42 day experiment

Do not remove the crystal from the working solution until the procedure for its formation is completed!


Food utensils cannot be used to grow crystals (an exception is experiments with salt and sugar). Food should not be left nearby: firstly, because the reagents are toxic, and secondly, because of litter and crumbs, which, if they get into the solution, will ruin the experiment.

When handling chemical reagents, absolutely all the rules indicated on the packaging should be observed. After completing work, wash your hands.

Growing a crystal at home is quite simple, interesting and informative. First, it is better to practice on the available substances. If something goes wrong, you need to check that all the conditions necessary for the formation of a crystal are met. Having mastered the simplest crystals, you can start working with other reagents. It never gets boring, because different substances give crystals of different shapes and colors. In addition, no two crystals are exactly the same, and their configuration and size can be adjusted at will.

Growing crystals at home is a very long, laborious and painstaking process, but it is very exciting and definitely worth the time spent. This experience is very popular with children, and most of the methods below are completely safe. So, consider the main ways to grow crystals at home.

How to grow a crystal from sugar at home

It is best to start your experiments on growing crystals at home with the most interesting and enjoyable ones. The easiest way to grow a crystal is from sugar, and if you do this experiment with children, they will be able to taste the fruits of their creativity at the end of the process.

In order to grow a crystal from sugar, we will need:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 5 glasses of granulated sugar;
  • wooden skewers;
  • paper;
  • small saucepan;
  • several clear glasses.

The process of making a crystal begins with the manufacture of sugar syrup. To do this, take 1/4 cup of water and two tablespoons of sugar. Mix, bring on fire until syrup is obtained. Dip a wooden skewer into the syrup and sprinkle with a little sugar. The more evenly the skewer is sprinkled, the more ideal and beautiful the crystal will come out. In a similar way, we make the required number of blanks and leave them to dry completely, for example, overnight.

Some time has passed, our skewers have dried out and now we can move on to the next part of the experience. Pour 2 cups of water into a saucepan and pour 2.5 cups of sugar. On low heat, stirring constantly, turn our mixture into a sugar syrup. Stirring must be carried out carefully, until the sugar is completely dissolved! Add the remaining 2.5 cups of sugar and also, until completely dissolved, cook the syrup. After that, leave the syrup to cool slightly, this will take approximately 15-20 minutes. This time we continue to prepare blanks from skewers, the basis for our future crystal. We cut paper circles a little larger than the diameter of our glasses and pierce the resulting circles with chopsticks. The main thing is that the paper is firmly fixed on the skewer. The paper will act as the holder and lid for the glass.

Pour the cooled, but still hot syrup into glasses. At this stage, a little food coloring can be added to the syrup, then the crystal will eventually turn out to be colored. We lower our blank (a stick with a circle of paper) into the glass and leave it alone until the crystal ripens. It is important not to touch the walls and bottom! Well, we do the same with all the remaining blanks.

It will take about a week to grow a crystal. This is a very interesting and exciting process that children really like. Every day the crystal grows and takes on its individual shape. Some crystals grow faster, some slower, but the bulk matures in exactly 7 days. The resulting sugar crystal is very good to use with the whole family at a home tea party or just nibble in moments of blues! So, entertaining chemistry is not only interesting, but also tasty;).

How to grow a crystal from salt at home

Growing a crystal from salt at home is a fairly simple process, but it requires patience and care. However, the result of the experiment exceeds all expectations. We will need:

  • pure water;
  • pot;
  • 2 glass jars;
  • salt;
  • strong thread.

We heat water in a saucepan, we heat it very much, and do not bring it to a boil, the experiment will not work in boiling water. After heating the water, we gradually begin to pour salt into it, stirring constantly until the portion of salt is completely dissolved. Then add more salt, stir until dissolved. And so on until the salt ceases to dissolve. Pour the resulting saturated saline solution into a jar and let it stand well for a day. The next day we will see a lot of small crystals of settled salt in the jar. We choose the most beautiful and largest of them, carefully take it out and tie it to a thread. Carefully pour the solution into an empty jar, making sure that the settled crystals do not fall into a new vessel. Then we lower the crystal on a thread into a filtered saline solution and stock up on patience. After 2-3 days you will notice an increase in the crystal, this growth will continue for some time until the end of growth. After you notice that the crystal has stopped growing, you can either end the experiment if you are satisfied with the result, or prepare another saturated saline solution, as we did above, and lower our crystal there. By the way, if you often change the salt solution, then the growth of the crystal will be faster.

It is very important not to cool the solution on purpose and not to shake it, in this case crystals of an imperfect shape are obtained. Also, do not add any dyes, the crystal will not be colored, and the experiment will be ruined.

How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home

Growing crystals from copper sulphate at home is already the next level of complexity, which requires compliance with safety requirements and can only be performed by children under adult supervision.

For the experiment we need:

  • water, preferably distilled;
  • glass jar;
  • copper salt (copper sulfate or copper sulfate, which can be bought at a gardening store).

Before buying, be sure to consider the substance, it should be a bright blue homogeneous powder. In the presence of lumps and green blotches, it is better to refuse the purchase. It will go to summer residents on the farm, but we, novice chemists, will not.

So, the correct vitriol is purchased. Pour about 100 grams of powder into a glass jar and pour a little hot water, stirring constantly. We must get a saturated solution in which the copper salt can no longer dissolve. Filter the solution and put it in the refrigerator. The next day at the bottom we will find many crystals. We select a couple of the largest and most beautiful and place them in a container with a filtered solution. Before that, we act with crystals in the same way as in the previous experiment with table salt, namely, we fix it on a thread and lower it into a jar. We cover the vessel with thin paper and stock up on patience. Growing a crystal from copper sulfate takes several weeks. After the formation of the crystal is completed, it must be carefully removed, rinsed with cold running water and coated with colorless nail polish.

natural rock crystals

  • How to grow a crystal from salt
  • How to grow a crystal from sugar
  • How to grow a copper sulfate crystal
  • How to grow a crystal from potassium alum

Mineral crystals are found everywhere in nature. For their education, special conditions are needed. For example, rock granite comprises crystals of quartz, feldspar and mica, which crystallized one after another as the magma cooled.

Beautiful hexagonal rock crystals grew from hot water solutions saturated with SiO2 silica.

natural sulfur crystals

Rhombic yellow crystals sulfur rose from the hydrogen sulfide waters of hot springs and geysers.

On the shores of salt lakes and seas one can see cubic crystals of rock salt - halite; white, red, yellow and even blue crystals of carnallite and mirabilite.

Diamonds, the hardest crystals, were formed under enormous pressure in the so-called explosion pipes (kimberlite pipes).

So, nature has created and continues to create mineral crystals. Can we see the mystery of crystal growth? Can we grow them ourselves? Yes of course we can. And now I will tell you how to do it at home.


grown salt crystals

In order to grow crystals of table (rock) salt (halite - NaCl), you need to put a container of water on the stove and bring the water to a boil. Then remove the container from the stove and dissolve the usual salt from the pack in it. While constantly stirring the solution, add salt until you notice that it no longer dissolves.

The resulting saline solution must be filtered and poured into a flat dish, for example, in a saucer. The water will cool down and begin to evaporate, and on the edges of the saucer and on its bottom you will see transparent cubes of the correct shape - these are the crystals of rock salt, halite.

You can grow a large crystal, or several large cubic crystals. To do this, put a woolen thread into the container in which you dissolved the salt. When the solution cools, it will be covered with salt cubes. The slower the solution cools, the more regular the crystals will be. After a while, the growth will stop.

To grow one large crystal, you need to choose one, the most correct, from the many crystals formed at the bottom, put it on the bottom of a clean glass, and pour the solution from the previous dish on top.

For the growth of the right crystals, rest is needed. You can not shake or move the table or shelf on which there is a container with growing crystals.


You can grow sugar crystals just like you can grow salt crystals. Sugar crystals can also be grown on wooden sticks and can be a nice addition to any holiday sweet dish. Food coloring added to the solution will color the sugar in all the colors of the rainbow.

sugar crystals

Below is the complete instruction, how to grow sugar crystals on sticks.


Copper sulfate is sold in shops for gardeners, from it, and from slaked lime, they prepare "Bordeaux liquid" to protect plants from fungi and various diseases.

In order to grow a crystal of copper sulphate (Cu SO4 * 5H2O) of the correct shape, powdered copper sulphate should be dissolved in water at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, the solubility of copper sulfate decreases. Dissolve the powder until the dissolution stops. At the end of a wire or woolen thread we tie a seed - a small crystal of the same copper sulphate. Where to get it? You can look in the same package from which you poured the vitriol into the water, a larger crystal. If this is not found, leave your solution to cool, and after a while you will see small crystals at the bottom.

Choose one and tie (or glue) it to a piece of wire or thread. Filter the solution. Then lower the prepared seed (crystal on a thread) into it. Never immerse the seed in a hot solution! The seed may simply dissolve. A large crystal of copper sulphate grows for several weeks. A crystal grown to the desired size must be varnished, since the moisture contained in the air will eventually melt and destroy it.

Easy to grow beautiful copper crystals. A detailed description of the process can be found in the detailed article "How to grow copper crystals".

Ferrous sulfate crystals are grown in a similar way, a detailed article on this can be read by clicking on the link in this proposal.


grown crystals of potassium alum

Potassium alum (KAI 2*12H2O - mineral alunite) are sold in a pharmacy in powder form. This is a good remedy that "dries out the skin" and kills pathogens, this substance does not cause allergies and it is not toxic. Good crystals can be grown from potassium alum powder. Alum should be dissolved in warm water until saturated and the solution filtered. After a few days of being in a quiet place, at room temperature, small crystals will appear at the bottom of the container.

potassium alum (burnt alum) can be bought at a pharmacy

From these crystals, you need to select a few pieces of the correct shape and place them in another container. Then they are filled with the same solution. You can hang the seeds on thin threads (they can be glued to the thread with strong waterproof glue). Once every two or three days, the crystals must be transferred to a new glass, and the solution should be filtered and again filled with growing crystals. Alum crystals, grown to the right size, should be varnished so that they do not melt from the moisture in the air and lose their shape.

Solutions for growing crystals should preferably be prepared with distilled water.

At home, you can get artificial malachite using blue vitriol and washing soda, but these will not be beautiful crystals or an openwork patterned stone, but a green or dirty green precipitate at the bottom of the vessel (powder). Beautiful malachite, which practically does not differ from natural, can only be obtained using industrial equipment.

The enterprises also grow crystals of many minerals. But it is impossible to repeat this at home, for this you need special equipment. Most crystals (quartz, amethyst, ruby, emerald, diamonds, malachite, garnets, etc.) are grown in cast iron autoclaves under high pressure. Temperatures reach 500-1000 degrees, and pressure - 3000 atmospheres.

Crystal Grow Kits

crystal growing kit

Now in toy stores, in large cities, kits for growing crystals have appeared on sale. From powders ammonium and potassium dihydrogen phosphate, in which dyes are added, interesting prismatic and needle-shaped crystals can be grown. In order for the crystals to turn out to be large enough and beautiful, you must strictly follow the attached instructions.

Strangely, the instructions that are in the box shown in the photo do not indicate which chemical is used to grow the crystals and which dye is used. Other than that, it's pretty detailed.

Many interesting processes take place in nature. One of them is the creation of rock crystals. But this wonderful process, shrouded in mystery, can be reproduced at home, observing how beautiful minerals gradually grow from substances familiar to us.

The safest ingredient is sugar. It’s worth starting with it, especially since such crystals are not only beautiful, but also edible. You need to take:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 3 cups more sugar
  • sticks;
  • paper or clothespins;
  • capacity;
  • glasses;
  • food coloring.

Syrup is boiled from 1/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then sticks are dipped into it and rolled in a small amount of sugar poured on a napkin. When they are completely dry, take a container, pour 2 cups of water into it and pour half the amount of sugar. We reduce the fire to a minimum, place the container on the stove, and stirring, wait for the dissolution of all the sugar. Add the rest of the sand and dissolve it. Turn off the burner and let the solution stand for about 20 minutes. Pour hot syrup into glasses and add food coloring to each. We put holders on the sticks. When we dip these sticks into the hot syrup, the limiter will prevent contact with the walls and bottom of the dish. In about 7 days, a miracle will happen.

Another available ingredient is NaCl - edible salt. Getting Started:

  • Pour warm water into a glass - 200 ml.
  • Add salt in portions, stirring all the time. We do this until the salt crystals cease to dissolve. It will take approximately 70 g. It is important that the salt is clean, otherwise the experiment may end in a negative result.
  • We take a container with water, put on fire. We place a glass there, and let it stay there until the solution in it is heated. Do not forget to put a rag or some kind of stand on the bottom of the container, otherwise the glass will crack.
  • We prepare a simple device, consisting of a pencil with a thread tied to it, at the end of which the largest crystal of salt is fixed. If instead of a crystal we tie a pebble or a figurine made of copper wire, then at the end we will get a very beautiful sample.
  • We take out the glass, pass the solution through filter paper. We lay the device on the edges of the glass. A thread with a crystal will sink into a saturated solution. Set aside a dark place for dishes.
  • We observe how the crystal grows. When you decide that it has grown enough, take it out and dry it, varnish it. Handle it with care - it is very fragile.

Very beautiful blue crystals grow from blue vitriol. This material is not as safe as sugar or salt, so wear gloves. The technology is almost the same:

  • We take a glass jar and pour water - 300 ml.
  • We gradually introduce copper sulfate until the solution is supersaturated.
  • We put a pot of water on the stove, put a jar in it and heat it.
  • We hang a bead or a button on a thread. Tie to a wooden stick.
  • We take out the jar, let the solution cool.
  • We place a stick with a thread across the hole in the jar. We make sure that the load does not touch the bottom and walls of the vessel.
  • We wait until the crystal grows, then we take it out.
  • We apply the coating using colorless nail polish.

Good crystals grow from potassium alum (alunite). Buy them at the pharmacy. Then:

  • dissolved in hot water;
  • filter;
  • put in a quiet place, temperature - room temperature;
  • crystals appear after a few days at the bottom of the dish;
  • choose the best ones, transfer them to another dish and fill them with an old filtered solution;
  • repeat this operation in 2-3 days until minerals of the desired size are obtained;
  • taken out, blotted with a napkin and varnished.

In stores that sell toys, sometimes there are kits with materials for growing crystals. They contain aluminum and potassium sulfates, as well as ammonium phosphate and dyes.

To sum it up: growing crystals is a creative, exciting process. If you do this with a child, then who knows, maybe a famous explorer will grow out of him?

Times were theorized only a few years ago and confirmed recently. The articles reporting this do not say what they can be used for. Of course, every branch of physics can help us better understand the world, but have there been any suggestions for practical applications of time crystals?

There are and have been events, especially in nuclear physics, when a practical application of something was conceived before it was first proven or synthesized. What about the so-called "time crystals"? Why can they be used where ordinary superconductors are not enough?


anna v

On the state of the study by the summer of 2017. I'm copying the output:

In this article, we reviewed the state of the art in research on time crystals, originally proposed by Wilczek (2012), that is, phenomena related to the self-organization of many-body quantum systems in time. This kind of self-organization is really a quantum effect and should be distinguished from the classical phenomena of self-organization, when non-linear oscillators synchronize their movement if the connection between them is strong enough. The formation of temporary crystals is quite analogous to the formation of cosmic crystals.

While the original time crystal proposal proved impossible to materialize, Wilczek's vision opened up a new area of ​​research and became an inspiration to other scientists.

Continues to describe the last sentences and ends:

We believe that the current strong activity in the time crystal region will reveal new phenomena that are difficult to detect in systems with condensed matter or that have simply not been noticed so far. Given that the temporal degree of freedom adds an extra dimension, more opportunities for new discoveries open up.

Nowhere in this review is there a list of "practical applications".

In general searches one finds vague suggestions that time crystals would be useful for quantum computing:

While it is difficult for Yao to imagine the use of a time crystal, other proposed phases of non-equilibrium matter theoretically promise near-perfect memories and could be useful in quantum computers.

So, in my opinion, it is still at the research level, experimental and theoretical, and it is too early to evaluate possible applications. After all, when Maxwell came up with his equations that predicted electromagnetic waves, ~1860s Hertz measured them in 1887, almost thirty years later, and the first practical application in communications occurred in the 1890s. In the age of electromagnetic waves, proposals for wireless communication were not even dreamed of.

With our accelerated times (5 years between Wilczek's proposal and experiments, and many researchers working away), applications should not be far away.

Gareth Claborn

Time crystals could be very useful in quantum computing and perhaps in fusion for the same reasons. As such, time crystals provide a more stable quantum environment than a conventional particle beam.

Since time crystals have some self-preservation of their state, even without temporary external influence, they also have additional resistance to all the randomness of thermal entropy and external vibrations. This makes them ideal for some RAM designs.

It should also be theoretically possible to create a temporal and spatial grid at high pressures and temperatures, but I don't know what level of technology this would require. I think the resonant stress on the materials will be quite high.

Of course, there are other use cases. Another use of quantum computing would be the timer.


What to expect? I don't see any relation to fusion beams or particles at all...


Or why it would be a better timer than any other generator...

Gareth Claborn

@Rococo oh well. you will eventually. according to the beams, some implementations of time crystals were already in particle beam form. according to the merge, this is a rather complex discussion. often one goal in a fusion reactor is to inject pressure/heat/energy into a small local area with precise timing and regularity. Time Crystals allow for fine tuning whether reactions are above or below the threshold required to sustain melting, while at the same time providing the heat characteristics the reactor walls must withstand.

Gareth Claborn

@Rococo, according to use as a timer, no one mentioned "better", however they are better than the standard oscillator as time crystals are less affected by system noise.


"According to beams, some implementations of time crystals have already been in particle beam form", could you provide a quote or link explaining what you mean? Thanks to.

All-Russian Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren, students, graduate students and young scientists in the field of nanosystems, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies "Nanotechnologies - a breakthrough into the Future!"

GBOU Lyceum No. 000, Moscow

creative work

About crystals

The work was done by students of Lyceum 1575, Moscow:

Work manager:

Physics teacher, head of the natural sciences department of the Lyceum 1575,

Tutor: Olga Usovich, Moscow State University


About crystals

Objective: study what a natural crystal is, its properties, grow crystals from ammonium monophosphate.

Relevance: Crystals have long attracted the attention of people with their beauty, regular shape, and mystery. These bodies surround us all our lives, because they are ice, and snow, and snowflakes, and many precious and semi-precious stones, as well as solid bodies in which atoms are arranged in a regular manner, forming a crystal lattice. Even such a well-known scientist as Lomonosov showed interest in crystals: “... Curiosity alone is quite encouraging to know the inside of the Russian underground nature and to show it to the scientific council for the general increment of sciences.”

Tasks: 1. Find information about what is a crystal and a mineral

3. Talk about what sand is

4. Conduct experiments on growing a crystal


1. We learned that crystals remember the history of growth

2. We grew crystals from ammonium phosphate, as well as crystals on cardboard due to capillary growth

3. Made a mini-collection of sand

1. Introduction. four

2. Crystals and minerals. 5

2.1 Types of crystals. 7

2.2 Ideal crystal. 7

2.3 Real crystal. 7

3. Properties of crystals ............................................... ................................... ……..eight

3.1 Symmetry……………………………………………………………………...8

3.2 Anisotropy………………………………………………………………………8

4. Sand crystals …………...……………………………………………...…….9

5. Theoretical part: "growing crystals". 12

5.1 Why crystals are grown.. 12

6. Independent cultivation of crystals. 13

6.1 Crystals of ammonium phosphate. 13

Bibliography. fifteen

“Almost the entire world is crystalline.

The world is dominated by crystal and its solids,

straight lines"


1. Introduction.

Since childhood, we remember the fairy tales that our grandparents and parents told us. These fairy tales were from different countries, on different topics, with different characters, but they all had one thing in common, they all had magic. Sometimes it was transmitted through the supernatural abilities of the characters, and sometimes through magical items. Crystals often became these objects: a crystal of wisdom, a crystal of eternity ... More than one fairy tale can be found in the name of which a crystal is mentioned: “malachite box”, “mistress of the copper mountain”, “memories of a stone”. And although in real life crystals do not have magical properties, interest in them has remained since childhood.

In our project, we talk about crystals, their properties, touch on the topic of sand, because each grain of sand is a separate quartz crystal. Also in the practical part of the work, we grew crystals from ammonium monophosphate.

2.Crystals and minerals.

According to their physical properties and molecular structure, solids are divided into three classes: crystalline, amorphous, and composites.

Crystals are solids in which atoms are arranged periodically, forming a three-dimensionally periodic spatial arrangement - a crystal lattice.

The crystal structure, being individual for each substance, refers to the main physical and chemical properties.

Crystallization - the formation of crystals from vapors, solutions, melts, substances in a solid state (amorphous or other crystalline), in the process of electrolysis and in chemical reactions. Leads to the formation of minerals.

Crystals vary in size. Many of them can only be seen with a microscope. But there are giant crystals weighing several tons.

The type of crystalline ice cell was first identified by Linus Poiling in 1935.

In such a unit cell, each oxygen atom is adjacent to four hydrogen atoms, and the angle between bonds is 109.5 °, and for water the angle is 105 °. Such a difference in angles leads to a distortion of the shape of the molecule, which leads to the fact that hydrogen atoms cannot be located in the middle between oxygen atoms. The unit cell of ice has a hexagonal structure corresponding to the six-sided symmetry of snowflakes.

The hexagonal structure of ice remains stable at room temperature up to the melting point. At other temperatures and pressures, different structures of snowflakes and ice floes can form.

Different crystals are not necessarily formed by different elements. Example, diamond and graphite. The difference in their properties is due solely to the difference in their crystal structure.

A mineral is a natural body with a certain chemical composition and crystalline structure, which is formed as a result of natural physical and chemical processes and has certain physical, mechanical and chemical properties.

The concept of "mineral" means a solid natural inorganic crystalline substance.

According to the well-known mineralogist, professor of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, "a mineral is a crystal." It is clear that the properties of minerals and rocks are closely related to the general properties of the crystalline state.

Russian scientist S. found that in nature there can be only 230 different space groups, covering all kinds of crystalline structures.

Simple crystal lattices include

Simple cubic (particles are located at the vertices of the cube);

Face-centered cubic (particles are located both at the vertices of the cube and at the center of each face);

Body-centered cubic (particles are located both at the vertices of the cube and in the center of each cubic cell);


The most important characteristics of minerals are crystal chemical structure and composition. All other properties of minerals follow from them or are interconnected with them.

2.1 Types of crystals.

Depending on the structure, crystals are divided into ionic, covalent, molecular and metallic.

Ionic crystals are built from alternating cations (a positively charged ion) and anions (a negatively charged ion) that are held in a certain order by electrostatic attraction and repulsion forces. Ionic crystals form most salts of inorganic and organic acids, oxides, hydroxides, salts. In covalent crystals (they are also called atomic) at the nodes of the crystal lattice there are atoms, identical or different, which are connected by covalent (formed by the overlap of a pair of valence electron clouds) bonds. These bonds are strong and directed at certain angles. A typical example is a diamond; in his crystal, each carbon atom is bonded to four other atoms located at the vertices of the tetrahedron.

Molecular crystals are built from isolated molecules between which relatively weak attractive forces act. As a result, such crystals have much lower melting and boiling points, and their hardness is low. From inorganic compounds, molecular crystals form many non-metals (noble gases, hydrogen, nitrogen, white phosphorus, oxygen, sulfur, halogens), compounds whose molecules are formed only by covalent bonds. This type of crystals is also characteristic of almost all organic compounds.

Metal crystals form pure metals and their alloys. Such crystals can be seen on the fracture of metals, as well as on the surface of galvanized sheet. The crystal lattice of metals is formed by cations, which are connected by mobile electrons ("electron gas"). This structure determines the electrical conductivity, malleability, high reflectivity (brilliance) of crystals.

It is necessary to separate the ideal and real crystal.

2.2 Ideal crystal.

It is, in fact, a mathematical object that has a complete symmetry inherent in it, ideally smooth smooth edges.

2.3 Real crystal.

It always contains various defects in the internal structure of the lattice, distortions and irregularities on the faces and has a reduced symmetry of the polyhedron due to the specific growth conditions, inhomogeneity of the feeding medium, damage and deformation. A real crystal does not necessarily have crystallographic faces and a regular shape, but it retains its main property - the regular position of atoms in the crystal lattice.

For a visual representation of such structures, crystal lattices are used, in the nodes of which the centers of atoms or molecules (or ions) of a substance are located. The structural element of the lattice of the minimum size is called the elementary cell. The entire crystal lattice can be built by parallel transfer of the elementary cell in some directions.

Crystals, which is important, remember their background, "place of birth."

Crystals are formed:

When a substance is formed as a result of a chemical reaction

When attached to a salt molecule, water molecules

When a solute is precipitated from a solution

When a gaseous or liquid substance changes into a solid

When crystals grow, the atoms are arranged in a certain order. At this time, an external influence occurs (temperature, pressure changes). because of this, dislocations arise, because of them the atoms are arranged in a different order. It turns out that by dislocation one can understand where this crystal came from, how it was formed, what is happening nearby. for example, snowflakes cannot be the same, because there cannot be absolutely identical formation conditions, impurities, but they all have a hexagonal shape, since they have a similar basic composition and the conditions are also limited (temperature below 0, etc.).

Diamond, graphite and nanodiamond are an example of the fact that crystals with different properties do not necessarily consist of different substances. These substances are identical in composition and they differ only in the structure of the crystal lattice. Nanodiamonds have been found in nature in craters formed by meteor impacts. Nanodiamonds are used to create elements of nanoelectronics.

diamond and graphitenanodiamond


crystal lattice of diamond and graphite

3. Properties of crystals.

Although the real crystals found in our lives do not have magical properties, they have no less interesting properties, such as:

3.1 Symmetry.

The regularity of the atomic structure (a crystal can be combined with itself by means of symmetry transformations). In nature, there are only 230 different space groups, covering all possible crystal structures (this was established by the Russian scientist S.)

3.2 Anisotropy.

Anisotropy - the dissimilarity of the properties of crystals in different directions. Anisotropy is a characteristic property of crystalline bodies. In this case, the property of anisotropy in its simplest form manifests itself only in single crystals. In polycrystals, the anisotropy of the body as a whole may not manifest itself due to the random orientation of microcrystals, or even not manifest itself, except in cases of special crystallization conditions, special processing, etc.

The reason for the anisotropy of crystals is that with an ordered arrangement of atoms, molecules or ions, the forces of interaction between them and the interatomic distances are not the same in different directions. The reason for the anisotropy of a molecular crystal can also be the asymmetry of its molecules. Macroscopically, this dissimilarity manifests itself, as a rule, only if the crystal structure is not too symmetrical.

4. Sand crystals.

natural collection

Sand makes beautiful natural collections.

When precipitation falls in the desert, the water quickly soaks into the sand. If there is a lot of gypsum in the sand, its particles are washed out and go deep into the water. From the intense heat, the water rises again to the surface. When the water completely evaporates, new gypsum crystals form. Since the formation of the mineral occurs in a layer of sand, the sand becomes part of the crystal. And tourists who have visited the Sahara are happy to take these stones - desert roses - into their collections. The diameter of the petals of the "desert rose" is from 2-3 millimeters to several decimeters. The color of the crystals depends entirely on the color of the sand in which they formed. White "desert roses" are found in the Tunisian Sahara, black - in the deserts of Argentina.

Stock Foto Sahara Desert. Natural collection. “Desert Rose” - sandstone

Nowadays, collecting sand from different beaches and volcanoes is not uncommon. But few people know that the collection of sand is also a collection of crystals. Each grain of sand is a small quartz crystal!

The sand from the quarry mainly consists of yellow quartz crystals, it contains a minimum amount of impurities. Obsidian or volcanic glass can be found in the Sand from the Gozo volcano. In the sand from Greece, many grains of sand are not quartz crystals, but small minerals of other substances. White sand from the beaches of Tunisia contains virtually no foreign matter. It's all white quartz crystals. Sandstone is a solid stone, consisting of grains of sand "blinded" together. Rock crystal has a lot in common with sand. These are also quartz crystals, but only rock crystal is larger in size.

Photo 1. Ordinary sand from a quarry. Photo 2. Sand from the white beaches of Tunisia

Photo 3. Volcanic sand

from Greece. Photo 4. The birth of obsidian

Photo 5. Sand from the island of Gozo.

The photos were taken under a microscope with a magnification of 10.

5. Theoretical part: "growing crystals".

5.1 Why crystals are grown

Why create artificial crystals, if almost all solids around us have a crystalline structure?

First of all, natural crystals are not always large enough, they are often heterogeneous, they contain unwanted impurities. With artificial cultivation, you can get crystals larger and cleaner than in nature.

There are also crystals that are rare in nature and highly valued, but are very necessary in technology. Therefore, laboratory and factory methods for growing diamond, quartz, and corundum crystals have been developed. Large crystals necessary for technology and science, artificial gems, crystalline materials for precision instruments are grown in laboratories; there they also create those crystals that are studied by crystallographers, physicists, chemists, metallologists, mineralogists, discovering new remarkable phenomena and properties in them. And most importantly, by artificially growing crystals, they create substances that do not exist in nature at all, many new substances. According to Academician Nikolai Vasilyevich Belov, a large crystal is an object of manifestation, study and use of the amazing properties of a crystal that continuously revolutionize science and technology.

In laboratories and factories, methods of creating artificial crystals with the properties necessary for technology are being improved more and more, so to speak, crystals “to measure”, or “to order”.

Also, when we grow crystals, we seem to create a piece of a fairy tale. As if by magic, crystals grow from powder and water. The interest also lies in the fact that when we learn the scientific explanation of the "fairy tale", it seems to us that everything that surrounds us is a fairy tale. Only not wizards, but chemists, not magic powder, but ammonium monophosphate, not a magic crystal with its magical properties and beauty, but ordinary, but always beautiful.

6.Self growing crystals

Crystals are formed:

1. At the moment of formation of a substance as a result of a chemical reaction

2. When attached to a salt molecule, water molecules

3. When a solute is precipitated from a solution

4. When a gaseous or liquid substance passes into a solid

6.1 Crystals of ammonium phosphate.

1. Preparation of materials. We will need: ammonium phosphate, a measuring cup, hot water, a stirring stick, a container for crystals (stones are also used for growing the second type).

2. Add 70 ml of hot water to 25 g of ammonium phosphate and stir thoroughly until the ammonium phosphate is dissolved.

3. A) pour the resulting solution into a container and wait about a day.

B) 1. Pour stones into the crystal container.

2. Pour the solution into the container and wait about a week.

3. And we impregnate a piece of green paper with another solution.

You can also grow crystals on cardboard (cardboard is a porous structure). It is necessary to rub the edges of the cardboard with sandpaper and put it in the solution. The diagram shows how this process takes place. Through the capillaries, the solution gets to the edges of the cardboard, evaporation and crystallization occur, crystals grow from the solution.

Scheme of the crystal growth process: capillaries - evaporation-crystallization

Results: (ammonium phosphate crystals): (Photo by the author)

This system of crystals contains crystals of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate, a promising material with non-linear electrical properties.


1. We learned that crystals remember the history of growth

2. We grew crystals from ammonium phosphate, as well as crystals on cardboard due to capillary growth

3. Made a mini-collection of sand


1. "Amazing Nanostructures", Kenneth Deffeyes and Stephen Deffeys, edited by prof. , Binom 2011

2. "Rocks and minerals" Scientific - pop. edition. Moscow, Mir, 1986

3. "Gems", Smith G, World, 1980

4. "Practical guide to mineralogy", A, geological literature, 1948

5. "Geological Dictionary", M, 1980

Today we will talk about such necessary things in crafting as crystals and gemstones of all grades, namely, about how to get them.

Any craft needs both crystals and gemstones of different grades, you can buy something in the store, something from the merchant mammon in the week of the victory of the seven seals, something we get when breaking various things into crystals.
It makes sense to break gear (or guns) mainly only D grade, and even then only the one that is sold in stores for adena, rare things (such as parts or top D plate set, it’s simply a pity to break), and everything above D grade and even more so.
No, of course, I broke both C and B and even A things (when crystals are very urgently needed - this is at the start of the server, when you just can’t get them in other ways), and when the server is already developed, I even prefer to do it differently: when they ask me to break some thing of B and A grade (mainly avadon and teeth heavy and light bodies, as well as DK heavy and light), I just give people the amount of crystals that they will receive from breaking this thing, and I keep the little thing for myself, because in any case there will be people to whom we will subsequently sell this piece of clothing, and much more expensive than it would be in the form of crystals. Well, let's talk about all this in more detail below:

With D grade crystals, everything is simple - we go to the weapons store in Giran, buy a D gun and break it into crystals. I have never calculated the cost of crystals received using this method, and you only need to calculate it on x1 servers, if your server rates are higher, then there is no point in calculating these pennies. Received D crystals are sold for approximately 740 adena (plus / minus, depending on the specific prices prevailing on the server).

With C crystals, everything is also simple - everything is based on the fact that low C duals can be soldered from D swords, bought all in the same weapon shop. Therefore, we buy the required amount of D one-handed swords (I prefer to dual Elven Sword * Elven Sword) and go to the Giran forge to Pushkin. He has a dual C dulki and immediately break them into C crystals. Received C kris sell for approximately 3,400 adena (plus/minus, depending on the specific prices prevailing on the server).

With B crystals it is already more difficult - there are three main ways to get:

1. Breaking a B thing into crystals is a barbaric way, I personally feel sorry, but sometimes you have to do it too. The only thing I note - never break B guns (well, except for low B muzzles), since any B gun is rather rare due to the difficulties in obtaining recipes for its crafting.

2. If the server is sufficiently developed and the server has dual craft stamps. We buy two swords in the Luxor store in Giran for D and C crystals (I take a sword of delusion), we buy a dual craft stamp as cheaply as possible (why cheaper? Yes, because the cost of the obtained B crystals will directly depend on the price of the craft stamp), we go to the blacksmith in Oren and dual B dulki with the help of a craft stamp. We break and use the crystals for our needs. They sell B crystals from 20k to 50k (also depends on the server).

3. If the server has just opened and there are no craft stamps, then in the week of the victory of seven seals, you can exchange T-grade swords at the blacksmith of mammon, which are dual in Aden without using a dual craft stamp, but with the help of SoPs (). We buy all the same swords of delusions in Giran's luxor and go to the kata to look for the blacksmith of mammon, we exchange (for free) deluges for a sword of nightmare (Sword of Nightmare):

We take two swords received from Mammon, 45 sops and scratch them to the forge of Aden, where we dual without any stamp B dulka for scrap:

With crystals A and Y, the grade is still worse than with the rest. As you understand, crafted dulks are no longer broken here due to their high cost, therefore, we either break cheaper gear (DK light or heavy body, Tallum light body) or buy crystals on the week of the victory of the seven seals from the mammon merchant for adena ancent. Purchase price: A crystal - 15k AA, S crystal - 25k AA. But here it’s easier because the A and S guns are actively sharpened, which means they break from time to time, so you can put a chara to buy A and S crystals, sometimes you can even buy them very cheaply.

These gems can be bought in the store, just keep in mind that not every city has them, B gemstones are sold in Giran, Rune, Shuga and Goddard.

A and B gemstones are bought from the mammon trader in the week of the victory of seven seals for the ancient adena, the price of A gem is 30k AA, S gemstone is 100k AA.

That's basically all I wanted to tell you about crystals and gems. Selling prices for A and Y chris and gems are not written deliberately, since they are tied to the prices of ancient adena, and the price of AA differs significantly on different servers.

Article written at the request Dmitry Plakhov.

Addition: has been added

Crystals are minerals formed from three-dimensional repeating patterns of atoms. The appearance of a crystal depends on the natural characteristics of its type and the conditions in which it grows. Some take on strange shapes, some are very small, and some grow very large, developing over a thousand years.

How are crystals programmed and cleaned?

The repeating chemical structure of crystals is capable of having a memory. This means that crystals have the power to hold energy. A quartz crystal with intent is filled with love. This is what is meant by chip programming. No wires or special connection to God is needed - all that is needed is intention. The crystal will remember love, which will then permeate any environment where the crystal is placed.
Crystals can remember negative and positive energies and will therefore sometimes need to be cleansed. For example, an amethyst will actually help cleanse a room of negative energies (anger) but that means an amethyst that retains an element of that negative energy is therefore in need of cleaning.

There are various ways to purify crystals. One of the most common is to submerge them in seawater for a couple of days. Another method involves burying the crystals in the garden for several days, leaving them underground for a while.

Characteristics of individual types of stones

Different stones have different energy properties. For example, Eye of the Tigers can help those seeking enlightenment and clarity, Lapis Lazuli expands awareness and helps tune intuition. Rose Quartz soothes emotions and eases emotional trauma, just hold it in your hands.
These values ​​are simply interpretations of the energy of each crystalline carrier:

  • Red is the color of action, and red stones can strengthen and revitalize in the same way as blood in the human body.
  • White or clear stones, such as quartz, help you see the world clearly.
  • Purple stones help in transformation and change.

When working with crystals, it is necessary to read books, to understand stones. You need to learn how to work and form your own opinion on techniques. The shape of the crystal may also be indicative of quality.
Below is a list of the most commonly available form of crystals:

- Pointed sticks

Often these crystals are used extensively in healing and healing, cleansing and purifying, and also used as a jewel.

- Pieces (bars)

Chunks are crystals with no particularly known aspects. They can be good for enriching the atmosphere of rooms, for holding time for meditation.

- Crystal Druses (Groups)

Crystal drusen are made up of small crystals that have grown naturally. Druzes have a positive effect on the environment and harmonize the atmosphere of the workplace. They harmonize, purify or soothe the atmosphere around them.

- Carved crystals.

Crystals, certain shapes. Like pyramids, sticks or spheres, for example, they look attractive. If they are well done, the energy is maintained and increased for a long time.

- hanging stones
Small stones or crystals, smooth and shiny. Many people carry them in their pocket to keep the energy of the stone going throughout the day.

You don't need to know the exact properties of each stone in order to buy one. It's more important to have a perception that will matter to each particular person. When you are in a shop just stand in front of a group of crystals, close your eyes and relax, and try to feel which stone draws you or is the most attractive.
It also happens when you see a lot of beautiful crystals, of various shapes and types, but nothing attracts you to buy. As with all purchases related to spiritual growth, like a crystal or a pendulum, it is important to tune in to the purchase. To do this, you first need to abstract from routine problems that may interfere with the mood to make a purchase. Next, you need to understand why you need a crystal, for what purposes, then close your eyes, take it and concentrate. Feel the energy of the crystal and then choose.

Sometimes you need to understand what you need. We can clearly see how to help others in life, but our own life is colored by conceit. It is very difficult to be objective to yourself. We like that we are always surrounded by love, but in some situations we show sarcasm. We think that we are ready to forgive, but in fact we cannot talk with the person who offended. Out of conceit, an emotional state, the conscious "I" does not always choose crystals well. You can start buying a citrine crystal after reading that this crystal can help dispel negative energy. Do not get upset in case of failure and remember the main zeal, and you will get everything, because practice is always needed to understand all the subtleties.

https://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/3370123574_478a61d963_b-1-1024x819.jpghttps://website/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/3370123574_478a61d963_b-1-150x150.jpg 2017-04-14T15:44:44+07:00 PsyPage Reflection Carved crystals, Fortune telling, Druse, Here and now, Mirror, stone, Crystals, Hanging stones, Real world, conscious "I"What are crystals? Crystals - minerals are formed from three-dimensional repeating patterns of atoms. The appearance of a crystal depends on the natural characteristics of its type and the conditions in which it grows. Some take on strange shapes, some are very small, and some grow very large, developing over a thousand years. How are crystals programmed and cleaned? The repeating chemical structure of crystals is capable of...PsyPage


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