What does a fetus look like at 30 weeks? Photo of the fetus, photo of the abdomen, ultrasound and video about the development of the child. This week the doctor will prescribe a series of tests.

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At week 30, women go on paid maternity leave. If the pregnancy is multiple, prenatal leave starts two weeks earlier.

Before the decree, working mothers often take annual leave from work. So many of them have long retired from work at week 30, are preparing for childbirth and are looking forward to when their long-awaited baby is born and can be picked up. At the beginning of the prenatal leave, the doctor also draws up and gives the pregnant woman an exchange card, the most important document that contains the doctor’s notes about the features of the “interesting situation” and other necessary information (for example, information about previous births and the father of the unborn child). This card should always be carried with you in case of a variety of unforeseen situations while waiting for the baby.

Fruit size

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the length of the child is about 38 cm. In size, it can be compared with a large exotic fruit from the citrus family - a pomelo.

Baby weight

This week, the weight of the fetus is about 1400 g.

Fetal development at 30 weeks gestation

A child at 30 weeks perfectly distinguishes between light and darkness with his small, but already wide-open eyes. How is this possible if he is in the womb? It turns out that light penetrates the uterus, and the baby sees it. The ability of the fetus to distinguish sounds is also improved. Scientists have determined that for him there are no such concepts as “silence” and “peace”: he hears how his mother’s heart beats (calmly or excitedly), how she talks with her future dad, her doctor, listens to music ... Interesting, that now the crumbs have a sense of their native language, he remembers the sounds he heard, and he likes the feeling of comfort and calmness coming from the woman and those who surround her at the moment. As for the physical development of the little man, all his systems and organs have already been formed at week 30, but now they continue to progress. If a child is born at this time, he has every chance of surviving, but the work of his organs will be maintained artificially for some time with the help of special equipment.


At week 30, the heart rate is 140-160 beats per minute. A normal heartbeat can turn into tachycardia (above 170 beats per minute) or bradycardia (120 beats or less). This may indicate the development of undesirable and, in some cases, pathological processes. Therefore, a woman should regularly conduct a routine examination and make a diagnosis of fetal development. So, to assess cardiac activity, mothers are recommended to do CTG - fetal cardiotocography.

What does a fetus look like at 30 weeks pregnant?

The skin of the baby acquires a pinkish color, the skin thickens. Less and less original hair remains on the body - lanugo. The proportions of the fetus are the same as those of a newborn. His legs and arms are slightly different - they are much thinner, but very soon they will “overgrow” with the necessary amount of fat.

Body changes and new sensations of a woman

If we say that now mothers are enjoying their position with might and main, we, of course, are being cunning. Women at 30 weeks are very tired, every day it becomes more and more difficult for them to carry a baby under their hearts. What to do? Learn not to pay attention to difficulties and set yourself up for the fact that the third trimester will end soon, and ahead of you is a meeting with your beloved baby!

Continue to monitor your health at week 30 and follow all the safety measures necessary for this period. In particular, avoid resting on your back. Otherwise, you risk causing yourself a syndrome of compression by the uterus of the inferior vena cava, which runs along the right side of the spine. This can result in headaches, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Another consequence of the syndrome is an increase in blood pressure in the veins of the lower extremities, as well as in the hemorrhoidal veins located under the skin near the anus, which leads, respectively, to varicose veins of the legs and hemorrhoids. So how do you sleep during pregnancy? Remember: the expectant mother can rest only on her side, preferably on her left.

Weight gain

The optimal weight gain for women of normal build in the second half of pregnancy is about 250-300 g per week. The total weight gain by the end of week 30 is approximately 9.3 kg. Got more? Do not worry, do not try to lose weight on your own and do not go on a diet (this can harm your baby!), But be sure to consult your doctor - he may prescribe special fasting days for you during pregnancy. Got less? Also, do not be upset - as a rule, this is characteristic of overweight women to an "interesting position." This state of affairs, however, does not exclude the need to consult a good specialist as soon as possible and, if necessary, take the necessary measures to improve your condition.

Mom's belly

The abdomen at week 30 continues to increase, which is associated with the active growth of the fetus. Because of the belly, the mother becomes clumsy, not only her figure changes, but also her gait. Now you need to move (walk, sit down, climb stairs, bend over, get out of bed) with great care - sudden movements can cause pain. It is difficult to say what size the stomach should be at week 30: the concept of “norm” in this matter is very relative, for a doctor in a antenatal clinic, the main indicator is the growth of the abdomen in dynamics.

Analyzes and ultrasound

At week 30, the time comes for the third planned ultrasound during pregnancy. Ultrasound at this time allows you to examine parts of the baby's body and its organs, assess the condition of the placenta, trace the possible entanglement of the umbilical cord of the fetus, determine low or polyhydramnios, the position of the child in the uterus. Additionally, at this time, doctors can prescribe dopplerometry (recently it is recommended to almost all mothers) - this is a type of ultrasound diagnostics, a method that allows you to assess the state of blood flow in the vessels of the child, uterus and placenta. At week 30, the general urine test of a pregnant woman, which has become "traditional", is also preserved.

Nutrition at 30 weeks pregnant

It becomes more and more difficult for the stomach to digest heavy food - starting from the 30th week, the consumption of bread and cereals should be limited. Control the amount of fluid you drink - this is necessary in order to avoid swelling. To improve the elasticity of the perineum, minimize the amount of salt and increase the consumption of carrots.


Still do not forget about vitamins. It is better to get them in a natural (with food) form, but it is also impossible to exclude special vitamin-mineral complexes prescribed by a doctor.

Sex at 30 weeks pregnant

In the third trimester, special attention should be paid to intimate perineal massage, which will reduce the likelihood of ruptures during childbirth. Of course, the expectant mother is able to perform such a procedure on her own, but it is much more pleasant when a partner does this for a woman. Intimate massage for pregnant women in the absence of medical contraindications will be an excellent prelude to sex. But remember: love games at week 30 should not be particularly passionate and too “violent” fantasy - you don’t want to give birth ahead of time! It is necessary to massage the intimate area (fingers at this moment should be at a depth of about 3 cm in the vagina) for about 2 minutes. Before starting the procedure, mix several oils, in particular, oils of St. John's wort and wheat germ - this will make the touch more sensual (you can also use olive oil and even sunflower). It is superfluous in this matter to recall the rules of personal hygiene, which must be observed by both a man and a pregnant woman.


The time has come when it is already possible and necessary to prepare for childbirth. In particular, it is necessary to activate the muscles that make it easier for the child to move through the birth canal. In this respect, a set of exercises developed by the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel is very effective. The meaning of Kegel exercises for pregnant women is to alternately tighten and relax the muscles of the perineum. First of all, we are talking about the pubococcygeal muscle. Finding it in yourself is quite simple: when you want to go to the toilet "in a small way", sit on the toilet, spread your legs and start the "process". As you go, try to stop the jet without moving your feet. You yourself will feel which muscle will strain the most - you need to work with it. Compress and decompress the pubococcygeus muscle should be in any position (about 10 repetitions) at least 5 times a day.

Beauty and accessories

During pregnancy, the legs suffer greatly, which have a “double load”! Special compression tights for expectant mothers will help the legs - wearing them is rightfully considered one of the most effective ways to prevent varicose veins, as well as heaviness in the legs and swelling while waiting for the baby. Compression tights are made from medical knitwear, they do not squeeze the stomach and waist and are great for everyday wear. You can buy them at a pharmacy. However, before buying, it recommends that you consult with a specialist.

Finally, the 30th obstetric week of pregnancy has come, which means the beginning of maternity leave - the most long-awaited stage for all expectant mothers. By this period, the belly has already become quite large, so it is more difficult for a woman to walk and perform simple household duties.

What happens at 30 weeks

Fetal nutrition occurs through the umbilical cord and the placenta, which is penetrated by a network of blood vessels, therefore it has a rich bright brown hue. By the thirtieth week of pregnancy, it already weighs about 600-700 g, reaches a diameter of about 15-20 cm, and its thickness is 2-3 cm.

The umbilical cord supplies all the nutrients, oxygen, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the nutrition and proper development of the fetus. It consists of the umbilical artery and vein, and can be from 30 to 100 cm in length.

The child has grown even more, in size it looks like a winter melon. His height from heels to the crown is about 38 cm, and the weight of the fetus at the 30th week is 1400 g. The baby is already quite large, his internal organs are well developed, so he is no longer afraid to be born prematurely.

During the movement of the baby, the umbilical cord can form knots that can be squeezed during the growth of the baby. That is why it is important to carefully monitor the activity and frequency of movements of the crumbs, since the node can block the supply of oxygen.

Normally, they should be:

  • per hour - about 6 movements;
  • in 6 hours - about 10 movements;
  • in 12 hours - about 24 movements.

Changes in the body and feelings of a woman

By the thirtieth week, the child has already grown significantly, so the expectant mother feels slight discomfort. All internal organs in the abdominal cavity and small pelvis are under pressure from the uterus, so the woman has digestive problems, frequent urination, and also.

Pregnancy after the thirtieth week is characterized by a continued shift in the center of gravity, so the gait of a pregnant woman literally changes every day. In the people it is called "duck". Other changes in the body of the expectant mother include the acceleration of metabolic processes, which leads to an alternation of sensations of heat and cold throughout the body, as well as an increase in sweating.

The restructuring of the hormonal system and the production of progesterone prepare the female body for the upcoming birth, so the future mother continues to soften the bones, joints, and the connective tissue in the pelvic area is stretched. This helps to facilitate future delivery, but leads to painful sensations.

Other changes in the body:

  • Numbness and tingling in the hands due to swelling of the lower and upper extremities;
  • Lack of air associated with changes in hormonal levels and squeezing of the diaphragm.

Weight and uterus at 30 weeks pregnant

The weight of a woman by the thirtieth week of pregnancy increases by 10-11 kg, but this figure depends on the individual characteristics of the woman, including physique and body mass index. For the entire period of pregnancy, the increase should not exceed the maximum allowable 16-17 kg, so it is necessary to carefully monitor the weekly increase in body weight.

The thirtieth week of pregnancy is characterized by a high elevation of the uterus - about 8-11 cm above the level of the navel. The height of its bottom is about 30-31 cm from the pubic symphysis. It is due to this location in the abdominal cavity that it presses on the diaphragm, so the expectant mother may experience breathing problems and shortness of breath.

The uterus begins to actively prepare for the upcoming birth, so the expectant mother can regularly feel tension in the abdominal muscles - false contractions. They do not have negative consequences for the life of the mother and child, and also do not bring pain, significant discomfort and discharge.

The onset of labor is accompanied by already rhythmic, regular and increasing pain. Therefore, if during this period there is intense cramping pain with a characteristic frequency, especially accompanied by bleeding from the genital tract, then you should immediately call an ambulance.

Although the child is already large enough, he can still move freely in the uterine cavity, but after two weeks all his movements will be limited, and the expectant mother will be able to feel even the slightest movement.

Therefore, it is important to determine the position of the fetus in a timely manner and actively perform exercises if the baby has taken the wrong position. A set of special exercises will help ensure that the fetus at the 30th week of pregnancy can take the correct head position.

Discharge from the genital tract

Normally, the discharge, as in previous weeks, has a transparent or milky color, without additional inclusions in the form of clots and pus. At week 30, their number may increase slightly and have a slight sour smell.

Any change in normal discharge after the thirtieth week of pregnancy is a signal to contact a specialist:

  • An admixture of blood indicates the onset of labor, placental abruption and pathologies of the cervix;
  • Watery discharge indicates a possible leakage of amniotic fluid (a common symptom of isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix);
  • Yellow and greenish discharge may indicate a genital infection.


Ultrasound at 30 weeks of pregnancy is usually performed unscheduled only for medical reasons. A pregnant woman is sent for an ultrasound scan if various pathologies are suspected, and also in order to trace the dynamics of the treatment prescribed by the gynecologist.

With the help of the apparatus, the sonologist determines:

  • How is the development of the internal organs and systems of the child;
  • The degree of maturity, thickness, and location of the placenta;
  • Condition and length of the uterus;
  • Fetal weight and height. On average, the weight of a child at 30 weeks of pregnancy is about 1300 g-1500 g. In addition to weight and height, the specialist performs fetometry;
  • The location of the fetus. Usually at this time the child already takes the correct head presentation, which will facilitate the process of birth for him.

A sonologist also examines the umbilical cord and uterine artery. If any pathology is detected, the gynecologist who leads the pregnancy prescribes treatment and decides on the hospitalization of the pregnant woman in a medical institution.

fetus at 30 weeks

What happens at 30 weeks pregnant and what does the embryo look like?

The baby in the womb already looks like a newborn, but the skin is still covered with original grease. His skin is smoothing out more and more every day and is no longer as wrinkled as before.

In his lungs, a special substance is gradually produced - a surfactant, which is vital for their proper functioning. It prevents the small bubbles of the alveoli from clumping together, through which oxygen enters the blood. The minimum possible level of surfactant for the viability of the fetus is reached only by 32 weeks, but the alveoli continue to produce it until birth.

While in the womb, the baby makes "breathing movements" in which the lungs fill with amniotic fluid. This helps to strengthen the muscles of the chest. When it is lowered, the amniotic fluid fills the lungs, and when it is raised, it is pushed out.

The baby's heart beats rhythmically. Interestingly, the heart rate in boys is usually lower than in girls.

The active development of the fetus at the 30th obstetric week of pregnancy continues in the brain. More and more convolutions and furrows appear in this most important organ. He already knows how to regulate the baby's body temperature, so at the thirtieth week of pregnancy, the baby begins to gradually get rid of the fluff - lanugo, which covers his entire body. For many babies, the fluff does not yet have time to disappear by the time of birth, so the baby is born with it. Don't worry, lanugo will eventually disappear anyway.

Already in the middle of the seventh month, the child's psyche and nervous system are laid down, and there are also periods of sleep and wakefulness. A woman can notice this by the activation of movements at certain periods of the day.

Nutrition at 30 weeks

It should be remembered that the 30th week of pregnancy can be characterized by constipation, so products that fix the stool should be excluded. The diet of a pregnant woman should be as correct and balanced as possible for the development of the fetus. It should include:

  • black whole grain bread;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs;
  • milk and dairy products;
  • cereal cereals;
  • fish, steamed or boiled;
  • vegetable fats.

It is advisable to limit the consumption of dried fish, sweet foods, coffee, as well as legumes and other gas-producing foods. From the diet should be excluded simple carbohydrates - pasta, sugar and pastries. Proper nutrition will help to avoid bloating, heaviness and the appearance of extra pounds.

Possible problems at 30 weeks

The child has already grown significantly and got stronger, so childbirth at the 30th week of pregnancy can end very well. After all, the average survival rate of newborns at this time is about 95%. But in this case, the child may need nursing in an incubator and artificial ventilation of the lungs with an insufficient amount of surfactant.

One of the possible problems is oligohydramnios., which can be diagnosed when the volume of amniotic fluid at the thirtieth week of pregnancy is less than 500 ml. This pathology is caused by a violation of the absorption of amniotic fluid or its formation by the placenta. After the diagnosis of this pathology, the expectant mother is prescribed special therapy.

Other possible problems include:

  • the threat of premature birth;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency. A sign of this pathology is a short cervix, which, under the pressure of a constantly growing baby, opens up. As a result, childbirth may occur prematurely;
  • diabetes mellitus in pregnancy;
  • fetal growth retardation.

Increased uterine tone is another threat. Usually it appears only in a third of women, and it is provoked by physical activity, nervous strain and stress. When diagnosing it, it is important to follow all the recommendations of the doctor, rest more and avoid overexertion. For the timely diagnosis of any pathologies, it is important to take all the necessary tests and regularly visit a gynecologist.

The risk of all these problems increases in a pregnant woman with twins. Therefore, with multiple pregnancy, a woman should even more carefully monitor her discharge and health.

What to look out for

  • Since the stomach at the 30th week of pregnancy increases significantly in size, it becomes more difficult for a woman to move around and perform simple household chores. In order to avoid any undesirable consequences, it is important to make slow movements - carefully get out of bed, avoid sharp turns and tilts.
  • Due to the softening of the ligaments and joints, as well as because of the large abdomen, a woman may be disturbed by pain in the lower back. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, a pregnant woman should maintain the correct posture. A doctor for this purpose, as well as to maintain the abdominal muscles, may advise wearing a special bandage.
  • The abdomen, increasing in volume, causes stretching of the skin and itching. One of the serious cosmetic consequences of a large belly is stretch marks, which are easier to prevent than to eliminate later. To combat them, oils - citrus, almond, olive, as well as specialized creams are very effective. In case of severe itching, in no case should you comb the skin, this will only increase the number of stretch marks. To relieve itching, it is recommended to massage the skin using the above oils and special lotions.
  • When a woman is worried about leg cramps, then walking barefoot on the floor will help alleviate the condition. And you can also apply kneading or exercises in which a woman pulls her toe towards herself.
  • Sex at the 30th week of pregnancy is not prohibited if there are no medical contraindications, which include multiple pregnancy, the threat of premature birth and other pathologies that threaten the bearing of a child. In this case, you should choose comfortable postures, avoid rough and active movements, as well as pressure on the stomach.

After going on maternity leave, it is important for a woman to rest more, walk in the fresh air and perform low-intensity physical exercises. This will not only improve the shape, but also avoid fetal hypoxia.

How many months at 30 weeks pregnant

Many expectant mothers are interested in the question of what month of pregnancy they are in. After all, most know their time only in weeks. So how many months pregnant at 30 weeks?

There is an embryonic period that starts from the moment of conception and obstetric - is counted from the first day of the last menstrual bleeding. Gynecologists use the obstetric method, 1 month of which contains 4 weeks or 28 days. Now we can calculate that 30 weeks of pregnancy is 7.5 months.

A calendar month contains 30-31 days, so 30 weeks is almost a full 7 month. The age of the unborn child during this period is approximately 28 weeks.

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The 30th week of pregnancy is a wonderful exciting period when the long-awaited meeting of the mother with the child is already approaching. At this stage, the pregnant woman feels the movements of the crumbs well and can say with confidence whether he is sleeping or awake, feels his reaction to the voices of loved ones, music, loud sounds.

At the beginning of the third trimester, the connection between mother and baby increases, and the pregnant woman develops maternal feelings. In this period, expectant mothers are concerned about many issues related to the development of the baby and the change in their own physical and mental state, so they should be sorted out.

30 weeks - how many months is it?

To talk about how many months the embryo turned at the thirtieth week, it is necessary to understand what the obstetric term is and how it is calculated. According to world statistics, many women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days and in most cases ovulation occurs in the middle of this period - on day 14.

After ovulation, the life of the egg varies from 12 to 24 hours (no more), while conception occurs 2 weeks after menstruation. However, some mothers do not fall under this criterion, and their menstrual cycle may differ significantly from the average.

Among specialists, it is customary to calculate the gestational age from the beginning of the last menstruation (obstetric period). If conception occurred two weeks after the onset of menstruation, then this will be the real age of the baby. This means that at 30 weeks of obstetric pregnancy, the baby is 28 weeks from the date of conception.

How does the fetus develop?

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The fetus at the thirtieth week of pregnancy begins to grow rapidly. It is already fully formed, the internal organs perform the function assigned to them. The fetus is similar to a newborn, only it has a small weight of up to one and a half kilograms and a small stature - about 40 cm.

In the eighth month, the skin of the fetus changes color due to the production of pigment, which at birth determines its shade and hair color. It becomes pink and gradually thickens. In the fetus, capillaries and blood vessels cease to shine through the epidermis. The child's nervous system continues to develop. The cerebral cortex begins to work actively, although the furrows and convolutions in the brain are still being formed, the connection between neurons becomes more intense. The brain controls all processes in the body, reflexes appear.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, a child has already formed all the internal organs. They take on the main functions and, at the same time, continue to grow and develop. The heart muscle contracts about 160 times per minute, pumping blood around the small body. The child's kidneys are fully functional, excreting urine, and other organs. The child swallows the amniotic fluid that surrounds him hourly and defecates. The baby is already producing hormones, in particular insulin.

The lungs of the child continue to develop, they accumulate surfactant, which is necessary for the baby to fully breathe. A frequent cause of death in premature babies is precisely the lack of this substance, which contributes to the opening of the lungs.

The baby's face is rounded, cheeks appear. His body takes on proportion. The child becomes more mobile, which does not go unnoticed by his mother. His eyelashes lengthen and hair grows. He can blink, yawn, smile, hiccup, often pushes (see also:). Sometimes mothers can see this during an ultrasound scan and on photos or videos taken with it.

What does ultrasound show at 30 weeks pregnant?

Usually, pregnant women are prescribed a planned ultrasound for a period of 32 weeks. However, if the gynecologist has doubts about the state of health or the correct development of the fetus, it is allowed to be carried out at 30 weeks or earlier.

Why do an ultrasound at thirty weeks? It is believed that it is the 30th week that is best suited for determining pathological changes, as well as identifying dysfunctions in the functioning of the baby's organs and systems. In this period of pregnancy, during an ultrasound examination of the abdomen of the expectant mother, the doctor can look at everything in detail and accurately determine the sex of the child. In addition, by means of ultrasound:

  • the presence or absence of violations in the development of the baby's organs and his motor activity is determined;
  • the correctness of the development of multiple pregnancy is controlled;
  • the exact terms are determined, the establishment of which is necessary when applying for maternity leave;
  • fetometry of the crumbs is carried out;
  • the presence of a threat of premature birth is determined;
  • the length of the cervix is ​​\u200b\u200bmeasured (more details in the article:);
  • umbilical cord entanglement (or its absence) is detected;
  • the weight of the fetus, the degree of maturity of the placenta and its functionality are established;
  • the location of the fetus is determined (it should already lie head down).

Every mom wants to know the gender of her baby. Various folk methods help to determine by the shape of the abdomen who to expect - a boy or a girl, but the most reliable is still an ultrasound examination. Some ultrasound photos taken on high-quality equipment allow you to see what the baby looks like.

Processes occurring in the body of a woman

Pregnancy literally changes a woman. Consider what processes occur in the body of a future mother. During this period, most pregnant women complain of back pain, and some of them are pursued from an early date, which is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and a shift in the center of gravity. In this case, the main load falls on the lumbar region. Sometimes pulls the lower abdomen.

In some pregnant women, blood pressure rises, the head hurts, the heartbeat (tachycardia) quickens, and swelling appears. All these symptoms can be associated both with the location of the child and with the wrong way of life of the mother. The baby is looking for a comfortable position for him inside the abdomen, while he can put pressure on the woman's internal organs, which leads to discomfort, pain in the kidney area, and accumulation of fluid in the body.

If a pregnant woman had pigmentation in the first trimester, then at week 30 this process stops. However, the pigment will completely disappear only after the baby is born. The stomach continues to grow, which makes it uncomfortable to sleep on your back. The breast is preparing for lactation, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands. Sometimes a woman notes the appearance of spots on the cups of a bra (colostrum is released).

Feelings at 30 weeks

Because of the rapidly growing belly, mom increasingly feels tired. The shift in the center of gravity leads to the appearance of a "duck gait" and slow walking. The woman has swelling of the body, especially in the morning. The baby presses on the internal organs, which sometimes provokes pain that disappears when the position of the body changes. To monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, the doctor prescribes urine and blood tests before each appointment.

A woman may notice the appearance of stretch marks in the chest and abdomen, and varicose veins often occur on the legs, which is formed as a result of excessive stress. Sometimes women feel bouts of shortness of breath during the day, heart palpitations. The cause of these ailments may be the activity of the baby and the increased load on the mother's body, because he works for two, so at the 30th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother is sent on maternity leave even if she feels well. To go on maternity leave, the doctor prescribes additional tests.

Pregnant women at week 30 feel that the movements of the baby inside are becoming stronger and more intense. At the next visit, the gynecologist may strongly recommend that you note the baby's movements according to the scheme and enter these readings in the table. The child should move 10-15 times a day.

Each pregnancy card has an insert for marking movements. At about the same time, for example, at 09.00 in the morning, the pregnant woman begins to notice the activity of her child. It is movements that count, not pushes. When she counts up to 10 movements, a mark is made at how much he moved for the tenth time.

Why is it necessary to do this? According to the table of movements, the mother and the gynecologist can determine the well-being of the baby. If the child began to abruptly show activity that causes discomfort for a long time, or, conversely, after excessive activity, he began to move less, this is a reason for an urgent appeal to his specialist. Deviations from the norm most often occur due to hypoxia: the child does not have enough oxygen, and so oxygen starvation manifests itself.

What should be the discharge from the genital tract?

Discharge from the genital tract is one of the indicators of a woman's health. By the thirtieth week, they may become more abundant. Normally, the discharge should be transparent or white in color, homogeneous in consistency, with a slight sour smell. If the color of the discharge has become gray, brown, green or yellow, or the consistency has changed (for example, it has become curdled), this may indicate the presence of an infectious disease.

Especially dangerous is the appearance of bloody and brown discharge, even in small quantities. This may indicate the onset of preterm labor, therefore, if an admixture of blood is detected in a pregnant woman, it is necessary to call an ambulance. For any other changes or deviations from the norm, it is worth visiting your doctor and doing tests.

Risks and threat of preterm birth at 30 weeks of gestation

At the beginning of the 3rd trimester, the threat of premature birth is quite high, so a pregnant woman should listen to herself and be wary if:

  1. Bleeding has begun, the discharge has become brown or blood is noticeable in them.
  2. At the 30th week of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen. It is worth contacting a specialist, as these may be starting contractions. It is worth fearing if they last a long time, and the interval between them is reduced. In pregnant women during this period, training contractions may also occur. Usually they are short-lived and stop with a change in body position.
  3. A sign of preterm labor is the discharge of water or plugs.
  4. The appearance of nausea. Usually, by the 3rd trimester, nausea as a sign of toxicosis disappears, but sometimes persists throughout pregnancy. If nausea appears along with other symptoms (pain in the lower back and pulling pain in the lower abdomen), this may mean a threat of premature birth.

If the baby is born at 30-32 weeks of gestation, he will survive. However, his skin is not quite ready for such a turn. They are tender, easily injured, unable to retain heat and perform a protective function. This also applies to internal organs that have already formed, but are not yet fully ready for independent functioning.

Although giving birth at 30 weeks is very common, the consequences can be unpredictable. The birth of a baby is a huge stress for his little body. The consequences of preterm birth for a newborn can be:

  • weakness due to low weight;
  • refusal to breastfeed, inability to eat independently;
  • in cases of unreadiness of the lungs and a lack of surfactant in them, the baby may die;
  • partial or complete loss of vision or hearing;
  • inability to maintain the required body temperature.

Nutrition Features

The nutrition of a pregnant woman should be healthy, fortified and balanced. In the menu you need to add cereals, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. In the 3rd trimester, you should limit yourself to the use of sweet, flour and confectionery products. Not only will they not provide benefits, but they will add weight, and can also significantly raise blood glucose levels.

At this time, you need to give up canned and salty foods, which contribute to fluid retention, and also affect the increase in the amount of protein in the body and increase pressure. You need to limit yourself in the use of honey, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate. These products can lead to allergies not only in mom, but also in crumbs.

Pregnant mode

A pregnant woman at 8 months should give up heavy physical exertion, during the day it is worth more rest. If the pregnancy takes place in the summer, then you do not need to go outside from 11 to 17 hours. During this period of pregnancy, it is worth accustoming yourself to the daily routine by determining more time for rest. With the permission of the doctor, you can do yoga and go to the pool. Evening walks are desirable before a night's sleep.

It cannot be said that any of the periods of gestation is less responsible than others. During pregnancy, every day is important, because even a small malfunction in the work of the mother's body can negatively affect the development of the baby. At the same time, during each week, and the 30th week from conception is no exception, there are big changes both in the condition of the child and in the feelings of the expectant mother.

30th week of pregnancy - how many months?

The 30th week of pregnancy corresponds to the 32nd obstetric week - this is almost the middle of the third trimester of pregnancy. If you translate this period into months, then you can also name two numbers: this is the end of the eighth obstetric month (it has exactly four weeks) or the end of the seventh regular calendar month.

Delivery at 30 weeks pregnant

Births that occur within 30 weeks of conception are premature. As a rule, they proceed quickly, since the size of the fetus is not yet very large, and the opening of the cervix occurs within a short time. It is desirable to conduct such childbirth under anesthesia so as not to injure the premature baby.

Of the methods of anesthesia, preference should be given to long-term epidural analgesia, when it is possible to add an anesthetic drug during the birth process (this is done by an anesthesiologist). It is imperative to conduct cardiotocography during childbirth in order to assess the condition of the child. The second stage of labor is carried out without perineal protection, it is recommended to make an incision (episiotomy) to facilitate the birth of the fetal head.

The newborn must be wrapped in warm diapers, since he has not yet developed thermoregulation mechanisms and he quickly becomes supercooled. It should be remembered that such children are at risk for the development of pulmonary insufficiency. This is due to the fact that they have not yet produced the required amount of surfactant (a substance that helps the lungs to straighten out), so they need the supervision of a neonatologist, and not just maternal care and care.


At this time, the child has a mass of about 1800 grams and a height of 41-43 cm. He actively continues to move. However, despite this, at the 32nd obstetric week, it is usually already located correctly - in the longitudinal position with the head down (head presentation), even if before that everything was different, although, of course, there are exceptions.

The nervous system of the child is already quite well developed, the organs of vision are also already functioning. The lungs of the fetus have not yet reached their final development, they continue to develop to ensure normal extrauterine development after full-term birth.


At 30 weeks of development of the baby (32 weeks will sound in the obstetric diagnosis), according to the plan, it is necessary to pass a general urine test at the next visit to the LCD and blood for antibodies to the Rh factor if the mother has a Rh-negative blood type.

Prior to this, at 30 obstetric weeks, the pregnant woman passed repeated tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and a complete blood count. They will already be ready for this planned visit, which falls on the 32nd obstetric week, and the expectant mother will definitely be acquainted with their results.


At this stage of pregnancy, the third planned ultrasound is performed, the purpose of which is to assess the condition of the fetus and placenta. In high perinatal risk groups, it is recommended to combine ultrasound with Doppler, that is, an assessment of blood flow in the umbilical, uterine and fetal vessels.

With the help of ultrasound screening at 30 weeks of gestation, fetal growth retardation syndrome, fetoplacental insufficiency and some of the defects that were not visible before can be detected.

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  • 25 weeks pregnant


The belly of a pregnant woman continues to grow rapidly due to the growing uterus. By the end of the 30th week, her bottom will rise above the bosom at a distance of 31-32 cm. The expectant mother has to change not only her wardrobe, but also some habits, adapting to her tummy and listening to the reaction of its “inhabitant”. Her gait becomes slightly awkward, and for rest she needs to choose a comfortable position that allows her to relax well. Through the abdominal wall, you can easily see how the baby is pushing. His motor activity becomes more and more ordered, as he develops his own specific rhythm, while it is greatest in the time interval from 21 to 23 hours. This is the period of wakefulness of the baby.


At this time, spontaneous contractions of the uterus appear more often than in the previous ones, which last several seconds and do not cause pain to a pregnant woman. They prepare the uterus for the upcoming birth. However, she is still in a normal tone, painless on palpation (palpation).

Through its wall and the anterior abdominal wall, you can determine the presenting part of the fetus (the one that is above the entrance to the pelvis), small parts (handles, legs), as well as the back of the child. With an obstetric stethoscope, his heartbeat is clearly audible, normally it ranges from 120 to 160 beats / min.


A pregnant woman needs to carefully listen to her own feelings and the movements of the fetus, which should be in the same mode, that is, as usual, without a noticeable difference. Pay attention to possible pain. Their appearance dictates the need to see a doctor ahead of time.

There may be fatigue associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and fetus. Also, the legs may begin to swell in the evening, and by morning these edema disappear. With moderate swelling, this is a normal condition that does not indicate a pathology and does not need treatment. But if swelling appears in the morning, after a night's rest, you should definitely tell your doctor about this, as they can be symptoms or harbingers of serious complications.


Of course, the expectant mother repeatedly experiences certain discomfort during the day: sometimes the child behaves more actively than usual, sometimes there is a feeling of fatigue even with slight physical exertion, training contractions are often disturbed, etc. But the appearance of pain syndrome for a period of 30 weeks pregnancy indicates the development of certain complications. It can be:

  • premature birth;
  • osteochondrosis (infringement of the nerve roots in the intervertebral foramens);
  • renal pathology;
  • spastic pain associated with disruption of the intestines.

In all these cases, it is necessary to seek medical help in order to maintain the pregnancy and carry the fetus to full term.

The weight

For the entire pregnancy, a woman should add from 7-9 to 12-13 kg, and the more weight before pregnancy, the less weight gain should be. At this time, it is recommended to add 300 g per week, which will ensure the normal supply of nutrients to the fetus and will not contribute to the development of obesity in women.


Nutrition in late pregnancy should be frequent (5-6 times a day), but in small portions. The diet should contain vegetables and fruits, meat, legumes, fish.

Foods containing fat and carbohydrates should be consumed in moderation. It is better to use vegetable rather than animal fat for food, since the first contains unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Discharge at 30 weeks pregnant

The amount of discharge from the genital tract at this time may increase slightly, but they do not lead to any complaints (itching, burning, discomfort, etc.).

However, a pregnant woman should be alerted to bloody or watery discharge, indicating the development of complications. In this case, you should immediately contact the maternity hospital for further examination, which includes ultrasound, vaginal examination, laboratory diagnostic methods: complete blood count, smears for the determination of amniotic fluid, etc.


Sexual life during pregnancy is not contraindicated, except in cases of threatened premature birth. This is due to the fact that semen contains substances such as prostaglandins. They are able to increase the tone of the uterus and cause structural changes in the cervix, which ultimately leads to the stimulation of labor, i.e., increases the likelihood of labor onset.

You should also be careful about sexual activity if the placenta is low in relation to the internal pharynx (low placentation and placenta previa). In this situation, sexual intercourse can cause bleeding that will threaten the life of the mother and fetus.

30 weeks pregnant how many months?

30 weeks is a long time. The 30th week marks the 8th month of pregnancy, mommy is increasingly approaching a significant milestone, which will divide her life into conditional two parts - before and after the birth of a baby. In the meantime, at week 30, the baby still continues to develop in the tummy, the third trimester lasts, and a new stage begins for the woman: the stage of even more “close” communication with her child. Indeed, just at the 30th week of pregnancy, mommy is usually already on maternity leave, during which, until the very birth of the baby, she will be able to devote herself exclusively to her beloved baby.


According to the laws of nature, the 30th week is not at all “suitable” for the birth of a baby. However, if for some reason childbirth occurs at 30 weeks, in this case they will be called premature, and the baby will survive with almost 100% probability.

Although ideally, he still had to develop in the mother's womb, however, all the most basic life-supporting systems and organs of the baby are already ready to function independently: the respiratory system is formed, the arms, legs and genitals are in place, the eyes open, the kidneys and intestines work. Of course, to nurse the baby, you will need sufficient professionalism of the medical staff and special equipment, but in most cases, with a timely response, a baby born at the 30th week of pregnancy has every chance of survival.

fetus at 30 weeks pregnant

After all, now the baby is large enough - it has grown by more than 40 cm; the baby has accumulated a certain amount of subcutaneous fat, and weighs in general about 1300-1500 g. At the same time, the baby’s lungs now independently produce a special surfactant substance that prevents them from sticking together during exhalation. True, the improvement of the respiratory system must still continue in utero.

As well as the development of the brain, on which the relief of grooves and convolutions is increasingly determined. The baby's nervous system also begins to “turn on” a little: nerve cells function, nerve fibers are formed, around which, at the same time, a protective myelin sheath is formed.

The skin of the baby, although wrinkled, is slowly smoothing out. The baby is still covered with a protective lubricant, but the original lanugo fluff begins to gradually disappear. Although, nevertheless, many babies are born with light and delicate vegetation on the body - in this case, lanugo will disappear in the first weeks after the baby is born.

At the 30th week of pregnancy, the baby’s liver does a lot of “work” - the work of accumulating iron to supply the baby with blood cells during the first year of life. The baby's heart beats clearly and rhythmically, which is interesting: for boys it is calmer and more measured, for girls it is faster and more chaotic.

The fetus at 30 weeks gestation has less and less space in the uterus to move around, in most cases it has already taken the position from which it will appear during childbirth (usually cephalic presentation). Due to the limited space in the womb, the baby behaves relatively calmly in the tummy - sharp and strong shocks should alert his mother. But the baby is actively grimacing: squinting, frowning, yawning, smiling, blinking. By the way, the baby's eyes are already open, and he is able to respond to bright light penetrating into the mother's tummy from the outside.


In order to control the normal course of pregnancy and exclude threats to the development of the fetus, some tests will be needed at the 30th week of pregnancy. From now on, visits to the doctor are once every two weeks. You will need to take a smear for flora, blood tests for HIV and Rh factor.

It is also necessary to pass the “traditional”, which has already become habitual, urinalysis - to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and the urinary system as a whole. The measurement of pressure, abdominal circumference, and the height of the uterus become regular. Also, the doctor will listen to the fetal heartbeat, determine its position.

Ultrasound at 30 weeks pregnant

With timely registration, a second scheduled ultrasound is usually scheduled by 32 weeks. However, sometimes ultrasound is also performed at the 30th week of pregnancy - the period from 30 to 32 weeks is considered the most suitable.

The purpose of ultrasound at 30 weeks of gestation is still the same: to monitor the normal development of the baby. So, with an ultrasound examination, a specialist determines the growth rate of the fetus, the state of the amniotic fluid and placenta, and the position of the fetus in the uterus. Also, ultrasound at the 30th week of pregnancy can help identify malformations that are determined only by this time - intestinal obstruction, urinary tract, heart defects.

In parallel with the ultrasound at the 30th week of pregnancy, mommy may be assigned an additional study called doppleometry. Doppler study allows to assess the intensity of uteroplacental blood flow and plus fetoplacental blood flow.


According to the growth of the fetus, the mother's belly also grows - the stomach at the 30th week of pregnancy has already grown to a significant size, gradually affecting the mother's gait. The abdominal muscles are now very weakened and stretched, so you should behave with extreme caution. So, for example, carefully get out of bed: before you get up, it is advisable to first roll over on your side.

The skin on the abdomen is increasingly stretched, and therefore the risk of stretch marks increases. To prevent this aesthetic defect, which greatly upsets a woman and is difficult to eliminate after childbirth, special creams or gels for stretch marks for pregnant women should be regularly used. For the same purpose, vegetable oils are perfect - olive, almond, citrus.


The uterus also increases even more at 30 weeks of gestation, at this stage being located above the navel by about 10 cm, the distance from the pubic symphysis even increases to 30 cm.

30 weeks pregnant photo

At such a significant time, the uterus often prepares itself for childbirth on its own, from time to time contracting with minimal pain. These are the so-called “training” contractions, they are Bregston-Higgs contractions, which do not pose any threat to pregnancy. However, if the uterus begins to contract rhythmically at 30 weeks, with a certain frequency, while the contractions are accompanied by pain or discharge - bloody or profuse watery - an ambulance should be called urgently. Most likely, in this case, we will talk about premature birth.

Feelings at 30 weeks pregnant

The growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the internal organs, which often leads to constipation, heartburn, and frequent urination. There are also such unpleasant sensations at the 30th week of pregnancy as dizziness due to uterine pressure on the chest and lungs, bloating and nausea, and insomnia.

But this discomfort is fully compensated by the joyful sensations at the 30th week of pregnancy - the sensation that a new life is growing inside the woman, the sensation of the baby moving. And these movements, due to the limited space in the mother's tummy, take on a slightly different character. So, if earlier the baby moved freely and pushed off the walls of the uterus, now he is pushing more and more in it with his elbows, knees and legs.

It is desirable to control the movements of the baby - a change in their intensity, an increase or decrease, may be a symptom of some "malfunctions" in the crumbs. For example, bright lights or loud sounds that the baby already perceives make him move faster. The same is true of the lack of oxygen. The fading of the baby's movements may also indicate some disturbing phenomena, therefore, it is advisable to count the number of shocks responsibly. Normally, within one hour a woman feels about 6 fetal movements, during the day - at least 24.


Unfortunately, some painful sensations that a woman experiences due to physiological changes are not uncommon at this time. Common pains at the 30th week of pregnancy are pains in the back and lower back, which occur as a result of a constantly growing abdomen, softening of the ligaments and joints, and a shift in the center of gravity. They can be reduced or, ideally, avoided by maintaining proper posture, exercising regularly, unloading the spine regularly and getting enough rest.

Pain in the 30th week of pregnancy in the abdomen can occur for many reasons. For example, pain in the abdomen can be the result of malnutrition. In this regard, it is recommended during pregnancy to exclude foods that cause increased gas formation and bloating, such as legumes, cabbage, grapes, sweets. Another cause of pain in the abdomen can be the same stretching of the supporting ligaments, and to it - periodic uterine contractions.

Headaches at 30 weeks pregnant can also make mommy feel worse. This, again, is a consequence of major changes in the woman's body. It should be remembered that it is strongly not recommended to use drugs during pregnancy, and it is better to simply “not let headaches into life” by getting enough sleep and walking enough in the fresh air. When headaches appear, doctors advise lying down in a dark, cool and well-ventilated room and trying to relax. Cool compresses or a soothing light scalp massage will also help.

Edema often becomes an unpleasant phenomenon in the third trimester of pregnancy. Moreover, most often edema occurs just in time for the 30th week of pregnancy, becoming a consequence of an increase in fluid in the body. To prevent the development of edema, some measures will have to be applied - limit salt intake, as well as the amount of fluid consumed to 1.5 liters per day; exclude from the diet foods that retain fluid in the body (fatty, spicy foods, marinades and pickles, sweet and carbonated water). It is also useful to raise your legs to a hill, taking a horizontal position, to abandon the rings that tighten the legs of tights, narrow shoes. It is advisable not to be on your feet for a long time, not to walk continuously for several hours. If the swelling lasts more than a day, you should definitely consult a doctor about this, because swelling, among other things, can be a symptom of a severe complication of pregnancy - preeclampsia.

The weight

Weight should be continued to be monitored further - in general, the increase by week 30 should be about 10-11 kg. Weight at the 30th week of pregnancy naturally has already increased significantly, and half of it is the uterus, placenta, amniotic fluid. For the entire pregnancy, ideally, 16-17 kg should be added, exceeding the indicated weight can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy and the birth process. And therefore, now, as before, weight should be controlled, among other things - adhering to a rational diet.


Nutrition at the 30th week of pregnancy, of course, should be complete, healthy and balanced. Required - rich in vitamins, containing in the right quantities the necessary protein and complex carbohydrates. Of the products, lean meat, fish and seafood, milk and dairy products, including cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and berries, and cereals are preferred. But it is advisable to refuse sweets, confectionery, white flour products - they contribute to an increase in blood glucose. As well as from legumes, grapes, cabbage, fresh bread, since these products provoke gas formation.

Attention should also be paid to the quality of food: it should be well cooked, and in no case even half-baked. Water and milk must be boiled, fruits and vegetables should be washed well before use, meat with blood and raw fish (for example, in the form of sushi) should be discarded. The restriction regime should also be taken into account in relation to products with allergenic properties - chocolate, honey, eggs, caviar, red and orange fruits and berries.


Discharge at 30 weeks of gestation may be somewhat more abundant, have a milky tint, a uniform consistency and a slightly sour smell. A change in the color of the discharge towards green, yellow, gray, the discharge is curdled or with clots of mucus, pus in them, become a reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist: such discharge at the 30th week of pregnancy indicates the appearance of an infection.

It is urgent to call an ambulance if there is a discharge at week 30 with the addition of blood. It can be a slight brown spotting, or light bleeding from the vagina - urgent medical attention is required as soon as possible. The fact is that the appearance of such symptoms indicates a problem with the placenta: spotting indicates its presentation or detachment, and in this case, you can’t do without specialized help.

It is also urgent to see a doctor if watery discharge appears, which, most likely, is leaking amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid can leak even in small amounts, in small portions, and becomes evidence of depletion of the membranes.

Sex at 30 weeks pregnant

The closer to the end of pregnancy, the greater the likelihood of a decline in mommy's sexual energy. And yet, if suddenly sex is required at the 30th week of pregnancy, and no doctor’s contraindications regarding intimate life are announced, physical intimacy at this time is not prohibited. That's just sex at the 30th week of pregnancy should be done according to the principle "it is possible, but carefully": gently, slowly and "without fanaticism."

You should not be zealous, if only because the fetus in the head presentation may well take the breech presentation. However, with the condition of being careful, in the absence of contraindications from the doctor, sex at 30 weeks of gestation is very possible.

The 30th week of pregnancy refers to the third trimester. At this time, the child has a height of 36-38 centimeters and has already gained enough weight so that the threat of premature birth is gone.

The 30th week of pregnancy is a period that corresponds to the period when women go on maternity leave. Now the expectant mother can begin to actively prepare for the appearance of the baby.

30 weeks of pregnancy is seven and a half obstetric months. Weight gain by this time is 7-10 kg. At this time, the child actively trains his lungs, which need to be prepared for the birth and, accordingly, for breathing real air. The baby draws in the amniotic fluid, filling the lungs with it, and then pushes it out, thus developing the corresponding muscle groups and increasing the size of the lungs.

If during one of the liquid intakes it gets into the wrong throat, the child begins to hiccup. It quickly passes, besides, the process of hiccups does not pose any danger. The expectant mother can feel it by jerks in the uterus.

The baby feeds through the placenta, which has acquired a dark red color. Its thickness is 2-3 cm, and its length is about 20. The placenta has a different texture and differs in weight gain as the time approaches the day of birth. Before the start of contractions, she can weigh 650 grams.

The umbilical cord, as a rule, has a completely different length - from 30 to 100 centimeters. At week 30, it is important to monitor the position of the baby, because at this moment the baby is extremely active, which can cause him to frequently roll over and subsequently be wrapped in the umbilical cord.

Sensations and changes in the body at 30 weeks of gestation

The baby in the womb at the 30th week of pregnancy has a weight of about 1400 grams, but subsequently, for the remaining 10 weeks, he needs to gain another 2000 grams. This cannot but affect the well-being of a young mother.

Now the child has formed a certain regimen of the day, when he is awake and resting. So, a mother may notice that while she goes to bed, the child begins to be active, which continues for some time even after the woman falls asleep.

You can help your child sleep at night - do not move too much in the evening, go for walks, it is better to stay at home.

The baby's brain is getting bigger, its weight is growing, and the functions that it is able to perform are constantly expanding. In addition to the growth of the brain, its active change is observed, when the already existing furrows become deep, and new ones appear nearby. This also affects the well-being of the future mother, who begins to feel the more active behavior of the child, who not only performs chaotic movements, but purposefully reacts to some external stimuli.

In connection with the active growth of the baby, an acute lack of space begins to be felt, when the child is already uncomfortable to actively move and he tries to take a more comfortable position. At the 30th week of pregnancy, you can feel the exact position of the baby, especially if he is in a breech presentation.

The baby periodically tries to straighten the legs and arms, leaning against the walls of the uterus. Trying to fight with an obstacle, he can hit them, as a result of which the mother will feel an active movement, sometimes causing quite a thrill.

A pattern appears - if you turn on music in the room where the expectant mother is located, the child begins to actively move and beat. A similar situation with going outside - the baby already knows that he is on a walk and behaves accordingly.

The 30th week of pregnancy can be more difficult than the previous one. Mom has more blood, she puts on weight, the baby is actively growing - as a result, fatigue increases.

There is a constant feeling that there is no more space left inside, and the air is inhaled every time more difficult. During a slight filling of the bladder, he may feel pressure from the uterus, so even with a small filling, the young mother will feel the urge. Therefore, frequent trips to the toilet at night will become a common thing.

To avoid curvature of the spine, the mother needs to constantly maintain her posture, since the center of gravity at week 30 changes due to the active growth of the baby, so the load on the back, in particular on the spine, only grows, which can cause pain and fatigue, which are a signal of an incorrect posture.

What happens to mom and fetus at 30 weeks?

What the baby can do:

  • compresses and unclenches fists;
  • knows how to wrinkle his face;
  • tries to taste different fingers;
  • expresses dissatisfaction if the mother is in an uncomfortable position for him;
  • purposefully opens his eyes and looks at a certain point, knows how to control the eye muscles;
  • hairs begin to appear on the baby's body, resembling fluff. Hairs can be located not only on the head, but also on the back, however, most dorsal hairs fall out before birth;
  • at this time, the child's skin becomes smoother, wrinkling disappears, and small folds appear to replace it, which are formed due to the accumulation of protective subcutaneous fat;
  • the child's liver actively accumulates iron - a particularly important component for maintaining the normal functioning of all organs and tissues.

What's New for Mom?

  • the gait will become tedious and slow, which causes irritation in the order. However, it is better not to succumb to this feeling, because the child will feel discomfort and also begin to get nervous;
  • The uterus can be in different positions at different times of the day. Sometimes the baby will assume a position in which the uterus will press on the diaphragm and the diaphragm on the heart. From this there will be a feeling that the woman is about to suffocate and the next time she will have nowhere to inhale a breath of air. Try to perceive this as a temporary inconvenience that may go away during the day.

To monitor the condition of the baby and the health of his mother, a pregnant woman should attend a consultation at least once every two weeks.

At week 30, blood tests, a smear for flora, HIV and Rh factor are often prescribed. It is too early to do the last ultrasound, it will fall on the 35-36th week.

However, the 30th week of pregnancy is the time when the baby may want to be born. Of course, it is premature, but unlike the 29-week period, those born at 30 are safer. If the contractions nevertheless began and childbirth occurs, you should not be afraid of the consequences. Children born at this time are almost 100% likely to survive. By this time, all the important systems for self-sustaining life have already been developed, the child knows how to breathe and eat on his own, he has accumulated enough subcutaneous fat to protect the internal organs. Body temperature is stable, vision is not too sharp, but the baby will be able to distinguish shapes and colors. Nutrition and care for a prematurely born child will be special, in any case, in the first year of life, however, later everything returns to normal.

Video - 30 weeks pregnant

Nutrition for the expectant mother

As before, you should adhere to a special diet, only if earlier you could afford to break the routine a little, now this is categorically not recommended.

So, the following types of products fall under the main ban:

  • any alcoholic, including "liquor sweets";
  • dried fish;
  • sweets, especially chocolate. Doctors recommend not to use it at all, since chocolate can increase muscle tone, and the uterus, as you know, is also a muscle. However, if the expectant mother is unbearable, you can enjoy a few slices of chocolate in the morning;
  • coffee. Natural or soluble, which is made, rather, from substitutes, should not be taken during long periods of pregnancy. Natural coffee can affect blood pressure, and a substitute may contain harmful components;
  • reduce the consumption of animal fats as much as possible: meat skins, lard, fatty sausages, even home-made, should not be used at all;
  • bean fruits. They are able to activate the processes of gas formation, and if a non-pregnant woman may not even show such signs, then a pregnant woman, especially in the last stages, will definitely feel the “charms” of pain in her stomach.

What to eat at 30 weeks pregnant:

The main thing that doctors advise is the need to give up fast food, fast food and frequent snacks. It is better to eat in larger portions, and always with hot dishes.

  1. in order to reduce possible pain consequences from uneven posture, which will be disturbed due to a shift in the center of gravity, you should try to keep your posture all the time, as well as systematically do exercises with exercises, including the development of the back, lower back and neck;
  2. if there is a sharp sensation of pain in the intestines, the cause of this is probably the accumulation of gases. The fact is that the gases leave the body of a pregnant woman problematic, in addition, there are ideal conditions for their accumulation. To avoid this, you need to eat right, eliminating carbonated drinks, legumes and other gas-producing foods;
  3. You can't take headache medicine. If the pain occurs especially often, you need to give yourself more rest, as a rule, the cause of pain is fatigue and hormonal changes. Nothing can be done with the latter, but more rest will not hurt;
  4. do yoga. Although medicine does not rely too much on this method of improving the condition, practice shows that yoga classes have a positive effect on the well-being of the mother and the position of the child in the womb;
  5. to avoid stretch marks, it is better not to use creams of unknown origin, but to resort to buying olive oil in a pharmacy. Stretch marks are not only a change in the appearance of the skin, but also itching, which can bring a lot of discomfort;
  6. in order not to squeeze the vena cava, medicine recommends sleeping on your side. In addition, a violation of the venous flow can lead to fainting;
  7. if the expectant mother plans to travel, it is imperative to take a medical card with you.
  8. drink plenty of water, because the blood increases in its volume daily, and this happens precisely due to water;
  9. women who experience frequent pain in the head, back or legs can go swimming - this will greatly alleviate the pain and improve well-being. In addition, it is believed that swimming prepares the body for the upcoming birth;
  10. doctors advise to train the pelvic muscles with the help of "Kigls control". This happens with the use of exercises of the vaginal muscles, which must be smoothly compressed and unclenched. As a result - easier contractions, quick delivery and quick recovery;
  11. take iron-rich foods, such as apples. Iron is responsible in the body for the transport of oxygen through tissues, organs and to the baby. Consult with your doctor to clarify which foods are best for you to include in large quantities in your diet, this will help to avoid excessive weakness, numbness of the limbs, headaches and, of course, will contribute to the development of the baby.

At 30 weeks pregnant, the baby already knows how to perceive the world. He listens, feels, tries something new. Turn on calm music more often, go for a walk when it is light outside, have a lot of rest, but do not forget to talk with your child. Your baby is already big and communication with him, despite the fact that he has not yet been born, should not cause you double feelings.


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