Games for children aged 2 to 3 years. Games for the little ones online. Color Distinguishing Exercise

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Are you looking for an activity that could captivate your child for a long time, and at the same time give him the opportunity to learn something? An ideal solution for young parents who want to keep up with the times and keep up with progress - games for kids! Computer games for kids will not only entertain your baby, but also take care of its comprehensive development. Children have fun and learn about the world without requiring too much attention, mothers can finally do housework - isn't this what science fiction writers dreamed of when they painted us pictures of an ideal world where computers do most of the work for a person?...

Comps and kids

At what age can a baby sit in front of a monitor? In a year, in two, in three? And many progressive parents introduce their children to the fruits of technological progress much earlier - are they right, or is it better to wait a bit?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to such a complex question. Ultimately, everyone decides for himself, but the main thing is to remember when making a decision that the generation of our children is growing up completely different than we once were. Not only are they not afraid of technology, but they understand it much better than us - practically from the cradle! And if we talk about harm to vision or to the psyche, then let's be honest with ourselves: watching cartoons on TV is no safer than playing games for kids online, and even for free. On the contrary, if cartoons teach to passive contemplation and do not allow the child to fantasize enough, then in the toys of action and the need to think about every step you take - more than enough.

Therefore, if you see that a child is drawn to a computer and wants to master it, there is no need to disturb him. There is a time for everything - but this time in the realities of today comes very, very early!

Childhood is golden

The world does not stand still, and more and more is demanded of our kids every day. Previously, children could safely come to the first grade, not knowing how to read or write - their parents knew for sure that everything they needed would be taught at school. What is there - to read and write! Many could not even tie their own shoelaces or button up all the buttons on their shirts, and no one looked askance at the clumsy kids. Well, what to do, they are small, they still have time to learn!

Today, there are more demands placed on children. And “they still have time to learn” doesn’t work anymore: after all, while a first-grader will learn to tie shoelaces, his peers will already master the basics of ballroom dancing, martial arts, English or playing the piano. And our little dropout runs the risk of being caught up with the first steps in his new life ... And the cruel information world is changing every second, it forces you to constantly learn new things and does not tolerate those who are lagging behind!

In order to keep up with peers in anything, the baby will have to devote time from the first years of life not only to games, but also to study. But how to do this if the baby does not yet know the word “must” and does not know how to concentrate his attention on boring things? Computer games for kids come to the aid of young parents - a great way to combine fun entertainment with the learning process! The game captivates the child, and knowledge is acquired imperceptibly and without tension on his part.

Learning by playing - myth or reality?

Many adults doubt that it is possible to combine pleasant entertainment and really effective study. It seems to them that either the game will not be interesting, or the educational and developmental component will not be implemented at all. To some extent, these doubts are justified, the line here is very thin, and creating online entertainment that will really be both interesting and useful for a child is not an easy task!

That is why games for kids are developed by real professionals. While the same type of toys for teenagers are usually developed by students who are just taking their first steps in the development of applications, the production of children's products is approached much more carefully. As a rule, the team for creating a good children's toy includes not only specialists from the field of game development who are able to think over the software implementation! In conjunction with IT specialists, psychologists, teachers and experienced parents are sure to work - people who understand the needs of children and can direct the developers' thoughts in the right direction.

Of course, not all game producers approach their business responsibly. It can be difficult to choose among the many educational toys that are made with a soul, but an adult is always able to assess whether his child should play this or that game. In addition, we thought about young parents who do not have time to search for games on the Internet, and we have independently selected all the best that is on the Internet! At the same time, on our website you can play games for kids online for free, which means that a vacation for mom will not cost too much for the family budget!

In addition, all of our educational toys are presented in the online version. This means that you don't have to download them and install them on your computer: launch games directly from your browser and have fun with your pranksters! Indeed, often children's games are so good that only children like to play them, but also adults. Online games for kids are a great way to spend time!

So don't hesitate! The games for the little ones that you can find on our website have been carefully selected so that your children can develop in all aspects. You will not find frightening images or unpleasant scenes among these games. It is very important for us that the games for the little ones, which we place on our page, really become a good help in the honorable work of all young mothers.

The attention of children of the age of two or three years begins to switch from knowing themselves and their capabilities to studying the outside world. There is an interest in observing causal phenomena and the surrounding world. The development of a child of 2-3 years old is an important stage, so you need to choose activities and educational games for children very carefully.

Of course, no one will offer a single plan to mom, because each child develops in his own way. Everyone has their own interests, their own temperament and habitat. Choosing an activity for a child must be based on interests.

At the age of 2-3 years, offer your child games and activities aimed at developing the following skills and abilities:

First math skills

Score within 10-20.

You can count anything: steps on the stairs, cars on the street or cars at home, the number of apples in the refrigerator, cookies in a vase, steps from the bath to the room, Lego cubes, the number of spoons of porridge eaten, floors in houses.

Practice the concepts of more and less, above and below.

Compare two cars standing side by side. Two trees in the yard. Paths from the bathroom to the room and to the kitchen. Arrange toys or sand molds in order of height from smallest to largest.

Study the shapes and shapes of objects.

Surely your baby already knows what a circle, square, triangle is. Invite him to find objects of a certain shape in the house - similar to a circle, triangle or other geometric figure.

You can find a large number of various mathematical games in our section.

Logic, memory, attention and perseverance

Offer your child different sorting options.

The simplest thing is to sort items by one simple attribute. All balls or all cubes, all objects of a certain color.

A more difficult task is to collect a whole collection of treasures - invite the child to find a certain number of objects of the same shape, a certain number of objects of the same color in the house. For example 5 round objects and 3 yellow objects. In such a game, you train both attentiveness and counting skills, and learn colors, and teach your child to complete tasks by comparing text with real surrounding objects.

Train your memory.

Lay out 3-4 pictures or 3-4 toys in front of the child, ask them to remember. Remove one and ask what is missing.

Teach your child how to solve puzzles.

Start with simpler ones, consisting of 2-3 parts, and as the child manages to collect, add puzzles with more elements. The shops sell various puzzles for the little ones. You can also make puzzles yourself. It is enough to print a series of cards on a home printer or in a salon, it can be themed (animals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.) and cut them into 2-3-4 parts with scissors.

Exploring the world

Tell about the properties of objects

Using examples of specific toys and things that you have in your home, show the difference between hard and soft, dry and wet, edible and inedible.

Classify items - furniture, pets, wild animals, toys, plants, food.

If you have cards with images of these items, invite your child to sort them.

Keep learning about animals.

Most likely, the child already knows the main animals, he can show them with his finger in the picture. Expand your knowledge - tell which animals are wild, which are domestic. Classify. Tell us who eats what and where they live.

Study nature and natural phenomena

Tell your child about weather phenomena, seasons. Watch the current weather.

At home, you can make a simple weather observation map and, after a walk, invite your child to make a map of today's weather. Was the sun shining or cloudy, was it raining or snowing, was there wind?

Basics of traffic rules

If you have not yet discussed the topic of traffic rules with your child, then the age of 2-3 years is the time to start.

Show the road, watch how cars drive along it. Explain how dangerous the road is. Show footpaths.

Watch how the traffic light works, the pedestrian crossing. Regulated and unregulated. Walk along the pedestrian crossing several times, explaining the rules for crossing the street.

Don't limit yourself to one conversation, say the basic rules every time you go somewhere together. Ask the child - how he thinks how to behave, what to do, when you can cross the street, and when you need to wait.

Physical development

Teach your child to run, jump, catch and throw a ball, play with a balloon.

Introduce games to maintain balance: walk along the curb, stand on one leg like a heron, jump into hopscotch, walk along a thin path.

In the summer, it will be especially interesting to play outdoor educational games on the street. We are sure that in ours you will find a huge number of ideas that will captivate your baby.

creative skills

Children at this age are divided into those who like to create and those who just like to run.

Creativity based on the construction of a game plot attracts almost any child.

At this age, the child can draw drawings from simple geometric shapes. Offer to draw a family of triangles, squares, fill the aquarium with fish, etc.

For training the motor skills of the hands, coloring along the contour, drawing on semolina or flour is very suitable.

Modeling. Teach your child to roll sausages and balls, as well as smear plasticine on paper with your finger. From these simple elements, help your child create masterpieces. There are a huge number of coloring pages for kids on the Internet - just print out a coloring book that matches the interests of the child and offer to add plasticine elements to the picture.

Speech development

Articulation games are still relevant - blow soap bubbles, roll light balls on the table with your breath, blow out candles, make faces and pronounce different sounds and words.

Ask your child simple riddles and invite your child to guess riddles for you. These can be simple riddles such as fluffy, loves milk and meows.

Ideas for word games are in our article. Some of them are designed for an older age, but you can offer many games to a child already at the age of 2-3 years.

Development of fine motor skills

Games for the development of fine motor skills are still relevant for the child. If you want to choose a variant of such a game for yourself, then in our article: we have already offered 25 ideas for various games with improvised materials that children really like.

From the age of 2, toddlers switch their interest from exploring their potential to the outside world. They carefully observe what is happening around and remember everything, so the period from 2 to 3 years is a crucial stage in their life, and the selection of activities and games for them must be very careful. Playing with them is now exciting and fun because of their comments and especially the questions they ask. While still not talking too clearly, the kids still try to communicate, chat, trying to verbally indicate their thoughts. The little ones already know how to do a lot of things and are learning every minute, learning something new and improving their experience.

For the successful assimilation of a little new information and experience, it should be dealt with regularly. However, at 2-3 years old, children are restless and not focused. They cannot be forced to do what they do not like. That is why the education of the child should be carried out in a cheerful, comic form, the most understandable for him. This goal is served by educational games for children 2-3 years old. There is a huge variety of their different types: cognitive, logical, memory formation.

Educational games are activities focused on the formation of vocabulary and speech skills of children, the development of their intellect, the evolution of fine motor skills and all other qualities. Such games will help to start the child's studies almost from the first days. It is important that parents give the baby maximum time and attention. It is important to choose the right types of educational games in accordance with the age of children. In the event that the game conditions are too difficult, designed for older children, or, conversely, uninteresting, intended for younger children, the child will become uninteresting and will not want to play.

Formation of speech skills

At this age, children develop a variety of patterns of action and behavior. A two-year-old baby can:

  • depict the sounds or habits of some animals;
  • imitate someone close to you.

It is in 2-3 years that a breakthrough occurs in the development of speech. To express their desires and thoughts, the child needs to accumulate a large vocabulary. Parents should help him in this by naming the surrounding objects and the actions performed with them.

Practicing correct breathing and articulation will help you learn to speak in coherent sentences. Almost all babies like nursery rhymes and counting rhymes, rhythmic and rhyming, which many parents often learn with their children. When communicating with the baby, one should not use difficult-to-pronounce words that will remain incomprehensible to him; it is necessary to monitor the correct pronunciation and stress in words, affectionately correct inaccuracies. It is advisable to communicate with the baby as an equal, then he will better learn the meanings of new words and replenish his vocabulary.

Children at this age enjoy watching puppet shows, which can be organized without professionally made puppets, with toys that are at home and are well known to kids. Theatrical performances in a playful way can be arranged when teaching a baby about everyday behavior: at dinner, during hygiene procedures, while helping mom clean the room.

Toddlers get great pleasure from role-playing games with peers or adults. Girls love to dress and comb dolls, treat their favorite hares or bears, buy food in stores, copying their mother's actions. Completely different games for boys 2-3 years old: cars, cubes from which they build a garage, the simplest designer become educational toys.

Already at this age, you can engage with children in guessing simple, preferably rhymed riddles, and look for answers with them. They will be interested in thinking. Such games for kids 2-3 years old will develop not only speech, but also intelligence, attention and imagination.

The benefits of finger games

Finger games contribute to the development of fine motor skills of pens and, accompanied by poems and nursery rhymes, kids like them and amuse them. Such educational entertainment with older brothers or sisters brings great joy, and often becomes a favorite game.

The most popular and widespread in our country is the "Magpie-Crow". There are many other finger entertainments, for example, about geese, clubfoot bears, bees, spiders. For active participation in the game, the baby should be praised.

The benefit is to improve the muscles of the palms and fingers of the child. In the future, this will enable kids to control the brush and fingers in the process of drawing and writing. To develop tactile sensations, the children are provided in the game with a large number of objects with different textures and textures: prickly rugs, rough balls, soft fluffy toys that create a different impression in the baby by touch are used - the greater the difference, the more effective the result.

Sandbox games are very useful:

  • the construction of palaces and castles affects the development of fantasy;
  • "baking" sand "pies" teaches the recognition of the shape of objects;
  • sand massages the fingertips and palms;
  • communication in the sandbox with children contributes to the development of communicative qualities.

Games for the development of logic and thinking

A child of 2-3 years old can already get acquainted with the initial mathematical concepts, if you follow a special approach and select games that may interest the baby. For these games, you will need special didactic material: a variety of colorful leaflets depicting numbers and geometric shapes. You can also stock up on individual pictures for boys and girls: boys like cars, and girls are attracted to dolls.

To give the baby an idea about the first numbers, you should regularly count the surrounding objects with him: fruits in a vase on the table, pencils, cubes or stairs. In order to improve logic and intelligence, accuracy and concentration, the use of bright multi-colored picture books and puzzles is recommended. A baby at this age is able to assemble a pyramid and perform compound actions that include several simple movements. For development to be complete, it is necessary to communicate with him regularly, explain and comment on his actions, praise, encourage, support.

Games for the development of creative abilities

At 2-3 years old, a child can already learn a lot on his own, provided that the parents are patient.

You can start teaching your baby:

  • coloring in different colors graphically drawn colorless pictures;
  • drawing with a pencil and paints;
  • cutting out simple patterns from paper;
  • production of simple paper and cardboard small works.

Educational games at 2-3 years old are held exclusively by adults, under their guidance and control. Parents or caregivers should explain in detail and show the baby the sequence of making each craft. At first, a two-year-old baby performs only unpretentious operations: it can color large drawings, glue figures cut out by adults.

During this period, it is already clear who the baby will later be - left-handed or right-handed. In no case should you force him to draw with the other hand: this can forever discourage the child from creating. It is important to praise the baby, even if his masterpiece was not very successful and it is not clear what is shown in the picture. Next time he will try even better, and he will succeed.

Educational games for children 2-3 years old require mandatory adult accompaniment. They should help the child, show him the algorithm of actions, praise the baby, even if he doesn’t do it very well right away. It is necessary to choose such games that will give the baby pleasure, then he will better learn new concepts and words. Educational games expand children's vocabulary, develop fine motor skills of fingers, contribute to the formation of logic and intelligence.

Karina is a permanent expert of the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about play, pregnancy, parenting and learning, baby care, and mom and baby health.

Articles written

Children at 2-3 years old get tired quickly, they are distracted, they cannot concentrate on one subject for a long time, so classes should be short with a change of activity.
There are many interesting activities that you can do at home for the benefit of the child. So, let's begin!

We develop imagination.

What can you do with cotton balls?
-Blind from several small balls one large ball.
-Recount them.
-Hold them on different parts of the body - head, shoulder or nose.
-Walk with the balls between your toes.
- Putting them on the table, try to blow them off.

We study colors.
Choose any color, such as red, and put several items of that color in a container. Name the color of the toy when asking to give you this or that thing. For example: "Give me a red ball, please."
If the child hands you a red car, say, “Thank you very much for the red car, let's look for the red ball. And here he is."
When the child learns to recognize one color, then put objects of two colors in the container. And keep playing.
This game allows the baby to learn to recognize colors.

Learn to recognize sounds.
Help your baby learn to recognize the sounds that surround him. Listen to the ticking of the clock, try to imitate it. Walk around the apartment and listen to various sounds. You yourself can become their source - open, close the doors, knock against each other with wooden spoons, pour water into a glass. Play a game with your child: “What sound do you hear now?”.
This game can also be played before bed. During sleep, various sounds can interfere. Help your child get used to them. Birds, sirens, aircraft noise, cars, etc. Perhaps this game will make it easier for you to go to bed.

Help me please.
There are many household chores in which the baby can take a direct part.
Help you in the kitchen, collect spoons while developing dexterity and dexterity of fingers.
Fold the pots one in one, close them with suitable lids. Wash the table. Peel, banana, or lay out napkins near appliances. Expand a pack of margarine, etc. Whatever the child helps, be sure to ask him "Help me, please."
While you are preparing dinner, give your child a variety of jars and lids. Let him pick up the right ones and twist them into jars.

Massage. Merry entertainment.
Rails, rails
(slide your finger along the back, as if drawing rails)
Sleepers, sleepers
(swipe your finger like you're drawing horizontal sleepers)
The train was running late
(pull a fist along the baby’s back, or shake the baby if he sits on his knees)
Suddenly, peas rained down from the back window.
(lightly tap your fingers on the back)
Ducks came - pecked, pecked
(tap three fingers on the back)
Geese came - nibbled, nibbled
(Pinch baby's back)
An elephant came - trampled, trampled
(tap gently with fists on the back)
The janitor came and swept everything, swept everything.
(stroke the child's back).

We learn to distinguish forms.
Walk around the apartment and look for only one form. You can also open the magazine and look there, for example, circles. This game can be played anywhere. Kids from such a game come to an indescribable delight.

Development of coordination. Finger gymnastics.
The benefits of such gymnastics are undeniable. By massaging the hands and fingers, we stimulate the work of the baby's internal organs and nervous system. Mom's touches, gentle strokes, a smile, a soft friendly voice bring great joy to the kids, emotional attachment arises. The mood of the child rises, he understands that mom (dad) loves him. Neither TV nor listening to an audio recording will allow you to establish a close emotional connection between a child and mom, dad. In addition, finger gymnastics develops coordination of movements.

With the index finger of one hand, take turns touching the fingers of the other. Start with the little finger.
This little kitten has lost his sweater.
This little warm kitten has lost a sock.
This little kitten freezes in cold and frost.
This little kitten froze his nose.
This little kitten got sick: "apkhchi", "apkhchi".
"I'd rather stay at home and knit my own socks."
(Hide your thumb in the cam).
Encourage your child to repeat the same actions after you.

Let's remember Russian folk rhymes, jokes:

One, two, three, four, five!
Fingers out for a walk!
This finger - a mushroom found,
This finger cleaned the table,
This one cut
This one ate
Well, this one just looked!

Magpie-crow cooked porridge ...

Okay, okay, where were you? By Grandma…

Another exciting activity that develops coordination of movements.
Take the rope and put it on the floor. Take the child by the hand and walk with him along it, while singing this rhyme:

I'm walking with you on a thread, on a thread
I'm walking with you on a thread
Come on one more time.
We're jumping on a string...
Let's follow the thread...
On tiptoe on a string...

You can also jump over the cotton over the rope, imagine that there is a stream, etc.
By choosing the time to play with your child, you are making a gift not only to him, you are making a gift to yourself. Let LOVE, HEAT and HAPPINESS live in your house!

Kostina Tatyana
Card file of educational games for children 2–3 years old

Educational games for children 2-3 years old.

Attention children At the age of two or three, he begins to switch from knowing himself and his abilities to studying the outside world. There is an interest in observing causal phenomena and the surrounding world. Development a child of 2-3 years old is an important stage, so choose classes and educational games for children need to be very careful. Of course, no one will offer a single plan to mom, because every child develops in its own way. Everyone has their own interests, their own temperament and habitat. Choosing an activity for a child must be based on interests. At the age of 2-3 years, offer your child games and activities aimed at developmentthe following skills:

First math skills.

Practice the concepts of more and less, above and below.

Compare two cars standing side by side. Two trees in the yard. Paths from the bathroom to the room and to the kitchen. Arrange toys or sand molds in order of height from smallest to largest.

Study the shapes and shapes of objects.

Surely your baby already knows what a circle, square, triangle is. Invite him to find objects of a certain shape in the house - similar to a circle, triangle or other geometric figure.

Offer your child different sorting options.

The simplest thing is to sort items by one simple feature. All balls or all cubes, all objects of a certain color. A more difficult task is to collect a whole collection of treasures - invite the child to find a certain number of objects of the same shape, a certain number of objects of the same color in the house. For example, 5 round objects and 3 yellow objects. In such a game, you train both attentiveness and counting skills, and learn colors, and teach your child to complete tasks by comparing text with real surrounding objects.

Train your memory.

Lay out in front of the child 3-4 pictures or 3-4 toys, ask me to remember. Remove one and ask what is missing.

Teach your child to put together puzzles.

Start with simpler ones, consisting of 2-3 parts, and as the child manages to collect, add puzzles with more elements. The shops sell various puzzles for the little ones. You can also make puzzles yourself. It is enough to print on a home printer or in the salon a series of cards, can be themed (animals, fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc.) and cut them with scissors into 2-3-4 parts.

The study of the surrounding world.

Tell about the properties of objects

Using examples of specific toys and things that you have in your home, show the difference between hard and soft, dry and wet, edible and inedible. Classify items - furniture, pets, wild animals, toys, plants, food. if you have cards with images of these items - invite the child to sort them.

Keep learning about animals.

Most likely, the child already knows the main animals, can show them with his finger on picture. Expand your knowledge - tell which animals are wild, which are domestic, who, what they eat and where they live.

Study nature and natural phenomena

Tell your child about weather phenomena, seasons. Watch the current weather. You can do simple things at home map observing the weather and after a walk, invite the baby to make today's weather map. Was the sun shining or cloudy, was it raining or snowing, was there wind?

Fundamentals of the rules of the road.

If you have not yet discussed the topic of traffic rules with your child, then the age of 2-3 years is the time to start.

Show the road, watch how cars drive along it. Explain how dangerous the road is. Show footpaths. Watch how the traffic light works, the pedestrian crossing. Regulated and unregulated. Walk along the pedestrian crossing several times, explaining the rules for crossing the street.

Don't limit yourself to one conversation, say the ground rules every time you go somewhere together. Ask the child - how he thinks how to behave, what to do, when you can cross the street, and when you need to wait.

Physical development.

Teach your child to run, jump, catch and throw a ball, play with a balloon. Introduce balance games: walk along the curb, stand on one leg, jump into hopscotch, walk along a thin path. In the summer, it will be especially interesting to play mobile educational games on the street.

Creative skills.

Children at this age are divided into those who like to create and those who just like to run. Creativity based on the construction of a game plot attracts almost any child.

At this age, the child can draw drawings from simple geometric shapes. Offer to draw a family of triangles, squares, fill the aquarium with fish, etc.

For training the motor skills of the hands, coloring along the contour, drawing on semolina or flour is very suitable.

Modeling. Teach your child to roll sausages and balls, as well as smear plasticine on paper with your finger. From these simple elements, help your child create masterpieces. There are a huge number of coloring pages for toddlers on the Internet - just print a coloring book that matches the interests of the child, or suggest adding picture plastic elements.

Speech development.

Articulation games are still relevant - blow soap bubbles, roll light balls on the table with your breath, blow out candles, make faces and pronounce different sounds and words.

Ask your child simple riddles and invite your child to guess riddles for you. It can be simple riddles like: fluffy, loves milk and meows.

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