types of synthetics. Synthetic fabrics: description, varieties, characteristics. Properties and types

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The history of the use of natural fibers by mankind has more than ten millennia. The first artificial materials were obtained in the century before last, and synthetics came into wide use a little more than half a century ago. Since then, almost every year, new synthetic fabrics and new names for them appear on the market, textile technologies are constantly being improved, and the properties of materials are improving.

History of man-made materials

The first raw materials that people used to produce textiles and household items were the well-known flax, hemp, cotton, wool, and silk. These natural materials have survived many historical eras and are widely used today. The ideas that a person can create artificial fibers from other substances were expressed by the French encyclopedists, but they were put into practice only in 1890. The reason for this was the research carried out at the gunpowder factory in Besancon (France), as a result of which, over time, the production of threads from hydrated cellulose, viscose was established. On their basis, the first artificial fabrics were created, primarily the popular staple, which is in great demand today, as well as acetate, cupra, lyocell, modal.

A new step in the development of the textile industry was the synthesis of fiber-forming polymers, the raw materials for which were natural carbon compounds, primarily oil, coal and gas. The modern list of synthetic materials is very extensive, moreover, it has historically developed that the names of the same fabric in different countries can be different. According to the composition and structure, the following types of polymers are distinguished:

  • polyamide,
  • polyester,
  • acrylic,
  • polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl alcohol,
  • polypropylene (polylifene),
  • polyurethane.

New classes of third-generation polymer fibers are polyamides and polyethylenes with high molecular weight, polybenzoxazole, polybenzimidazole, as well as glass and ceramic filaments, nanofilled and nanosized fibers. So far, the production of such innovative polymeric materials is limited, and their scope is limited to various fields of technology and medicine, but it is possible that synthetic fabrics based on them will soon appear, as well as new artificial materials.

Polyamide fibers (nylon, perlon, capron)

Historically, the first successful synthesis of polymer threads was polyamide fibers obtained in 1938 by the DuPont concern. Synthetic fabrics made from them are known under a variety of names: nylon, perlon, capron, etc. Of the modern improved materials in this group, one can name Jordan, Taslan, Velsoft.

The main advantage of polyamides is their high tear and abrasion resistance, in addition, they do not wrinkle, do not absorb water and can serve as a protective waterproof layer.

Unfortunately, the list of their negative properties is quite large, it includes:

  • rigidity;
  • lack of hygroscopicity;
  • accumulation of static electricity;
  • instability to high temperatures and UV - radiation.

Practical polyesters

Polyester fiber, first synthesized in 1941, is used to create such fabrics as terylene, dacron, lavsan, tergal, etc. Among the modern modifications of this textile are widespread polyester, microfiber, raincoat fabric and other popular fabrics. The features of fabrics made from fibers of this group are:

  • high strength;
  • they are softer, lighter and more ductile than polyamide materials;
  • well protected from the adverse external environment.

Unfortunately, the hygienic properties of polyesters are still significantly inferior to natural materials, they electrify and deform when exposed to high temperatures, retain heat poorly and have a "greenhouse effect". However, all types of polyester products are inexpensive, they are very practical, and the addition of such fibers to natural fabrics makes it more durable and less expensive.

Warm and soft acrylic

The raw material for the production of acrylic is natural gas. Such types of fabrics as nitron, orlon, PAN, etc. are made from durable and fluffy acrylic fibers. Unlike most synthetic materials, acrylic retains heat well and has low allergenicity, which is why it is often used as an additive to wool or yarn for knitwear . Acrylic is resistant to many aggressive materials, including alkalis and acids, soft to the touch and durable.

At the same time, acrylic fibers:

  • over time form spools,
  • not hygroscopic;
  • easily absorb fats, forming stubborn stains;
  • electrified;
  • deteriorate their properties under the influence of UV radiation.

Polyvinyl strength

Certain groups of synthetic materials have a predominantly technical purpose. The well-known polyethylene can form microfilaments that are used to obtain:

  • unique protective fabric Tyvek;
  • durable awnings and tents;
  • reliable protective equipment;
  • filter materials;
  • waterproofing
  • and for other purposes.

Lightweight and hydrophobic polypropylene

Among all synthetic fibers, polypropylene is considered the lightest. Polypropylene threads are traditionally used as an additive to natural raw materials, but its main advantage has been revealed relatively recently. The hydrophobicity of this substance, which contributed to its widespread use as a raincoat fabric and water-repellent coating, has found wide application in the manufacture of thermal underwear.

Thanks to the loose structure of the polypropylene fabric, moisture and water vapor quickly penetrate from the surface of the skin to the outer layer, while the fabric itself remains completely dry.

Unfortunately, such a fabric is also not without drawbacks - it quickly forms pellets, with constant wear it can cause irritation, and easily absorbs odors.

Contrary to popular belief, synthetic fabrics are a separate group of textile fabrics that have nothing to do with artificial materials. This category includes many varieties of matter, differing in raw materials, properties and purpose. To learn how to distinguish between types of fabrics containing synthetic fibers, just look at how they look in the photo, as well as study the composition and characteristics that are inherent in each of them.

What is the difference between synthetic fabrics and artificial ones?

Most people confuse artificial and synthetic materials. In fact, such products of the textile industry, being unnatural, have significant differences from each other. The first fabrics are made from threads obtained artificially from natural raw materials. Artificial fabrics are obtained by processing proteins, metals, wood. Synthetic materials are made from raw materials obtained as a result of chemical synthesis of substances not found in nature.

Crystal fabric

With the development of industry, manufacturers have learned to create nanomaterials with unique properties. Due to the constant improvement of technological processes, modern materials obtained by artificial means often significantly exceed natural ones in terms of performance and external characteristics. Despite this, they are still separated from natural canvases.

Types and properties of synthetic fabrics

Fabrics made from synthetic fibers are divided into varieties depending on the composition. The raw material contained in them determines their properties. This group of matters is divided into 2 subgroups: carbochain and heterochain. The first includes canvases, in the manufacture of which hydrocarbon is used: polyethylene, polyacrylonitrile, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl alcohol. The second subgroup consists of fabrics containing nitrogen, chlorine or fluorine in addition to hydrocarbons: polyester, polyurethane and polyamide.

Polyethylene and polypropylene fabrics for technical applications

The cheapest fibers obtained from polyethylene and polypropylene raw materials are called "polyolefion". The main purpose of these types of synthetics is the manufacture of carpets and materials for technical use. Fabrics with polyethylene and polypropylene in the composition have the following properties:

Polypropylene fabric
  • high strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • resistance to mold and other pathogens;
  • moisture resistance (when combining polypropylene with polyethylene);
  • lightness - thin polyolefin fibers are the lightest among all types of synthetics;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • low stretch.

Polyethylene film

The weak side of this type of synthetics is the lack of refractory qualities. Basically, such materials are used for the manufacture of packaging and containers (in particular, bags).

Polyacrylonitrile instead of wool

Polyacrylonitrile (a petrochemical derived from natural gas and commonly referred to as acrylic), which is called PAN for short, is used to make polyacrylonitrile fibers. In terms of its mechanical properties, this material is close to woolen fabrics, which is why it is often called artificial wool.

Polyacrylonitrile fabric

This material has the following characteristics:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • heat resistance - retains its qualities at temperatures up to 130 degrees;
  • dimensional stability;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength;
  • softness;
  • the ability to dry quickly;
  • resistance to damage by pathogenic microorganisms, as well as the action of acids, alkalis, gasoline, acetone;
  • color fastness.

Acrylic is a rigid, non-hygroscopic, air-tight, quickly abraded and easily electrified fabric. During operation, pellets form on the surface of this matter, and due to the ability to absorb fats, stubborn stains appear on it.

Polyvinyl chloride and polyvinyl alcohol synthetics

Polyvinyl chloride fabric is a fabric made of polyester, nylon or lavsan fibers tightly woven together, which are covered with a layer of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) on top. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fabrics are woven from fibers obtained from solutions of polyvinyl alcohol. Brief information about the characteristics of these varieties of synthetics and where they are used is presented in the table:

PVC fabric
Varieties of syntheticsAdvantagesFlawsApplications
PVCElasticity, density, resistance to increased mechanical stress, moisture, sun and heat resistance, availability, non-oxidation, long service life.Air tightness, toxicity of decomposition products, release of hazardous hydrogen chloride during combustion, impossibility of complete decomposition, accompanying the production process with harmful emissions.It is used for the manufacture of trampolines, gymnastic mats, wrestling floor coverings, professional shoes, hiking clothes, fishing equipment, pool mattresses, inflatable swimming facilities, awnings, tents and other frame structures, banners and stretch ceilings.
Polyvinyl alcoholStrength, abrasion resistance, low thermal and electrical conductivity, resistance to ultraviolet radiation and damage by pathogens, incombustibility, accessibility, hygroscopicity comparable to cotton, low pilling, aesthetics.Low dirt resistance, tendency to shrink and lose strength in contact with water. Unlike other chemical materials, polyvinyl alcohol synthetics are less resistant to chemical attack.It is used for tailoring, underwear. With the addition of cotton and viscose, it is used for the production of hosiery.

Popular polyester


Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from the melt of polyethylene terephthalate and its derivatives, which accounts for about 65 percent of the market for textile products. Polyester fabric is characterized by:

  • wear resistance;
  • color and shape stability;
  • resistance to unpleasant odors, the action of aggressive solutions, as well as damage by pathogens;
  • low pilling;
  • dust and dirt resistance;
  • ease;
  • the ability to dry quickly;
  • crease resistance;
  • availability;
  • ease of care;
  • moisture resistance.

Among the disadvantages of fabric from this type of synthetics are:

  • difficult air exchange in the fibers;
  • rigidity;
  • poor coloration;
  • electrified;
  • risk of skin irritation.

Elastic polyurethane

In the list of fabrics made from synthetic fibers, polyurethane occupies a special place. Polyurethane threads obtained from polyurethane rubbers are not used in their pure form. They are used as a frame on which other threads are wound. Materials containing such raw materials have a number of advantages:

  • the ability to restore shape after 6–7 times stretching;
  • resistance to abrasion and ultraviolet rays;
  • crease resistance;
  • color fastness;
  • resistance to chemicals.


Among the disadvantages of polyurethane are:

  • low heat resistance;
  • non-hygroscopicity;
  • lack of free air exchange in the fibers.

Materials for tailoring, as well as fabrics for technical and medical purposes are made from this raw material. A water-repellent layer is made from polyurethane in products intended for divers, divers, fishermen, and tourists.

Polyamide fiber fabrics

polyamide fabric

What are these materials made from? The function of the raw material in the production of fabrics from polyamide yarns is performed by compounds containing the amide group CONH. Polyamide-based fabrics are characterized by:

  • high strength;
  • dimensional stability;
  • ease;
  • resistance to damage by various microbes;
  • ability to dry quickly.

Fabrics made of polyamide fibers have low thermal stability, a tendency to yellow in contact with sweat and ultraviolet light, electrification, low hygroscopicity and the ability to retain heat. Thin tights and leggings are made from this matter.

Why synthetics are worse than natural fabrics, what are its disadvantages?

Different types of synthetics have certain disadvantages. However, all have common negative features that distinguish them from natural fabrics:

  • the ability to cause irritation on the skin;
  • tendency to accumulate static electricity;
  • unsatisfactory absorbent properties;
  • difficult air exchange, as a result of which the frequent use of synthetic clothing is not comfortable enough;
  • predisposition to absorb unpleasant odors.

The positive qualities of canvases made of synthetic fibers

What are the positive features of synthetic materials? The strengths of synthetics include:

  • availability;
  • care space;
  • durability;
  • color fastness;
  • low creasing;
  • dimensional stability;
  • ease;
  • ability to dry quickly.

Whatever synthetic material is used for sewing clothes, you can not worry about maintaining the original properties of the product throughout the entire period of operation. Allergy sufferers, pregnant and lactating women and children should use clothing made from such fabrics with caution.

When choosing clothes or accessories for everyday life, it is often difficult to determine what fabric this or that item of clothing is made of. Most modern materials belong to the category of synthetics, which, despite a significant difference with natural fabrics in texture, is in great demand and is used in various fields. In order not to make a mistake in choosing a material, it is necessary to have a greater awareness of how synthetic fabrics are classified, what are the features of each of its types, how to properly care for the material in order to extend its service life. All of these nuances will be presented in detail in this article.


Synthetic fabric has special characteristics that are not typical for other materials. The main difference is the minimum amount or complete absence of fabric fibers of natural origin in the composition. Most varieties are created using the artificial processing of raw materials and the production of fibers from various chemical components.

The composition of many fabrics belonging to the number of heterochain synthetics includes elements such as fluorine, nitrogen, hydrocarbon or chlorine. In addition to these basic elements, the fabric may include other elements that affect its characteristics. This composition is most typical for polyester, polyamide and polyurethane fibers.

To obtain carbon-chain materials, such a chemical element as a hydrocarbon is taken as the basis. Like heterochain varieties, such tissues are highly elastic. They include polyethylene, polyvinyl alcohol, polyacrylonitrile, polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene fabrics. It should be noted that if the synthetic fabric is made on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol, then its elasticity decreases, but nevertheless it is much higher than the elasticity of natural materials.

Since synthetic fibers are popular for various types of clothing, including those used in different weather conditions, there are GOST standards, according to which the composition of the material must undergo a series of tests before release. Such fabrics must be resistant to moisture, low temperatures, bright lighting. Durability is an essential characteristic of such materials. Also, the coloring matter that is part of almost all synthetic materials must be resistant to external factors.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polymer fabrics are the favorites of many users, but opinions about such material are divided in relation to some features. Before buying this or that artificial matter, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the main advantages and disadvantages of synthetics. Among the positive aspects, the following can be distinguished.

  • Synthetic clothes are significantly inferior in price to things made from natural fabrics such as wool and silk. At the same time, in terms of efficiency during operation, artificially created analogues are often not inferior to tissues of natural origin.
  • Another advantage of synthetics is that they come in a huge variety. Among synthetic items, you can find clothes of various textures and thicknesses.
  • Things based on polymer fibers may have various prints that are not always seen on fabrics of natural origin.
  • This type of material has a long service life. If fungus, mold and even rot can form on natural fibers over time, then such dangers do not threaten polymeric materials.
  • Fabrics made from linen, silk and wool can quickly shed or lose color. But synthetics are able to retain their original characteristics, since the technology of its dyeing occurs in a special way. The polymeric material is first subjected to bleaching, and only then - to the treatment with a dye. This also contributes to its durability.
  • Synthetic materials are significantly lighter than their natural counterparts. Even bulky synthetics tend to be lighter than wool sweaters.
  • Unlike linen and cotton materials, synthetic fibers do not deform as much. Many polymer fabrics practically do not wrinkle, so they do not require hanging on a coat hanger. Some synthetic items may not even be ironed after washing.
  • It is also worth noting that textiles made from synthetic materials dry out faster after washing than fabrics made from natural raw materials.

But despite all their advantages, synthetic fibers also have a number of negative characteristics.

  • Such tissues do not provide normal body heat exchange. This is due to the fact that the material does not absorb moisture well. Therefore, clothing made from such fabrics is not suitable for hot weather.
  • If the hygroscopicity of fabrics is low, then unpleasant odors are very easily absorbed into some synthetic fibers and remain there until the item is washed. Consequently, the need to wash clothes may become more frequent.
  • Such material is not safe for allergy sufferers. Some of them may experience skin irritation after contact with polymer fabrics.
  • Among synthetic fabrics, there are toxic materials that can adversely affect health. Therefore, young children are not recommended to wear clothes made of artificial material.
  • Natural materials have a more noble appearance. People who care about their image often prefer wool and silk clothes to synthetics, because the latter, in their opinion, looks less aesthetically pleasing. However, this minus of synthetics depends only on individual style preferences.

Types of fibers and their properties

There are many types of polymer fabric materials, each of which has its own individual characteristics.


This type of fabric was obtained in 1938. Subsequently, such well-known materials as nylon, taslan, perlon, jordan, capron, and also velsoft were produced from it. The main advantages of these fabrics are their increased strength, absolute resistance to deformation. Clothing and coatings made of such material are not subject to abrasion and tearing. Also, such fibers are able to repel water, which allows them to be used as a waterproof material.

Among the shortcomings of this dense fabric, the main one is the lack of hygroscopicity, which under certain conditions creates discomfort when using the material. The texture of such synthetic fabrics can be quite stiff, while they have a low level of resistance to ultraviolet radiation. Also, static electricity can accumulate in the fibers of matter.

This group includes some of the most popular fabrics among the female consumer audience - kapron and nylon. The main advantage of these materials is their combination of lightness and strength. Also, these fabrics dry pretty quickly. However, such materials have many disadvantages: they do not retain heat well, under the influence of sunlight, the color of such products may acquire a yellowish tint, and polyamide synthetics do not absorb moisture.

A separate type of polyamide material is velsoft - a fleecy dense material comparable to terry cloth. It does not deform, is able to pass air, is also not subject to molting and is very pleasant to the touch.


Tergal, terylene, lavsan, dacron, as well as some other synthetic materials belong to the category of polyester, the production of which began in 1941. Among the well-known fabrics, this variety includes raincoat fabric, microfiber, and polyester. Cloths usually have a high level of strength, while being quite light and soft to the touch. Also, this nonwoven material is often added to the composition of natural fabrics, making them more durable, but at the same time less expensive.

Among the disadvantages of polyester fibers, it is worth noting their ability to accumulate static electricity, and they also react poorly to high temperatures. In some cases, the material creates a semblance of a greenhouse effect, due to which it becomes uncomfortable to use, especially if it is used as clothing.

One of the most popular polyester materials is fleece. It retains heat well, while being lightweight and breathable. This fabric is quite elastic, quick-drying and does not require ironing. The advantage of the material is its hypoallergenicity, but over time the fabric can stretch.

In combination with cotton fibers, polyester synthetic fabric is used - polysatin. It has a dense texture that is smooth and slightly shiny. It does not dry for a long time, does not deform during washing and does not shed. Such fabrics are usually not prone to rapid wear.


Polyvinyl chloride fabrics, which are also called vignon, teviron, chlorin, are famous for their high level of resistance to various chemicals. Often these materials are used in the process of creating protective clothing. However, high temperatures adversely affect such materials, causing destruction (at +100 degrees Celsius) or deformation (shrinkage). The texture of such materials is quite dense.


Polyurethane fibers are called elastane, spandex, dorlastan, lycra and neolan. This is a well-stretched fabric that has a smooth texture. Despite the high level of extensibility, such fabrics do not lose their original shape after stretching. Their weakness is the instability to high temperatures: the fiber loses its original elasticity. Polyurethane threads are added to other materials, making them more elastic, while being resistant to light rays and breathable.

Polyvinyl alcohol

Among such materials you can find such as vinol, vinylon, mtilan, curalon and vinol. Their main advantages are a high level of strength, resistance to wear, exposure to light, as well as temperature. Compared to other groups of synthetic fabrics, these have a high level of hygroscopicity, which is close to that of materials made from cotton. They are very resistant to the effects of various chemistry, but at the same time they can be deformed under the influence of moisture.


This group includes such varieties of synthetics as polyethylene and polypropylene fabrics, which are the lightest of all artificial materials. They are also impervious to water, do not sink in water and are able to withstand fairly low temperatures. Also, these fibers retain heat well. But they are not elastic. On the market, among such materials, you can find Tekmilon, Spectrum, Ulstrene, Meraklon, Herculon, Found, Dynema fabrics.


Several types of synthetic materials are often used to create certain fabrics. The most relevant example is microfiber, which is based on nylon as well as polyester raw materials. The main characteristic of this material is its sufficiently high hygroscopicity combined with the ability to dry quickly after wet processing. It is also not subject to molting and rolling, therefore it is resistant to temperature and chemical influences. This material is used for both woven and non-woven fabrics.

Having a special porous texture, microfiber maintains optimal body temperature without creating a "greenhouse effect". At the same time, such a fabric perfectly protects from the wind.

Scope of use

Synthetic fibers are used to make a huge range of different products, from clothing to home textiles and even furniture. The sphere in which this or that matter is used depends on which group of synthetic fabrics it belongs to.

  • Polyvinyl chloride materials are actively used to create artificial leather, carpets, as well as artificial fur.
  • Due to their high thermal insulation and hygroscopicity, polyolefin fabrics are often used in workwear, in the manufacture of hiking equipment, upholstery, underwear, and socks.
  • Among polyvinyl alcohol synthetic materials, the most popular in use is vinol, from which underwear, tights and stockings are made.
  • Mtilan is the main raw material for the creation of surgical sutures.
  • Microfiber is the main material for household textiles, outerwear, cleaning accessories, sportswear, upholstery.
  • Polyurethane synthetic fabrics are popular mainly for the production of sportswear.
  • Polyamide synthetics can most often be found as part of tights, stockings, leggings. Velsoft is an excellent fabric for the production of blankets, warm bathrobes, pajamas, towels, as well as clothes for the little ones.
  • Also, for the production of children's clothing and toys, material such as fleece is used.
  • Polysatin is most in demand for creating home textiles, for example, curtains, bed linen. It is also used to make scarves, ties and home wardrobe items.

To date, there is a huge range of types and names of synthetic fabrics that are actively used for sewing clothes, bed linen, curtains. For the first time, the world heard about artificial materials in 1900, when polymers were obtained from synthesized petroleum products, which later served as the basis for the production of fabrics. The industrial production of synthetic fabrics and products from them began in 1938. If in the last century synthetic products were considered something cheap and of poor quality, today factories produce products that have excellent external and operational properties, even surpassing things made from natural fabrics in some characteristics.

What are synthetic fabrics made from? For the manufacture of artificial thread, products of oil refining, processing of wood, metals, coal, cotton, natural gas are used. How is the thread obtained? It's simple - the raw material is heated and a fiber is pulled out of the molten mass, which is twisted into a thread.

Advantages of synthetic materials

  • High strength and density, resistance to mechanical damage, wear, deformation. Such fabrics retain their original appearance for almost a long time.
  • Synthetic products do not wrinkle and do not require ironing.
  • The materials drape easily.
  • Artificial fibers are easily dyed, which allows manufacturers to produce materials in a huge variety of colors, ornaments, and patterns.
  • The saturation of colors is maintained for the entire period of operation of the product and even with prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  • Long service life.

The characteristics of synthetic fabrics make it possible to use materials not only for sewing ordinary clothes and bed linen, curtains and bedspreads, but also for workwear - inexpensive and durable, well tolerated by negative influences, light and comfortable to wear during the work process.

Disadvantages of synthetic products

  • They build up static electricity, which can cause the fabric to crackle and spark. Negative consequences for the body - disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, which is manifested by problems with sleep, heart rhythm disturbances, headaches, jumps in blood pressure.
  • Synthetic fabrics are a medium for active reproduction of fungal and mold spores, which then penetrate the human body, causing serious health problems, including allergic reactions.
  • Low hygroscopicity and breathability, from which sweat does not evaporate, which provokes the growth of colonies of harmful bacteria, as a result - skin irritations and other problems, the rapid appearance of unpleasant odors.
  • Long-term release of volatile components, including toxic ones, the substance that underlies the production of fabric.

It is contraindicated to wear clothes and use synthetic bedding for people with cancer, benign tumor processes, allergies, asthmatics, skin problems, hyperhidrosis, as well as children, pregnant and lactating women.

Such shortcomings differ only in cheap products, 100% consisting of synthetic thread. Clothing made of good quality artificial fabrics has all the properties of natural, but is quite expensive. But, in any case, it is not recommended to purchase synthetic bedding or underwear, the best option is outerwear for autumn, winter and spring.

Variety of fabrics

What are synthetic materials? The industry produces more than 300 artificial fabrics, each of which, in addition to general properties, has a list of its own pros and cons. The most popular materials are:

  • Acrylic. Practical and inexpensive material, pleasant to the touch, perfectly warming. Acrylic is often mixed with natural wool, which gives the product the properties of this natural product, and provides an affordable cost. The disadvantage is a high degree of electrification and the formation of pellets on the surface.
  • Viscose. Inexpensive fabric, perfectly breathable, with medium heat-saving properties, light, pleasant to the touch, does not accumulate electricity, with a slight sheen. However, things made of viscose are quickly wrinkled, to prevent which the material is made by combining viscose fibers with acrylic, polyester, etc.
  • Nylon (kapron, perlon). Very light and thin, but at the same time durable and elastic, inexpensive material, unpretentious in care. The disadvantages include poor moisture absorption, strong electrification, extensibility when wet, and instability to ultraviolet radiation.
  • Polyester. A cheap fabric that does not wrinkle, shrink, or stretch, but tends to accumulate static electricity, can irritate sensitive skin and cause allergies. Polyester products are poorly breathable and absorb moisture, so it is not recommended to wear them on a hot day. For the most part, polyester fibers are added to high-quality artificial and natural threads in order to reduce creasing of things and increase resistance to fading. A good option for polyester fabric is saplex, a soft, breathable material.
  • Lycra (elastane, spandex, neolan). Hiking material from polyurethane, which has the ability to stretch well, but quickly return to its original state. Things made of Lycra should not be washed in hot water, as they lose their elasticity.
  • Kashibo. The chiffon-like fabric is soft and airy, slightly shiny, skin-friendly, stretches well, and has a cooling effect.
  • Lavsan. A tough polyester material that is resistant to wear and high temperatures. A mixture of lavsan and natural fibers is used to create faux fur, tailoring suits and coats.
  • Wet silk. Material made of polyester fibers processed in a special way, which gives the surface of the material a beautiful and pleasant silkiness. Products in dry form do not stretch or deform, but after washing they can shrink and change color, which must be taken into account when buying and caring.
  • Microfiber. Lightweight, soft, pleasant to the body fabric, elastic, well absorbing moisture and retaining heat, undemanding to care for. Ironing microfiber products is not recommended.
  • fleece. Cozy material, warm and soft, elastic and breathable, but able to accumulate static electricity and stretch.

Caring for synthetic fabrics

Synthetic products can be washed by hand and in a machine at a temperature of 30-40 degrees without the use of bleaching agents.

For drying, do not use tumble dryers, and do not put things on a hot radiator. The best option is to straighten the products and hang them outdoors, so the material dries pretty quickly.

If fabrics made of artificial and synthetic fibers still need to be ironed, then this should be done with a slightly warm iron without using steam.

One of the main factors by which a person has long been able to protect himself from the vagaries of the weather is the production of fabrics and clothing. Since its inception in ancient times, such an industry has developed dynamically, and today the consumer is presented with a wide variety of materials made from both natural and synthetic components.

Depending on the type of production, fabric products are conventionally divided into several categories. The main ones among them are:

  1. Natural. These include wool, cotton and linen. This category is made from raw materials of plant and animal origin.
  2. Artificial. These include viscose, lurex, acetate. This variety can be created from organic and inorganic components. In particular, it can be cellulose and protein, as well as metal and glass, respectively.
  3. Synthetics. The most demanded raw materials here are polyester, polyvinyl, polyamide. Fabrics of this class are made from polymer threads.

The range of modern fabrics is large, and this is due not only to the possibilities of using various raw materials. The finished material acquires its final characteristics through processing and the use of technologies in the manufacture. At the same time, the characteristics and properties are most often determined by the type of weave.

Types and features

Among the variety of options, the consumer's attention is attracted by the characteristics of the fabrics used in tailoring. Most often it is:


Inexpensive synthetics, which is made from polyester fibers. The surface is similar in appearance to wool, and in properties to cotton. Distinctive features that allow you to sew inexpensive clothes are strength, wear resistance and the ability of products to maintain their original appearance for a long time. In addition, the characteristics of the fabric make it easy to wash, minimizing garment care. The material dries quickly and easily changes shape under the influence of temperatures. This opens up wide opportunities for designers to create folds, decorate clothes, curtains, curtains, and more.


In the production of cotton fabric, soft and thin fibers are used, twisted along the axis. The material is characterized by high strength, chemical resistance and the ability to maintain its original characteristics even with prolonged exposure to factors such as ultraviolet, moisture, high and low temperatures. Fabrics and clothing have average hygroscopicity values ​​of 18-20%, so they dry slowly. The only drawback of the material is the low ability to retain shape and the risk of shrinkage if not properly maintained. Cotton products quickly wrinkle, which is not always convenient in domestic conditions. Among the advantages of this material are listed: extraordinary softness, breathability, durability. The scope of cotton fabrics is wide. The material becomes an excellent solution for tailoring and workwear, bed linen, upholstery for furniture, etc.


Large-patterned fabric obtained by using the technology of weaving the warp and weft threads. High aesthetic characteristics and the complexity of the production process make the material an elite class product. In the creation of the canvas, natural raw materials are used, including both cotton and linen, as well as woolen and silk threads. In modern production, synthetic fibers can also be used, as well as a combination of artificial and natural components. The manufacturing technology makes it possible to obtain plain fabrics and fabrics with colored inserts. The effect of "tapestry", at the same time, is achieved by special methods of staining. Today, jacquard is widely used in the tailoring of outerwear, upholstery for furniture and other products. The cost of the material largely determines the raw materials, as well as the technologies used for processing the fabric.


Natural fabric, for the creation of which a silkworm cocoon thread is used. The demand and extraordinary popularity of such a fabric is due to the wide possibilities in the manufacture of clothing, in which the layman receives exquisite clothing that is comfortable to wear. Modern technologies make it possible to create artificial silk. However, the value of such material, as well as the characteristics, differ significantly from the real one, made from silk thread. First of all, these include the unique brilliance, smoothness and strength: indicators that are achieved thanks to the multi-stage production and the characteristics of silkworm threads.


Like felt, felt is created using wool felting technology. The process is carried out manually, and its result is the receipt of pieces of material. Unlike a denser analogue, fine goat or rabbit down is used in the production of felt, thanks to which the fabric acquires its characteristic features. The creation of material today is somewhat different from the technology used in ancient times. With the advent of synthetic threads, it became possible to obtain a smooth or fleecy fabric, which can also be divided into suede or long pile subspecies of felt. Most often, this material is used for sewing clothes that come into contact with the body. These can be hats, scarves, coats, etc. Due to the special texture of the fabric, such clothes are able to retain heat and create comfort when worn.


Synthetic fabric, which today is one of the most popular in tailoring and products intended for everyday life. In the production of the canvas, a combination of several types of artificial fibers is used, the main among which is polyester. The result of using this technology is to obtain a fabric that is lightweight, resistant to moisture and unpretentious in care. Various production methods, at the same time, significantly expand the range of material thickness. Today, fleece is widely used for making casual wear and lining. Anti-peeling coating, which modern fabrics often differ in, at the same time, provides the longest possible service life without losing the original characteristics. The main advantages of the material are hygroscopicity, lightness, elasticity. Among the characteristics that provide comfort when wearing fleece clothing, breathability, the ability to dry quickly after washing, minimal care and storage conditions can be noted.

Coarse calico

Thick fabric made from cotton threads. Thanks to the use of plain weave technology, manufacturers receive a durable material that is widely used by humans in everyday life. The main subspecies of coarse calico, which are popular with the modern layman, are suvoraya, bleached, printed and dyed fabric. Various manufacturing techniques allow the creation of high performance canvas, which is widely used for the manufacture of bed linen, tablecloths, curtains and curtains, etc.


Cotton fabric (maybe synthetic), characterized by increased density. A feature of the material is the presence of the front side, covered with fleecy scars, and the wrong side - a smooth surface. Among the characteristics of the fabric can be noted high elasticity, strength, durability. Clothing made from velveteen is very warm, pleasant to the touch, and durable. The advantage of such material is an affordable price. Among the shortcomings, the risk of shrinkage and loss of appearance with improper care should be noted. In modern clothing production, several subspecies of velveteen are used, including: cord, rib and shaped velveteen.


The cloth with soft pile, differs in velvety and high esthetic appeal. The material of this category belongs to the premium class products, and is widely used for sewing warm, practical, dense and wear-resistant clothing. Modern production allows you to get several subspecies of velor. The main among them are: velvet and drape. Also, velor fabrics include not only cotton materials, but also canvases made from felt and leather.

A material that is obtained from natural raw materials by artificial means. A feature of such a fabric is the ability to be similar (depending on the technology used) to linen, silk or wool. Viscose products are very popular. This is due to the affordable price and the ability to get everyday wear clothes that have a maximum service life. In the production of household items today, three types of viscose are used: spatula, technical and textile, however, only the last category is suitable for tailoring.


In modern industry, guipure is made from several types of synthetic fibers, or with their addition. The main features are transparency, light weight, rigidity. The disadvantages include low tear resistance and demanding conditions for care, wearing and storage.


A distinctive characteristic of the material is its extreme softness and tenderness. This feature is achieved through complex production and twill weaving, which uses a thread made from the down of cashmere goats. The high cost of the canvas, as well as cashmere clothes, is due to comfort, aesthetics and hypoallergenicity. It is believed that real cashmere can be made from the down of animals living only in Pakistan, India, Nepal and China. This is due to the fact that when trying to recreate the fabric from the wool of ordinary goats, all the unique properties of cashmere are lost.


The material is made from the wool of the angora goat. The most common variety today are homogeneous white fabrics, which are distinguished by a soft luster sheen. The unique effect of such a product is provided by a technology that uses transitional hair. The result is a bouncy fluffy fabric that is highly tear-resistant, resilient and durable. At the same time, the natural shine characteristic of mohair does not disappear even after dyeing.


The fabric is made of cotton fibers, by satin weaving. Differs in smoothness and silkiness of a surface in which weft threads prevail. The most popular today are printed and bleached satin. Such material is widely used in the production of bed linen, lining fabric and casual wear. Less commonly, satin is used to make men's shirts and summer dresses.


Modern tulle is distinguished by a mesh structure that provides the fabric with flowing lightness. The material is made of polyester, which makes it uniform and extremely tear-resistant. The main area of ​​use of tulle is the creation of decorative elements of clothing. Also, soft fabric is used in the design of gifts, interior decoration. The characteristics of mesh tulle allow it to be successfully used as a canvas for embroidery.


Light flowing material with a somewhat loose texture was originally made from silk and crepe yarn. Today, artificial components are used in production that can provide greater tensile strength and aesthetic appeal. The popularity of this type of material is due to a wide selection of varieties. The most famous and sought after of them are: crepe chiffon, jacquard chiffon, double-sided chiffon and satin variety. In the manufacture of designer clothes, chiffon with lures, chanzhan, pearl chiffon, etc. are also used. Elements of clothing created from this material are distinguished by grace, lightness and wearing comfort.


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