Touching words to my husband. Touching SMS to her husband, in your own words. Pleasant words in your own words on the topic: "Good morning!"

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To say in your own words, and even before tears, a few beautiful words to your beloved man, you just need to select ready-made phrases and send him to the social. network or via SMS to your phone. No difference.

  • You are my breath, heartbeat, light of eyes and soul, intoxicating ecstasy!
  • Love for you gives me the strength to live, create, and even soar up to the sun!
  • Without your kisses, my lips will be covered with cracks, like earth in the sultry desert of Ethiopia ((
  • You occupied all my thoughts and filled my heart, which beats in a frantic rhythm when my eyes see my favorite features!
  • You are my inevitability and tenderness of the heart! I want the world around to exist only for the two of us!
  • You are the direct cause of my blush on my cheeks, and only in front of you the strings of my soul are exposed!
  • With you, I'm ready to get hit by a hurricane or any other source of unrest, because Cupid pierced my heart!
  • You are the general of my heart, whom I would not exchange even for an entire army!
  • You are for me like a cool shower in the heat and a warm blanket in the frosty season. With you alone, even a downpour makes me happy!
  • I am happy that our paths are intertwined into one path, and walking along it step by step, I enjoy life!

A good wife, in order to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the family, needs to speak beautiful words to her husband so that he understands those wonderful feelings and love that you give him.

  • In my heart there is only your image, and apart from you, I do not need anyone in this world!
  • I can confidently call you the most important person in my destiny, my beloved husband!
  • Your presence next to me will brighten up any bad weather, and from your hugs my soul immediately becomes so warm and pleasant! Thank you my dear for being you!
  • I will never stop loving you, and in my heart this feeling will live forever!
  • I want to go through life with you by the hand, and I am very grateful to you for your constant support and understanding!
  • Thank you, my soul mate, for teaching me to truly love and appreciate every minute spent together!
  • You are the kindest man! I am very grateful to you for your patience and endurance, because I myself understand that it is not easy to live with me)
  • We were crowned by heaven, and therefore nothing will destroy our union on earth!
  • I will gladly share with you everything that I have in this life, because without you the sun will go out and darkness will come.

To bring tears to your beloved husband, beautiful words must be said after a quarrel (my personal opinion), so that he understands what he is losing and whom he offends. In addition, beautiful words are suitable for a husband who is not around.

  • I will fill all corners of your soul with love, my desired spouse, and my passion will drive you crazy!
  • When you are not around, I am exhausted without your gentle touches!
  • Life together with you still seems to me a wonderful fairy tale, filled with sincere love and boundless affection!
  • For me, you are the head of our family and my husband, as well as a reliable and understanding friend!
  • Thank heavens that I met you - the man of my dreams, and now my eyes radiate happiness!
  • With a husband like you, I do not live, but enjoy life!
  • You are for me a blooming paradise on a sinful earth! my knight! my everything!
  • I fall in love with this man every day and more and more! Yes, yes, we are talking about you, my hubby!)
  • Next to you, I enjoy life and sometimes I don’t even feel the ground under my feet!
  • You are a priceless treasure that is destined for me by fate, and I am ready to be with you all my life!
  • Me without you is like candy without a wrapper, and you without me are like a screw without a screwdriver! We are the perfect couple!

Beautiful words do not have to be said to your beloved man to tears or “goosebumps”, you can just sincerely say in your own words (choose suitable phrases and sentences) about the feelings that you really have for him. "False" will not work and he will feel it.

For me, the ideal man very difficult to describe in words. He must be strong, reliable and sexy. But I do not have enough epithets to describe all the qualities of an ideal man. Yes, I don't need it at all. I see the best man in the world every day, and you are my ideal husband. I am a happy woman and I love you very much.

G they say that everything changes after the wedding: passion fades, and love fades into the background, everyday problems eat up former tenderness, and the spouses begin to quietly hate each other. I hope it's the losers who came up with it! Because even after the wedding I continue to love you madly!

X It's good to have such a wonderful person next to me. Sometimes, closing my eyes, I think about what would have happened if we had not met, and I understand with horror that then I would not be happy. I love you!

M perishing - this support and support. By choosing you as my husband, I have become a truly happy woman and wife. I understood what a man's shoulder is, a loving person next to me. And if I had to make my choice again, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder ... You are the best man in the whole world for me!

M oh beloved, my dear, my bear, the strongest, attractive, desirable, purposeful, active, athletic, courteous, dear, tactful, talented, sensitive, wise, priceless, passionate, smart, kind! I love you very much!

M silly! I have so much good, pure and bright connected with you that all disagreements and insults seem very tiny compared to our great mutual love. It's good that we are husband and wife!

AT waterfall of feelings and splashes of love, I constantly bathe with you, because you are the dearest person in the world to me, my soulmate and beloved husband. Just please don't let go of my hand and stay close so that we don't get carried away to the shores of separation. I really need you and I love you very much!

B Don't offer to get a star out of the sky for me again. I already got it for myself. My star is you, my beloved husband. You are the most important happiness in my life!

FROM The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be with you at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

I love you. Do you remember the first time I said these words to you? We were still very young and there was still a lot to go through. But one thing has remained unchanged - this is my love, I still love you.

M We have been together for so many years, dear, and I never tire of repeating how much I love you. I am very grateful to you for all the good moments, for affection, for understanding, for tenderness. Thank you for accepting me and my love. I am glad that you need all this, just like me.

R The workday is taking so long! I missed. Sometimes I dream that you were small and ... foldable. I would then carry you with me in my purse. I wanted to - got it, talked enough - put it back. But that won't work. You are independent, strong and courageous. Able to make decisions for both of us. The real head of the family! I love and proud of you!

R guide to the use of a wife in love (WJ). Use your device daily. Additional accessories (clothing, jewelry) allow you to expand the possibilities of using VJ. Switch the device to power saving mode more often with the words: "Rest for a while." Do not touch the device if its use may be dangerous.

M You are like a butterfly and a flower - just made for each other. And our life together is the harmony of two hearts, a delightful symphony of tenderness, feelings and confessions. I am happy to be your wife!

D wa gold rings on our fingers - a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear my wedding ring with pride, and I am extremely glad that my husband is you. With you, I feel like behind a stone wall. I am always sure that our family is safe if you are around. Be with me always, my beloved, because I love you so much!

M I do not want to thank you, my glorious beloved, for your reverent attitude towards my desires, for your amazing ability to listen and the need to support my ideas. My tender feelings for you grow stronger and color my cozy world with warmth, reliability and light. Thanks for the solid alliance, dear!

B being a wife is not at all easy, it is painstaking work that takes up all your free time. But I know why it's so easy for me to handle all the responsibilities, I just still love you madly.

D ah, you and I are different ... Husband and wife on the passport - this is not the main thing. The most important thing that unites us together is love. I often think how good it was that we met then and stayed close. I miss!

P after all, you can confess not only on the 1st, but also on the 10th, 100th, etc. times... And it doesn't matter that you've been like my husband for years - I still love you, dear, as before! And you?

T You can be gentle, like the June morning sun, when it has not yet climbed to its zenith and gently strokes your cheeks with warm rays. You can be passionate like the scorching sun of July, which warmly embraces sunbathers on the beach! On a cloudy day in the middle of autumn, it is light and sunny for me, because you are near. And on the coldest winter day, our house is warm. Not from batteries, but because there is you - my Sunshine!

FROM Waking up today, I felt an irresistible desire to confess my love to you. Why restrain yourself? My dear, I LOVE YOU. Remember this always.

M oh dear, precious husband! We are connected with you by a thin but strong thread of love. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more confused in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, my love. I know that no matter how many years pass, for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

D Dear spouse, I am so happy that from the first minute of our acquaintance and until this day in my soul there is a sacred and inviolable deep feeling - love for you. A feeling that is cramped in the heart, about which you want to shout out loud. But at the same time, this feeling is kept by me with all the tenderness that only exists. Thank you, my dear, for this deep feeling!

H what is a romantic candlelight dinner for us?
This means that in our microdistrict the power was turned off again. What does "magical night" mean? And the fact that the kids for once gave you and me at least a little sleep! And although in the bustle of days it is not always possible to express your feelings, I want you to know: I love you as much as in those distant times when we met!

M You can always and everywhere find a reason to confess your love to your husband, such a close and dear person as your husband, to repeat gentle beautiful words to him. After some time, even the most gloomy man will also begin to tell you about his love in response. If there is not enough imagination, or there are simply no words to express all those tender feelings that you experience, you can always use the worldwide web.

M oh teddy bear! I love to plunge into you as if into my own happiness and bathe in your arms for a long, long time, enjoying every surge of feelings. It's good that I have you, my beloved husband!

P It's just not clear what I was doing, and most importantly - why, before I met you - my future husband. You are my first true love, as big as the whole world. I send a thousand of the most passionate kisses to you, my love!

R one of mine, how many years we have been together, but I still feel that I love you very much. I am grateful to fate that I met such a wonderful man and that he became my husband.

M I can bet that no one else has such a wonderful and caring spouse as I do. My dear, I love you more than life, and so it will always be.

L beloved, life sometimes brings not the most pleasant surprises, but when we are together, there is absolutely nothing unattainable. With you, confidence, calmness and a clear understanding of the insignificance of troubles came to my sense of life. You are the support for my desires and support for the planned achievements. I am sincerely grateful to the universe for happiness, to be loved by you!

I and you are very difficult people. We have a lot in common and the main thing is a complex character. But, despite all the quarrels and reconciliations, we were able not only to be together, but to love each other, as on the first day we met.

People should speak words of love to each other. And the more often they do this, the stronger their relationship will be. These words are always appropriate, always pleasant and always unexpected. So if you make a beautiful declaration of love to your husband in your own words, then he will not only be happy - he will be sincerely surprised and, perhaps, even lose his speech for a few seconds. Why? Yes, because you will not speak banal and hackneyed words, but something unique in its essence.

We agree that finding beautiful and original love words can be very, very difficult. But our site is ready to provide you with invaluable assistance in finding high-quality, beautiful and touching words that will cause your husband an unprecedented storm of feelings and emotions. Rest assured, he will not miss such a confession, even if it happened before. He just can't. They will penetrate right into the heart and make it beat faster and stronger. Give love to your husband. Hug him, kiss him and make him truly happy. At least for a couple of moments.

A husband is a support and support. By choosing you as my husband, I have become a truly happy woman and wife. I understood what a man's shoulder is, a loving person next to me. And if I had to make my choice again, I would again make it in your favor, because I love you very much, and I am ready to spend every minute at your native shoulder ... You are the best man in the whole world for me!

Congratulations on mobile

My dear treasure! Since we've been together, the World has become brighter, Love has become capitalized, and Life has turned into a fluttering butterfly above our heads. My sweet, (name), I can't imagine my heart beating away from yours! You are a piece of happiness that has become a reward for me after long trials!

It's good that I have you, the most gentle, kind and most beloved man on earth. You are my most important person. You are very reliable, sensitive and calm. I always look forward to our meeting. It's good to have you around. All my life I want to walk with you on the same road of love. My feelings for you are getting stronger and stronger. I so want to snuggle up to you, and feel protected from all sorrows and hardships. I love you, and my confessions are sincere and pure. Only with you I will be truly happy

The most precious moments of my life are the moments spent with you. And I want to have as many of them as possible. You are my husband. I want to be with you at any time of the day or night, I want to spend my whole life with you. This is my most cherished desire, and it is quite natural, because I love you very much!

How I rejoice in yesterday! It was probably one of the best days with you in my life. It was great to spend the whole day together! All day long I could look into your eyes, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you! I need you more than life! I love you!

I am grateful to fate for helping me meet you, my one and only man. One can only dream of such a thing, I have been very lucky in my life. You are my hope and support, I am behind you, like behind a stone wall. I trust you in everything and want to be with you all my life. I sometimes envy myself. I love you, my dear, and I will be the first to confess my feelings, because I no longer have the strength to hide my love. The flame of my love flares up every day more and more.

My dear, precious husband! We are connected with you by a thin but strong thread of love. I feel it all the time, and every day I get more and more confused in the feeling of happiness and the feeling of you, my love. I know that no matter how many years pass, for me you will always remain the closest and dearest person. Love you!

Two golden rings on our fingers are a symbol of the fact that we are inseparable from each other. This is a symbol of our love. I wear my wedding ring with pride, and I am extremely glad that my husband is you. With you, I feel like behind a stone wall. I am always sure that our family is safe if you are around. Be with me always, my beloved, because I love you so much!

You always give me love, tenderness and affection. You are just a real man with whom I was so lucky in life. My feelings for you are pure and sincere. I have never loved anyone so much, it seems that you are my destiny. Today I decided to be the first to confess my love to you, and I don’t regret it at all. After all, my feelings are already overflowing. You are the most dear person to me, and I will be very happy if I make you happy. I so want us to be always together, and our hearts beat in unison.

These words, like birds, will fly to those who need them. They are for those who deserve to be called them! Tell him these words beautifully ...

  1. Dear, dear, beloved…. You are the best man on the Earth! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest. Say that we are a beautiful couple? The best and happiest. We can also switch roles: I will make you the happiest, and you will make me the best. I love you so much that it's hard to even say it, because there are no suitable words. Feel my love with all your best heart. (Prose).
  2. Today I, again and again, re-read all your messages saved in my mobile phone. I am sure that I will never delete them, because they are dear to me. Every word written in "SMS" opens up inspiration in me "second wind". I know all your "phone letters", practically by heart. Which one do I like best? Each! And each in its own way. They contain pieces of you and rays of your energy. I will be pleased if you write to me again and again. And I will answer them so that you love me more.
  3. Beautiful expressions for a beloved man in prose. Everything is like in a dream... Your eyes, your lips, your features, your hair, your body…. I can't believe that all these treasures are yours. And you gave yourself to me. Thank you very much for such a gift! I will not say that I am not worthy of such a gift, because I am sure that you will dissuade me. I will say this: we deserve each other. And we will always cost each other - always! This I promise you, and I will not stop promising you.

Words about love to a loved one

  1. Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill, with a glance, a niche of emptiness .... I won't get tired of saying "I love you". I will not get tired of repeating "I'm sorry." I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you rarely feel sad ....
  2. I have asked your forgiveness so many times... I ask him, from you, and this time. For what? Because the sun in the sky is warmer than me. But I do not need his warmth: you are my only sun with whom I will never have to feel cold. Thank you for your sunshine, my love!
  3. I love chocolates as much as you love cars. But I'm willing to give up sweets if you ask. I do not ask you to do the same, because, thanks to your car, you come to me faster, without wasting extra time on trolleybuses and buses. Let's sit in your beautiful and comfortable car, and rush to the ends of the world, where only you and I will be together .... I, next to you, have nothing to fear. And, the ends of the world - even more so. Well, let's go, or will we fly there on the wings of crazy love?
  4. You are my big secret, which is hidden in my heart. But I'm ready to open it to the whole world! I'm ready to scream that you are my favorite. I'm ready to whisper, endlessly, that you are the best and wonderful. But, my whispers and my cries, only you can hear, because you feel me. And you love so much that the clouds seem very low .... Love you!
  5. In your eyes is my reflection. I know we'll be together forever. I love you. I adore you! And only about you, day and night, I dream .... I wish you were always by my side. I will carry all the feelings for you through the years .... (beautiful words about life and love in prose).
  6. You like it when I call you a bunny or a sun, beloved or dear. I'll call you whatever you want. Only, I beg you very much: do not disappear like a sincere dawn. I can't bear your disappearance! Stay close, I beg you. You are everything I need in earthly life.
  7. I love, respect, appreciate, adore…. What else do you have to say to be there for every fraction of a second? Ready to say everything! And do whatever you say. I am obsessed with you, I can not live without you even a day…. I miss you, I love you, I promise to love you forever.
  8. Your eyes are the bottomlessness of the turquoise sky. I want to plunge into it, swim, and not emerge. If I drown - do not save: I dreamed, all my life, of drowning in your eyes. They are the most beautiful thing in the world white ....

Prose of beautiful words

  1. Prose. - When I say "I love you", you lower your eyes. Are you embarrassed to reciprocate? Do not be shy! I'm waiting for your reciprocity, living in words and in the heart. I really look forward to your "love". This word, for me, is a big and long-awaited holiday.
  2. When I see your whole body, I become a very small child who knows only one word: "I want." I want you…. I love…. I think about you at night, and during the day, and in the morning. When more often - I don’t know, but I’m sure that I love, that I miss, and that I won’t give you to anyone.
  3. Beloved person. You are sweet, you are bitter, you are salty, you are sour. You have all the flavors. That is why, I can not eat, being full looking at you. You are my ice cream and my favorite cake. Are you offended by me for calling you that? Thanks for letting me do that too. You're the best man!
  4. Your body is impeccable, your face is amazing, your physique is beautiful, your voice is wonderful .... I just can't live without you and I don't want to be without you. Don't let me be alone, you are my life! I am (without you) absolutely nothing.
  5. You are more precious than mom and dad. You are more precious than all the dearest people in the world. Do not be surprised: my love is the power of the entire universe. Stronger even! And you will feel it when I give you my billions of kisses.
  6. There are no more. You're the one. And so unique that I even wonder. Didn't know such things existed. You are one of a kind. And you are mine. Thank you very much for this. I'm so glad that it's me with you, and not another ....
  7. I am a wind girl. But you can turn me into a girl - the sun, if you say that you love me. After all, you are more tender than all tenderness, more affectionate than all caresses .... Turn me into the one that you like more and more. I agree to any transformation.

P continuation of the beautiful Topics:

Beautiful and tender words about love. -

Affectionate and warm words to a beloved man.

A husband is a very simple, worldly, but at the same time, significant, capacious concept! With this person you will have a long and happy life, with him you will fall asleep and wake up, experience happy and sad moments. Beautiful poems to your husband are a great way to once again confess your love to your spouse, emphasize his importance and indispensability, express your gratitude and respect. Be sure that the dearest and closest person will appreciate the verses in his honor performed by a loving woman!

Do you have a lot to say to your spouse, but find it difficult to find the right words? Do you feel awkward talking about your feelings? Don't be upset about this! Poems to your beloved husband will allow you, leaving the hustle and bustle of days and everyday problems for a while, to tell your chosen one how dear and close he is to you, how much this emotional attachment means to you.

We are only happy when we make others happy! The original poems in this section will help you express your thoughts and feelings in the best possible way!

Relationship psychology

Family psychologists constantly emphasize the importance of maintaining the fire between a loving man and woman. Unfortunately, many couples forget about this, which leads to the collapse of family life. In such cases, they say about the reasons for parting - "life stuck." Remember those moments when you first met, felt an irresistible attraction to each other, decided never to part and swore an oath of allegiance - is it really all in vain?

No, you just need to add a little romance to your everyday, gray life. A great idea for a surprise would be poems to your beloved husband in which you tell him about your feelings. Give your spouse as many bright, memorable moments as possible, surround him with understanding, tenderness and affection! You will see, he will answer you in the same way, provide support, protect, help to cope with all the difficulties that arise on the path of life.

At all times, it was the woman who was always assigned the role of the keeper of the hearth. So do not let the fire of love go out, which from a small spark flared up in your hearts!

How to cope with separation from a loved one?

The life of a modern person is full of all sorts of things and worries. We are constantly in a hurry somewhere, striving to succeed, chasing material wealth. Even if, for whatever reason, you are forced to be at a distance from each other for a long time, you should not forget about feelings. It is important for a man to know that he is loved by you, you need him, we adore you, even if, for some reason, you are not with him as often as you would like. In separation, a beautiful verse will come to the rescue. I miss my husband. Regularly receiving such spiritual messages, the spouse certainly will not doubt your sincerity and loyalty to the promises you once made!

Where can I find suitable poems for the occasion?

Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in discovering a poetic talent in themselves. Once upon a time, resourceful girls and young people, in order to emphasize the depth of their feelings, quoted the classics of love lyrics. Of course, in a volume of poems by any author there are a couple of lines about love, but you really want to make your confession unique and individual, and not heard thousands of times and regularly quoted by millions of people.

On our site you will find poems for your husband, which are ideal for expressing exactly your feelings and desires! In this section, you will find poetic revelations for every taste: funny and sad, romantic, restrained, emotional, passionate, calm, tender.

Our site contains real, sincere, soul-catching poems. Many variations on the eternal theme will not leave your heart indifferent and will be appreciated by your spouse. The best authors have tried to put their whole soul into love poems for your husband, which will help you express your boundless sympathy for your loved one. One has only to find the right moment and take advantage of the unique opportunity to surprise and please the spouse with sensual and soulful lines.

On our site there are passionate love confessions and funny poems, erotic fantasy poems and entertaining SMS that you can send to your loved one even every day. There are in our archive and poems to her husband for special occasions, memorable dates.

Show your husband your affection and gratitude, throw out your overwhelming feelings in a beautiful poetic form, give your spouse unforgettable moments of intercourse of souls, let you feel indifferent and desirable again!


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