Cool short rhyme congratulations on February 23

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In verse In prose SMS

I want to always be the first
And boldly overcome adversity
Like a general star
Sparkle through darkness and bad weather,

So that both in the eyes and behind the eyes,
With or without a reason
The ladies sighed: "Oh, what the ...
What a hero! What a man!”

I sincerely wish on your men's holiday,
In the morning, so that you do not suffer "head".
Learn to celebrate your day culturally,
So that there is always someone to protect us!

Dear defenders, since February 23 you! We wish you always have the strength to carry us in your arms, valor to perform feats for us; the courage to confess your love to us!

Happy Defender's Day, my dear warrior.
I wish: always be worthy of the best.
Drink cognac with the stars, eat caviar with a spoon,
Rest well and work hard.

Regularly receive bonuses, awards,
For your beloved, buy stylish outfits.
So that in life you have everything as it should,
To taste sweeter than chocolate.

Let the men's day come quietly
May you sleep longer
So that you can be with your friends today
Walk until late at night!

Dear men, protecting your stash, remote control or familiar warm place from women, I wish you to save your face in every sense! Remember that the enemy is inventive and cunning, it is better to give it yourself. Happy February 23rd!

February 23, guys, go for a walk!
Feel free to accept congratulations from us.
We sincerely wish you brilliant victories,
Your guiding star and ringing awards.
Well, we are a reliable rear, your inspiration,
We will give you a holiday, passion and pleasure.

Fighter, I want to smile
Find a lucky horseshoe
With luck joyfully fraternize
And be 100% healthy!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men! You are a real treasure, your opinion and advice are priceless for us! May there always be loved ones next to each of you who will appreciate such a treasure!

Even though you don't wear a uniform,
There are no epaulettes on the shoulders,
You are a man, commander,
Women's eyes you are a clear light.

Be healthy and safe
Let the look be mischievous
Be successful and love
And, of course, rich!

You are undoubtedly a general at heart,
You have gathered an army of true friends.
You are undoubtedly a captain at heart,
An ocean of happiness lies before you.

Boldly command, lead us into battle,
On holidays and on weekdays we follow you.
Not getting tired on a long journey,
Boldly fly towards good luck!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, you can become the first person to congratulate your friend or beloved man on the holiday. You will only need a few minutes to do this. Even if you are far away from the congratulatory person, you can send SMS on February 23 . Depending on what kind of relationship you are in with the hero of the occasion, short phone messages can be very funny, just funny, serious or even formal. The tone of the selected SMS may depend on the sense of humor of the man himself, and on the mood of the woman sending him the message.

Short SMS February 23 - Funny congratulations to men

When choosing short SMS from February 23 to men, pay attention to our examples of telephone messages in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You yourself will probably want to come up with small rhymes dedicated to a friend. When composing SMS, do not be afraid to joke - a cool message that came to the phone of your friend, friend or buddy in the morning will cheer him up. The day will start with positive emotions, which means that the holiday on February 23 will be wonderful!

In the past, an advance, and not soon a salary,
But there are no obstacles for serious men -
Today is our day! Congratulations guys!
Well, now - who runs to the store?

Good! Warm, light, sincere!
Let the wife groan, drilling the brain:
Like, again! .. I'm completely happy:
Tonight February 23!

Examples of short funny SMS for the Day of February 23

By choosing the form of short SMS for February 23, you can send wishes to a man in cool poems or prose. Congratulating a friend or loved one on this February day, wish him a sweet life, strength for all his bold undertakings, gladiatorial health and good luck to the luckiest person on the planet. A cool telephone message for Defender of the Fatherland Day may contain unusual comparisons, exaggerations, epithets. For example, a congratulating man can be jokingly called a “hero”, “defender of the weak”, “destroyer of evil”, etc. Fantasy and our examples will help you compose a fun SMS on a holiday.

I wish you success, I wish you good luck
It is easy to rest and work with dedication.
So that joy in your fate is more common,
So that everything comes out and everything works out.

Congratulations to those who have problems innumerable
And those who want to get rich
Those who already have everything
And those who are only happy with the soup.

Be proud! From birth you are a man
And let him not become a military rank,
But the twenty-third of February -
Good day for you too!
You will receive gifts
Kiss all the girls you meet!

Short SMS for February 23 - Humorous congratulations to men

February 23 has long ceased to be a holiday dedicated exclusively to the Army and Navy of the country. Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day - the day of all men. Congratulate them, regardless of age. Well, who can know for sure what a little boy will grow up to fight with friends in the yard with wooden or even plastic sabers? Perhaps this is the future Hero of Russia. Perhaps he will grow up just a good modest person, a loving father of the family. On February 23, congratulate all the men you know and love - some in person, and some with the help of short cool SMS. Humorous messages are sure to please the heroes of the occasion.

Let women amuse with warmth,
After all, in February it will come in handy,
Today is men's day, which means it's yours.
I wish you to sing forever and have fun!

Examples of short SMS with humorous congratulations on February 23

The frantic pace of modern life does not always give us a chance to congratulate men on February 23 personally. The best way to cheer up a friend or loved one is to send him an SMS with congratulations. It will be cool if you send short telephone messages with humor throughout the holiday. Perhaps you even want to play a man by sending him an unexpected SMS about "debt" or "winning"?

Congratulations! February 23 You won a gypsy girl in the lottery! If you do not claim your prize within
14 days, then we will send a whole camp!

Your Royal Highness,
I want to congratulate you today
Happy Defender's Day. be healthy
And for the ladies, they are ready for madness!

Know that from the Day of the Defender of this -
All wishes will come to life!
Yes, since February, since the twenty-third,
Dreams and dreams will come true!
You are a protector, a man, a hero -
So luck will be with you!

As a symbol of male victories
I wish this winter day
More love and coins
And have fun, if not too lazy!

Funny SMS Happy February 23 - Funny short phone messages for men

If for some reason you are far from your dear or beloved man on February 23, do not lose touch with him. Surprise him with a fun, short phone message. Wish him to remain the same hero that he always is for you, promise him to "heap mountains of money", "a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgood luck", give him an "ocean of love". By using. Assure him with a funny SMS that at home he is always waiting for a “self-assembled tablecloth” in the form of the most delicious dishes made by your skillful hands. Remember - the text of the telephone message should be not only short, but also positive.

Examples of funny short SMS to men on February 23

Having decided to send a short SMS to a man on February 23, choose in what form you will send your cheerful telephone message. It can also be prose - exaggerated compliments to the hero of the occasion. SMS in verse is the most common form of congratulations over the phone. Here you will find examples of the funniest messages to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

We do not curse our perverted fate
And raise a fiery glass
For those who now rule the military service
And who once "plowed" her!
So let it gurgle and splash in a glass,
When the rear is securely secured!
Good luck to you, defenders of the Fatherland,
On this glorious Day of the Armed Forces!

We wish you, real men, great strength ...
So that with this power you protect peace and tranquility!
We will be happy and doubly calm,
When there are guys like that around us...
So be happy and you are twice as happy,
Our knights are dear.

Congratulations men
May trouble not meet you!
Well, if you fail
Meet you on the way
That fate - the villain surrender
You will be able to find.
Winning and in trouble
And in his great work,
Breaking down all barriers
Never discouraged
The stronger sex is always ahead
Suitable for a clear purpose.
Do not forget the weaker sex
We love and respect!
It will be difficult to live without us,
Uncomfortable, boring, boring.
After all, your ancestor Adam
Could not live in paradise without ladies!

Short SMS for February 23 to a friend

On February 23, your friend is waiting for congratulations from you. In the case when it is not possible to personally congratulate a friend, this can be done using SMS. Short phone messages can be both very serious and funny. Of course, if you are writing to a friend with whom you served and fought together, fulfilling international duty, the tone of the SMS will be serious. However, even in this case, one can recall funny incidents from army life and hint about them in the message. You can surprise a friend with a creative message - a poem composed for the holiday.

Faithful friend, happy holiday to you!
Be on the twenty third of February
Forever betrothed to fortune
Swim in the waves of hot love
Be healthy and don't be bored
Meet many successes!

I want to congratulate you on Men's Day
I am a friend sincerely now!
After all, you are a worthy citizen,
So be lucky every hour!

Examples of short SMS to a friend on February 23

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been a holiday for all men. On this day, you can congratulate every male representative. Of course, there is not enough time to wish all men good and health. In this case, short telephone messages will help you - SMS with poetry or prose sent to each friend on the morning of the holiday. In order not to spend a lot of time looking for messages suitable for the occasion, we suggest that you use ready-made examples of small telephone congratulations to friends.

Glad with the twenty-third of February
Congratulations, my friend!
I want to meet with luck
In all matters, have a return,
Truly happy to be
Mutually, sincerely love!

We are fighters in this life.
So, friend, do not blame me -
On the day of the planet's defender
Still be on guard!

Friend and true comrade! On the day of February 23, I wish you a peaceful journey and a reliable rear. I am glad that I can always entrust you with any "military" secrets!

Happy Motherland Defenders Day
I congratulate you!
Always be a brave guy
To be proud of all friends!

Short telephone messages for February 23 - SMS to your beloved man

Free short telephone messages sent on the morning of February 23 to a loved one are a great option for congratulating a man, especially if he is not around. In addition, SMS helps to express their feelings, which women are very embarrassed to do when stroking a man's eyes. When sending a message to a man, tell him that you love him, appreciate him, cherish every second spent together. Of course, good SMS can be sent not only on such holidays as Defender of the Fatherland Day, but also more often, delighting a person dear to the heart “just like that”.

Examples of short SMS to your beloved man on February 23

If you can’t formulate the main idea of ​​a short telephone message to a man in any way, if the clock is ticking, and you still haven’t decided what to say to a person on February 23, our examples of SMS to your loved ones will help you do it. Choose from among the messages we offer the one that, in your opinion, best reflects all those words that you would like to say to a man, but do not dare to do so. The most daring ladies can write small poems and send them to their beloved on the phone.

My love, I know
You are for me - a wall!
Congratulations with hope
To be always with me!

My beloved, I know you are behind me - a wall! I hope you are always with me!

I congratulate you, dear
Since February 23!
I will tame my arrogant temper -
You don't recognize me!

Defender of the Fatherland Day has long been a holiday for all men. On no other day of the year do women devote so much time to their loved ones and friends. Of course, there is simply not enough time to wish each of them good, love and happiness, so SMS for February 23 such a common form of congratulations. Short telephone messages are not only official, but also very funny. We believe that our examples of cool SMS with humor and poetic messages will help you congratulate men on their holiday!

Good short sms for February 23 is the easiest way to congratulate familiar men on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Small poems are best suited for wishing happiness, success, health and expressing care. They can be sent to your beloved husband or boyfriend. Cool and funny SMS messages by February 23 can be picked up for a good friend. Original congratulations with humor will help cheer him up and spend this day in a great mood.

Short and funny SMS with wishes for February 23

A wish for good and happiness on February 23 will help every woman and girl find the cherished words to congratulate a loved one. Short and funny SMS for February 23 with such texts can be sent to friends, acquaintances, and colleagues. They are perfect for expressing care to a familiar man with whom the sender has developed a warm relationship. You can also use cool SMS from February 23 to send to friends who are currently abroad.

May joy and comfort come more often

After all, you are the defender of this worthy.

May your life become sweeter

After all, you are a hero, you are a proud, brave warrior!

February holiday is the best occasion

Wish you a magical life.

Be cheerful, young to envy,

Don't forget to win!

Know that from the Day of the Defender of this -

All wishes will come to life!

Yes, since February, since the twenty-third,

Dreams and dreams will come true!

You are a protector, a man, a hero -

So luck will be with you!

Congratulations in short SMS verses for the holiday of February 23

Good short poems for February 23 are small congratulatory texts that can cause a sincere smile and cheer you up. They include cute and funny greetings that will help you have a great Fatherland Defender's Day. The proposed short SMS on February 23 is easy to send both in mobile messages and instant messengers. And if you have a special desire, you can add congratulatory virtual pictures or an original video postcard on February 23.

Your Royal Highness,

I want to congratulate you today

Happy Defender's Day. be healthy

And for the ladies, they are ready for madness!

As a symbol of male victories

I wish this winter day

More love and coins

And have fun, if not too lazy!

Day of the true defenders-men!

I sincerely congratulate you today!

Let there be a hundred reasons to rejoice!

Let cherished dreams come to life

And the world is full of luck and beauty!

Funny short sms for men on February 23

Many men with great enthusiasm accept cool congratulations, rather than the usual strict and restrained texts. Therefore, for fans of light humor, funny SMS from February 23 are perfect as congratulations. They will amuse the recipient and create a great festive mood. Such wishes can be sent to acquaintances, friends, and relatives. Funny SMS from February 23 are the best fit for men: they help to tune in to the positive and have a good time on the upcoming holiday.

We wish all our men

With my hand, very strong,

Hold not a black gun,

And a couple of cutlets.

May every brave warrior

And the affection of a woman was awarded.

Be proud! From birth you are a man

And let him not become a military rank,

But the twenty-third of February -

Good day for you too!

You will receive gifts

Kiss all the girls you meet!

Today is not a holiday for everyone

Only for men like you and me.

Not to meet him is just a sin.

Take your overcoat, let's go on a binge!

What cool SMS messages can you send to a friend on February 23?

For childhood friends and those with whom the sender has recently made friends, cool humorous SMS messages are best suited as congratulatory texts. They include fervent wishes and good congratulations. Send SMS from February 23 with humor, you can add colorful postcards or unusual personal wishes. You can send funny SMS from February 23 not only to a friend, but also to army colleagues, friends at work.

Let women amuse with warmth,

After all, in February it will come in handy,

Today is men's day, which means it's yours.

I wish you to sing forever and have fun!

With men's day! good, success

Endless luck!

Let there be more laughter

Never need a doctor!

We heartily congratulate you

Happy twenty-third of February!

And we wish you, of course,

Be at the helm everywhere!

Touching and cute SMS to your beloved husband and boyfriend by February 23

For a beloved boyfriend, husband or man, funny and cool congratulations on February 23 are less suitable. They should send touching poems that allow them to express sincere love, respect for his courage, wisdom and courage. From February 23, you can send SMS to your loved one with thematic pictures or virtual postcards: a bright congratulation will help the recipient forget about everyday worries and worries.

February twenty third

Glad, husband, congratulate you,

Loving you passionately

Wish to add:

May Fortune love you

And success accompanies

Happiness will always be with us!

For me, you are the best!

I will become a princess for you

I will be the kindest, groovy,

To my protector, a fabulous wife.

My husband is a worthy man

Will always get his way

And there's a special reason

Congratulate him on this day.

After all, the 23rd has come,

And the month outside is February.

I wish you happiness, dear

So as not to recognize longing-sadness!

Touching and cute, cool and funny SMS for February 23 are best suited for congratulating familiar men. For example, you can send original SMS messages with humor to a friend. Beautiful SMS with wishes and congratulations is more suitable for your beloved husband, boyfriend or man. You can send messages at any time on Defender of the Fatherland Day: all of them will help you beautifully congratulate a loved one, express your gratitude, respect and care in short SMS.

Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin by phone

Musical audio congratulations on February 23 short

Funny congratulations on February 23 for men short

Congratulations on February 23
We hurry all men!
All smiles today are not in vain for you,
There are 100 reasons for this!

You give care and warmth.
You are courage, reliability and success!
It's easy for us to be with you!
The path in life will be joy, happiness, laughter!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let dreams come true
Let love to infinity
Gives the joy of warmth.

May goodness and inspiration
Make the heart sing
Let the faithful heart help
Protect from all troubles!

Funny congratulations on February 23 short

Dear our strong, brave, reliable men! We congratulate you on a wonderful holiday when we honor the stronger sex and thank them for their support and support. Be always healthy, confident, wealthy and prosperous.

Funny short congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

You saluted, fulfilled your duty,
You are brave and courageous
With you, adversity is nothing -
There is no fear anywhere with you!

So be healthy, don't know problems
Be happy, be rich
Be united with your family -
That's all you need in life!

Congratulations on the day of February 23 funny short

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to sincerely wish you true courage and good health, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, noble deeds and great goals, excellent luck and brilliant prospects in life.

Congratulations on February 23 to a man short

To be a rock, a wall, a support, a defense. Brave, courageous, courageous and reliable. Be able to make important and responsible decisions, not get lost and be self-confident. I wish all this on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulations on the holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 in your own words short

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish on this day masculinity, sobriety of mind, sharpness of gaze. May the sky on your head always be clear and peaceful, and no events will help you to have a weapon in your hands!

Congratulations on February 23 with humor short

You are my hero, you are my man
And on a special day of February
There is a definite reason
Congratulate you on the holiday.

With such a defender is not scary
Fate blow or whim.
Always be strong and brave -
That is your life motto!

Congratulations on February 23 funny short

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you wit and courage, ingenuity and strength, confidence and good luck. Let there be tactics of success and a strategy for the happiness of a real man in your life.

Congratulations on February 23 to dad short

On this wonderful day, I can wish a man a life worthy of the proud flight of an eagle, which reaches its goal without looking back at small birds, and in any situation overcomes all obstacles. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates short

For a peaceful clear sky
We should be grateful to you
Our beloved men
This is a priceless gift!

For courage, valor, courage
We want to congratulate today
Happy February twenty-third,
Happy real men's day!

Congratulations on February 23 to men prose short

All congratulations to you, heroes,
Defenders of the Fatherland dashing!
It's nice ladies, whatever you say
That there are such knights nearby!

You are like eagles and under your wing
We feel so safe
We are very proud now
And we want to be invincible!

Congratulations on February 23 to men short official

Favorite defenders, since February 23. I wish no matter what, remain a man with a capital "M". Family happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

Congratulations on February 23 to your beloved short

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Allow me to wish
The sun is bright, the sky is clear,
May grace be everywhere!

Be strong and beautiful
Never give up.
And try to make the girls cute
We were always happy with you!

Postcards from February 23 short sms

Congratulations on February 23 short sms to a friend

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Since February 23!
I wish you happiness
Let it happen more
Lots and lots of positive
Brighter than the sun to shine.
Let the charisma impress
The spirit of a man does not suffer,
And you are always lucky.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23 short funny funny

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all men.
Will, courage, success,
I wish you much strength.

I wish you a clear sky
Strong friendship and love.
I congratulate you on your day
Dedicating poetry to you!

Congratulations on February 23 short to her husband

All defenders today
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
And for the blue sky
We say "Thank you" to you.

May the Fatherland be calm
Will be every day of the year
Heroes will protect the country
They will take away the trouble!

Congratulations on February 23 to a short beautiful colleague

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you a brave mood and optimism of the soul, good luck and good health, patriotic ideas and courage of the heart, striving for good and good happiness.

Congratulations on February 23 short beautiful

Our country is not very good.
Living, to be honest.
Corruption opened its stinking mouth
Neighing all the nastiest.

But we also need to defend such a Motherland
From evil and from the sum
Well, we need to protect such a Motherland
And for that she needs you!

Congratulations on February 23 short in prose

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I wish you to live in complete harmony and happiness, be respected and always remain a real hero. May fate give many chances for a great victory, may life flow like a long and cheerful river.

Congratulations on February 23 short

Let this fluffy snow
Will notice troubles.
And in return will give laughter
And souls fly!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues short

We have only one Motherland,
She knew joys, in the past, and troubles.
Like the ancestors, at all times,
Protect her until victory.

Only in your hearts is its power,
The beauty of unparalleled expanses.
Only you, if necessary, help,
She can. Just not soon.

Congratulations on February 23 to a friend cool short

Dear men, we congratulate you on the men's holiday on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a reliable rear and a peaceful sky over your head. And so that the Motherland does not blush for you, and you for the Motherland!

Congratulations on February 23 to a friend short

With this holiday for men
My congratulations,
Be brave and fight
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

May health be strong
Increasing - income,
Be businesslike and tenacious
Always move forward!

Congratulations on February 23 to grandfather short

Brave defender, our hero,
We are very proud of you!
Congratulate everyone: family, friends,
Since February 23!

May all wishes come true
And in life happiness will meet,
True friends will always be by your side,
A happy family will be waiting at home!

Congratulations on February 23 to your brother short

February twenty-third
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let everything be "excellent":
Lucky in person and with cash!

More happiness and love
May your dreams come true!
Always walk with a smile
Go ahead and don't fail!

Congratulations to a man on February 23 are cool short

Congratulations to the men of all Russia,
All the defenders of our country.
Be brave, healthy, beautiful,
Noble, brave, strong.

Let the wing of the black bird fight
Will not touch the native shoulder,
May you not have grief
And love will not go out the candle!

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23 are cool short

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!

Congratulations on February 23 comic short

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day! I wish you a lot of strength, good luck, good health and luck! Let physical strength never leave, and physical training is not useful for use!

Congratulations on February 23 SMS short prose

Dear men! You are an attentive, reasonable and protective half of humanity! It is thanks to you that women know what a sound sleep and a calm heart are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23 cool short sms

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
I congratulate you.
For the good of humanity
You served nights without sleeping.

So let you health
Will never leave
Well, next to the headboard
Your angel will always be.

Congratulations on February 23 official short

On this courageous holiday, I want to wish you health, good luck in your service, and career growth! To always wait at home and have a reliable rear. Peaceful sky above your head, remaining a protector and support for your family!

Congratulations on February 23 to the boss short

On the day of courage and maturity,
On the day of pride and courage,
I want to wish men
Recognition and loyalty!

For friends to wait
Friends did not betray
Parents didn't cry
And the money ... quietly dripped.

Congratulations on February 23 to men short poems

Happy Defender's Day! Let the strength of mind and health be heroic. We wish that in life there will always be a place for a feat, that reliable, trusted friends will always surround you. So that everything always succeeds and wishes come true.

Congratulations on February 23 to men short SMS

Cordially since February 23
Congratulations, my friend!
May this winter day of the calendar
He warms you with his care.

Let joy and comfort surround
Do not leave happiness, inspiration.
May all undertakings bring success
And it will be bright, of course, the mood.

Congratulations on February 23 for children short

Happy Defender of the Fatherland. May the forces in you not doze, may your heart be full of courage and love, may your life be full of opportunities and success. I wish you to be healthy, strong, courageous, a real hero and an undoubted winner.

Congratulations on February 23 baby short

On February 23, I congratulate you.
To all the defenders, here is what I wish:
The sky of peace, kindness, happiness and good luck.
Let you be on the shoulder of difficult tasks.
And let there be harmony in the houses, because the rear is very important.
Let them meet you with a smile even in the middle of the night.

Congratulations on February 23 in short verses

Who will protect the country skillfully?
Who will stand up for Russia boldly?
Congratulations for you today
From a pure heart with excitement.

We wish you more health
Peaceful days as long as possible.
Let your relatives wait for you at home,
Let troubles pass by!

Congratulations on February 23 to school short

The whole earth turned white
Snow is flying, spinning.
Twenty third of February,
There is a knock on our door.

Congratulations to all men
We give them gifts.
Let everyone be loved
And love you hot!

Beautiful short congratulations on February 23 to men

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to be a knight of our time, a hero for loved ones, a brave commander by nature and a brave soldier in his soul. Do not lose your strength and confidence, strive for success and boldly conquer the expanses of glory.

Short video congratulations on February 23

You are our support, protection,
And pride at all times.
We live in peace with you
And may it always be.

You will protect the fatherland
The country where we live.
Congratulate soon resolve
Happy holiday to you!

Short congratulations on February 23

There are many holidays in the world
The most masculine - only one.
Our dear protectors
Today we want to congratulate you.

Be healthy, wealthy
May you have enough strength for everything!
Happiness, love will be there
In joy, all life will pass!

Short congratulations on February 23 sms

You are the protector who is always on guard. You are a wall behind which neither rain, nor blizzard, nor wind are terrible. Be happy, healthy and strong. Let adversity not burden you. Let your strong shoulders never bend under the weight of life.

Short congratulations on February 23 by name

I congratulate the strongest, courageous, worthy man on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thank you for being there. You give confidence in the future. May everything always be good.

Short congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

wonderful, funny,
Our respect and respect
On Defender's Day, please
Express your admiration.

Always be with us
Protect from adversity
Numerous detachment
Protect our people.

Short congratulations on February 23 to men

There is a reason to congratulate you -
You are a wonderful man.
Reliable, strong, businesslike,
Confident hero!

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you a happy life
Good luck to inspire
And gave an incentive to exploits!

Short congratulations on February 23 pictures

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Worthy men
We heartily congratulate
And we want to wish
Endurance, stamina,
Fearlessness in everything.
And strength without cruelty,
Go your own way.
May they always wait for you at home,
Embrace in the evening.
Spiritual lift!
Stay young!

Short congratulations for boys on February 23

Our valiant defenders,
We congratulate you warmly,
You are always our winners
We believe in your solid shoulder.

May our world not be disturbed by wars,
Let there be no bloody dawn
Next to you we can live in peace,
Be happy for a thousand years!

Short nominal congratulations on February 23

To be a defender means to be an indicator of courage and fortitude. And you, like no one else, are able to show incredible strength and perseverance. Therefore, I congratulate you on this great holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Children's congratulations on February 23 to dad are short

Since February 23!
Keeping loyalty to the motherland,
You, defenders of the Fatherland,
Don't spare your lives.
We wish peace to the whole planet,
So that children do not know the war.
Be kind and brave
In military skillful,
strong heroes,
Glory to the true worthy!

February 23 congratulations to men with humor short

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you always stay afloat and never back down from your own. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may each time be able to achieve a brilliant victory. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.
Defend your own country
This is pride and honor.
Congratulations on 23
May he bring joy.

May brave men
Our love is felt
More often they strive for a feat
For a dream and for love!
I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you brave goals and great victories, confident strength and good health, courage of the heart and nobility of soul, true good luck and mutual love.
Let the February frosts be at ease,
Let the soul be filled with courage
And troubles, troubles and threats
Let them not cost a penny!

Be full of strength, courage and honor,
Support and protection for people,
Do not be tempted by meanness and flattery,
Do not offend those who are weaker than you!
Happy Defender's Day, friends
My congratulations!
Lots of kind words
I wish you.

To keep hope warm
And fate took care of you.
So that you do not know grief
So that there is spring in the soul!
I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish from the bottom of my heart strong strength and nerves of steel, good luck and great victories, good deeds and nobility of soul, unquenchable happiness and mutual love.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! From the bottom of my heart, I wish you only the very best. May health grow stronger, love does not leave, and good luck always accompanies on the path of life.
From February 23
I congratulate you.
All defenders of the country
This day must be celebrated.

You simply have no equal
So healthy be you for a hundred years,
Bright, bold and energetic.
And always optimistic!
On this special winter day
I congratulate men to
Wish them not to be bored
And defend the homeland.

Let the strength grow all the time
Let the enemies go to the grave
Under your protection, warriors,
Our life will be calm!
I want to congratulate all the defenders of the country,
Our support is you, defenders-men!
You are our pride, valor, glory,
The state rests on you.

I wish you health and courage,
Keep your swords ready!
Let your wives appreciate you immensely
And you love women right.
Happy twenty-third of February
My protector dear,
I hasten to congratulate you
To say that you are only my hero!

I want to be brave
To be the best of men
Success in any business awaits you,
Always be number one!
I congratulate you
Since February 23.
Be healthy always
Don't ever be sad!

Be strong, irresistible
The most daring and beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let dreams come true!
Defender of the Motherland - a man,
There is reason to congratulate you.
Be short, honest and strong
To keep your home safe.

I want to be loved by you
Always please with a smile
Irreplaceable for the motherland,
After all, without protection, nowhere!

Congratulations on February 23 cool short

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you dexterity and strength, courage and prowess, confidence and invulnerability. I wish to be a general in life, and in relation to my fate - a brave commander. Good luck and good luck on all fronts.
I want to congratulate men
Since February 23.
You are the honor and pride of the whole country,
Faithful sons of the fatherland.
You every day and at any hour
Ready to shut us down
I wish you happiness without edges
And a peaceful life, without fighting,
I wish peace, silence
I am to you, defenders of the country.
On this day I want to congratulate you
Wish everything was great
So that you do not worry about what in vain
So that there were only people around,

For whom you are the very support
Strong and calm as a rock
Clicking shutter handle
In general, from February 23.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate men.
Happiness to all of you endless,
Let troubles go away like smoke.

Be vigorous, healthy,
May luck find you.
And keep it above your head
Only joy lies ahead.
From February 23,
Real men!
Wasting no time
We wish you joy and strength

Happiness, peace and kindness,
To keep the sky clear.
So that unnecessary blues
Don't let me live with meaning!
Ends with age
Youth is carefree.
Defend the fatherland
An honorable duty.

Still no peace
Where malice is sown.
On your defenders
I would like to hope.

And go to the army
The boys of yesterday
Becoming men
Leaving home life.
With honor to bear the title of defender, set an example with your courage and courage, justice and brave deeds. With dignity, to repay the debt to the Motherland, to be a support for the family and everyone who needs support. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Congratulations to the most faithful
Strong in spirit and courageous.
Many words are beautiful, bold
We wish you very important
So that strength does not decrease,
Nothing to worry about
Let luck embrace
The whole country congratulates you!
Be a brave guy in any situation, be the main leader in any race, be a brave hero in any situation in life. I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you a strong spirit and health, a beautiful body and soul.
I congratulate you today
Dear men,
And with all my heart I wish
Peace, joy, love.

May the cherished desires come true
And success in all matters will come.
May your life be filled with happiness
And the Lord will save from troubles.
Dear defenders, Happy Holidays! We wish you a peaceful sky over your head so that you do not have to defend your country. I wish you good health, heroic mile and eagle mind.
Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you a tight wallet, delicious dinners and hot nights! Let nothing prevent you from achieving all your goals, and such qualities, courage, courage and strength remain and grow stronger in you!
You are the defenders of our State.
You are the hope for each of us.
You are fighters for freedom and truth.
And the glow of your eyes

Says we're lucky.
This means you will have restful dreams.
Thank you very much, men
For the defense of our country!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you strength, courage, courage, patience, a peaceful sky above your head and solid ground under your feet! Thank you for patriotism, for our safety, for the peaceful sleep of our children, you are our protection and support!
red calendar day
Defender's Day today.
We congratulate you:
Be strong and noble.

To be with you like behind a wall
Not afraid of storms and thunderstorms,
So that with a confident hand,
Repel all threats.
Defender of the Fatherland - proudly sounds,
And the brave soldier is on guard,
He is ready to defend our homeland,
Stand: for your home, for your father and mother!
We need defenders very, very much,
But, only: let there be no war better ...
My man, I am writing to you
I hasten to congratulate you!
May the star shine for success
Never fades away.

Let health be enough for two
The only one, my true friend.
May your life be full of love
My man, my wall!
Be a reliable protector
Admire the strength of the spirit.
Even what is impossible
It seemed to implement.

Be strong and noble
Choose your right path.
And out of many, many hundreds
The best, be the first.
I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to remain formidable and dangerous for any opponent, the best and beloved for a loved one, respected and fair in any business, interesting and cheerful in any company.
Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, great,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, it was possible,
There was only joy in life.
Fun, laughter without end
On the day of February 23!
Strong and brave
Our defenders.
Low bow and hello
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you victories in life.
real friends,
Only faithful friends
Smooth paths and roads,
So that defending the Motherland,
Everyone could be happy.
We want to wish on this festive men's day immense spiritual strength, stamina and endurance. The purpose of a man is to be a protector of the weak, but for us you are a stone wall and support. Happy holiday to you!
From February 23,
Dear men!
Let things get done
No special power.

May you be lucky in life
Companion luck
Happiness, joy will bring to the house
And money to boot!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you to keep the spirit of strong men in yourself, to faithfully guard the borders of the Motherland, to be a reliable support and support for relatives, relatives and friends, be healthy, prosperous and self-confident.
Defenders of the Fatherland,
Honor and glory to you now,
With all my heart, heartily,
Congratulations ladies!

Protection and care
You surrounded us
Let it be wonderful
You have everything in life!
Congratulations on February 23! I wish you unshakable courage and desperate courage, an impassive mind and an ardent heart. I wish that these qualities bring you victories in everyday life, but you did not need them on the battlefield!

Congratulations on February 23 funny sms

Today is the holiday of those who make our life reliable and calm. We congratulate our dear defenders, we wish you to show all due courage, strength and endurance at the right time. And may the sky above you be peaceful, bright and clear as often as possible. Since February 23!
Defenders of the Fatherland
We hasten to wish -
Be persistent and strong!
Never be discouraged!

May all your efforts
Do not go to waste!
Let us congratulate you
Since February 23!
Since February 23, men,
Smile more often for no reason
Be our support and protection,
And always gallant and shaved,
Pamper women more often with flowers,
Warm with kind words
Give a strong shoulder
And love with your heart!
February 23 -
Holiday of true men!
Admiration is not melting
We want to congratulate you!

Be always healthy
Forces, full of energy,
Always ready for a feat
Be the pride of the country!
I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.
Don't let shadows fall on your face
Though the years go by,
The soul knows no grief
Health is always good.

Let, igniting the horizon,
A new dawn will light up.
We congratulate you today
Again on the 23rd of February.
Happy Defender's Day, men!
Our formidable peaks,
You are not afraid of any enemy,
You have your own life style.

We wish you to live in honor,
Always in free flight.
Love to you, happiness to heaven,
Health, strength, and a full world of miracles.
Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be the defenders of your destiny, the keeper of your life, a support for loved ones and confidence in the future. Peaceful sky and bright sun overhead. Goodness, love, beauty, health, strength, stamina, good spirits.
Let's raise our glasses
For our men and boys.
You have done a lot in life
For the benefit of the beloved Fatherland.

You deserve love and happiness
Though in life and not whimsical.
Don't let the wars bother you
Love and be loved!
Our protector is unchanging,
We hasten to congratulate you all.
It doesn't matter if you were in the military
We value you very much.

You are the smartest, the most courageous.
You are simply the best of men.
May life send success abundantly,
Be happy, joyful, love.
Happy Defender's Day
We congratulate you!
Be happy and healthy
Live peacefully, without enemies.

Close and dear warmth
Let your heart warm
And luck and fortune
They give you the mood!

SMS from February 23

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish to be such a man who will prove his truth with a firm word, who will defend his honor with a brave deed! May your health be strong and your heart be brave.

SMS from February 23 in prose

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish with the keen eye of an eagle to always find your perspective and benefit, with a confident character and instinct of a predator to go to your goals, with a brave heart and good soul always continue your life path.
February twenty-third
Congratulations friends!
Accept congratulations
And shake your head!

May you live well
Let the barriers go unnoticed!
Let luck smile
And success is in full swing!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate you
Cheerfulness of spirit, glory, peace,
We wish you a holiday.

Always be strong
Let the will be strong
And the reward for that -
There will be a woman's love!
We are comfortable and calm
Because you are near
On a winter day and a sultry summer,
Like the shadows of the sentinels.

We wish you today
For everyone to be happy.
To always know that at home
A reliable rear awaits him.
Happy holiday! Like a true protector
You can defend your homeland
Stand up for wife and son
Never let your mother hurt you.

Be faithful to the principles and the word,
Be hardy, strong and strong,
Be brave, brave and healthy
And by no means defeated!
From February 23,
Congratulations and wish
Be at the helm of life
And endless possibilities:

In love, friendship and career.
And success to come
And prosperity is sure
Walked away into your life.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let me wish real men courageous deeds, personal happiness, kindness and care from relatives and friends, a peaceful and clear sky above their heads. Be healthy, successful and lucky.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave undertakings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, masculine determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.
All women know
Men are everywhere!
They lack
To beat and swear
Mercy not knowing.
Confess in love
Over a cup of tea.
Congratulations men
We don't get mad at them!
Into the frigid flock
We will change without them.
With you next to not a drop of fear,
You always protect us.
You are our stronghold and our support.
You have a word in life - an order.

Let your family understand you
Let them rejoice, believe and wait,
Greeted at the door with a smile
Strongly love and do not betray.

SMS from February 23 beautiful

Defenders of the native land,
On this day we wish you
Fewer enemies, easy service,
For everyone to return home.

Thank you for taking care
Our dream, peace, peace on earth,
With his broad, strong back,
Shield yourself from all troubles.
Firm look, steep shoulders.
Not always ideal.
Next to you we are calm,
Since February 23!

win, convince
Your clear steps
Let it be distributed everywhere
All paths are submissive to them!

SMS from February 23 short touching

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be strong, brave and courageous, confident, persistent and unshakable, impulsive, strong and resourceful, cheerful, smart and purposeful, successful, respected and loved.
Happy Defender's Day
Allow from the heart!
We wish everyone
Peace, happiness and love.

good health,
Respect and honor
Glory, courage friends.
Since February 23!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland. Be active, brave, courageous, self-confident and good-looking, be reliable, purposeful, unshakable, kind in your soul and fair in your heart. I wish you to cut the ropes of problems with the sword of courage, I wish you always hit the target with a well-aimed arrow.
Happy holiday men
Our glorious soldiers
Protect us!
Well, we will cover your rear,
Let's bake a pie!
Kiss when you get back
You are on your doorstep!
Congratulations on February 23! We wish you to always remain strong, courageous, courageous, energetic. May your health be strong, happiness immense, love eternal, laughter ringing. We love and respect you!
Who will protect us?
When will the enemies come to enslave?
Who will throw his steel charge
On evil raging squad?

Of course he is a dear, a man.
He is our pride, our strength.
I always want him to be
And congratulations on 23.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish you.
Congratulations on February day
Happy holiday,
Happy Defender's Day
And I wish you happiness.

I wish you much warmth
Also a lot of money
And lucky, be in everything
You are in this world!
Congratulations on this holiday
I am the defender of the country.
May there always be luck
Let dreams come true.

I wish I didn't have to
No one for you to protect.
May the Fatherland be calm
Going to bed every day!
Congratulations on the most courageous holiday! I wish you strength, courage, health, well-being in the family, incredible luck. May there always be a clear sky above you, and peace in your soul and heart. Since February 23 you.
For men, today is a holiday,
Twenty third of February,
Your life is varied
You are at the helm.

May there be so much money in life
To be able to swim in them
Every man is very valuable,
May you have many holidays.
Today we want to congratulate everyone
Happy Defender's Day,
We wish you all love and peace,
Happy life without war
Let's always be together
Protect family and homeland
From troubles, insults, betrayals and grief,
We want to warn everyone!
Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! Be brave, steadfast, courageous and ready to protect your loved ones from any trouble! I am proud that next to me is a real man, whom I can always rely on!
Get up from the sofas, our defenders! Proudly straightening your back, accept congratulations! We want to wish: so that the guns are loaded, intelligence does not fail, friends cover. May your armor not be pierced! Hooray!
I wish twenty-third
Peace and goodness to you
So that you live, not knowing troubles,
Even better than yesterday!

Let the career go up
All dreams come true.
Let health be strengthened
So that you are full of strength!
This holiday is for men.
Wish you need
For no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On the big planet
The birds sang in the morning
And the kids laughed!
On Defender's Day
Our hearts are given to you!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I only wish you happiness.

May hopes come true
Full of goodness, as before.
May you be lucky in life
The holiday will bring joy!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you love, health, well-being, so that the sky above you is clear and you no longer need to take up arms! So that everyone appreciates you according to your merits, because thanks to you we live in a calm time!
Let the shots and explosions subside
May there be peace throughout the earth.
Thank you for your courage
And for taking care of the country.

Accept congratulations today
You deserve this holiday.
And let no doubts torment
What a worthy life he lived!
I congratulate you today
From February 23
Dad, uncle, grandfather, brother,
And, of course, you!
I want to live beautifully
love your homeland
So that with its enormous strength
Protect all of Russia!
February 23 -
The best day for a man.
And beer for you in the morning
And a football game.

Foam, gel, notepad with pen,
There will be no thrashing from the wife.
In general, a holiday and fun.
Accept congratulations!
Happy holiday of strength and courage! May your life be peaceful and measured, we wish success, good health, mutual love, decent salaries and real happiness to the defenders of our Motherland!
I always want to be a man
On Fatherland Defender's Day!
I wish you to be strong, healthy,
Forget about fatigue and laziness.

Always be a support and protection,
Always keep promises.
I wish you a peaceful sky
Not to take up arms.
We want to congratulate you today
Happy day of brave and strong men,
Reliable in everything, noble.
We wish you success.

Good luck and growth, accomplishments,
Green light on the way
Always only the right decisions,
What you are looking for is to find.
Gone are the days when there were bayonets,
There have been enough wars.
But we always write from the red line,
Defenders, you are our strength!
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Meets humanity again
And, of course, at this hour
I hasten to congratulate you!

I want to wish forever
Peace... Infinite Peace!
And good health to you.
Yes, and real happiness!
Real men,
I hasten to congratulate you,
I have my reasons...
February 23!

You are the Fatherland,
Protect from the enemy
Never be discouraged
Be happy always!
We want to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Do not hear the thunder on the horizon.

May February 23
Show our respect.
May the earth be peaceful
Let there be no battles on it!
Congratulations on this holiday
All defenders of the country!
You are very strong and brave.
Our country needs.

Happiness, courage, good luck
On this day, I wish you.
Be always healthy
Honored by ladies.
Congratulations to those who know
What does it mean to defend a country.
Who does not notice difficulties
Who is brave even in captivity.

We wish you good health
Warmth and joyful smiles.
Days filled with love
And a long life without mistakes!
Many years have passed
But the whole country remembers
Like your father, or maybe grandfather
Saved the earth from the enemy.

Thank you, low bow to you,
That we are in our native land
Without warriors, blood and fights
We live as a big family.
On a special day for you
Twenty third of February,
I wish to win
Or a word to convince.

Seduce and enjoy
Feel free to surrender
protect, preserve, preserve,
Be loved and love!
How courageous you are, our protector
And we to you with all our souls,
So sincere and so pure
We wish your dreams come true.

We wish you strength and good spirits,
And inspiration, and warmth,
May the sky be the most peaceful
And life is calm, and without fuss.
All men today
I congratulate
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Since February 23.

Protection and support
And the power of the native country,
Always on guard for the world
You, sons of the Motherland.

I wish you a holiday
You happiness and love,
To under a peaceful sky
Our children grew up.
Happy Confident Men Day -
Since February 23,
Be always invincible -
So I wish you

Always be the first in everything
In diversified cases
On your way then
Any enemy will fail!
Attention! Anxiety!
Men, take your seats!
We will congratulate you
Step by step today.

First we wish
Health and success
good beginnings
And happy laughter.

Combat charge,
Ready for everything.
And the sky is blue
And the sun directly into the house.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be a brave and bold eagle, brave and invincible lion. May every day of the hero be successful, may every work of the master be successful, may every act of a real man be worthy of respect.
Congratulations on the most patriotic day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! First of all, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, as well as heroic courage, excellent health and boundless wisdom. Let life be full of big and small deeds!
Congratulations, friends -
All boys and men
Happy twenty-third of February!
Be the strongest you are.

Be kind to us
And life itself will be easier.
Sons, friends, husbands -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You are knights, you are the stronger sex,
We love you for a reason.
Today we will set the table for you,
Congratulations, our men.

We will surround you with love
And gentle caress, and care.
Let happiness turn your head
Let there be peaceful work.
Defender's Day today
All Russia celebrates
We congratulate all men
Strong, brave and beautiful,
We wish them to live in prosperity,
Smile, don't be sad
Win and don't give up
Love your wives hard!
Happy day of valor, strength, prowess and courage. Happy holiday of real men. For only real ones can be called defenders of the Fatherland by right. Please accept congratulations and best wishes. Since February 23!
You are the defender of the Fatherland.
Since February 23!
Congratulations, congratulations.
Everything is for you today.

Become a general
In any situation.
The strongest, the bravest
A wonderful hero.
Happy Defender's Day, Happy Day of the Brave!
May all wishes come true:
Like candles in candelabra
Let success shine.

All awards, all victories
Let them become available
Only fear will be unknown
And luck is relentless!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! On the day of honoring courage, I wish you strength of mind, strong nerves, stamina and endurance! You are our protection, support and support. Courage to you, great achievements and many victories!
On the day of the defender of the country
We have been given authority.
All wishes to leave,
And congratulations to the defenders.

May all dreams come true
In a world full of kindness!
Let bad weather be forgotten
There will be only a lot of happiness!
Today is a holiday for men
Not waiting for good reasons.
Today is a holiday for the guys
For those who have served and for soldiers.

Health to you for many years,
In any case, always victories.
May only happiness surround
Let bad weather forget you!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you all earthly blessings, steel character. Let fate give success, good luck and reliable comrades. Everyone builds his own destiny, so let it reciprocate.
Happy holiday today
We congratulate you.
You easily go through life
Bypassing all problems.

Our man, our protector,
You are our favorite hero.
Bogatyrsky health
We wish you on your holiday.
Congratulations on this holiday
All defenders of the country!
I sincerely wish you
Happiness, joy, love.

Never be discouraged
Be strong in everything.
Don't give up, don't be shy.
Let the enemy not come into the house.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland. I wish to be a destroyer of problems and a conqueror of success. May there always be enough health and strength to achieve any goal, may every day give your loved ones a reason to be proud of you. Be confident and good in yourself.
There is no better day in the world
February 23!

In honor of the fearless defenders,
Kind, brave and courageous
Glasses are raised
Many words are spoken.

Congratulations dear!
Be loved by life
Happiness, joy, health,
And my heart is full of love!
I wish you courage in any battle and an obligatory victory. Congratulations on February 23rd. Be strong as a soldier, strong as an oak root, healthy as a bull. May all paths to success and happiness be open for such a man.
This holiday honors courage,
Praises courage always
Congratulations to all men
With the twenty-third of February.

Let luck inspire
And peace in fate
May health be strong
To take a high line.
Congratulations on the day of men, this holiday is one year. Courage to you and strength, invincible courage, indomitable courage, dexterity and skill. You are a man, no matter where!
From February 23
I congratulate you
And I wish one
So that everything was hoo:

Health and career
And the success of the gentleman.
Let there be hoo income.
May you be lucky in everything!
February 23 -
This is a holiday for you!
For defenders, men,
Regardless of rank and rank.
Always be so brave
Brave, strong - that's what matters.
It will be hard, don't give up
Don't get out of the ranks
Only strive for the best
And have fun today!
February twenty-third
I congratulate you
And I want to be strong
love your homeland
Protect beautiful ladies
Give in the face to all enemies,
Forget about problems
And always be a hero!
We love our men for
That give reliability and warmth,
And even if sometimes it is not easy,
They, like heroes, will save you from troubles.

We are on this holiday and all year round
Ready to exalt you to the stars,
And you have to give us love
And wear us all the time!
For men on February 23
I wish you peace and good
Health, strength to the end,
To never give up!

Let courage reign in the hearts
Overcome all obstacles
You were all happy with life
Happy holiday guys!
Happy Defender's Day, guys!
New victories to you on the way!
In life, so that there is consolation,
Happiness to you for many years!

Your courage, courage
May they never fade!
We wish without barriers
You live your years!
Thank you defenders
For simply being
What do you keep young?
Dignity and honor
What are you defending right?
Homeland from the war
And be afraid of you, I believe
All-all enemies must!
We want to congratulate men
We want to wish them
So that there are no reasons in life
Grieve or suffer.

We appreciate you and love you very much,
Our support is you and life.
For you - all our days and nights.
We value your strength.
Happy holiday of the right, strong,
Devoted, necessary, reliable!
Salary to you the most abundant,
And faithful women, not false ones,
Friends to you strong and omnipotent,
Colleagues are always reliable,
Steep road roads,
And blessings, of course, of all kinds!
You have more than enough courage
And don't take the courage
to you on February 23
We want to wish you good luck.

In the struggle for happiness and love,
For justice and goodness
Know how to meet fate
To make your heart warm!
The strongest, the bravest
You are the best soldier.
Congratulations at this hour
Let the worries go away.

Let fate be in charge
And keeps you around the world.
So that there is a lot of health
Never know anxiety.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
I congratulate you.
May it not be in your life
Sadness and sadness.

May you always be strong
And fate is beautiful.
You live under the peaceful sky
And under the clear sun.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Since February 23!
Mankind walks today
So that the whole earth is shaking!

Today I wish you all courage
And strength, and great victories,
Let luck circle around
For the next hundred years!
Today from every apartment
The aroma of delicious food flows.
Today all the women in the world
Bring order, comfort.

You stand up for us
Take any peaks.
Behind you we are like behind a wall,
Our beloved men.
We hasten to congratulate you, men,
We have reasons for this.
You are our strength and support,
And you charge with enthusiasm.

May life bring a lot of happiness
Pass by the side of bad weather.
And let the day give a lot of light
And in my heart - peace and summer.
I congratulate you
Since February 23,
And I wish you
Buy a new Chevrolet.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Congratulations today
Love, kindness and peace,
Men, I wish you.

To keep your hands strong
And warm hearts
So that for the family and the Motherland
They stood to the end.

So that you love women
Children to take care
And the land, so that the native
You were able to protect.
Native defender, from February 23! Be brave, courageous, unshakable and brave not only on the battlefield and not only in a computer game, but also on the family front, take care of your loved ones and be their strong support!
Defender of the Fatherland - proudly sounds!
Congratulations on your 23rd!
You are the backbone of the country, its main shield,
That's why I wish you strength.

Stay as brave
And let everything be as you want
Just believe, because it is so important to believe!
Only then will dreams come true!
I congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
I wish you to be the strongest
So that you can defend the Fatherland
And bravely walk on guard.

May the sky above us be peaceful
And the house always smells of pies.
Prosperity, victory, good luck, warmth.
Since February 23 you!
Happy Defender's Day! Be bold and courageous
Be ready to pay the debt to the Fatherland,
If the Motherland obliges you
Peace and justice to defend!

The sun is clear and the sky is blue
However, I want to wish
To resolve conflicts with a word,
And men were not sent to fight!
Let the military community grow stronger,
The fleet and the army - there is no better than you.
Fortitude and personal courage,
And for the good of the Fatherland victories!

Congratulations to the glorious defenders,
You success in everything and always.
Peace on our earth is the main thing,
After all, the Fatherland is our destiny.
Today is your holiday Friends,
Defenders of the Fatherland!
We heartily congratulate you
We wish you strength, courage,
Health is stronger than strong,
Patience and courage
Let them be in your families
Love, support, friendship,
We wish you perseverance, courage,
We thank you for your service!
You are our main defender!
The best on earth:
Don't cheat, don't betray
And more fun with you!

I wish this day
Always be the way you are;
Be cheerful, and - believe me -
It's good where you are!
On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Thank you from all mankind.
You are our pride and our support
Remember, relatives, that you are always welcome at home.

Be strong and strong
I sincerely wish
And the sky is only blue
And happiness, that without end.
From February 23
I congratulate you!
Win always, everywhere
Know that the best on earth.

I believe that for you
Like behind a stone wall
I don't have to worry
And do not be afraid of bad weather.

You are my dear, my dear,
For me, always a hero!
Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be brave, dexterous, strong and courageous, courageous, purposeful, confident and unshakable, resourceful, ideological, important and invincible, successful, persistent, a real hero and a brave man.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Be strong, courageous and defeat all enemies.
Protect our peace, glorify our homeland,
Time quickly let it fly to serve faster!
The strongest, the bravest
Wonderful man,
Accept gifts soon
Because today there is a reason.

In February, a special holiday -
Day of Defenders of the Motherland.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Strength, victories and optimism!
I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish that any problem is a trifle, that any obstacle to success is an easily overcome barrier. Be always purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.
On this holiday, we wish to preserve the qualities of real men: the ability to protect, give a sense of confidence and security. May your life prosper, be healthy and full of strength.
Congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage and courage. I wish you strength and courage so that luck and luck will always be with you. May your life be happy, and the sky above your head - cloudless and clear.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Our warm greetings
Accept congratulations,
You are the best in the world.

luck and courage
You are not far behind
May there be a lot of happiness
The family comfort, coziness.

Let the arms embrace
laughing child,
We wish you a peaceful life
And great joy.
Since February 23, our dear defenders! I wish you bearish health, great happiness, love such that your head is spinning, a bright and peaceful sky, cheerful and productive days. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
I congratulate you, men!
On this courageous holiday
I only wish you the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!
Happy holiday, dear men!
Let there be enough strength for everything:
For loved ones, for friends,
Be cheerful of all peers!

So that you go to work with formidable infantry,
So that the family is a reliable rear,
And so that every new day
It was better than yesterday!
On February 23
I want to be smart and strong
Achieve all goals in life
Be bold, cunning, perspicacious!

Find love, your home, family -
Take care of them tightly, that there is strength.
To be a strong guy, fighting,
Lucky, bright and happy!
Happy holiday, dear men! I wish you to be strong in spirit, have a wonderful future and enjoy the taste and aroma of life. And get in return a gift filled with positive colors. Let reliable people surround you! Good luck with everything.

Congratulations on February 23 to SMS phone short

Video short for February 23

Video short on February 23 to her husband beautiful

The February cold tempers real characters. And they are with our defenders, real men, cooler than any cold and frost. And with a sense of humor, they are all right: without it, neither the service nor the hardships of army life can be overcome, and even everyday turmoil - and even more so. These cool congratulations on February 23 to men with humor to cheer up and morale.

Short, funny, humorous congratulations on February 23 to men

It is a good tradition to give congratulations on February 23rd to beloved men. The defenders of the Motherland, their wives, mothers, daughters and sisters deserve the best wishes. Here are just congratulations-footcloths - two sheets tire them. They like more comic, capacious, funny and funny. A real holiday is not only a celebration, but also fun.

Congratulations on the 23rd from the bottom of my heart.

I wish Suzuki

So that he was like a tank (know, with a hatch),

Instead of dry rations - caviar,

Both the Maldives and Mallorca,

And a bottle of scotch!

And with eel sauce!

Not a man, not a son,

Congrats man:

From the 23rd - it's a holiday!

Let's pour fire into a glass!

I woke up early in the morning,

Stretched, smiled

He aimed his sight - ranking,

He's the boss in the house.

raised the artillery

And hugged his wife.

Took the trench with one battle,

Happy 23rd! Happy military day!

Yes, it gurgles in a glass, yes, it splashes!

Everything is captured and the rear is secured!

May you fortify, defenders of the Fatherland!

Your holiday has come - the day of the Armed Forces!

Pour slowly:

You put health

When he served the Motherland!

This is your holiday, hero!

For the soldiers of all he is dear!

Who was in uniform

He deserved it!

"Frontline" 100 g with friends

And a dugout in Miami!

As the owner - a super-pilot,

And in the bed - a flamethrower.

I love you -

My beloved protector

All congratulations to you

Smiles to you, joy

And good luck everywhere!

What do you wish today?

Only put on a uniform for a holiday,

Weapons - so only take on the hunt,

Well, maybe shoot at the shooting range,

And if you hear volleys, then salute,

And let the minute be happy.

My protector, I congratulate you,

Always be happy - I wish you.

And I wish you peaceful dreams

Like a wood grouse in winter,

Let mother-in-law love football

Father-in-law will give Citroen,

And the wife will not say more:

"Darling, I have a migraine."

Defender's Day - it's yours

You build everyone on guard!

With you I am a fairy

Without you - Fiona,

My general,

(I do not judge by the stars on uniform.)

You gave me happiness

I love you,

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I give myself to you.

Once I held the machine,

So you will be rich

Let your stash be

Like a fat ATM.

And in the front purse,

Let the lava always rustle:

And no one will say more:

"Dukh, barracks, KMB".

The hours were running, the minutes were running,

Your youth fled

Today you will remember

And you don’t need to go to the bath in the trash,

Let all the native faces be around.

The orderly does not shout: “Rota! Build! Climb!".

Today we will drink and sing with you!

In the affairs of your successes are different,

In a career, so as by order,

Fly through barriers.

Kohl sentry, then at the crib -

At the nursery, where the child lies.

And it was all right

No, not foam, not socks,

Not with an asterisk panties,

I'll give you love

My protector, my macho,

Better than all the men in the world

Congratulations dear!

You wore berets, you wore boots,

And on the parade ground in the rain "hung out",

A hungry spirit was more dangerous than a terrorist,

You served - everything is clean on your conscience!

And I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Who did not sniff gunpowder

And didn't wear boots

We will not congratulate

Pour yourself, brother,

And let's be light drinkers -

Of those who drink - they are not enough,

And remember how we have an army

Raised all the bullshit!

From the 23rd, brothers,

Let's be hammers in life!

How beautiful is the ringing of the alarm clock

For all who heard the cry: "Rise!"

As the air is valuable, lighter, clear,

Who took off the gas mask with a belt.

Congratulations on the 23rd,

And I wish you a peaceful life!

Well men, from the 23rd!

Let's celebrate your holiday together

May this day be a pleasure

If you drink, then only without a hangover,

May your wives appreciate you very much

And love like the first time!

And let capital strive upwards,

Your face just glows with happiness!

That's it, your razor is broken,

Shaving foam came out

And on the shelf by the sofa

Only two socks left.

Do not grieve and do not twist,

There is a package on the table.

There are gifts for you!

Short congratulations on February 23 to men with humor, romance and tenderness

On February 23, congratulations are addressed not only to those who have long gone to the demobilization, got a family, new friends and work. The girls send them to the Army to their beloved guy, the brides congratulate the grooms. This mini-collection of short congratulations is for them.

Let the demobilization belt weaken -

For others, my door is closed.

Every day on a calendar sheet

Date crossed out. Honey, I'm waiting for you!

Congratulations on the holiday and I look forward to

My dear you, I love you. I love!

Don't go on your own

Don't fornicate with others

Do not ask them to stay

I'm waiting for you at home, dear!

I congratulate you on the holiday

Let's be together - I dream about you!

You're in boots like I'm in heels

You strike with confidence.

Reliably protect someone else's peace -

I will not give our happiness even once.

I love, I want to wake up and hug,

And I'm trying to bring a dream closer in reality,

I look at our photo again,

And I send congratulations on the 23rd.

Who did not wait, he will not understand

How my heart beats

On the 23rd, my soldier,

Look forward to meeting.

Served - I'm proud of you

And with you I'm not afraid

Neither fire nor water

And not knowing the ford.

My warrior

Love you.

Today is an awesome holiday -

He is met by my soldier,

I'll dress up for you like a gingerbread man.

I surrender as a prisoner, waiting for instructions,

Grab me - the post will be removed!

My best boyfriend in the world

The coolest one for me

The sun doesn't shine without you

I have no life without you!

Congratulations on the 23rd

And I adore you

Reach your goals

Don't forget about me!

Happy Defender's Day to me

I really want to congratulate

And wish you to forget

About the word "loneliness"

Don't freak out, don't be sad

Do not be aggro, better catch the hype.

Promote your crowdfunding

And stop swipe - walk with me!

Today I'm allowed to drink.

Socks? Well, I'll find it myself.

I'll cook duck for you

And to her - pour the wine itself.

Do you want red? - vodka,

And I'll give you a herring to her.

Your holiday, dear, choose

Wow, March is coming soon

And you will repay me a hundredfold.

With the 23rd, my desired,

Congratulations. Pull up!

You hit the jackpot unprecedented

Walked. Now get married!

He took off his shoulder straps - met a demobilization,

You got into citizenship

An excellent boycott circled

He made up for everything with a vengeance.

I congratulate you, dear

Happy Defender's Day, love!

A year has passed - the belt is lower,

Your demobilization is getting closer, closer,

Know you I will return waiting.

From the 23rd. I love.

Hours fly and days go by.

Your service is over.

Be strong, dear, meeting soon,

And I will jump on your shoulders.

While sending a postcard

And congratulations on the 23rd!

Waiting for my beloved soldier

I wait, I love and I will wait,

23 is a date: those who do not wait will not understand.

I'm waiting, counting the days until the meeting,

Loyalty, my dear, I keep,

My heart has become stronger

How I love you!

Short congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues with humor

It is difficult to find a team where men and women would not work side by side. And the working community is a small family. And it also has a place for holidays. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, many important and significant words will be said, but short congratulations from colleagues in a close, friendly circle will also not be superfluous.

Well, how can we live without men?

Without their intricate bristles?

Without them, they will not serve a coat,

And get out of the car - not that!

Who will give us a bouquet of flowers,

What about complements? And the contrast?

Happy 23rd - Happy Men's Day

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!

Our defenders, men,

You are loved by us, appreciated,

You have everything, whatever you want:

Mind, valor, honor, and affectionate "zai".

You are the best thing in the world

Our congratulations to you - on the 23rd!

A man is a proud title given,

It belongs to the defenders!

Accept congratulations on 23 -

You are best. Vivat! Let's pour on the third!

Congratulations, no kidding.

You are for us both power and strength,

You, that part of the team,

What decides everything and everything,

We can't do without you!

Congratulations, praise

And we wish you to live 100 years!

Behind the windows a blizzard

Howling terrible like a beast,

Only with you, colleagues,

Nothing to fear.

Congratulations on the 23rd

We invite you to dance!

You sip snacks

And dry your glasses

We drink, we walk until the morning.

Your day today Hurrah!

Colleagues, I want to congratulate you,

Happy holiday - honor by honor!

Not from myself, from the team I will say:

There is nothing better for us, more wonderful:

Behind you, like behind a stone wall,

And we know that you are for us - a mountain.

We appreciate you for your work and deeds,

Be happy - forever!

Happy Defender's Day, men,

Have a good holiday, a friendly feast, warm words and kind, sincere wishes.


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