How to find a girl for a serious relationship. How to find a girlfriend for a serious relationship and marriage How to quickly find a girlfriend

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How to find a girl

Dating & Pickup

How to find a girl

There is a big gap between finding a girl and getting a girl. In the second case, you already know what kind of girl you want, but in the first case you don't. Perhaps the best way to find a girl is a large stream of girls who want to get to know you. When there is a choice, there are opportunities. Everything is simple, nothing complicated.

Be mature. Relationships require a certain responsibility and competent decisions. If you are afraid of responsibility and avoid a lot of problems, then girls can take this fact into account, and this will be a big minus. It is also necessary to be humble. This is not modesty, which girls do not like so much, this is the ability to first reason and then act. Girls highly appreciate such men.

Be a man, not a male. Girls, unlike men, are good at capturing smells and aromas, and remember them. Remember that a girl will not want if her loved one smells like a bag of garbage, which she disposed of with dislike. A well-groomed man will have a great advantage over those who are not far from the monkey.

Don't forget to wear decent clothes. Your favorite things: tracksuit and baseball cap? If you have a decent car, then the girls will pay attention to you. And if it is not there, then take it all off and buy adequate things that will please both the girl, her friends, and her parents. No need to turn into a kind of showmen who perform on stage. Jeans, trousers, shirt, t-shirt will not repel any girl. No need to spend a lot of money and turn into a peacock, it will be too desperate.

To find a girl, you need to meet a girl. After you have put yourself in order, it's time to show yourself to the girls. You don't have to be shy. It's time to go for a walk with the girls: clubs, cafes, cinemas, parties, a yard, a shop ... sometimes even an entrance (anything happens). You need to learn how to communicate freely with girls, you don’t need to initially look for that one. Be open to communication, talk, have fun. And most importantly, smile, girls love it.

The first step, or who cares. After the girls began to pay attention to you, it's time to start taking the first steps. Don't be afraid to look stupid or weird. If one refuses, the other agrees. Everyone absolutely does not care what you want to do, how you want to do it. So do what you can. Everyone once took a step into the unknown distance.

It's better to be a total asshole than a good guy. And this is already forgive, female logic and the call of nature. Nothing can be done here, so show your selfishness and pride. Girls don't like it, but they are attracted to it.

Between a good guy and a good guy with money, girls will choose a guy with money. A man in most cases is needed in order to solve the problems of girls. And the more money, the easier it is to solve these problems. Therefore, if there is no work, you need to get it. If there is a bad job - you need to find a better one. And if there is a good job and money, then defeat your modesty and go ahead. Good luck.

Do you want to know how to find a girl?

If you are reading this, then you are not alone. Now there are thousands, perhaps millions of men who need a girl. The problem is that they have no idea how to achieve it. Fortunately, there is a way that you can apply. It consists of 5 steps.

Step-1 work us with attraction skills

Before thinking about finding a girlfriend, it is very important to work on your personal communication skills. The bottom line is that you can attract exactly the girl you want. So you:

・Improved confidence

The skill of approaching a girl

・Communication skill

How to build rapport

・Seduction Skill

Step 2 Know what you want

Before you meet, you need to determine what type of girl you really want. Like any goal, achieving the perfect girl is much easier if you know your ideal.

So if you want to know how to find a girl, you should think about the type of girl you are looking for. Here are a few options:

· Age

· Body type

· Hair color

· Character

· Education

Level of intelligence

Step-3 go in the right direction

Although it may seem simplistic, the best way to find your ideal girl is to go where she is. You, knowing the interests of your ideal girl, go where she could potentially be.

My advice: go where she likes to walk or walk. For example, if you need a sports girl, then it is better to go to the gym or to a sporting event.

Step-4 "Taste Different Girls"

The worst thing you can do is try to build a serious relationship with the first person who notices you. Try different girls, do not grab the first one you meet. When you know others, you will definitely be able to say who your ideal is and invite her on a date. After a while, you will get a clear picture of what kind of girl you want to see every day.

Step-5 choosing a girl

The last step is the easiest. After you have felt strong feelings for one girl, it is worth starting to develop a relationship with her. So to speak, press the "gas pedal to the full."

The question of choosing a girl is difficult for many men. But if you understand the system for choosing a girl, it will become much easier for you. Although, there is always room for a little miracle!

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This will help:

HOW TO MEET A GIRL: dating without problems

Type of: Guide

Price: Paid version

You will learn how to properly meet girls. You will stop wasting your money and time on ridiculous dates and trying to please a girl somehow. You will learn how to bring meetings to sex. The girls themselves will want to have sex with you. You will become the guy who has many girls! And it's very simple!

Short description

Having a girlfriend is cool! It's nice to know that you have a girl with whom you can correspond, chat, spend time together and have sex. However, many guys are afraid of girls and sit at home alone. After receiving a couple of refusals, they forever lost faith in themselves.

And we will put an end to this nonsense! Every guy deserves to have a good girl, every guy deserves to have sex with a girl. And we will teach you how easy it is to meet girls and bring it to sex.

You know all these opinions:

  • a guy has to chase a girl
  • the guy should pay for the girl
  • girl's whims must be endured
  • sex is possible only after a couple of months
  • a simple guy can't get a cool girl
  • and so on

So, this is all nonsense, which has nothing to do with how you really need to get acquainted with girls and have sex with them. If you know the methods that we tell in our book, you will be able to get to know a girl with a 100% guarantee, and you will be able to have sex with her.

This is not difficult! It is enough to understand a little about female psychology, to be able to behave correctly with girls and to know when to offer them sex. And we will teach you these things in our book.

You don't have to be rich Pinocchio to meet and have sex with the best girls. Girls don't need that! Girls need a guy next to them who can take them! You can become such a guy, we will teach you!

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The largest male psychological portal, which operates with the aim of supporting and mutual assistance to men. You can always get competent advice, a good guide and live support from us.

If you do not have a girlfriend, then the question naturally arises: where to find her? Not all places are good for finding a new girlfriend, and each has its own characteristics.

Before you start looking for a girl, you should answer the question: why do I need a girl? Goals can be very different. Someone is looking for a girl for a relationship, someone for sex, and someone just needs a girlfriend to cry in a vest (although this happens infrequently).

By the way, if you are looking for a girl for an easy relationship, you can read the article that I wrote earlier. By the way, finding a girlfriend for sex is actually much easier than for long-term communication. Indeed, in this case, you don’t really need to talk, and you may have little in common, which will not interfere with intimacy.

Where to find a good girl for a guy


Online dating is gaining more and more popularity. People meet both on specialized sites and in social networks like After all, almost any girl has her own page today.

But meeting a good girl online is actually much more difficult than in real life. Why?

Firstly, every more or less pretty person is approached and written by a lot of guys almost daily. You will have to stand in a long line.

Secondly, due to the popularity of online dating, there is more and more competition every day. After all, you don’t need to write in VK special courage, unlike the approach in real life.

If you still decide to meet on the Internet, then keep in mind that photos are 95% of your success. And not at all what you write. If you have cool pictures, then you can start a banal conversation with Hello! How are you? And the girl will eventually leave you a number.

But we are not looking for easy ways, and move on to the next item.

Places of interest.

Now that's much more efficient. Think about what interests you in life. For example, you listen to the band Linkin Park and are going to go to a concert. And there you can find a girl with whom you will have at least one cool common hobby. It is quite easy to get acquainted in such an environment: you say hello, ask her opinion about what is happening, introduce yourself and ask her name.

It can be not only concerts, but also interest societies, intellectual games, sports sections, hiking, etc. Just look around and see who's around you.

The outside.

My favorite place. After all, on the street you can find absolutely any girl. You will have no competition for her, and if you make a good confident approach, she will appreciate your courage and courage. After all, 5 percent of guys can come up on the street and adequately get to know each other.

Yes. This is hard. Especially when there is no experience. But if you set out to improve your life qualitatively and find a cool girl, then a wide field for action opens up.

An important point. It is better to get acquainted in the interval from lunch to the end of the working day, when the girl returns from work or school. Firstly, at this time they are without girlfriends, and you can easily start chatting tête-à-tête. Secondly, they have reduced the so-called level of protection from guys.

That is why many do not like to get acquainted in the evening, when the girl dressed up for a walk and took at least one friend with her.

To better understand how to meet on the street, watch the video

Catering establishments. Cafes, restaurants, etc. Can be used as an option. But as acquaintances "in life". And not specifically going to cafes in search of a girl 🙂.


Not the best place to find a girl for a relationship. Although anything can happen, there are several factors working against you here. First, again, high competition for beautiful girls. Secondly, you should not get acquainted in a state of alcoholic intoxication: it changes consciousness, and you do not quite adequately perceive the world around you and people. And thirdly, not all girls go to clubs. And you are missing the category of truly interesting and well-rounded people. Not that only stupid people go to clubs, but the trend is clear 😀 . In addition, usually people in such places behave unnaturally, with feigned pathos, and it can be extremely difficult to understand who is who.


To find a good girl, you should practice daily in communicating with the female sex. After all, if your communication skills leave much to be desired, then you can only interest simpletons.

Don't focus on one particular person. And, when a steady flow of communication with new girls appears, one fine moment you will realize that one of them is exactly what you need.

And then, perhaps, you will remember that you met her in a place where you did not expect to find your love at all 😉 .

No matter how much pleasure you get from the process of seducing new beauties, there will come a time when you want to date only one girl for a long time. But here questions arise: where and how to find a girl for a relationship? And how do you know if it's worth dating her?

After all, we are all afraid of making the wrong choice of partner!

Oddly enough, to make the right choice, you need to:

Analysis of previous relationships

When asking many of our students about what kind of companion they would like to see next to them, we noticed one interesting phenomenon. The vast majority of guysdescribe too perfect image. And, often, the components of this image contradict each other.

In addition, as practice shows, men do not meet with those ideal girls whom they described. And all because they have enough of those with whom they can feel comfortable and get satisfaction from these relationships.

(Therefore, if you want to find yourself a permanent partner, you must be honest with yourself..)

Of course, this is not possible with all women! That is why you should analyze your previous relationships andidentify those qualities (and habits)in the behavior of your "ex", which you liked and, on the contrary, repelled.

This should be the starting point in choosing a girl for a relationship.

For example, if you did not like the impulsiveness of your ex, and you knew that this quality always leads to quarrels and parting, then there is no point in starting a relationship with an impulsive girl again. The hope that “this time everything will be different” most likely will not justify itself.

How not to make a mistake with the choice

A potential soul mate can be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Her attitude towards others
  • outlook on life
  • Behavior in difficult situations
  • Taking care of your health (does it exist at all?)
  • Does it have goals in life?
  • How good do you feel around her?
  • …(add your options)

The last point plays no less important role than all the others. If at meetings you feel constant tension, then it will hardly be called a quality relationship.

Comfort must always be present!

If you decide to create a relationship with a cool girl, but are afraid of making the wrong choice, then you should understand that seduction in this case will be different from seduction to create a short romance.

Of course, this does not mean that you need to stop playing altogether. But you should not open up to your new partner too quickly either!

Don't be afraid to invite her into your reality: show how you live, talk about your attitude to different things and listen to what she tells about herself.

But remember: it is important to be sure not only that she is suitable for a relationship, but also that she is interested in you as a man. Otherwise, over time, its significance for you will become higher and higher. And there may come a moment when she will be in a position “from above”, and there will be no attraction, as such.

Sometimes it is even useful to cool off towards her for a short time in order to find out how much she values ​​​​the relationship that has begun. If she starts to take the initiative, then you can be sure that there is an interest in you.

But be careful, sometimesthe lack of a full choice can play a cruel joke with you. At some point, it may seem to you that some person is ideal for a relationship, and you stop noticing her shortcomings. And these shortcomings in the future can make you nervous.

Therefore, until you make the final choice - continue to get acquainted and meet with several candidates at the same time. Only in this way you can adequately evaluate each specific girl.

Finally, it doesn't matter where exactly you meet your future partner! If you imagine exactly what kind of girl you need, you will learn how to quickly weed out unsuitable candidates without limiting yourself in search areas. After all, you can meet your ideal in a place that is completely unexpected for you!

Are you hoping to find a girl for a permanent relationship? This article will help you improve your chances with any girl.

Method 1 of 3 how to find a girl: date them

1. You should be comfortable being alone.. You must dress well, try to be free. Do not go looking for a girl, otherwise you will look desperate. Self-confidence and self-sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities for a man, and you will not appear so if you beg every girl you meet to go on a date with you.

Try to make good friends instead of the girl. This means that you need to hang out with as many women as possible, not just the girls you directly like.

Having a lot of good female friends will teach you how to talk to them and how women feel and think in general. Most importantly, you won't feel so alone and desperately looking for a girlfriend.

2. Help someone. It could be her, or someone else in the room. Is she carrying something heavy? Say “Let me help you” and take this thing for her. Someone needs money? Borrow for lunch. Hold the door for the person following you, even if they haven't reached the door yet. In other words, be a kind and generous person. Not only will this get her attention, but it will also make you feel better.

Don't be fake and only do nice things when she's around. Help people in so many ways all the time. She will notice, and so will her acquaintances, and if you show up, people in the conversation will say: “He is such a good person!”, and this girl will start to think “Yes ... it is, isn’t it?”

3. Constantly approach a lot of girls. If you see a girl and find her attractive, then go and talk to her (time is not important). And do it regularly. If you do that and sit back for the next few days, it won't work. Go out and talk to a lot of women regularly. In supermarkets, libraries, malls, on the streets, in public places, anywhere you can find girls.

4. Don't be afraid of failure. Remember, the fear of rejection is highly irrational. If you see a pretty girl, go and talk to her. Tell her your intentions right away. Don't back down no matter what. Say, "Hi, you're cute and I came to get to know you to get to know you." You are looking for a girl, not a friend who is a "girl".

5. Avoid excuses. If you see a pretty girl, don't look for excuses like "she must have a boyfriend," "she's on the phone," or "she's running." Believe me, there is no excuse for not talking to a girl. In the worst case, she will say “no” and leave. You have to practice over and over to get results.

6. Keep enjoying. This is really important. If you don't enjoy talking to a girl or looking for her, you probably take it too seriously. But if you're having fun, you won't worry about potential rejection and come across as a cool and fun guy.

7. Be yourself to the extreme. If she says something you don't think is funny, don't laugh just because she laughs. Don't try to be someone you are not.

8. Connections. The more people you meet, the more people you will have to choose from. Don't be picky about who you meet and how you meet - a nice old man you meet on the street might have an adorable granddaughter your age, and a pushy girl from yesterday's club party might have a girlfriend who's perfect for you.

Get out of the house and do your hobbies. If you don't know how to start dating people, do things that you find fun! Check the forums, lists, and message boards for local events or get-togethers that are sure to attract people with similar interests and passions. You may also develop new interests. You can find a new hobby and a girl, all in one! Don't rely entirely on the internet.

9. Take care of your appearance. Appearance is an important part of the love game. Bad body odor, bad breath and greasy, messy hair are just not attractive to most people. Shower regularly, brush your teeth twice a day, and stay in shape. While you don't have to be the most handsome guy, you do need to make a good first impression.

Be proud of your clothes. Again, you don't have to be stylish, you do need to be clean, pressed clothes are always better than the opposite. Avoid wearing the same clothes every day, especially if it's just sweatpants.

In addition to enhancing your attractiveness, taking care of your physical appearance will increase your self-confidence, which in turn will make you more attractive, increase your self-confidence, and so on. Insolence is not a good thing. Knowing that you have good qualities will make it easier for you to advance.

10. Practice complimenting. Make it your goal to find something beautiful in every girl. It doesn't have to be anything physical. It could be a cute gesture, a wonderful trait, a talent, or a skill. Recognizing and expressing the true worth of each and every girl will make you more attractive to them, and them more attractive to you.

Method 2 of 3 how to find a girl: make friends of the opposite sex

1. Become a good conversationalist. Do not use beaten topics of conversation, such as the weather. The best way to connect with someone is to speak from the heart and live life to the fullest in the moment. What you say is not as important as how you say it. Communication is an exchange of energy. When in doubt, just say "hello".

In extraordinary strategies, in order to establish contact with a girl, first “break” contact with her. This will make the girl pay attention to you, and she herself will seek to communicate with you!

2. Make her laugh. Girls love guys with a good sense of humor, and the key to having a good sense of humor is to be light-hearted and open-minded. Any kind of humor will do, as long as you're not making fun of people in a mean way. Do you have a twisted sense of humor? Do you like rough jokes? Do you have sarcastic humor? You can do anything, just don't be fake.

Don't worry about whether she thinks you're funny or not. If she can't laugh with you, then she's not the kind of girl you want to spend a lot of time with. Who knows? Perhaps a girl that you have not noticed before will laugh until you foam at the mouth and, perhaps, she will become your soulmate.

3. Flirt. In all your friendships, flirt a little so you don't get completely into the friendship zone. This doesn't mean you should try to get all the girls, but flirting will help them remember that you're a guy, not just a good friend. Even if she is not interested in you, she may introduce you to a friend.

Cross the touch barrier. Take a small "touch risk". Be playful, but not mean. Take her by the elbow or put a hand on her back to guide her through the crowd, touch her shoulder and laugh together if she says something funny. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know. Touch lets the person know that you find them attractive and that you have enough confidence in yourself. Both of these things can make you more attractive to the other person.

Method 3 of 3 how to find a girl for a relationship: pick her up

1. Put an end to it. If you like the woman you're talking to, end the dialogue yourself. It prevents awkward silences, shows you are busy (i.e. not needy or desperate), and allows you to end the conversation on a positive note.

At the end of the conversation, simply say, “Hey, I have to go, but I really enjoyed talking to you. Would you like to continue the conversation over a cup of coffee sometime? If she says yes, take her phone number and move on. She's not the only girl you'll meet along the way.

2. Be assertive. Many women love it when a man takes the initiative, at least during the dating period. When you call her to set up a time and place for a date, keep in mind at least two options that are attractive to her. Don't call her and tell her what she wants to do without providing an alternative, or she'll probably think you're lazy or not interested enough.

For example, if you're talking to her about a meeting, then say something like, "Well, I thought we could go to this great new restaurant in the city center... But I also wouldn't mind going to the new bowling alley in the mall." center… What do you think?”

If she likes one of your suggestions, she will tell you, and if not, she will suggest something else. Thus, you have shown your self-confidence. If she doesn't care, just choose one of the two.

3. Go on a date. When you meet a girl with whom you feel a real connection, you need to make her like you. If you did all of the above correctly, then she is probably already interested, and you just need to cement your relationship. Ask her out on a date or for a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, walk her there, or ride the bus together. Not only is this polite, but it will also give you more time to chat.

Don't invite her over chat or sms. Call or ask face to face. Although it's a small gesture, it means a lot to the girl and shows her that you don't want to just hit it off quickly.

Offer to pay yourself. Go on a date ready to pay. It's also a sign of manners3 and lets the girl know you're not a cheapskate. She will probably object out of politeness, but unless she is really sincere, then insist.

4. Submit a job interview. There is a big difference between a guy who immediately lays on his back and asks for a job and someone who knows that he has a lot to offer the company, as well as the company to him.

When you're with a girl, don't act like you're in an interview to be her boyfriend. Imagine that you are interviewing her to become your girlfriend. Presenting yourself in a position of power will not only make you more attractive to a girl, but it will also keep you from choosing the wrong girl just because she chose you.

5. Keep it on the hook. After a date, do not call or write immediately. Some guys follow the general rule of waiting 48 hours before calling a girl back. You don't have to put yourself on a time limit, but you don't have to look desperate either. Don't call or drink immediately after a date - at least let the night pass.

Finish the conversation yourself. Whether you're texting or talking on the phone, when you feel the conversation is coming to an end, try to end the conversation yourself. You will seem busier and she will always want more.

There is nothing wrong with starting a chat or calling first. It actually shows that you are interested and serious and not looking for games. Take it easy and relax about it. If she sees that you are serious about her, she will take the initiative herself, which will surprise her. If she doesn't, then she's not interested.

Please wait a few minutes to reply to the message. If you answer immediately, it will mean that you were sitting and waiting for her to write. Wait 5-20 minutes before replying to any message. But don't wait "too" long, otherwise the thread of the conversation might get lost.

6. Initiate a second date. If a week after the first date you feel the same vibes, then ask her out again. Try to make it more romantic than the first one - take her to dinner instead of a cup of coffee, or hang out together instead of with a group of friends.

Kiss her! If the mood is right and you haven't kissed yet, then take the opportunity and kiss her goodbye. Look for signs that she wants a kiss. If this is your first kiss with a girl, stop there, even if she invites you in. Just answer: “Not today, next time!”. This will show her that you want something more significant and show that you are still interested.

7. Repeat. All relationships develop differently. Sometimes you will have to initiate all dates until you are officially a couple. Sometimes she will initiate. If the former, then try to read her signals when you are together, as well as through messages, whether she is interested or just shy.

Recognize signals in person. If she responds well to your flirting, laughs at your jokes, and seems comfortable with you, she's probably interested.

On the other hand, if she sits away from you and crosses her arms, or if she refuses to make eye contact with you, then probably not. Try taking her hand while walking, or put your hand on her knee during a movie or dinner. If she moves your hand away or seems uncomfortable, then she probably isn't close enough to you.

Recognize signals in messages. If you feel like you're constantly dragging out the conversation, or she constantly replies with short phrases like "good," "great," etc., you can assume that she's not interested in you.

She probably knows that such words will not lead to a meaningful conversation and is just trying to be polite so that you do not misunderstand everything. However, it is easier to trust personal signals. In a difficult situation, talk to mutual friends to better understand her behavior.

8. Ask her to be your girlfriend. When you are sure that there is a strong mutual attraction between you, invite her to become your girlfriend. You can do it in a beautiful creative way or just ask at a meeting. Never do this when texting (even on the phone, you should not do this). Don't change your Facebook status or tag her as your girlfriend until she replies!

9. Be patient. Life usually doesn't work according to your schedule. You can meet your future girlfriend tomorrow or in two years. Healthy relationships will brighten up your world no matter how old you are. So hurry up and don't rush into an unhealthy relationship with the wrong girl that will only bring pain.

  • Have your privacy. Girls don't like guys who don't have a life of their own that stick to them like plastic bags. Some girls love it, but for all the wrong reasons - they're either insecure or need attention or they're the kind of freak who wants to dominate guys. If you don't want to sign up for any of these scripts, make sure your life has no shortage of friends, hobbies, and goals.
  • Lovers usually look into each other's eyes for a long time. This is something you can do if the person you're talking to is visibly romantically interested in you. Make eye contact while talking, but periodically look away and switch your interest to other things. Make sure you don't stare at the person's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever) for a long time, even with admiration and curiosity. In general, you do not want a person to feel like under a microscope.
  • One of the best ways to find out how you can find a girl is to find out why you don't have one right now! Look inside yourself and think about what you can improve and what you are already doing well.
  • Any time you are in a setting where there are a lot of girls, talk to all of them and choose the one you would like to spend more time with. Get in the habit of exchanging contact information with at least one girl every time you are among them. If she's not interested, nothing, there's always a next time. If you went on a few dates and they didn't turn into a relationship, then nothing. The fact is that the more you go on dates, the greater your chances of finding a girl.
  • Learn to read body language. Feel it or not, but people always express their attitude towards you with signals. If you can read these signals, you can tailor your words and behavior to make the girl like you more, or stop wasting time with someone who doesn't like anything you say or do.
  • The first thing you need to be in control of when you approach a girl is self confidence. Show her that you are really interested and want to spend time with her, and you will not only get a smile, but also win her heart.

Alerts when looking for a girlfriend

  1. A lot of guys are held back by the fear of being misunderstood. For example, maybe you don't want to help her get across because you're worried she'll think you're macho and think she can't get across. Let go of your fears and think about what you are really doing. You are helping her because you really want to, and what could be wrong with that. If you don't question her abilities in any way, then she probably isn't that good to think that of you, is she? Go ahead. If what you do comes from the heart, then a decent girl will see it.
  2. Don't talk about past relationships. Under no circumstances should this be done. You will only give the impression that you cannot let it all go. If a girl asks about your past relationship, just say that you realized that you didn’t fit together the way you initially thought, so you decided to move on and find someone with whom you will experience great mutual happiness. Be concise and don't ask about her ex.
  3. Do not use memorized words to pick up a girl. Girls like real guys who don't use memorized words from the internet.
  4. It is worth saying that you should not go deep and talk about your unique hobbies and interests unless the person shares them or asks “a lot” of questions. If she only asks a few questions, she isn't necessarily interested, she may be trying to be polite, so don't dominate the conversation with your enthusiasm. At the first meeting, it is better to listen to a person and find out what he has to say, and not talk about himself.
  5. Be positive. If you had a bad day, still greet with pleasure and a big smile. Don't spend time with a girl complaining about traffic, your boss, or your job. If you need to whine a little, then whine just a little and that's it, and then say: “I'm glad that I'm here with you now!”.

Articles "How to find a girl"

You don't have to act cool or put in any effort; just be yourself. Do not go looking for a girl, otherwise you will look desperate. Self-confidence and self-sufficiency are extremely sexy qualities for a man, and you will not appear so if you beg every girl you meet to go on a date with you.

  • When meeting girls, try to make friends with them, and not start a romantic relationship. This means that you need to hang out with as many women as possible, not just the girls you directly like. Having a lot of good female friends will teach you how to talk to them and how women feel and think in general. Most importantly, you won't feel so alone and desperately looking for a girlfriend.

Flirt. In all your friendships, flirt a little so you don't get completely into the friendship zone. This does not mean that you should try to win over every girl you know, but flirting will help them understand that you can be considered not only as a friend, but also as a partner. Even if she is not interested in you, she may introduce you to a friend.

  • Cross the touch barrier. Take a small "touch risk". Be playful, but don't overdo it. Take her by the elbow or hug her waist to lead her through the crowd, touch her shoulder and laugh together if she says something funny. If she doesn't like it, she will definitely let you know. Touch lets the person know that you find them attractive and that you have enough confidence in yourself. Both can make you more attractive in the eyes of a girl.

Part 3

Get hooked girl
  1. End the conversation. If you like the woman you're talking to, end the dialogue yourself. This will avoid awkward silence and also show that you are not jumping at any opportunity to get her attention. It also allows you to end the conversation on a positive note. At the end of the conversation, simply say, “Listen, I have to go, but I really enjoyed talking to you. Would you like to continue the conversation over a cup of coffee sometime?” If she says yes, take her phone number and go about your business. She's not the only girl you'll meet along the way.

    Be assertive. Many women love it when a man takes the initiative, at least during the candy-bouquet period. When you call her to set up a time and place for a date, keep in mind at least two options that are attractive to her. Don't call her and ask her what she'd like to do if you don't have your own pastimes, or she'll probably think you're lazy or not interested enough in a relationship.

    • For example, if you're talking to her and discussing a meeting, then say something like this: "Well, I thought we could go to this great new restaurant in the city center... But I also wouldn't mind going to the new bowling alley." in the mall... What do you think?” If she likes one of your suggestions, she will tell you, and if not, she will suggest something else. This is how you show your self-confidence. If she doesn't care, just choose one of the two.
  2. Be kind to her. Just because she's showing you attention when you tease her doesn't mean she'll develop feelings for you. Girls are much more vulnerable than you might imagine. It is worth making a rude remark to her, and she will never speak to you again. Praise her for every little thing and sympathize when she makes a mistake. But be careful in your words - they should not sound sarcastic.

    Get the job done. Having met a nice girl who will show you sympathy, do not stop halfway. If you like her too, be confident and ask her out on a date. Keep a low profile. Dinner for two by candlelight on a first date can turn a girl off. Ask her out for coffee after school or work. If she refuses, there are two options: she is not ready or she does not like you. Don't push it, it will push her away even more. Be friendly and patient. Wait for the moment when she shows feelings for you, and try to invite her again.

    Go on a date. When you have met a girl with whom you feel a real connection, it is important to please her. If you followed all the above tips, then she is probably already interested in you; small thing is to strengthen relations. Ask her out on a date or for a cup of coffee. Offer to pick her up, walk her to a designated spot, or ride the bus together. This way you will not only be polite, but you will also have more time to communicate with each other.

    • Do not use chats or sms. Give her a call or invite her in person. At first glance, nothing unusual, but it is this small gesture that will show the girl that you are sincere in your intentions and that you are not looking for easy affairs.
    • Offer to pay yourself. Be prepared to pay for her and for yourself. Again, this will show the girl your good manners and let her know that you are not greedy. She will probably object out of politeness, but she will most likely be pleased with such a gesture, so insist.
  3. Imagine that a date is an interview for a new position. There's a big difference between a guy who goes out of his way to get a job and someone who knows he has a lot to offer the company, and the company has a lot to offer him. When you're with a girl, don't act like you're in a job interview to be her boyfriend. Imagine that you are interviewing her to become your girlfriend. If you control the situation, it will make you more attractive in the eyes of a girl. Otherwise, if you give up the slack, the girl may not be the one you dreamed of at all - because in such a situation they choose you, not you.

  4. Keep her hooked. After a date, do not call or write immediately. Some guys follow the general rule of waiting 48 hours before calling a girl back. Don't put yourself on a time limit, but don't get impatient either. Don't call or text her right after the date, at least wait until morning.

    • Finish the conversation yourself. Whether you're texting or talking on the phone, when you feel the conversation is coming to an end, try to end the conversation yourself. You will seem busier and she will always want more.
    • There is nothing wrong with starting a chat or calling first. In fact, it shows that you are interested and serious about your intentions. Don't worry about it. If she sees that you are serious about her, she herself will take the initiative in her own hands, without even noticing it. If she doesn't, then she's not that interested in you.
    • Please wait a few minutes to reply to the message. If you answer right away, it will mean that you were sitting and waiting for her to write. Wait 5-20 minutes before replying to a message. But don't wait too much long, otherwise the thread of the conversation may be lost.
  5. Become the initiator of the second date. If a week after the first date, the thought of her still flutters in the stomach, then ask her out again. Try to make it more romantic than the first - invite her to dinner instead of a cup of coffee, or spend the evening alone, rather than with a group of friends.

    • Kiss her! If you're in a romantic mood and you haven't kissed yet, take the opportunity to kiss her goodbye. When you get closer and look into each other's eyes, it's time to decide on a kiss. Take your time, give her time - she will either reciprocate or push you away. Pay attention to signs that she wants a kiss. If this is your first kiss with a girl, stop there, even if she invites you in. Just answer: "Not today, next time!" This will show her that you want something more meaningful than a fleeting fling and that you are interested in a relationship with her.
  6. Repeat. All relationships develop differently. Sometimes you will have to initiate all dates until you are officially a couple. Sometimes she will initiate. In the first case, you need to try to catch the signals that will let you know if she is interested in communicating with you or just shy.

    • Recognize signals in person. If she responds to your flirting, laughs at your jokes, and seems to be comfortable with you, she's probably interested in you. On the other hand, if she sits away from you and crosses her arms, or if she refuses to make eye contact with you, then this is a sure sign of a lack of interest in you. Try taking her hand while walking, or put your hand on her knee while watching a movie or dinner. If she moves your hand away or makes it clear that she is uncomfortable, then she is probably not affectionate enough for you.
    • Recognize signals in messages. If you feel like you're constantly dragging out the conversation, or she constantly replies with short phrases like "good," "great," and the like, she's probably not interested in you. She probably knows that such words will not lead to meaningful conversation and is just trying to be polite and not give a reason to misunderstand her. However, pay more attention to signals in face-to-face meetings. In a difficult situation, talk to mutual friends to better understand her behavior.
  • Move on to touch gradually. Touch her shoulder, hug her waist, or give her a hand if she stumbles.
  • If she doesn't want to be your girlfriend, don't go to extremes. Maybe she's just not ready yet.
  • Have your privacy. Girls don't like guys who don't have their own personal lives that stick to them like a bath sheet. Some girls like it, but because of the wrong motives - they are either not confident in themselves or they need attention, and sometimes they are driven by a desire to dominate guys. If none of these scenarios suits you, make sure you have enough friends, hobbies, and goals in your life.
  • Lovers usually look into each other's eyes for a long time. You can do this when both of you are romantically inclined. Make eye contact while talking, but periodically look away and switch your interest to other things. Make sure you don't stare at the person's body (chest, arms, shoes, whatever) for a long time, even with admiration and curiosity. In general, you do not want a person to feel like under a microscope.
  • If she already has a partner, don't interfere in their relationship.
  • One of the best ways to find out how you can find a girl is to understand why you don't have one now! Look inside yourself and think about what you can improve and what you are already doing well.
  • Any time you are in a setting where there are a lot of girls, talk to each of them and choose the one you would like to spend more time with. Get in the habit of exchanging contact information with at least one girl every time you are among them. If she's not interested, that's fine, you'll find the right one next time. If you've gone on a few dates and it didn't turn into a relationship, don't worry. The more often you go on dates, the greater your chances of finding a girl.
  • Be polite to every girl, not just the one you like.
  • Don't rush things. It may take a week, a month, or even several months before the girl realizes that you are "the one."
  • If you are very shy, invite a friend with you - in which case he will cheer you up.
  • Learn to read body language. Feel it or not, but people always express their attitude towards you with signals. If you learn to read these signals, you can adapt your words and behavior to make a girl like you more, or stop wasting time with someone who doesn't like anything you say or do.


  • Don't talk about past relationships. Under no circumstances should this be done. You will only give the impression that you cannot let it all go. If a girl asks about your past relationship, just say that you realized that you didn’t fit together the way you initially thought, so you decided to move on and find someone with whom you will experience great mutual happiness. Be concise and don't ask about her ex.
  • Be positive. If you're having a bad day, still greet her with a kind look and a big smile. When you're hanging out with a girl, don't complain about traffic, your boss, or your job. If you just need to complain, do it, but in moderation, and then say: "I'm glad that I'm here with you now!"
  • It is worth emphasizing that you should not go deep and talk about your unique hobbies and interests if the person does not share or ask them. a lot of questions. If she only asks a few questions, then she may not be as interested as you are. Most likely, she tries to be polite, so in a conversation you should not pay all attention to her enthusiasm. At the first meeting, it is better to listen to a person and find out what he has to say, and not talk about himself.
  • Do not use memorized phrases to meet a girl. Girls love sincere guys, not those who memorize phrases from the Internet.
  • Many guys are held back by the fear of being misunderstood. For example, she is carrying a bag, and you are afraid to offer help; it seems to you that in this way you hint at her weakness, and that she considers you to be "macho". Let go of your fears and think about what you are really doing. You help her because you really want to. What could be wrong with this? If you're not questioning her abilities in any way, then she's probably not that good that she thinks that of you, is she? Go ahead. If your actions come from the heart, then a decent girl will see it.


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