Do-it-yourself felt valentines. Do-it-yourself valentine from felt (master class) How to make a valentine from felt with your own hands

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The great popularity of valentines swept our country. A postcard similar to a heart is fraught with a lot of positive feelings. How varied the number of such works, anyone can find to their liking and please their soul mate.

I want to offer you the option of creating such presentations on your own, with your own hands. You do not need to have any special knowledge to create such beauty. All you need is a persistent desire and materials for creation.

You can use such a gift as an independent gift, as well as attach it to the main one. I think that it will be much more interesting than buying an ordinary postcard in a store. Your created work will be filled with your feelings, and the second half will certainly appreciate it.

We make a pattern from felt with our own hands

For Valentine's Day, you can create a card or a toy from a material such as felt. Its advantages are such that when cut, its edges do not crumble, it keeps its shape perfectly. To create such crafts, you need felt itself, threads of a suitable color and a needle. In addition to the decoration, you can use beads or beads, various rhinestones and interesting jewelry.

We will need:

  • felt - red
  • white threads - not thin
  • needle
  • lace
  • sequins or beads
  • hot glue

We begin to collect our Valentine.

  • We lay the template on the prepared felt and circle it in 2 copies.

  • We cut out, fold two parts and stitch with white threads, embroider beautifully, because. this seam will be outside.

  • We do not sew our heart to the end, we fill it with cotton wool and continue to sew.

  • We fix the seam on the stitched valentine and tear off the thread.
  • We attach lace and beads to the hot glue.

To make such a valentine, you will need templates, I will post them below.

You can create the same hearts, but slightly changing their design.

Well, how difficult is it? It seems to me that not at all, and even fascinating, carefully, needlework is addictive. And soon it may become your hobby.

Beautiful paper cards for children

We do not forget about our dear and beloved children, who, in their own way, are also preparing for this wonderful holiday. Children in kindergarten make heart-shaped cards for their moms and dads. Schoolchildren of elementary grades can already give them even to the girls they like.

To create such presentations, you don’t need much, of course, desire and paper of various colors, glue, you can use beads for decoration, ribbons and beautiful threads, scissors and a pencil. If you write poetry, then use pens of different colors or thin felt-tip pens and start creating.

These postcards should be made only under the supervision of elders.

To make this type of craft, we need:

  • thick paper
  • scissors
  • bright color markers

We print out a postcard or a template, or we redraw it ourselves on thicker paper. Cut along the lines, decorate the heart with a bright red color.

Our postcard is ready, you can sign it and present it.

Option 2:

  • We apply the template to thick colored cardboard and cut it out along the contour.
  • We bend in the middle giving the shape of a postcard.
  • We sign the finished work, you can decorate it with rhinestones or a ribbon.

Option 3:

  • We cut out a template from red cardboard (there are ready-made templates above).
  • From colored paper, cut out strips 1 cm wide.
  • We cut along the edge, and wind it on a pencil.
  • We tie the finished flower with a thread and glue it to the finished template.

Our Valentine is ready, give it to your loved one, I think he will like it very much.

Very beautiful, isn't it? Can you imagine how much joy it will bring to your children if you create such beauty together.

Master class for making valentines from foamiran

I'll start by describing this material more accurately. Foamiran - foamed rubber, usually used in various types of needlework. It comes from different companies and manufacturers. Usually on sale you can see Chinese-made, denser look. Perfect for our Valentines.

Another feature that it has is elasticity. By heating it a little with an iron, it can take any shape. Most often, flower arrangements are created from it.

We will need:

  • foamiran - red
  • glue gun and sticks
  • thick cardboard - white or red
  • scissors
  • ruler

  • We cut the material into long strips 1 cm wide, then into small rectangles 2-2.5 cm long.

  • Cut off the corners from one edge, rounding them towards the middle.
  • We apply the chopped parts to the iron and let the foamiran warm up a little.

  • Quietly remove from the iron. Putting fingers to the middle, we stretch, creating a kind of depression inside, giving the shape of a petal.

  • From the finished petals we create a small rose, sticking them from below to each other.

  • We apply a template to the remnants of the foam material, circle it and cut it out.

  • We apply the finished cut-out template in the form of a heart to the cardboard and glue it.

  • On the prepared "heart" glue the finished rose.

  • Glue the remaining petals along the edge of the rose in one row.

Look what beauty we got, and all this thanks to the usual foamiran. I think now your soulmate will be satisfied with such a gift.

Video on how to make beaded valentines

Beads are an excellent material for creating beautiful works. Therefore, we will try and create something very magical from it. For work, we may need a wire of small diameter or fishing line, and a bead larger than the beads themselves. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but believe me, it's worth it.

Well, what do you say? I liked it, isn't it very exciting, and to some extent even a little calming. I like it, I myself have been doing this type of creativity for some time and was delighted.

The most beautiful valentines from sweets and corrugated paper

Well, are you ready to pamper your halves with something tasty? Do you want a more interesting and original version? I propose to beautifully conceal your sweet gift in corrugated paper, it will turn out just super. Thanks to the porosity and elasticity of a material such as corrugated paper, your ordinary box of chocolates will turn into a masterpiece. Let's start creating, I recorded a short video tutorial on creating roses from corrugated paper. It is very difficult to show this in pictures. Happy viewing.

  • After creating such roses, hide the candy in the middle.
  • When you have made the edges twisted, do not rush to wrap the rosette.
  • Secure your candy on the edge with double-sided tape, and then boldly begin to twist.
  • Do not be afraid corrugated paper will take the desired shape.
  • We attach the finished roses to the prepared piece of foam cut out in the shape of a heart, using glue or the same double-sided tape.
  • So that your foam does not catch the eye with its white color, pre-paint it in a color corresponding to the colors, use paint or glue it with corrugated paper.

Your finished work will look something like this, do not forget to fantasize.

It turned out great, but such a present can be presented on other holidays. A great addition to the main gift, and even more so made by hand.

There are so many ideas that should not be missed, because such a holiday happens only once a year and it should be fabulously magical. Create, give and just be loved and happy.

A great idea is to make a valentine out of felt in the shape of a heart. Do-it-yourself felt valentines are a small confession of your feelings and a cute decoration.

How to start making felt valentines?

We chose soft pink felt for our Valentine. Cut out three identical hearts. Cut off the top of one of the hearts. We make a loop from a rope of a suitable color.

With the help of pins we fix all three hearts together. First, we put two whole hearts on top of each other, and place the half of the heart with a pocket in front.

We sew all three hearts.

When sewing hearts, do not forget to sew a loop.

We leave a small hole through which we fill the heart with padding polyester.

Here is our Valentine. The pocket in front of the heart is designed to put a declaration of love in it!

Happy Valentine's Day to all your family and friends by giving them cute handmade felt valentines.

And you can use these valentines as a keychain or decoration on a handbag.

Let these hearts be a little reminder that someone loves you and you love someone!

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to exchange valentines - cards in the form of hearts as a sign of love, tenderness and fidelity. You can buy a heart card in almost any bookstore and kiosk. But it is better to create a unique valentine for a gift to your loved one yourself. There are many ideas for what kind of heart-shaped craft you can create. We offer to make felt hearts with your own hands. Felt is a wonderful material. It is soft and warm to the touch. In addition, the felt does not crumble when cutting, it is easily stitched and processed. Having picked up the material of bright colors, you can make variously designed crafts.

Master classes - felt hearts

1. Hearts with scalloped edges

You will need:

  • small pieces of felt in saturated colors;
  • cotton threads in the color of felt;
  • small pins;
  • special scissors;
  • synthetic winterizer (holofiber);
  • sewing needle.
  1. We make a pattern-stencil for the heart from felt of the desired size. We circle it on the prepared squares of the material. For each heart, we need two identical parts.
  2. With special scissors, cut out a small heart with curly edges.
  3. We sew the workpiece along the contour with a thread, slightly stepping back from the edge. Without sewing a little, we fill the workpiece with a padding polyester, helping with a thin stick.
  4. Sew to the end, carefully fastening the seam.
  5. In the center of the heart we place a small safety pin and sew it with small stitches.
  6. Bright felt valentines are ready!
  7. Look very presentable double felt hearts. For their manufacture, you should choose the colors of felt that blend well with each other.

    You can decorate hearts sewn from felt with lace, embroidery, narrow silk ribbons, felt flowers or buttons.

    The simplest hearts that form a variety of garlands, or felt hearts placed in a row, as well as cut tree branches decorated with hanging hearts, look intricate. You can put wishes in miniature pockets if a Valentine's Day party is being held.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I decided to sew my favorite felt valentine with my own hands. I drew the pattern myself, but the result surprisingly exceeded all my expectations. The cheap plastic beads from the children's set looked especially impressive 🙂 The work itself is not difficult at all, but the result strongly depends on accuracy, so I set the degree of difficulty to medium. Although my nine-year-old daughter made a similar valentine very beautifully. True, she did not work out with beadwork.

I share with you my pattern. You can also read below about the sequence of work or watch the video MK.

For work you will need:

  • felt of medium hardness in white and three shades of pink;
  • pattern printer;
  • sharp scissors;
  • beaded needle;
  • beads of white (larger) and pink (smaller) colors;
  • synthetic winterizer for filling;
  • the threads are white and pink to match the delicate pink color.

How to make a valentine from felt with your own hands:

  1. We print out a valentine pattern across the width of an A4 sheet and cut out the elements.
  2. Before cutting, be sure to pin the templates to the felt with pins so that they do not move.
  3. Cut out 2 large white hearts, 1 smaller light pink heart, 5 beige leaves and 3 flowers from rich pink felt. We impose a pink heart on a large white one and carefully center it.
  4. With a pink thread, we begin to sew a pink heart to a white, overcast seam. The width of the stitches is equal to the diameter of one bead + 0.5 mm. Sew the first bead into the corner. Before each next puncture, we string 2 pink beads onto the thread.

  5. Tightening the thread of the overcasting seam, make sure that one bead remains at the bottom on the pink heart, and the second at the top on the white one. The stretched thread should run BETWEEN these beads.
  6. I draw your attention to the situation when you will sew beads in the corner between two tubercles. In the very central stitch, string only one bead and leave it at the bottom. It forms a sharp corner. Then again we continue to string 2 pink beads.
  7. We also make a corner at the bottom of the heart, but leave a lone bead outside the pink heart (at the top of the stitch).
  8. Next, we make 3 felt flowers from templates. I don't want to repeat myself. About how to make them. We sew them like buttons, placing them according to the scheme, and stringing a central white bead of a suitable size on top of the thread.

  9. We try on beige leaves. We sew them in the right place, making 3 stitches in succession in the center, and from the sides making a pair of oblique stitches imitating the veins of a plant.
  10. Now we combine the embroidered and pure white hearts and begin to sew them together.
  11. We also sew with an overcast seam, but at the same time we string only one white bead. The bead itself is always placed outside the heart (at the top of the stitch).
  12. When a small hole remains from the edge, we fill the heart through it with synthetic winterizer. Finishing the seam. Piercing the felt from the inside with a sharp needle and turning the needle evenly distribute the stuffing - usually there is less of it in the sewn hole than in the rest of the heart.

Just a couple of hours - and a beautiful unique gift that declares your tender feelings is ready!

Shared the master class

Anastasia Kononenko

It's time to say goodbye to your favorite holiday for a year, clean up, take off with love made with love ... But do not be upset, the next kind and wonderful holiday awaits us ahead - St. Valentine's Day.

I propose to start preparing for it all together!

Let's start, perhaps, with the main thing - making a valentine. Today I will share with you a master class for making felt valentines. Even the smallest children can participate in its manufacture, the main thing is to give your little helper a piece of felt and rather start an entertaining activity together!

What you need

  • Pattern paper;
  • Colored paper on which we will write a congratulation (preferably red or pink);
  • Thick felt 2 colors;
  • Thin felt 1 color;
  • Glue;
  • Scissors
  • Your good mood 🙂


Felt valentine

Here is a felt valentine we made yesterday. It took 30 minutes of time, so it's not difficult at all. So where do we start?

Medium heart-band

To begin with, we draw a pattern - 3 hearts one inside the other and cut them out in this order: first the largest, then the smallest. We cut out the middle one at the very end, we only need it in the form of such a rim.

Hearts for patterns

We cut out the smallest heart in two copies: one for a pattern from plain paper, the other from colored paper (congratulations on Valentine's Day will flaunt on it).


Next, take a thick felt (the thickness of such a felt is 5 mm.) And cut out a big heart, this is the basis of our valentine. From a piece of felt of a different color (we have pink), we cut out a smaller heart, these will be the “doors” of our postcard.

From thin felt (2 mm thick.) We cut out a medium heart according to the pattern, or rather, its rim (we have a raspberry color). This rim will serve as a frame for congratulations, and create volume throughout the postcard.

Set of details for valentine

We also need to cut a rectangle out of thin felt, these will be our “door hinges”, on which a small opening heart will be held.

Here is a set of details we get.

So, let's start assembling.

Felt valentine is ready!

We glue “door hinges” on a big heart, then on them - a heart made of colored paper, on which there will be a congratulation. After that - a medium heart-frame made of thin felt and in conclusion - we glue a "door" to the "hinges" - a small heart made of thick pink felt.

Everything, it remains only to write a congratulation with all your love and the valentine is ready!

Dear friends! Let's get ready for Valentine's Day together! In the following posts - a lot of interesting things in preparation for this wonderful holiday, so join 🙂!


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