Poems about cars for children of all ages. Topic: consolidation of the studied material

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Masha has poppies and chamomile on her pocket.

Ruffs are good in Sheken, pikes are also good.

I was walking along the highway with a cane and heard the noise of the chassis.

There is a midge in the porridge.
Hurry, cat, eat from a bowl
Porridge with a midge.

Our chess player will over-chess your chess player, over-chess.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on a cuckoo hood,
How funny he is in the hood!

Sixteen mice walked
And they found six pennies.
And the mice, which is worse,
Noisily rummage pennies.

In the hut, only a bumblebee makes noise.
There, curled up, Sasha sleeps.

Hush, mice! The cat is on the roof!
Make a noise - he will hear!

A hat and a fur coat - that's our Mishutka.

I walked over the pebbles, found a silk fur coat.

Hurry up, don't hesitate
Run for nuts.
But the nuts are good
Don't hesitate, hurry up.

They walked, walked - they found a pie.
Sit down, eat, move on.

Misha's hat hit a bump.

Our path is strewn with peas.
Take a spoon and eat peas.

The cockerel whispers to the cat:
Do you see the big scallop?
The cat whispers to the cockerel:
- Take a step - and take a bite!

The hedgehog washed his ears in the bath,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"

Shishiga walked along the highway,
Shel, rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: "Mistake",
Ears wiggle.

pine cones,
Checkers on the table.

There are six rascals in the hut.

Barrel-organs mumble and shawls shuffle.

Pasha was given galoshes and gaiters.

At Andryushina's car
Good tyres.

There is a meter of silk in the purse.

I write jokes for Dashutka and Mishutka.

The crumb mouse has crumbs in its hole.

Good in the track pies with potatoes.

Sasha walked along the highway.

Sasha and Mishutka have funny jokes.

Six mice rustle in a hut.

You are welcome to our hut.

Mother gave Romasha whey from yogurt.

The mouse whispers to the mouse:
- You're all rustling, rustling!
The mouse whispers to the mouse:
- I'll rustle quieter!

The porridge ripened in the meadow.
Kashka is a cow Masha.
Masha likes lunch:
Nothing tastes better!

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies.
Two worse mice carried two pennies each.

Our gray cat was sitting on the roof.
And your gray cat sat even higher.

Midges stuck around the lamp,
Warm thin legs.
Watch out, midges!
Burn your feet!

She sewed a fur coat - she sewed a skirt.
I sewed a hat - I sewed a slipper.
Good seamstress Natasha!

Masha is tired of the hat,
Masha did not finish her porridge.
Masha, finish your porridge,
Don't bother mom!

Sasha sewed a hat soon
The seam was scribbled with silk quickly.

Here are the kids Masha, Misha.
Masha is smaller, Misha is taller.
Misha Masha is writing something.
Guess what Misha writes.

There's a puddle here, see, Lusha?
You go where the land is.
Go where the puddle is already!
Know walking into a puddle Lusha.

Even the neck, even the ears
You stained in black ink.
Get in the shower soon.
Rinse mascara off your ears under the shower.
Rinse the mascara off your neck under the shower.
Dry off after shower.
Dry neck, dry ears,
And don't get your ears dirty.

Rustling with silks in a hut
Yellow dervish from Algeria
And juggling knives
The piece is eaten by figs.

Jasper in suede is mossy.

- Dance "SHOES" arr. T.Izvoznikova -

I hear, again the legs are knocking Whose legs are they in a hurry to the birch?

(GOAT appears)

Oh yes, birch! Green branches. Fresh greens Tastier than sweets. I chew the leaves, I really want to eat! Guys, help
Save the birch. Come, goat, here - There is grass here for you.

- pencil drawing "GRASS FOR THE GOAT" -

Here, guys, well done, Let's play bells.

- NOISE ORCHESTRA (tambourines, bells) -

The sun walked across the sky, the sun was tired by the evening. Whispered: "It's time to sleep" - And fell asleep until the morning.

On the pillow head I stroke, I stroke my forehead . - according to the text MUSIC: DRAWING WITH PENCIL: Topic: "Weed for a goat" 1. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly. 2. Learn to draw lines from top to bottom next to each other. 3.Reinforce knowledge of color. 1. Learn to listen to a piece, promote memorization. 2. To form the ability to understand the content. FINGER GYMNASTICS: Topic: "Backfiller", "Fingers woke up." 1. Coordinate movements with the text. 2. Develop rhythmic hearing and fine motor skills. PHYSICAL CULTURE: 1.Teach children to walk in different directions without bumping.2. Exercise in walking on an inclined board, throwing the ball at a distance with each hand.3. Cultivate the ability to restrain yourself. MATHS: Theme "One-many" 1. Learn to correlate objects by quantity. VOICE GAME: Topic: "Crow" 1. Learn the correct onomatopoeia. 2. Learn to pronounce vowels, pronounce syllables loudly.

20 "Katya and the car"

Hello pens! - clap their hands Hi Hi! Hello legs! - pat legs Hi Hi! - open and close cams

nose, eyes, etc.)

Blue, blue sky and streams. Sparrows are splashing in the blue puddles. On the snowdrifts brittle Ice-lace. First thawed patches, First grass. Katya woke up in the morning And washed her face with cold water.

We will lather our hands, - Look, look! - show open palms And above the handles, like clouds - Bubbles, bubbles! - " flashlights" The guys also wash their faces every morning and even know the song about it.

We washed the doll, now it's time to feed her breakfast. We need to cook porridge for the doll.

- finger game "PORRIDGE" (according to L.B. Gavrisheva) -

This porridge is for Katyushka, - fold the palms in a "plate" Steam rose from the porridge. - pull hands up Where is the porridge? - shrug There is not! All! - shake their heads negativelythen wave your hand You take a spoon,
Eat a little porridge.

(children “feed” Katya with porridge)

Katya-beauty Kashka really likes it. We will play with the doll, Roll Katenka in the stroller.

(children roll Katya in a stroller)

Katya liked to ride, and she decided to ride in a car.

- design "MACHINE" -

- motor exercise "MACHINE"

We drove by car - go stomping in a circle We went up the mountain - stop, raise your hands up And then they fell - bang, - squat
We rolled into the river - plop! - slam hands on the floor The doll rode in the car, the tires rustled along the highway,
The clouds were walking
The sun smiled at the birds.

In the distance there was a house - I'll take a walk on foot.

- dance "SHOES" arr. T.Izvoznikova -

She walked through a shady park, She met a dog. The dog showed his paw
whined and "Woof!" said. There was a rose thorn
The doll pulled out a splinter.

(the teacher “takes out” the splinter, ties the paw, introducing the children to the first-aid kit)

In gratitude, the poor dog licked his cheeks and nose. The dog played with the doll
He threw a ball with a doll.

- PHYSICAL EDUCATION (with balls) -

Walking and running in a column one at a time and scattered. outdoor switchgear: 1.I.p: standing, hold the ball in front in both hands. Wave your hand to the right. Turn to the right, return to the starting position (3-4 times in each direction). 2. i. p: lying on your stomach, hold the ball in straight arms, raise your arms, slightly raise the upper body, lower it (4-5 times), 3.I.p: lie on your back, legs together, hold the ball with both hands at the chest. Pull the legs to the body so that the knees touch the ball, lower them to the floor (3-4 times). 4. Jumping on two and on one leg. Put the ball on the floor. Walking one after another with the ball in their hands. Stop in the place designated for throwing. ATS: Throwing the ball at a distance from behind the head. Walking on an inclined board up and down (2-3 times). Long jump from a place on two legs to a landmark (at a distance of 40-50 cm). Walking in a circle, holding hands. She walked through a green field, A pony horse was grazing there. The doll wove her a wreath Of blue flowers, Gathered water in the river,
So that she can drink. "Igo-go!" - said the pony. “Very kind palms!”

- application "WREATH" -

She walked through a pine forest,
An old raven slept on a branch. The sun shone brightly, The doll gave a hat. I gave a candy wrapper to a magpie, a handbag to a chipmunk, shoes to a mouse and a beetle. The doll walked for a long time,
She sang and played songs. And when it got dark
I realized that I got lost. And when the moon rose
Scared to be alone.

(The teacher talks with the children about the rules of behavior in the forest and how to behave if you get lost or lost, activates the children for a voice game - “Au-AU!”)

(musical accompaniment at the choice of the teacher)

Hey animals, well done! They came to the aid of the doll. And they escorted me home, And put me to bed!

(children with a teacher put the doll in a crib)

- finger game "ZASYPALOCHKA" -

On the pillow head - connect palms under the cheek I stroke, I stroke my forehead . - according to the text I close my eyes, I fall asleep soundly. PHYSICAL CULTURE: 1. Fix the ability to walk on an inclined board. 2. Coordinate your movements with the movements of other children. 3. To improve the long jump from a place and throwing at a distance from behind the head. 4. Contribute to the education of courage, dexterity and independence MUSIC: 1. To form the ability to intonate a melody, memorize words. 2. Learn to perform a song in a round dance, coordinating the performance with movement in a circle. 3. Improve the ability to perform dance movements in pairs, coordinating the movements with the text. 4. Teach rhythmic performance on musical instruments (tambourines, bells). 5. To form the ability to run away on a signal (with the end of the music). APPLICATION: Topic: “Wreath” 1. Learn to stick ready-made forms in a certain order. 2. Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes, parts of a birdhouse. 3. Develop fantasy, imagination. READING ART LITERATURE: E. Mikhailenko's poem "About Katya" 1. Learn to listen to the work, promote memorization. 2. To form the ability to understand the content. FINGER GYMNASTICS: Topic: "Porridge", "Washer", "Backfiller" 1. Coordinate movements with the text. 2. Develop rhythmic hearing and fine motor skills. VOICE GAME: Topic: "Au-au" 1. Learn the correct onomatopoeia. 2. Learn to pronounce vowels, pronounce syllables loudly. DESIGN: Topic: “A car for Katya” 1. Learn to build a car from a plate, a cube, a brick. 2. Cause joy, interest, good feelings for the character. MOTOR EXERCISE: Theme "Machine"

1. Develop rhythmic ear, the ability to coordinate movement with the text.

21 "Katya Doll's Birthday"

(Based on the poem by E. Mikhailenko "The Ball at Masha's Doll")

The teacher greets the children warmly, they sing a greeting together

- greeting song "LADUSHKI" -

(melody at the choice of music director)

Hello pens! - clap their hands Hi Hi! - open and close cams Hello legs! - pat legs Hi Hi! - open and close cams

(the teacher can invite children to say hello to different parts of the body:

nose, eyes, etc.)

(the teacher invites the children to the doll that sleeps in the crib)

Hush, hush, kids! Our doll Katya is sleeping... We love our doll very much, We don't wake our doll.

(the teacher invites the children to shake the doll to the lullaby melody,

accompanying the action with lulling: "Bayu-bayu." "A-a-a")

The sun has already risen, it's time for our doll to wake up. Doll Katya wakes up, Washes herself with icy water. Water, water, wash my face. To make the eyes sparkle, To make the cheeks blush. So that the mouth laughs, To bite the tooth. (Russian folk amusement)

- finger game "WASH" ​​(according to L.B. Gavrisheva) -

We will lather our hands, - stroking one or the other hand Look, look! - show open palms And above the handles, like clouds - wave their arms over their heads Bubbles, bubbles! - " flashlights"

- the song "ABOUT VODICHKA" to lyrics by N. Mikhailova, music. V.Zhubinskaya -

Guys, today is Katya's birthday! She is so elegant, beautiful, but for some reason sad ... Today is Katya's birthday! Why is she sad? No guests, no congratulations, Alone sits. Suddenly a plane rushed in, he took Katya in flight!

Extraneous sounds that occur during the operation of the car usually indicate a malfunction in the chassis. Some of them, due to their specificity, can cause nervous breakdown in drivers. In particular, this is characteristic of a failed hub bearing, which begins to howl heart-rendingly, and the worse its condition, the more terrible this “crying” becomes. However, it happens that the noise coming from under the wheels of the vehicle is mistaken for the rumble of the bearing. Is there any way to tell them apart?

Indeed, it happens that tires are the source of extraneous noise. However, due to the fact that not every driver is well versed in the technical device of the vehicle, the resulting noise often forces some of them to contact car services with a request to fix the problem. The masters promise to help, change serviceable parts, take money for it, but the problem remains unresolved. Alas, this is the reality.

It is difficult to distinguish the noise of rubber from the rumble of a bearing, but it is possible. To begin with, it is worth noting that, as a rule, winter studded tires emit an increased noise level. Therefore, motorists most often encounter the described difficulties in the cold season. However, if you have any doubts about the serviceability of the vehicle, you should not delay the diagnosis, because delay can lead to serious problems. Therefore, the option of the type “I’ll ride until spring, and then we’ll see” is better to dismiss it right away. What you need to know about bearing hum?

Unlike tire noise, a failed bearing howls constantly. The noise will only get louder as acceleration increases. Additional "symptoms of the disease" may be the impacts that occur in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe legs of the passenger or driver, which rubber cannot give either. The howl can subside only at the moment of cornering, which will be facilitated by the redistribution of the load on the axles of the car. Well, the trump card: the howl emitted by the bearing becomes so strong over time that it is already impossible to even hear the radio because of it.

Now let's turn our attention to rubber noise. It may vary depending on the type of road surface and asphalt temperature. For example, winter tires run quieter as the temperature drops, while summer tires, on the contrary, when the thermometer rises to marks above 15-20ºС. At the same time, at the moment of movement on a smooth, newly laid asphalt, the noise may disappear altogether. The bearing will hum continuously and constantly.

In order to verify the correctness or erroneousness of your diagnosis, it is enough to diagnose the problem node. The front hub bearings most often fail, and in order to make sure that they are in good condition, it is enough to raise the car on a jack and check for play in the wheel. If the disk swings freely, then it's time to replace the part. At the same time, the stronger the backlash, the sooner the malfunction requires elimination.

Four days without a wheel
I have a car.
Her whole body is dented,
And the headlights don't shine anymore
Broken glass,
Left wing bent...
And mom and dad say
That it's all my fault,
That I'm still a bad driver
That I rush to the red traffic light.
I agree with them completely
And I promise dad
- Buy another car for me,
I won't break another one.
L. Rashkovsky

Here is the girl Marina,
And here is her car.
- On, machine, cup,
Eat, car, porridge.
Here's your bed.
Sleep, machine, sweet!
I treasure you
I won't turn you on.
So that you don't get tired
So that you don't catch a cold
So as not to run in the dust,
Sleep, car, do not be shawls!
Suddenly the car got sick:
She didn't drink, she didn't eat,
Didn't sit on the bench
Didn't play, didn't sleep
Was unhappy.
Visited the sick Mishka,
He treated me with candy "Mishka".
Katya doll came
In a clean white robe
Over the patient for an hour
Katya did not close her eyes.
The doctor knows everything in the world.
First-class doctor - Petya
(Petya finished first grade).
And the doctor saved the car.
The doctor listened to the patient
Freight, Clockwork,
He shook his head and said:
Why does the body hurt?
He cannot live without cargo.
Because the motor is cold
That the motor needs air.
Tired of living idle
And the car got sick.
She doesn't need silence
She needs movement.
How can we save the sick?
Take the key - And start!

This is for those who walk-roam
Where the rustle of tires is heard.
This song fits
For car lovers.

Like the car
Everyone knows it
Drive on the road
Or on the highway.

The wheels are spinning
And the motor hums.
A drives a car
Uncle driver.

By the highway on the branches
The snowmen are jumping.
Along the forest path
Zhiguli are coming.

And behind the Zhiguli
Quietly rides the Volga
She doesn't have a headlight
Here it goes for a long time.

And right behind the Volga
Dark blue jeep.
And the driver got out
He saw a mushroom.

We are with you too
Let's go and eat.
Mom at the window
Dad is driving.

I'm circling the streets -
I buzz very loudly.
With wind, snow and rain
The motorcycle has been around for a long time.
The beetle flies above the roof -
I'm ready to fly higher.
But like a pack horse
Don't use me.

Opening this book
And we call the pictures
There are exactly five pictures
We will read a book.
children's poems about cars Here is the first picture,
And on it is a machine:
Here is the cockpit, steering wheel and body
She needs a body for cargo.

The bunny is sitting in the back,
He looks at the wheels.
The machines are spinning
All four wheels.
Here is another picture
And she has a car
But not cargo
Passenger car

Here is the trunk, here is the salon-
This is a small wagon.
Here is the hood, and there is the engine,
The driver will take him. children's poems about cars
nursery rhymes about cars Here is the third picture,
And again the machine!
It's a jeep all-terrain vehicle
It will pass without a road.

And the wheels are big
And the wheels are winding,
He runs fast, fast
He hums loudly.
fourth picture-
Another machine!
This is a bold all-terrain vehicle
He will go everywhere, everywhere:
Through the swamps, through the mountains,
Through ravines, through forests.
It's a strong car
And a large cabin in it,
He walks on caterpillars
Loudly he starts the engine,
He walks and walks everywhere
By land and by water! children's poems about cars
nursery rhymes for children Here is the fifth picture-
And the fifth machine!
The tractor is called
Spinning, rolling:

Back and forth, back and forth
Like this, like this, like this, like this.
Tractor turned suddenly
And went around the whole circle.

He's pulling a trailer in the back
Crawl up the hill with him!
Tractor rumbles loudly
Trak-ta-tarrr! - he is screaming.
We read poems together
And we counted the cars:
There are only five cars here!


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