The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy. The condition of the woman and the fetus at the eighth week of pregnancy Beginning of the 8th week of pregnancy sensations

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In the article we discuss the 8th week of pregnancy - signs, lifestyle and possible complications. You will find out what the development of the fetus and the feeling of a woman are during pregnancy at 8 weeks, whether it is possible to do an ultrasound at the 8th week of pregnancy, what can be seen at 8 weeks of pregnancy in the photo, what to do if brown discharge, back pain or fever.

8 weeks pregnant - signs and symptoms

8 weeks - the turning point of pregnancy

When the gynecologist puts the eighth week of pregnancy, it means the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy. This period is considered from the first day of the last menstrual cycle, and not from the day of conception. Therefore, the 8th obstetric week is the 6th embryonic week or the 6th week of embryo development.

The peculiarity of the eighth week is that if a woman previously did not pay attention to the signs of pregnancy, now she can no longer ignore them.

What are the signs of pregnancy at 8 weeks pregnant:

  • tearfulness and a sharp change in mood;
  • frequent urination;
  • change in appetite;
  • the appearance of constipation;
  • dizziness;
  • morning sickness;
  • whitish discharge.

During a gynecological examination, the doctor will find a number of other signs:

  • the size of the uterus at the 8th week of pregnancy is about 7-8 cm, like a goose egg;
  • the uterus itself and the isthmus are softened, the cervix is ​​long;
  • external genitalia and vaginal mucosa swollen with blood.

In addition to a gynecological examination, you will be prescribed laboratory diagnostics - a blood test for progesterone and hCG. Elevated levels of progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin indicate the presence of pregnancy. The hCG hormone is produced by the membranes of the fetus and regulates all hormonal processes in the female body, including the hormone progesterone. Progesterone, in turn, stimulates the growth of the uterus, prevents contraction of its muscles and rejection of the ovum, and has a positive effect on the nervous system of the expectant mother.

HCG at 8 weeks pregnant - 23100-151000 mIU / ml. The norm of progesterone at the 8th week of pregnancy is in the range of 8.9-468.4 nmol / l. The exact values ​​​​of the norm can only be said by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of a particular female body.

Changes in the mother's body at 8 weeks of gestation

In the eighth week, a woman feels her pregnancy as very real physiological and psychological changes in the body.

Feelings in the eighth week of pregnancy

What happens to the expectant mother at this time:

  • increased urination;
  • some foods and smells become disgusting;
  • the breast increases due to the growth of the milk ducts;
  • the skin either improves or becomes too dry;
  • worried about frequent drowsiness, irritability, weakness.

The belly at 8 weeks pregnant is not yet visible. The average weight gain is from 500 g to 1 kg. In some cases, mothers, on the contrary, become slimmer.

What happens to the embryo at 8 weeks pregnant

A baby at the 8th week of pregnancy begins to grow rapidly, receiving the necessary vitamins and nutrients through the umbilical cord.

The size of the fetus at the 8th week of pregnancy is 13-19 mm, and the weight is about 3 g. Outwardly, it has arms and legs, wide-open eyes, lips, nostrils, tongue and auricles. By the end of the week, facial features begin to form, taste buds appear on the tongue, and the rudiments of olfactory receptors appear in the nose.

Internal development of the child at the 8th week of pregnancy:

  • the heart becomes 4-chambered;
  • the intestines and stomach are fully formed;
  • the brain is divided into halves, its convolutions are formed;
  • the formation of salivary and sweat glands begins;
  • improves the nervous and respiratory systems;
  • elbow and knee joints, phalanges of fingers are laid;
  • muscle and bone tissue develops;
  • the optic nerve and genital organs are born.

Fetal ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant

Ultrasound photo at 8 weeks pregnant

If you do an ultrasound during pregnancy at 8 weeks, a photo of the embryo will show that even if it is a tiny embryo, it is already a little man with arms, legs and cilia in his eyes. True, the legs are still 3 times shorter than the arms, and the head greatly exceeds the body.

What does ultrasound show at 8 obstetric weeks of pregnancy

  • an oval-shaped fetal sac and an embryo inside, which is similar in size to dark beans or raspberries;
  • heart in the form of a dark dot on the left side of the fetal body;
  • the yolk sac next to the baby's legs, through which the vital activity and nutrition of the embryo is carried out.

Also, on an ultrasound scan at the 8th week of pregnancy, you can see that the baby is already moving its legs, reflexively squeezing the arms, although the expectant mother does not feel it.

What you need to know about the eighth week of pregnancy

At the 8th week of pregnancy, a woman should radically change her lifestyle, get rid of bad habits and create the most “safe” atmosphere for the child. It is the 8th week that is one of those critical periods of pregnancy when any negative factor affects the development of the embryo.

Lifestyle in the eighth week of pregnancy

  1. Walk outdoors to avoid drowsiness and fatigue.
  2. Take vitamins and hormonal drugs as directed by a doctor strictly on time to evenly “feed” the body.
  3. When treating teeth, exclude x-rays and anesthesia.
  4. Do not carry heavy weights and try not to be nervous.
  5. Buy a comfortable bra for growing breasts.
  6. Give up high heels and rest with elevated legs more often, as the risk of varicose veins increases at the 8th week of pregnancy.

Nutrition at 8 weeks pregnant

Review your diet and eliminate foods such as coffee, sweets, pastries, fried, spicy and fatty foods. In order not to suffer from constipation, gas formation and flatulence, remove fresh bread, legumes and yeast dough products from the menu. Salty foods retain water in the body, so do not get carried away with them, otherwise you will provoke edema, which you are already prone to due to pregnancy.

What can you eat and drink in the first trimester:

  • herbal or green tea;
  • boiled meat of low-fat varieties;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • dairy;
  • cereals, dried fruits and nuts.

If you have morning sickness and can't eat normally, make ginger tea and have walnuts for breakfast. They relieve the symptoms of nausea.

What can go wrong at 8 weeks pregnant

Week 8 is not in vain called the critical period of pregnancy. It is during this time period that unpleasant and sometimes dangerous complications often occur.

Discharge at 8 weeks

Discharge at week 8 is considered normal if it is whitish or light in color and smells of slight sourness. If their color and frequency have changed, mucus, pus, burning, itching and pain in the genital area have appeared, this indicates an infection in the genitals. Be sure to consult a doctor for an examination.

Brown discharge at the 8th week of pregnancy is extremely dangerous, especially if your stomach hurts, you feel dizzy, you feel weak and nauseous. There is a high probability that at this time there is a detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus. Due to damage to the vessels, brown discharge appears. Call an ambulance and try to calm down so as not to hasten the separation of the embryo.

Frozen pregnancy at 8 weeks

A missed pregnancy is a failed miscarriage, when the embryo stops developing, dies, but remains in the uterus. The diagnosis is made in 10-20% of all pregnancies. In the first trimester, the risk of “fading” is especially high in the period from 3 to 4 weeks and from 8 to 11 weeks, the most dangerous period is 8 weeks.

Causes of missed pregnancy at 8 weeks:

  • an excess of androgens, which causes endocrine pathologies;
  • genetic disorders in the development of the fetus;
  • infectious diseases;
  • age over 35;
  • autoimmune conditions;
  • immunological factor;
  • poor nutrition, climate change;
  • smoking, alcohol, drugs;
  • inferiority of the mucous membrane of the uterus due to numerous abortions.

The main symptoms of a missed pregnancy in the first trimester:

  • basal temperature dropped to 37°C;
  • at the 8th week of pregnancy, the chest stopped hurting;
  • some blood is secreted from the genital tract;
  • the pregnancy test result is negative or weakly positive;
  • pulling, aching pains appeared in the lower back and / or lower abdomen;
  • toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 8th week of pregnancy.

If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. He will conduct a gynecological examination and take tests.

How a doctor diagnoses a missed pregnancy:

  • examines the uterus and determines the discrepancy between its size and the gestational age;
  • will make an ultrasound and find that at the 8th week of pregnancy there is no fetal heartbeat, or the embryo itself is absent in the presence of fetal membranes, or the size of the fetus does not correspond to the norm at this time;
  • check if the level of hCG in the blood is low.

If a missed pregnancy is not diagnosed for a long time, or a woman does not consult a doctor when symptoms are detected, the fetus will begin to decompose and turn into a source of bacteria that will provoke blood poisoning, sepsis and death.

Toxicosis at 8 weeks of gestation

Toxicosis at the 8th week of pregnancy is a typical complication of the first trimester. It is accompanied by morning sickness and vomiting 1-2 times a day, salivation and dermatosis. As a rule, all these symptoms disappear by the 12th week of pregnancy.

You should be careful if you:

  • vomiting more than 2-3 times a day;
  • loss of appetite;
  • strong feeling of weakness;
  • weight loss.

Symptoms indicate a severe form of toxicosis, which must be treated, otherwise there will be a serious risk to the health of the mother, up to termination of pregnancy. You will be prescribed infusion therapy, drugs to suppress the activity of the vomiting center, change the nutrition system until the general condition returns to normal.

Miscarriage at 8 weeks pregnant

If you have blood at the 8th week of pregnancy, be careful - this is the main symptom of a threatened miscarriage. Bleeding can be small, can last for several days or even weeks, accompanied by cramps and pain in the abdomen, lumbar region. The more such symptoms, and the more abundant the blood flows, the higher the risk of spontaneous abortion.

If you suspect a threatened miscarriage at the 8th week of pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately to prescribe therapy. If the bleeding has increased dramatically, blood clots have appeared, contractions have begun, this indicates detachment of the fetal egg and active contraction of the uterus. The miscarriage has already begun and cannot be stopped.

Pain in the lower back and abdomen

At the 8th week of pregnancy, pain in the abdomen and lower back may appear.

In the normal course of pregnancy, the growing uterus rises, irritates the sciatic nerve, and moderate pain occurs in the pelvis and thighs. If you have lower back pain at 8 weeks pregnant, try to rest on your side more often and sit less to reduce the pressure of the uterus on the nerve.

Sometimes at the 8th week of pregnancy, the lower abdomen is pulled, and minor training contractions appear. They are not dangerous if they are not accompanied by suspicious spotting, or if the pain in the lower abdomen does not increase. Otherwise, call an ambulance, because we are talking about the threat of a miscarriage.

Colds and fever

In the first trimester, the immunity of the expectant mother becomes weaker so that the immune system cannot act on the small fetus and destroy it. Because of this, the sensitivity of the expectant mother to infections, especially to colds, increases. A cold in early pregnancy can cause fetal hypoxia and miscarriage, so do not start the disease and do not self-medicate.

What to do if you have a cold at 8 weeks pregnant:

  1. Call a doctor at home so as not to visit the clinic and not expose your body to pathogens.
  2. Your doctor will assess the severity of your symptoms and prescribe appropriate home remedies, such as chamomile tea, coltsfoot gargle, saline nasal wash, berry fruit drinks, linden decoction, and warm honey tea to boost immunity.

When the body begins to fight the virus and infections with a cold, the temperature sometimes rises at the 8th week of pregnancy. When is it dangerous?

At an early stage, body temperature up to 37.4 ° C is considered normal, since a woman's metabolic rate increases and the production of progesterone increases, which controls the thermoregulation center in the brain.

If the temperature rises to 38°C and lasts for several days, it may indicate hidden inflammatory processes, so you should consult a doctor.

Temperatures above 38°C cause fetal developmental disorders:

  • mental retardation;
  • malformations of the central nervous system;
  • underdevelopment of body parts;
  • muscle hypotension;
  • microcephaly;
  • wolf sky, cleft lip;
  • fusion of fingers.

There is also a risk of pregnancy fading and spontaneous miscarriage.

For this reason, temperatures above 38 ° C must be brought down, but only after consulting a doctor. First, try traditional alcohol-free rubdowns and cool water lotions. If they do not help, the doctor will prescribe a suitable paracetamol-based antipyretic. Never take aspirin as it changes blood clotting and causes bleeding.

Is it possible to have sex at 8 weeks pregnant

Sex at the 8th week of pregnancy is prohibited only if there are contraindications:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • purulent, bloody, foul-smelling discharge.

In other cases, you can have sex. Although a man should be more attentive to a woman, because during this period she is very sensitive to changes in the body and may react differently to her usual postures.

For more information about the 8th week of pregnancy, see the video:

What to remember

  1. At the 8th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby and mother - the woman's breasts grow, morning sickness and drowsiness appear; the embryo already looks like a person, there is a head, arms, legs, eyes, nose, ears.
  2. In the eighth week, you need to change your lifestyle - give up nicotine, alcohol, switch to proper healthy eating and walk more often.
  3. If at the 8th week of pregnancy you stop feeling sick, your chest no longer hurts, there is pain in the lower back, you may have a miscarriage.
  4. The most dangerous symptoms are brown discharge, bleeding, temperature above 38°C. All of them indicate the threat of miscarriage.

At 8 weeks, the second month of pregnancy ends. Not a single external sign has yet hinted to others that a woman is preparing to become a mother, but she herself has probably already managed to face many symptoms and fully feels her new state. The period of 7-11 weeks of pregnancy is the time when you need to visit a gynecologist and other medical specialists, pass a lot of different tests.

Significant changes continue to occur in the body of the unborn child. The first trimester of pregnancy is the time when the internal organs are actively forming in the embryo. By the beginning of the fetal period, it will actually be a fully formed miniature child: by the time of birth, his body will only have to mature and grow.

Signs and symptoms of 8 weeks pregnant

Symptoms of the first trimester occur in different expectant mothers at different times, are expressed in different ways. In some women, they are very bright, it comes down to toxicosis, while others may not experience them at all.

At week 8, a woman may experience the following manifestations of pregnancy:
· Small bleeding from the vagina. You can find traces of her on the linen. Most often, there is nothing to worry about: just the cervix has become softer, tender, vulnerable. She bleeds easily after intercourse. However, if there is a lot of blood flowing, as during menstruation, this may be a sign of a miscarriage. If in any doubt, it is best to consult a doctor immediately.

· strange dreams. Many expectant mothers in early pregnancy begin to have strange dreams, because hormonal changes are taking place in their body, and they are still psychologically getting used to pregnancy, experiencing fear, anxiety.

· constipation. In the first trimester of pregnancy, they occur in about half of pregnant women. This is also the result of hormonal effects. Hormones slow down the movement of food through the digestive tract so that the body can extract from it the maximum of valuable substances necessary for the embryo.

· Cramps in the lower abdomen. This is normal, as your uterus begins to grow in size, stretching its ligaments. But if the spasms are very strong, painful, you need to see a doctor.

· Enhanced sense of smell. Smells that you most likely didn't notice before are now beginning to be felt very sharply. They seem very sharp and unpleasant, causing nausea. The most effective way to combat this symptom is to try to avoid smells that make you feel uncomfortable.

· Nausea. Sometimes this symptom is called "morning sickness", but in fact it can bother you at any time of the day. Some future mothers do not experience it at all, while in others it causes vomiting - in this case, most likely, the doctor will diagnose early toxicosis of pregnant women and prescribe treatment.

· Constant fatigue. First, the growing uterus begins to take on more and more blood, so the woman's blood pressure decreases. Secondly, the level of sugar and other nutrients in the blood decreases, because the body of the embryo actively consumes them. All this leads to the fact that a woman constantly feels tired.

What happens to the embryo at 8 weeks pregnant?

At the 8th week of pregnancy, the size of the embryo is compared with beans, olives, raspberries.

The length of his body reaches about 1.6 cm, weight - 1 g. The head has approximately the same dimensions as the rest of the body. With such a small size, the future baby is highly active: he constantly jumps, somersaults in his mother's tummy, but the woman herself does not feel it.

The body of the embryo more and more resembles a child in miniature. His tail disappears (which in fact is not a tail at all - this is the final section of the spine, which protrudes from the back due to the fact that the body is still too short: then the body lengthens, and these vertebrae are inside), fingers appear on the arms and legs , which are still connected by membranes. The eyelids are forming - they are already almost closing the eyes. Lips and nose become visible. The skin is almost completely transparent, because there is no pigment in it yet, there is no layer of subcutaneous fat. Through the skin, you can see the blood vessels, internal organs.

The nervous system is actively developing in the embryo. Nerve cells that are in the brain actively branch out, new connections are constantly formed between them. There are many taste buds in the mouth. The brain is divided into three sections: anterior, middle and posterior.

Probably, you can't wait to find out what gender your unborn child is? His gender is already predetermined at the genetic level, but the genitals are not yet developed, so it cannot be said who it is: a boy or a girl.

The active development of internal organs continues. The bronchi of the embryo branch and connect with the rudiments of the future lungs. The diaphragm is formed - a muscular partition between the chest and abdominal cavity, the movements of which provide breathing, hiccups. Pigment begins to be deposited in the eyes, but their color will remain undefined for a very long time. The heart of the future baby consists of four chambers (two atria and two ventricles - just like in an adult), it contracts at a high frequency - 150-170 beats per minute, which is about twice the mother's heart rate.

On the limbs of an 8-week-old embryo, knee joints, elbows, and wrists can be distinguished.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant

· Try to eat more foods rich in fiber and drink more fluids - this will help to cope with constipation. Move more. If these measures do not help, visit your doctor and ask him to recommend a safe laxative for you.

Drink plenty of fluids and frequent meals to help with nausea.

· Eat more fruit. They are useful for any person, at any age, and especially necessary during pregnancy.

· Stay physically active – within reason, of course. It is useful to perform special gymnastics complexes, squats. There are specific Kegel exercises that will help strengthen your pelvic floor muscles.

The growing body of the embryo needs nutrients, vitamins, minerals. At the same time, it is not always easy for the expectant mother to provide a full-fledged diet, given that nausea occurs from one type of certain foods. You can replace foods that make you feel disgusted with others of equal value. For example, if broccoli makes you sick, you can eat apricots instead.

· Consider purchasing a special maternity bra. In general, it would be nice to visit a clothing store for expectant mothers.

· If you have not yet visited a gynecologist in a antenatal clinic, it's time to do it. Before the 11th week of pregnancy, you need to take a lot of tests, undergo an examination by specialist doctors who will assess your health.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

First of all, don't worry if you had any pregnancy symptoms and then they disappeared. This often happens. Often the symptoms wax and wane. Symptoms such as:
Copious discharge of blood from the vagina, as during menstruation.
Severe, painful cramps in the abdomen.

These signs may indicate a miscarriage. In general, about every fifth pregnancy ends with a miscarriage in the early stages - there is nothing exceptional and supernatural in this. If this happened to you, first of all, it is worth remembering that you are far from alone. Second, don't blame yourself. In most cases, the cause of miscarriage in early pregnancy is serious chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, its non-viability. It wasn't because the woman did something wrong.

A frequent question of women in early pregnancy: are microwave ovens dangerous for the expectant mother and child?

There are often stories among expectant mothers that microwave ovens are a source of some “bad” radiation that can harm the unborn child. In fact, this is nothing more than a common myth. Microwave ovens do not produce ionizing radiation in amounts that could cause any harm. So, you do not need to leave the kitchen and close the door when the microwave is working there. Although, if it makes you feel calmer, you can use this ritual as a means of self-soothing.

8 week Physical education during pregnancy - Video guide

With each week of embryonic development, important biological changes occur in the baby's body. The child is growing and developing rapidly.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 30

How do doctors determine the term?

Doctors use a special system for calculating the age of the fetus in their daily practice. They measure in obstetric months and weeks. Thus, the 8th obstetric week of pregnancy is equivalent to the 6th week from the date of conception of the child.

Expectant mothers often use the calendar method. They calculate the age of the baby from the immediate date of conception.

To determine the obstetric period, doctors use the date of the first day of the last menstrual cycle before pregnancy. This method of calculation is more accurate and has been used by doctors for quite a long time. The entire period of bearing a baby with an obstetric counting method is 280 days or forty weeks. It is best for expectant mothers to use a common system with doctors for calculating the age of the child.

The 8th week of pregnancy is accompanied by the appearance of various sensations in a pregnant woman. Her mood and emotional background changes, pulling pains in the abdomen appear. Many women begin to get tired faster. Specific changes develop not only in the mother's body. In the first weeks of pregnancy, the child is actively undergoing the process of formation of internal organs.

Such a huge jump in intrauterine development is possible only during the first trimester of pregnancy. Several weeks have passed since the fusion of germ cells. During this time, a small organism has already formed from several cells.

What is happening with the baby?

In this period of pregnancy, doctors call the baby in the mother's belly an embryo. It is so small that it can only be determined by ultrasound. This period of intrauterine life is extremely important. At this time, the laying of all vital organs and systems is actively continuing. If it happens qualitatively, then the children's body will continue to function fully.

The size of the embryo at this stage is very small. It is 15 mm long. The weight of the child is very small: it is only 2 grams. In addition to the formation of the body, the internal organs begin to actively form in the embryo. Kidneys, liver are laid. In a small embryo, the pancreas and stomach have already formed.

Interestingly, even in this early period of pregnancy, the formation of gastric juice occurs.

At this stage, the child has already formed a heart. Moreover, it is already beating. A small embryo weighing 2 grams already has its own heartbeat. This is a true natural wonder.

The baby's heart by this period of pregnancy has a four-chamber structure. A septum appears between the atria. This structure is normal for the entire human population.

The baby's heartbeat is an important clinical sign. It is determined during an ultrasound examination. To calculate it, the number of heartbeats in one minute is determined. If the heart of the embryo beats too fast, then in this case, doctors set tachycardia. With a decrease in the number of contractions of heart contractions within a minute, bradycardia.

It is important that the baby's heartbeat remains within the normal range. This condition indicates that the cardiovascular system of the embryo is functioning well.

It is very important to regularly evaluate the baby's heartbeat over time. Significant deviations from the norm may indicate that various pathologies of the course of pregnancy are manifested in this way. This stage of embryonic development is also accompanied by the laying of the digestive and respiratory systems. Lungs will be finally formed in the future. Their full functioning is possible only after the birth of the baby.

The bronchial tree is also transformed. The bronchi that form it begin to branch out. In the future, their diameter and clearance will change.

Also at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, the child's reproductive system is formed. The reproductive organs are just beginning to form. But you can determine the sex of the fetus a little later. By this stage of pregnancy, the child's nervous system is almost completely formed. Also, by this period, the main anatomical elements of the brain were formed.

This stage of intrauterine development is accompanied by the active formation of the musculoskeletal system. The mobility of small children's joints gradually increases.

The muscular apparatus of the child is well developed, but it is difficult to notice due to the small size of the embryo. Not only the muscular apparatus of the body is actively developing, but also the smooth muscle muscles of the internal organs are being formed.

In a small embryo, the chewing and facial muscles, the muscles of the arms and legs, as well as the pharynx, are already well developed. The lower limbs at this period of intrauterine development are somewhat "behind" the upper ones. An increase in dynamic functions leads to the fact that the baby's nervous system continues to form and develop. Gradually, internal organs begin to respond to the influence of nerve impulses. This is necessary in order for the digestive system to continue to develop actively.

In the embryo, the diaphragm gradually begins to be outlined. External secretion glands (sweat, salivary) continue their active development.

The first supporting structures necessary for the development of the embryo begin to transform at this stage. The chorionic villi gradually turn into the placenta. In the future, through the placenta, the baby will receive all the necessary nutritional components for its intrauterine development. This stage is accompanied by the initial formation of the immune system. The child is actively developing the thymus gland. In the future, this organ of immunity will be filled with lymphocytic cells.

What does an embryo look like?

At such an early stage of pregnancy, a small embryo in its appearance already resembles a small person. His body is elongated. Even the face of the fetus at this stage of its embryonic development is changing. The eyes become visible. They look quite large as they are missing eyelids. Also at this stage of pregnancy, the first rudiments of the retina and color pigments of the eyes appear. The eye sockets are clearly visible. The eyes are closer to the temporal areas of the child's head. In the future, the face of the child will be transformed, which will lead to a convergence of the eyes.

The nose has already a clearer contour, but still remains flat. Gradually, the nerve endings of the olfactory analyzer begin to form. The baby's nostrils are covered at this stage of its development with mucous plugs. Active gum formation occurs in the oral cavity. Even the rudiments of milk teeth begin to appear. The contour of the upper lip is well defined.

Taste buds are already forming on the baby's tongue. In the future, these nerve endings will change and improve, but the basic laying occurs already by this period.

In a small embryo, which is actively developing in the mother's womb, ears begin to form. The first rudiments of small fingers appear on the hands and feet. At this stage, they are not yet spliced ​​together. After a while they will separate. The active development of the nervous and musculoskeletal system contributes to the fact that the joints become more mobile.

In some babies at this stage of their development, when conducting an ultrasound examination, you can see small movements in large joints. This is usually manifested by small shaking movements of the hands.

In the future, the baby will develop and become more active.. With each week of pregnancy, the number of movements made by the child increases. The child carries out small oscillatory movements in the mother's womb, but it is so small that the woman does not feel the motor activity of her baby at this stage of pregnancy. By this period, the final formation of large blood vessels occurs. They are necessary for the proper nutrition of the child during his intrauterine development.

How is baby development diagnosed?

To determine the main parameters of the fetus, doctors use ultrasound examination methods. They are assigned to all expectant mothers to confirm the fact of pregnancy, as well as to exclude the ectopic form.

At this time, a rather dangerous pathology is a tubal pregnancy. In this case, the development of the baby does not occur in the uterine cavity, but in its appendages. In this case, the full development of the child is impossible. A tubal pregnancy always ends tragically. With the help of modern ultrasound studies, the location of the fetus can be very accurately determined. With multiple pregnancies, the position of each baby is assessed separately.

Despite the tiny size of the child, ultrasound doctors can determine the length of his torso. So, the coccyx-parietal size at this stage of pregnancy is approximately a couple of centimeters.

For the active and full development of the embryo, an aquatic environment is required. The diameter of the gestational egg, which contains the amniotic fluid, at this stage is about 3 centimeters. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the condition of the reproductive organs of the mother is also necessarily assessed. The structure of the uterus is assessed, its tone is determined.

With the help of a Doppler study, specialists can determine the main indicators of blood flow in the main uterine blood vessels. Using this diagnostic method, you can assess how well the blood supply to the uterus occurs. Adequate blood flow is necessary for the baby in the womb to fully grow and develop.

To assess the growth of the fetus, an ultrasound examination is performed in dynamics. In this way, the doctor can assess how well the baby is developing.

If a woman is carrying several children at the same time, then she may need more ultrasound examinations. The frequency of their appointment is determined by the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Ultrasound at this stage of pregnancy can be performed in different ways. The most commonly used is the transvaginal method. In this case, the study is carried out using a sensor that is inserted into the vagina. The transvaginal research method at this stage of pregnancy allows you to get more accurate and reliable results. This technique has a number of contraindications. If they were identified, then in this case a transabdominal ultrasound is performed.

Many mothers-to-be worry about whether they will need any preparation before conducting a study. At this stage of pregnancy, as a rule, no special preparatory procedures are required. Often, expectant mothers begin to get very worried before conducting a study. You can understand their excitement: they are very worried about the result and the presence of any pathologies in the child.

You should not worry: from the early weeks of pregnancy, the baby feels all the experiences of the mother. A calm and balanced mood during a diagnostic study is simply necessary.

Ultrasound in early pregnancy allows you to timely identify various pathologies in both the expectant mother and her baby. It is very important to conduct such an examination for women who have difficulty bearing babies and various gynecological diseases. If a woman has a burdened history of genetic and chromosomal diseases, then an ultrasound examination allows timely detection of their signs in the fetus.

Dangerous timing

The obstetric month consists of twenty-eight days or four weeks. The 8th week of pregnancy refers to the first trimester and completes the second obstetric month. In this case, the age of the embryo is conditionally assumed to be six weeks, although in reality it can be five and almost seven weeks, that is, from thirty-five to 45-48 days. This period is largely decisive in the success of bearing a fetus, so a woman needs to be as careful and careful as possible.

Signs, symptoms, sensations and changes in the body of a woman at the 8th week of pregnancy

At this time, a woman in most cases is already aware of her position. But sometimes the symptoms are so minor that the pregnant woman shows excessive anxiety - is everything going well. This is not recommended, because during this period the formation of the brain of the embryo is completed and excessive excitement can harm this process. It is better to be examined by a gynecologist and calm down.

The eighth week of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the size of the uterus, which may be accompanied by some discomfort - pain, cramps in the lower abdomen or on the sides. Sometimes a pregnant woman may feel a contraction of the muscle tissue of the uterus, the bottom of which by this time is located in the pubic area.

For others who are not dedicated to the fact that a woman is preparing to become a mother, it is almost impossible to determine the symptoms of pregnancy in her, since no outwardly noticeable changes have yet been observed. The belly still does not stand out, although a woman may notice a slight protrusion above the womb while trying on old tight jeans, for example.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, changes in taste preferences begin. The feeling of hunger may be constantly present or, conversely, the appetite may completely disappear.

There may be a desire to eat foods that are uncharacteristic for the diet before pregnancy, or to consume them in the most unimaginable combinations. The main reason for this change in taste preferences is a change in the hormonal background of the body - the endocrine glands are rebuilt, changing the amount of hormones released. This process will peak at 9-10 weeks of pregnancy, by the 13th, taste preferences usually return to normal. At the same time, manifestations of toxicosis may begin, accompanied by nausea, reaching vomiting, especially in the morning, after the first meal. These characteristic symptoms of the first trimester also completely disappear at the beginning of the fourth obstetric month.

Another characteristic feature of this period is a violation of blood circulation in the lower extremities due to the pressure exerted by the growing uterus on the main blood vessels leading to the legs. This can be expressed in the appearance of swelling of the feet, especially after a long walk or just being in an upright position. Varicose veins of the blood vessels of the lower extremities may occur.

Also on the eighth week of pregnancy, the beginning of the process of breast enlargement, swelling of the nipples is observed. Subcutaneous veins may appear on a woman's chest, which indicates an improvement in blood circulation in the mammary glands - they are preparing for future breastfeeding.

The face of the expectant mother is subject to a slight change. Due to an increase in the production of growth hormone by the glands of internal secretion of growth hormone - somatotropin - the skin can turn a little pale or, conversely, become covered with a blush, slight pigment spots. The nose may be somewhat elongated, the lips may increase. The body of each woman reacts individually to a hormonal surge - the skin can become covered with rashes, individual pimples, or smooth out, become clean, smooth and tender. The skin may become a little dry, itching may occur.

Also, often at the 8th week of pregnancy, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent, associated with a constant increase in pressure on the bladder of a woman by a growing uterus.

The behavior of expectant mothers is also subject to changes, sometimes even drastic. Increased excitability, manifestations of irritability and even aggression may appear. Sudden mood swings, constant drowsiness, accompanied by weakness, impaired muscle tone - these are manifestations of the body's reaction to hormonal imbalance.

The body weight of pregnant women at this stage usually remains unchanged. Moreover, with early toxicosis, due to lack of appetite, a woman's body weight may even decrease. It's not scary, very soon the expectant mother will begin to rapidly gain weight.

There may be some unpleasant, painful sensations:

  • in the hip region due to irritation of the sciatic nerve by the growing uterus;
  • heartburn may occur in the esophagus due to dysfunction of the digestive tract;
  • in the lower abdomen, the culprit of which are the processes triggered by the pregnant woman's body at this stage - training (false) contractions.

If suddenly bleeding occurs on the eighth obstetric week, you should immediately call an ambulance - they indicate a serious threat of miscarriage, and sometimes the start of the process of spontaneous abortion. And the stronger, more abundant and prolonged bleeding, the higher its probability. Especially in the case when bleeding is accompanied by pulling pains in the uterus.

If at this stage of pregnancy there is intense bleeding with tissue fragments, this means that the process of detachment of the fetal egg has begun. Alas, in this case, it is almost impossible to save the child, although this happens in medical practice.

The eighth week of pregnancy is accompanied by moderate discharge of a light shade. Their smell is neutral or slightly sour. This indicates the normal course of pregnancy. If the discharge has a different color (especially brownish), has become much more abundant, uncharacteristic mucus has appeared, especially pus, then this indicates infection of the genital organs of the pregnant woman. The same is often evidenced by discomfort in this area, burning and itching. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately visit a doctor. Such infections today are usually treated quite easily.

The uterus of a pregnant woman at this stage is usually the size of a goose egg (about 7-8 centimeters). It is still difficult even for a specialist to confirm an increase in its size by palpation of the abdominal cavity. It is possible to determine the fact of pregnancy during a gynecological examination due to the visible closure of the external os and softening of the isthmus.

Fetal development in the eighth obstetric week

The eighth week of pregnancy is considered the first critical period for the embryo. This means that at this time the embryo becomes more sensitive and less resistant to any external influences due to an increase in the intensity of growth, the development of important organs and functions.

Moreover, on the eighth obstetric week, cardinal changes occur with the embryo, affecting the whole organism. Further critical periods affect the development of individual organs.

The formation of the placenta occurs simultaneously with the end of the initial formation of almost all internal organs. The correct formation of the placenta with normal blood circulation directly affects the intensity of the future development of the child, since the placenta is the main link between the organisms of the embryo and the pregnant woman. Through it, nutrients and oxygen will be delivered to the fetus and unwanted metabolic products will be removed. Also, this temporary organ is a kind of mini-factory for the production of enzymes and hormones necessary for the child, which affect the course of pregnancy and are responsible for the selection of nutrients transported to the fetus. Until the end of the formation of the placenta, the embryo is nourished by the yolk sac.

Characteristic changes in the fetus at the 8th week:

  • At the eighth week of pregnancy, the embryo is the size of a cherry - 14 to 20 millimeters long, weighing about three grams.
  • The heart acquires a complex four-chamber structure, which is typical for all mammals on the planet, the valves of the pulmonary artery and aorta begin to function. There is an improvement in all blood vessels and their connections with the heart.
  • The limbs of the embryo acquire fingers, still connected by membranes.
  • The bone frame is intensively developing, thanks to the appearance of joints, the handles already have the ability to compress and unclench at the wrists and elbows. By the end of the 8th obstetric week, the first erratic hand movements may appear. The legs of the embryo, due to the peculiarities of blood circulation, develop somewhat later.
  • There is an elongation of the intestine, sometimes so intense that a so-called physiological hernia is observed, in which the intestine protrudes from the tummy to the umbilical cord region. The second important organ of the fetal digestive system, the stomach, on the contrary, shifts into the tummy. In the muscle tissue of the stomach, nerve endings begin to form, it begins to function, producing gastric juice. Also at this stage, the laying of the salivary glands, the formation of the hepatic bile ducts, the formation of the endocrine glands are carried out.
  • The genitourinary system is also improving - the kidneys produce a waste product - urine.
  • Significant changes also occur with the face of the embryo: the rudiments of the auricles, the nose, and the upper lip are formed. The eyes are about to acquire eyelids. The face of the fetus is increasingly acquiring human forms.
  • For boys, this period is characterized by the beginning of the formation of male genital organs - the testicles, for girls - the formation of the ovaries.
  • There is an active development of the central nervous system, the respiratory apparatus. By the end of the 8th week, brain activity can be detected using modern diagnostic equipment.
  • The tongue acquires taste buds, the walls of the fetal mouth are overgrown with muscle tissue.
  • Chewing muscles appear, pharyngeal and cervical. Olfactory receptors are formed in the nose. The spout is still plugged with mucus and does not function.

Diet in the 8th week of pregnancy

Pregnant women who are at this time should eat in the same way as before:

  • Food must be exclusively natural. Any refined, and even more so synthetic products must be excluded. This applies to any semi-finished products, instant products, sausages, sausages, canned food, store-bought reconstituted juices.
  • Preference should be given to whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, dairy products, natural fresh juices, boiled lean meat, fish.
  • It is better to eat often, but little by little, especially in case of symptoms of early toxicosis. It is better to consume simple foods than complex meals.
  • Food products should be subjected to minimal heat treatment. It is better to exclude fried foods from the diet altogether, preferring stews and baked dishes.

Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

In addition to a healthy diet, a woman who is in the eighth obstetric week should follow the following recommendations:

  • Be in a good mood, spend more time outdoors away from busy highways.
  • Regularly practice special sets of gymnastic exercises for pregnant women.

  • The 8th week is the ideal time for a visit to a geneticist to study parental heredity and predict the likelihood of genetic disorders in the development of the child.
  • Avoid as much as possible any negative effects that may affect the formation of the fetus. These include: smoking, ingestion of alcoholic beverages, food and drugs, contact with household chemicals, agricultural chemicals.
  • Minimize contact with strangers to avoid infection. In the event of any disease, even the most common cold, it is strictly forbidden to self-medicate, you can only take those medications that the doctor prescribes.
  • If you need to undergo a fluorography or X-ray examination, or when visiting a dental clinic, be sure to warn the medical staff about your pregnancy.
  • In the event of any bleeding, uncharacteristic discharge, without fail, immediately consult a doctor.
  • Wear only comfortable, stable, preferably sports shoes. No high heels, especially stilettos, because in addition to circulatory disorders in the lower extremities of a woman due to the unnatural position of the feet, the uterus also has a negative effect - the center of gravity shifts, which can lead to a threat of miscarriage.

Video - Eighth week of pregnancy

The 8th week of pregnancy corresponds to the 6th embryonic week, and if we consider more understandable periods, then this is the end of the second month from the moment of conception. During this period, all early signs intensify, and it is generally accepted that the most difficult period of pregnancy is over. The beautiful thing about 8 weeks pregnant is that your baby is deformed from embryo to fetus. And now this is a real little man, developing inside the future of his mother.

At the 8th week of pregnancy, all early signs of pregnancy intensify, and those that have not yet begun begin.

  1. The beginning of the 8th week in a woman begins with changes in taste and problems with food. In some terminology, this period is called "taste perversion". For each woman, it goes differently: some are always tormented by a feeling of hunger, while others, on the contrary, are constantly disgusted with food. Taste buds begin to go crazy, either demanding hitherto unknown flavors, or incompatible foods, such as herring with sugar. All this is accompanied by toxicosis - constant salivation and vomiting. This condition is rightfully considered the most unpleasant for the entire period of pregnancy and it lasts about 3-4 months. All this is the result of a global hormonal restructuring that begins from the moment of conception. If you feel frequent urge to vomit, this is normal, but if their number exceeds 5 times a day, it is better to tell your doctor about it.
  2. At this time, the uterus continues to actively grow. The woman continues to feel slightly pulling feelings in the abdomen and from time to time spasms. The pregnant tummy at week 8 will not yet be visible, but it will round out a little and take on a barely perceptible shape. However, this will be enough for the uterus to begin to press down on the internal organs, which the mother will immediately feel on the bladder. The urge to urinate becomes more and more frequent. But do not limit yourself to drinking, on the contrary - this is the time to diversify soft drinks. Also during this period, slight constipation is possible.
  3. The 8th week of pregnancy is considered one of the most dangerous in terms of sudden bleeding and miscarriages. A pregnant woman should take her health more seriously during this period. Eliminate unnecessary stress, normalize tension, nullify physical activity and weight lifting. In addition, it is not recommended to stand for a long time, drink alcohol and in no case do not smoke. At the 8th week of pregnancy, it is worth increasing the time for sleep and quiet rest. Completely exclude caffeine from the diet and in no case be exposed to radiation and even local anesthesia.
  4. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may resume or increase the discharge. It may even be slightly brown, but this is quite normal if the woman's well-being does not worsen, unusual pains in the abdomen and back area, as well as itching in the labia region do not appear.
  5. It is at the 8th week of pregnancy that the expectant mother experiences visible changes on the skin of the face, which is caused by growth hormone. It is thanks to somatotropin that even a woman's face can change: her nose stretches a little and her lips thicken. Depending on individual characteristics, the expectant mother may experience skin itching, rashes and pimples. It is perfectly normal to increase the number of freckles and the formation of age spots. Or maybe quite the opposite: the skin will become soft, dull, smooth and pale.
  6. A common pregnancy problem, like a pinched sciatic nerve, is becoming more likely. This occurs mainly due to the rapidly growing breadth of the uterus. This manifests itself in the form of jerky pain in the lumbar region or even the buttocks. Reducing the pressure will help to cope with this: just lie on the side opposite the source of pain until it subsides.
  7. At the 8th week of pregnancy, a woman feels changes in the mammary glands. At this time, in preparation for lactation, there is an active replacement of adipose tissue with glandular tissue.

Fetal development at 8 weeks gestation

It is the 8th week of pregnancy that is so special, because there is an important transition of the baby from the state of the embryo to the fetus with the first visual outline of the little man on ultrasound. Mom at this moment continues to change - the placenta is actively developing, uterine blood circulation is increasing. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus is still quite tiny - only 2 cm, but the baby is already beginning to feed through the umbilical cord. You can clearly distinguish the forming arms and legs, and even the face, on the formed tiny head, is already beginning to take shape.

So what happens to the baby and mom at 8 weeks pregnant?

  1. The fetus continues to change at a tremendous rate. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the baby's internal organs begin to improve and form. The heart develops up to four chambers, kidneys and salivary glands begin to appear, communication with large vessels improves, and the formation of the lungs ends with the branching of the bronchi. Due to the active development of bones, joints and fingers appear. Now the child can bend the handles in the hands and wrists. The development of the intestine leads to its elongation so that it can even protrude in the region of the umbilical cord. The first elements of nerve endings begin to appear in the muscular layer of the stomach.
  2. At the 8th week of pregnancy, rapid changes in the baby's face occur: the tip of the nose and upper lip are already clearly visible, the auricles and eyelids are at the initial stage of formation.
  3. The reproductive system begins to form: testicles in boys and ovaries in girls. In the ovaries of girls, eggs are even beginning to mature.
  4. In connection with the active development of the nervous system, on ultrasound you can see how the baby at the 8th week of pregnancy begins to actively move, compress the emerging legs and arms. But while the fetus is still too small for the mother to clearly feel it moving.
  5. The development of the thyroid gland in a baby at 8 weeks of gestation can cause a conflict with the mother's thyroid gland. Subsequently, this may lead to its incorrect development. If you have had indications for thyroid disease before, be sure to observe this moment with an endocrinologist.
  6. The formation of all the internal organs of the baby ends at the 8th week of pregnancy. In the future, their structure will only become more complicated, and the baby will gain weight.

Ultrasound at 8 weeks pregnant

In the ultrasound images at the 8th week of pregnancy, the unborn baby resembles a raspberry in appearance and size. Compared to the 5th week, when the outlines of a black and white photo resemble more a reptile, the fetus is becoming more and more human.

  1. The heartbeat at the next ultrasound examination shows almost 150 beats per minute, which is twice as fast as the mother's heartbeat.
  2. The outlines of closed eyes with eyelids are still in the formation stage, but you can already see the skin fold, which will soon transform into full-fledged eyelids.
  3. During the formation of arms and fingers, the limbs gradually lengthen and you can see how the tiny embryo seems to hug itself with barely formed arms.
  4. There are still membranes on the baby's palms, but they are actively forming into human palms.
  5. On ultrasound at 8 weeks of gestation, the fetal sac for the development of the embryo in diameter can already be about 30 mm. And the fetal fluid increases every day by almost 1.5 - 2 tbsp. spoons for normal life and growth of the baby. This rapid replenishment is provided by the secretion of the kidneys of the embryo and the wall of the amnion.
  6. At the 8th week of pregnancy, the uterus already becomes the size of a large orange and sharply reduces the resistance index. All this is required to accelerate the blood supply and rapid growth in accordance with the needs of the growing body inside.

Elevated levels of protein in the urine, detected during tests, may indicate kidney disease in a pregnant woman. A complete blood count will help the specialist create a more complete picture of health indicators and the course of pregnancy. In particular, a decrease in the number of red blood cells indicates anemia or possible leukemia, and an elevated level may indicate lung disease. In turn, a low white blood cell count, detected using a general blood test, may indicate viral hepatitis, influenza or rubella, while an increased rate may indicate bacterial infections (tonsillitis, pyelonephritis, etc.)

The level of the hormone that is produced by the membrane of the fetus during the normal course of pregnancy is constantly increasing. Therefore, an analysis for hCG makes it possible to make sure that the pregnancy proceeds without deviations from the norm.

Temperature at 8 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy, global, but quite normal physiological processes occur in a woman's body. Naturally, every future mother is sensitive to her health, since it is directly related to the well-being and development of her child. Therefore, any strange condition leads her into a state of panic, and especially low or high temperature. In this case, doctors are not recommended to try to normalize it on their own, because at the 8th week of pregnancy, a slightly overestimated degree of the body can be a completely normal indicator, but a normal temperature, on the contrary, is an alarming indicator.

Normal temperature at 8 weeks pregnant

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's temperature rises to a maximum of 37.5 degrees. In the remaining trimesters, it drops to normal, but in the vast majority, it stays at the same level. There is no need to worry unreasonably and rush to treat a possible infection - a slightly elevated temperature during pregnancy is completely normal. This is due to the physiological processes inside the body of a woman that occur during pregnancy.

Consider the level of basal temperature and its change during the menstrual cycle, ovulation and at the time of conception:

  • the first phase of the menstrual cycle: the temperature rises slightly to 36.8 degrees;
  • the period before ovulation: the temperature drops to 36.4 degrees;
  • the second (luteal) phase of the cycle: the temperature can exceed 37 degrees.

Such fluctuations in temperature are directly related to hormonal changes during different periods of pregnancy. In particular, with the level of progesterone. Its release affects the thermoregulatory center of the brain. In addition, after conception, the woman's body weakens the immune system for the unimpeded development of a new organism, otherwise the defensive reaction will be able to reject the embryo as a foreign creature.

Fever at 8 weeks pregnant

It is normal for a woman to have a slightly elevated temperature during pregnancy. But we must not forget that a weakened immune defense not only favors the development of the child, but also the development of various infections and diseases. In such a situation, the main identifier has always been elevated temperature, but what about the dual interpretation of this identifier?

During illness, a pregnant mother, in addition to a slightly elevated temperature, will immediately feel general malaise, weakness and aching muscles. Also, during an infection and an active inflammatory process, body temperature can reach up to 38 degrees and above, which is already abnormal for the normal course of pregnancy, in addition, it can be dangerous for the development of the fetus.

Prolonged high fever during pregnancy can lead to:

  • complications in the development of the central nervous system;
  • underdevelopment and dementia;
  • hypertrophy of muscle tissue;
  • various defects in the development of the face (cleft lip, wolf palate).

Prolonged fever in the mother can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

Treating Fever During Pregnancy

In this position, a woman needs to take her health and fever seriously. In no case do not engage in uncontrolled intake of antipyretic and antiviral drugs. Any action should be taken only after consultation with the doctor.

Since taking synthetic drugs at the 8th week of pregnancy can affect the development of the child, the main focus should be on natural medicines and traditional medicine methods.

  1. For colds, it will be very useful to drink plenty of lime and herbal infusion, natural bee honey and warm milk, as well as homemade raspberry and currant jam.
  2. A little cool sponging with plain water will also help bring down the heat and normalize the temperature.
  3. Soaring your legs is strictly prohibited during pregnancy - this can lead to miscarriage.
  4. Any antipyretic drugs based on aspirin can lead to malformation of the embryo, but medicines with paracetamol can be used only after consultation with the doctor.

Toxoplasmosis at 8 weeks pregnant

This issue should be especially taken care of by expectant mothers who are not indifferent to our fluffy smaller brothers. Cats are wonderful pets, loving to their owners and good with children. However, there are a number of precautions that should be taken into account if your cat is walking outside.

Everything, of course, changes during pregnancy. These harmless to a strengthened human body are able to penetrate the placenta of a developing child and cause irreparable harm to its development. Infection of the fetus with toxoplasmosis can lead to miscarriage in the worst situation.

With this diagnosis, treatment is carried out with broad-spectrum antibiotics, for example, erythromycin or sulfadiazine. But the use of such methods during pregnancy is highly discouraged. In order to protect yourself and your child from such a problem, carefully observe elementary hygiene methods. Protect yourself from cleaning your pet's toilet during pregnancy, be careful with meat - carefully process and wash your hands well after butchering carcasses.

8 weeks pregnant. Video


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