Congratulations on Vasily's day. Congratulations on Vasily's Day (Vasily's name day) Congratulations on St. Basil

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Vasily, Happy Angel Day to you!
Congratulations on a good holiday,
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days
Kind, sympathetic, true friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!


Wherever there are jokes, laughter, fun,
Vasily in the center, no doubt!
Sets a bright example for everyone
And he leads the masses.

I wish you, Vasily,
So that your life is beautiful
Finances in the house did not end,
And all the family smiled.


Congratulations for Vasily
Let today from us sound:
We wish abundance in everything -
For him, for children and grandchildren,
So that everyone and more than enough!
So that the family surrounds him
And love, and tender care!
So that he is lucky with work,
And so that there is also enough rest,
So that there are many joys!
Let the years pass easily!
Let trouble not come to him!


Happy Angel Day, dear Vasya!
May life be full of happiness.
And brightly colored the whole world,
A wave of joy will come.

Let all things be easy
And there will always be a friend.
Fate carries success on a saucer
Health is enough for a year.


Basil, royal soul!
Today we congratulate you
And we wish happiness - joy,
Respectfully and without breathing.

Let there be only joy in life
And may God be with you
And grief and disgust
Let them bypass your threshold!


We saw on TV
Read in textbooks
Very cool rulers
The name was Basil.

We have a passionate dream
She just teases us
What is your powerful name
It will help you and us.

We will come to the "hillock" for sale
And we will say: “We are from Vasya”,
We put an important piece of paper -
Bureaucrat immediately in a trance!

Everything will be done like a cute
Put all signatures!
Here with this birthday boy
I would like to congratulate.


It looks like you, Vasily,
King, monarch, ruler.
So the Greeks said
They knew exactly.

Well, for us, Vasily,
You are kind and sweet.
And your holiday is dear to us
Without further reservations.

You sit with us, pour, drink ...
As always before.
Already asked for guests -
Listen to congratulations.


Vasily is a royal person,
Both a pro and a good friend.
Let everything be fine in life
Work, rest and leisure!

On your name day with your soul
I wish you a happy fate
Comfort, happiness and peace,
Be the best in your career!


Nobody disputes that Vasily
Can speak beautifully
But if necessary, immediately, boldly
He moves from words to deeds.

I wish you directly:
Always to be loved by ladies
So that life is not overshadowed by clouds
And it was always a happy occasion!


We came to congratulate Vasily
And wish him then
To from the cornucopia
He was completely asleep!
Your parent was right
Having chosen such a name:
After all, in life you are not just a spectator,
And circumstances are the winner,
And as far-sighted as a giraffe!
And we, your friends, loving,
Let's drink to you right now!


Why do I love Vasily?
Yes, beautiful eyes!
Well, his smile
Fights flawlessly.

Why do I love Vasily?
His arms are strong.
And on his walk
I always look for hunting.

Why do I love Vasily?
Yes, stylish outfits.
After all, he has shirts -
Goosebumps all over the back.

Wish for Vasya
For his birthday:
Let pay attention
To the one who tries so hard

He will like everything.
And I'm waiting for an invitation!


The name Vasily means "king". And as a real ruler, and not a dictator, tyrant and usurper, Vasily is kind and sympathetic. He loves people. There are always many friends and acquaintances around Vasily, Vasily is the soul of the company. Let's drink to Vasily - a man who does not throw words into the wind, knows how to answer for them and for his actions!


Vasily is a royal name,
And you are good and kind.
Men respect you
And women are not indifferent!
We are happy birthday
Came to congratulate you
Raise a glass
For happiness and love.
You will be royal
Rule your life.
Let's drink to it
Again and again!


Vasya, the name day has come,
What will they give you?
Your loved ones have always loved you
So let them continue to love, wait.

May you be lucky in serious matters,
In frivolous - also lucky
You always strive to the heights of the stars,
Let happiness wait beyond the horizon.


Hanging the bag on its side
Let's go caroling
And a lot on Vasily's day
We will collect gifts!

May this day hospitality
Traditions and faith
Give our families peace
Good, hope, courage!

On Vasiliev's Day, the best,
We wish you well.
Was that next year -
Full of all sorts of bounties.

Fortune telling on Vasily's Day
And rituals are observed.
If a goat came into the house,
Don't gouge her eyes out.

A mound of sweets for mummers,
Throw in some more coins.
Oh, the festivities of the people!
Happy Old New Year everyone!

Congratulations on Vasiliev's day. From the bottom of my heart I want to wish a smart, satisfying, cheerful, kind, joyful, beautiful, long, happy life. May there always be a holiday in the soul, may there be prosperity and comfort in the house, may harmony and love reign in the family, may this day sweep away all the dashing from the yard and outline all the good.

Come out to carol
Collect treats,
After all, Vasiliev's day has come.
Have a drink or a glass.

Have fun and sing out loud
With a noisy, joyful crowd,
For your happiness to say:
" Here I am. Hello my friend!"

It's time for the holidays
wonderful time,
However short their term may be,
The child is caroling.

Let's gather everyone for a feast
Come who is not lazy
There are not enough places, we will stand,
Celebrate Vasily's Day!

The snowball has passed, Ovsen has come,
The crowd gathered under the windows,
"Vasiliev Day, Vasiliev Day" -
From the mouth of a small boy broke.

May goodness come to your house
With grain, fun will fly in,
Let your heart be warm
May the mood be forever bright.

Let the house be bypassed
All failures and worries
Luck will follow you
And conquer new heights.

On Vasiliev's frosty day,
They crackle when the firewood is in the oven,
Be cheerful, not formidable,
Dance, sing songs, don't grumble!

Let your sorrows
Everyone will be behind.
For it is still at the beginning,
After all, happiness is ahead!

On the day of Vasilyev we send cordially
This sweet greeting
And we wish that forever
Golden light
At the silent sunset
Promising warmth to everyone!
Let there be justice
Pain and evil will sink into oblivion!
Let insults be forgotten
By the command of Themis
Let all judgments be made
Gardens bloom in joy!

On Vasily's Day, congratulations fly to you:
May the wise God be kind to you today!
Let it not let you be desperately sad,
And he sends the forces to create,
So that hands do not get bored in the void,
To decorate the world, so that in beauty
Around bloomed immortal soul,
So that even in the moment of the absence of a penny
Boredom did not lie on the heart of a stone,
So that the soul could overcome everything!

Meeting the Old New Year,
We are Saint Basil
Let's go to the threshold again
And we wish you great
human happiness,
Joy in business
Life without bad weather
And love in the eyes!

Lots of good stories
And sacred stories
From ancient and holy pages
Vasily is bringing us.

For Epiphany, Christmas
He enters the house
Welcomes every home
Giving richly.

He will fill the bin
After the winter holidays
Will bring to all homes
Joy and prosperity.

Vasiliev Day (Ovsen) is the day of the folk calendar among the Slavs, celebrated on January 1 (14). The first day of the new year according to the Julian calendar, the beginning of Terrible Evenings. On this day, they went to sow at home. The holiday has existed since the beginning of Christianity in Russia. On this day, the peasants went from house to house with congratulations and wishes of well-being.

The essence of it was that the children of the peasants, having gathered together early in the morning, went home until mass to sow oats, buckwheat, rye and other grains from a sleeve, mitten or bag, and at the same time sang a sowing song or said: "For good luck, for health, for the new summer, give birth, O God, life to wheat and all kinds of arable land, "" Ugly, God, every life according to the bin, that according to the bin and great, and it would be life for the whole baptized world. An older woman (large woman) tried to catch the scattered grain with an apron.

In many houses, cookies were baked on this day, reminiscent of cows, pigs, sheep and poultry. Many had a roasted piglet or a pig's head on the table that day. At the same time, all the neighbors could come to the house and treat themselves to this dish, paying the owners a little money, which was handed over to the parish church the next day. St. Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pigs. The shepherds deeply revered Saint Basil and were afraid to anger him.

It's time for the holidays

wonderful time,

However short their term may be,

The child is caroling.

Let's gather everyone for a feast

Come who is not lazy

There are not enough places, we will stand

Celebrate Vasily's Day!

On Vasiliev's Day, the best,

We wish you well.

To have next year -

Full of all sorts of bounties.

Fortune telling on Vasily's Day

And rituals are observed.

If a goat came into the house,

Don't gouge her eyes out.

A mound of sweets for mummers,

Throw in some more coins.

Oh, the festivities of the people!

Happy Old New Year everyone!

On Vasiliev's frosty day,

They crackle when the firewood is in the oven,

Be cheerful, not formidable,

Dance, sing songs, don't grumble!

Let your sorrows

Everyone will be behind.

For it is still at the beginning,

After all, happiness is ahead!

You can perform a ceremony

Like many years ago

It was accepted by us

On this day and this hour.

You can even guess

And know your fate

And leave without looking back

In a dance with the name "Carols".

Even songs are not too lazy to sing,

After all, Vasiliev's day has come!

Used to be fun people

So frolic in the New Year.

In the evening Vasiliev (aka Svyatki),

I guessed at the table.

"Who is my betrothed?" she asked.

Appeared outside the window

An unfamiliar image

The door to the hallway opened,

Appeared on the doorstep

(Only said: "Ah!")

The guy is young and curly

And in the shoulders - like three of me.

In general, girls, a little from the chair

Didn't fall down...

Since then we have been living together

The house is full of kids.

On Vasiliev Day, you girls,

Sit nicely at the table

Guess at will -

They will be fulfilled instantly.

Years will fly by happily

The days will be happier.

On Vasily's Day, congratulations fly to you:

May the wise God be kind to you today!

Let it not let you be desperately sad,

And he sends the forces to create,

So that hands do not get bored in the void,

To decorate the world, so that in beauty

Around bloomed immortal soul,

So that even in the moment of the absence of a penny

Boredom did not lie on the heart of a stone,

So that the soul can overcome everything!

Meeting the Old New Year,

We are Saint Basil

Let's go to the threshold again

And we wish you great

human happiness,

Joy in business

Life without bad weather

And love in the eyes!

Lots of good stories

And sacred stories

From ancient and holy pages

Vasily is bringing us.

For Epiphany, Christmas

He enters the house

Welcomes every home

Giving richly.

He will fill the bin

After the winter holidays

Will bring to all homes

Joy and prosperity.

Believe in a fairy tale on this day

Vasiliev's day has come,

Cheeks let frost pinch

A blizzard howls in the yard.

On this happy day

Our congratulations,

We wish you much happiness

On this festive day.

Lots of peace and warmth

For life to bring you

This day will be fun

Lots of laughter and kindness.

Hanging the bag on its side

Let's go caroling

And a lot on Vasily's day

We will collect gifts!

May this day hospitality

Traditions and faith

Give our families peace

Good, hope, courage!

On Vasiliev's day, a helmet cordially

This sweet greeting

And we wish that forever

Golden light

At the silent sunset

Promising warmth to everyone!

Let there be justice

Pain and evil will sink into oblivion!

Let insults be forgotten

By the command of Themis

Let all judgments be made

Gardens bloom in joy!

On Saint Basil's Day

We hasten to congratulate you

Wish you a lot of happiness

We want to give love.

So that happiness does not end

We bring congratulations

May it bring good luck

And a drunken sip of love.


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