How to boil silicone pacifiers. Sterilization options for baby utensils, bottles and nipples. Do I need to sterilize the pacifier

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There are several ways to sterilize bottles for newborns at home: boil, use kitchen appliances, steam or use a special sterilizing solution. Each of the options is good in its own way, so parents can choose the one that is most convenient. Before sterilization, it is necessary to free the feeding utensils from the remnants of formula milk or milk and wash thoroughly.

The traditional method of sterilization, used for several decades, is boiling. Any mother can use it, since all you need is a stove, a pot of a suitable volume and water:

  • pour water into the pan and immerse the bottles in it so that they are completely covered with water;
  • put the pot on the stove and bring the water to a boil;
  • stand from the moment of boiling for 3-5 minutes and turn off the heat;
  • remove the bottles from the pan and lay them out on a dry, clean towel;
  • use sterilized dishes after they have cooled down.

Bottles made of low-quality plastic with rubber elements can deteriorate if they are boiled often and for a long time. Therefore, before loading into the pan, you must make sure that they are able to withstand heating up to 100 ° C. Well-known manufacturers usually indicate such information on the packaging or on the bottle itself. Boiling is not dangerous for glassware and bottles from NUK, Chicco, Avent, Canpol Babies, Tommee Tippee.

In the same way, nipples and pacifiers can be disinfected, only the processing time must be reduced to 2-3 minutes. Do not be afraid that rubber or silicone will not withstand boiling - modern materials from which these items are made easily undergo repeated treatment with boiling water and steam.

Special sterilizer

If there is a concern that the bottles may deteriorate or there is no desire to mess around with boiling water, you can purchase a special steam sterilizer powered by the mains. "Smart" technology facilitates the processing of dishes for the child, as the whole process takes place automatically:

  • pour water into the sterilizer;
  • put inside baby bottles, nipples for feeding, pacifiers;
  • set the desired mode and turn on the device.

Sterilization lasts an average of 10-12 minutes - during this time, the dishes inside the device will be treated with hot steam, which will destroy all microorganisms. It is very convenient to use the sterilizer, since from 2 to 8 items can be processed at a time. If it is necessary to maintain the sterility of the dishes, after turning off the device, it can be left under the lid for several hours.

Steam treatment of dishes for a baby is more gentle than boiling. It can be carried out without special equipment: fix the bottles upside down over a saucepan or kettle with boiling water and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Steamer and multicooker

Sterilization in a steamer

The steamer is able to sterilize several bottles of standard or enlarged diameter at a time. Using it is quite simple:

  • pour water into the appropriate compartment;
  • place the bottles on the bottom section, putting them upside down;
  • put nipples and pacifiers on the upper section;
  • Set the sterilization time to 5-15 minutes.

Sterilization in a multicooker

Young parents who have a slow cooker in the kitchen can entrust the antiseptic treatment of children's dishes to this device:

  • pour 1 liter of water into the washed bowl of the multicooker;
  • put a grate for steam treatment inside the appliance;
  • put washed bottles, caps and nipples sideways on it, and if the internal volume of the device allows, put the bottles upside down;
  • close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “sterilization” mode for 5-7 minutes or the “steaming” mode for 10-15 minutes.

After the slow cooker or steamer has finished its work, it remains to remove sterile items, put them in a clean container, plate or spread on a towel.

In addition to the fact that the bottles must be sterilized correctly, you should follow the rules of hygiene and take out clean dishes with washed hands.

Storage ideas: life hacks, tips, do-it-yourself gadgets


Owners of microwave ovens can use kitchen units to sterilize children's dishes:

  • take a clean glass or ceramic pot that is allowed to be used for microwave;
  • pour water into it and immerse the whole bottles on which there are no metal parts and drawings applied with metallized paint;
  • remove nipples from bottles and put in water;
  • cover the pan with a lid and put in the microwave;
  • set the maximum heating power.

Microwave ovens from different manufacturers differ in technical parameters. Therefore, for the first time, it is necessary to check how long it takes for the water to boil. Calculate the total duration of sterilization so that the bottles boil for 3-5 minutes.

Bottles can be sterilized in the microwave only if they are made of high-quality plastic and do not deform from exposure to high temperatures. These characteristics should be indicated in the instructions for children's dishes or on the packaging.

Processing children's dishes in the microwave is best done using a sterilizer - a special container with a lid. Water is poured into it, all items that require antiseptic treatment are inserted, then it is covered with a lid and placed in a microwave oven. The time of such processing depends on the power of the microwave and usually does not exceed 8-10 minutes. Such devices can be purchased from 1000-1200 rubles, however, after 8-12 months it is unlikely to be needed.

Sterilizer for microwave oven

Antiseptic tablets

At home, you can use special antiseptic tablets or powders, such as JEX. Their use will not cause any special problems:

  • pour cold water into a container of a suitable size (bowl, pan);
  • dissolve the disinfectant in water;
  • put baby dishes, nipples, pacifiers into the solution;
  • cover the container with a lid and soak for half an hour;
  • after 30 minutes, remove all items and rinse with clean boiled water.

For all its seeming simplicity, this method of sterilization is not very popular with modern parents: some are afraid to use chemicals, others do not want to spend money on buying pills and powders. Such disinfection also has supporters: boiling water is not needed during the treatment, and the finished antiseptic solution retains its properties for 24 hours. Tablets are convenient to use outside the home when other methods of sterilization are not available, for example, when traveling.

Using any of the above methods, you can disinfect not only feeding bottles, but also all objects that fall into the baby's mouth: nipples, pacifiers, breast pumps, dental rings, teethers and rattles.

The most common disease is stomatitis, but there are also diseases such as gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis is a kind of poisoning that causes a child to vomit, diarrhea and dehydration.

Until people came up with sterilization, many children died. Nowadays, there are very rare cases when a child falls ill due to a violation of the rules for sterilizing containers for feeding a child. Severe cases are now almost non-existent. It is completely impossible to protect your child from all types of germs, but parents can try to keep germs to a minimum. This is very important, especially in the first years of a baby's life.

Washing baby dishes

Before proceeding with the sterilization of the bottle and nipple, it is necessary to remove particles of milk from the walls of the bottle and wash it thoroughly. After cleaning the milk, you need to get rid of the remnants of the cleaning agent, as well as rinse the hole in the nipple. Never use salt to clean silicone nipples. As for latex nipples, this method will be relevant. After finishing washing the container, you need to get rid of the remaining salt. When cleaning the bottle and nipple, it is necessary to carefully check them to ensure that there are no defects. In places of damage, a large number of bacteria accumulate.

Nowadays, many parents wash their bottles in the dishwasher. The main thing do not forget that it is necessary to sterilize the container at a temperature above 80 degrees. For this reason, you need to set the required temperature. After the bottle has been washed in the dishwasher, it must be used as soon as possible.

How to sterilize the bottle and nipple?

Many parents prefer to sterilize the bottle in the microwave or in a sterilization machine. Microwave sterilization may require special bags or a microwave sterilizer. Unfortunately, there are situations when electricity and a microwave oven are not at hand. It is for this reason that it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the classical methods of sterilization in cold water.

Steam sterilizers

Thanks to eclectic steam sterilizers, the bottle will be sterilized in a matter of minutes. Approximate sterilization time is 10 minutes. Before using the bottle, you need to let it cool down. Remember that some things are forbidden to boil. For example, parts of a breast pump.

There is a sterilizer that works in a microwave oven. It is strictly forbidden to place metal parts in such a device. Such a device will cope with the task within 5 minutes. As a precaution, the steam sterilizer must be opened very carefully, otherwise hot steam will get into your face. The main advantage of a steam sterilizer is the absence of foreign smell. The nipple will remain sterile for 3 hours after treatment. Microwave sterilizers, you can take with you to visit. The main thing is to ask your friends if they have a microwave oven.


Another classic sterilization method is boiling. To sterilize the bottle and nipple, you need to take a separate saucepan. This container must not be used for other purposes. The bottle must be boiled for at least 10 minutes. The disadvantage of this method is that the nipples become unusable.

Bottles that can be sterilized in the microwave

A worthy development for newborns is a bottle that can be sterilized in the microwave. It does not require the use of auxiliary devices. Bottle processing time is only 90 seconds. Before sterilization, the bottle must be left open, otherwise it will be damaged from the pressure formed inside.

Sterilization in cold water

To sterilize the bottle and nipple in cold water, you must use special tablets. Such a solution is able to quickly destroy bacteria. After treatment with cold water, the child will not have irritation from the solution used. To thoroughly sterilize the bottle in cold water, you must purchase a special container, or take any container with a lid. In order for the bottle to completely submerge in water, you need to press it down with something. You also need to get rid of air bubbles, if any, in the bottle.

If the bottle is sterilized in this way, it will be sterile after 30 minutes. In solution, the feeding container can be stored for one day. The sterilization solution must be changed every day. Wash your hands thoroughly before removing the bottle from the solution. If desired, the bottle can be rinsed with boiled water, but this can not be done. You need to feed the baby immediately after taking out the bottle and nipple from the solution. If the child has not finished his food, it must be thrown out, otherwise bacteria will multiply in it, which are harmful to the child.
After processing, you need to use a sterile bottle as soon as possible, otherwise it will need to be processed again. It is very convenient to use sterilizers that allow you to store a bottle.

When can you not sterilize a bottle?

It is recommended to sterilize the bottle and nipple until the baby is one year old. At first glance, it may seem that the child is already pulling objects with bacteria into the mouth, and sterilization can be stopped. Before the age of one year, the infant is susceptible to various infections. Bacteria found in leftover food is much more dangerous than bacteria on objects that a child puts in his mouth. At the age of one year, the infant's immune system secretes antibodies that are able to fight harmful bacteria. But of course, it is best to continue sterilizing as long as the baby is bottle fed.

Now let's talk about what a good quality baby pacifier should look like. Soothers are silicone and latex, silicone ones are more wear-resistant, but you need to look after them well during the period when the child's teeth erupt, they bite easily. At the slightest damage, throw away the old pacifier, it is very good to always have spare nipples. Many babies prefer latex nipples as they are softer and better mimic the surface of the skin. Pacifiers also have different shapes, many manufacturers claim that their products do not spoil the bite, and even imitate the female nipple. But basically, pacifiers are round (they look like the usual Soviet ones), flat teardrop-shaped and with an oblique bite, the so-called orthopedic ones. You can buy your child the most expensive orthopedic pacifier from a well-known manufacturer, and he will love to suck on an ordinary cheap round nipple, here, as they say, the taste and color ... Soothers with glowing rings at night are very convenient, they are easy to find in a crib when the baby bursts into tears during sleep.

Be sure to boil and rinse thoroughly before each use. Very convenient for storing nipples with caps and special containers for pacifiers. Having such a container with you in your stroller, you can always replace the fallen “sedative”. Never lick a dropped nipple, a person's mouth is a place full of different bacteria, including carious, putrefactive ones, and the baby does not need them at all. For safety reasons, do not hang the pacifier on an elastic band or ribbon around the baby's neck; use special clothespins with plastic chains for this purpose. No need to dip the nipple in sugar or honey, nothing but early curry


This helpful article will show you how to properly use a pacifier without harming your baby's health, how to boil and sterilize nipples, and give you some interesting tips on how to wean your baby off the pacifier.

It is very important before the first use, and during use, to process the pacifier. It can be steamed by holding the teat over boiling water. Also, for processing, you can use a double boiler. But now special sterilizers are on sale. Electric sterilizers use an ultraviolet lamp that reliably kills all germs. Also, there are steam sterilizers designed for the microwave. They are all easy to use. There are many methods that suggest how to process the pacifier, the most important thing is not to forget about sterilization, the health of the child depends on it.

The oldest and most reliable method for sterilizing nipples is boiling. In order to treat the nipple with steam, you need to boil the required amount of water and lower the nipple there, boil for 3-5 minutes. Next, remove the pacifier with tongs and lay to dry. This method can boil nipples with plastic parts. But there are nipples that cannot be boiled, for example, a thermometer nipple, so when purchasing a pacifier, you need to ask the seller how to boil nipples and, in general, whether it is possible to boil those that you have chosen ..

A pacifier is mother's first assistant, but sometime every parent faces the question of how to wean a child from the nipple. First you need to limit access to the nipple, for example, to give it only to make the child fall asleep or for a walk. Dentists recommend removing the pacifier from the baby's use by the year, otherwise it will ruin the child's bite, make his teeth crooked and ruin his speech. The most interesting way is this: if the baby is already walking, then you need to hang the pacifier on the wall so that he can get it, let him



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To satisfy the innate sucking reflex of the newborn, many parents offer him a pacifier. However, a pacifier, if stored improperly, can become a breeding ground for a large number of germs.

When a baby is first born, he can't do anything but suck. This is the dominant innate reflex. Breastfed babies can satisfy their reflex even without additional devices - mother's breast will give them in full. However, formula-fed babies need a pacifier because the need for suckling remains unsatisfied. At the time of teething, when the baby is sick or just trying to sleep, a pacifier can also help.

Manufacturers of baby products produce nipples from two types of materials - silicone and latex. Silicone nipples do not lose their original shape when a child sucks it for a long time, they are very durable and can withstand a large number of sterilizations. Also, silicone nipples do not cause allergic reactions in the child. Latex nipples with prolonged sucking tend to stretch, increase in size, i.e. lose their original appearance. However, many babies prefer latex pacifiers because they are softer than silicone and easier to suck on. Latex nipples need to be changed once every 3 weeks.

Before using the pacifier for the first time, it must be sterilized (boiled). For further use, it is enough to wash the pacifier with soap and hot water, and then rinse thoroughly. However, once every two weeks, in order to avoid the reproduction of bacteria and microbes on the nipple, it must also be kept in boiling water for several minutes with the lid closed. If the nipple fell to the ground, in no case should parents lick it, thereby supposedly cleaning it. Mine lives in the mouth of an adult


A pacifier, how to choose and buy the right pacifier.

Even before birth, the baby sucks on the fist or the umbilical cord to calm down. After birth, he begins to look for at least something familiar to himself, for example, something that can be sucked. Ideally, this should be the mother's breast - so the child will calm down, eat, and establish contact with the mother. However, over time, you will need to give your baby liquid foods and water - for this you will need a bottle and nipple. Or maybe you can't breastfeed your baby, in which case you'll need a bottle from the first day of your baby's life.

We say right away that you can’t buy the first nipple that comes across. To get started, look at the size of the neck of the bottle: write down the company and series of your baby bottle, or take the bottle with you for trying on. Note that they mainly come with a standard and wide neck. However, the standard neck of one bottle will not necessarily equal the same neck of another, although they may appear to be the same in appearance. That is why choose a pacifier for your dishes.

Also, a wide neck is considered better, since in this case the child repeats the capture of his mother's breast, that is, he does not have malocclusion, and the entire oral apparatus works and develops correctly. We have both latex and silicone nipples in our store. Latex ones are famous for their ability to remember the taste of milk, but they wear out faster. Silicone ones are more durable, but they are more rigid. We also offer both round and flat nipples. Round nipples follow the shape of a mother's nipple, and a flat nipple follows the bite and does not deform the palate.

Another option to soothe a child is to buy a pacifier. Here you can look at any pacifier, as their range is huge: with flowers, self-closing, with a neck lace, with a handle glowing in the dark and many others.


Already 200 years ago in Europe, children were calmed with a pacifier. And only in the first half of the 20th century it was recognized as an obsolete, unpleasant and unhygienic habit that needs to be eradicated. In the past few years, the favor of parents and pediatricians for the nipple has returned again. However, there are many of her opponents who consider pacifier sucking to be a more harmful habit than thumb sucking.

There is no clear evidence that pacifier use contributes to malocclusion. The correct bite depends on many factors, and it is unfair to blame only the pacifier for this. If it is reasonable to use a pacifier, then there should be no negative consequences.

The pacifier satisfies the baby's need for sucking. An unsatisfied need for sucking can at an older age (after 3 years) cause neurosis and other adverse psychological conditions. The main purpose of the pacifier is to soothe. It creates a feeling of security and comfort, which is necessary for the baby. The pacifier is a protection against stress.

Babies who sleep with a pacifier in their mouth are more likely to wake up on their own when they have trouble breathing. If a child has a pacifier in his mouth, he cannot bury his nose in the bed and suffocate. In addition, babies with a pacifier in their mouth are more likely to sleep on their backs, which reduces the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

For the little ones, nipples made of transparent silicone rubber are best suited. After the appearance of teeth in the baby, it is recommended to switch to a soft latex nipple, which has less effect on tooth growth.

The pacifier consists of a nipple, a protective disk (muzzle) and a ring. All these parts differ in material, shape and size. Offer your baby several options, let him choose the pacifier that he likes.

Bag for mother and newborn With the arrival of a new small family member in the family, the era of the newborn begins. And friends and relatives are wondering what to give a newborn child and his parents. Since the beauty and originality of the kid

Latex nipples are easier to suck on as they are softer. This will suit the


If young parents did not purchase it themselves, then grandmothers will definitely acquire it and a couple more will be presented by numerous friends and girlfriends who have come to visit the new little man.

And everyone makes a purchase in accordance with their own considerations and numerous tips from more experienced parents.

How to choose a pacifier?

Currently, the pharmacy chain offers pacifiers made of latex and silicone, their shape is also diverse - round, anatomical, symmetrical.

The most correct choice would be the anatomical shape, but if your child stubbornly refuses it, you can try a round or symmetrical pacifier.

Silicone or latex - you decide. Latex pacifiers are soft and fragile and should be changed frequently, about once a month.

Silicone pacifiers are more durable and resilient, they are more suitable for parents whose babies are not breastfed, but mixed-fed. It will last longer - 3-4 months.

Such a pacifier is more difficult to suck on, but this is a necessary condition so that using a pacifier, your baby is not too lazy to take the breast. Nipples for bottles for formula and water in this case should also be made of silicone.

For weakened, premature babies, a latex pacifier is more suitable, it will help the baby save strength, but a full-term toddler with chubby cheeks and a silicone pacifier can handle it without difficulty.

What types are distinguished?

Classic or Regular: The shape of the small, rounded papilla gives this species the closest resemblance to a mother's breast. Especially - in copies of latex.

Anatomical: the oblong and flattened nipple helps distribute pressure on the palate. This type can be selected in accordance with the height and weight of the child - good, choice


how to boil a pacifier for a newborn

Young mothers are often interested in whether it is possible to give a pacifier to a newborn, and also what consequences this may have. A pacifier and breastfeeding do not contradict each other. However, you need to remember - it is better to start using the nipple after the establishment of lactation, the feeding regimen. Otherwise, the baby will be lazy to suckle the breast.

Before choosing a pacifier for a newborn, it is important to understand the main models on the pharmacy market. Types of pacifiers according to the material are as follows:

Many are interested in what to choose, a latex or silicone pacifier for a child. The advantages of silicone models are the following features:

Unlike the silicone model, the latex pacifier has a yellowish color and is less durable. In addition, such a pacifier has a slight taste and smell, which the child does not always like.

When choosing a pacifier, you need to pay attention to its base. This plastic part of the pacifier should not block the spout and interfere with the breathing process. The base should not have sharp edges, bumps that can scratch delicate skin.

Now let's try to figure out if a newborn baby needs a dummy or you can do without using it. To do this, consider the benefits and harms of a pacifier for a child's body. It is immediately worth noting that it satisfies the need for sucking, but not all children need it. Therefore, it is not worth forcibly accustoming a baby to a pacifier.

Below are the main negative effects that can occur with regular use of a pacifier:

Constant use of the pacifier leads to the fact that the baby simply gets tired of sucking. And when the time comes for feeding, the sucking reflex decreases, and there is little strength for a full-fledged intake of breast milk.

It is believed that the pacifier can interfere with the bite in children, and even in


The nipples and baby bottles that mothers use to feed newborn babies need to be sterilized. The intestinal microflora in newborns is still in the process of formation, therefore, this method of processing nipples and bottles protects children from pathogenic microbes that actively multiply in dairy environments.

Purchase special dishes in the store (enamelled or aluminum saucepan or ladle). You will need it to boil water when sterilizing nipples.

After you finish feeding your baby from a baby bottle, wash the nipple and bottle with a special detergent designed for washing baby dishes (in extreme cases, just rinse with water). Rinse thoroughly under clean water.

Pour enough water into the saucepan so that when you place the bottle in it, the water will completely get inside it. Place a pot of water on the gas stove until it boils.

Immerse the bottle and nipple in boiling water for about 10 to 15 minutes. The exact time to sterilize baby utensils will depend on the type of pacifier and bottle, as well as the material from which they are made and the degree of contamination. Therefore, the sterilization time for each dish is individual, and you can find it out only with practice. If there are fears that you can be distracted from the procedure, the water will boil away and the bottle will melt in a saucepan, then put a piece of gauze rolled up in several layers into the bottle. In this case, the gauze will be able to absorb the melted mixture of the bottle and the nipple, and there will be less further work on cleaning the saucepan.

Soap, cleaning powders and other substances with a toxic (chemical) base should not be used to wash children's dishes.

Rubber nipples can go bad after just a few boils. Silicone ones last longer, but when exposed to high temperatures, they quickly become unusable.


Having decided to give the baby a pacifier, parents need to learn more about how to care for this product. Why do they need to be changed regularly, how long can one nipple be used and how to properly sterilize it?

Reasons for replacement

Constant sterilization of pacifiers leads to their rapid wear. With prolonged use, cracks may appear on them, representing a danger to the health of the baby. They need to be replaced on time.

Classification by materials and period of use

Latex types are not very long service life. Using it constantly, you will notice how it loses its shape, and its walls begin to stick together. In addition, microcracks appear in the latex over time, in which microorganisms easily settle. Because of this, latex pacifiers are replaced every 2-4 weeks before the product darkens and deforms.

Silicone models are more durable, so they last longer. However, such an accessory is easier to bite through, and getting even a small particle of such a nipple into the baby's body can be dangerous. It is recommended to change it every 3-5 weeks, even if the product is intact.


Boiling is one of the easiest processing methods. After pouring a little water into a small saucepan, and letting it boil, a pacifier is lowered into the water (it is important that the water completely covers the product) and keep it in a boiling liquid for 2-3 minutes. Do not worry about whether the product will withstand boiling - they are made with the expectation of frequent sterilization.

A quick way to sterilize is to use steam. The product is held for several seconds over the steam from the kettle spout. Please note that with this treatment there is no guarantee that all bacteria have been removed from the nipple, but if there are no other options for treating the pacifier, then


A nipple (pacifier) ​​is an object that mimics a nipple, designed to satisfy the sucking reflex in newborns. Babies who are breastfed, as a rule, do not really need this item, because. frequent attachment to the breast completely satisfies their need for suckling. But if the newborn is on mixed or artificial feeding, if the baby falls asleep restlessly without sucking, then such a child needs a pacifier. And the nipple will also help those children who are worried about gas in the tummy, because sucking promotes their discharge.

We select the shape of the nipple: classic, anatomical, orthodontic

Nipples are classical (round) and anatomical. The round shape of the pacifier is the most common and familiar shape for everyone. It is narrow at the stop and gradually expanding towards the end, with a rounded papilla. Such a pacifier can be given to a child in any direction. But with very frequent and long-term use of such a nipple, an incorrect bite may form.

Anatomically shaped nipples conform to the structure of the baby's gums. This is a nipple adjacent to the tongue, flattened on one side, having an elliptical shape. This shape of the pacifier allows you to evenly distribute the pressure on the palate of the newborn. The anatomical nipple prevents the swallowing of air and helps the correct development of the bite.

The orthodontic pacifier is gaining the greatest popularity now. This is a nipple with a sloping papilla, slightly flattened on one side and convex on the other. Due to its teardrop shape, it sits more comfortably in the mouth. The baby captures her in the same way as the mother's breast. According to their shape, orthodontic nipples are divided into 3 types:

Another type of nipple flat on both sides is called symmetrical. Such a nipple is convenient because, like a round one, it can be used


You can often observe the following picture: a baby spits out a pacifier, it lands on a blanket, and mother, without further ado, picks it up and shoves it into the baby's mouth. But the dummy already contains a considerable amount of bacteria. And by doing so, you increase their number and put your baby at risk of contracting stomatitis.

For an experienced woman, there is no problem - how to sterilize pacifiers. This process has not changed for many years, and does not require much time. But, first of all, remember one simple thing: there should be several pacifiers and they should be stored in clean dishes.

The easiest way to sterilize is boiling. Pour a little water into a small clean saucepan, bring it to a boil and submerge the pacifiers in the water for a couple of minutes. Then take them out, and, putting them on a cleanly washed plate, wait until they dry. Everything, pacifiers are ready to use.

If you're in a hurry, or don't have the time or desire to boil pacifiers, there's an alternative: boil the kettle and hold the pacifier over the steam for a few seconds. Of course, this procedure does not give a 100% guarantee of sterilization, but still better than nothing.

You will not have a question about how to sterilize pacifiers if you have a steamer in your house. It is enough if, after filling the container with water, you set the timer for 2-3 minutes.

Now on sale you can find special sterilizers for nipples and bottles. Buy one of these and make your job easier. Sterilization in these devices occurs under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp, which, as you know, copes well with germs. Sterilization time is only 3 minutes.

Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn at homeOur grandmothers also swaddled - “twisted” newborn babies. This tradition has continued into modern times, for a number of reasons. Firstly, a baby diaper can easily and quickly wrap the baby from head to toe, it quickly warms

Pacifiers are not only rubber, but also plastic. For plastic


Three mandatory questions that any caring mother should ask herself and certainly find comprehensive answers to them: is it possible for a newborn baby to give a nipple, is a nipple needed for newborns, and if it is still needed, then what kind of nipple should be for a newborn baby and how to choose her?

A pacifier for newborns is not just a toy or a cute accessory that you can show off to other moms in the park for a walk. A nipple for a newborn baby is an essential item, especially if for some reason the mother cannot breastfeed the baby.

From the moment of birth, the child initially has a very well developed sucking reflex, this is due to the need for the baby to receive mother's milk from the first minutes after birth. If the baby receives mother's breast, then in general there is no need to give him a pacifier. If the child does not have such an opportunity, then you just need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing a pacifier or pacifier for a bottle. According to many doctors, the process of sucking has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the baby. Having received a pacifier, the baby calms down and is distracted from external stimuli.

Can you give a pacifier to a newborn?

The birth of a child is an important step in the life of any parent. This must be remembered from the very moment of conception, and never forgotten. After the baby is born, parents face a lot of questions that need to be answered as quickly as possible. One of these questions: "Is it possible to give a newborn a pacifier?".

The cause of white flakes in the feces of a baby Newborn babies and babies always require more attention. It is necessary to approach various studies thoroughly. Moms should not be shy about asking a pediatrician for a scatology test.

Recently, many myths have arisen about whether to give a baby a pacifier. Many believe that long-term nipple sucking can lead to malocclusion, and a child who is breastfed by a mother may develop a malocclusion.


The rules for caring for newborns are adamant: in the first months of life, the child must live in an environment close to sterile. So, for example, baby pacifiers should not be reused, licked by an adult, or given to a baby if it has fallen on the floor. They must be sterilized before use. And there are quite a few ways to do it.

The requirement to sterilize baby nipples is not unreasonable. After all, there are a lot of bacteria on the floor, sofas and other surfaces, many of which are pathogenic (and the quality of cleaning has nothing to do with it). The immunity of the baby is not yet ready to resist all these microbes. Therefore, it is worth helping the baby gradually adapt. So, it is worth actively sterilizing the nipples while the child is still in the crib.

How to sterilize nipples

The easiest way to sterilize, which is available to everyone, whether it be a man, a woman or grandparents. To sterilize a pacifier, fill a small saucepan with water and put it on fire. When it boils, dip the nipple into it and boil for a couple of minutes. Everything, the nipple is disinfected.

Do not be afraid that the nipple will not withstand such high temperatures. The pacifiers are made of materials that are specifically designed for sterilization and boiling.

You can save time by using a steamer to sterilize your pacifier. Pour water into the lower part, put the pacifier on one of the levels and turn on the device for 2-3 minutes. Under steam, the nipple will quickly become sterile.

Alternatively, teats can be treated in a special bottle sterilizer. In such devices, pacifiers are disinfected under an ultraviolet lamp. This method, on the one hand, is more convenient because you do not need to bother with water - pour, pour, dry the device. On the other hand, the ultraviolet lamp has and additionally


Sterilize feeding bottles properly

With the advent of the baby, many questions arise regarding care. Still, because the baby has just been born, it is not yet adapted for life in the big world. Being in the womb, the child was under reliable protection. Barely born, it begins to be surrounded by a mass of microorganisms and not always useful. The immune system of the baby is extremely vulnerable. And the first time you need to work hard to protect him from everything harmful and dangerous. First of all, it affects nutrition. Therefore, it is so important to sterilize the bottles before each feeding if the baby eats with them. Of course, if the baby is only breastfed, this is no longer an issue. But sometimes situations may arise here when you have to leave the child with the grandmother, and express the milk into a bottle. And here, too, knowledge about the sterilization of feeding equipment will come in handy.

The reason for processing dishes for babies

Some will wonder, is it necessary to disinfect the bottles so carefully? Perhaps it will be enough to rinse them, and that's it? But it has long been known that milk during long storage becomes a source of pathogens that multiply and can cause severe poisoning. Imagine what will happen if the milk is not completely washed out. A harmful environment will develop inside. Such microorganisms are destroyed only by the action of high temperatures. Therefore, it would be more correct to immediately rinse and disinfect the dishes after use.

The question immediately arises, how long should this be processed? A month, six months or more? Experts say that by about a year, or even a year and a half, the child is completely used to the environment, which carries not always useful microorganisms. Therefore, up to 12 months it is necessary to sterilize. And when complementary foods begin, wash the spoons well and pour boiling water over them before use. The fact that this cutlery should be individual for the crumbs, I think, does not need to be said.

Sterilization methods

Of course, there are special devices for processing children's dishes, but it is not always possible to use them. Moreover, today's opportunities make it possible to use not only special equipment as a sterilizer. Let's look at the most common ways to help new parents.

  1. Boiling.
  2. Cold processing.
  3. Microwave.
  4. Ferry action.
  5. Multicooker.
  6. Special sterilizer.

Each of the methods is good and quite affordable. The choice is only for caring moms and dads. Let's consider each separately.


It is necessary to allocate a special saucepan for this procedure. A sufficient amount of water is poured there, which will cover the bottle and all removable parts. It will be correct to cover with a small lid so that the bottle does not float during the boil. Boil for 5 to 10 minutes. But you need to take into account the processing time of the nipples. This item can be in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes, since although this is a reliable method of neutralization, it is not the most gentle. The silicone from which the nipple is made will quickly become unusable. This is one of the downsides. The second is the time spent, it is necessary to control the moment before boiling, and note the time. If we take into account the frequency of feeding, as well as the nightly appetites of the crumbs, then in the arsenal it is necessary to have not one, but two bottles for a shift. After all, it will have to be processed at night.

Cold working

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find chemicals for sterilizing children's kitchen items. Manufacturers promise the safety of this method. A plus will be the complete neutralization and destruction of dangerous flora. Before use, the tablet is dissolved in cool water, dishes are placed there for about 30 minutes.

But, despite the promises of the manufacturers of this chemical method, after such processing, a strong smell of chlorine and a specific taste of milk are possible. And this can scare the newborn away from food. Moreover, if the proportions are not observed, there is a risk of harming the baby. In some countries, this method is not required at all. It is recommended to use occasionally and carefully read the instructions before use.


The easiest of all ways. There is no need to keep track of time. In order to sterilize the bottle, it is enough to use a special device for a microwave oven. If this is not the case, it is permissible to place the necessary item and all its parts in a glass dish, pour water, set the maximum power and turn on the microwave for a few minutes. Some experts believe that dishes can be placed without water. It's all about the emitted waves, which are able to kill all unwanted microorganisms. The disadvantage of this method, in both cases, is that you will not process the metal parts in this way, and the nipple will quickly wear out.

Well, if there are no metal parts, there is nothing to be afraid of. And the pacifier can be processed over steam. Although, it is permissible to process all parts of the feeding bottle with this method.

Ferry action

No less effective way and more gentle. Before using this method, it is enough to pour some water into the pan, install a clean colander and place the bottle and nipple upside down. When the water starts to boil, steam will form, and it will fully cope with the problem. But there are also disadvantages, such as the need, during this process, to be near the device. There is a risk of boiling water. And yes, you need to time it.

But the same principle of operation has an ordinary double boiler. Parts of children's dishes are installed upside down, turn on the device and you're done. After you just need to pull out and dry for the next use.


This lifesaver for mom is in almost every home. In addition to the preparation of milk porridges and the function of baby food, there is a strainer for steamed recipes. But it can be used not only for products. After all, thanks to boiling water, dishes and pacifiers can be steamed. The beauty is that you just need to install the parts upside down, set the "steam" program and the time, and the technician will do everything on his own. Sterilization will take place at the highest level.

But since one bowl is used both for cooking and for disinfection, there is a risk that extraneous odors will be released with steam. The plastic from which the bottles are made will absorb unnecessary aroma. Therefore, try to ensure that the bottom of the bowl and the walls are thoroughly washed and dried.


This is another way of steam processing. The advantages are that the device was created specifically for the disinfection of children's dishes. For home purposes, it is convenient to use a network-enabled mechanism. Water is poured down, and all parts of the bottle are installed upside down in the nozzles. But due to the action of hot steam, there is a risk of getting burned, so you need to carefully and carefully remove objects from there. Better yet, wait for them to cool down.

It is very convenient to use the device, as it is possible to set the required time, which does not need to be controlled. You can do your own thing during this process. In this technique, the nipples are handled carefully. It is acceptable to sterilize pacifiers.

There is also a more economical version of this technique. Its cost is almost 2 times lower. And it is used according to the same principle: water is poured, dishes are placed, covered with a lid. But it does not turn on, but put in the microwave. Under the action of the same vapor from the liquid, treatment takes place.

Handling the bottle before sterilization

Feeding accessories must be washed and sterilized before the first use.

But this rule also applies after each subsequent feeding. A thin film forms on the inside of milk bottles, which can only be removed by thorough washing and disinfection methods. There are many detergents in stores that are acceptable for use from the first days of a baby's life.

But many mothers prefer ordinary soda or laundry soap. These are excellent antiseptics that have earned the trust of more than one generation of parents. In addition, fine fractions of soda are well cleaned of unwanted milk residues. wash sequence.

  1. First rinse with cool water.
  2. Then either a detergent or soda (laundry soap) is added.
  3. Thoroughly wash the sides and bottom with a brush. Instead of a brush, you can use a wide sponge that will reach the bottom. It should be separate, used only for a baby bottle. It should be replaced regularly. The rest of the details, including the nipple, are carefully washed, because there are hard-to-reach places in the form of bends. They can easily leave traces of nutrition, dry out and form an unpleasant odor. And it is an excellent environment for the reproduction of microorganisms.
  4. Wash off with warm water. Wash well, removing all detergents. It is better to use running water.

After the washing process is completed, you can send for sterilization. Of course, at first glance it looks laborious. But, when the process is put on automatic, a habit will develop. Every month the number of feedings of the little one is reduced, this will make the task of the mother easier. Remember that the health of a small person is most important!

Sterilization of bottles for newborns: how to do it right

After the appearance of the baby in the family, the responsibility for his safety falls on the shoulders of the parents. Later, fast carousels and dubious companies will become a threat, and while the newborn sleeps peacefully in the cradle, you have to protect him from invisible, but dangerous enemies - microbes. Our Fidget figured out whether it is necessary to sterilize the bottles before each feeding, in what situations you cannot do without it, and how to do it correctly.

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Sterilization of baby bottles: prejudice or necessity?

Pathological fear of the microorganisms living around us is archaic from the point of view of modern medicine. In developed countries, it goes without saying that a couple of hours after the birth, a crowd of relatives will visit the mother and baby, and it would never occur to anyone to put on a bandage if the person is not sick. During the first day, the newborn leaves the medical facility and goes home, where he encounters all the richness of the microflora.

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Doctors oppose total sterilization, arguing that the baby's body must meet with microorganisms in order to train the immune system. It is impossible to ensure absolute sterility in living quarters, and when the child begins to move around the apartment on his own, he cannot avoid meeting with all the microbes living in it, but by this moment his immunity will already be ready to fight back. Sterilization of baby bottles is justified only in the following cases:

  • Prematurity. When a child was born prematurely, his immune system has not yet gone through all the stages of formation provided by nature, and even non-pathogenic flora can provoke the development of the disease.
  • Low birth weight. In full-term babies, this may be due to intrauterine diseases, placental pathology, or multiple pregnancies. At body weights below 2500 g, even a small level of bacterial load (the number of microbes that enter the body) causes clinical manifestations of infection.
  • Immunodeficiency. In newborns, it is caused by intrauterine infection with HIV or genetic diseases, and therefore the body is unable to resist even non-pathogenic microflora.
  • Living in areas endemic for infectious diseases. In such a situation, sterilization before each feeding is a way to protect the child from pathogens known to be present in the environment.
  • Ware for storage. Some mothers prefer to prepare the formula for several feedings and warm it up just before use. Since this situation creates conditions for the reproduction of microbes directly in the bottle, the risk of developing a critical bacterial load increases significantly. For the same reason, dishes for storing expressed breast milk are subject to mandatory sterilization.

The best way to avoid the hassle

The fuss with bottles and preparing the mixture takes up mom's precious time and eats up a significant part of the family budget. From the point of view of both parents and the baby, the priority should be the task of maintaining breastfeeding. In the vast majority of cases, a woman is able to breastfeed her baby without worrying about how to sterilize baby bottles.

Supporters of sterilization argue their opinion with the peculiarities of the physiology of newborns. After birth, the pH of the stomach is almost at a neutral level of 5.0-6.0, while the main acid is not hydrochloric, but lactic. Such a slightly acidic environment persists during the first year of life, but acidity reaches an adult level only after 7 years. Therefore, bacteria in children do not die in the stomach, but enter the intestines, which means bottle sterilization is a necessary event for everyone.

As you can see, fans of both methods provide the theoretical justification, so the final decision is up to you. Domestic pediatricians often recommend playing it safe, while Western pediatricians adhere to the opposite point of view.

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Before sterilizing baby bottles, they must be prepared. First of all, inspect the dishes, and if there are cracks on the plastic or glass, do not waste time and throw away the damaged bottle. Even when it does not leak, it is impossible to qualitatively wash out the remains of the mixture or milk from the cracks, which means that bacteria will multiply rapidly in this nutrient medium. If no defects are found, proceed to preparation:

  • Completely disassemble the bottle. Unscrew the safety ring, remove the nipple and valve, if any.
  • Wash all parts thoroughly with baking soda or baby dishwashing detergent. For these purposes, get a separate sponge, which is thoroughly washed and dried after use.
  • For bottles with a narrow neck, it is worth buying a brush with a long handle to effectively clean the junction of the bottom and walls.
  • Pay special attention to the threads and the inner surface of the nipple, they often leave particles of dirt.
  • If you prefer to wash baby dishes in the dishwasher, select the maximum temperature setting and rinse the parts after the cycle is complete.

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You need to wash the bottles immediately after use, since rubbing the dried mixture is a dubious pleasure. Sterilization of already clean dishes can be postponed and wait until more of it is collected. Before you sterilize the bottles, take a look around, there may be other items around that need to be disinfected. Do not forget about the breast pump, pacifiers, teethers and rattles, just check in the instructions if the chosen sterilization method is acceptable for a particular product.

How to sterilize baby bottles and pacifiers

Sterilization is a completely simple task, and you will definitely cope with it. Only the quality of plastic or rubber can fail, but the risk of deformation of products of well-known brands tends to zero. Disinfection is carried out by any method, depending on the devices available in the house, since their effectiveness is quite comparable.


photo from the site

A simple and effective way, which was used by our grandmothers, since it was then vital to sterilize bottles for newborns at home. You will need the following steps:

  • boil water in a pot of suitable volume;
  • immerse the disassembled bottle into it;
  • boil on low heat for 10 minutes;
  • carefully remove the dishes from boiling water and dry them.

Keep in mind that even high-quality nipples cannot be boiled sterilized. Although deformation does not threaten them, the material will lose its elasticity and elasticity. Nipples can be doused with boiling water or steam sterilized.

Until what age should bottles be sterilized?

Given the ambiguity of the very need for sterilization, the question of how old to sterilize bottles also does not have a single correct answer. The most common practice is constant sterilization before the child begins to crawl, after which its frequency is gradually reduced to 1 time per day, and disinfection is completely abandoned by 1-1.5 years.

Steam sterilizer

Not all parents decide to buy a separate device for these purposes, but if you have one, then you need to act as follows:

  • place all parts in the sterilizer;
  • pour water into the container provided for this;
  • turn on the device for 8-10 minutes;
  • at the end of the procedure, do not open the lid to maintain sterility.

Steaming is a gentler procedure, and even nipples will withstand it, so feel free to load all the parts of the bottle into the sterilizer. As an alternative to special devices, some parents put a bottle on the spout of a boiling kettle. Such a life hack can hardly be called a full-fledged replacement, since only the inner surface of the bottle is disinfected.


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Disinfection in a microwave oven also occurs under the influence of steam, but at the same time objects are very hot, so low-quality nipples can be deformed. To sterilize bottles, proceed as follows:

  • Pour some water into a dish suitable for microwave;
  • immerse all parts of the bottle in the container;
  • loosely cover with a lid;
  • turn on the oven for 8-10 minutes.

Dry the bottles by laying them out on a clean, ironed towel. Before sending the dishes to the microwave, make sure that there are no metallized inscriptions or drawings anywhere. The Swiss company Medela produces special bags for this purpose, in which bottles should be folded, a little water added, closed and microwaved for just 3 minutes. Such time saving is very relevant for young mothers, as it allows you to quickly get a sterile container, because it is very difficult to wait 10-12 minutes with a hungry baby.

Multicooker or steamer

These kitchen units facilitate cooking, and are quite capable of replacing the sterilizer. There is no direct heating, so you can safely put rubber and latex nipples. Sterilization of bottles in a slow cooker is carried out in the "steam" mode, and takes the standard 10 minutes, after which it is advisable not to get them until they are used for their intended purpose.

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Any of the above methods is based on temperature exposure. After the end of the process, the bottles remain sterile for 3 hours, so they should not be disinfected in reserve.


Young mothers do not really like the chemical method of sterilization, doubting its safety for the child. But in some situations, this is the only possible option, for example, when traveling or on vacation. Such tablets are offered by Bebe Confort and Milton. Cold disinfection is very simple:

  • pour 5 liters of water into a clean container;
  • dissolve in 1 tablet and immerse all the details in it;
  • cover the pot with a lid;
  • After 15 minutes, remove and dry the bottle.

Although the manufacturers claim that the solution is absolutely safe and non-toxic, it is worth rinsing the dishes with boiled water before use. The advantage of this technique can be called the fact that the solution is suitable for use within 24 hours. You can dip a clean bottle into it and keep it there until the baby gets hungry.

As you can see, sterilizing baby bottles at home is not difficult at all, and after a couple of days of practice, you will do it automatically and without thinking. In any case, this period will be quite short, and among the many delights of motherhood, it will be just an insignificant episode.

data-block2= data-block3= data-block4=> List of things for a newborn for the first time in the fall

The rules for caring for newborns are adamant: in the first months of life, the child must live in an environment close to sterile. So, for example, baby pacifiers should not be reused, licked by an adult, or given to a baby if it has fallen on the floor. They must be sterilized before use. And there are quite a few ways to do it.

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The requirement to sterilize baby nipples is not unreasonable. After all, there are a lot of bacteria on the floor, sofas and other surfaces, many of which are pathogenic (and the quality of cleaning has nothing to do with it). The immunity of the baby is not yet ready to resist all these microbes. Therefore, it is worth helping the baby gradually adapt. So, it is worth actively sterilizing the nipples while the child is still in the crib.

How to sterilize nipples

The easiest way to sterilize, which is available to everyone, whether it be a man, a woman or grandparents. To sterilize a pacifier, fill a small saucepan with water and put it on fire. When it boils, dip the nipple into it and boil for a couple of minutes. Everything, the nipple is disinfected.

Do not be afraid that the nipple will not withstand such high temperatures. The pacifiers are made of materials that are specifically designed for sterilization and boiling.

You can save time by using a steamer to sterilize your pacifier. Pour water into the lower part, put the pacifier on one of the levels and turn on the device for 2-3 minutes. Under steam, the nipple will quickly become sterile.

Alternatively, teats can be treated in a special bottle sterilizer. In such devices, pacifiers are disinfected under an ultraviolet lamp. This method, on the one hand, is more convenient because you do not need to bother with water - pour, pour, dry the device. On the other hand, the ultraviolet lamp also has an additional bactericidal effect.

If you need a pacifier urgently or just don’t really want to suffer with all the designs for sterilization, you can simply turn on the kettle, wait until it boils, and hold the pacifier over the steam.

Experts say that this method is not 100% protection against germs. However, it is better to sterilize a pacifier this way than nothing at all.

There is another option to sterilize the nipples in the microwave. But only it is not suitable for every type of pacifier. Therefore, be sure to read the information on the package so as not to accidentally send something that is not intended for it into the microwave. Otherwise, you risk getting an extremely unexpected result.

What to consider when sterilizing nipples

For newborn babies, they usually buy new nipples (rather than using inherited ones). Usually they are either rubber or plastic. Remember that you can sterilize rubber in any way convenient for you. But with plastic it is more difficult. Not all methods can be applied to them. What kind of sterilization methods are suitable for such nipples, it is better to consult with sellers or representatives of the manufacturer.

Before the first use, be sure to prepare the pacifier. Preparation includes washing the nipples in a soapy solution, followed by sterilization in accordance with all the rules. And this cannot be delayed.

The main question that young mothers have is how long it takes, ideally, to boil the nipple and whether 2-3 minutes will not be enough. Experts assure that this time will be enough. Bacteria are not viable enough to last even a minute.

How many mothers think that this process - the sterilization of the nipples - will continue indefinitely. However, in reality, everything, including this, passes quite quickly. And even the warmest memories of these endless boils remain after.


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