What to draw with a child 3. The first steps in drawing: we teach a child to be creative. Pencils or markers

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Drawing for children 2-3 years old is an activity that has not yet been mastered, but interesting and attractive. And if kids show different tricks and techniques, their interest in this activity increases markedly.

That the lessons brought more joy than trouble, equip a convenient place for them in advance.

First of all, you will need a table that is suitable for the height of the child, and a stable chair. Before classes, it is better to dress the child in non-staining and well-washed clothes. To keep his hands clean, you need to stock up on wet wipes in advance. The need for wipes increases if you do not have the opportunity to wash a dirty baby.

To practice with paints, you will need to prepare a non-spill cup. For classes with colored pencils - a sharpener that the baby can use. It is better to use paper that is thick enough, not tearing and slowly getting wet.

The first step for future artists can usually be to work with . We use pictures with wide contours, we teach the baby to shade them without going beyond the borders. This technique is called "hatching by coloring".

The second way to work with coloring is to paint over the picture inside the borders. This technique is called "painting".

An interesting option for painting is working with a thread. And with a thread from a knitting robe we lay out an arbitrary pattern, paint over the space limited by the thread.

This work is interesting in that if the baby touches the thread, it shifts to the side, and the pattern is broken. Therefore, special care must be taken.

Having learned to handle the brush, the baby can begin to create the first drawings - lines. Lines can be straight and wavy, narrow and wide, plain or multi-colored. In the process of work, we draw the attention of the children to the fact that the wider the brush used, the thicker the line is.

You can draw lines with any improvised objects - for example, toy vehicles. This activity usually delights the kids.

Having learned to draw lines, you can learn to put dots. We use a brush or a cotton swab for this, making jerky, jumping movements with them.

Feeding the interest of the kids, we show them different properties and ways of working with paints.

We experiment with colors, making blots: we apply a thick layer of paint of different shades on the area, and then fold it in half. Expanding.

We have a unique pattern!

Blot - pattern

We learn the properties of different materials: we apply a drawing with wax crayons, after which we cover the sheet with a layer of watercolor. Chalk is not painted over.

We put stamps with factory fixtures or improvised means - for example, raw or flower.

We combine our drawings with other techniques - for example,.

Foliage is performed in the technique of "application"

We use our pens as a medium for applying paints. We put prints and lay out different images with them.

Putting paint on the palm

Sometimes adults find it difficult what to draw with children 3 years old. They seem to be so stupid. Of course, three-year-olds can do a little. But if we create conditions for development, we will see results not only in drawing.

Who do we draw with?

Let's share our own experience in choosing topics for drawing with Mishenka, 2.5 years old. Mishenka is an active, active boy. I am familiar with paints and brushes. He himself does not remember drawing. But when he sees a container with paints, he says: "Come on paints."

Skills. Firmly knows red and yellow paint. Blue and green are sometimes confused. Draws a circle (uneven) on its own. Vertical, horizontal and any other similar lines are not yet drawn independently and consciously. While trying to round off the line drawn by an adult with his hand and turn it into a spot if it is short.


  • Orientation on the sheet and in space: top-bottom.
  • The use of primary colors (blue, yellow, red, green) as intended.

Drawing conditions

The first prerequisite is a small motivating story.

The machine lived and lived (animal toy, doll ...). One day she wanted to go for a walk. I went out into the street from the garage (at home, mink ...), and everywhere there was a swamp. Let's draw a path for her, shall we?

The second prerequisite is to play with what is drawn. You can only play with dried drawings. Dry them with a hair dryer if the baby is not afraid of his "buzz".

Typical class time: 10 minutes. Like in kindergarten. After about this time, Mishenka says: "I'm tired." Gets up and leaves. It is useless to force a child of this age to work additionally. So we try to fit everything planned in the lesson into 10 minutes.

Themes for drawing

We immediately clarify: joint work is expected. We have already drawn something, something is just planned.

It is useful sometimes to give free drawing. paints are not in jars, but on a palette. So we minimize losses, because the colors will be mixed and become shades of a pleasant marsh color. Freedom is not limited within the sheet (better than a large one). Be sure to discuss the results of creativity, even if it is a big blot. For an adult blot, and the kid sees the whole story.

And another rule for those who want the ideal right away. It all starts with one hesitant step with support.

1. Tracks are vertical.

The brush is wide (so that a small car can pass). Paints of one or all primary colors. When drawing, we comment: "The path (color) starts at the top and runs down."

2. Tracks are horizontal.

Same as vertical. A car can drive, any small animal toy can move. Thanks to different options for playing, you can draw tracks many times, of different colors, widths, lengths. Only not in a row, but alternating with other drawings. To not get bored.

3. Wavy track.

I'm not sure what will work, but we'll try to draw.

The sun (circle), grass (vertical lines at the bottom of the sheet), berries, flowers (of different colors by sticking or poking). Drawing lines-blades of grass: put a point, the child draws a line down from it.

5. Holiday.

Colored balls. Circles and ovals of different colors. Draw the threads with a felt-tip pen.

6. Rain.

Theme: sky-earth (top-bottom). First we look out the window (we are from the second floor). Where there is a sky above and flowers below.

Drawing: a cloud in the sky (horizontal lines), flowers on the ground (circles of different colors). From the clouds, raindrops drip onto the ground so that the flowers (multi-colored rounded shapes) drink some water. Option: puddles on the ground. A lot of drops dripped. Let's go walk in the puddles.

If the pile on the brush is soft, draw raindrops by priming. We have a bristle brush from the hardware store. She withstands Mishenka's pokes. Drawing with poke, kids concentrate raindrops (flowers, berries ...) usually in one place. It is useful to show empty space in the picture and say: "And here the rain has not passed yet."

5. Tales. "Kolobok".

We draw a kolobok with handles (we count fingers), eyes, a mouth in the upper left corner of the sheet. (In general, everything drawn is considered). From it is a path with sequentially encountered animals.

We draw animals schematically, only heads: a hare is a circle with long ears, a wolf is a circle with a toothy mouth, a bear is an oval, flattened from top to bottom, with round ears, a fox is a triangle with triangular ears. Draw the attention of the child to the features of animals: the ears are long, round, sharp.

To the question: who is drawn where, Mishenka absolutely correctly listed everything, showed who ate the kolobok.

6. Tales. Teremok.

Top of the sheet: draw a teremok - a rectangle (walls), a triangle (roof), a square (window). The animals will be drawn below all in a row. Telling a story and drawing at the same time. Looks like this.

Let's draw a fairy tale about the tower, shall we? Stands in the field Teremok. It has walls (vertical lines), floor, ceiling (horizontal lines). And so on.

Here are the options: we draw with the child’s hand or on a separate sheet, showing an example of how I can (this is for older guys). The option depends on the skills of the baby.

There will also be a topic for drawing with a baby, we will write.

Your baby is only a year old and he is not yet interested in drawing? No, not like that: your child is already a year old, and you still do not introduce him to the magical world of drawing? Then, of course, you should know:

  • why drawing lessons are useful for the little ones;
  • what materials are useful for a novice artist;
  • what and how to draw with a one-year-old creator.

10 reasons to teach drawing from an early age

Reason 1. Fine motor skills

It does not matter what the kid will draw: with pencils, brushes, felt-tip pens, crayons or his own fingers, he will have to control the brush and fingers to put his first masterpieces on the canvas. This is a great fine motor training. How useful it is, you can read in our material "".

Reason 2. Coordination of movements and vision

Be prepared for the fact that during the first drawing lessons with kids 1-2 years old, not only the sheet will be painted, but also the clothes of the little one, his face, the table, and possibly a much larger area. But with a little patience, the movements will become more precise, more confident. Coordination in the eye-hand system (hand-eye coordination) underlies many of the skills a child needs in everyday life and study.

Reason 3. Thinking

In the process of drawing, both hemispheres of the brain are involved: the left, which is responsible for logic and analytics, and the right, which provides creativity and emotional intelligence. Their well-coordinated work is a necessary condition for an active, successful life.

Reason 4. Color literacy

Drawing, it is so easy and fun to get acquainted with the variety of colors and shades. Of course, at such a tender age, one should not expect a child to memorize a large number of new names for him, but in a passive lexicon they will be postponed as you pronounce that you draw the rays of the sun with yellow strokes, and the snowflakes under the cloud with blue strokes . And you can also show the child a little magic: just mix two paints and find that as a result we get a new color. Terribly interesting!

Reason 5. Antistress

For many children, drawing helps to calm down, relieve anxiety. Of course, if they draw in a calm and friendly atmosphere, without pressure, coercion and pulling:

  • Carefully!
  • Not this way!
  • Don't get dirty!
Reason 6. Socialization

You can draw with mom and dad, with siblings, or you can go to drawing lessons at an early development school. But in any case, the little artist will get his teamwork skills, his experience of social activity.

Reason 7. Imagination

To see raindrops, flower petals or a bizarre fish from the Magic Ocean in the squiggles applied by an uncertain hand, the baby needs to show imagination. Train your imagination from early childhood to develop a creative, vibrant personality.

Reason 8. Creativity

Creative thinking, developed by drawing in general, and especially when using non-traditional techniques, forms the so-called creativity - the ability to offer interesting solutions for a wide variety of problems.

Reason 9. Perseverance

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty, the baby gradually understands, whom loving parents teach to draw from the first year of life. The sooner the child sees the connection between the efforts made and the end result, the easier it will be for you to accustom him to study hard later. In the meantime, of course, we make sure that not only the results, but also the process itself bring pleasure.

Reason 10. Independence

When teaching a child to draw, train yourself to give him more and more freedom. Having become acquainted with several materials for drawing, the kid can independently choose what to draw this time. Perhaps, he will prefer the creation of his own masterpiece to the execution of the drawing task you have planned. Well! Why not let the little one make his own decision at such a tender age! Independence, like hard work, needs to be educated and instilled. So maybe it's time to start?

First introduction to drawing

We believe you understand, friends, that drawing for a one-year-old baby is not creating pictures in an album. This is, first of all, an acquaintance with the properties of various materials. The first acquaintance with drawing can be different.

  1. Prepare a large colored plastic tray. Pour any cereal on it. Run your finger over the rump first, leaving a colored trail. Now take the child’s finger and show how straight or winding lines appear from under the cereal, “draw” different shapes. Let the child do it on their own. The need to clean up a little after such an activity is nothing compared to the pleasure and benefit that the baby will receive.

You can draw in the manner described above not only with bulk products, but also with substances of a different consistency. Use, for example, dad's shaving cream or mom's hair foam. And if you add a little food coloring to them, it will turn out even more interesting. But do not forget to make sure that the baby does not pull the mass that is pleasant to the touch into his mouth.

  1. Lay a roll of old wallpaper upside down along the room. Dip your baby's hands and feet in finger paint - and go ahead, create masterpieces. For the first time, you can limit yourself to creating small prints on a large sheet, and later turn them into funny drawings. The kid will be glad to see how his colored palms suddenly turned into bizarre animals, unusual flowers or inhabitants of the underwater kingdom.
  2. It seems that I want to finally draw with the child, but imagine how much cleaning afterwards ... Well, we perfectly understand you! In this case, try painting in the bathroom. Yes Yes! It is possible that. For painting in the bathroom, you can use:
    • colored foam (we already wrote the recipe: food coloring and dad's shaving foam);
    • Finger paint;
    • washable felt-tip pens or crayons.

These materials will not harm either the child or the bath, and then you will not have to wash and launder the first artistic masterpieces of the heir. Washed away - and order! By the way, now children's art stores even offer special sets for drawing in the bathroom!

Collaborative drawing

A one-year-old baby will not draw a plot drawing on his own. But he has you! Drawing together is a useful and very interesting activity. And for both the baby and the parents. Follow one of the two proposed scenarios, alternating them depending on the situation, and your novice artist will see how beautiful pictures appear to the world from under his brush (pencil, felt-tip pen - it doesn’t matter).

  1. Give your little one drawing tools and complete creative freedom. When colored scribbles appear on the sheet, praise the child for trying. Consider together what happened. Think about what it's like. Now pick up pencils and be a little magician who turns dashes and squiggles into recognizable objects and characters.
  2. Prepare a plot drawing that is missing a few details. Show it to your child. Tell what is drawn. Explain what needs to be drawn to complete the picture. Ask the kid to finish this responsible work. These can be rain lines from a cloud, fingerprints around the middle of a flower, brush strokes with yellow paint on an image of an autumn park covered with leaves ...

Many interesting drawings can be found in albums for finger painting with the smallest. For example, ask your child to draw needles for a hedgehog, spots for a puppy, and scales for a magic fish:

What parents need to know about drawing at 1-2 years old

  1. The postulate “the main thing is not victory, but participation” in this case is more relevant than ever. It is important to encourage the child to create, and you will be proud of beautiful children's drawings a little later.
  2. Try to get your child interested in drawing. Choose the most suitable time in your daily routine to get to know him. Make sure that the baby is not tired, hungry, overly excited.
  3. Offer different tools, different techniques. At such a tender age, the baby is more open to experiments than ever. Use this to develop creative thinking, creativity.
  4. When the first shoots of friendship with drawing appear, choose tasks that, with simplicity and speed of execution, give a visible result. Actively use: prints, inkblot, drawing with fingers, palms, feet, crumpled paper ...
  5. Show how to hold a brush or pencil in your hands, how to mix paints, how to shade images. But leave the child the freedom of creativity. So far, this lesson is more of an introductory nature and forms a good basis for further learning how to work with a variety of drawing tools.

Friends! We wish you to raise happy creative kids! May your parenthood be fruitful and happy. See you soon!

We are glad of our new meeting, dear readers, and we hope that this joy is mutual. Today we will discuss how to correctly organize drawing for children 3-4 years old.

After reading the article, you will know:

  • why drawing a three-year-old;
  • what to expect from a three-year-old artist;
  • how to organize a drawing lesson at home;
  • how to draw with a child if you don't know how to draw.

Why is it important to draw with a three-year-old?

We are already talking about the advantages of drawing for a preschooler. At the age of three or four years, classes with gouache and watercolors, felt-tip pens and pencils, colored pens and crayons make a huge contribution to the formation of the child's personality:

  • instill skills for independent work;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • contribute to the development of perseverance;
  • teach perseverance and accuracy;
  • cultivate a sense of beauty;
  • stimulate the imagination.

If drawing with your child is done by professionals from development centers or educators in kindergarten, at home you can draw by analogy or give your child complete freedom of creativity. But if the baby is “home”, you need to be puzzled by this issue and organize classes in such a way that they harmoniously combine benefits, efficiency and pleasure.

Features of drawing in 3-4 years

By the age of three, the child already understands well what shape, size and color are. It matches images with real objects. Carefully examines landscapes. Drawing at this age, children try to recreate the images of familiar objects, embody their fantasies and real ideas about the world on paper. But, of course, it is not yet necessary to speak seriously about visual technique.

Toddlers are just learning the simplest tricks:

  • hatching;
  • painting;
  • stamping;
  • drawing with fingers and palms, etc.

By creating a conducive environment for drawing at home, you encourage your child to create the way he wants to, and when he wants to. This is very important for the formation of a persistent interest in the arts, the education of creative freedom. But it is also important to form and direct creative abilities, improving visual skills, aesthetic ideas, and the child's perception of shapes and colors.

It is important that at this age the interest in the process of drawing itself develops into an interest in the quality of the created drawing. Discuss your artist's creations. Let him tell what he depicted on the sheet and why he did it that way: what colors he chose, where he placed the drawn objects, etc.

How to organize a drawing lesson

Create a game situation

In a clear, simple and interesting way, set a task for the child.

For example, you can announce: today we will create a drawing on the theme "spring".

  • Discuss what happens in spring with nature.
  • Consider together reproductions of "spring" paintings by famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Alexei Savrasov, Isaac Levitan, Pavel Bryullov and others.
  • Suggest what can be drawn within the framework of the designated topic: flowers, lush grass, bright spring sun, an overflowing river, a tree covered with young greenery, birds flying from the warm edges.

You can turn the lesson into a game: say that spring cannot enter into its possessions, because it is lost. We need to help her find her way by decorating the path with beautiful pictures.

Fantasize, invent your own stories, use your favorite characters of your heir or heiress.

Let your child create their own drawing.

Try to pronounce the task in such a way at the first stage so that the child does the direct drawing on his own.

  • Discuss in advance step by step what the baby will draw.
  • Show him on a separate sheet how to depict the subject.
  • Offer a sample created on the spot or in advance.

But give your child the opportunity to work independently. Don't customize it. Don't draw for him. And, most importantly, do not criticize his efforts.

Help improve the image

When the drawing is ready, pay the attention of the young creator to how you can refine the individual details of his creation. What colors would be appropriate in this case. How to correct the shape of a drawn object. Refine the drawing yourself or ask the author to do it.

Analyze results

Children's drawings created at such a tender age are beautiful without exception. Feel free to praise your artist.

He is really good:

  • studied;
  • tried;
  • created,
  • listened to you attentively;
  • managed as yet naughty fingers.

It is important that in the end he receives approval and recognition. But at the same time, do not forget to gently and carefully discuss how to draw even better next time, even more interesting, even more beautiful.

Stamp everything

At 3-4 years old, almost all kids are delighted by drawing with stamps. Although stamping is generally regarded as an unconventional painting technique, it has become so widespread in recent times that it is as popular as the more familiar methods of drawing an image on a canvas.

The advantages of drawing with stamps are obvious:

  • Allows you to create interesting drawings without artistic skills.
  • Helps to learn colors.
  • Stimulates the desire to draw.
  • Develops fine motor skills.
  • Trains out-of-the-box thinking.

When stamping, they draw with fingers and palms, cotton buds and foam rubber, potatoes and cauliflower ... There are practically no limits for imagination. Moreover, the production of stamps, which, of course, falls on the parents' shoulders, perfectly develops the creative abilities of adults. You will be surprised how interesting it turns out to be to cut stars and hearts out of carrots for your beloved child, or to come up with something else to adapt to this incredibly addictive activity. You will draw with your beloved baby, even if you previously thought that you could not draw.

Any wishes, comments or questions? Write to us - we always welcome feedback from our readers.

Happy parenting, dear friends!

Anna Garashchenko

Drawing is an interesting and rewarding activity. Drawing introduces the baby to the world of beauty, develops creativity ( Creative skills, characterized by a readiness to create fundamentally new ideas, forms an aesthetic taste, allows you to feel the harmony of the surrounding world. Drawing often carries elements of psychotherapy as an element of art therapy. Drawing is soothing distracts, occupies.

Children have an interest in drawing appears quite early. Visual activities help children to discover and, accordingly, to know the world around them, awaken emotional responsiveness, foster a sense of beauty, develop perception, thinking, attention span, memory, imagination, curiosity, develop fine motor skills.

When teaching young children drawing the game is actively used. An adult plays the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, accompanies drawing emotional commentary, uses poems, riddles, nursery rhymes, etc. Thus, this activity accompaniment allows you to interest the baby, keeps their attention longer, creates the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

Engage children in drawing variety will help art materials opportunity to experiment with new non-traditional techniques drawing: on sand with a stick, on snow with colored water, on cereals or salt with a finger, which is on a tray. You can also draw with fingers, palms, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints using not only the usual brushes, but also foam swabs, wax crayons, use stencils, natural materials (leaves) and other.

It is productive to use books for children with tasks for coloring, they really like to do this. For which you can use a lot of coloring books recommended for this age group of children. Coloring pages are black and white drawings that need to be colored. The coloring process allows you to develop creative the makings and abilities of the child, instills artistic taste, gives the child the opportunity to get acquainted with different colors. Also, perseverance, diligence develops, skills in using pencils and paints are developed. It is also very important that during coloring, the motor skills of the hands and fingers develop, which greatly affects the development of the child's speech. It should be remembered that babies at this age perceive the image of the picture as a whole, not particularly paying attention to small details. Therefore, when coloring, they are likely to be paint not along contour lines, but "above" Pictures.

The picture should be easily recognizable to the child. It is best if there is only one object in the picture, and for coloring use no more than two or three colors. It should be understood that two-year-old fidgets have no time to diligently paint over the picture with a colored pencil, their perseverance is only developing. Therefore, it would be better to give the child paint or crayons for coloring. drawing on paper(wax crayons). The time spent by the child on coloring serves the achievement of several goals at once. Firstly, the child will be glad that the picture turned out quickly, and therefore he will like the coloring pages even more, and secondly, this will allow him to start accustoming the child from a very young age to bring the work he has started to the end. Remember to praise your child for each completed drawing. Regular praise is not on "empty place", and for really completed tasks, will contribute to the self-affirmation of your child.

Getting to know new art materials, tools and techniques develops them creative imagination, perception, thinking, attention, memory, curiosity, fine motor skills. Helps to cognize the world around, awaken emotional responsiveness, bring up a sense of beauty.


1. Zhukova O. G. Planning and abstracts of activities for children of early age. Iris-press, 2007.

2. Koldina D. N. Drawing with children 2-3 years old. t Mosaic - Synthesis. 2015.

3. Pavlova O. V. Artistic creativity. Volgograd 2015.

4. Yanushko E. A. Drawing with young children. Mosaic - Synthesis. 2005.


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