Business dress code for men. Male dress code. Formal dress code for men - Morning Dress and White-Tie

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It is very difficult to understand exactly what a modern office dress code should be. Gone are the days when business attire meant a black or navy knee-length skirt with a white silk blouse that matched the jacket and high heeled shoes. While women rejoice that high heels are no longer a must-have in formal wear, the rest of the outfit is something to seriously consider. Many companies have developed a casual dress code for their employees that has replaced the traditional suit and tie. So, what exactly can you wear to the office today?

Universal dress code rules

1. It doesn't matter what the dress code is in your company. There is one general rule for all varieties of formal wear: neatness. All employees must appear at the workplace neatly and cleanly dressed. Try to ensure that there are no frayed seams in the clothes, and that the shoes are free of scratches. It is not necessary that the wardrobe be expensive or meet fashion trends, but the clothes must be well-groomed and fit.

2. The choice of clothing should create a professional and casual look. If you work directly with clients, it is very important that the clothes recommend you and the company itself well.

3. Office clothing in corporations must cover the body. The neckline, hips, back, chest and shoulders must be covered with opaque materials. Generally not approved.

4. Makeup, perfume and hairstyle should not be defiant. Avoid flashy makeup, strong perfumes, and hairstyles that draw too much attention. Long hair should also be pinned up, and curls should be removed from the face.

5. Wear minimal jewelry. Earrings should be small and only one earring in each ear. Usually bracelets are not allowed, but one elegant bracelet may do. It is also acceptable to wear a good branded watch and one ring on each hand. Ankle jewelry, facial piercings, and more than one necklace may not be worn.

6. If a belt slot is visible, it must be worn.

7. Monochromatic fabrics are more preferable than multi-colored ones. Formal wear in navy blue, black, gray or another neutral color looks really professional.

8. Never wear wrinkled clothes to the office. All shirts, trousers and jackets must be ironed without a single wrinkle. As a last resort, when you don't have time to iron your clothes, toss them in the dryer for a couple of minutes along with a cloth soaked in liquid clothing softener to remove creases.

9. Most laundries will iron your clothes for a small fee in case ironing becomes a real problem.

10. Skirts should be slit or hem at knee level, maybe a little lower. Pants should cover the shoes, and sleeves should cover the wrists. Avoid clothing that is too tight or tight, as the fabric may be translucent.

11. A necessary thing in a business style is high-quality shoes. Casual uniforms are allowed if the shoes are clean and well-groomed. In some cases, patent leather shoes are allowed to brighten up the look. Any footwear should be cleaned every day before the work day, and scratches or seams should be fixed before the shoes are put on.

12. There is an old rule of any dress code - dress for the work you need to do. This idea helps determine how strict the dress code is in the company where you want to get a job. If your boss wears jeans and a polo shirt to work, chances are high that you can dress like that, but in no case should you be the first to break the rules of the dress code.

13. In the workplace, dress comfort takes precedence over fashion. Business attire should not hinder movement while you are performing your duties. When clothes are uncomfortable, productivity can be affected.

1. Formal style is especially difficult for women. It is very difficult to choose clothes that create a professional look and do not hide femininity. The problem can be solved by choosing conservative clothes, but placing accents in them with delicate embellishments, feminine colors, or fabrics such as silk or cashmere.

2. It takes practice and patience to find the balance between feminine attire and a professional look. At first, it is possible to copy outfits from business style magazines - this will help develop your own style and taste in business attire.

3. If you find a skirt, jacket or pants that suits you well, buy the same model in several colors. This will allow you to create a formal everyday uniform that will make you look great.

4. In the workplace, do not resort to trendy clothes, innovative models or bright colors. Your wardrobe should help you feel attractive, comfortable, professional, without attracting undue attention.

5. If you prefer high heels, remember that any heel above 4 cm is unacceptable for the office.

What is casual formal wear

If the company you work for has decided to introduce casual formal wear, your challenge is to put things together to create the right wardrobe.

Casual formal wear is one step below the traditional business style. The purpose of this style is to create comfort for the worker and at the same time maintain a formal atmosphere.

Formal casual wear for women

1. Formal casual attire for women includes casual tops such as polo shirts, button-down blouses, knee socks, knitted sweaters, cardigans, and branded shirts.

2. Stockings may be omitted during the warmer months, but shoes should be with closed toes and heels. Comfortable shoes are only acceptable if they are in good condition.

3. Tennis shoes should be well polished. Clean insoles and an intact sole are also essential.

4. Clothing with slogans or logos is only allowed in a looser formal-casual style, but any potentially offensive slogans or designs will never be appropriate.

5. Some companies allow denim, but khaki pants and khaki shirts are the worldwide choice for formal-casual style. Clothing should be slightly loose and plain.

Formal casual wear for men

1. There are never caps in formal casual men's clothing. Hats that symbolize religious or cultural beliefs are accepted, but everyday headwear is not acceptable.

2. Men can wear knee-highs, button-down shirts, short-sleeve shirts, suit jackets, blazers, and T-shirts with company logos. T-shirts and wrestling shoes are not part of the formal casual style.

3. Khakis, dockers or trousers are generally considered acceptable. Some companies allow jeans, but sweatpants, shorts, or sportswear are not allowed in the office.

4. Clothing embroidered with sports team logos is also unacceptable in a formal setting.

5. Shoes usually include leather loafers and, in some cases, sneakers. Socks are required in professional style.

6. Men should keep jewelry to a minimum. During the working day, you should not wear earrings, body jewelry and chains.

To understand what a business dress code is is possible if you follow simple rules. The specifics of such a dress code vary from company to company, but the core of the professional style remains the same, depending on personal preference and changes in fashion.

Business dress code rules for men seem to be stricter than those for women. But this is not due to some kind of gender bias, but to a smaller selection of toilet details that, in principle, men use in their wardrobe. In addition, in the male business style, unlike the female one, there is no jewelry at all, with the possible exception of expensive watches.

Formal casual wear for men

There are 10 rules for choosing clothes for men in a casual business style for workdays.

I. Men's business dress code involves the use of long-sleeved shirts under jackets and suits, even in summer. An “empty” sleeve and a bare wrist in a bell are extremely obscene! (Short-sleeve shirts are allowed only on vacation or at the service staff - without a jacket!)

II. T-shirts are required under the shirts (this is a matter of both hygiene and decency - nipples and hair should not show through the shirt).

III. In the daytime, matching ties from the latest fashion collections for men in casual business style is extremely inappropriate. Playboy bunnies or the Venus de Milo can have the opposite effect; their time - evening, address - youth clubs.

A tie for a business suit should always follow the rule: it is darker than a shirt, but lighter than a jacket. (The intrigues of the fashion industry are not for serious people, and certainly not for daytime and work events!)

IV. The socks of a business person should be in the tone of trousers or shoes! In the official business style of clothing for men, shocking or contrasting colors of socks are unacceptable. In the world of business relations, the socks of a decent gentleman always cover the ankle high (no matter how low the chair he sits on) and fit snugly against it (without pinching the leg, which is unhealthy).

v. In the cold season, business style for men also regulates hats:

  • a hat is worn only with a coat (in one tone);
  • caps and berets are worn with a raincoat;
  • fur hats with earflaps - with sheepskin coats;
  • knitted hats and baseball caps - with jackets.

VI. And how to dress a business man in the hot season? In summer, the shades of men's suits (even formal ones) noticeably brighten. The fabrics of such clothing for men in a strict style are becoming lighter - summer mohair, linen, cotton, strict denim.

VII. In the light of the sun and decency, shoes must also “brighten”! Light-colored suits with black shoes and shirts - Armani's "gangster" proposal made to men more than a decade ago (and inexplicably loved by Russian gentlemen and residents of the southern regions) - are not accepted by good tone in the business world.

A strict dress code for men regulates the selection of light and medium brown shoes for light suits in the warm season of the year, belts and cases to match them.

VIII. I would like to hope that true gentlemen do not have to be reminded of the importance of personal hygiene (but you should not abuse perfume).

As you can see in the photo, in the business style of a man, the neatness of the suit is always implied:

The hair and cheeks of a gentleman should also always be neat (even with long options - the hairstyle and beard are formed!).

IX. Never forget the little things. Watches, cufflinks, glasses and even lighters are best kept in the same style. Select cases and briefcases, shoes and belts among themselves in an ensemble: they should fit their owner in size and shape, as well as fit his wardrobe.

X. And what should a business man look like on Friday, on the eve of the weekend? On this day of the week, etiquette allows for a looser dress code, but elementary decorum should be adhered to.

On working days, men are quite free to choose and can use casual clothes, of course, personal status and professional responsibilities are important. Those options that sysadmins, graphic designers or conductors can afford are not suitable for educators, lawyers or bank account managers.

The formal style of clothing for men in casual ensembles allows the presence of knitwear and the absence of a tie.

Checkered, herringbone, large striped suits, corduroy or linen suits, tweed and suede jackets are good at this informal level.

Shirts can have bright stripes or checks, and can be darker or brighter than formal options.

Shoes, respectively, from the same everyday theme - loafers, yacht shoes, moccasins.

Common clothes for men in a strict business style (with photo)

In the generally accepted business style of clothing for men, the dress code for formal events is also strictly regulated. However, not all official daytime events are held at a high formal level (such as inaugurations, solemn and anniversary meetings, openings of conferences, forums, etc.). For formal events, invitations must be marked with dress-code:

  • Black Tie (Formal, Official)
  • Bb-Business Best
  • Btr-Business Traditional

The strict business style of men for Black Tie suggests:

  • Suits of a high level of perfection, made of very good fabrics - dark blue or dark gray, perhaps with very thin stripes.
  • Men's business style of clothing involves plain shirts - white, ecru, light shades of blue, gray, steel. No pocket! Double French cuffs are required. Cufflinks for a daytime event are only modest, concise.
  • Suits in a simple style are complemented by men with a spectacular tie made of natural silk - plain: blue, burgundy, dark mustard, etc. (but not black!) Or with small specks (preferably jacquard weaving). Diagonal ties are well suited for business formats.

Pay attention to the photo - a strict style of clothing for men allows single-breasted vests from the main fabric of the suit:

  • A handkerchief is welcome.
  • Shoes "Oxford" (less often "derby") on a parquet (leather) sole - varnish is possible, the color of the boots is black or maroon.
  • The belt is selected to match the boots.

Strict business style for modern men

Transitional time in business etiquette - 17:00-20:00. During this time interval, events of a medium formal level, of a non-strict nature, as a rule, are held on light solemn occasions: openings, presentations, premieres. The organizers expect guests to observe the rules of decency and a certain degree of elegance in appearance.

Dress-code marks typical for a business non-strict format:

  • Black Tie Invited (tie welcome)
  • Black Tie Optional
  • A5 (AfterFive-after five)
  • Semi-formal (semi-formal)

Dress-code marks of the strict Black Tie level (Formal, Official, Bb), which are typical for highly formal events, are almost never used during transitional times - at least until 19:00 - since events of such a strict format are extremely rarely arranged on this day. time interval.

For events from 17:00 to 20:00, a man has a large selection of costumes!

  • A perfect suit with all the important details (just sorted out above in the men's daytime Black Tie). There is also an addition in the colors of the costumes - more shades of blue and gray, brown is possible and drawings in stripes, both narrow and chalk - they are slightly wider, slightly shaded - like a trace of chalk on cloth.
  • Tuxedo - with full outfit.
  • Also in the modern business style of a man for the transitional time of the day, a classic club blazer is welcome - a dark blue double-breasted suit. This is a very fancy theme. (Color options are possible.) Pants for him are gray or dark beige (black is bad form!), Stripes are possible.
  • Velvet jackets - always remain in active fashion, these are very beautiful options! A deep navy blue or chocolate brown jacket, paired with a matching shade of shirt, is always a win-win and elegant look for such festive, but non-strict events.
  • Large selection of fancy ties. Straight, familiar styles for us - with foulard and paisley patterns or anchor-typewriters to a club blazer. Neckerchiefs and ascot ties.
  • And only for a tuxedo - a bow tie or a plastron - under the obligatory special dress shirt with a bow tie collar!
  • For a more romantic look, a modern man who prefers a business style of clothing can replace a tie with a vest and beautifully put the collar of a shirt - both with a suit and with a tuxedo, but with the latter - only in an artistic space!
  • In the business style of men for this time of day, shirts should be with cuffs for cufflinks. Moreover, double French (spectacular and dense) is preferable to single Viennese cuffs.
  • Oxford shoes, or very high-quality derbies, or excellent loafers, shoes are selected in a costume ensemble - various color shades look good at this "celebration of life" - mustard and burgundy.
  • And remember that without a pocket square in his jacket pocket, a man is not fully dressed.
  • In the absence of dress-code marks in the invitation (written or verbal), men can choose whether to stay in their daytime "working" suit or change into a more elegant ensemble - subject to all the rules of decency, indicated as "rules and requirements of etiquette" at the very beginning of this Topics.

Clothing for men in a free business style

The time for formal events corresponding to 20:00 (or 19:00) is Black Tiel. For men, this rule remains the main one: a respectable suit (dark blue, dark gray) or a tuxedo.

The rules of "pure" Black Tie for men:

1. Costumes of a high level of respectability - dark blue or dark gray (not black!), Possibly very narrow stripes.

  • Suits are complemented with a spectacular tie (plain or speckled, or a jacquard medium-sized foulard pattern is possible). Diagonal pattern - only for daytime format!
  • Breast scarf.
  • Belt to match the shoes - "Oxford" on a parquet (leather) sole.
  • Casual shirts for men should be of good quality, white or light colors, with French (double) cuffs for cufflinks. Cufflinks can be large and spectacular - masterpieces of jewelry art (unlike the events of the working day!).

2. Tuxedo, which requires:

  • Trousers with a single silk stripe. Classic tuxedo pants with a high waist, with a special belt - with fasteners, without belt loops (men really like this style - it slims, gives a taut silhouette, and is very comfortable).
  • A special dress shirt in white, with a small butterfly collar and double cuffs for cufflinks. Cufflinks are elegant.
  • A wide belt (cummerbunt, worn over the waistband of trousers, folds are oriented upwards) or a single-breasted vest (its lower button is not fastened).
  • A bow tie of the same color with a belt (black, dark blue, gray, less often burgundy - better without a pattern). Or a plastron tie - it is worn only with a single-breasted vest - black or from the same fabric as the plastron.
  • The pocket square to the tuxedo is white, so the whole ensemble of the tuxedo is black and white. Or, in the colors of the scarf, they repeat the shades of the plastron (or bow tie, if you choose its color version).
  • Shoes lacquered boats or "Oxford" (preferably lacquer).

Men's dress code is divided into three categories - formal, semi-formal and informal. Formal dressing today is associated with a formal business suit and tie. In fact, according to the rules, it is observed only at special events, such as diplomatic receptions, balls with the royal family or the president, award ceremonies. Formal style implies differences in clothes for daytime and evening out:
Morning dress. This is a black tailcoat and vest, complemented by a white shirt. Of the accessories, a wrist or pocket watch, a handkerchief, a thin cane are allowed;

A black tailcoat is complemented by a vest, a snow-white shirt and a white bow tie. The image, in addition to watches, a scarf and a cane, can be supplemented with white gloves.

A semi-formal dress code is for theater visits, anniversaries, weddings and other special occasions. Different costumes are used for going out:
Stroller. This is a free form of the official Morning Dress. A gray or silver tailcoat is appropriate here, vertical striped trousers are allowed. Bow tie and vest in fabric in the same tones;

Includes a black tuxedo and vest, complete with a bow tie. A tie must be tied, and not fixed on clothes like a brooch. Leather shoes (classic oxfords or derbies) not patent leather. From accessories - a watch, a scarf.

Informal business attire for men is still the same classic suit. Depending on the texture and color of the fabric, the “formality” of clothing is determined. So, the classic black suit is recognized as the most strict. And classic cut clothes in light colors are a less formal option.

An informal dress code does not distinguish between day and evening wear. There is an unwritten rule - during the day it is customary to wear clothes in light shades, and in the evening a dark suit is preferable. In other words, it's Cocktail.

This type of dress code involves a strict dark suit combined with a light shirt. Socks should be a few shades darker than trousers;
semi-formal. This is a form of clothing for communication with work colleagues and business partners. A classic-cut suit made of light fabrics can be complemented by a colored tie and shirt;

Informal is the most fuzzy way to dress. A bold combination of a classic jacket with jeans, a shirt and a pullover is allowed here.

Features of a business dress code for men

The dress code in the business segment is an indicator of the holding's solidity. By the manner of employees and their managers dress, one can judge the work of the enterprise as a whole. A business suit is selected depending on the specific situation, time and place. Corporate dress code is divided into three types:
official. These are the requirements for the clothing of managers during meetings, meetings with business partners and senior management. The official dress code provides for the wearing of strict business classic suits, plain shirts, which must be complemented by a tie;
administrative. These are general recommendations or restrictions for the work clothes of company employees (office dress code);
uniform. This is compliance with the requirements for employees of special services that provide for the wearing of a uniform of a certain sample (firefighters, couriers, plumbers, military).

The Business Dress Code prohibits men from wearing to work:
knitted T-shirts and turtlenecks without a jacket;
trousers with a clear indication of the TM of the manufacturer;
boots, sandals, slippers (shoes that do not include a back);
pair white or light-colored socks with dark closed shoes.

Features of a summer business men's dress code

Most reputable concerns monitor the appearance and clothing of their employees. And if in the demi-season or in the winter it is comfortable to wear a closed suit, then in the summer it is not easy to comply with the office dress code. In summer, it is advisable for men to choose:
a suit made of fine wool or modern cotton fabrics with synthetic additives. The color of the suit is from dark blue to light, almost white, gray;
socks are matched to the color of the trousers;
shirts (short sleeve) in light warm colors are complemented by a tie
At work, it is forbidden to remove the top of the suit. Free wardrobe available on Friday (Free Friday or Casual Friday). Employees can come to work without a jacket and tie. And replace the classic cut trousers with comfortable jeans.

Today, most companies are loyal to the summer dress code of their employees. It is allowed to work without a jacket and tie. Compliance with the Business Dress Code is one of the ways to successfully move up the career ladder.
After all, clothes signal the success of a person. A well-chosen business suit will help a man look like a real professional, feel comfortable and confident in the presence of business partners and superiors.

A photo:
Reem Clothing

Do you want your chosen one to move up the corporate ladder, cause endless envy of her friends and meet the highest international standards? Do you dream of walking proudly along the red carpet with him or appearing at the president's banquet? Then roll up your sleeves and boldly take on his wardrobe.

Dress code- a set of rules and recommendations on how, in various situations of business communication, determining what our husbands-businessmen should or should not appear in at receptions, negotiations, workplaces in the office, promotions and business lunches, as well as parties and business trips.

Dress code development in large companies, HR managers, stylists and business protocol specialists are involved. Failure to comply with the prescribed rules and violation of the dress code by an employee is considered as causing moral damage to the company, for which a negligent employee may be punished in the form of deductions from wages and even dismissal.

It is rare that a man picks up without the help of his wife or other adviser on such a sensitive issue. Armed with the appropriate knowledge, you will render your beloved man an invaluable service and easily help him shine with confidence both next to you and in the workplace.

There are no men who would not go costume. The trick is just to pick it up correctly, fit it, put it on according to the occasion and wear it flawlessly, observing certain rules and canons.

First rule of the dress code- you can not appear in the same clothes in the same place twice in a row. To fulfill this seemingly difficult rule, you just need to place in the closet at least four pairs of trousers, two or three jackets, preferably more than five shirts.

When choosing the minimum required wardrobe, trousers, shirts and jackets should be chosen to match each other in style and color. Then, by combining them into various ensembles, you can often change toilets.

Components of the outfit a businessman is a suit, shirt and tie, complemented by socks and shoes, as well as cufflinks, a watch, a tie brooch, a handkerchief.

Exists Golden Rule color formula of clothes: monotony - pattern - uniformity. For example: a suit and a shirt are plain, a tie is patterned. Or a suit with a pattern (striped, plaid), then the tie and shirt are plain.

There are no rules without exceptions. Depending on the features of the face and the experience gained, it is possible to create additional options. For example: a suit with a not pronounced, as if blurred stripe is suitable for a tie with stripes that dominate in intensity. Or a suit in a not bright large check made of thin lines is complemented by a speckled tie.

suit color

Black remains a reliable and most suitable color for receptions and other evening gala events. This is an irreplaceable color of a tuxedo and tailcoat. Good for combination with other colors, for example, with gray (black trousers - gray jacket, and vice versa). When adding a bright (red) tie, an imperious, self-confident, authoritative one is created.

Grey- a universal color that gives a masculine image restraint, helping a businessman to give the impression of a person who values ​​his status and professionalism. This is a color that emphasizes the sophistication and correctness of the owner. Assumes the possibility of combinations with other colors.

Blue (dark blue)- an ambiguous color with subtle shades. Depending on the color of the eyes and hair of a man, this can make his image more refined or, conversely, simplify. A man dressed in a similar suit gives the impression of a classic businessman. In a combination of a dark blue suit with a white shirt, a man acquires a strict and official look. In the presence of a tie and a shirt in warm light colors, it evokes disposition and inspires confidence.

Light grey, beige- the color scheme of men's suits in the warm season. But even in the sizzling heat, dark-colored suits are preferred in some official situations. For summer suits, a barely noticeable check or an indistinguishable strip is permissible.

Checkered or striped suit changes the image to stylish or sporty. The larger and brighter the pattern on the suit, the less businesslike its owner looks. For this type of suit, a single-breasted jacket worn exclusively during the day is preferable, combined with plain shirts, black or brown shoes and plain socks.

Color breakdown of pants and jacket- not the most desirable combination for men heading to an official reception. The use of color combinations is possible for social events. In a business environment, the different color of trousers and jacket reduces the image of a senior manager to the level of an advertising agent or commercial representative. The exceptions are ministers of art, science, education and modeling business.

Three piece suit looks conservative but expensive. Its owner gives the impression of a person who invests in the completeness and respectability of his image. The presence of a vest in a three-piece suit puts forward additional requirements for a shirt. The vest-tie combination of one fabric or one color looks too simple. The vest can be the color of the suit or, on the contrary, a color that contrasts with the jacket and trousers. In the latter case, a discreet tie is selected, which is close in color to the fabric of the suit.

Blazer- currently any uniform jacket, although its name is taken from the name of the ship, the captain of which introduced a uniform for his crew. Blazers are widely used as clothing for members of elite sports clubs, airline personnel, hotels and department stores. A blazer can look both restrained and bright.

A jacket of this type is worn when traveling, while attending sports competitions, for a picnic or a walk. The addition to the blazer are lighter or darker ones, the color of which should be in contrast to the jacket. Blazer refers to an informal type of clothing and is also called a club jacket.

fashion item- a product for one season. It is often made from new modern materials or mixed fabrics, it is possible to use traditional fabrics - silk, cotton, linen. The main advantage of silk and linen is "coolness", they also do not need to be ironed. Wealthy people wear them in a slightly wrinkled style, emphasizing comfort and freedom.

Various meetings, events and events require compliance with certain rules in choosing a wardrobe. This rule applies to everyone. Most often, the need for appropriate clothing is mentioned in advance in an invitation or oral conversation.

What is the dress code, what it can be for men and where what type is appropriate, we will analyze in more detail.

What it is?

The concept of a dress code was born in the United Kingdom over a century ago and has become rapidly spread around the world.

Dress code means "clothes code", which has already turned into a real separate "language" of a person's appearance. The dress code is closely related to etiquette, which allows you to understand the intricacies of understanding the types of attire and the events to which it relates.

Code of dress - a form that is required to participate in events of various levels, visit organizations, meetings, as well as everyday use.

Often the dress code characterizes a person's belonging to a certain professional category.

Initially, the concept referred to secular events of high society, but modernity has also made its own adjustments:

  • Until the Second World War, the elite became the reference point in matters of fashion for a person of the middle class.
  • The latter treated their appearance as strictly as possible, observing all the rules in clothing that had to correspond to their status and position in society.
  • After the war, cardinal changes took place not only in the world, but also in society, where the number of representatives of the middle class increased significantly, new youth subcultures began to emerge, giving fashion more freedom.
  • The changes have changed the perception of classic clothing, perpetuating the looks of what is acceptable and traditional.

Attention! Today, the definition has a broader understanding, as it is used by different categories of people.

The video explains what a dress code is and what its varieties are:

Types of clothing for men

Faced with many events in life that are formal in nature, most young people are well aware that different events require a different approach to dressing.


  • A classic suit in dark colors with a tie, a light shirt and classic shoes will be appropriate.
  • The last button on the jacket should always be unbuttoned, and the snow-white sleeves should not peek out from under the sleeve of the jacket by more than 2 centimeters.

An evening cocktail is used at large family reunions, movie and theater premieres, dinner parties and ceremonies.

Black tie (Black tie)

To comply with the black tie code, a man will need a black tuxedo with a satin collar, tailored trousers, a white shirt and a black bow tie. The image can be complemented by a sash in the color of the suit. Shoes should not be lacquered, most often they are black lace-up shoes, you can choose a classic derby model or oxfords.

Attention! When choosing a bow tie for a black tie format, it is important to remember that it must be tied, and not fastened with an elastic band to the shirt collar.

Events that require a tuxedo can be different - from a charity evening to an official government reception.

Smart casual (smart casual)

Modernity allows this concept to vary in the elements of clothing, choosing the most convenient. Smart casual is relevant for corporate events and business meetings in a business format.

This option involves the ability to use the classic version of the suit, jeans with a high-quality jacket, slightly tapered trousers complete with a turtleneck and a cardigan. Shoes remain unchanged in style, which must be classic.

Casual (casual)

Casual - casual men's clothing, which consists of comfortable things. Clothing of this style is suitable for any time of the day. You can wear casual for walks, dates, trips. In some companies, this style is also suitable for work.

Reference! The main difference between such clothes is the combination of comfort and versatility.

The varieties are urban and sporty casual.

This style includes:

  1. T-shirts with short sleeves to the middle of the biceps, medium length and not too loose cut,
  2. neutral color shirts
  3. chinos, jeans,
  4. cardigans and blazers.

Here it is permissible to combine different colors and textures of fabrics. Relevant for casual are slightly fitted jackets in dark blue, brown, gray, beige and blue. Pants color varies in colors from light to dark. Sweaters, sweaters are essential elements of casual.

Reference! The completion of the image can be hats, bracelets, ties, watches, bags and glasses.

Very often, guys are interested in the question of how to dress in a nightclub. The video describes the rules for choosing clothes:

Business casual (business casual)

Business negotiations and meetings with partners, office and meetings - a format for which business casual is optimal and necessary.

For a man, the office format means having a plain classic suit and shoes.

  • It is easy to remember the uniform - it is always a dark blue suit, a snow-white starched shirt and a tie in red shades.
  • Mandatory for business best are cufflinks and non-lacquered shoes.

Tie optional (Black Thai Opshinal)

This variation does not involve a new set of clothes.

On the contrary, Black tie optional allows you to have the right to choose between several solemn dress code categories:

  1. Business Best (business best),
  2. Black tie (black tie),
  3. Cocktail (cocktail).

The main guideline in the choice should be the format of the upcoming event, from which the man should proceed.

White tie (white tie)

Translated from English means "white tie", characterizing the elements of the costume and the importance of the event to which you have to go in it. This style option involves the use of the most formal men's suit for a formal event, which is always held in the evening.

The costume for the event consists of:

  • black tailcoat with white bow tie
  • white vest,
  • black trousers,
  • black patent leather shoes
  • white gloves.

The vest must always be fastened with all buttons. A vest in dark shades will be considered unacceptable.

It is bad form to appear in a tailcoat in the daytime until 18 pm.

Important! Tailcoats are not considered suitable as children's clothing. The encyclopedia of etiquette says that young men do not wear such costumes until they are 15 years old. An exception where a child must look like an adult when attending a formal event is a wedding.

White Thai is used to visit:

  • theater premieres,
  • receptions in diplomatic circles,
  • charity events,
  • award ceremonies and other events of the highest state level.

Etiquette classifies the men's wardrobe order, dividing it into three main categories - formal, semi-formal and informal. The formal type of clothing is most often mistakenly associated with corporate clothing - a business suit, tie, dark shoes.

What are the rules for choosing clothes in the style of White tie and Black tie shown in the video:

formal style

Formal style is a strict men's wardrobe, which is used for events at the government and state levels.

The formal type may differ depending on the time at which the event is held:

  • Morning dress (Morning dress). In this style, a black tailcoat and vest, a white shirt and a bow tie are mandatory. Morning dress is relevant for events that take place before 18.00.
  • White tie (White Thai). It is used for evening events where a black tailcoat, white bow tie, shirt and vest are required.

The formal type is the most strict in the men's wardrobe, it implies the observance of a number of formalities and does not tolerate any deviations or arbitrariness.


The semi-formal style of clothing includes two varieties - Stroller and Black tie. The style is strict and formal, although its name may be initially misleading.

Clothing of this type is not suitable for everyday life.

Varieties differ in the time in which they are usually worn:

  • Stroller (Stroller). Allows you to choose the colors of the suit - black or gray for a tuxedo, gray plain or gray with white stripes for trousers. A tie can be gray, and a vest can be chosen in gray or blue. This choice of clothing is typical for events that take place during the daytime.
  • Black tie (Black tie) used for evening events where there is no choice in colors. The suit and bow tie are black, the shirt is white.


Classic suit refers to this particular style of clothing. There are different facets of severity in colors.

The business style of clothing for men is most often used for office work, attending business meetings and social events, conferences and corporate parties.

The style rule is the presence of suits in three different colors:

  1. The colors of this segment are always calm, plain or in small stripes: blue, black, gray, beige.
  2. Mandatory for a suit are shirts, which should be changed daily, choosing neutral colors, as well as a tie.
  3. The shoes are strict, in particular, these are black shoes, under which socks are worn a tone darker than the suit.
  4. The height of the sock should cover the man's leg in a sitting position.
  5. The belt for trousers should match the color of the shoes.

As an accessory, in this style, you can give preference to a leather briefcase.

It is acceptable to replace the jacket with a jumper in dark colors that can be worn over a shirt.

The business code of dress does not allow the use of sunglasses, knitted T-shirts without a jacket, shorts and summer shoes in a male look, or to combine light-colored trousers with dark shoes.

The summer period allows men to choose suits made of cotton fabrics in light colors, short-sleeved shirts and a tie.

Attention! For many large companies that follow business dress code, it is possible to wear a loose wardrobe on Fridays. These days you can use different types of casual style.

The code of dress helps men to match the status of the event, position, place and situation. Understanding certain requirements allows you to feel comfortable in any environment, observing the basic rules of costume etiquette.

Not all types of code are used frequently, casual wear and informal business attire are still the most common.


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