Urine culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics. Medical analysis of urine for culture Buck urine culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics

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Sowing urine for flora with determining sensitivity to antibiotics is an effective technique designed to detect infectious diseases that affect the genitourinary tract. The presented analysis allows to determine the possible causes of pathological processes, as well as the degree of sensitivity of pathogens to antibiotic drugs.

Indications for appointment

The study of urine for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics in most cases is prescribed to determine the most effective treatment or in the absence of results from the ongoing therapeutic course for the following diseases:

  1. Diabetes.
  2. Renal pathologies.
  3. Cystitis.
  4. Pyelonephritis.
  5. Urethritis.
  6. HIV infection.

In addition, this urinalysis can be prescribed to a patient for diagnostic purposes in the following cases:

  1. Painful and frequent urination, accompanied by burning and cutting.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Identified deviations in the general analysis of urine.
  4. Pain localized in the lumbar region.
  5. In order to detect sensitivity to antibiotic drugs of pathogens found in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  6. Identified deviations during the analysis of urine according to Nechiporenko.
  7. In order to clarify the previously established diagnosis.
  8. In case of recurrence of the disease.

What is diagnostics

A culture tank is a bacteriological study of urine that allows a specialist to identify bacteria located in the genitourinary and excretory system. In the absence of pathological processes, bacteria are also present in the patient's urine, but they are not dangerous to health, and their concentration is extremely minimal. An increased number of bacteria detected during the study indicates the presence of infectious diseases.

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The urine analysis performed provides the specialist with the opportunity to identify the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the microflora of biological material, detect the presence of pathogenic organisms in it, and determine the optimal antimicrobial treatment in this case.

It is worth emphasizing that infection of the genitourinary system is a widespread phenomenon. Every person is subject to it to some extent. However, according to statistics, most often this problem is faced by the fair sex (due to the anatomical features of the structure of the body) and children under the age of 16 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Analysis of urine for flora and determination of sensitivity to antibiotic drugs has a number of undeniable advantages compared to other types of studies. The following factors are considered to be pluses:

  1. High degree of efficiency and reliability of the analysis.
  2. The possibility of conducting an antibiogram (determining the sensitivity of a pathogen to various types of antibiotics).
  3. The ability to prescribe a therapeutic course that will be extremely effective and effective in each case.

This analysis also has its downsides. The disadvantages of this technique include the following factors:

  1. Long wait for results.
  2. Difficulties in collecting biological material, requiring compliance with numerous rules.
  3. High requirements for the experience and qualifications of the laboratory assistant.

Preparatory measures

In order for the planting tank for flora to give extremely accurate and adequate results, it is necessary to properly prepare for the study. Of particular importance is the correct collection of biological material. In this case, the patient is advised to follow these rules:

  1. For the study, only morning urine, collected immediately after waking up, is suitable.
  2. Before direct collection of biomaterial, it is necessary to thoroughly wash and wash your hands, but without using any hygiene products. This manipulation will prevent microbes from entering the urine, resulting in a distortion of the research results.
  3. For analysis on the culture tank, an average portion of urine is necessarily used (the first and last drops should not fall into the container for collecting biomaterial). This is a very important point that must be taken into account when preparing for the study, since flora is always present in the first portion of biological material.
  4. Urine is collected in a clean and dry plastic container.
  5. It is necessary to deliver a container with biological material to the laboratory no later than 6 hours after its collection. Until then, the container should be stored in a cool and dark place (eg refrigerator).
  6. For the study, about 5-10 g of collected urine is needed.
  7. 2 weeks before the study, you must stop taking antibiotic drugs.
  8. The fair sex is not recommended to take the test during menstruation.
  9. On the eve of the collection of biological material, you should refrain from eating carrots, berries, beets and other foods that can change the color of urine.

Conducting research

Urine analysis for microflora is carried out exclusively in laboratory conditions by applying biological material to specific nutrient media. In this way, colonies of various bacteria are grown. As a result of the information received, the specialist makes a conclusion regarding the microbe that provoked the development of a particular disease. Then comes the next stage of the study, associated with the determination of sensitivity to antibiotics of the detected pathogen. For this purpose, several types of antibiotic preparations are applied to bacterial colonies, which makes it possible to identify the most effective and efficient of them.

Tank sowing is carried out from 1 to 10 days. The time of the study depends on the type of bacteria and the severity of the disease. The length of the study is one of its main shortcomings. Since the specialist has to wait a long time before prescribing a therapeutic course, and it is known that the sooner the treatment begins, the more effective it will be.

Interpretation of results

The interpretation of the results of the study depends primarily on the number of bacteria found in the biological material of the patient.

Microorganisms such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, etc. may be present in the patient's urine, but their concentration is normally minimal. Detection in the urine of up to a thousand colony-forming units per 1 ml indicates a possible accidental entry of bacteria into the biological material, which does not require special treatment.

In the event that the number of bacteria exceeds 10 thousand colony-forming units per 1 ml, this indicates the presence of an infectious disease. If the result is intermediate, then in most cases the patient is recommended to re-examine.

In addition, the study allows you to determine the possible processes of growth and reproduction of bacteria. A large number of leukocyte, erythrocyte and cylindrical cells indicates an acute inflammatory process in the genitourinary system.

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It is worth emphasizing that the interpretation of the results of a urine test for flora and sensitivity to antibiotic drugs should be carried out by a specialist exclusively in the laboratory.

Causes of false indicators

Urinalysis for flora in some cases can give false results. This happens under the influence of certain external and internal factors. Among them are the following:

  1. Violation of the rules for collecting biological material for research.
  2. Insufficient laboratory experience.
  3. Long-term use of antibiotic and diuretic drugs.
  4. Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  5. Difficulty in passing urine.

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According to statistical data, the reliability of this study is about 80% for the fair sex (when reanalyzing, the reliability level rises to 90%) and 100% for the strong half of humanity.

Sowing on the flora and determining sensitivity to antibiotics is an extremely effective diagnostic procedure that allows not only to detect a pathogen and establish a disease, but also to prescribe an optimal and effective course of treatment. Compliance with the rules for collecting biological material will ensure extremely accurate results and avoid medical errors.

Urinalysis is often taken to test for antibiotic susceptibility. The method is used to diagnose microorganisms in the genitourinary system in order to prevent a person from developing cystitis, pyelonephritis and urethritis.

According to urine tests, one can easily understand the presence of abnormalities in the work of certain organs, the presence of diabetes mellitus, nephrolithiasis, arterial hypertension and liver pathologies.

Antibiotics - scope, possible harm

Antibiotics are drugs of natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic origin, the action of which is aimed at stopping the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, at stopping their metabolism. Urine tests for sensitivity to antibiotics are taken at any hospital.

These drugs are used to treat inflammatory processes. According to the spectrum of action, antibiotics are divided into:

  • destroying the cell wall of bacteria (they will be inactive when interacting with mycoplasmas). Drugs with narrow specificity affect a small number of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. Antibiotics with broad specificity affect a large number of bacteria;
  • antifungal;
  • antiprotozoal;
  • antiviral;
  • antitumor.

According to the mechanism of biological action, antibiotics are divided into:

  • drugs that inhibit cell wall synthesis (Cycloserine, Fosfomycin);
  • agents that disrupt the function of the cell membrane (Nystatin, Gramicidin);
  • drugs that slow down protein synthesis on ribosomes (Macrolides, Aminoglycosides);
  • medicines that slow down the synthesis of nucleic acids - RNA and DNA (Nitrofurans, Trimethoprim);
  • antibiotics that disrupt the synthesis of nitrogenous compounds and amino acids (actinomycin D, rimantadine).

Side effects of antibiotics and possible harm:

  • high toxicity (depending on properties, dosage, administration) - hepatotoxic effect (effect on the liver), nephrotoxic (effect on the kidneys), neurotoxic (effect on the nervous system). Hematotoxic (damage to the cardiovascular system), cardiotoxic (damage to the functions of the heart) and embryotoxic (effect on the fetus);
  • dysbacteriosis (violation of normal intestinal microflora);
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased immunity;
  • endotoxic shock;
  • emergence of drug resistance.

Infectious diseases that can be detected by urinalysis

Urine tests are the best way to identify a large number of pathologies. They are used in all medical fields. Experienced experts recommend regular urine tests to prevent chronic diseases and further complications.

When the acidity of the urine rises, one can foresee the depletion of water in the human body, an increase in blood sugar and a decrease in potassium in the blood cells. If there is a lack of potassium, there is a possibility of CRF, disturbed blood balance, cancer of the genitourinary system.

With an increase in protein in the urine, it is worth thinking about problems with the kidneys, inflammation of the ureter, urethra, insufficiency of the cardiovascular system.

When the level of leukocytes in the urine rises sharply, there is the possibility of kidney stones and pyelonephritis. Often develops tuberculosis of the kidneys or their tumors, prostate cancer.

An elevated level of red blood cells in the urine indicates nephrotic syndrome and malignant tumors in the kidneys. Bilirubin indicates liver damage, malaria, gallstones, and hepatitis.

urinary tract

Urinalysis can detect the following diseases:

  • pathology of the upper urinary tract (pyelonephritis);
  • pathology of the lower urinary tract (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, problems with the penis);
  • symptomatic problems;
  • asymptomatic.

Nitrites, protein compounds, sugars, ketone bodies, urobilinogen and bilirubin in the liquid should not be. The number of white blood cells should be up to 7. Bacteria should be absent.

When reducing the weight and density of the liquid, you need to think about the fact that the urinary system is not able to control the process of creating urine. Conclusion: pathogenic substances, salts, toxins remain in the body. This contributes to the development of kidney failure.

Protein compounds in the urine indicate the appearance of permanent glomerulonephritis, problems with urination, amyloid in the kidneys and nephropathy in diabetes mellitus. Pus and inflammation in the bladder can increase protein levels in the fluid. Only the attending physician can decipher the study.

Other infectious pathologies

According to the indicators and norms of urine, it is possible to identify the development of infections in the human body. The color of urine can change with many medications. If the density of the liquid becomes more than 1.025 g / l, then the person is tormented by gag reflexes, bouts of nausea, diabetes, flatulence and dehydration. Indicators below 1.008 g / l indicate an excess of water in the body, getting rid of edema, diabetes insipidus.

Urine is usually acidic. The appearance of a weakly acidic and alkaline environment indicates the development of inflammatory processes. A strongly acidic environment is found in fasting and fevers.

There are many protein compounds in the fluid with nephropathy in pregnant women. Bile pigments often appear in hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver and poisoning.

The presence of epithelial cells in the urine indicates the detection of stones and sand. There should not be any fungi in the urine, their appearance indicates the development of candidiasis.

About the examination procedure and material sampling

All indicators should always be normal. Table of good results:

Index Norm up to 1 year Norm for babies after 1 year Norm for adults
red blood cells Up to 2 Until 3
Leukocytes < 3 Until 6 Until 6
Urobilinogen 6-11 mg/l 5-10 mg/l
Protein compounds Up to 0.002 g/l Up to 0.036 g/l Up to 0.04 g/l
Acidity 4,6-7,8 4,6-8,1 6-7
Density 1,002-1,006 1-3 years old (1.005-1.007), 3-6 years old (1.013-1.021), 6-13 years old (1.013-1.026) 1,013-1,026
Ketone bodies
Color yellow yellow light yellow

Rules for taking material from adults, children and pregnant women

Materials are taken for research in the laboratory according to the following rules:

  • collect a portion after waking up;
  • do not eat before the morning toilet;
  • you can’t pour over the edge - start emitting into the toilet, after a few seconds, substitute the container for the liquid, after filling it, continue the process of getting rid of the liquid into the toilet.

To collect a portion of liquid from a little girl, you should keep the labia in a divorced state, let the girl pass urine for the first few seconds, then direct it to a special container.

To take tests from boys, you should remember the correct sequence: hold the foreskin in the allotted position, allow a few seconds to release the liquid past the jar, then direct it to the container.

A pregnant woman needs to pass urine early in the morning. Pre-wash the container, fill it up to 125 ml, then close the container tightly. Do not let the analyzes get too cold, so that the results are not distorted.

Urine bacterial culture

Bakposev is carried out only in complete sterility. The process is necessary if:

  • suspicion of pathology in the genitourinary system;
  • control over the effectiveness of antimicrobial treatment of diseases of the urinary system;
  • pregnancy.

The specialist applies drops of liquid to the nutrient medium. Then they are located in the thermostat. A day later, the doctor takes out a Petri dish and carefully examines the nutrient medium. The development of an infectious process occurs only if the human body has:

  • saprophytic staphylococcus;
  • proteas;
  • coli;
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
  • klebsiela.

What is an antibiogram

An antibioticogram is a study in which doctors determine the sensitivity to various antibiotics. The procedure is carried out in a special laboratory. Specialists inoculate on a nutrient medium to identify pathogenic organisms. This will allow doctors to further implement the antibacterial program.

When bacteria are detected, doctors transplant them to another nutrient medium to see their further development. Next, special paper discs are applied, which are pre-soaked in antibiotics. Those microorganisms that are most sensitive to this type of drug will not multiply and grow, while others will continue their vital activity. The concentration of the IPC is able to suppress bacterial development.

Deciphering the results

The liquid provided is not sterile. If it contains less than 1000 bacteria, there are no infectious processes in the body. A questionable result would be when more than 10,000 infectious agents are present in the urine. From 100,000 bacteria in the liquid indicates that a person is sick with genitourinary diseases.

The patient can find out the results within 6 days. They will indicate the presence of pathogenic organisms in the urinary system, but will not specify exactly where they are located, in which organ. Only doctors can understand this.

In what cases are there errors in decryption?

The following situations affect errors in deciphering urine tests:

  • staff;
  • the patient himself;
  • methods of conducting;
  • special devices;
  • implementation technology.


Urinalysis for antibiotic susceptibility testing should be performed in order to prescribe the correct treatment. It is important to understand the classification of drugs, side effects, therapeutic effects. Self-medication is contraindicated. Infectious diseases can be detected by urinalysis.

To determine the inflammatory processes, it is recommended to use other analyzes. Only experienced specialists can decipher them, but they are sometimes mistaken. For reliable results, it is important to properly collect materials, sow urine on nutrient media. Antibiogram will allow you to determine the sensitivity to drugs in the best way.

Why take a urinalysis for culture? This is a common question. Let's figure it out in this article.

All inflammations of the bladder, kidneys, urethra are ninety-five percent provoked by infectious agents, the main ones being Proteus, staphylococci and enterobacteria. They are called uropathogenic flora. To identify the source of the patient's disease, the patient's urine is performed. This method requires strict adherence to urine collection standards, special equipment with media and thermostats, as well as competent specialists.

Where are they held?

  • with pyelonephritis - 1000 CFU and more;
  • with cystitis - 100 CFU.

If the CFU index exceeds 100,000, then there is no longer any need to doubt the activity of the pathogen. It is urgent to start treatment, since such a picture occurs with a catheter infection.

Tank. urine culture for sensitivity to antibiotics

To determine the optimal method of therapy, analysis of the culture for its sensitivity to various antibiotics can be used. Its result is also called an antibiogram.

What is the essence of this study? It is necessary to divide the Petri dish into parts and place in each strip or circle soaked in antibiotic. Their marking is carried out either from the outside of the cup, or by color.

Sowed in sectors. Then the cup is placed in a thermostat having the temperature of the human body, and monitored daily. If the antibiotic is perfect, then it will kill the bacteria, and there will be no growth in the sector. In the case of resistance of the pathogen, the growth of the colony will be noted.

To get the result, you need to wait from four to five days. Thanks to new methods, it is possible to perform a study in two days, and not only the sensitivity of the drugs, but also their therapeutic dose will be determined.

We found out what a urine culture test shows.

Sowing urine for flora is performed in order to detect bacterial damage to the organs of the urinary system. Assign a study in the event that there is a suspicion of an infectious origin of the disease. The purpose of the analysis is to identify the type of pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Urine sampling technology for bacteriological analysis

For the study, a sample of the middle portion of urine is taken. For the reliability of the results, preliminary preparation for the collection of material is important. The day before the study, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, exclude foods that affect the color of urine from the diet, and do not take medicines. Women during menstruation should postpone the test.

For the study, an average portion of morning urine is used. It must be collected in a special way. The first two or three seconds you need to urinate into the toilet, then substitute a sterile container and collect 10 ml of urine, after which the rest of the urine should also be released into the toilet. Bacteriological seeding should be done no later than two hours after sampling. If this is not possible, then it is allowed to store the container in a refrigerator at a temperature of 2-8 ° C for no more than eight hours.

Reference indicators

The degree of urinary infection is determined by the number of bacterial colonies that are detected in one milliliter of the test material. According to the established parameters, evaluating the results of the analysis, it is important to detect even a small amount of bacteria in 1 ml. In this case, the patient does not have pronounced symptoms of the disease caused by the infection.

If the indicator does not exceed 1000 colony-forming units in one milliliter, then this is not regarded as an infectious lesion. In this case, there was an accidental entry of microorganisms into the urine, for example, in violation of hygiene rules.

With a pronounced clinical picture of pyelonephritis, cystitis or urethritis, an indicator of 10 to the tenth degree of CFU in 1 ml is usually determined. In addition, there are still intermediate indicators in which there are difficulties with diagnosis, and the patient is recommended to take the test again.

Causes of false indicators

There are cases when the patient is asked to give urine again. This is due to the fact that the laboratory assistant is not sure of the reliability of the study. False indicators include the following factors:

  1. Incorrect sampling of material for research.
  2. The fact that the patient is taking antibacterial drugs at the time of the study was not taken into account.
  3. Violations of the rules for the delivery and storage of the test sample, when more than two hours have passed since the collection of urine, and it was stored at a high temperature.

What is diagnostics

Bacterial seeding is a series of actions that are performed in a strict sequence. To begin with, the laboratory assistant allocates a urine sediment and makes its microscopic examination. In case of detection of pathological microflora, a culture of bacteria is isolated by primary seeding on a nutrient medium.

As soon as the number of microorganisms sufficient for studying has accumulated, the laboratory assistant begins to study their properties. Based on this, conclusions are drawn about the type of bacterial flora. This algorithm is followed in all laboratories; if the sequence is violated, the results will be unreliable.

For primary sowing, nutrient media adapted for microorganisms of different species are used. So, blood agar is suitable for detecting staphylococcal infections, sugar syrup is used for sowing streptococci, and Sabouraud's nutrient medium is suitable for fungal flora. The option of sowing samples simultaneously on several media is allowed.

The laboratory assistant chooses the technique of seeding, depending on what goal is pursued. There are three ways to apply a sample to a medium:

  1. with the help of a laboratory loop, bar-like movements are made;
  2. applied with a special spatula;
  3. the swab is impregnated with the studied material and the sample is applied to the medium with blotting movements.

For seeding, laboratory glassware is used, divided into several parts, or a separate container for each type of microorganisms.

Purpose of appointment tank seeding

If, during a microscopic analysis of the urine sediment, the presence of bacterial flora is detected, then an additional study is prescribed. This is necessary in order to determine which pathogen is present in the urine. To do this, use the method of bacteriological inoculation of the sample on a special nutrient medium.

Even an experienced laboratory assistant, with conventional microscopy, will not be able to determine which species the identified microorganisms belong to. For diagnostic accuracy, the test sample is stained with special preparations and examined using a special optical technique.

Assign bacteriological culture of urine to patients suffering from chronic urethritis, recurrent cystitis, acute and chronic pyelonephritis. In order to prevent diseases of the genitourinary system, urine is cultured for flora in patients with diabetes mellitus and HIV-infected.

In addition to establishing the type of microorganism, urine culture tank on the flora is prescribed to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of the identified pathogens. This is necessary so that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. This study is important during pregnancy, since during this period many drugs are contraindicated. The essence of the method lies in the inoculation of the test material on special laboratory glassware, divided into four sectors. Each part contains a specific antibiotic.

The dishes are placed in a thermostat, the temperature of which is maintained at 36.6 ° C. The laboratory assistant evaluates the results daily. In the sector where there is no growth of bacterial colonies, there is an antibacterial agent suitable for treating the patient. If, on the contrary, the colonies are rapidly increasing, then this indicates the resistance of microorganisms.

A complete transcript of the results is possible only on the fifth day after the start of the study. This is the main disadvantage of the antibiogram. The fact is that during all this time it is impossible to start treatment, and the doctor is forced, without waiting for the results, to prescribe antibacterial agents to the patient at his own discretion.

Modern research methods make it possible to carry out rapid tests to identify pathological microflora and its sensitivity to antibiotics and bacteriophages. This fact makes it possible not to delay the appointment of antibiotic therapy in a hospital, where every minute is very important.

Rules for collecting urine

In order for the analysis indicators to be accurate, the material for microscopic examination should not contain foreign inclusions. To do this, you must follow the rules for collecting urine.

  1. The storage container must be sterile. It is better to use a special plastic container purchased at a pharmacy.
  2. Before performing urine sampling, it is necessary to carry out hygienic treatment of the external genital organs. Do not use soap or other detergents.
  3. If the patient is a man using a catheter to remove urine, then there are certain rules for taking material for analysis. The catheter must be flushed with saline and then treated with an antiseptic.
  4. You can not take a test for culture during the use of antibiotics.
  5. Collect urine directly into a container, which is transferred to the laboratory. It is forbidden to pour the material from the vessel or baby pot. For a reliable result, the sterility of the test sample is important.

Once the urine collection has been completed, the container is closed with a lid and taken to the laboratory.

Deciphering the results

On the second day after inoculation, the laboratory assistant begins studying the samples. If there is no growth of microflora, then this is the norm. Otherwise, the evaluation is performed according to standard parameters, such as the size of the colonies, their shape, color, surface type.
In order to correctly decipher the results, the laboratory assistant must know what each stage of the analysis shows. The size of the colonies is determined as small and large, they are round, regular and irregular in shape, the surface is assessed as rough, smooth and bumpy.
From the third day, tests for biochemical processes are added to the study. The ability of microorganisms to break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins is assessed. To do this, strips for express tests are used, on which a sample of the grown bacterial culture is placed. If several types of bacteria were isolated during the sowing period, then additional methods are prescribed that help to isolate each culture separately.

According to the results of the study, the laboratory assistant makes a preliminary diagnosis. An example is the diagnosis of cystitis. It is enough to determine the type of pathogen and its quantity. The disease is caused by Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Normally, these microorganisms should not be, or their number does not exceed 1000 CFU in one milliliter. If an indicator is detected from 10 in the fourth degree, up to 10 in the fifth degree and above, then this signals acute cystitis.

Urine culture for flora is one of the main laboratory diagnostic methods used for many diseases. Very often, this microbiological study is combined with the detection of sensitivity to antibiotics for the subsequent appointment of the most effective treatment.

Indications for urine culture for flora

Urine culture for microflora is carried out in cases where there are:

  • pain when urinating;
  • the presence of blood in the separated fluid;
  • uncharacteristic inclusions in its sediment;
  • kidney disease;
  • pathology of the urinary organs;
  • lower back pain;
  • inefficiency in the treatment of diabetes mellitus;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • frequent and profuse urination;
  • verification of the effectiveness of the treatment;
  • pregnancy;
  • HIV, etc.

This type of bacteriological research is difficult to overestimate. In no other way is it possible to most accurately determine the presence, quantity and type of pathogen that has spread in the kidneys and urinary tract and causes a specific disease.

Urine culture is needed to determine the type of causative agent of infection of the excretory organs and the selection of effective antibiotic therapy

Urinalysis for flora reveals the presence of streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, escherichia coli, salmonella, gram-negative microorganisms, spirochetes, proteus, klebsiella, fungus, etc. In addition, various aerobic flora are usually present in the urine. In this way, a wide range of infectious diseases can be diagnosed and successfully treated.

Usually, a urologist advises to take an analysis, who was contacted with complaints of problems in the urinary organs or a therapist who suspected kidney pathology in a patient. In addition, indicators of sensitivity to antibiotics are always of interest to the attending nephrologist, and the lack of progress in the fight against diabetes or diseases of the pituitary and adrenal glands is of interest to the endocrinologist. In cases where a general urinalysis shows significant deviations from the norm, any specialist can refer for bakposev.

Rules for collecting urine

Urine analysis for microflora must be taken in accordance with all the rules. Failure to comply with these requirements will result in inaccurate results.

First you need to toilet the genitals without the use of soap. Then you should take the middle portion of the morning urine, after thoroughly washing your hands. The isolated liquid must be placed in a sterile plastic container with a hermetically sealed lid.

If an analysis is carried out to detect tuberculosis, then urine must be collected for three consecutive days.

The urine collection container for bacteriological culture must be sterile.

The day before, it is required to exclude from the diet foods that can affect the color of urine. These include beets, lactic acid and confectionery products containing dyes, vitamins, etc.

It is necessary to stop taking any medications, except those approved by the attending physician or not subject to withdrawal. It is necessary to collect urine for sowing no earlier than ten days after the course of antibiotic treatment.

Douching should not be done for three days before this. Also, you can not take the analysis during menstruation.

In cases where urine is collected from a bedridden patient with renal insufficiency or urinary tract obstruction, it should be collected through a catheter. To do this, it is blocked with a clamp and at least four milliliters of liquid is removed from it by means of a needle, placed in a container.

Urine must be delivered to the laboratory no later than two hours after its release.

When submitting the collected analysis, the nurse, the administrator of the medical center or the laboratory worker must inform:

  • the exact time of urine output;
  • how it was collected;
  • possible diagnosis;
  • medications taken.

Deciphering the results

If you take the analysis correctly, then reliable data will be obtained, allowing the doctor to prescribe the most effective treatment. It is very important to accurately identify quantitative indicators, since in the normal state, urine already contains a number of opportunistic microorganisms. These include streptococci, staphylococci, diphtheroids, etc. If their titer is low, then they are not able to cause a disease.

But with adverse effects on the body, they are able to go into a virulent state, provoking the occurrence of various pathologies in a person. Most often this happens due to a sharp decrease in immunity in chronic diseases, tumor processes or the development of HIV.

Deciphering the results of the analysis is of great importance for the diagnosis. Typically, reference values ​​include certain indicators. The unit of measure for sowing on flora is CFU. It is a single living microbial cell causing the growth of a visually identifiable colony of a specific microbial species. If their number does not exceed 1000 CFU / ml, then this is the norm, that is, the data obtained correspond to the usual values. This figure indicates an accidental introduction of bacteria.

Each patient receives a detailed transcript of urine culture

If these figures are more than 105 per 1 ml of urine, then it can be stated that the causative agent of the disease is considered to be identified.

In cases where there are pronounced signs of kidney or urinary tract disease, a microorganism can be considered isolated during urine culture, the titer of which is about 102 per 1 ml.

When several groups of pathogenic bacteria are found, their level should also correspond to at least 105 per 1 ml. If pathogens from these groups are detected, but their indicators are relatively low (104 per 1 ml), then the study must be done again, as this may indicate violations of the rules for collecting urine.

Additional data can be obtained by determining sensitivity to antibiotics. In this case, a whole range of different antibacterial drugs from different pharmacological groups is used to the identified pathogen. Then the microbiologist evaluates the degree of death of the colony under their influence or the absence of any action. This is done in order to avoid side effects in the treatment of these drugs, as well as to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of treatment.

It should be borne in mind that the answer from the laboratory will come no earlier than in a week, since the culture of microorganisms must still germinate on a nutrient medium, and subsequently a test for sensitivity to antibiotics will be made.

The analysis collected correctly and on time allows the patient to fully restore health.


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