Do-it-yourself pom-pom cat. How to make a pom pom kitten. How to make a cat out of pom-poms: description, photo

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Did you like ? In this article, you will learn how to make a pom-pom kitten.

You will need:

  • gray and white threads for (head, muzzle and torso);
  • gray felt for ears;
  • black cord and wire for legs and tail;
  • eyes made of yellow plastic;
  • pink plastic nose.

Making a toy: stages of work

  1. Make a large gray pompom for the head, cut it into an elongated shape with scissors. Make a small white pom-pom for the muzzle (it should be loose). Connect the pompoms together. Please note: the white pom-pom is positioned in such a way that a characteristic cat's muzzle is obtained.
  2. Make three pompoms for the body. Half of each pom-pom should consist of gray threads, half of white threads.
  3. Cut the cord into three pieces: for the front legs, for the hind legs and for the tail. Insert the wire inside the foot pieces, tuck or glue the ends. Bend each piece in half and shape it into paws.
  4. Melt or glue a piece of cord for the tail on one side. Insert a long wire into it and put three torso pompoms on it. Press the pompoms tightly against each other, fasten the end of the wire (you can put a small bead on it).
  5. Sew the head to the body. Cut out the ears according to the template and glue them to the head. Attach the paws, sew on the eyes and nose. Put the cat on its paws.

Pompom cat - video

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  • how to make a cat out of pom-poms
  • how to make a pom pom kitten

DIY pom-pom kitten.

How to make a homemade soft toy kitten from an ordinary hat pom-pom.

To make a toy "Kitten" you need the following materials:

    Two rings made of hard foam rubber with a diameter of 3-4 cm;

    The threads are blue with lurex, even, so that the “kitten” is round and even;

    Two black "eyes" and a red nose from an old children's toy;

    A little blue fabric for the "ears" and "tail";

    PVA glue.

Making a toy

1. We wrap two rings (the thickness of each ring is 3 mm) with threads.

I usually wind quite a lot of thread so that the toy is very fluffy.

2. Then, after winding a thick ring, I cut the threads along one of the sides of the ring and insert a strong thread between the foam rubber rings.

3. Having cut the threads to the end, the blank for the pompom toy will look like this.

Then I tie the nested thread very tightly. We fluff the toy to make such a cute bun.

4. We glue the “eyes” and the nose on glue, and in order for them to stick more firmly, I put the “kitten” with its muzzle on a flat, smooth surface. We cut out a small square from the blue fabric, glue it diagonally - we get ears, glue it to the fluffy “kitten”, putting one thread from the toy between the sides of the “ear”. In the same way we do the "tail".

Ruslan Smirnov Moscow

Decorating your home with hand-made things is not only fashionable, but also budgetary, moreover, such products keep a piece of the soul of their creators.

Needlework is addictive, because the creative process is interesting in itself, and the result obtained through the efforts made is even more motivating to create home-made decor elements.

In addition, original handmade accessories and decorative elements are much cheaper than purchased ones, they successfully compete with store goods in terms of attractiveness and win in terms of originality.

Needlework lovers come up with unusual gizmos, connecting fantasy and materials found at hand to the case.

Among the most relevant things for the home interior, it is worth noting the original rug made of pompoms. Such a product provides protection for the feet from the cold emanating from the floor covering, and at the same time performs a decorative function, decorating the room in an original and tasteful way.

Rugs made of cute pom-poms are very popular with children: this element of decor is also ideal for a nursery.

Do-it-yourself pompom rug, photo

Preparation of materials

To make such a rug, you will need a number of materials, as well as needlework tools.

List of required:

  1. Thick threads (designed for yarn). Threads can be based on acrylic material, wool mixture, wool, viscose - this moment is unprincipled. In order to save money, you can dissolve clothes for which yarn was used to knit. If you decide to do this, be sure to wind the yarn into skeins, wash and let them dry under the load. Don't use stretched string to prevent the pom poms from getting too small and sloppy.
  2. Garbage bags.
  3. Convenient scissors.
  4. Large needle - for sewing pom-poms to the base.
  5. 2 pieces of cardboard to make a template.
  6. A fabric mesh (similar ones are used at a construction site) or a tapestry fabric for the base.
  7. Compass.

The process of creating a pom-pom rug may vary, given this nuance, you may not need all the materials and fixtures from the list.

Master classes and methods of creation

There are several methods for creating soft fluffy pom-pom rugs. All of them are convenient, but not everyone is optimal for the desired configuration of the decorative canvas.

A few original creation ideas: find out how you can effectively decorate the walls in your apartment with quilling products or create an interesting panel.

You can decorate an apartment by creating a do-it-yourself coffee topiary; You will find step-by-step instructions for creating a tree of happiness in. Several understandable and popular master classes on coffee topiary are presented.

square carpet

A rug in the shape of a square is a traditional option that does not require intricate creative actions.

The practical instruction includes several steps:

  1. Preparation of a round stencil: to do this, draw two circles on cardboard with a compass and make small holes in them so that the product looks like a bagel in configuration.
  2. Attach the stencils one to the other.
  3. Thread a large needle and sew around the circles. The size of the pompom depends on the degree of density of the threads. You can wind any number of circles.
  4. Pass the ends of the scissors between the stencils and carefully cut the threads, ignoring the loops, so that they do not peel off the cardboard.
  5. Move apart the parts of the stencils-“bagels” and make a tighter knot between them.
  6. Remove the cardboard and shape into a ball by shaking it a few times.

DIY yarn pom-poms - step by step

To knit a carpet that has a square shape, you will need 81 pompoms. Having made the balls, proceed to create a canvas of pompoms: first sew a row of 9 balls to the base, then there is a tendency to increase, as a result, you should have a square. To create a blanket or bedspread from pompoms, you will need much more blanks.


The carpet, which has a round shape, made of soft threads, will perfectly fit into the interior of the corridor and warm your feet when changing shoes and other shoes.

The principle of creating pompoms is to wind the threads around the fingers.

This technique has several advantages:

  • the minimum number of devices required for work;
  • simplicity and accessibility of attributes;
  • the ability to quickly resize.

Attention! If you use four fingers, the ball will turn out to be larger in diameter, with two fingers - small.

Let's take a closer look at the scheme for creating a bubo with your fingers:

  • wind the yarn around four fingers, making about 20 windings;
  • thread a separate thread through your fingers and tighten the ball to make a reliable knot;
  • divide the threads of the bow and cut its loops located on the sides;
  • straighten the finished copy and, if necessary, trim the edges using scissors.

On a note! The more thread you wrap around your fingers, the more luxurious the pom-pom will be.

The threads that remain after dressing are not cut off, but are used to attach to the base (mesh). Fastening starts from the center: they grind one ball, then the rest, moving in a circle or in a spiral.

The number of pompoms depends on the size of the rug and the size of the balls themselves.

Decorative mini rug or chair cover

Colorful and original hand-made things used to decorate the kitchen interior will make the room cozy. In a room with such decor, it is pleasant to cook and arrange gatherings with friends. Decorative canvases can have a different configuration.

On a note! The rugs hanging from the chairs look beautiful.

The principle of creating a kitchen rug is based on the use of a fork. This cutlery is small in size, so the pompoms will turn out to be compact, ideal for creating chair covers.

Manufacturing scheme:

  • wind the threads around the cloves of the cutlery, while leaving an elongated tip designed to connect the pom-pom to the base;
  • pull the yarn through the center and make a bow;
  • cut the resulting loops and distribute the resulting product;
  • make the required number of pompoms and attach each to the base with a long thread.

How to make a beautiful rug out of plastic trash bags

A rug made of plastic bags will be a godsend for rooms in which there is high humidity, for example, for a bathroom.

The principle of creating such a rug from bags in the bathroom is simple, and we will consider it step by step:

  • cut two cardboard strips that are rectangular and about 3 cm wide;
  • form a tourniquet from the handle of the garbage bag;
  • fold the stencil: put a pen between the strips, fixing the edges of the cardboard with a small amount of glue;
  • wind strips of garbage bags onto the stencil, while leaving an edge for fixing on the base;
  • tie the resulting tourniquet into a knot;
  • cut the bag loops from the side that is parallel to the plastic rope tied into a knot;
  • untie the knot made before and tighten it again as tight as possible;
  • fluff finished pampushkas.

Carpets from packages

On a note! To make the rug more colorful, use trash bags or T-shirt bags of different colors. You can come up with simple geometric patterns on the canvas. Fixation of waterproof pompoms is carried out on a coarse mesh.

For a better understanding of how to make pom poms from trash bags, watch the video below:

How to quickly create pom-pom balls

To do this, you will need a bench or a table (if the legs are at a great distance, then there will be more pompoms).

Principle of operation:

  • tie the yarn to one of the supports and wrap it around two more supports to make a fluffy ball;
  • tie the pompoms in the center with threads, leaving short tails. To make the balls identical, use a ruler;
  • visually mark the division point and cut it off with scissors, while partially capturing the ball (whole ones look careless).

Fluffy carpet "Sheep"

Do you want to decorate and at the same time insulate the floors in the children's room, but do not know which of the many carpets sold in stores to choose? We advise you to spend a little time and learn how to make a soft rug for a nursery with your own hands.

The child will be delighted if the floor in his room is decorated with a carpet in the form of some cute little animal, for example, a sheep, a bear, or even a bun.

Pompom rug, photo

Such a rug can be placed by the bed or in the center of the room. Another option is next to the table at which the child does his homework. Feet will definitely not freeze on such a coating. The rug is both practical and decorative at the same time.

The color of the yarn for creating a rug from filament pompoms can be selected based on the characteristics of the interior of the children's room.

Remember that each thing should harmoniously fit into the overall design picture. When all the decor elements are combined with each other, the interior looks complete.

A homemade rug will give the interior originality, bring more homely warmth to the atmosphere, which all children need so much.

To create a rug from round pompoms for a children's room, you should stock up on cardboard for making balls: outer diameter - 7 cm, inner - 3 cm.

You can choose any color of yarn that you and your child will like. In this example, we will consider creating a beige yarn rug, as this shade will fit into any environment.

Read about how to make from simple and affordable materials - all the secrets and subtleties of creating original handmade rugs.

A detailed master class on creating three-dimensional paper paintings using the papertol technique - in the article - learn how to create original paintings for the interior: the technique is simple, but very interesting.

You will find knitting patterns for knitted cat cushions with your own hands in the article at:

Make 29 balls out of beige woolen threads (1 per tail), fasten them together with a thread. Place the balls as close as possible to each other so that the sheep's fleece is fluffy. Sew on the tail. With a thick gray thread, tie the face of the animal, legs and ears. Sew them onto the balloon skin.

We knit the legs according to the following scheme: dial 15 gray loops, preferably from a double thread. Work 15 rows of knit loops and close them. You need to tie 4 legs, tying them around the edge with black threads to make an imitation of hooves.

Now let's start knitting the muzzle.

To do this, 88 stitches are cast on 4 knitting needles. We knit them in a circle to a height of 8 cm. Each circle should be reduced by 4 loops. To complete this task: on the 1st and 3rd needles in the first part of the row, at the end of the 2nd and 4th needles, knit 2 stitches together. After reducing, you will have 4 loops left - pull them off with a thread, masking its end. Use small buttons or beads for eyes.

It remains to tie the ears for our sheep, this can be done with a hook: dial 12 loops, knit with simple b / n columns, then decrease 1 loop at the beginning of each of the rows. At a distance of 5 cm, the work is completed.

All elements are attached to the balls so that a sheep is formed.

We bring to your attention a few tips that can improve the described methods for assembling a soft rug from fluffy filament balls-pompoms.

Creating things for home decor with your own hands, you yourself choose the design of the future product, taking into account not only your own preferences, but also the features of the interior.

Having a few skeins of woolen or acrylic threads in skeins or knitting yarn left over from knitting cardigans, sweaters and other clothes, you can easily make a soft ball rug with your own hands. Having shown your imagination, choosing attractive color combinations, you will create an original decorative canvas that can decorate any room.

A homemade rug made of soft pompoms can be placed in the kitchen, bathroom, children's room or bedroom, or you can give it to friends. By the same principle, you can make not only a rug, but also a bright bedspread or an original pom-pom pillow. The original present, in the creation of which you have invested your soul, will certainly be appreciated.

Video master class

A detailed video with a master class on making a funny rug from multi-colored pompoms, see below:

How to surprise classmates and how to make a keychain on a backpack? Of course, cool keychains in the form of a Cat or a Cat! We have selected the most interesting options from a variety of key chains and pendants. Such figurines of cats can be decorated not only with a backpack, but also with a briefcase or bag. Japanese key chains made of pompoms in the form of cats look very unusual.

Pompom keychain Red cat

A good idea is to make a keychain for a backpack with your own hands in the form of a Red Cat. The work is not difficult, the main thing is to learn how to make magnificent pompoms. The Japanese make such crafts using special plastic rings, which can be replaced with two mugs made of thick cardboard. In our master class, the keychain is made on an ordinary wide fork. But if you want the keychain to be bigger, take and cut 2 circles yourself. The diameter should be at least 7.5-8 cm, the hole inside is 1.5 cm. How to make a pompom is well shown here:

Just do not forget before you wind the yarn, lay a thread, fishing line, or wire between two cardboard circles. This will make it easier for you to pull the pom-pom off after cutting.

We take a wide fork, or 2 cardboard rings (as it suits you). At the end of the fork we put on a paper holder or just a clothespin. Otherwise, all the yarn will slip off the fork. We start winding with white yarn! This will be the face of the cat.

The winding sequence is as follows: we wrap the fork 25 times with white yarn, do not touch it, we wrap beige yarn next to it 15 times, we wind brown yarn on beige 15 times, and then beige 15 times. and finish 15 times brown.

Then we take a thin wire or monofilament and insert it into the middle of the fork, remove the clothespin and tighten the wire as much as possible, twisting it into a knot. We do not cut the ends of the wire - we will attach them to the carabiner. Next, we will cut our pom-pom.

November 6th, 2009 , 12:25 pm

As you know, the symbol of 2010 will be the Tiger. True, according to the eastern calendar, it will come only on February 14 (symbolically?), but you still need to prepare in advance, especially since tigers have already been remembered in the community

I propose to make such a fluffy cute tiger cub (height approx. 12 cm):

We will need:

  • Red yarn, black yarn, white yarn, cream yarn.
  • Scissors with sharp tips.
  • Pattern from cardboard or thick paper.
  • Wire (beaded is quite suitable).
  • Tapestry needle with a blunt end (for woolen threads with a large eye).
  • A regular needle and some thread.
  • Eyes and nose (either purchased for toys, or large beads, or molded from plastic / clay / flour salt)
  • a drop of glue
I propose a pattern like this:

Body: oval 7-7.5 cm with a hole 3 cm; ear - circle; the head has a complex shape, approx. 6 cm, about 5 cm high. The centers of the pink and green arcs (pink and green thick dots, respectively) and the center of the inner circle (not indicated, but all the readings come from it, I think it is already visible) DO NOT match. However, 3-5 mm do not play such a big role, you can then trim it with scissors, but for ideality you can keep them in mind =) Winding markings in an angular measure are approximate, do as you think beautiful.
All details are cut out in duplicate from thick paper. You need two ears - that is. details will be required 4. Arms, legs We will make paws and tail long and bending, so without a pattern.

Let's start with BODY.

Yarn in three colors, two circles and scissors.

Cut off a piece of thread approx. 20-30 cm, and lay between the rings. For reliability, you can press the thread with a drop of glue to the template so that it does not go astray; put the second ring on top.

We start winding =) Part - a quarter or a little more - we will make it white, because it will be a white belly =) We wrap the rest of the red in one layer. A red thread dangles from the top left - this is the one that is laid between the rings.

The second layer: we continue the white with white (well, or we immediately wrap all the white on the belly thickly; and we try to wind it thicker in the middle of the sector than to the edges, so that the belly then has a more rounded appearance), and cover the red part with a black layer. We wrap it carefully so that the redhead does not look through:

Third layer: red again:

And so we shake, shake, shake... Alternating layers of red and black. As much as we can. Unfortunately, I don’t know exactly how much yarn goes into this, so judge for yourself. The hole is slowly closing. When it is already hard to wind, we arm ourselves with a tapestry needle. We make the last red layer solid, covering the white part, including:

You can wind the red and black a little more on top (you can no longer cover it tightly, but lightly, because these will be the "poles" of the ball). And we start to make this pompon. Near the protruding thread that is laid between the rings, we begin to cut the winding. Be careful not to cut this thread!

This is what it looks like when it's cut:
It can be seen in the middle of the ring paper, and strips beginning to form. We cut the whole winding around.

We try not to disturb the cut winding, and carefully bandage the umbilical cord of the pompom in the center: firmly and reliably, into several knots.

Paper rings cannot be removed just like that, you need to cut them and carefully pull them out:

After the "birth" the pompom is very shapeless, "pierced", in general, it does not at all look like a well-fed tiger. Therefore, we take a pumpon and carefully roll it between our palms, rolling this mass into a ball:

Then the scissors will come into play. We trim the pom-pom so that it is even, round and neat:

This is how the back will be from the Tiger, striped:

Now let's do TAIL.
There is no template, we will do it by eye. You will need a wire 30 centimeters long, which must be bent so that one end is 10 cm and the other 20. The tail begins (or ends?) At this fold. In short, we do from the end =)
The tip of the tail should be white. We wind the white yarn around the finger (if you feel sorry for the finger, it is not at hand, it seems unhygienic to you or for another reason - make a template: a strip approx. 2 cm wide). If the yarn is thick (50 g / 90 m or less), then 10 turns will suffice; if thin (50 g / 150 m and more) - about 30. By eye, in other words =)
Wound, cut top and bottom:

The resulting bundle of cut threads is placed in a wire loop:

And we tighten, fix the wire a couple of times, tightly intertwining the two ends:

Then we do the same, only alternating red and black:

We wind, cut, apply to the tail, fix with wire. We continue until one of the ends ends, we fix the tip, curling the rest of the short end with the long one.
Lightly roll between the palms along, giving the tail the shape of a sausage =)
We trim the excess hairs with scissors:

We do not cut off the rest of the wire: we will need it to attach the tail to the body =)

Now let's do HEAD:

I pay attention to the nose: the jaw should be slightly larger, the forehead smaller; and it is important to make a "pimp" at the tip of the nose, it is needed so that the winding from the "jaw" does not fall on the forehead, a kind of "limiter-lock".
Let's mark the stripes: let there be three horizontal semicircular ones on the crown and three vertical ones on the forehead. And a white chin underneath. By the way, one more detail: we will mark the edges of the white area with small notches, for the same purpose, so that the colors do not mix.
Between the two parts, as before, we lay the thread.
We wrap white on the desired area:

First layer: we make the entire forehead black, the stripes black, and between them we fill everything with red:

Second layer: we continue to wind the stripes with black, the chin with white, and the forehead with red!

The third layer: again we make the forehead black, we continue to wind the stripes in black, the chin is white, everything else is red.

That's it, we don't blacken the forehead anymore - we already have 3 vertical stripes. We wind everything as it was marked out initially:

We bandage:

We remove the rings, roll in the palms and trim with scissors.

And here is the head! Front:



Every Tiger needs a pair of ears! =)
We take our small circles, lay a thread between the rings. On a part (a third or so) we wind beige or cream yarn, tightly and carefully:

The hole is small, use a needle.
Now we will make a beautiful black border around the pink inner part of the ears. To do this, we wind a single layer of black on the cream part, including taking a little outside the cream part!

The rest is covered with red:

Ears need to be sewn to the head. If the dressing thread is made longer and thinner, then it can be sewn with it. Sew through, trying to capture the middle thread-bundle in the head. Drown the ears a little in the head so that they do not hang out.

We do the same principle as the tail. We take a wire with a length of approx. 22 cm, bend to get 6.5 + 15.5. We make the tips of the paws of the palms, which are in the loop, creamy (if there was a bigger animal, it would be possible to make fingers for it, but, alas, it will not work in such dimensions), then we alternate red and black until the 6-cm end of the wire runs out . It is better to do both paws at once in parallel, for greater symmetry. Fix-trim, as usual.

we will do it straight from the body. We insert a wire of about 30 cm into the pompom of the body from below, grab the fastener thread there, return it back, in total, two equal ends of the wire stick out from below:

We bend each in half and do the same as the hands. If you need more details - write, I will explain, but I think everything is clear from the above.

The head, tail and arms are sewn and attached to the body. To the touch, grabbing the central thread-fastener in the body. Hands can be fastened together by twisting the ends of the wire (according to the calculation of the rest of the wire, it should be enough from the shoulder to the other shoulder; if not enough, you can fasten it under the head). But the fasteners of the hands must pass through the center of the body, through the "dressing", otherwise they will fall out during operation.
Here we get:

Now you need to give the muzzle the expression of the Tiger =)
Nose tritely glue between the long hairs of the front of the muzzle:

Because it should stay in a specific place, it is better to stick it. It is more difficult to sew on - the long threads of the nose are not very stable and the tiger runs the risk of being crooked or crumpled. So we glue and carefully mask the inside or back of the nose, sticking long threads from the base of the nose.

But eyes we will sew, the "fur" on the forehead is short, they will sit well. We outline the places for the eyes with pins. And with a needle and thread, we sew eyes or beads through:

Drop your eyes a little. You can fasten under the neck, under the ears or on the back of the head.

And voila!!!
Here it is, our Pump-On Tiger!

If you wish, you can also make mustaches and eyebrows from monofilament, but I like it anyway =)
You can knit a scarf or vest for a winter tiger, if you wish.

The tiger can be made quite a "symbol of the year" - that is, white, then we replace the red yarn with white everywhere; it's a little easier.
And you can also bring the fastener thread through the crown and make a loop out of it - then the tiger can be hung on the Christmas tree.
And if you fix the legs and arms "as it should" and not "at random", then the tiger can serve as a full-fledged toy for children: with bending paws and a tail that changes shape.

Hope it's useful to someone =)

p.s.: anticipating questions like "how to pull a skein of yarn through a ring" and "how to calculate the length of the thread", I tell you how I did it. I take the thread and wind it around 3 fingers several times, take it off my hand and continue to wind it across, creating a kind of "coil". Long and not fat. In the second picture to the head, a piece of such winding is visible. The volume of this skein should be made by eye, slightly less than the central hole in the template. And operating with it, like a shuttle, wrap the patterns. Surely, more than one such "shuttle" will be required. Then we finish one skein so that the thread goes from the center to the edge, where it ends (see the first cut to the ear: the rest of the thread sticks up, but in length it corresponds to the radius of the ring). And next we start the next one - the end is on the outer edge, and goes in the center, etc. The only “but” is that it’s better to take a needle for the ears right away, because. the size is very small. Well, with a needle, you just have to load a new thread more often or drag a long one.

pps: Sorry for the trouble with the cat.
UPD: at the request of the public, the head pattern has been measured and drawn in more detail.


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