How to decorate a house (apartment) for the new year. DIY New Year's gifts New Year's home decoration

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In the living room, you can also pick up white winter decorations, cushions and throws that look like they have been dusted with a thin layer of snow. Such a design will be chic, surprisingly cozy and completely timeless.

For those who live in high-rise buildings, the question is also of concern: “How to decorate an apartment for the new year 2019?”. This year, metallic shades appear in every possible detail - decorations, lighting, tabletop items.

One of the hottest trends is copper paired with wood and neutral, elegant colors. Wanting to create an interior in this style, designers put on fur. Ideal on the floor, chairs, but also an unusual table decoration.

If you really do not know how to decorate a room for the new year 2019, then with We advise you to pay attention to the eco trend, it is gaining more and more fans. Natural materials, muted colors, inspired by the natural world, have also taken root in the interiors. It is worth transferring this eco trend to New Year's decorations. Furniture and accessories are made of natural wood - wicker with an addition of cotton, will not only bring a winter aura to the house, but also make it cozy. Instead of traditional balls, decorations made from ropes, paper or wood will appear on the festive tree.

How beautiful to decorate the house with balloons?

Do not know how to decorate the house for the new year with balls? Here are some original ideas, photos:

Ideas for decorating the house for the new year 2019 outside

If you live in a private house, then you probably don’t mind decorating your home not only inside, but also outside, then catch some original ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year outside not only beautifully, but also original.

  • wreaths;

The first thing you should pay attention to when decorating the outside of the house for the New Year is the design of the door; various spruce wreaths, as well as wreaths made of cones and other natural materials, are suitable for this.

  • Fairy lights;

Garlands, beautiful iridescent with all the colors of the rainbow, are the most successful solution in outdoor home decoration for the new year 2019.

  • Decorative animals;

Believe me, if you have sleighs with decorative deer loaded in them in your yard, all passers-by will not be able to take their eyes off. Also, squirrels or deer from garlands, or rather deer from a metal frame covered with electric garlands, will look very beautiful and original when decorating a house for the new year.

Ideas on how to decorate a children's room for the new year 2019

The New Year is a good time to plan changes and updates to our interiors. Interesting ideas for decorating a space can spark the imagination, and therefore justify themselves, especially in a child's room.

Sometimes little things give joy to a baby, which will attract his attention and awaken his imagination.

Christmas decorations can completely change the interior and create a Christmas mood at home. Just a few lanterns, a bouquet of holly twigs and a festive headdress to create a magical atmosphere throughout the house. What Christmas decorations to choose for the children's room?

New Year's figures of angels, holly branches and candles will add sparkle to any room. You can make a festive wreath with your child. You just need to purchase a ready-made frame and decorate it with holly branches, adding the selected decorations.

colorful Christmas tree

The Christmas tree always looks beautiful, no matter how dressed. The decoration of the Christmas tree for the new year 2019 should be chosen to match the interior. Blue for the boy's room and gold for the girl's room. You can also put on the forefront and buy a colorful Christmas tree. Children love to decorate the Christmas tree with their own hand-made decorations, for example, you can make glazed gingerbread, paper, pasta, or yarn decorations with children and hang them on the Christmas tree

Wall stickers, pillows or bedding with New Year's motifs are also suitable as an original idea for decorating a Christmas tree in a children's room. For a child's room, you can buy a very small Christmas tree in pots. Hang felt Christmas decorations on a door, wall, or bed frame, such as Santa Claus, reindeer, snowman, or rooster socks.

By the way, a simple decoration of a New Year tree for meeting the New Year 2019 in your child's nursery can be turned into an exciting quest, children love this activity very much.

Christmas lights

All kinds of lanterns are wonderful holiday decorations. There are a lot of ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year, the brightest and safest interior items should get into the room for the child.

You can insert small candles into them, creating beautiful decorations. It is enough to put scented candles inside the lamp, and the whole room will be filled with a festive aroma! However, when decorating a room for a child, instead of a candle, it is better to use LEDs for decoration.

glowing balls

Luminous cotton balls are the latest fashion statement and… a beautiful decoration for the holiday. Balloons are perfect for a child's room., illuminate it with a gentle and soft light. The kid may not want to part with them after the New Year. Here is another idea on how to decorate a room for the new year, especially a nursery.

Festive table for New Year's party

White dishes are synonymous with elegance. Many stylists recommend decorating the entire festive table in this color, complementing the service with white candlesticks, candles or a wreath.

When preparing the decorations for the festive table, you should not lose sight of the rustic style, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year outside the city. Fur skins in combination with wood can act as decoration!

You can use wooden boards as a coaster, or use a raw piece of wood to write your menu on. In the central part of the table, create your own composition made of wood with a few shiny additions. In this role, copper cutlery is ideal, as well as dishes decorated in a similar color scheme.

In order for guests to feel the unique atmosphere, it is worth preparing original vignettes for them and laying them out on plates, between branches or attaching them to a glass. The main thing in a festive arrangement is to create a good, friendly mood. Copper additives will provide a warm, cozy atmosphere in any apartment!

In the decorations of the festive table, you can use forest cones and fir branches, and replace paper napkins with cotton ones.

Black and white, as well as red and white, are timeless duets. These colors are great for Christmas styling. If you want to create an unusual holiday decoration, a black tablecloth complete with white dishes, a Christmas tree dressed up in black toys, preferably with a matte tint and gifts wrapped in white and gold paper, will look modern, elegant and dignified.

Champagne bottle decoration for the new year

Of course, if you decorate champagne for the new year with your own hands, all your guests will be delighted and the festive table will become much brighter. In order for decorating champagne bottles for the new year with your own hands not to be very difficult, there are a lot of ideas for decorating them, below step by step photo ideas which will be useful to you.

If you decide not to decorate a bottle of champagne for the new year with your own hands, then there are a lot of options for how you can decorate bottles of champagne for the new year, for example, these are ready-made Christmas bottle cases like in the photo:

How to decorate a room in a store, school and office for the new year 2019

Christmas is a magical period in which everyone wants to feel this special atmosphere, so you should take care of creating it not only in the apartment. Appropriate decoration of an office, shop or classroom will allow everyone in the environment to feel the magical aura.

How to decorate the office for the New Year is usually decided by the employees of this office, therefore, having gathered as a friendly team, do not interfere with each other to express their opinions and ideas.

The Christmas tree creates a festive atmosphere in this case. Therefore, the entire Internet is replete with options on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year and photo ideas on the eve of the holiday. For the New Year, you can use both natural materials and simple plastic or glass toys to decorate the Christmas tree. Christmas tree decoration 2019
must be adapted to the size of the room so as not to overwhelm the interior. A real, fragrant tree requires care, so buying an artificial one is recommended.

If you are instructed to decorate the office for the New Year with your own hands and the hands of employees, please note that the color shades of Christmas tree decorations and other decorations can be chosen in accordance with the company logo. In the decor of any official space, it is better to stick to minimalism. A heterogeneous group of snowflakes, snowmen, angels and rooster figurines will give the office a frivolous look.

It is necessary to strike a balance and maintain style. For example, a small artificial Christmas tree and original high-tech or avant-garde souvenirs.

Employees will feel the fullness of the holiday when they drink their favorite coffee or tea from a cup with a festive theme. What they usually decorate the office for the new year, you can see in the photo below:

On the eve of the holiday, teachers begin to figure out how to decorate the classroom for the new year. Often you can also hear from schoolchildren we decorate the classroom at school for the new year - this is one of the best decisions, since children always have a lot of original and beautiful ideas.

Also, in each preschool institution, it is necessary to decorate a group in kindergarten for the new year. Most garlands and coniferous wreaths will become common decorations for a class at school and a group in kindergarten, which are great for use in small offices due to the fact that they can be hung almost anywhere. This is how the decoration of a class and a group in a kindergarten for the new year might look like, photo:

So, what do-it-yourself store decorations for the new year are the most affordable and simple, but also beautiful and original?

The simplest will be all kinds of garlands, both luminous and simply beautiful balls and pompoms. Do not forget to decorate the windows, see below for ideas on how to decorate them.

If your store space allows, you can put up a small Christmas tree and decorate it, and do not neglect the balls and decoration of the front door to your store. Here are a few more ideas on how to decorate the store for the new year, photos:

How to decorate windows for Christmas

Before you start decorating a window for the New Year, you need to decide on a style so that it matches the rest of the room. If ideas for a house for the new year do not fit into your head, then we will help you.

If the living room is decorated in a classic style, traditional decorations will look more appropriate. There are snowmen, Christmas trees or angels on the windowsills. Glasses are decorated with winter landscapes, made, for example, with artificial snow. Drawings or accessories in white, silver or gold tones will bring light and warmth into the house.

Fashionable additions are also pearl jewelry, they can be hung on a Christmas tree, but they will look no less beautiful attached to curtains or placed on a windowsill.

Windows can be decorated pine wreaths, garlands of feathers, nuts and pearls. A festive mood will be created by stickers or stencils with Santa Claus, angels and carved snowflakes. To decorate windows, you can use artificial snow in the form of a spray or special easy-to-clean paints.

Beautiful photo ideas for decorating a room for the New Year 2019

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New Year 2017 is just around the corner. You can create the holiday atmosphere yourself. The symbol of the year, the Fire Rooster patronizes a warm homely atmosphere, a generous table, it symbolizes prosperity and wealth. It's hard to please him, but it's possible. For this, New Year's decorations should be bright, remarkable and unusual. You can decorate the house for the upcoming New Year 2017 on your own using festive decor elements.

Choosing a color scheme

Looking for ideas on how to decorate a house for the New Year of the Rooster 2017, you can rely not only on your imagination, but also on simple tips. When choosing accessories for the festive table, tinsel, garlands, outfits, pay attention to the fact that the following colors are more priority:

  • bright red, crimson, terracotta. Symbol of the sun and life;
  • green tones as a symbol of monetary prosperity;
  • lilac, purple colors;

The rooster is a bright representative of the "star family", with your own hands you can create an unusual entourage that will appeal to him. The main ideas are as follows: the decor should be bright, juicy and cheerful. Add lush tinsel, unusual balls, because 2017 should bring you joy. No wonder there is a folk wisdom that says that as you meet this holiday, so you will spend it.

Creating rustic color

You can make some kind of rustic home comfort, which will obviously appeal to the restless Fire Rooster. The main rustic decor ideas are as follows:

  • add as many red accessories as possible, or themed ornaments;
  • do not forget about soft capes in an eclectic style, characteristic napkins, a tablecloth, as if from a grandmother's chest;
  • make simple decorations out of colored paper. It does not matter that they will be far from ideal;
  • as a decor, stylists recommend using ideas in the form of decorating the space with candles, red apples in wicker baskets, matting;

We use improvised materials

New 2017, what will it bring us? Although the rooster loves beautiful and bright things, this feathered dandy will like New Year's decorations made by his own hands. Take plain cotton wool and create an installation of cotton snow on the windowsill.

There are many ideas that will make your celebration truly unforgettable. For example, you can make a lamp from under an ordinary wine bottle and a garland, such an unpretentious device will delight your guests. Christmas decorations can be made from corrugated paper, cardboard, colored foil.

The main beauty of the evening, the New Year tree!

On the eve of the New Year's celebration, you need to take care of the main forest beauty. After all, the Christmas tree is considered a key element of the holiday, we gather around it at our table, and we admire it under the Blue Light. Christmas tree decorations should be varied. Down with boredom or bored tinsel! Decorate the Christmas tree with soft tinsel, homemade toys, you can make interesting decorations from colored paper by connecting your child to this exciting process. The fiery rooster will appreciate gingerbread, sweets on the forest beauty with pleasure.

Instead of a standard star on the top of the tree, we decorate with a rooster figurine. Under the tree, you can put a basket with golden eggs, some straw. The Christmas tree itself should be exclusively natural, no artificial trees!

Fairy windows in the New Year

New Year's windows should be special. What ideas can be put into practice? Of course, do not forget about paper snowflakes, which you can easily cut out yourself. Snowflakes may not necessarily be white, red, orange, golden, they will look spectacular. You can decorate the windows and walls in your house for the New Year as follows:

  • paint windows. Perfect for watercolor or acrylic. The main ideas of the painting are standard winter motifs and rustic color. Unleash your imagination!;
  • the walls are decorated with garlands made by hand or bought in a store. New Year's garlands are better to choose red-gold tones, these are the favorite colors of the Fire Rooster;
  • stickers or pictures with winter landscapes? The wall of the lady can be decorated with canvases in a winter style, small accessories of red or golden color, placed on the shelves, will add a special touch;

New Year's textiles

It is important not to forget about textiles in winter style. You can buy these products or make your own. Textile accessories include:

  • pillows;
  • rugs, blankets, bedspreads;
  • napkins, tablecloths;
  • curtains, covers for furniture:

The main ideas for using textiles for decorating a festive room are to create unusual comfort, home warmth. It is enough to hang golden curtains and paint them with themed holders. You can build them yourself from ribbons, decorate with carved snowflakes. Even a blanket with pillows in a winter style will emphasize the New Year mood.

Fairy tale in the yard. We decorate the facade of the house

If you live in your own private house, then in the New Year 2017 it is worth decorating it in a special way. Of course, this requires certain costs in the form of money and personal time, but it's worth it. The main ideas are to create an illumination that looks spectacular, creating a festive mood. The Year of the Fire Rooster should begin with positive and sincere emotions. A stunning effect will be created by garlands, especially hanging ones. Garlands decorate the facade of the house, the trees in the garden, and, of course, the Christmas tree in the yard.

Christmas wreath and porch decoration

Christmas wreath ideas are far from new. But this cute winter accessory will complement your interior. The patron of the year will certainly like a bright wreath with golden and red elements. It is not at all necessary to buy it, you can make it yourself from strong spruce legs, placing them around a metal frame, tying them with ribbons and beautiful Christmas balls.

What ideas come up when decorating a porch? You can decorate the porch with garlands, luminous figurines that will attract the attention of your guests.

ice lantern

If you want to make something out of the ordinary, then why not make an ice lantern? At sub-zero temperatures, the ice flashlight will delight you for a long time. You do not need to spend money, ice and improvised means to your taste will allow you to create the perfect lantern.

Attention! In order to make a flashlight out of ice, you need to use only plastic containers, fill a bucket or basin should be three-quarters of the total volume!

When pouring water into a bucket, do not forget to add dry twigs, rose petals, shells, sea pebbles to it. When solidified, they will look very interesting and unusual in ice. When the liquid freezes well, pour hot water over the bucket and carefully remove our ice flashlight. You can place a thick candle in the center of the lantern, this decoration will definitely attract the attention of your guests.

Garden trees. How to make a fairy tale in your yard?

If you want to decorate garden trees, you can use standard garlands. But the price for them can be quite high, and working with them requires a lot of costs, not to mention the high consumption of electricity. Make your own plastic candlesticks, you can use both colored and transparent plastic. Securely fasten the candle to the bottom of the candlestick. Just light candles on New Year's Eve and you will see for yourself how your yard will become simply magical.

We create a magical atmosphere around

  • Special creativity

Today, all decor stores sell Christmas decorations, including simple plain or transparent balls of different colors. You can turn them into completely unique decorations for a Christmas tree or garlands if you use acrylic paints (or special ones for ceramics and glass) in order to apply fantasy patterns and freehand drawings. Involve your children in this pleasant activity, as their work is always the brightest, most unusual and sincere.

  • berry crown

You will need a blank in the form of a wire wreath sheathed with textiles or thick paper, as well as hot glue and cranberries or rose hips (artificial ones can be used). To give the wreath extra shine, you can use varnish.

  • lush sweetness

New Year's cake is a tradition that has taken place and is beloved by everyone, but you can diversify it and, for example, order or try to make your own masterpiece in the form of a Christmas tree. You can hide some design flaws with a thick layer of cream using a pastry bag with a special nozzle. Decorations in the form of sweets and mini-gingerbread are welcome.

  • The snow doesn't melt

Oversized snowflakes are a stylish and versatile decor not only for windows in your home, but also for walls painted in pastel or rich contrasting colors. Also, they can be used to decorate the background in the area intended for festive family and friendly photos.

  • Mega decor

Giant Christmas balls will decorate a children's holiday or a noisy youth party, corporate party or home holiday. All you need to create them is large balloons, silver or gold cardboard and a decorative tourniquet.

  • A fairy tale under a fragile dome

A more elegant variation on the snow globe theme is a winter composition on a stand under a glass cover. You can place decorative Christmas trees, mini-houses, cars strewn with artificial snow, or forest animals covered with white (gold, silver) paint inside.

The highlight of the scenery will be tiny LED lights that can be mounted in the windows of houses, or placed arbitrarily on top of the composition.


  • snow kingdom

Even if there is no snow outside the window on the eve of the New Year holidays, this should not upset you, since you can always create a snowy atmosphere in your house with the help of the right decor. Use accessories in the design, designed in white, silver, mother-of-pearl and gold shades. By the way, this option is especially suitable for small spaces, as it will visually make it lighter and more spacious.

  • Magical forest

It is quite possible to make the central composition for the festive table in a short time and using inexpensive materials. So, colored artificial Christmas trees of different heights and sizes, sprinkled with fake snow, will cause extremely positive emotions for all guests.

  • Evening lights

Winter table compositions are a current trend in the modern art of thematic decoration. And in order to recreate such scenery, you should cut blanks from very thick cardboard, fiberboard or even plywood. A pattern is applied to their surface in the form of window frames, cornices and doorways, using white, yellow and gold paints. Thus, fabulous houses are obtained, in the windows of which improvised snow burns, and decorative Christmas trees and white trees remind that winter has come outside your window.

  • bright wish

You can decorate a chest of drawers, a console or a fireplace, even a wall shelf, with the help of such a simple but effective decoration using a New Year's electric garland

As a basis, you should take a pallet with low sides, for example, made of plywood. The outer part is a perforated panel in the form of a word or silhouette, which is applied to the inner edges of the walls of the pallet, like a lid. Inside such a box, you need to put an electric garland, pre-drill a hole for the output of the cord with a plug.

  • Date reminder

Free the refrigerator door from unnecessary magnets and photos taken during the year, because in the New Year they should delight you and remind you of the brightest moments. For example, you can attach postcards and photos to a memo display made in the form of a herringbone tabletop with elastic bands or hooks.


  • weightless holiday

New Year and Christmas are truly the kindest and most desired holidays of the year, and you can support a special mood in different ways of decorating. If you're looking for a completely unique and unconventional one, these transparent cones are the way to go. The peaks can be painted in different colors, sprinkled with artificial snow, and inside the walls can be covered with transparent varnish and sprinkled with confetti.

  • Down with monotony

Gift wrapping for friends and family is one of the most exciting activities. And we propose to make the meeting of the New Year 2017 more vivid and memorable by choosing other, non-standard drawings instead of the usual wrapping paper with snowflakes. The ironic subtext is summed up by shiny caps attached to the bundle with a clip or elastic band.


When winter comes, the most solemn cold holiday New Year is immediately remembered. Every home is preparing for his arrival. The hostesses create delicious meals. Children write letters with wishes to Grandfather Frost. On such a day, people always give gifts to each other to cheer up and have fun. Do-it-yourself gift ideas for the New Year 2017 will be much more pleasant to give, so you can prepare them in advance, thereby making the idea a reality.

You don't have to do anything complicated. You can depict simple presents for the New Year that every person will like. Indeed, sometimes it is the simplest trifle that radiates warmth that becomes an expensive gift, especially if it is made by hand, because it says a lot.

The idea for a gift for the New Year 2017 with your own hands must include the predecessor of the year. After all, then the present will be not only special, but also interesting. It does not take much effort and time to create such art.

Christmas decoration in the form of a snow globe with a surprise

To reproduce this gift idea for the New Year 2017 with your own hands, you need to prepare supporting material. Today in stores you can buy transparent glass balls with screw caps. If such material is not available, then you can use an ordinary glass jar, which is closed with a screw cap.

Inside it will be necessary to organize a snow glade. Any animals can be attached to it. If the predecessor of the year is the “Fire Rooster”, then you can purchase a figurine of this particular bird. Additionally, you need New Year's tinsel, glycerin, sparkles, artificial snow, and weightless beads can be used.

For fastening, it is best to take waterproof glue, and fill the container with distilled water. Such water with the addition of glycerin will allow everything in the jar to be as transparent as possible.

A third of glycerin is taken for a half liter container. At the same time, you can check how the sparkles will look there as follows. A few things are taken and thrown into a jar, if the sparkles quickly sink to the bottom, then you need to add glycerin to the water. If, on the contrary, it is too slow, then you need to add distilled water. All this is done at the discretion of the owner of the gift.

Toys for a presentation can be taken in a variety of ways. Many people often use small figurines, borrowing them from children from kinder surprises (chocolate eggs). They are beautiful and look great in such a gift.

To begin with, the toy itself, for example, a cockerel, is attached to the lid of the jar using an adhesive base. After that, you can fill the jar with water, glycerin and other New Year's accessories that were prepared in advance. I would like to note that you should not add too much sparkles, snow, tinsel, otherwise the toy will not be very visible. Add just a little bit.

After the design stage is completed, you need to tightly close the lid. To do this, the entire diameter must be well smeared with glue and tightly screwed. Let the glue dry for a while. The glue base will not allow air to enter, which can ruin the gift over time.

Such a handmade gift idea for the New Year 2017 will not leave indifferent either an adult or a child. Moreover, such a souvenir is perfect for this holiday and will definitely give a festive mood.

Original frame for the New Year

Any person will definitely like this present. Having made a gift with your own hands, and attaching your own design idea to this, for the New Year 2017 they will definitely keep good and pleasant feelings about themselves.

Frame decoration can be done in almost any style. Improvised material is suitable for work, as well as auxiliary. For example, beads, buttons, shells, beads and so on. You can attach dense material to the base. For the frame, wooden slats or bamboo sticks are often used.

So, waterproof glue is best for doing the job, with which you can glue the bamboo frame of the right size. After that, it is necessary to make a base, that is, using a piece of dense plywood, which is cut out a few centimeters larger than the frame itself.

After that, a piece of dense fabric is glued onto the plywood, because it is convenient to attach various accessories for decoration to the fabric. Then you need to decide where the photo will be placed. After all, the photo can be shifted in any direction.

After all this is ready, beautiful patterns are laid out from the shells. You can make them by connecting one after another in a circle, then you get a flower. You can perform the composition and make a bouquet, which, after gluing, paint with varnish.

In the corner, you can attach two shells, as if it were open, and in the middle, lay a white bead imitating pearls. Tie the corners of the frame with a rope. Not infrequently, many people want to surprise their relatives, so a pre-prepared photograph is attached to the frame. After all, you can capture any moment, and knowing the taste of the done person, you can make such a gift simply unforgettable.

To date, there are many different amazingly beautiful ideas that are quite easy to translate into reality, thereby bringing joy to your family and friends. You just need to experiment a little and show imagination and then everything will work out for sure.

All the inhabitants of our planet are preparing for the New Year - from young to old. This holiday brings with it a magical mood, a surge of strength and a sea of ​​positive emotions. To make the day pass in an atmosphere of fun and love, it is advisable to prepare gifts for loved ones in advance and think over the menu.

Do not forget about the decoration of the apartment - it should be in the first place in the list of pre-holiday things, because from the bright highlights emitted by balls and tinsel, our enthusiasm increases several times. If you are tired of banal garlands, paper snowflakes and tinsel, we suggest you make New Year's home decor 2017 do it yourself. Show a little imagination, and your apartment will be transformed beyond recognition.

Sophistication in every detail should be present in your decor, which is created to celebrate the coming year. Be sure to use red and orange tones. Thus, you appease - the Fire Rooster.

Christmas candles

The subdued light emitted by candles has always created an atmosphere of mystery and magic, so using candles in decor turns out to be a profitable solution. Burning candles can be put on the festive table, shelves, cabinets and window sills.

It is best to use large products, decorating them with bright sparkles, wrapping them with a beautiful shiny braid. Place the glowing decor in a neat glass bowl and you're done with a sophisticated decoration. Only install candles in a place inaccessible to children so that they do not reach the fire and burn themselves.

angel decoration

Cute angels will be a wonderful New Year's composition along with the rest of the toys hanging on the Christmas tree. They will bring joy and tenderness to your home, so be sure to take note of this decor idea. In addition to the figures of angels, you can draw a silhouette of an angel on the window with toothpaste or special paint for windows.

Use a stencil or template and your windows will be completely transformed. Another wonderful decoration of the room or glass are. Select a few pre-holiday evenings and make beautiful angels for the whole family, which can then be attached to a window or hung on a chandelier.

Using branches

In addition to a live Christmas tree, the house can be decorated with dry twigs. This does not mean that you just need to put the branches in a vase - they should be decorated with shiny beads, rhinestones, glass balls. You can wrap a branch in a luminous garland and then in the evenings it will be filled with bright playful light. This original decor goes well with tinsel and small balls.

Christmas wreaths

The Russians have long adopted the European style of decorating their home with colorful wreaths on Christmas Eve. They hang such decorative elements not only on the door, but also on the fireplace. You can make this wreath from various materials at hand (it is not necessary to use only Christmas tree branches).

Take balls, buttons, bright satin ribbons and build from them. Believe me, a handmade jewelry will bring more pleasure than a store product.

“Delicious” decoration

An excellent decor for the Christmas tree, table and fireplace can be gingerbread cookies. Bake a mountain of cockerels, Christmas trees, stars, snowmen and balls, decorate with colored icing. Thread the string and you have a finished decoration in front of you, which you can eat after the holiday. Now there are a lot of New Year's ideas - the main thing is to show a little ingenuity and perseverance.

Another popular attribute at the New Year celebration is the gingerbread house. Before the New Year, skillful housewives bake individual parts of the “edible” dwelling, and then glue it together with sweet glaze. You can paint the house completely at your discretion.

It is desirable to involve children in such an activity - a fascinating process of drawing will allow children to create original and memorable decorations. Such decor will be stored for a long time, while not losing its taste.

Garland of New Year's cards

For this decor, you can use old postcards that have ever been given to you by friends and family. With the help of thick twine, you can make a silhouette of a Christmas tree and fix postcards on it. On New Year's Eve, after the toasts have been said, it will be nice to open some postcard and read the wishes left on it.

New postcards are also suitable here, on which you will write your words of gratitude to all those present, leave a short parting word for 2017. Believe me, such an original congratulation will not be forgotten for many more summers.

Satin entourage

To create a decor with your own hands, needlewomen always have bright satin ribbons on hand. They help to give a festive look to seemingly ordinary things. For example, decorate champagne or wine glasses with beautiful multi-colored braid, and you will notice how delighted guests are. In addition to glasses, you can wrap booze bottles, decanters, and crystal vases with ribbons.

Felt decor

Use cute Christmas trees made from soft felt to impress those present with your talents. You don't have to be a skilled craftsman. It is enough to show a little perseverance and a desire to make your home even more beautiful. Sew a voluminous triangle from green fabric, decorate them with bright beads, rhinestones, sequins and ribbons - your New Year's decor is ready!

Fabric Christmas garland

For those who are already tired of the old garlands and want something new, we suggest paying attention to this idea. You will need fabric of different colors and thick braid. Cut out a pattern of Christmas trees on cardboard in two parts. Sew them together.

You can add volume to the Christmas trees by stuffing a little synthetic winterizer inside. Once you have made enough Christmas trees, you can sew them onto the braid. Hang the finished decoration on the wall or window.

pasta toys

To make a beautiful Christmas decoration, just look into the cabinet with cereals. There must have been a few noodles, “horns” and other fancy pasta lying around. You won’t believe it, but you can also make a bright New Year’s toy out of them, which will then go to the Christmas tree.

Use a glue gun to glue the individual parts. A thin ribbon must be attached at the top of the product. Spray paints in different colors will help give your craft a festive look and originality.

ice fantasy

This decoration is especially useful for those who live in their own home. To make it, you will need shells, twigs, openwork napkins, pebbles. Here you can surrender to the will of fantasy and your preferences. Include children in this process and ask them what they would like to make an ice circle from. As soon as the necessary material is collected, proceed to the creation.

Pour water into a small enameled bowl, throw all the details of the decor there, lower the loop (you will hang the decoration on a branch for it) and take the dish out into the cold. Can be put in the freezer. To remove a frozen decoration from a plate, pour some hot water into it. This original craft will be a worthy decoration of the yard for the New Year 2017.


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