How to celebrate your eighteenth birthday. Teenager's birthday - we organize a holiday How to celebrate a birthday for 17 years

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This day will pass as you want, we guarantee. We at Lounge 3D Cinema believe that a birthday is not a reason to perform duties that are not personally close to the birthday person at all. If everyone expects a stormy feast from him, and he likes cinema and Xbox - we have a hall with a three-meter screen, consoles and equipment for computer games. If an important match of your favorite team fell on the 17th anniversary, watch it with us. If the hero of the occasion wants to spend it together with someone special - order a dinner with Japanese cuisine from us. We invite you to celebrate your birthday in a large company of friends or relatives - our halls are spacious, and the more guests, the cheaper it will be.

Cheaper? And in more detail?

Yes please. Lounge 3D Cinema is a federal network in which we use a special policy. All services are collected in one place, and the price for them is set comprehensively for any holiday. 18 years, anniversaries, children's birthdays - we have offers for all occasions. If in the midst of fun the whole company decides that they want to relax watching a movie, they won’t have to leave or pay extra. For the time spent in individual rooms, a fixed price is set - regardless of how many guests came to you to celebrate 17 years, and what entertainment they chose.

Sounds tempting, even too much. Is there really no catch here?

No, none. We want as many guests as possible to come to us - and we try to get our profit in this way. That's why we offer discounts for weekdays and daytime events, we encourage reviews in social networks and stories about us to friends with bonuses. When choosing where to celebrate their 17th birthday, they may choose our cinema cafe - this is what we want, we will not hide. Therefore, we always have cheap, fun, everything for entertainment and organization of any holiday.

Decide on the number of guests and the festive menu. Hearty salads, a variety of sandwiches are perfect for a large company, and for dessert - assorted marshmallows, cakes and marmalade. Few people are easier to feed. You can cook whatever you want, while no one will remain hungry, and you will not get tired.

For entertainment, you can arrange a costume party. The theme can be very diverse: dress up in the style of cartoon characters, elves, gangsters of the early 20th century, inhabitants of Medieval Europe, etc. Take care of board games and think over quizzes. The Internet is full of different options for competitions for any company of this age.

We advise you to prepare a music playlist in advance. Try to keep the music rhythmic, pleasant and positive. Sad lyrics, even if it is the birthday girl's favorite music, should be postponed for a more romantic occasion, because you risk spoiling the festive evening and the positive atmosphere.

If you plan to celebrate your birthday at home, no one will limit your flight of fancy. A room for a holiday can be decorated with balloons, artificial flowers and forced with soft toys - it will turn out gently and girlishly.

How to celebrate the 17th birthday of a girl in nature?

If you are lucky to be born in the warm season, consider yourself lucky. There is always the opportunity to go out into nature and organize a picnic. There are a huge number of fun and active games that will make your holiday unforgettable. In addition, you are guaranteed to get a lot of bright and unique photos with friends. But the main advantage is the ability to make a fire, which will allow you to cook delicious shish kebab, baked potatoes and fried sausages.

Try to discuss in advance with friends who will take over this or that part of the holiday. For example, one person will take care of the bedding, another will take badminton or a ball from the house, the third will bring a folding barbecue, etc. Also, do not forget about the musical accompaniment, groovy motives will make your pastime even brighter.

As you can see, there are no problems in organizing the celebration of the girl's 17th birthday, if you approach this issue thoughtfully and with a bit of creativity. We hope our article has become a good adviser and helped to make the holiday truly unforgettable.

Many parents do not know where to spend a teenager's birthday, how to organize a holiday and what important points to consider. We offer the most up-to-date and affordable programs for birthday teens in Moscow!

Call us, and we will select or arrange a holiday exclusively according to your wishes and budget.


How to organize a birthday party for a fashionable teenager?

Planning a teenager's birthday depends, first of all, from the age of the child and his preferences. A younger child will prefer a children's holiday, and a teenager who believes that he is already an adult wants cool party. What do you need note when choosing a program for teenagers:

Birthday spends leading. Exactly LEADING, a NOT a children's animator! Make sure that he has been working with teenagers for a long time and understands their characteristics. In our company, before than to start working at events for teenagers, animators organize children's parties for more than a year, then go to camps with teenage programs, and only after that they are allowed to YOUR holidays.

Of course, you need to invite guests in advance. Depending on the format in which you will celebrate the children's holiday, you can do themed invitations, the idea of ​​which will reflect the essence of the holiday. Such an invitation will make it clear that each invited guest is important and is very much expected.

An important role is played by the design of the holiday, it must fully correspond to the theme. You can not only decorate the room, but also decorate the table in an original way, as well as make sure that each participant in the holiday receives the appropriate attributes.

When planning a scenario, it is important don't forget the music. Parents probably know what their child likes, so it's worth telling the facilitator about this in advance, as well as asking about portable equipment and musical equipment.

You can't celebrate a holiday without treats, but parents often get lost when it comes to the amount of food. In general, a child needs about 550 grams of food, of which about 150 are cold snacks, 250 are hot dishes, and the remainder is dessert. Based on these data, you can plan a holiday menu. You can decorate the table in an unusual way, using decorations or ordering an original themed cake.

A good addition to the holiday program can be the service of a photographer who will help keep good impressions of the holiday.

Where to celebrate a teenager's birthday?

Older teenagers, due to the beginning of a transitional age, are often distinguished by their capriciousness, they no longer like children's holidays. And also, happy birthday greetings to teenage girls should be somewhat different from birthday greetings to a teenage boy. But what to do if guests of different sexes are equally present at the celebration, how to interest everyone? Is it possible to celebrate a name day so that both boys and girls like it?

An interesting option for those who do not know how to spend a birthday for a stylish teenager is a dance party. Many teens love to dance and don't mind having a disco, but this teen party isn't all about moving to music.

The program includes a master class from a famous dancer, as well as a special number from him as a gift to the birthday man and guests.

Dance competitions will be organized for children, where they will be able to show their skills.

The entertaining scenario also includes the work of the lead animator.

When deciding where to celebrate the birthday of a teenager, you need to decide not only on the venue of the holiday, but also on the program of the day. Birthday is the time when it seems that all dreams will come true, any person is waiting for a miracle on this day, both a very small child and an adult.

If your fantasy has already dried up, then trust KiD. A holiday, and the upcoming birthday will be the day when the dream becomes a reality. Let it be just a game that will last an hour or a little more, but it will leave an unforgettable feeling of a magical atmosphere that the child will remember all year, or even all his life, becoming an adult and nostalgic for the joyful childhood that his parents gave him.

Have you already decided how the future celebration will go? Then add some originality to this event. Paper show - that's what will delight all guests. Everyone will like to have fun dancing to incendiary music and throwing up paper! This is unusual and original, and such entertainment can also be included in absolutely any format of the holiday, from fun children's birthdays to events for older teenagers.

Together with KiD.Prazdnik you can spend an unforgettable birthday party for Moscow teenagers. Your child will appreciate and remember for a long time the unusual holiday that his parents gave him!

The birthday of a son or daughter is a special holiday, which all parents without exception strive to make memorable, magical, incendiary, bright, they want to fill it with fireworks of positive emotions! 12-17 years is the most difficult age period. At this time, girls and boys are no longer kids who can be pleased by a team of clown animators, but not yet adults. How to celebrate a teenager's birthday? How not to turn it into boring "gatherings" for numerous relatives? How to organize a colorful and unforgettable surprise for the hero of the occasion and his friends?

Where to celebrate a teenager's birthday? Eight non-trivial ideas

In recent years, new unexpected options have appeared that make it interesting to celebrate an important date for any teenager. When planning to celebrate a birthday, remember: the most important thing is that this event is remembered for its positive emotions. It is worth listening to the opinion of your daughter, son and not depriving your beloved children of the opportunity to spend it the way you want. Young people prefer to have an active vacation, so the priority is a format that organically combines "adult" pastime and children's pranks: bowling, rollerdrome, karaoke, water parks, laser paintball, entertainment centers, clubs, discos.

Do not forget that for a teenager, the criterion for a successful event, as a rule, is the rave reviews of invited friends. When planning to arrange a colorful holiday for a girl or boy, you can, of course, turn to event industry professionals for help, but most parents are looking for more budgetary ways.

1. Inexpensive

A good option for everyone whose holiday falls on the warm season - a picnic in the country or in nature. Its entertainment program can be extremely diverse. In addition to outdoor games, competitions, relay races, the program can include walking, songs with a guitar, gatherings around the fire. No one will be bored! As a treat in field conditions "with a bang!" kebabs, any food cooked on a grill will go.

Don't forget to decorate the area with balloons. A significant plus here is the possibility of unobtrusive control of minors. An event in the country, in nature, as a rule, does not involve significant financial costs and corresponds to the preferences of adolescents. Did the festive event coincide with a warm summer and great weather outside? Stock up on sports equipment for active games (badminton rackets, volleyball, darts) and go on a picnic. In nature, nothing will prevent you from immersing yourself in the world of joy together with the birthday man and his friends.

2. Fun

To get a dose of adrenaline, have fun, shout from the heart, make the celebration memorable and bright, you can plan to celebrate the holiday in an amusement park. Such entertainment is not bad to combine with a photo session, since in many city parks there are a lot of picturesque corners, beautifully equipped photo zones.

3. Loud

Name days in a karaoke club are a win-win solution for any teen company. Most teenagers love to sing and dance to their favorite tunes. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to celebrate a teenager's birthday, remember about karaoke clubs. A well-equipped stage, professional sound equipment, a cozy atmosphere will allow each of the participants in the action to relax, feel like a superstar - a real conqueror of the stage!

4. Cool

Laser tag is available today to everyone. He fell in love with representatives of both sexes for the drive, for the excitement, for the competitive spirit. Any number of players can participate in the game - it takes place in a special room. Before the start of the battle, everyone receives laser blasters and puts on vests. The rules are very simple: a fighter is considered wounded if the sensors attached to the equipment detect the hit of the beam. This is a truly exciting, exciting pastime that requires ingenuity and dexterity. It is suitable to celebrate the birthday of a teenager of different ages (from 11 years old and older). Emotions at such events just go wild, and good impressions remain for a long time.

5. Perky

Ice skating (traditional or roller skating) is a great option not only for snowy winter evenings, but also for hot summer days. If someone doesn't know how, don't worry. Today there are rollerdromes in many cities, including small towns. Here, young people will receive not only a lot of unforgettable emotions, but also learn basic skills with the help of an instructor: maneuvering, braking. After skiing, go home (or to the nearest cafe) to drink tea and cakes.

6. Extreme

Is it possible to celebrate a teenager's birthday in such a way that memories of this event are preserved for a lifetime? One option is to celebrate it by flying under the clouds! Traveling in a hot air balloon will give the hero of the occasion and his friends a sea of ​​emotions, an indescribable feeling of flight, height, drive. It will allow you to admire breathtaking landscapes, enjoy magnificent views from a height.

7. Effective

Most girls will be thrilled to have a professional shoot with their closest friends in a photo studio. For young ladies, this is a great opportunity to feel like a real model!

8. Incendiary

Everyone for whom the question of how to celebrate a teenager's birthday is relevant will be interested to know that many bowling clubs today are preparing special entertainment programs and provide good discounts to birthday boys. Bowling is a gambling and fun game that appealed to millions of teenagers. The bowling event will turn out to be not only emotional and dynamic, but also filled with sports passion. You only need to pre-book the lanes (they must be adjacent). The game of 3-4 people on one track is considered quite comfortable. For example, if there are 12 people in the company, order three lanes. As a decoration, garlands and bouquets of balloons tied to the balloon roll-out system to the table will be appropriate. And don't forget to warn your daughter's (son's) friends about the need for comfortable clothing. As for treats, there is no need to lay a chic table in bowling. Simple treats will do: light desserts, fruits, sweets, sandwiches, sushi, etc.

Should adults be present at the holiday - another important question for parents, which arises along with the dilemma of where and how to celebrate a teenager's birthday in an unusual way? Teenagers over the age of 13 should be given a space to socialize. In the presence of their parents, they will be embarrassed and their joy will be significantly limited. Thus, it doesn’t matter where you decide to celebrate this event, the main thing is joy, positive and other emotions that will later grow into pleasant memories for a lifetime.


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