How often should bed linen be changed? What determines the frequency of changing clothes? How many times are bed sheets changed

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SanPiNs for children's and medical institutions recommend changing bed linen as it gets dirty, but at least once a week. The same periodicity can be followed at home - in a week the linen loses its freshness, but does not yet have time to get greasy, and as a result it is easily washed off.

In winter, when a person sweats less, and pajamas and warm nightgowns are used for sleep, bed linen can be changed every two weeks. By the way, in many European countries it is customary to change linen every 10-14 days, but there the beds are firstly ventilated, and secondly, the air temperature in the bedroom is often lower than usual for Russians.

Pillowcases that come into contact not only with the skin, but also with the hair (especially if the hair is oily) usually get dirty faster - especially since in this case, the remnants of night creams, decorative cosmetics, etc. can accumulate on the fabric. At the same time, the tissue is in contact with the skin of the face all night. Therefore, it is better to change pillowcases more often - once every 2-3 days.

The bed of feverish patients is best washed after one day of use. If this is not possible, it is necessary to at least put a clean pillowcase on the pillow every day.

Preparing laundry for washing

  • by type of fabric(the washing mode for different sets may be different);

  • according to the degree of dyeing of the fabric(it is better to wash white and light colors separately from color ones, even if these are items from the same set);

  • according to the degree of pollution(only sheets that are slightly sweat-soaked do not need to be washed on an intensive cycle, this will lead to premature wear of the fabric).

Duvet covers, pillowcases or mattress covers are usually turned inside out before washing - this will get rid of the dirt that accumulates in the corners.

If there are stains (for example, blood) on sheets made of colored delicate fabrics, they must be treated with a stain remover before washing. Soiled cotton or linen sheets do not require such treatment - it will be enough to adjust the washing regimen.

How to calculate the weight of bed linen for washing

The washing machine has load limits - they are calculated by the weight of dry laundry. At the same time, if we are talking about washing sheets and duvet covers, it must be borne in mind that these are rather voluminous products. And in order for them to stretch well, it is better not to load the machine completely: the weight of dry laundry should be about one and a half times less than the maximum load.

Approximate bed linen weight:

  • one and a half duvet cover - 500-700 grams,

  • pillowcase - 200 grams,

  • sheet - 350-500 grams.

How and at what temperature to wash bed linen

Before automatic washing machines became widespread, laundry was usually washed in very hot water, and often boiled to bleach and further sanitize. Now there is no need for such a "harsh" washing - modern technology in combination with modern detergents allows you to wash clothes at lower temperatures, which ensures better fabric preservation.

The optimal temperature for washing light-colored linen bed linen and linen made from thick cotton fabrics can be considered 60 degrees - this temperature is sufficient for disinfection, and the washing efficiency is quite high. If desired, you can wash such fabrics at higher temperatures - the linen is disinfected better this way, but the linen will wear out faster. For washing such products, you can use a powder for white laundry or an all-purpose powder. To wash heavily soiled laundry (including stained sheets), you can use powdered bleaches or detergent boosters, as well as liquid bleaches for washing machines.

Colored bed linen and linen made of delicate fabrics are washed at 30-50 degrees. For colored linen, products for colored fabrics are used (marked with Color on the package). You can use liquid shampoos for washing - they are designed for use at low temperatures, and wash things quite well. Heavily soiled laundry is pre-soaked or pre-washed. Linen that is washed at low temperatures should be ironed before use - even if you are not a fan of ironing bed linen.

For washing children's bedding, use detergents for washing children's things. Typically, children's underwear is made from natural fabrics, which allows it to be washed at fairly high temperatures.

Exact recommendations for washing bed linen are contained on product labels or kit packaging - they indicate the recommended washing temperature, drying mode, the possibility or impossibility of using bleach, and so on. If we are talking about an expensive set of delicate fabrics or colored underwear with voluminous patterns, it is better to read the recommendations and follow them.

How to wash bedding in a washing machine: modes for different types of fabric

Most modern washing machines allow you to set additional functions, adjust the degree of spin, etc., which allows you to choose the optimal mode for washing bed linen, depending on the characteristics of the fabric.

  • Linen - 60-95 ° C, soaking or pre-washing is possible, strong spin;

  • Light calico, percale, ranfors– 60-95оС, soaking or pre-washing is possible, any mode;

  • satin,– 40-60оС, soaking or pre-washing is possible, any mode;

  • colored chintz– 40°C, no bleach, medium intensity spin;

  • Batiste, bamboo- 30-40 ° C, delicate mode without spinning or with a weak one;

  • Polyester or cotton with polyester added– 40°C, delicate mode or synthetic mode, soaking, double rinsing is possible;

  • Silk - 30 ° C, delicate wash cycle ("silk" mode), special mild detergents and conditioner, weak spin or no spin. Attention! Be sure to read the label: for some silk products, only dry cleaning is indicated.

Do I need to wash new bedding?

Freshly purchased bedding must be washed before use. Firstly, during the production of bed linen, dust and dirt invariably accumulate on the fabric; secondly, new bedding is sometimes impregnated with a compound that helps the fabric keep its shape.

It is best to wash new bedding separately from other things and at the maximum temperature allowed by the manufacturer. This will not only disinfect the linen, but (in case the fabric is not very well dyed) will allow excess paint to come off.

At the first wash, bed linen may shrink slightly - this is normal and, as a rule, it is provided by the manufacturer when cutting.

How often should bed sheets be changed at home? Statistics and opinion polls say that we are cheating: only third of interviewees change bedspreads, sheets and pillowcases at least once every two weeks.

Different subtypes of linen have their own characteristics when cleaning with washing. This section is not only about bed linen - cleaning the bed itself is equally important from a hygiene point of view. It is advisable to synchronize the “big wash” of all the bedding in the house every few months to ensure that you get rid of possible insects or fungus troubles.

Video - Rules for the care of bed linen


The biggest problem that occurs with a rare change of sheets is high humidity. This is especially noticeable in summer and in hot climates, where it is desirable to change the bed every three to four days.

To care for the sheets, it is necessary to remove the blanket from the bed every morning and ventilate the room to get rid of evaporation and unpleasant smell. You need to change the sheet at least once every ten days, set the temperature when washing at least 60 degrees to destroy dust mite larvae.


Surprisingly, the mattress is one of the easiest bedding items to clean. To clean your mattress:

  1. Vacuum upholstery.
  2. Take it off if possible. Vacuum the inside.
  3. Clean the inside of the mattress by hand using a cloth, cold water and a small amount of soap/shampoo.

This procedure must be repeated at least twice a year. In specialized stores, you can purchase a special cover that will protect the mattress from dust mites and dirt.

Mattress prices


In addition to the obvious change of pillowcases once a week, you need to wash the pillows themselves. In Russia, such surveys have not been conducted, but in Australia, for example, more than a quarter of residents have never washed pillows. Hygiene doctors say that after a couple of years, an unwashed pillow is made up of a combination of fungus, dandruff, live and dead mites. Such a mixture leads to chronic rhinitis and allergies, as well as eye infections.

Pillows should be laundered to keep them clean. every three months to six months. Feather filler requires dry cleaning, synthetics must be washed at a temperature 60 degrees and above. Every two or three years, the product must be replaced with a new one.

Prices for feather pillows

Feather pillows


All the same risk group: constant contact with the skin, sweat, high temperature. A dirty blanket is the most common carrier of mites after feather pillows, and the difficulty in washing due to its large size leads to the fact that many people do not clean their blankets for literally years.

Hygiene rules are the same as for pillows - wash together once a quarter duvets with down or any other natural filler are sent to dry cleaning. Unless the service life of blankets is longer, up to five years.

find out how to get rid of at home, in a special article on our website.

Bed linen prices


Dependence on the seasons

The usual change of linen once a week is not enough to close the issue. The vast majority, nineteen out of twenty of those surveyed, either wash the bed irregularly, or do it on one convenient day of the week. This is not quite the right approach - at different times of the year, the human body emits a different amount of sweat, the amount of lost skin is also different.


Thanks to the low temperatures and switching to the keep warm mode, the sleeper produces much less sweat than in normal conditions. Microbiologists estimate the period for which reduce the change of linen, up to two weeks. Of course, this does not apply to athletes and other people who are subjected to high daily physical activity.


A period of flowering and love, as well as black months for all allergy sufferers. if you have allergy problems, the linen should be changed as often as possible, ideally every five days. This will help to soothe the receptors at night with the absence of unnecessary odors and irritants. Sexually active couples should not delay the change of bed linen - for them, a change once a week will be a necessary minimum.


Summer is a critical period, especially in the absence of air conditioning and in places with a hot climate. Sweat, dirt, skin particles accumulate on the bed and create an environment favorable for microorganisms. Here, fabric care is individual: somewhere in Sochi, sheets and pillowcases can be changed at least every three days while in Vorkuta a ten-day period will be quite enough.


The only feature when cleaning clothes in the fall is dirt. Frequent rains, dust and slush place special demands on hygiene, so those who do not like to wash every day should do their laundry more often. It is autumn that is the “hottest” period for the appearance of insects, therefore, for any suspicion of the appearance of ticks, you must immediately carry the entire bed to dry cleaning.

For simplicity, you can use the following formula - we count the number of days after which you need to change clothes in the summer, then multiply it by one and a half for spring / autumn and by two for winter. So, if in summer the bed becomes dirty after five days, then in winter it is usually enough for ten, and in the off-season washing can be arranged every week. For the calendar, it is convenient to wash every 4-7-10-14 days, so as not to get confused in complex routines and complete the cycle every two or three weeks.

Replacement Features

Change of linen for the sick and the elderly is carried out every few days or daily.

Sometimes, the bed needs to be changed much more often than in standard cases. So, with colds, linen should be changed to dry constantly, and after recovery, the entire bed is sent to the wash. There are a number of important factors under which a change of linen should be carried out once every five days:

  • People with oily skin, excessive sweating or dandruff problems;
  • For those who watch TV in bed or eat there;
  • If the bed is rarely made for the day, remaining disassembled.

Athletes also have their own schedule. The accelerated metabolism and sweating leads to the fact that the bed becomes dirty a couple of days earlier. This is especially noticeable during the period of intensive preparation for the competitive season. Here, the desired “every week” often turns into the obligatory “every three or four days.”

Cleaning is required after the guest has used the linen. Also, it must be carried out after any large-scale procedures and rearrangements at home - after repair, fine dust settles even on well-closed pillowcases.

How to wash clothes

Variants of marks on the label of bed linen.

Note! The washing algorithm depends on the material and properties of the linen itself; care features can be found on the label of the product itself. The following is general information and is not meant to be a guide to action. An incorrectly selected mode can ruin the laundry set by tearing it or destroying the color.

Video - How to wash clothes in a washing machine

Washing especially dirty laundry begins with soaking. This can be done either by hand, leaving the product in a container of soapy water, or using the soak mode in the washing machine. Before you start washing, the laundry must be turned inside out.

The optimum temperature for washing white laundry is 60 degrees: this will kill most insects and clean up even the toughest dirt. It is not necessary to boil bed linen - from this it loses its strength and quickly breaks. colored linen washable at a lower temperature 40 degrees. In the process, it is desirable to use special washing powders for colored laundry.

stands apart silk and other luxury fabrics- they fade in delicate mode or manually without pressing. Silk underwear requires special conditions for washing and deteriorates quickly, so it should be used as little as possible.

Important! Remember to wash your underwear immediately after purchase. This will not only save him from the dirt that has accumulated during the journey from the manufacturing factory, but also wash away the special exhibition line-up. This composition is used to give the fabric stiffness and presentation. After the first wash, the laundry will become softer and ready to use.

When washing clothes in a washing machine, it is necessary to take into account its average weight.

Table 1. Average weight of bedding sets

Table 2. Individual weight of cotton underwear

The weight depends on the size of the product and its material. Usually a washing machine for five kilograms is enough to clean the entire set of bedding, towels and pajamas for two people.

Prices for popular models of washing machines

Washing machines

How to starch linen - step by step instructions

Not only does starch-impregnated fabric become tear-resistant and appear brighter. The starch also protects the fabric from soiling, and most of the stains disappear during washing, being applied to a hard film.

Starched linen, in addition to a beautiful appearance, is also more hygienic.

The procedure itself is divided into three types, soft, medium and hard.

Table 3. Step-by-step instructions for preparing a mixture for starching

Steps DescriptionA photo
Step 1. Take a spoonful of starch and some cold water.

Add a spoon or two, depending on the desired concentration of the solution

Step 2 Pour into one container and stir until smooth.


Step 3 Add the dissolved mixture to a liter of boiled water.

Combine with boiled water

For middle starching, a tablespoon of the substance is taken, for hard- two tablespoons and add a teaspoon of borax.

Clean bedding is soaked in the resulting liquid and rinsed. Then the thing is wrung out and straightened so that there are no wrinkles on it. There is an easier way - the mixture is sprayed with a spray gun on the fabric.

Other types of underwear

Touching on personal hygiene issues, you can not go past towels, pajamas and underwear. Let them not directly relate to the issue of bedding, but they pass very, very close.

Towels used after the evening shower should be washed regularly.


One of the dirtiest pieces of clothing. Even visually clean underpants contain up to 10,000 bacteria and microorganisms. It is worth not changing the linen for one day and a couple of zeros will be added to this number. This applies to all types of clothing, from thongs to boxers.

Doctors recommend changing underwear every day, and once a year completely replacing the item. Use when washing in the machine 30-40 degree temperature using bleach or any similar additive. If one of the family members is sick, then washing is best done with 60 degree temperature This will kill most micro-organisms.


Many do not consider pajamas and bathrobes as underwear, washing them much less often than they should. Anonymous polls say that pajama lovers wear them for more than two weeks before sending them to the wash, with women in this case even more dirty: 17 days without washing versus fourteen for men.

We should not forget that pajamas require cleaning at least once a week, with the washing machine settings identical to underwear. Of course, as in the case of underwear, the washing regimen depends on the manufacturer's recommendations on the label.


It is towels that clean most of the dead skin cells from our body. It is they who collect bacteria and microorganisms of the upper layer. The warm and humid atmosphere of the bathroom ensures that skin viruses and fungi get their chance to infect.

Microbiologists say that the towel should be sent to the laundry immediately after three applications. The overall service life depends on the frequency of replacement, but with active use it is advisable to purchase a new towel annually.

Attention! Never let strangers use your towel! Even boiling is not always a guarantee of complete cleaning of the product.

High temperature required for cleaning (from 60 degrees and above), as well as the additional use of antibacterial agents.

The main difficulty in laundry care and weekly washing is to convince a person that he needs it. Finally, billions people don't wash their pillowcases once a week and humanity still isn't extinct, right?


The US Association of Microbiologists decided to conduct an experiment by collecting randomly 50 pillows students from hostels of 25 colleges. The sample was fairly representative, ranging from students at elite institutions to regular colleges. The results surprised even the researchers themselves: on average, each pillow contained about 300 thousand bacterial foci and more than 90 thousand fungal accumulations.

This is what professional disinfection of a mattress looks like

The most popular in the hit parade of pathogens were:

  • Bacteria from the nasopharynx that cause bronchitis and lung diseases;
  • Fungi that provoke an allergic crisis;
  • Dysentery stick.

Despite the fact that women turned out to be a little more accurate than men (the number of pathogens was on average one and a half times less), the “gentleman's set” was also found in them. The record-breaking sample was a student pillow with over 150 million bacteria and fungi.

In the normal state, most of these malicious agents are not dangerous - the immune system successfully fights them. But as soon as he weakens, constant illnesses will not keep you waiting.

What to do? To get rid of bacteria and viruses, heat treatment is well suited - a simple ironing of linen will destroy almost everything that can be found inside.

dust mite

An enlarged image of a dust mite.

If the lazy people who do not like washing and ironing now waved their hands and thought “ah, I have excellent immunity, and it will do” - then in the picture above you can see the second scourge of dirty bed linen, a dust mite.

In addition, ticks will become a problem with serious lung diseases, such as pneumonia or asthma.

What to do? Regular wet cleaning, maintaining a dry atmosphere in the apartment and cold will help against ticks - just a few hours on the winter balcony and most of the ticks in your favorite blanket will die, and the rest will hibernate.


The fungus, having settled in bedding, eats into it tightly.

Fungal diseases are among the most common on the planet - about one and a half billion people suffer from mycosis of the extremities. The easiest way to get a fungus is in common areas: swimming pools, saunas, gyms. Further - the microorganism through linen gets over to other members of your family.

At risk are people with weakened immune systems, diseases of the cardiovascular system and beriberi. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the fungus, but to reduce the likelihood of infection, do not use other people's things and change linen as often as possible if you have to share a bed with a sick person.

What to do? The fungus, like all microorganisms, loves heat. At the same time, he survives well in the cold, so the method of taking things out into the cold will not work here. In order to get rid of the fungus on things, you need to use washing in combination with boiling. In extreme cases, wear socks everywhere, including bed.


Most research agrees that to keep your bedroom hygienic, you need to change your sheets once a week on average. Doctors from various countries agree on this opinion, setting the term for changing bed linen up to seven days in a hospital.

However, this term is not an axiom. Features of physiology and climate can either reduce this period to five days, or reduce it to two weeks. When choosing, focus on personal convenience and common sense. It is better to change linen every fourteen days, but regularly, than every week, but with passes and not at the same time.

Despite the progressive views of modern people, superstitions still play a huge role in their lives. For almost every occasion in life there are corresponding signs. Changing bed linen is no exception. So, when is the best time to change sheets?

When can bed linen be changed?

A person spends most of his life in contact with bedding - there is nothing strange in the fact that we give him a piece of our own energy. That is why it is worth paying more attention to various signs - popular beliefs say that the situation in the house will depend on what day you deal with “linen problems”.

The best time to change your linen is Saturday - in this case, it is better to combine the procedure with a weekly house cleaning. And if the new moon also falls on Saturday, then happiness and harmony in relations with your spouse are guaranteed to you. Some healers recommend doing laundry on Thursday, moreover, before sunrise - this promises happiness and good health.

When is it best not to touch it?

There are days when it is better not to touch the linen. For example, you can’t change it on church holidays - on these dates it’s better not to work at all without special need, since this can lead to misfortune.

It is not recommended to do this on Sunday either. Many psychics say that this threatens with insomnia and nightmares. Friday is also not a very suitable day - so you will only reward yourself with small, but completely unnecessary problems. Do not do laundry on Wednesday - this is a difficult day on which you need to fast and indulge in reflection, and not solve everyday problems that can wait until the next day.

As for Monday and Tuesday, there are no special prohibitions for these days. However, it is better to start the week by doing more important and useful things.

Other signs and superstitions about bedding

Changing underwear is not such an easy thing. We offer you a few more signs that you will probably be interested to know about.

  • Do not give up ironing. If you store crumpled linen, then remember - it attracts adversity to the house. But neatly ironed sheets and pillowcases will ensure harmony.
  • Did you accidentally make your bed inside out? This is a bad sign, get ready for failure. But you can take off an incorrectly worn pillowcase or duvet cover, spread it on the floor and walk barefoot on it.
  • Do not be lazy to make your bed in the morning, otherwise your life will not turn out as well as it could.
  • Did you notice a ladybug in bed while changing your linen? This promises a love adventure or a long life together, if we are talking about spouses.
  • If a pet relieved natural need on your bed, then this promises dramatic changes in life. They can be both pleasant and not very - it depends on how you react to the incident with what emotions. So don't get mad at the animal.
  • Spouses are not recommended to sleep on linen of red or orange color - this promises treason.
  • In no case should you give someone bedding that you have already used. This is not appropriate. And together with a set of pillowcases and duvet covers, you transfer a part of your well-being and health to a person.

Do you believe in omens?

Modern bedding made from natural fabrics is able to "breathe", providing microcirculation. Due to the hygroscopic properties and structure, such fabrics do not allow moisture to linger, in addition, modern materials have an antibacterial effect. However, even the most expensive bed linen can become dangerous, losing all its wonderful qualities if it is not changed in a timely manner.

In the course of numerous observations, experts have proven that human health directly depends on the condition of bedding. If you change bedding from time to time, then some pathological conditions will not keep you waiting. Moreover, the unpleasant smell emanating from long-used linen is the smallest of the possible troubles.

"Botanical" garden under the covers: fungus, mites, bacteria

In a dream, a person continues to sweat, along with sweat, sebum is released, particles of skin, saliva, waste products of the body, as well as street dirt or pet hair, if they are in the house, get into the bed from the surface of the body. All these fragments of secretions and particles of the skin are a fertile environment for the reproduction of various bacteria, fungi and microorganisms, including dust mites. All of them pose a threat to the human body.

For example, in an interview with Business Insider, Philip Tierno, a microbiologist at New York University, claims that the bed is a real “botanical garden”, where you can find as many as 16 species of fungal microorganisms! About 150 species of mites have been found in house dust to date.

And what is the danger?

Of particular danger to humans are dust mites, or rather, their metabolic products. The substances contained in their excrement are very toxic and can cause, especially in a person who often suffers from respiratory diseases. In addition, these substances contribute to the destruction of skin cells, the physiological process of death becomes more intense, which worsens the condition of the skin. Rashes appear, the development of dermatitis, neurodermatitis and even superficial ulcers is possible.

Moreover, according to statistics, about 80% of patients diagnosed with bronchial asthma suffer from allergies to the waste products of ticks, often their presence is the cause of attacks. In addition, ticks that live in bedding can cause rhinitis and conjunctivitis, cough, Quincke's edema, and if they enter the gastrointestinal tract, deep acariases develop. Possible complications include pyodermatitis, furunculosis, erysipelas, otitis media, lymphadenitis, etc.

Pet allergies can be activated by dust mites

By the way, according to Gil Warner, an expert at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom, contact with dust mites makes the skin more vulnerable to other allergens, which come from cats and dogs. Therefore, do not rush to part with your pet, try first to reduce the impact of dust mites.

Change bed linen often - the main rule!

Bed linen, on which numerous microorganisms are present, in contact with other parts of the bed, can “infect” them. With some parts of the bed or bedding, they are more difficult to remove than, for example, with a sheet. Therefore, there is only one way out - to regularly change all bedding; sanitary doctors recommend carrying out the procedure at least once every 7-10 days.

However, there are a number of factors to consider, including:

  • sharing a bed with several people,
  • profuse sweating,
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene,
  • lack of pajamas
  • in addition, the regularity of changing bed linen depends on the time of year.

In hot weather, a person can sweat profusely in a dream, part of the sweat is absorbed into the linen, which leads to an unpleasant odor, yellowing of the linen, naturally, the number of microorganisms increases exponentially. Therefore, in the heat, it is better to change linen more often - approximately every two to three days. Similar recommendations should be followed by people who, for one reason or another, have excessive sweating.

So how often should bed sheets be changed? It is impossible to name the exact figure up to a day, but the golden mean is 7-10 days. But what if, due to busy working days, you forgot the exact date for changing bed linen? Mark on the calendar with a cross? You can be guided by your feelings. If you are too clean, then at an average ambient temperature, you will begin to pay attention to the stale look of the sheets as early as the fifth day. If you are one of those who, in principle, are not able to notice the mess around, then you can’t do without a calendar. However, you can make it a rule to carry out the procedure, for example, every Friday or every 10 days.

In this topic, we will talk about the signs associated with changing bed linen.

Despite the fact that we live in the progressive XXI century, various signs and superstitions haunt us at every turn. They permeate absolutely every area of ​​our lives, even affect the change of our plans. They can warn against conflicts or promise good luck and luck. Absolutely every thing in our house is associated with some kind of sign. This also applies to the topic of when to change bedding, which we will talk about today.

What day of the week is best to change bedding: signs

Often we consider washing and ironing bed linen as a household chore that we do without much thought. Few people think that it is necessary to change bed linen correctly. After all, this change is an unusual ritual that can save you from trouble, bring good luck and happiness. In this action, our ancestors saw protection from dark forces, so a lot of signs came to us.

  • There is a considerable amount of superstition regarding the correct change of underwear. Their observance will help eliminate everyday hardships, as well as bring family well-being. Similar signs refer to the choice of the day of the week for this household ritual.
  • Sunday is considered an extremely unfavorable day for changing bed linen. By performing a similar ritual on this day, you can reward yourself with problems such as insomnia and nightmares.
  • It is also not recommended to change underwear on Friday. This can lead to a wave of small but completely unnecessary problems.

Important: It is strictly forbidden to change and wash bed linen on church holidays. These days, you must give up any housework, as you can attract big trouble into your life.

  • Saturday is the most conducive day for changing clothes. Ideally, this ritual should be combined with a weekly house cleaning. Carrying out such rituals on the Sabbath day ensures family well-being, health and prosperity.

Important: The effect of changing bed linen on Saturday will be even more enhanced if you do it on a new moon. It ensures family harmony and health.

  • It is recommended to wash bed linen on different days with the change. Washing is best done at the beginning of the week, as our great-grandmothers used to say. Indeed, in the absence of washing machines and dryers, washing was carried out at the beginning of the week, so that by Saturday it had time to dry. By the way, you can read about the right days for washing in our article.
  • That's why Monday and Tuesday are not the best days to change bed linen. Although there are no strict superstitions on this subject, the first day of the week is considered a difficult period. And on Tuesday, you should start more important things than household chores, or take a trip.
  • Oddly enough, but Wednesday is also considered a difficult day, in which you need to fast, and not do household chores. Even more, you can’t move on this day if you want to stay in a new place for a long time.
  • But Thursday, and even before sunrise, is a very favorable period for changing underwear. Moreover, the beliefs about Pure Thursday take roots from Russia. Changing underwear on this day promises good luck and health. And the lightness of this day will allow you to perform any routine with joy.

But Saturday and Thursday are the most successful days for changing the bed set.

Other beliefs about changing bed linen

  • If it so happened that you turned the bed upside down- be prepared to "beat", but not necessarily in the literal sense. That is, it can be blows or failures from fate. To avoid this, you should remove the bed, put it on the floor or on the bed in an inverted state and walk on it with your feet.
  • Also, do not neglect ironing bed linen. Wrinkled linen contains dark power and attracts adversity. And ironed bedding, in turn, ensures harmony and balance in the house.

  • adversely affects you and your life if you lazy to make your bed in the morning. This can lead to health problems or even a change in life for the worse.
  • But if, when changing the bed set or just in the morning, you found some insect in their bed- expect a love adventure. For a married couple, this is a sign of a long life together. True if you are our ladybug.
  • In case your the pet went to the toilet on the bed, then this promises a very unexpected incident in your life. It can be both pleasant and not very - it all depends on your reaction to the event.

Important: Do not allow strangers to lie on your bed. But if guests have visited your house, then it is recommended to change the bed after them only after an hour. Because you can bring trouble on them.

  • Husband and wife are categorically not recommended to sleep in bed with orange or red linens- a sign promises treason.
  • Elderly people are not recommended to sew underwear for themselves, because it is a harbinger of imminent death.

Important: If you decide to give underwear to a superstitious person, then you need to be very vigilant. It is necessary to take a coin from him in return to avoid quarrels and conflicts in the future.

  • Donate used linens- a very bad move. Firstly, it is indecent, and secondly, with the bed you pass on part of your health and well-being.

No one forces you to believe and follow signs, because superstitions are personal beliefs. But still, try to listen to such advice from older generations to harmonize your life.

Video: Signs about bedding


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