What are the maternity hospitals taking with them now. The most complete list of things in the hospital. List of things for mom after childbirth

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Recently there was still that happy carefree time when the main problem that occupied me was what to take with me to the hospital.

Before the birth of my beloved twins in the very late stages of pregnancy, I had to lie down 2 times in the maternity hospital for quite a long time. In order to make the "imprisonment" in the maternity hospital as comfortable as possible, I have compiled 4 lists of things that I will need in the maternity hospital at all stages. I put all the things in bags, numbered them and put them in the hallway. The husband at the right time had only to throw the right bag in the trunk and deliver it to the hospital.

I'm posting a list of things that really came in handy.

Bag 1 in pathology for prenatal hospitalization

The biggest bag. In pathology, you can walk in your clothes, there is nothing to do there, time flows slowly. Therefore, in order to pass the time in tedious waiting, take a maximum of entertainment means, a laptop, tablet, books, all this can be transferred and can be brought with you.

The documents:

Passport, certificate, exchange card, compulsory medical insurance policy, pension certificate, copy of sick leave.

Bandage prenatal
Still water, 1.5 l
Washable slippers (2 pairs, one for the shower, the second for the room)
Hygiene lipstick
Cotton sticks
Wet wipes
cotton pads
Paper handkerchiefs
Soap liquid antibacterial
Toilet paper
Toothbrush + paste
Mug, spoon
Plate, fork, knife
Kitchen towel
Cotton socks
Body cream
Towel, 2 pcs.
Book (I took Komarovsky's book)
A pen (it turned out to be needed, at least for keeping an actogram and solving crossword puzzles)
Nursing nightgown
Bra for feeding (2 pcs.)
Phone + charger
Nail scissors, file
Black and green tea bags
Lenses + solution
Cream for stretch marks
Garbage bags
Face creams
Sport suit
Robe (didn't work)

Before the CS operation, as well as before childbirth, the bag from the pathology must be returned to relatives.
You can take with you to the operation water, mobile phone and charger.

In turn, the relatives are given the next bag, which the woman receives already in the postpartum department.

Bag 2 for caesarean section

Elastic bandages 5m x 2 packs (exactly 5 meters came in handy, at least 3m)
Postoperative bandage (a thing is simply mandatory, without a bandage recovery after surgery is very bad)
Maternity pads
Mesh Maternity Briefs
Rubber slippers

Phone (what would I do without it in the intensive care unit for several hours after the operation!!)

Phone charger

Bag 3 in postpartum

Iodine (for anointing the soft spot in the places of numerous injections) :)

For me:
Nursing pillow (I took a pillow for feeding twins, the pillow aroused keen interest among all the medical staff)
Breast pads
breast pump
A few regular underpants (didn't come in handy)
Wet toilet paper (not useful, but the usual paper in maternity hospitals is in short supply)
Toilet pads (not needed)
Tea for lactation+

For kids:
Pampers 2 pack + Napkins
Teats / containers
Diaper cream (didn't work)
Liquid soap for children (not useful, they give out in the hospital)
Powder, oil (it turned out to be too much)
Baby soap with chamomile

By the time you enter the maternity hospital, it is desirable that you have 3 packages ready - things that you may need in the maternity ward, things for the postpartum ward and - for discharge from the maternity hospital.

After issuing an exchange card, you should always have a set of documents on hand (every time you leave home): passport, policy, exchange card, birth certificate and contract if you plan to give birth in a paid department.

In the package of things needed in the maternity ward, you need to put washable slippers and a bottle of still water. You will also take a mobile phone and a charger with you to the maternity ward. For relaxation, you can take a player with your favorite music. In order to reduce the risk of thrombotic complications, it is advisable to come to childbirth in elastic stockings (Stockings are MANDATORY for a caesarean section). Also, in the maternity unit bag, please put a small package of diapers, a bodysuit or vest, a hat and socks for the baby.

To minimize the time spent in the admission department, we suggest that you sign the necessary consents in advance and describe your history in the questionnaire so that you are not tormented by these questions during childbirth. The documents are at the link. Documents 1-5 are required for admission to the reception.

The second important moment after the birth, when you want to enjoy the first contact with the child, we need to obtain from you an agreement with the general plan for the examination of the child, as well as consent (or refusal) to vaccination. Sign these documents in advance and we will not distract you with this after the birth. Documents 6 and 7.

The Perinatal Center provides two vaccinations (hepatitis B - on the first day, BCG (against tuberculosis) on the third. You can agree to both vaccinations or one of them by entering their names in the consent.

Things you will need in the postpartum ward:

washable slippers and several pairs of socks;

a pack of disposable panties for the maternity hospital (5 - 7 pieces) or several pieces of cotton panties;

2 packs of thick pads (in the future, if necessary, you can ask to transfer more in the transfer);

personal hygiene products and cosmetics (toothbrush, paste, comb, cream, shampoo, etc.);

nursing bra;

packaging of disposable bra pads;

Cosmetics and diapers for a child in a maternity hospital can be given, but it is better if you start using the same cosmetics that you will use later. Therefore, we recommend that you bring with you:

a pack of diapers for a newborn (first, take a small pack, if it fits, then buy a larger one);

wet wipes (of the same company as diapers);

liquid soap or shampoo for a newborn, diaper cream, baby oil (it is better to take the entire line of cosmetics from one manufacturer, since the company adds the same fragrances to all its products, that is, if there is an allergy to the oil of this manufacturer, then Shampoo probably too)

Clothes for your baby: Undershirts or bodysuits; Hats and socks

Other things are not always needed. May be required:

postpartum bandage (there is no need for it after natural childbirth, but it can be more convenient with it; AFTER CAESAREAN SECTION, MANDATORY)

a breast pump may be useful in some situations, but most likely you will need it already at home;

pads for collecting breast milk (in the event that milk leaks profusely between feedings)

If you are going to have a delivery by caesarean section, you MUST have elastic stockings (significantly reduce the risk of complications by preventing blood clots in the veins of the legs) and a postoperative bandage.

Things to be discharged from the maternity hospital:

Your clothing and shoe sizes after childbirth may be slightly different from those you wore before pregnancy. Therefore, provide for discharge from the maternity hospital loose clothing in which you will feel comfortable.

Children's things for discharge from the maternity hospital:

In the package for the baby, you need to put 2 pieces of diapers for discharge (or if you are not going to use them, then 2 reusable diapers). An undershirt or blouse (necessarily cotton, with seams outward). Then the choice is quite wide. It can be a woolen, terry or cotton jumpsuit, a blouse with panties or a blouse with sliders. For outerwear, depending on the season, choose an envelope, jumpsuit, baby blanket or plaid. Don't forget anti-scratch gloves and socks. If the child was born in the cold season, then 2 hats are needed - the lower, cooler, and the upper woolen one. If it's warm, then one is enough. Do not forget that all clothes for the baby must first be washed and then ironed.

Also, think about how you will carry the child. To transport a child in a car, you need a special seat designed for children from birth to 1 - 1.5 years old or a special cradle for transporting children in a car. So, for example, at present there are special transformers: strollers with a removable cradle, which has fasteners for fixing in the car.

Reminder for pregnant women
incoming obstetrics to the hospital
GBUZ MO "Balashikha Maternity Hospital".

1. List of documents required upon admission to the hospital:

    Referral for hospitalization (with planned hospitalization);

  • MHI policy or VHI agreement;

    Birth certificate (issued by the antenatal clinic at the place of observation). In the absence of a birth certificate (for example, in the case of observation of pregnancy in a paid medical center), the maternity hospital independently issues birth certificate coupons to pay for childbirth (remains in the maternity hospital) and to monitor the child in a children's clinic (issued to the puerperal in her arms upon discharge). THE LACK OF A BIRTH CERTIFICATE CANNOT BE A REASON FOR REFUSING IN HOSPITALIZATION FOR BIRTH);

    Exchange card, results of analyzes and studies not included in the exchange card (for example, protocols for ultrasound studies, specialist consultations, etc.);

    A copy of the certificate of incapacity for work (maternity leave) issued in the antenatal clinic.

Put it all neatly in a bag or file and carry it with you in your bag, especially if you are planning to go somewhere.

2. The list of personal belongings recommended (at the request of the patient) upon admission of women in labor to the maternity ward:

1. Clothes:

Robe (preferably not with buttons, but on a belt that is easy to open for feeding a child);

Night shirt (2 pcs.);

Shorts, disposable, purchased at the pharmacy.

A bra, preferably especially for nursing mothers, also does not hurt to grab disposable absorbent bra pads (so that leaking milk does not stain underwear);

Slippers, always washable (rubber, leather);

· Cotton socks.

2. Personal hygiene items:

toilet items: toothbrush, paste;

    absorbent diapers (90*60cm, 10 pieces);

towel for hands and body;

Wet wipes.

3. Cutlery for eating and drinking (optional).

4. A bottle of drinking water 1L (during childbirth, you will often feel thirsty).

5. It is desirable to have for a newborn:

cap, socks, 1 diaper.

6. Mobile phone (do not forget to top up the balance on your phone and take a charger with you).

7. Loose-leaf notepad, or even better, sticky note paper, and a pen (you may have to take some notes, and even if you stay in a general ward, food that relatives will definitely bring you, you need will store in the refrigerator, and therefore, everything will need to be attached with notes with the date when the product entered the refrigerator).

3. Items must be packed in new clean plastic bags.

Patients' belongings not included in the list are taken home or handed over to the cloakroom, from where relatives should pick them up.

When a woman in labor is transferred to the maternity unit from the hospital, personal belongings that are not included in the list are given to relatives in advance, or temporarily stored (with an inventory) in the hospital until the next day and given to relatives against signature.

4. The list of things prohibited for bringing into the maternity ward:

It is forbidden to store ladies', travel and shopping bags in the maternity ward!

We have tried to list the basic things that you will need in the maternity hospital, but pay special attention to the fact that for individual medical reasons, you may need additional things, be sure to consult your doctor about this.

It is impossible to get ready for the hospital right the first time. It will surely turn out that half of the bag is occupied by completely unnecessary things, and what is desperately needed, relatives will carry half a day, which will seem like an eternity to you!

Therefore, it is better not to rely on the official list of the maternity hospital, which is too general, standard and outdated, and, of course, cannot take into account the needs of different girls.

I advise you to study as much information as possible on the topic of what to take, especially the reviews of experienced women in labor who have visited the maternity hospital more than once, and know exactly what the hospital can do without, and what will only take up space.

It is better to collect the bag in advance, from about 34 weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, arm yourself with a pen, and write down the most complete list of things for the hospital.

To begin with, get ready for the fact that you will have to pack things not in bags, but in bags. This rule in 2017 and 2018 applies to all maternity hospitals, district and regional, as well as perinatal centers and is due to SanPin.

According to this document, various reusable bags can be too dirty, and also be a source of all sorts of infections, which is dangerous for newborns with immunodeficiency, as well as other disorders.

Therefore, the universal requirement is that the woman in labor puts all the things for mom and baby in plastic bags.

These items should be placed in a separate bag. You will take it with you for registration in the delivery room, leaving all other things in the ward. So, what to take to the hospital in the first place:

  1. Personal documents: passport, policy, SNILS (with copies).
  2. Medical documents: exchange card and birth certificate (issued at the antenatal clinic).
  3. Accompanying documents (if the birth is joint): passport and fluorography no later than six months before the birth.
  4. A bottle of water during labor and the first time after childbirth.
  5. Stockings for varicose veins (if it began to appear during pregnancy).
  6. Cellular telephone.
  7. Disposable diaper (it will be put on the baby immediately after birth).
  8. Cotton jumpsuit or bodysuit (if you plan not to swaddle, but dress the baby immediately in regular clothes).
  9. Hat and socks (nurses ask, however, we did not wear either).
  10. Disposable postpartum kit (mesh panties and a huge pad).

List of things in the postpartum ward

These things in the maternity hospital for mom and baby will be waiting for them in the ward and are designed to create a comfortable stay in the hospital.

  1. Packing of disposable diapers for newborns (weight 1-4 kg).
  2. A package of disposable absorbent diapers (and for the first time, put it on for the mother when the discharge can leak, and for the baby, instead of a diaper, if it is very hot or just ventilate the ass).
  3. Two jumpsuits or bodysuits. If you give birth in the fall or spring, when there is no heating or not yet, it can be cool in the hospital, so cotton overalls with closed legs and arms are desirable. If you're having a baby in the summer when it's hot, or in the winter when the heating is on, it's best to bring light clothing for your baby.
  4. Liquid soap for children from the first days of life (and wash the child if necessary, and wash the hand itself more often).
  5. Wet wipes for children (wipe the ass at night so as not to get up to wash, or if the water is turned off).
  6. Dry wipes (wipe your mouth if you burp with milk).
  7. Cotton pads (wipe wrinkles).
  8. A bottle of 0.5 plain non-carbonated water (moisten a cotton pad with which to wipe wrinkles).
  9. Four packs of pads of the largest size (maxi or nite for postpartum discharge, it’s better to take more of them right away so as not to save money, but change more often, because dryness and cleanliness in intimate places is one of the conditions for rapid healing).
  10. Washable slippers or flip flops (if something spills or leaks on them, they should be easy to wash and put on right away).
  11. Panties (3-4 pieces, no less, because at first they can easily get dirty with blood).
  12. Two bras special for breastfeeding (with wide straps, pitted, comfortable and not pressing). Two because during the flow of milk one of them can get wet through, and it will have to be washed and dried, while putting on the second one.
  13. Inserts for breastfeeding (without them, in any way during the flow of milk - everything will get wet).
  14. Bathrobe (usually put on when leaving the ward, and removed when entering the ward, thus contacting the baby in a clean shirt).
  15. Nightgown (this needs to be clarified at the maternity hospital - in mine they were given out and you didn’t need to take your own).
  16. Shampoo, shower gel (ideal to save space so that they can wash both the body and hair, that is, 2 in 1).
  17. Your personal care products (washing gel / milk, tonic, cream).
  18. Toothbrush and paste.
  19. The antiperspirant is solid and odorless (maximally hypoallergenic, so that it does not cause irritation to the newborn either with its sprays - therefore, no spray, no odors - therefore odorless).
  20. Razor (you can spend up to five days in the hospital, so you may need it).
  21. Glasses, contact lens kit (if using).
  22. Elastic bands for hair (according to the requirements of many maternity hospitals, hair must be collected in a bun).
  23. Magazines, book.
  24. Pen, notebook (you will have to sign a lot of documents, questionnaires, you may be asked to measure and record the child's weight gain, names of medications, etc.).
  25. Mug and spoon (to drink tea or water at any time).
  26. Charger for a cell phone (you took the phone itself for childbirth, so it is already with you).
  27. 2L bottle of water (please drink more to get enough breast milk and to urinate more frequently to minimize the risk of postpartum urinary tract infections).
  28. Soft toilet paper.
  29. Packed rations (muesli bar, biscuits, yogurt in a jar kept at room temperature, an apple - in case you give birth at night, and before that you will spend the whole day without food - it is quite natural to have a desire to snack).
  30. Breast pump.

Should I take a breast pump with me?

I know girls who did just fine without it and don't list it as a must have. And I also know those who almost died without him. After the first birth, I was among the second group. After the second birth, the breast pump was immediately with me, and it solved all my problems with milk.

Whether you will be among those who will not use it, or among those who will give him praise, only time will tell. I definitely recommend having it with you right away.

I explain how it should be used in the hospital, especially if this is your first birth. When the milk arrives (on day 2-4 with a natural birth, and a little later with a caesarean section), your breasts will drum to an incredible size.

This is followed by two problems. Firstly, it will be difficult for the child to grasp the nipple, because it will become stone and huge. As a result, the baby will not be able to eat well. Secondly, the breast will burst to pain from a huge amount of milk.

After the first birth, these two problems cost me a day of hysteria and tears. The child screamed non-stop because he could not take such a breast. I was in a panic with huge breasts, which hurt wildly, rushed around the ward in tears, and could not understand what was wrong and what I should do so that the baby calmed down, finally, and so that the chest stopped hurting.

I had a fever, they gave me an antipyretic. The breastfeeding specialist came and told me to stretch my nipples and try to pump with my hands (oh, it was a hell of a pain, and with little or no result).

I have even been given a referral for an ultrasound of the breast with a diagnosis of lactostasis.

But then my husband brought me a breast pump, and I decided to try expressing milk with it. Imagine my surprise when just a couple of minutes later 300 ml of milk poured out of me without any discomfort, and my chest became soft again.

The kid took it without any difficulty, ate, calmed down and fell asleep for a long time. I breathed a sigh of relief; now I knew what to do.

If the chest began to burst very strongly, I also decanted and simply poured out the excess milk. This period of lactation, when all these procedures are required, takes about five days.

Then the pump goes to the shelf, and your body is already adapting to produce milk on demand. But how many nerves can be saved during these five days!

I don't know what mastitis, lactostasis, cracked nipples are. My second Lyalka did not cry in the hospital. At all. It's hard to believe, but it's true. Other children were straining all over the corridor. The picture was the same as the first time.

Therefore, take a breast pump with you by all means. Any. Some in pharmacies cost 50-60 rubles. the simplest design. It's better than hands anyway. And if you start something similar to what I described, you will know what to do.

What not to take to the hospital

Save space in packages by excluding:

List of things to check out

This is exactly the moment when decorative cosmetics come in handy (you can ask to bring it to you the day before). In the end, I want to look like a happy mom for relatives and in the photo, and not a pale toadstool.

To look slim and fit, you can not do without a postpartum bandage - this is a special wide belt that pulls a sagging stomach.

Clothing for a child should be selected taking into account the time of year and weather conditions, as well as practical. That is, it should be cute and elegant clothes, but one that you can later wear on.

No lacy blankets and wadded envelopes! Surely, you will be met by car, which means that the baby will stay on the street for 5-10 minutes. If it is too hot to dress, it will overheat and notify you of this with a loud cry.

Instruction for the beginner, cheat sheet for the seasoned

Collecting bags in for many becomes a real challenge. What to take? What not to take? Will I be able to collect everything? What if I forget something? Our material will help make the fees easier and more enjoyable: just follow the instructions.

When to start collecting?

Many future mothers begin to pack their "alarm suitcase" almost after they saw the coveted plus sign on the test. And others, on the contrary, put off these exciting chores until the last moment. Let's agree: there is nothing wrong with these camps, on the contrary, these are very pleasant worries that help to tune in to childbirth and meeting with the unborn baby. Even if you forget something, nothing terrible will happen, all vital things are available in the maternity hospital by default, and your relatives will be able to bring everything you need for your personal comfort.

Important! A good time to start preparing for the maternity hospital, provided that you are not indicated for antenatal hospitalization, is 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

How to pack?

It is most convenient to divide all things into three groups:

  • (It will be brought to you later by relatives).

Accordingly, you will need to collect not one, but three “disturbing suitcases” at once. But you will be sure that everything is in place and you do not have to carry a heavy bag.

Important! All things must be packed only in plastic bags! Most maternity hospitals prohibit cloth or leather bags for hygiene reasons. Tip: take three bags of different colors or make noticeable labels so as not to be confused.

Symbums tell

On the eve of the birth, I packed things in identical bags from the supermarket and folded them in the hallway. So not only did my husband almost take out my “alarm suitcase” along with the garbage, but in the end we mixed up the packages and arrived at the maternity hospital with contractions armed with an embroidered blanket and dress for discharge. Fortunately, we live nearby, my husband quickly went and exchanged them while I was making out.

Readiness No. 1: a package for childbirth

This package is the most important, because it is these things that you will take with you to the birth, where no one from your relatives with a safety package will be allowed to enter.

So, in this package we will put:

  1. Documents: passport, compulsory medical insurance policy, birth certificate, exchange card. If the husband will be present at the birth, then a package of documents is also needed for him: his passport, marriage certificate, fluorography results (it is better to check the list at the maternity hospital);
  2. Rubber slippers- it is convenient to take a shower in them and they are easy to wash - this quality is useful in the postpartum department;
  3. Disposable diapers- it is better to take a large package (15-20 pieces) - they will come in handy during the discharge of water and secretions during childbirth and in the postpartum.
  4. Water without gas- During childbirth, sometimes you really want to drink.
  5. thick socks- it can be chilly in the delivery room.
  6. Toilet paper or wet wipes;
  7. Bathrobe and oversized T-shirt(True, in most maternity hospitals, their own clothes are prohibited - they give out sterile “overalls” of cheerful colors).
  8. Hygienic lipstick.
  9. Additional package in order to put the clothes in which you will arrive at the hospital
  10. Mobile phone and charger for it.

Symbums tell

I never thought that chapped lips could bring me such discomfort during childbirth. In maternity hospitals, the air is always very dry due to constant quartzization, and the intense "breathing" of contractions dries the lips even more. Next time I will definitely bring a lip balm with me.

First days in comfort: "postpartum" package (Second package)

Here you need to put things that mom and baby will need. Only the essentials! Why do you need to drag a heavy package to the hospital? On the first day after childbirth, if you see that you are missing a table lamp or your favorite silver spoon, your loved ones will be happy to bring you everything you need.

Things for mom:

  1. Hygiene items: toothpaste and brush, soap, shampoo, moisturizer, comb, hair clip);
  2. Disposable postpartum panties 5 pcs;
  3. Special postpartum pads or regular softest super absorbent 2 packs;
  4. Postpartum slimming bandage if you plan to wear it
  5. Healing cream or ointment for nipples;
  6. personal utensils: mug, spoon, you can take a small thermos;
  7. Bra for feeding and inserts for him.

Symbums tell

In the postpartum period, I recalled with such gratitude my husband, who “smuggled” stuffed a small thermos into my bag! Milk arrived badly, I always wanted a warm drink. A thermos with tea helped out a lot, especially at night.

Baby items:

  1. baby soap(more convenient liquid with a dispenser) and wet napkins for wiping the priests (both are useful);
  2. Children's cream and powder;
  3. Diapers for newborns (the package should be marked 2-5 kg ​​or "Newborn");
  4. Clothes and diapers: in maternity hospitals they usually give out sterile clean diapers, but you can bring your own if you wish. You can also grab a couple of sets of seasonal clothes: undershirts, sliders or pajamas, a pair of socks, a hat.

We are going home: package for discharge (Third package)

You will not take this package to the hospital- it will be delivered to you before discharge by relatives. And this is an important reason to treat his collection with all responsibility - it would be a shame to be left on the eve of discharge without cosmetics or a ribbon for the baby's envelope.

Baby items:

  1. Pajamas or vest with sliders, hat, socks;
  2. Or diaper: thin and flannel, if you are going to swaddle the baby;
  3. A smart bedspread, blanket or warm envelope- depending on the season.

Things for mom:

  1. Smart and comfortable clothes(best of all - a spacious dress, you will most likely be uncomfortable in jeans), outerwear and shoes;
  2. Cosmetics: To feel more confident and enjoy posing for the first photo with your baby.

Symbums tell

Girls, be sure to collect the package for discharge! And then my friend didn’t “get confused” and her husband forgot to bring her ... boots. I had to check out in my grandfather's boots of size 42.

1 .06.2015

Then you won't lose it!


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