She-wolf and black prince. Manga Wolf and the Black Prince Wolf and the Black Prince characters

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Emmm. 7 out of 10 with a stretch. In general, in romantic anime and not only anime, quite often, for some reason, frankly toxic relationships are romanticized. The relationships in this title are like a hell of a toxic one, and the character is like a hell of a narcissist.

GG humiliates the heroine and uses her, throughout the entire title he smiled exactly 1 time when a dog ran up to him. He never laughed, he was never pleased with something, he is not just rude, he does not know how to relax at all and his empathy is at the level of zero. He is not funny, not smart, not kind, all his dialogues come down to shut up, I'm tired of talking, etc. The advantages of this character include the fact that, in addition to being handsome, he can stand up for himself and for the heroine, he is not too worried about public opinion and he has principles. To the minuses - he is unrealistically boring and emotionally cold, he is an obvious owner, we do not see that he wants to be with the heroine more often or be left alone, but we see that he is infuriated when she is with someone else. For example, the fact that he gives her a pendant for NG, after she pours a glass of water on him and is about to throw it, he kisses her when he tries to return her. Everything is as if under a stick in order not to lose. His interests are like watching DVDs and listening to music. By the end of the title, he ceases to humiliate the heroine, at least explicitly, he never humiliated her publicly and, in general, did not go over to personal insults. (At least manipulation in order to show his power over a person does not look like a dominant theme.)

In general, not very believable. Because the story of why he fell in love with the heroine remained undisclosed. There are no obvious moments where he gets obvious pleasure from communicating with the heroine, except for the moment where she comes when he is sick. To say that they often talked and he was used to it is also impossible. She mostly either sat silently as furniture or did errands like fetch water, fetch a stick. It’s impossible to say that he trusts her, because he doesn’t share any traumatic experience with her, to say that she fell in love with him the way he is and you don’t need to pretend with her either, because he often behaved like a beech in public and the girls didn’t care stacked in piles, rather, it was possible to focus on the fact that he feels his power over her and her absolute trust, initially because he could tell everyone about the lie, then because she says she loves him. Dogs are loyal and kind, but no one betrayed him. Friendly girls around and so it was heaps. As an option, since he changed schools like the heroine, and he had no friends, he was lonely, so he took her for the company, but this topic is not developed in any way. Judging by the ending, GG's mother was not afraid to be a little extravagant, emotional and cheerful, and this reminds her of a heroine, but at the moment when he met her, there was no need for her. In one episode, before Christmas, GG said that he loves her as a joke, in the last episodes he could not say that he loves, because he has problems with expressing feelings, in fact it is doubtful to combine. In short, as an example of a romantic relationship, this is a trash. The heroine at first aroused sympathy, in the end no longer.

I'll try to explain why I can't recommend this manga to everyone.
Let's start with the main character. A typical naive, stupid, but cheerful girl. All right for shoujo. But there is a feature in it that makes thousands of fifth points of readers burn - disrespect for oneself. At the beginning of the story and most of it, the mangaka shows us more of an obedient mongrel than a schoolgirl in love. I can list a couple of situations and, accordingly, her behavior, after which I wanted to completely stop reading manga.
Example 1: Erika has gained weight (by 5 kg.), Kei told her about it. The girl, of course, decided to lose weight for herself and asked her boyfriend to help her with this, to support / cheer. The young man, by virtue of his character, reacted to her request with mockery. And when Erika was already falling from exhaustion and, due to prolonged starvation, broke down at a dinner together with her parents in a restaurant, Kea called her a fat, weak-willed pig. And I'm not exaggerating now. Those. he said that people who do not keep their word are disgusting to him. I understand everything, but could you show a slightly more adequate reaction?
Example 2: When Erica wanted to spend more time with Kei in every possible way (which he never wanted), making plans and places where they would go and what they would do, after hearing from him the typical "I hate this, I don't want to do this, it's all stupid. I'm going home." she continued to press (which is also wrong) or with tears, wagging her tail, she went home. And there were an incredible number of such cases.
Example 3:

When Erika entered the university in Kyoto, Kyoya gave her a choice. Either you go to study, or we part ways. Yes, after a blow to the face and a long reflection, he changed his mind, but his nature did not change from this.

It was because of a number of such factors that it was unpleasant for me to read this work. In these respects, both were wrong. Erica imagined the perfect picture for herself in her head, without taking into account the nature of her partner. And the partner (Kyoya), in turn, did not want to sacrifice his comfort and pride for the sake of his beloved. I am a witness of such relationships in my life. And it hurts to watch. The difference between manga and reality is that in life all this constantly results in assault, tears and swearing. And in the manga, couples get along, the characters are smoothed out and everything ends in a happy ending.
I'm not saying that the manga itself is a failure, it has a lot of good moments and instructive, important speeches. But there is more unpleasant aftertaste than something positive. Thank you for the fact that the characters of the characters adapted to each other and got along.

Emmm. 7 out of 10 with a stretch. In general, in romantic anime and not only anime, quite often, for some reason, frankly toxic relationships are romanticized. The relationships in this title are like a hell of a toxic one, and the character is like a hell of a narcissist.

GG humiliates the heroine and uses her, throughout the entire title he smiled exactly 1 time when a dog ran up to him. He never laughed, he was never pleased with something, he is not just rude, he does not know how to relax at all and his empathy is at the level of zero. He is not funny, not smart, not kind, all his dialogues come down to shut up, I'm tired of talking, etc. The advantages of this character include the fact that, in addition to being handsome, he can stand up for himself and for the heroine, he is not too worried about public opinion and he has principles. To the minuses - he is unrealistically boring and emotionally cold, he is an obvious owner, we do not see that he wants to be with the heroine more often or be left alone, but we see that he is infuriated when she is with someone else. For example, the fact that he gives her a pendant for NG, after she pours a glass of water on him and is about to throw it, he kisses her when he tries to return her. Everything is as if under a stick in order not to lose. His interests are like watching DVDs and listening to music. By the end of the title, he ceases to humiliate the heroine, at least explicitly, he never humiliated her publicly and, in general, did not go over to personal insults. (At least manipulation in order to show his power over a person does not look like a dominant theme.)

In general, not very believable. Because the story of why he fell in love with the heroine remained undisclosed. There are no obvious moments where he gets obvious pleasure from communicating with the heroine, except for the moment where she comes when he is sick. To say that they often talked and he was used to it is also impossible. She mostly either sat silently as furniture or did errands like fetch water, fetch a stick. It’s impossible to say that he trusts her, because he doesn’t share any traumatic experience with her, to say that she fell in love with him the way he is and you don’t need to pretend with her either, because he often behaved like a beech in public and the girls didn’t care stacked in piles, rather, it was possible to focus on the fact that he feels his power over her and her absolute trust, initially because he could tell everyone about the lie, then because she says she loves him. Dogs are loyal and kind, but no one betrayed him. Friendly girls around and so it was heaps. As an option, since he changed schools like the heroine, and he had no friends, he was lonely, so he took her for the company, but this topic is not developed in any way. Judging by the ending, GG's mother was not afraid to be a little extravagant, emotional and cheerful, and this reminds her of a heroine, but at the moment when he met her, there was no need for her. In one episode, before Christmas, GG said that he loves her as a joke, in the last episodes he could not say that he loves, because he has problems with expressing feelings, in fact it is doubtful to combine. In short, as an example of a romantic relationship, this is a trash. The heroine at first aroused sympathy, in the end no longer.


Guys! Spoilers are possible! Be careful!


Shinohare Erika is the subject of ridicule from her school friends. She doesn't even have a boyfriend! Tired of the attacks of her classmates, Erica decides to cheat, in confirmation that she still has a boyfriend, she shows her friends a photograph of an unfamiliar young man, accidentally photographed by her. In fact, there is no boyfriend and is not expected. Imagine her surprise when she learns that a mysterious stranger is studying with her at the same school. But the saddest thing is Sata Kyoya, that's the name of the boy, not just a student, he is a school "prince". The situation must be urgently saved, Erica decides to talk with the "prince" in which she asks him to play along with her. Unexpectedly, Sata agrees. And everything would be fine if not for one but... Sata has one condition. Erica should become almost a dog for him. And the "prince" turned out to be far from being on a white horse, and the nature of a real despot is hidden behind external attractiveness.


Main characters

Shinohare Erika

The main character is a sixteen year old girl. She lies to her friends that she has a boyfriend and, in order to support this legend, makes Sanda call her every day. At the beginning of the story, Erika's boyfriend was Kyoya, for which the girl had to become his dog. Despite this attitude towards herself, Erica gradually falls in love with him.

Main character. School handsome, behind the appearance of which a sadist is hiding. In exchange for pretending to be Erika's boyfriend, Kyoya forces the girl to be his dog. Despite starting off as a sham relationship, Kyouya keeps Erika out of trouble and gradually becomes jealous of other guys. In the future, he realizes that he really loves her and she is not just a way to pass the time for him.


Minor characters

Ayumi Sanda

Erica's friend from middle school who knows the truth about her "fake boyfriend". In her first year of high school, she was Sato's classmate. A quiet and always calm girl who doesn't seem to be interested in guys at all.

Reika Sata

Kyoya's older sister. Lives with his mother. She is very demanding of men, especially her brother. She believes that he is not capable of sincere love. Loves sweet.

Takeru Hibiya

Was Sato's classmate in middle school. One of those people who was able to make friends with him, despite his character. Very cheerful and cheerful guy.

Nozomi Kamiya

A very popular guy who is Erika and Sato's classmate. Playboy who does not date anyone, but only has fun. Can easily remember a girl's name, especially if she's cute.

Yoshito Kimura

A guy from the same school where Erika and Sato are studying. Asked Erika out on a date to annoy Sato.


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