When is International Father's Day of the year. International Animal Rights Day. Congratulations on father's day Is there dad's day and when is it

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In order for the personality of the child to be fully formed, the presence of both parents during the upbringing is necessary. Despite the fact that the main responsibility falls on the shoulders of the mother, the role of the father should not be underestimated. A child who grew up in a complete family feels the love of both parents. Consequently, a strong psyche is formed. But often the role of the father in the family is downplayed. Some believe that a woman herself can raise her child. There is no doubt that this may be the case. But it cannot be denied that a child does not need paternal affection. This is the only way to understand the role of each parent in the social cell.

When is Father's Day in 2017 in Russia, what date

Today, Father's Day is celebrated in 80 countries around the world. This day is also celebrated in Russia, although it is not a public holiday. The date of the holiday is floating. As for 2017, Father's Day will be celebrated June 18.

The history of the holiday - Father's Day

So, at the beginning of the twentieth century, an American, whose name is Sonora Smart, noticed that there was no holiday in the calendar that was dedicated to fathers. She grew up in a large family. As a child, Sonora had grief: her mother died, and the upbringing of six children fell on the shoulders of her father, besides, the whole household remained. Despite the fact that the father managed to raise all the children who were able to achieve a lot in life. Sonora told everyone about her father. The authorities also supported the initiative to celebrate the father's holiday.

So, the date of the celebration was set on the birthday of Sonora's father - June 5th. However, then the celebration dragged on, and the first events were held on June 19, 1910. Time passed, the holiday changed geography. Then Father's Day began to be celebrated in all states of America. In the middle of the twentieth century, Father's Day was officially celebrated in 10 countries of the world. In the middle of the century, traditions passed to our country. And now, every child would like to congratulate his father on this wonderful holiday.

An unopened rosebud is a symbol of Father's Day. The bud is usually inserted into the buttonhole on the jacket, glued on the left side as a symbol of love between children and fathers. Single dads deserve the most attention on this day. In many countries where this day is celebrated, people collect material donations, hold contests, and then gifts are distributed.

The attention of their children is the most important gift that can only be given to a father on this day. Therefore, do not forget to congratulate your father on this holiday on June 18, 2017.

Date in 2019: June 16, Sunday.

The closest and dearest people in the life of every person will always be parents. Therefore, the holidays associated with mom and dad are celebrated with pleasure, regardless of age. But if almost everyone knows about Mother's Day, March 8, February 23, then only a few know about the new holiday, when it is customary to congratulate dads. Let's try to figure out what kind of holiday it is - Father's Day, and when it is customary to celebrate it.

In order to express our gratitude and respect for the person who gave life, puts his soul into education, provides materially and supports spiritually, a special holiday dedicated to beloved dads was invented. Father's Day is celebrated in more than a hundred countries around the world, but there is no international official date. It turns out that in Russia, few people know about its existence, and even more so, what date is celebrated.

history of the holiday

Fathers Day first appeared in America. Moreover, the idea appeared during the preparation for Mother's Day. In the small town of Spokane, local resident Sonora Dodd expressed the opinion that not all children have mothers, many are raised only by fathers. It turns out that they are deprived not only of maternal love, but also of the opportunity to participate in the holiday. So why aren't fathers who put as much effort and love into their children's upbringing as mothers? The idea was supported by the public.

Initially, the date of the holiday was set on June 5th. But the preparation was delayed, and the date of the celebration had to be postponed to a later date. As a result, the date when the day of the Popes was celebrated for the first time in the world was June 19, 1910.

Gradually, the idea of ​​honoring dads along with moms began to spread to neighboring towns, and already in 1966 the holiday received national status in America. Then the date was approved, that is, the day of celebration, which falls on the third Sunday in June.

Celebration walks the planet

The idea of ​​honoring the fathers appealed to people on the European continent as well. The British, Irish and French were the first to join the celebration.

There was even an official symbol. On this day, dads pin an unblown red rosebud on their jackets, which symbolizes the love of their children.

When is Father's Day in Russia

In Russia, the deputies of Yakutia were the first to propose celebrating Father's Day. After long discussions, April, the first Sunday, was chosen as the date of the holiday.

The idea of ​​the celebration itself belongs to the public organization "Yal" (Family), which proposed to officially establish the holiday of the popes.

Gradually, the idea of ​​celebrating Father's Day became popular in other regions. But in different regions, the date of the celebration was chosen individually.

Tab. 2. When Father's Day is celebrated in Russia

The subject of the Russian Federation the date When established
Yakutia (Republic of Sakha) April, first Sunday in April 1999
Magadan region May, second Sunday 2001
Ulyanovsk region 26 July 2005
Volgograd region Nov. 1 2006
Vologda region December, first Sunday 2007
Altai region April, last Sunday 2009
Arkhangelsk region November, third Sunday 2009
Yamal-Nenets District June, third Sunday 2012
Kursk region 12-th of September 2015

In addition, in most regions the holiday began to be celebrated, but was not legalized.

It turns out that in Russia there is no single day that can be recognized as a holiday dedicated to dads.

In order to spread the experience of the fathers of Yakutia, the delegates of the 2nd Congress of the "League of Fathers of Yakutia" adopted a resolution in which they call on the Government of Russia to establish the All-Russian Day of Fathers.

It turns out that back in 2015, a corresponding draft was prepared, in which it was proposed to set the last Sunday of October as the date of the holiday. But the process has not received a logical development.

Father's Day in Russia in 2019 will be celebrated in more than 20 regions. The holiday is in demand and helps parents understand that fatherhood is not only a great responsibility, but also hard, painstaking work.

Official events and folk traditions

In some regional cities, a competition is held throughout the year, thanks to which the winners are determined - worthy of the pope's award. During the celebrations, they are awarded awards. The most honorable award is considered to be the title "For fidelity to paternal duty."

Since 2014, the capital has also joined the celebration. It hosts an annual festival called Papa Fest. Moreover, the event is supported by the administration.

In families that support the idea and simply know about such a wonderful celebration, it is customary not only to congratulate the fathers, but also to give gifts. Do not forget to say words of gratitude and give a present to your dads. It's so nice to receive a postcard or a handmade craft from a baby. And even if your own children are already growing up, you should tell your parent: “Thank you.” Such modest gratitude is much more valuable than expensive gifts.

Father's Day Cards

To congratulate your beloved dad, you can make a beautiful card. To do this, use our ideas presented in the photo gallery. All images are clickable and can be printed.

Congratulations for dad

Congratulations to daddy on Father's Day. Thank you for the atmosphere you have created in our family. And our good upbringing is the result of hard work and strong love. It is real happiness to be your daughter and son. We wish you the achievement of your goals and peace of mind. Let your plans be real, and good health, clear mind and full joy.

Happy Father's Day to my beloved. I am extremely happy that our son has such a loving and caring dad. Become a real hero and example for him. Let joint walks and interesting hobbies, funny jokes and funny stories unite you. I so want dreams to be proud of you, and, of course, that you have many reasons and reasons to be proud of our growing baby.

Not just a men's day today.

We celebrate Father's Day

After all, there is nothing more pleasant

How to congratulate their creators.

They got luck, joy,

Raise your children.

And let this path is not easy, not smooth,

There is no better and kinder goal.

So be an example for your sons

For daughters protection,

And so that you have enough faith,

See the meaning of direct and hidden.

My dear, beloved dad,

Happy Father's Day.

I want to cry from happiness

And laugh and drink.

So let's get together today

We'll have a whole feast.

Let our happiness now

Knows even the whole world.

Larisa , May 11, 2017 .

For each person, parents are the most reliable people in life who gave life and are always ready to provide support and help. To express gratitude and appreciation to parents, traditions were founded to celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day. In Russia in 2019, as well as around the world, they will celebrate on the third Sunday of June. Unfortunately, in Russia Father's Day is not an official holiday, although its significance does not become less because of this. After all, the father is responsible for the safety of the child's life, starting from his conception, together with his mother is engaged in his upbringing, tries to financially provide for the family so that the child has everything for comprehensive development. Therefore, the celebration of Father's Day in Russia covers more and more cities and towns of the country every year.

The history of the holiday

Father's Day is an international holiday. Its history goes back to the distant year 1019, when the first holiday was held in the USA on the initiative of Mrs. Dodd from Washington State on June 19th. The woman dedicated the celebration to her father, who, after the death of his wife, took over the upbringing of 6 children. On this holiday, she expressed gratitude to all fathers who devote their lives to raising children and are an example of high morality and spirituality for them.

A few years later, the idea of ​​celebrating Father's Day spread to other states of America, and soon almost the entire country began to celebrate this holiday. Father's Day has been a national celebration in the United States since 1966, when President Lyndon Johnson announced its date on June 19th. Over the past years, the American holiday has developed good traditions: on the days of celebrations, people provide financial support to dads with small incomes who are raising children alone. A few years later, many countries that honor family values ​​began to celebrate Father's Day, thereby paying tribute to sincere respect for male fathers.

Father's Day celebration in Russia

In Russia, they supported the initiative to hold the International Father's Day and have been celebrating the holiday on the third Sunday of June for several years now. Therefore, in In 2019, fathers will be honored in our country June 16. Dad is a reliable stronghold of the family and its well-being. Raising children by personal example, he gives them a good start in a great life. Only a father will teach his sons to overcome difficulties, to take on the burden of household chores, raising real men out of them. He will substitute a reliable shoulder for his daughters in difficult times. Only with a good father can there be a real family, serving all households as a reliable fortress from all adversities.

In some regions of Russia, Father's Day was established by law. Since 2002, it began to be celebrated in Cherepovets, and then Novosibirsk, Volgograd, Lipetsk, Kursk, Ulyanovsk and Arkhangelsk regions took up the initiative to celebrate. So in the Arkhangelsk region, the regional holiday Father's Day is held annually, within the framework of which the annual competition "Father is a responsible position" is held, following which the best fathers who excelled in raising children are awarded with memorable gifts and certificates of honor. In the Lipetsk region, since 2008, on the days of the celebration, fathers have been awarded a badge of honor "For fidelity to their father's duty" and a cash prize of 15,000 rubles.

In the northern capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, since 2011, the citywide big summer holiday "Daddy's Day" has been celebrated. Large-scale holding of the holiday has been unfolding in Moscow since 2014 and was called "Papa Fest". The holiday unfolds at the central sites of the city - in the central House of Artists, the Muzeon park and on the Crimean embankment. The father's festival is supported by relevant committees of the Moscow Government and deputies of the State Duma. Dads-artists from around the world are invited to the holiday, more than a dozen venues with educational, musical and entertainment programs and master classes are open at the same time. The popularity and mass character of the festival is growing every year.

When is Father's Day celebrated in other countries?

Father's Day every year becomes a truly global and national holiday. It is already officially celebrated in 84 countries around the world. Following the United States, this holiday won the hearts of the inhabitants of Great Britain, and then it began to be celebrated in Canada, Ireland, France, and the Netherlands. Having solemnly marched across Europe, Father's Day found its recognition in the leading countries of Asia - India, Turkey, Japan and China. In recent years, he has begun to gain fans in Africa, where he has been officially recognized in South Africa and Côte d'Ivoire. In most countries, it is celebrated as International Father's Day on the third Sunday of June.

However, there are countries where the holiday is celebrated on other days. They rush to congratulate their beloved fathers before all of Europe in Italy and Spain, where they are praised and honored on March 19, the day of the Catholic holiday of St. Joseph's Day. In Germany, practical Germans celebrate Father's Day modestly on the Day of the Ascension of Christ, which falls on the 40th day after Easter. In Lithuania, the holiday falls on the first Sunday of June. Following the Lithuanians, the Belgians celebrate on the second Sunday of June.

In some countries, celebrations in honor of beloved dads are held in September. On the first Sunday in September, the Australian continent arranges the papal feast, the Latvians pick up the festive baton the following Sunday, and Ukraine completes the September celebrations of Father's Day on the third Sunday of September. Estonia honors its fathers in November.

How Father's Day is celebrated in different countries

In Finland, on Father's Day, national flags are hung on the houses, and families have a fun family holiday. Women bake pies, children make various souvenirs with their own hands, compose beautiful poetic congratulations for their beloved dads and grandfathers. On this day, it is also customary to visit the graves of dead men and light candles on them as a sign of memory.

In Estonia, love and respect for parents is instilled from childhood. On the eve of Father's Day in kindergartens and schools, under the guidance of adults, themed matinees are organized, various crafts are made as gifts for dads. In Australia, all generations of the family gather at the common table, they often have picnics in nature. And in Japan, on this day, they congratulate future fathers - boys. In order for them to grow up as real samurai, they are given combat toys as a gift.

Russia is not yet one of the countries where Father's Day is officially celebrated at the state level, however, in many regions the holiday has become regional and residents of Russian regions begin to celebrate this holiday with no less scope and fun than in other countries.

Father's Day in Russia in 2019 is celebrated on June 16.
International Father's Day 2019 falls on the 3rd Sunday of June.

Father's Day, traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday of the first month of summer, that is, in June, is celebrated relatively recently, but has already become an integral part of the Russian holiday calendar. Father's Day is not an official holiday in our country, that is, it is not a red day on the calendar.

Father's Day is celebrated in the summer (June 17, 2018) in 60 countries. In America and Europe, it has been celebrated for several decades, and it came to Russia relatively recently. It does not yet have an official status in our country, however, it is enshrined in law in several regions. VV Putin in 2008 promised to consider the issue of assigning an official status to Father's Day.

In each region of Russia, this holiday is celebrated in its own way. For example, in the Lipetsk region, on this day it is customary to award the badge "For fidelity to paternal duty." Father's Day, which in 2018 will be celebrated on June 17, is also celebrated in areas such as:

  • Ulyanovsk,
  • Volgograd,
  • Kursk,
  • Arkhangelsk,
  • Novosibirsk.

In St. Petersburg this holiday has been celebrated since 2011, and in Moscow since 2012.

Dad's Day 2018 when is celebrated: the history of the holiday

Like many international holidays, Father's Day comes from the USA. After the approval of Mother's Day in the States, activist Sonora Todd took the initiative to approve Father's Day as well, in order to thank her dad, who raised six children himself, providing them with his support and giving them a decent education. The girl came to the mayor of her native city with a request that her father's birthday be the basis of the holiday, when all people could congratulate their fathers, paying tribute to them. From Sonora's hometown, the tradition spread throughout the area. And already in 1966, Father's Day in the United States became an official holiday.

Father's Day, of course, is very important not only for those families in which the father is the only parent, but also for full-fledged families. Father's Day, celebrated on June 18, 2017, helps children once again express their love and respect for their dear fathers and show how important and valuable they are to them, to show that their care and confidence are a reliable foundation for a strong family!

Father's Day 2018 when is celebrated: how Father's Day is celebrated in different countries

AT Finland Father's Day is celebrated in a special way. In each room, the hostesses hang out national flags, prepare goodies and make souvenirs together with the children. During the day, everyone goes to the cemetery to honor the memory of dead men. And in the evening, households gather at the festive table, sing songs, arrange dances.

AT countries the Baltics the emphasis is on children. In kindergartens and schools, children make appliqués and other crafts and give them to their dads and even grandfathers.

AT australia Father's Day is an occasion to get out into nature. Picnics are believed to strengthen family bonds and bring happiness to the family.

AT Japan The holiday was renamed "Boys' Day". Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun believe that masculinity should be instilled from early childhood. And on this day, future samurai are given swords, knives and other weapons of defense.

AT Italy Father's Day is the main holiday for Italian men. Traditional gifts are perfume or a bottle of expensive wine.

AT Russia Father's Day has not yet been approved at the federal level, and each region celebrates the holiday separately. Volgograd, for example, since 2008 honors all popes on November 1, Altai Territory - on the last Sunday of April (since 2009), St. Petersburg and Moscow - on the third Sunday of June (as in the USA). Quests and festive festivities are arranged in the cities. And regional administrations award cash prizes to fathers of many children.

Photo: BlueOrange Studio/Rusmediabank.ru

Today we have a good reason to celebrate the efforts of our beloved men in raising children, because June 17 is International Father's Day.

It is noteworthy that we owe the birth of this holiday to a woman, namely US citizen Sonora Louise Smart Dodd. Her father, William Jackson Smart, was a farmer and lived with his family near Spokane, Washington. He raised Sonora and his five other daughters and sons alone. Jackson's wife died during her sixth childbirth. But William didn't give up. He raised all the kids and gave them everything he could give.

Sonora, however, like her brothers and sisters, was very grateful to her father for her childhood. But she could not find a worthy manifestation of her feelings until she found herself in the church. It happened in 1909 on Mother's Day. Then the woman thought that honoring mothers is, of course, good, but what about fathers? Moreover, Sonora had only a dad who cared about his children no less than any mother.

Dodd wrote a petition to the local authorities with a request to establish a new holiday -. Having familiarized themselves with the applicant's life story, the administration staff came to a unanimous decision on this issue. A year later, in 1910, they began to prepare for the celebrations. At first, the holiday was scheduled for June 5, the day when William Smart was born. However, no matter how the authorities were in a hurry, they still did not manage to do everything necessary to organize the festivities before June 5. Therefore, the celebration was postponed to June 19. When Fathers Day became popular in the state, then throughout America, and then in Canada, it was decided to celebrate it on the third Sunday of June.

Despite the fact that the inhabitants of the American continent fell in love with Father's Day, and they celebrated it every year, for a long 62 years the holiday was not recognized as official. Although, we must pay tribute, congressmen and even President Calvin Coolidge tried to legitimize the celebration. But they were all men, and therefore feared that they could be accused of bias. However, another president, Richard Nixon, was not afraid of gossip, and in 1972, with one stroke of the pen, documented Father's Day.

Traditionally, on this June day, both adults and kids surround their dads with special attention and care. Usually, fathers are presented with a bouquet of scarlet roses as a gift, and white flowers are placed on the graves of deceased parents. In addition, men receive cards with warm words from their loved ones, families go on picnics or to restaurants.

Today, Father's Day celebrations take place in more than fifty countries around the world. However, in each state, in addition to this, their own "daddy days" are also celebrated.

For example, in Germany, Father's Day (or men's day) always coincides with the Ascension of the Lord (this year it is May 10), so it has already passed there. So the German men have already managed to get out into nature, moreover, without their wives and drink a mug or two of foamy drink.

In Italy, Father's Day is tied to the day they honor Saint Giuseppe (March 19). Italian men are given expensive wine on this holiday. Closer to the holiday date, the country even releases a special list of drinks that are recommended to be purchased as a gift for the strong half of humanity. In addition, Italian women always attach perfume, a tie or other accessory to a bottle of wine.

In Lithuania, Father's Day has also already died down. He was there on June 3 (the first Sunday in June). In this country, the holiday became official only a few years ago, and celebrations on its occasion are much more modest than on Mother's Day.

But the people of Thailand have yet to celebrate Dad's Day. Thais honor fathers on December 5, the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej or Rama IX. According to the citizens of this country, just as the emperor is the head of the state, so the father is the head of his family. Unfortunately, in 2016, Rama passed away, and therefore magnificent celebrations on the occasion of Father's Day have not been held for 2 years now.

In Bulgaria this year fathers will be congratulated on December 26th. The feast of the popes there always coincides with the religious date dedicated to Joseph the Betrothed. The same Joseph who was betrothed to the Virgin Mary, who gave birth to Jesus Christ.

Brazilians will honor their fathers on August 12th. Back in the mid-1950s, journalist Silvio Bering suggested that local authorities celebrate this holiday on the day of St. Joachim, the grandfather of Jesus, who, by the way, is the patron saint of all dads and grandfathers.

In South Korea, Father and Mother's Day is celebrated on the same day (May 8). Koreans give flowers to their parents, and recently it has become popular to pay for various cosmetic procedures for elderly ancestors.

As for Russia, Father's Day has not yet been officially fixed here. However, some celebrations on the third Sunday of June have already been held for several years. For example, the PAPA FEST festival has been held in the capital since 2014, all sorts of lectures and seminars on the topic of fatherhood are organized, as well as fundraising for low-income families and children from orphanages.


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