How to decorate a banquet hall yourself. Beautiful decoration of a beautiful celebration: we decorate the wedding hall with our own hands. The best ideas for decorating a wedding hall with your own hands

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Spectacular decoration of the restaurant creates an atmosphere of solemnity, celebration. The design of the hall should be given special attention, because the photographs from the wedding will become a family heirloom. Restaurant decoration can be ordered by professionals or you can solve this problem yourself using traditional techniques.

How to decorate a hall for a wedding with your own hands

Festive decoration of the room is always interesting. You can do everything as you wish, saving on the cost of the service. This will unite you even more with the newlyweds. The solemn atmosphere implies a luxurious appearance. This doesn't just apply to newlyweds. Appropriate decoration of the banquet hall for the wedding is required, because it hosts most of the event. All that is required for a spectacular decoration of the room is materials, imagination and a good mood. Ideas and techniques are presented in step-by-step master classes available on the Internet.

Before you decorate the wedding hall with your own hands, you need to consider the choice:

  • Decoration style. The festive decoration of the premises assumes the unity of the situation and the decoration of the bride.
  • Color solution. It is necessary to determine the basic and additional tones that are in harmony with each other.
  • Fresh flowers that can keep fresh for a long time. It is desirable to make compositions from roses, chrysanthemums or carnations.
  • Textile. The decoration of the banquet hall for the wedding is made using elegant fabric, which gives the atmosphere a special sophistication.

Wedding hall decoration with flowers

The use of fresh flowers in the design of the room creates an atmosphere of romance. In this case, you should choose the right tone. At the wedding, flower arrangements in white-pink, white-green, white-purple tones look great. Floral decor should be combined with the bride's outfit, her wedding bouquet, the groom's boutonniere. The disadvantage of fresh flowers is their ability to quickly wither without water. For this reason, mounting compositions on the walls is not the best idea. In this case, a garland of artificial flowers, which you can buy or rent, will do.

When decorating the hall with live bouquets, in addition to the price, one should first of all take into account their ability to maintain freshness. Compositions of roses, carnations, chrysanthemums, callas are suitable for decorating a wedding. The celebration can be decorated inexpensively - daisies, peonies, asters, tulips. Fresh flowers are diluted with thuja and fern branches, monstera leaves. Plant compositions can be supplemented with graceful feathers, sparkling rhinestones, textured cones. It is appropriate to use bows, candles, ribbons.

Decorating with balloons adds charm and lightness to the room. With a variety of colors should not be overdone. Diversity is best left to a children's matinee, a New Year's celebration. Wedding decorations for the hall require the use of two or three colors. A win-win option is a white-cream combination. Pale yellow, pale green, light pink color will do. Balloons can be inflated independently or with a special apparatus at an affordable price. Preparing decor in advance, more than a couple of days before the celebration, is not recommended.

All sorts of figures, compositions and garlands assembled from balloons look spectacular. Ribbons of matching color, serpentine are used as fasteners. A large garland can be placed at the entrance to the banquet hall. The wall of solid decor looks original. You can arrange balls decorated with gold ribbons throughout the banquet hall. This design of banquet halls for a wedding fits well into the festive atmosphere, is inexpensive, and can become a wonderful backdrop for wedding photos.

Decoration of the wedding hall with fabric

Beautiful drapery with canvas transforms any room, creates the impression of luxury, comfort. Special salons offer a wide selection of fabrics for decorating a banquet hall for a wedding. Luxurious silk, the most delicate satin, transparent tulle can create an unsurpassed atmosphere of a holiday and a fairy tale. The predominant color in the design of fabrics is white. It is recommended to experiment, combine this tone with different shades.

Fabrics decorate the windows and the wall at the table of the newlyweds. Chairs and tables are decorated with drapery. A large bow serves as a spectacular element of decor. If the banquet hall is not located on the first floor, you can decorate the stairs beautifully using tulle and ribbons. A good idea is to sew napkins for guests. At the holiday, the manifestation of fantasy is appropriate. It is only important not to overdo it with the decor and observe the combination of colors.

It is possible to give any interior a touch of mystery, fairy tales, using the backlight correctly. Interesting effects can visually expand the space of a small restaurant. With the help of light, you can accentuate the elements of wedding decor - a table for the newlyweds, an arch at the entrance, a garland of balloons. This will create an impression of lightness, grace.

Before you arrange a hall for a wedding, you need to find out if there are restrictions on lighting. For example, is it allowed to use sources of open fire - candles, lamps. Fireproof lighting can be created using LEDs, which give a bright effect of any shades. In addition, at the wedding dance floor, as well as at the disco, strobe lights, spotlights, mirror balls and lasers are used. As a rule, such equipment is already in the banquet hall, it remains only to properly dispose of it.

How to decorate a wedding hall in a themed color

The monophonic design of the celebration is becoming popular, in which the decoration of the banquet hall for the wedding suggests a certain color. The same applies to the guests' outfits, which must have an element of clothing of the appropriate tone. The choice of color is influenced by the banquet hall. In addition, the time of year is taken into account. Hot pink and orange, for example, work well for a winter wedding. In the spring it is better to use pastel colors. The marine theme of turquoise is appropriate in the summer, for a celebration in the Greek style. Autumn colors are yellow and red.

wedding hall decoration price

Decor elements for self-decorating a restaurant can be bought in an online store or rented inexpensively. With a lack of time, a reasonable solution would be to order the services of a special agency that organizes holidays. The price of decorating a wedding banquet hall depends on the number of decor elements, their complexity, and the number of invited guests. To find out how much the decoration of a room costs, you need to take into account all the components of the design. The minimum price of the service in Moscow and St. Petersburg is 19,990 rubles.

Video: beautiful wedding hall decor with orchids

A wedding is a unique and inimitable event in the life of every person. Of course, preparing for this celebration is troublesome, but believe me, it's worth it. To create an atmosphere of a grand celebration in the soul of the newlyweds and each guest will help banquet hall decoration. What should you pay attention to, and what decor elements to choose? - this is what our article will tell.

First of all, pay attention to the style - if possible, it should correspond to the general direction of the celebration, especially if the wedding is themed. Colors should be harmoniously combined with each other: do not give preference to too bright and flashy shades, because the holiday lasts several hours and very few guests will like to look at incompatible tones.

It is advisable to decorate the banquet hall a day before your wedding, otherwise the decor may lose its attractiveness - the balloons will decrease in volume, the flowers will wither, and the sweet decor will dry out.

The convenience factor is also important - do not overdo it with decorations: it is unlikely that people will be comfortable if some kind of vase is located near their feet, and on the dance floor you will have to go around fanciful columns or figurines all the time. Of course, you can simply contact an agency that is engaged in decorating the premises for the holiday, or you can connect your imagination, be patient and create an amazing atmosphere of a banquet hall for a wedding with your own hands.

Ideas for decorating a banquet hall for a wedding

Decoration of the hall with balloons

Balloons are one of the most popular options for decorating halls for a wedding. This is the perfect option for celebrations on a budget. With the right combination of colors and shapes, the balls will transform the room.

You can use blue-white, purple-white, red-white and other colors. Balls can be of different shapes - hearts, doves, animal figurines, they will also bring zest to the interior. Try to inflate the balloons to the same size, and also take care of their secure fastening. From balloons inflated with helium, you can lay out an interesting composition under the ceiling, hang bunches of balloons, create beautiful garlands and original figures.

A photo. Decoration of a banquet hall for a wedding with balloons

The dance floor can be decorated with a ring of balls (colors alternate). The French-style arch also looks beautiful - it can also be made of balloons, and under it, install a bench for the newlyweds. In France, there is a sign: if young spouses pass under such an arch, their life together will be successful and happy, so why not create such an “arch of happiness” with your own hands?

An interesting idea for decorating a banquet hall is also voluminous balls of thread. It is not difficult to make them, but at the same time they can become an adornment of both an outdoor ceremony, and an enclosed space, and your home.

You can put such balls on the tables, adding flowers and candles to the composition, decorate them with garlands of bright (non-heating) light bulbs, or simply hang them on chandeliers and under the ceiling, having previously painted them in contrasting colors, and then give them away to guests as souvenirs.

It is not difficult to make them, for this you will need knitting threads, glue, starch, balloons. The balls are inflated to the required size, and then coated with sunflower oil or fat cream so that the threads do not stick to their surface. To protect against stains under the ball, you can lay an oilcloth. After that, you can prepare a mixture of starch and PVA glue (1.5 cups of glue, half a cup of starch and a quarter cup of water must be thoroughly mixed until a semi-liquid mixture is obtained). Then gradually unwind the rope without cutting it, and dip it into a bowl so that the threads are well saturated with glue, and then, in a chaotic manner, start wrapping it around the surface of the balloon. Let the product dry overnight. You can pull out the ball by carefully puncturing it. If you want to give the ball of thread a different shade, paint it with spray paints.

Decorate the walls with posters

The most popular designs for wedding posters are hearts, pairs of doves and swans, wedding rings, and glasses. The application will also look advantageous: for example, you can cut and paste on paper the silhouettes of the bride and groom, who are spinning in a wedding waltz.

One of the varieties of the poster can be a cartoon - it is ordered from professional artists, but only on condition that the newly-married couple has a good sense of humor.

Decoration of the hall with fabric

This type of decoration can transform even a nondescript room. Particular attention should be paid to tables, chairs, as well as the wall above the newlyweds. Contrasting tablecloths and napkins will look very advantageous, and the color of the napkins should be combined with the bows on the backs of the chairs. If possible, choose not paper, but cloth napkins.

A photo. Decoration of the wedding hall with fabric

With the help of light transparent fabrics, you can decorate the walls, the main thing is to know in advance the dimensions of the room in order to buy the amount of material you need. Several shiny fabrics can also be hung above the ceiling, creating a dome effect - this technique always looks very beautiful.

Banquet hall decoration with flowers

Floral arrangements are not cheap pleasure, but they also look very festive and elegant. At the same time, fresh flowers not only delight with their appearance, but also fragrant throughout the hall.

A photo. Ideas for decorating a banquet hall for a wedding with flowers

It is advisable to choose only one variety of flowers - daisies, roses or lilies, it really depends on the style of the wedding and the overall color scheme of the room. You need to start decorating the hall a few hours before the celebration - a maximum of a day, otherwise the buds will simply fade. To make them look more advantageous, they can be supplemented with candles, ferns, green plants. You can decorate the arch over the table of the newlyweds with flowers, put the compositions on the tables of the guests.

Edible paper decorations and decorations

You can also decorate tables with edible decorations, this is especially true if there are children at the wedding, and they are known to be sweet. You can make fruit pyramids, candy bouquets, chocolate figurines. The abundance of cakes and sweets will not only look very bright, but will also please the audience.

You can also make paper decorations with your own hands - hang hearts, snowflakes, flags, lanterns on strings, make garlands and beautiful origami figures. To perform this interesting and, of course, difficult task, you can involve children who love to fiddle with cutting or gluing garlands.

Contrasting tapes

With the help of ribbons of two colors, you can create a festive mood in any banquet hall. You can decorate the backs of chairs, the legs of glasses with them, tie them around curtains or lamps, create very beautiful compositions.

You can also put a couple of plush animals on the table, which are dressed in the costumes of the bride and groom. Toys are often attached to the backs of the chairs of the newlyweds and guests, and even the children will simply be delighted with such a cheerful decor.

As you can see, the options wedding banquet hall decorations there are quite a few: you may well combine some of them or give preference to one, the main thing is that the end result pleases everyone present and becomes the embodiment of triumph and beauty.

Independent is quite possible. Use our advice, show a bit of imagination and the result of your efforts will delight the newlyweds and guests of the celebration.

Such beauty can be created with your own hands

The room in which the wedding will take place should be festive and solemn.

This result is quite possible to achieve with your own hands, without the help of professionals.

Being engaged in independent design of the hall, the main thing is not to overdo it.

The main thing is to be patient.

For example, if the celebration takes place in a good cafe or restaurant, the interior most likely does not need special decorations. It will only be necessary to specifically designate a place for the newlyweds and the entrance to the hall.

This can be done with the help of flowers, draperies or balls, trying to select a decor that is in harmony with the overall decoration of the room.

All in bright colors.

Decoration of the wedding hall according to the season

A very interesting option for self-decorating the hall can be a design that matches the season.

In autumn, you can decorate the room with bright leaves, clusters of viburnum or mountain ash. They will look great with bright checkered fabrics, chosen as an extra or chairs.

In summer and spring, numerous flowers can be used for decoration, and in winter - decorated under snow-covered branches. Ribbons, lace or beads will complement the compositions.

Original wedding decor: do-it-yourself rain of roses

The traditional can be supplemented with an original and very beautiful “rain of roses”.

To do this, bright flower petals are strung on a transparent fishing line and these “floating in the air” garlands are attached to the ceiling.

They will whimsically move under the current of air, and emit a subtle, barely noticeable aroma that creates a special festive mood.

Wedding posters as decoration elements of the wedding hall

Once considered an indispensable attribute of the celebration, if desired, can be placed on the walls.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that they should be large enough, with clear bright letters and, if possible, with a minimum of words.

It is in this form that posters will look most harmonious. Do not get carried away with the quantity, there should be a measure in everything.

Original ideas for posters.

Wedding garlands and light bulbs: backlit decor

Festive garlands of light bulbs, which are traditionally used for the New Year holidays, will help create an original decor for the wedding hall.

Try to decorate the most significant places of the celebration with them and make a “curtain” on the back of the stage or dance floor out of sparkling multi-colored lights.

And so, dear brides, if you decide to decorate the wedding hall with your own hands, you need to prepare thoroughly. Your best allies in this matter will be time, friends who will help you, ideas.

With the first, everything is clear, the time margin should be at least a month, for the implementation of all planned activities. If there is less time, and most importantly, your free time is short, for example, you are searching, then you should abandon the idea of ​​​​decorating the hall for a wedding with your own hands. Since you won’t have any nerves, plus the implementation of the minimal design of the hall will also require finance, albeit less than ordering from specialized companies.

The people who will help you is also important. It is desirable to have a car.

Ideas, everything is simple here, human imagination knows no bounds. Although it is not so easy to do. Where to start? What to rely on? That's why we have prepared for you our article with the participation of specialists, about the design of a banquet hall in the form of step-by-step actions, some templates and golden rules. With their help, you can curb the storm of fantasies in your head. Let's get started ....

1. The restaurant is different.

The first thing to do is to once again visit with a notepad, video, photo equipment, tape measure (measure important distances) the banquet hall, which you have already chosen. What is it for?

Live once again look at the design solutions performed in the restaurant, color, architectural.

In order to build on them when decorating a wedding hall with your own hands. A bad example: a hall with golden shades in the interior, and you decide that you have a golden wedding and you need to hang everything with golden-colored fabrics. Everything will merge and be ugly.

Pay attention to the shape of tables, chairs, the presence of columns, elevations, etc.

Immediately you need to decide on the location of the tables at the wedding.

The decorations that you plan to arrange should not interfere with anyone.

2. Thematic, color schemes.

If you have already decided on the theme of the wedding, decorate the hall in accordance with it. You can take the time of year as a basis.

The golden rule is that you can use no more than 3 colors in the design, approximately one shade. Otherwise, you risk getting the design of the circus. Look online to see which colors go well together.

3. Balls. A hackneyed theme in decorating the hall for a wedding. If you do decide to use balls, be smart about it.

The balls must be one or two colored. Bicolors need to be alternated.

Order ready-made arches, balloon ribbons. Firstly, it will be faster for people who do this all the time. Secondly, floating balls require a special gas. It is unlikely that you have a balloon with such gas at home. The most important thing is the third, you need to decorate the hall with balls the day before. And you will not be up to it.

Balls in moderation. The hall should not turn into a children's playroom.

Check the security of the balls.

A great idea is balloons, but not inflatable, but from threads. Look more stylish. You can prepare yourself ahead of time. Manufacturing methods can be found online.

4. Fabrics. Gaining more and more popularity. A great idea would be to harmoniously combine them with balloons in color and quantity. When decorating a hall for a wedding with fabrics, it turns out stylish, airy, cozy. We remember that they would not interfere with people.

About fabrics:

Special attention to the place of the newlyweds

Tables, chairs

Problematic places of the wedding hall, look at the photo video of the hall and find them. These, to one degree or another, are found in almost all restaurants.

Looks great in the design of a wedding banquet, contrasting details. For example, a tablecloth in contrast with napkins. And napkins are combined with bows on chairs.

When decorating with fabrics, you need to know the main dimensions of the decorated objects.

Refuse, in decorating the hall for a wedding with your own hands, from using shiny fabrics.They look bad in the photo and live, they create glare.

Fabrics, fabrics, where do you get them? - you ask. Here is the right question. First you need to understand that the fabric will need a lot or a lot, an individual moment. It is important to understand that there are a lot of types of fabrics, and accordingly, they may differ in price.

Looks similar in color and texture, the difference in price can be many times. Therefore, buy fabric at wholesale points, look for cheaper and bargain.

There is no time - there are companies that offer such things for rent.

5. Ribbons. Can be used in addition. The main thing is not to overdo it. But by the way, ribbons, in decorating the hall for a wedding, can be used a little with brilliance.

Can be used in decoration:

Tables, chairs



Chandelier, ceiling


6. Flowers. It will turn out not cheap, especially alive.

Consider an option in addition to the above options using decorative greenery.

There can be both living and high-quality artificial ones, which, by the way, can then be sold.

Decorate alive the day before so that they do not wither.

Plus, they also give off a pleasant smell.

Don't forget the color combination too.

7. Paper. The main rule - do not buy ready-made posters, which will then be stuck to the wall with tape. Looks terrible.

But order a stylish banner for the wedding. This is an idea. On which will be your names, date. Everyone will be photographed against its background, and upload it immediately to Instagram, beauty ...

Various kinds of flashlights

There are no trifles in preparing for a wedding. It just seems that the main concerns are the dress of the bride and groom and the ceremonial table.

In fact, the festive mood and the special atmosphere of the ceremony are created by the interior of the room in which the celebration takes place.

The venue of the celebration plays an important role in creating the atmosphere.

Before ordering a wedding hall decoration, you should get acquainted with its most common types.

Decoration of the wedding hall with garlands

The decor of the banquet hall for the wedding with garlands is a simple and stylish option.

You can order the most unusual garlands to order or you can try.

With the help of garlands, we can decorate wedding chairs, tables, walls, hang them from the ceiling, make an original wedding arch.

Wedding garlands can be made from a wide variety of materials:

  • colorful paper
  • bright fabric
  • flowers, natural or artificial
  • lace
  • satin ribbons
  • original flags
  • and even marmalade

Decoration of the wedding hall with flowers

What is a wedding without flowers! This is perhaps the most traditional decoration of a solemn interior.

For the decor of the wedding hall, you should choose flowers that will be in harmony with each other and not discordant with the wedding palette.

You can easily make such original and bright paper pompoms with the help of our Master Class!

Decoration of the wedding hall with fabric

Designers know that only with the help of fabric it is possible to turn the most unpresentable room into a luxurious banquet hall in a matter of hours.

With the help of textiles, it allows you to create an interior from scratch in absolutely any color or style. In this case, all defects in the decoration of the room will be hidden.

A variety of fabric textures allows you to decorate literally everything with it, from the floor to the ceiling.

Consider the most common types of textile decor:

Wedding wall drapery

It can be performed on all walls in the room, or it can only emphasize and highlight the most significant areas of the celebration, for example, the places of the newlyweds and their parents or the corner with greeting cards and telegrams.

Wedding ceiling decoration

Most often used in stylized weddings, once again emphasizing the theme of the evening. Also, if necessary, it can visually divide the room into separate zones.

Decor of wedding arches, columns, stairs…

Decorating arches, columns, stairs and a doorway is done only with fabric or together with flowers. This brings a special note of celebration to the interior.

Decorating a wedding tent

A special place in decorating the hall with fabric is occupied by the design of the tent. It can be of any shape, made of different materials, which are selected depending on its purpose and the overall style of the interior.

With the help of a tent, you can highlight the place where the newlyweds are sitting, designate a dance floor or stage. Another widely used in practice option for dividing the hall into zones is the use of curtains.

Decor of wedding tables and chairs

It is used instead of traditional tablecloths and is a rather complex composition of fabrics of several textures and shades that match in color. Looks especially good in combination with flowers, candles or garlands.


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