How to weave a monkey from beads: simple explanations and lessons. How to make a beaded monkey with your own hands, Beaded Monkey pattern for beginners

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Now I will show you a mini master class on making a beaded monkey with my own hands, I will also give the correct example of a scheme.

The process of making a voluminous monkey from beads with your own hands is not difficult. You just need to carefully follow the weaving pattern.

Prepare beads and wire before weaving.
The color palette of beads is dark brown, cream shades. Dark colors are suitable for the torso, imitating six animals, and light beads highlight the muzzle, ears and eyebrows. In addition, for the nose you will need a larger bead and a different shade than the muzzle.

On a wire measuring 90 cm, we string the first row of seven beads. When pulling the ends of the wire, form them into rings (future lip).

The next row will be of three pieces.

On top of the three beads, that part of the muzzle will “lie down”, where the monkey's nose will be placed. Prepare seven beads so that there is a bead for the nose in the middle.

The bottom row will be of 7 beads, and the next top row will be typed, taking into account the location of the eyes (out of 8)

These are: the first brown, the second cream, the third black (eye), the fourth and fifth cream, the sixth black (eye), the seventh cream and the eighth brown completes the row.

The next top row, the monkey is "provided" with ears. Each eyelet is made of seven beads. The wire taken for this part is inserted between the second and third bead (from the edge for each part).

When the work is completed with the design of the head, the body is woven from brown beads. In places where there will be legs, along with the main (working) wire, an additional one is inserted for future limbs.

The whole process of making the torso, you need to maintain a three-dimensional structure. You can do this with a regular pencil or tweezers.

At the end of work with the body. The ends of the wire from unfinished limbs (legs) remained along the edges.

The legs are formed as a result of weaving 9 paired rows. Each has 4 beads (two on the bottom, two on the top).

flowers with their own hands. Make crafts for yourself and your loved ones.

Beads are such material that is known not only to all admirers of beading, but also to a person who is not a fan of this skill. Not only original jewelry and accessories are woven from it, but also quite simple products that are available for beginners and children. Children are fans of various animal figurines, and especially the beloved monkeys. It is about them that will be discussed in this article. Based on the proposed master classes, you will learn how to make a monkey in two ways: brick and bulk weaving techniques.

A monkey in this technique will weave according to the pattern shown below. Such parallel weaving is not difficult if you follow the pattern.

As you have already noticed, there is no tail weaving in the diagram, so you can make it yourself by stringing a few beads on a piece of wire and securing them at the edge. To work, you will need beads of the following colors: brown, beige, two large black beads for the eyes and one for the nose, also larger than the rest.

Unwind a piece from the wire, the length of which will be one meter. For the first row, you will need seven beige beads. Tighten the wire to form a circle. In the future, these will be the lips of the monkey. The next strip starts with three beads. On top of them, the future muzzle with a nose will be adjusted. Dial three more beige pebbles, then beads, which are larger than the rest - this is the monkey's nose and again 3 beige beads.

The bottom row consists of seven light elements. This is followed by a strip of eight pieces, but in different colors: one brown, then beige, black, two light, black, again light and one brown. The creation of the ears begins with the next row. To do this, you need 14 pieces of beads, or rather 7 for each. On the diagram you can see the exact process of how to weave them, and the photo shows the finished result.

After you have woven the head for the monkey, move on to creating the torso for it. This requires only brown beads. The diagram shows the places for attaching the legs. To do this, you need to stretch the auxiliary cuts of wire to string beads on them.

After the torso of the monkey, start making its paws. They consist of 9 rows that are connected to each other. The feet of the paws are made with beige beads using the flat weaving technique. The first strip is made of 2 beads, and the second of three. For the last row you will need four pieces. The final part of the master class is the beading of five fingers on each foot. Having finished making them, we can assume that the monkey is completely ready.

Brick weave monkey

Even a child can make a monkey using this technique. This is a very simple weaving method, like its pattern.

For work, it is best to use Czech-made beads. Requires brown, white, black, beige and pink. You can determine the quantity according to the scheme. Also prepare monofilament or fishing line. A piece of wire is needed for the tail.

According to the diagram, you need to weave the front and back of the monkey. A wire is attached to the second part in the place marked in the diagram and the tail is made using the parallel weaving technique. You can do this with a simple stringing of beads, but it's better to do it the way the master class advises. In this case, it is possible to give the tail a certain shape. Then connect the two blanks with a simple fishing line, making stitches along the edges. Ears are made with the usual set of material in the amount of seven pieces each. The paws are also type-setting. The fingers are made in three pieces on a foot of three beads each, using the reverse weaving method. The lower limbs are performed in exactly the same way, only use four elements for the fingers.

This craft can be used as a Christmas toy for the Christmas tree. You can decorate a bunch of keys with it, hang it on a child's backpack. Children will especially like to play with such a monkey toy if, in addition to it, weave a few more animals. Apply the product as you wish.

Video: Learning to make a beaded monkey

Elizabeth Rumyantseva

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible.


Weaving all sorts of animals is a very popular hobby. The resulting crafts look very attractive, cute, interesting. They can look very realistic, causing the admiration of others. Such new needlework is ideal for involving a child, teenager in the creativity. How to make animals from beads? Weaving figures is very easy, especially when there are visual master classes and video tutorials before your eyes. Flat, voluminous products can become toys for small children, key chains, an original gift, a souvenir.

Step-by-step instructions and patterns for weaving volumetric animals from beads

Beading is a useful activity for children, which involves them in the bright world of creativity, develops imagination, fine motor skills of hands, trains patience, perseverance. Even adults like painstaking work with small beads. Below you will find many step-by-step instructions, videos to make 3D and flat beaded animals. Bright butterflies, turtles, crocodiles, monkeys, cats, frogs, owls can become an original decoration for a student's workplace, a lovely pendant for a phone, a backpack.

How to weave a figure "Dolphin"

Volumetric weaving by means of beads allows you to create original, funny animal figures. A dolphin can become an interior decoration, a toy for a child, a gift for any occasion, a keychain for a backpack, bag, keys. It is better to use a fishing line that is tightly tightened, while not torn. But you can also use wire, which is much easier for beginner craftswomen to work with. You will need a fishing line, thin wire for fins, scissors, a diagram, three colors of beads: black, bright blue, light blue.

Instruction step by step:

  • Pour the beads into the tray for ease of use. Put the diagram in front of your eyes. Cut off a large piece of string. We start weaving from the nose according to the pattern. Each layer in it will be performed by repeating twice, so that the product turns out to be voluminous. We collect one bead for the abdomen of the animal, one for the upper part.
  • Repeat the first layer in reverse order. We pass the second end of the fishing line into the resulting two beads, stretch it to the end. This method will weave the whole figure.

  • We continue to put on two, according to the scheme. We pass the second tip into beads, tighten.
  • We continue to work according to the scheme to the tail.

  • To make the tail of the animal, we collect 6 blue ones on one end of the fishing line. To turn, we string two more, we introduce the fishing line into the penultimate one. We pull to the body. Again we string six blue ones. To finish, we thread the fishing line into the layer where the tail began. We do the same for the second part.
  • We make fins according to the scheme. Take a small piece of wire. We string from the end of the fin, weave the same way as the body.

  • We attach the fins to the dolphin.

How to weave "Turtle" from beads and fishing line

The next thing you will master is turtle weaving. Such a cute figurine is very easy to make. For her, you will need a fishing line, black, olive, bright green, transparent white beads. The creation of the animal will begin with the tail. Cut off 1 meter of fishing line and start:

  • We string one light bead, then two more, thread the fishing line.
  • We pass to the next row: we string three light ones, thread the fishing line, tighten it.

  • We continue to weave the entire body of the animal according to the scheme, at the end we make a knot.
  • According to the scheme, weave paws, fasten to the body: two - near the head, two more - near the tail.

Weaving "Crocodile" from beads

The guide below will help you weave a green crocodile. To create, you will need several colors of beads: yellow or light green - for the tummy, dark green - for the back, black and white - for the eyes. Cut 30 cm of wire to make the lower jaw, 180 cm for the body of the animal. Step-by-step instruction:

  • We take a long wire, we start weaving from the tail. We collect three green, three light green, thread through the last ends of the wire, tighten.
  • We continue to weave so that the green layer is above the light green one. We string three rows of three beads.

  • Weave to a row consisting of 9 beads. We string 10 green ones, thread the end. We pass to the paws: we put 7 beads on the free ends, skip the extreme 3, thread through the remaining 4. When the paws are completed, we string the lower light green layer of 10 beads.
  • We make 5 rows up to 10. On the last layer weave paws. Finishing the row, consisting of 8, we insert it into the lower wire for the lower jaw.

  • We finish the upper and lower parts of the jaws. We fix the ends, the crocodile is ready.

How to make a voluminous "Monkey"

The next animal that you will learn to make from beads is a monkey. Small, funny, it will be a great gift for a child or a friend. The three-dimensional scheme of the animal implies the use of parallel weaving, as in all previous master classes. For manufacturing, prepare a dark bead color that imitates wool, a light one for the ears, eyebrows, muzzle, a larger bead for the nose. We cut the wire 90 cm long and start making the animal:

  • We string the first row, which includes 7 beads. We stretch the ends of the wire, forming a ring. This is the future lip.
  • The next row, including three beads.

  • Weave the part of the muzzle where the nose will be located. We string so that in the center there is a large bead.
  • The bottom row includes 7 beads, the top row includes the eyes.

  • On the next row we weave the ears of the animal.
  • Weave the body, inserting an additional wire in the places of the future legs of the animal.

  • After completing the body of the animal, weave the legs in 9 paired rows of 4 beads.
  • We make the foot flat: the first row - 2 beads, the second row - 3, the third row - 4.

  • We twist our fingers, the animal is ready.

We make a figurine in the form of a "Frog" from beads and wire

The next lesson is about creating a funny frog. To work, you need beads black, green, red, yellow. It is based on parallel weaving, which makes it possible to obtain a voluminous animal. If desired, you can attach a wire fly to the top of the frog at the end. Step-by-step instructions for the animal:

  • We start weaving from the tail, stringing two beads, sending them to the middle of the wire, crossing the ends on the second bead.
  • We put on 4 green ones at each end, we string 6 green, 9 yellow, 6 green on the second piece of wire.

  • We connect, as shown in the photo. We cross the ends in three beads.
  • We make the next row, weaving 9 greens in parallel.

  • We made the back, turn the product in our direction. We make a foot: we collect 14 green, 1 yellow, skip the end through the last 3 green ones. This will give you the first finger. So we do the second and third.
  • We return the end through the entire foot and 3 green ones on the belly.

  • We make a paw on the other side.

Master class on beading: "The symbol of 2016 is a monkey"

Shestak Tamara Yuryevna, teacher of additional education for children, MBUDO Children's and Youth Center "Harmony", Novosibirsk region, r.p. Vats.
Description: the master class will be of interest to children of primary and secondary school age, teachers, teachers of additional education, creative parents and just lovers of needlework who are ready to create and delight people around them with their products.
Purpose: for gift, interior decoration.
Target: making a beaded monkey.
- teach parallel weaving technique;
- cultivate love for needlework, accuracy, creative imagination, perseverance;
- develop counting skills, fine motor skills of hands, artistic and aesthetic taste.
The upcoming year 2016 according to the eastern horoscope is the year of the monkey.

The eastern horoscope is a 12-year cycle, each year of which corresponds to a certain animal.

But why exactly did the monkey take its place of honor in this horoscope? There are many legends about this, two legends are especially widespread in China. First: once the Buddha called to a feast in honor of his departure from the earthly world all the animals who wished to come to him. To get into the domain of the Buddha, it was necessary to cross a wide cold river. This was done by 12 animals, to which the Buddha gave years of reign. The ninth was the Monkey: she swam across the river only when she was convinced, by the example of others, of the safety of the upcoming path.

The second tells that the heavenly Jade Emperor ordered the servant to find and bring 12 most beautiful animals on earth to reward them. The animals chosen by the servant were carefully prepared to please the emperor. The monkey received the ninth year of management - for dexterity.

The monkey is a symbol of wisdom, fantasy and curiosity in the Chinese calendar. In order for you to be lucky in the coming year, I propose to make a symbol of this year with your own hands. So let's get started.
Necessary materials:
- brown beads (5 gr.);
- yellow beads (3 gr.);
- black beads (1 gr.);
- green beads (2 gr.);
- beige beads (1 gr.);
- wire - 60 cm (diameter 0.25 mm.).


The monkey is woven in a parallel weaving technique.
1st row: string 2 brown beads on the middle of the wire.

We move one bead to the end of the wire, we pass the same end of the wire in the opposite direction through one bead.

We tighten it, we get a needle (the future hair on the monkey's head).

We string 3 beads on any end of the wire.

We advance the beads to the first hair and pass the same end of the wire through the middle bead in the opposite direction.

Got a second hair.

We do the third hair in the same way.

2nd row: string 6 brown beads on the wire.

We pass the opposite end of the wire through the same 6 beads in the opposite direction (i.e., the wires must cross crosswise).

We tighten.

Weave the remaining rows in the same way, following the pattern.
3rd row: 8 brown beads.
4th row: 2 brown, 4 beige, 2 brown beads.
5th row: 2 brown, 1 beige, 1 black, 1 beige, 1 black, 1 beige, 2 brown.
6th row: 4 yellow, 2 brown, 4 yellow beads.
7th row: 2 yellow, 1 red, 5 yellow, 1 red, 2 yellow.

On the same row we make ears. We string 10 brown beads on the right edge of the wire.

We skip the wire through the 4th row.

Again we string 10 brown beads on the same wire and pass the wire through the last (7th) row.

Ears are ready. Next, weave according to the scheme.
8th row: 3 yellow beads, 4 red, 3 yellow.
9th row: we string 10 yellow beads on one end of the wire, and we stretch the opposite not through 10 beads, but through 7.
10th row: 2 brown beads, 2 yellow, 2 brown.
11th row: 2 brown beads, 3 yellow, 2 brown.

On this row we make handles. We string 16 brown beads on the edge of the wire. We move the 6 beads closest to the edge of the wire, and thread the wire into the next (7th).

We make a finger: we string 2 brown beads on the same piece of wire, move the last one and thread the wire through the second bead.

We tighten, we pass the wire in the opposite direction through 9 beads.

The handle is ready. We do the same for the other hand.

12th row: 3 brown beads, 4 yellow, 3 brown.
13th row: 2 brown, 6 yellow, 2 brown.
14th row: 2 brown, 6 yellow, 2 brown.
15th row: 2 brown, 5 yellow, 2 brown.
16th row: 2 brown, 4 yellow, 2 brown. We make a tail. We string 21 beads on the right piece of wire, move the one closest to the edge, stretch the piece of wire in the opposite direction through 20 beads.

We tighten. The tail is ready.

17th row: 6 brown beads.
We make legs: we string 22 beads on the edge of the wire, move 10 beads aside, and pass the wire through the remaining 12 beads in the opposite direction.

One leg is ready, the second is done in the same way.
On one side, fix the wire with several turns on the side. Stretch the other end of the wire to the 14th row, “flashing” the side of the monkey.
We make a skirt. We string 10 green beads.

We skip 9 of them, and in 10 from the opposite side we pass the wire, making a ring.

We string 11 beads, skip 9, and thread the wire into 10.

So we make 5 loops.

We fasten the wire on the opposite side of the monkey, fix the wire, cut off the excess.
The monkey is ready.

You can make a keychain.

You can stick a small magnet on the back to make a fridge magnet.

Small figurines of monkeys, woven from beads, will definitely please both adults and children. In beading, there are two options for creating animals. In this article you will find patterns for volumetric and flat weaving of monkeys from beads. You will also learn how you can and should weave a funny monkey out of beads yourself.

How to weave a voluminous monkey from beads in a step-by-step MK

A voluminous monkey is woven using the technique of parallel weaving. The scheme is quite detailed and it will be easy to understand even for beginners.

According to this scheme, the monkey will turn out without a tail, but it is easily woven, you can add it yourself if you want.

Necessary materials:

  • beads of two colors for the body: brown and beige;
  • two black beads for the eyes;
  • 1 larger bead for the nose;
  • wire;
  • wire cutters.

Let's start weaving. We cut off a piece of wire about a meter long from the skein with wire cutters. We collect 7 beige beads on it. This is the first row of our product. Again we pass the wire through all the beads and tighten to make a ring. We got our monkey's sponges.

Now we collect 3 beige beads on one end of the wire, and with the other end we pass through them. This is the bottom row, so you need to bend it away from you. We will weave the next rows in the same way, alternating the upper and lower rows.

On top of these three beads will lie the next row, in the center of which will be the nose of the animal. To weave it, we put on 3 beige beads, one large bead for the spout and again 3 beige beads.

To weave the next lower row, string seven beige beads, in the next upper row we string eight beads in the following order: one brown bead, one beige, one black, two beige beads, one black, one beige and one brown . This sequence is shown in the diagram.

Weave 3 more rows according to the scheme. Now we will weave the ears of our monkey. Each ear will consist of 7 beads. To make the ears, thread each end of the wire between the second and third bead from the edge of the last row. During weaving, refer to the diagram and photo.

After we have woven the head, it's time to move on to the torso. We will weave it from brown beads, stringing them in the quantity indicated on the diagram. When you get to the area where the legs should be attached, insert additional wire into the finished row. A little later we will weave paws on it.

To give the product the necessary volume, you can insert a pencil into the body. And then fill the figure with a plastic bag or plaster.

When the weaving of the body is completed, it is necessary to proceed to the weaving of the paws on those pieces of wire that we inserted earlier.

To create the paws, you need to weave nine paired rows of 2 beads each.

We will finish the paws with beige beads, using the flat weaving technique.

Weave the first row of two beads, the second row of three and the third row of four. Then weave five fingers according to the pattern. And our voluminous cheerful monkey is ready!

Trying to make a flat craft using the beading technique

Such a monkey will be very popular with children who are fond of weaving animals from beads. It is perfect for decorating a child's room.

Here is a pattern for weaving a flat monkey.

To weave it, you will need beads of the desired color, a piece of wire about a meter and 15 minutes of free time.

As shown in the diagram, weaving the animal must begin with the head. Weave the first row as follows: we put six beads on the wire and place them in the middle. After that, we string seven more beads for the next row and pass through them with the opposite end of the wire. Next, on one end of the wire, according to the scheme, we string the beads of the third row, and thread the other end through these beads in the opposite direction. We continue weaving according to the pattern. Do not forget that the figure should be flat, so watch the rows. In the process of weaving, tighten the wire so that the beads lie tightly. At the end of weaving, the remaining wire must be twisted together and cut off, or made into a tail.

Video on the topic of the article

You can also weave monkeys from the video.


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