How to get nail polish out of clothes. How to remove nail polish from different types of fabric? Cleaning synthetic fabrics

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Nail polish

Every fashionista, regardless of age, wants to look feminine and well-groomed, so every woman asks herself the question “how to remove nail polish from clothes” at least once in her life. Numerous beauty salons offer their services, but often these services are not at all cheap and frequent trips “for beautiful hands” are far from affordable for everyone. Dozens of manufacturers present on the shelves various products with which women can maintain the beauty of their hands and nails on their own - cuticle oils, varnishes and gel polishes of various colors and shades, coating removers, etc., but not a single seller of such a product for some reason does not tell how to remove nail polish from clothes and fabrics. Let's try to figure out for ourselves how you can remove nail polish from clothes.

Each of us once did or still does a manicure on our own, which means that any careless movement can turn into a small disaster, in the form of a spot of rapidly drying varnish (gel polish) on clothes or furniture.

You should not panic, here are a few rules that you need to follow and not do some things:

  1. As soon as you notice a stain, in no case wait for the varnish to dry (often girls wait for it to dry, mistakenly believing that hard varnish is much easier to peel off the fabric). It is necessary to strike while the iron is hot and clean the fresh varnish as soon as possible by blotting the liquid with a napkin, cotton pad or cotton swab.
  2. You should not try to wash the varnish with the usual methods (washing powder, soap, stain remover), most likely the liquid will simply smear and the stain will become even larger.
  3. Do not pour the product directly on the front side of the item, even if you are sure that it will help. First test the "medicine" on the wrong side, ideally on the seam. So you make sure that you can erase the varnish, and not the paint from the product.
  4. In no case do not rush to wash the thing - interaction with water will only strengthen the varnish on the surface of the fabric. You can wash only after the varnish has been cleaned.
  5. Experienced housewives are advised to study the care information on the item label so as not to completely destroy the clothes.

Than and how remove nail polish with soiled clothes

As a rule, many gels and powders are advertised that can cope with any pollution, but in practice, most of them are useless. Powder and regular soap are also losing options, so before removing varnish from clothes, it is important to figure out which products will help to cope with the problem. Do not grab the first liquids and cleaning powders that come across, they may harm your things.

Material rescue with acetone

The most famous and affordable tool for removing varnish from clothes , is ordinary acetone.

Before starting the procedure, straighten the item on a flat surface and place a white flap folded several times under the soiled area.

It is important to remember that acetone is detrimental to synthetic and artificial fabrics, so it is advisable to resort to its help only in cases where a thing made of natural material is soiled.

So, placing the thing on a white piece of fabric, pour a little acetone on the stain, gently blot it and rub it with a cotton pad - the varnish will definitely come off, but there may be small stains that can be easily cleaned off with gasoline. In the end, you can wash things in the usual way, with the addition of your usual means (powder, soap).

Rescue nail polish remover

Nail polish remover

The second most popular tool can be considered nail polish remover, which can be found in every home where a woman lives. Typically, such liquids do not contain acetone, so their effect is considered more gentle than the previously considered method, and are suitable for synthetic fabrics. Cleaning must begin in the same way, placing a white shred under the straightened cloth and pouring liquid onto the stain.

Removal should be carried out with a damp cloth, in the direction from the edges of the stain to its middle, so as not to make the stain bigger. To get rid of the remnants of varnish, you can use a toothpick or even your own fingernail.

Gasoline, hydrogen peroxide, bleach, and a homemade product

Remember, like bleach, peroxide lightens fabrics, so it's best to use it on light-colored fabrics. If the item of clothing is very expensive, it is better not to wipe off the dirt yourself, but to use the help of dry cleaners.

  • If things made of the thinnest or lace fabric are stained with varnish, a tool that can be prepared at home will come to the rescue. To do this, you need to mix turpentine, ammonia and vegetable oil in equal proportions, and then apply the mixture to the stain. After a few minutes, remove the mass by blotting with a napkin.

How to remove nail polish not only from clothes, but also from furniture

As a rule, the task of “removing nail polish” arises not only in cases with clothes, quite often armchairs and sofas, as well as chairs, tables and floor surfaces become “victims”. Since a bulky sofa cannot simply be loaded into the washing machine and the drum started, just as it cannot be filled with gasoline, a very unusual and little-known way to save from varnish contamination can come to the rescue - insect repellent, produced in the form of a spray can.

Be sure to test the method on the least visible area of ​​the furniture, so as not to turn a small drop of varnish into a huge ugly stain.

After the test, if everything is in order, spray the product onto a hard sponge or brush and begin to get rid of the stain in a circular, rubbing motion. Blot the application site with a wet rag and leave for 10 minutes, then thoroughly wipe the contaminated surface with the same wet but clean cloth, preferably 5-10 times, rinsing the rag under cold running water each time. In most cases, this method becomes very effective.

Salvation of a damaged floor

We looked at how to easily remove corrosive nail polish from clothes, save furniture, but forgot about the various surfaces of the floor, which is also often poured with coloring agents.

Lacquered carpet

The tiled floor will return to its original form after surface treatment with acetone, the main thing is to thoroughly wash the floor after the procedure, eliminating the risk that the rest of the product will corrode the tile coating. Lacquered parquet can be saved with acetone, if you do not rub it hard into the floor, but act with light movements. The stain will disappear and the parquet will remain intact. If you still slightly damaged the surface, resort to using the same nail polish, only colorless. In a situation with a carpet, you can resort to a regular dishwashing detergent.

Wipe stains from jeans

Denim is a very heavy fabric, but acetone and nail polish removers will damage the dye and fibers, so never try to save a denim item with these products.


In this case, the right decision would be to choose alcohol or colorless varnish. Alcohol corrodes varnish surfaces, although you will have to work hard with rubbing, and colorless varnish has a dissolving property, like any other - just apply a little colorless varnish on the stain and wipe it with a napkin after a couple of seconds.

On the Internet, you can easily find video recommendations that clearly show how to remove nail polish. Today, we've explored all the most effective ways that can save your home and belongings from the insidious nail polish. Be careful and you will never have to put the acquired knowledge into practice.

Nail polish stains on clothing and furniture are not uncommon. Usually this is a consequence of haste. But no matter how the woman is in a hurry, it is impossible to leave such a stain for later, otherwise the clothes or upholstery can simply be thrown away. Before the varnish is exposed to cleaning agents, it is important that it does not heat up.

How to remove varnish from natural fabrics
Since the main means for removing varnish from clothes is acetone or liquids that contain it, all subsequent recommendations will be for natural fabrics. Before using acetone, it is necessary to conduct a small test of the fabric for its interaction with. This can be done on a piece of fabric from the inside or on a hidden area of ​​the upholstery. Fabric made from fluorescent or acetate fibers will simply dissolve, and other artificial threads can also be damaged. So it is better to dry-clean unstable or artificial fabrics.

If the fabric has passed the test, then you need to apply acetone to the stain, preferably by placing a towel under the fabric. When the varnish begins to dissolve, it is necessary to wipe it off with a cotton swab with a solvent without pressure. The tampon needs to be changed as it gets dirty. To avoid solvent stains on the fabric, wash the area to be cleaned with warm soapy water. After that, it is worth washing the clothes in the washing machine, adding synthetic washing powder to the cuvette, and the upholstery should be cleaned with special means.

If you had to apply too much acetone during cleaning, you can wipe the resulting stain with a sponge soaked in gasoline. Then the cleaned place must be sprinkled with chalk, talcum powder or baby powder. The adsorbent will rid the fabric of streaks. To prevent residual solvent stains, you can add a little vinegar to the washing machine drum.

How to remove varnish if it is already dry
As mentioned above, dried varnish is difficult to remove. For this, more caustic compounds are used, and therefore there is less chance that the fabric will not deteriorate or lose color. There are no special products for removing varnish on sale, and therefore it is possible to remove a dried stain from varnish only with a home-made mixture. To obtain it, it is necessary to mix denatured alcohol and acetone in a ratio of 1: 1. Wine alcohol has a similar effect. One of the listed compositions must be applied with a cotton swab to the varnish stain, wait until the varnish begins to dissolve, and wash it in layers. The movement of the cotton swab should be directed from the edges of the stain to the center so that the stain does not spread even more.

If all the above methods do not work, then you can try to apply
ethyl acetate or butyl acetate. But these strong solvents will definitely discolor the fabric, so a test needs to be done. In dry cleaners, very strong products are used to remove lacquer stains, so no one can guarantee cleaning without damaging the fabric.


Elegant well-groomed hands well emphasize femininity. Lovers of the perfect manicure have to remove traces of varnish from their wardrobe more than once. Even very cautious girls have incidents and get their favorite things dirty: blouses, skirts, etc.

Due to the fact that many simply do not know how to properly remove varnish from clothes, it easily ends up in the trash or goes to rags. In no case should you throw away a good thing, because there are a number of ways not to leave a trace of varnish.

  1. The sooner you start treating the stain, the less effort it will take. It is much more important to have time to save the clothes, the manicure can be corrected later.
  2. Washing only aggravates the situation and fixes the varnish on the fabric.
  3. After the stain is removed by one of the products, the material can be washed in a convenient way.
  4. The first thing to do with a fresh stain is to lay a clean napkin over it to soak up the excess liquid substance.
  5. Solvents and household cleaners should not be used without first reading the information on the label.

How to quickly and effectively remove nail polish at home

natural materials

  1. Acetone.

It can be called the most effective means for cleaning natural fabrics, but it is not friendly with synthetics. You will need to put a little solvent on a cotton pad and rub the stain with it (you can use a cotton swab), after placing a clean white cloth on the wrong side.

As a finishing touch, the stain that has not yet dried is sprinkled with talcum powder. It is not recommended to replace it with baby powder containing foreign impurities.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.

Perfect for white clothes. A few drops of the product should be applied directly to the problem area, and then rinse the item. At the end, it should be washed.

  1. Another alternative is gasoline.

A clean cotton napkin is placed on the back of the fabric, and then the solvent is applied to the varnish. In this form, the clothes should lie down for 15-20 minutes, then the stain should be gently rubbed. Similarly, you can treat the contaminated area with white spirit.

  1. Acetone based nail polish remover.

Aggressively affects synthetics, therefore it is suitable only for processing natural fabrics. The substance is applied to a cotton swab, which is then moistened with a trace of varnish. After 15-20 minutes, the clothes are sent to the wash.

You can choose the composition without acetone. The substance is applied to the stain, and after 20-30 minutes the thing is simply erased.

  1. Well-known to Russian housewives means "Whiteness".

It is allowed to use only on natural white fabrics. We drip a little liquid on the varnish, leave for a few minutes. Then rinse under warm water and then wash.

  1. crude ethyl alcohol.

Can be purchased at a pharmacy. It will also help remove tough dirt. Wet a cotton pad with denatured alcohol and wipe the soiled fragment in the direction from the edges to the center. We rinse.

Synthetic fabrics

  1. Composition of ammonia, olive oil and turpentine.

We will need to take 1 tsp. of each substance and mix until a slurry. Get a real stain remover, made by hand at home.

The composition must be applied to the dirty area and rubbed lightly. We wait 10 minutes, then we erase. Ready! This method is suitable for delicate fabrics and even lace.

  1. Glycerol.

Inexpensive and effective composition that can withstand nail polish. You need to put a little substance on the stain, rub it with your fingers. Immerse the material in a pre-prepared solution of warm water and powder. After 20 minutes, we take out the product, rinse. If the traces have not completely disappeared, repeat the manipulations.

Other means

Often, little-known ways to remove varnish come in handy. Surprisingly, if you have a regular repellent on hand, you can do without the above methods!

  1. Insect repellent.

Spray on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric first. If the fibers have not changed appearance, apply the repellent to the toothbrush and gently work the stain in a circular motion. After that, the fabric is placed in cold water, and then washed.

  1. Hair spray.

Surprisingly, hairspray is quite capable of neutralizing nail polish. You just need to spray it on the stain, trying not to capture a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric. Then gently brush the area with a brush.

  1. Scissors.

If the varnish has got on a wool product, you can use a not very pleasant, but effective method. Wool fibers are quite long, and often the dirt simply does not have time to penetrate deeply. It is advisable to try to cut off the upper part of the villi along with the varnish with ordinary scissors.

This method requires the utmost care and precision, so it is better to resort to it only as a last resort.

Every home will surely have toothpaste and vegetable oil. By making a slurry of these two ingredients, you can get an excellent tool that will help remove nail polish from clothes. To do this, simply apply the mixture to the stain and wait a few minutes. Then a toothbrush comes into play, and the final touch will be washing the product.

It is not recommended to use citric or acetic acid. These substances do an excellent job with greasy stains, but not with traces of varnish. As a result, you can only aggravate the situation by getting a very persistent stain of a brighter color.

How to remove dried nail polish from clothes

If the varnish has dried, then the stain will require some manipulation before the solvent is applied to it. First:

  • we take a toothpick, we try to scratch the upper part of the solid;
  • as soon as all the varnish that could be pulled out is removed, shake off the crumbs;
  • We apply acetone on a cotton swab and carefully treat the problem area with it, leave it for 20 minutes.

We rinse the fabric, wash it in the usual way.

What NOT to do

  • A lacquer stain found on a leather or suede product should not be exposed to solvents.
  • White spirit copes well with pollution, but this remedy is quite aggressive and can cause an allergic reaction.
  • Hydrogen peroxide will destroy the saturation of colors on bright clothes.

If one method does not help, it is advisable to try another remedy.

In the case when the owner of the clothes is not sure of the correctness of the actions, it is better to take the item to dry cleaning, protecting yourself from possible problems with damage to the product. Prices for professional processing are not so high, but in the end the result will certainly be great.

The main thing is to start cleaning immediately. If a piece of fabric with varnish is nevertheless damaged during the procedures, you can sew a beautiful appliqué on this place, or pin a brooch.

Every girl likes a beautiful and well-groomed manicure. If you do it yourself, then staining clothes is a matter of minutes. Polish that is not completely dry or a brush that has fallen off can easily leave a mark on clothes. Many girls, not understanding at all how to remove nail polish from their clothes, throw their favorite thing in the trash. In fact, cleaning up such pollution is quite simple, the main thing is to follow a few simple rules.

First aid

The most important answer to the question of how to wipe off nail polish from clothes, is the speed.

If contamination appears on clothing, it should be immediately blotted with a cotton swab or whatever is at hand. Do not postpone this procedure for later, the easiest way is to get rid of a fresh stain without a trace. If it didn’t work out to get wet, then you can try to remove particles of varnish from the fabric with a toothpick or cotton swab.

Next, you should find out what material the thing is made of. The fact is that natural fabrics are not so afraid of harsh cleaning methods, but such methods can easily ruin synthetics. For synthetic fabrics, gentle cleaning should be used.

For those who do not know how to remove nail polish from fabric, below are funds, which can easily cope with this kind of pollution.

Nail polish remover

This is the first thing that comes to mind when the question arises How to remove varnish from clothes. This is logical, but only for natural fabrics. The exceptions are leather and suede. Nail polish remover corrodes synthetics, so it is unacceptable to use it on this material.

To begin with, the soiled thing must be put on a paper towel, then take a cotton swab, disc or small sponge, moisten it with plenty of liquid and gently rub it into the stain, without touching the clean areas of the fabric. Allow the lacquer thinner to absorb and leave to dry for 20 minutes. After that, it is enough to wash things using dish detergent instead of powder.

Artificial fabrics should be cleaned with an acetone-free nail polish remover so as not to ruin the item.

Bleach, gasoline and peroxide

All this is also possible use as a means of removing nail polish from clothes.

  1. Hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove stains from white clothes. To do this, moisten a cotton pad or piece of cotton with peroxide and carefully treat the stain, then wash the item by hand.
  2. Gasoline and mineral spirits can be used on synthetic fabrics and denim as they are less aggressive than others. To remove a varnish mark from clothes, you need to apply thinner or gasoline on it and try to clean the stain with an unnecessary toothbrush. To remove stains on white or light-colored fabrics, mix thinner or gasoline with chalk or dentifrice. After applying solvents to the fabric, you must wait a while, and then rinse the item in cool water and wash it by hand after 20 minutes. If the stain is not removed, you can try to repeat the process.
  3. To remove gel polish stains from white clothes, you can use a regular stain remover or bleach. A small amount of the solution must be poured onto the stain and left for 15 minutes, after which just wash things. It is better to use products that do not contain chlorine, because it can harm the fabric.

You can use insect repellant. The ingredients that make up the repellents are able to remove lacquer contamination from any fabric (including jeans and coverings of sofas and armchairs), it is enough to spray the liquid on the area stained with varnish and wait a few minutes, then wash off the product with the stain in cold water.

Hair styling product is also a good nail polish stain remover. It is worth spraying a large amount of styling product on the pollution and leaving it for a while so that it is absorbed. After that, traces of varnish can be removed using an unnecessary brush for this. You should try to spray hairspray exclusively on the stain, avoiding clean areas, so as not to damage a clean cloth.

You can also use regular toothpaste to wipe off traces of manicure. To do this, mix it with sunflower oil in equal proportions to get a homogeneous gruel. Apply the resulting product to the contamination and leave for a while to dry. After that, carefully clean the mixture along with contamination and wash the thing in cool water.


To remove traces of varnish, which includes particles of aluminum, you can use glycerin. It must be gently applied with a cotton swab to the pollution. Then briefly soak the item in water with dissolved powder and wash.

Alternative Methods

If a trace of a fresh manicure remains on a woolen thing with a long pile, you can leave it to dry completely and then try to cut off the soiled villi with scissors.

You can also make your own product to remove nail polish stains from clothes. To do this, mix olive oil, ammonia and turpentine in equal proportions. Gently treat the stained area with the resulting mixture and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, wash the item as usual.

A small trace of nail polish can be tried to remove without any means. If the stain is very dry, you need to lubricate it with ordinary laundry soap or butter, leave for 30 minutes and try to erase the varnish with a knife or a brush with a coarse bristle. This method can be used to remove varnish stains and furniture: sofa, armchairs, etc.

What Not to Do

It is important to know a few rules that will help keep any thing safe and sound, while completely getting rid of pollution.

  • It is not recommended to pour nail polish remover on the stain in large quantities, because the color of the fabric may change and the structure may be damaged;
  • To clean fluorescent fabrics from varnish stains, do not use products containing acetone, as the fabric will deteriorate;
  • For colored or bright things, hydrogen peroxide should not be used, as this product can lighten the fabric;
  • For leather or substitute items, it is best to do a solvent test in an inconspicuous place; if the material is not damaged, you can start cleaning the stain;
  • Do not pour a lot of solvent on the stain. This can damage the tissue structure.

In solving such an issue as removing varnish from clothes, everything must be done correctly and in order.

First, do not hesitate to clean up. The sooner you start removing the stain, the more likely you are to get rid of it.

Secondly, you need to know exactly what fabric to work with so as not to spoil your favorite thing.

If the stain cannot be removed the first time, you can try to remove it by using another product.

You should always test in an inconspicuous place to make sure that the tissue is not damaged.

If the thing is expensive or made of a fabric that requires careful handling, it is better not to take risks and take it to a dry cleaner. There, for sure, any stains will be removed without damaging the material.

Attention, only TODAY!

Women trying to hastily paint their nails with varnish should understand that one awkward movement, and one small drop can get on their clothes. To remove the stain from the varnish with ordinary washing will not work. Of course, the best advice is not to rush, if you paint your nails at home, then certainly not in a new blouse.

However, this is not one hundred percent safe either, because some people manage to paint their nails at work during their lunch break. Therefore, we suggest that you learn some good ways to remove a stain from a gel or nail polish.

Before moving on to washing and rubbing a bright, freshly planted stain, you must first prepare both the product and the products.

  • Firstly, using a cotton pad, you need to get the spilled varnish wet, trying to remove the maximum amount.
  • Secondly, you need to remove the varnish remaining between the fibers. This procedure is conveniently done with a toothpick or cotton swab.
  • Thirdly, for the convenience of further work, you can spread the thing on the table by placing a clean napkin under it.
  • Fourthly, the product that will remove the nail polish stain should be checked on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing, for example, inside at the side seam or at the bottom of the hem.

Remember! Soaking a fresh nail polish stain in water with washing powder will not work, it will only smear the polish more, but not remove it.

Remove the stain with acetone and nail polish remover

The first tool that comes to mind to anyone who is faced with the task of how to remove nail polish from clothes is nail polish remover or regular acetone. Of course, if they remove nail polish easily, then why not try and remove nail polish from clothes. It would seem that everything is simple, but there is one thing!

You can only remove nail polish with acetone from clothes made from natural fabrics. Otherwise, you can finally “say goodbye” to your favorite thing, since acetone corrodes synthetics. For synthetic fabrics, use an acetone-free nail polish remover.

So, how do you get nail polish stains out? It is necessary to soak a cotton swab in acetone or nail polish remover and moisten the dirt. Then wait for the stain to dry. Now, with a sponge dipped in gasoline, treat the stain again, and pour baby powder or talc on it. After 30 minutes, the product must be washed in the usual way.

When washing, you can use dishwashing detergent instead of ordinary washing powder, as it copes better with greasy traces from gasoline and nail polish remover.

Apply gasoline or thinner

In some cases, gasoline helps to remove the varnish stain. It is enough to wet the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bclothing with it, wait about 20 minutes. After that, rub the stain and wash the product in warm water.

Paint, gel or varnish can be dissolved with white spirit, including on clothes, doing the procedure carefully. The solvent "Wat-spirit" is applied to a napkin, and then the stain is blotted with it. After 15-20 minutes, the product must be washed.

Attention! The solvent method is applicable for whites and jeans.

Denatured alcohol and hydrogen peroxide

You can remove nail polish stains from white clothes with ordinary crude ethyl alcohol, also called denatured alcohol. With a napkin soaked in denatured alcohol, rub the stain, moving from the edges of the stain to its center. And then the product is washed in warm water.

Hydrogen peroxide has a whitening effect. Similarly, the contamination is wiped until the stain disappears. After the procedure, the product must be washed and rinsed.


Some housewives know how to remove varnish from clothes using toothpaste or tooth powder. This method, like the previous one, is best used for white things. It is necessary to mix tooth powder with vegetable oil until a slurry is obtained and apply to the stain. Toothpaste is applied without adding oil. After the paste or gruel has dried, they are cleaned with a toothbrush. Then the thing is washed in the usual way.

Delicate item

An unusual mixture helps to remove a stain from a delicate fabric. For its manufacture you will need:

  • turpentine;
  • ammonia solution;
  • vegetable oil.

All components are well mixed and applied to the contaminated area for 20 minutes. After that, the mixture is removed with a napkin with blotting movements. After that, you need to wash the product in water with the addition of dishwashing detergent.


You can remove shellac from white clothes with a good bleach or white stain remover. You need to pour the product on the nail polish stain and wait 30-40 minutes. And then wash the product. It is better to give preference to bleaches without chlorine content, for example, oxygen-containing ones. Firstly, there will be no unpleasant odor, and secondly, there will be no negative effect of chlorine on the fabric.

So, we tried to describe in detail the most famous and tested “recipes” by housewives on how to remove varnish from clothes. Armed with knowledge, any laundry problem will be overcome. And if the thing is too expensive, then it is better to give it to a dry cleaner, where professional workers will remove the stain for sure.


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