Types of manicure and sequence of actions. Home training step by step - hygienic manicure. Who suits hot manicure

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Beautiful nails give self-confidence, cheer up, raise the status of their owner.

But not everyone can afford to visit the salon all the time. For many, the topic of manicure at home is relevant.

To properly make a beautiful manicure, preliminary preparation is necessary.

It includes the purchase of manicure tools, disinfectants and related items that you cannot do without.

Necessary tools for manicure at home

Good quality tools- this is a guarantee of high-quality cuticle care, prevention of delamination of nails and a high speed of the procedure.
For a classic edged manicure, you will need the following tools:

Tool Description
1. Cuticle nippers. It is best to purchase a tool brand "Solinger", this is an old German brand of cutting tools. Tweezers have different sizes. They determine the length of the blade. It is good to take 0.5 cm.
2. Pusher (translated as a pusher) Double-sided cuticle spatula: on the one hand it resembles an oar, on the other hand a hatchet. Must be metal.
3. Knipser Tool for trimming the length of the nail. It looks like a small guillotine, it happens for fingernails and toenails.
4.File 180 grit Gridness should be printed on the file itself.
5. Polisher 2000 grit There are double and triple polishers, then the grit value for each side must be printed.
Related Items:
1. A large bowl, ceramic is better - it keeps the temperature well;
2. Towel or napkin;
3. Cotton pads;
4. Orange sticks;
5. Nail polish remover.
1. Chlorhexidine;
2. Alcohol solution 70%.
3. In the pharmacy it is possible to purchase a professional product for the treatment of hands and metal tools.

What tools for manicure should be used and which should not

If the experience in nail care is still small, useful orange sticks. They can move the skin at the cuticle and clean out the eponychium.

Some people use it to trim their cuticles. manicure scissors. This is acceptable, but the best quality of manicure will be if you use tweezers. Scissors have straight blades, while tweezers have bevelled blades. That's why the tweezer cuts the skin more and deeper and after them, the manicure lasts longer.

Fork for nails

Since we are talking about the cuticle zone, no blade pressure is allowed. This can damage the matrix - the growth cells of the nail under the hole. As a result, the nail will grow crooked for the rest of its life.

Choosing a nail file, which one is used for what

Files vary depending on the grit. In grits, the amount of abrasive applied to 1 square centimeter of the file is measured:

The coarsest file is 80 grit. It is used to reduce the length of artificial nails;

Technique for performing European unedged manicure at home:

Step 1: Wash hands with soap;

hand washing

Step 2: Apply cuticle remover

Apply cuticle softener

Step 3: Starting with the little finger, push the roller back with the rounded tip of the file or orange stick;

retracting and grinding the roller

Step 4: Remove softened thin skin from the surface of the nail;

Cuticle removal

Step 5: Process the rollers with a file of 180 grit;

sawing of rough rollers

Step 6: Wash your hands with soap;
Step 7: Degrease the nails with an alcohol solution;

Nail degreasing

Step 8: Perform lacquer application.


How to evenly and beautifully paint your nails

There are no difficulties in easily and quickly painting your nails and doing it exactly at home, without going to the roller with a brush.

First of all, the varnish must be of a certain consistency. The new varnish applies well and dries quickly, because solvents have not yet evaporated from it. If the varnish has thickened, add 3-5 drops of varnish solvent to it.

Do not try to dilute the varnish with acetone or nail polish remover. These tools will cause the varnish to curl.

Technique for applying varnish in bright or dark tones:

Step 1: Dip the brush into the varnish, squeeze out the excess with the back of the brush on the bottle with a “away from you” movement.

Step 2: Place the brush in the middle of the nail at a 45 degree angle and move towards the cuticle. Before reaching the roller, stop the brush and make a movement to the free edge of the nail. All this double movement must be done without lifting the brush from the nail and without stopping it.

Setting the brush Smooth movement to the cuticle brush stroke to free edge

Step 3: Put the brush on the nail in the cuticle area so that the brush lies in the hand perpendicular to the finger. Make a brush stroke along the cuticle to the side roller, round the stroke along the contour of the nail (the brush changes position - now it lies in the hand parallel to the finger) and bring it to a free edge of the nail.

Movement to the side roller

Step 4: Repeat this movement on the other side of the nail. If the polish on the brush runs out during the process, turn it over and continue.

Step 5: With a well-wrung brush, draw along the end of the nail, sealing it.


Technique for applying varnish in nude and dense pastel colors:

Nude varnish

Step 1: Dip the brush into the varnish, squeeze out the excess with the back of the brush on the bottle with a “away from you” movement.

Step 2: Put the brush in the middle of the nail at an angle of 5 degrees and move towards the cuticle, holding it almost in weight. The brush does not press on the nail, only the varnish touches the nail. Before reaching the roller, stop the brush and make a movement to the free edge of the nail.

Step 3: Bring the brush to the cuticle area. Hold the brush parallel to your finger. Barely touching the nail, move the brush towards the side roller and down to the free edge. The brush should pass along the side of the nail without touching the roller.

Step 4: Repeat this movement on the other side of the nail. If the polish on the brush runs out during the process, turn it over and continue.
Step 5: With a well-wrung brush, draw along the end of the nail, sealing it.

Nail designs at home

There are beautiful design options for which it is not necessary to go to the salon. They can be done at home: rhinestones, glitter, gel pen painting, stickers, broths, varnish painting, craquelure, velvet, cat's eye.

cat eye stripes cat-eye-waves

1. Cat eye design. For him, you will need to purchase a magnetic varnish and a cat's eye nail magnet. Still releasing options "Wave", "Stripes" and others. But the most spectacular is the "Cat's Eye".

Cat's eye - made with gel polish

It is done on a freshly applied layer of varnish. The magnet is brought to the nail so that the strip is along the nail. Hold 1 second.

If you hold the magnet closer to the nail - there will be a clear line, further - blurry.

If you bring the magnet first vertically and then horizontally, there will be a bright dot.

Gel polish - made with ordinary varnish

2. Design "Craquelure". A novelty hard varnish has appeared on the product market. This is a special cracking varnish that is applied to the dried previous layer.

The substrates of gold, white, black varnishes look good. Crack polish dries quickly. It can be thinned like regular polish.

If you apply it in a thick layer, it will crack into large pieces. If a thin layer - into small ones. You can combine: make one side of the nail with large fragments, and the other with small ones.

Craquelure - large, medium, small.

3. Velvet design. Varnish for this effect is called "Satin". After drying becomes matte, hiding all the irregularities of the nail.

If you put a top on it, it becomes shiny, like a regular varnish. You can make two nails shiny, and leave the rest matte. This design looks good in dark or bright colors. In pastel colors, it is almost invisible.

4. Leopard design. On a dried substrate (for example, the color of coffee with milk), uneven spots are applied with a brush with a slightly darker varnish (beige) and, without waiting for them to dry, a black dot is added to each spot. With an orange stick, each point is given the appearance of a comma.

Design “Leopard”

This design is classic. It can be performed not only in natural tones, but also in avant-garde ones. The turquoise-colored backing with blue spots and black commas looks good.

5. Zebra design.

Zebra design

On a dried white substrate, black lines are applied with a thin brush. There are varnishes for design, they have just such brushes.

The lines are drawn diagonally across the nail. The first line is drawn simple. The second, parallel to it, with a thickening coming from the middle of the line. It looks like a very narrow triangle. The third line is drawn simple along the previous one. The fourth is drawn with a thickening on the other side. Fifth is simple.

Can draw regular black gel pen. When the drawing dries, simply fix it with a top coat. One nail looks good under a zebra, the rest are white.

Nails with rhinestones and bouillons

6. Design with stickers, broths and rhinestones. It is used in festive occasions (wedding, graduation) and requires a beautiful dress.

Decorate two nails, tightly covering them with rhinestones of different sizes. Swarovski crystals are suitable, they can be purchased in a set. In the center, closer to the cuticle, put the largest stone. Near it, on both sides, there are smaller stones.

The smallest stones are placed on the edge of the nail. The space between large stones can be filled with golden broths. On the rest of the nails in the center of the cuticle put one small stone.

Rhinestone pencil

Put stones on wet varnish. The stone is taken by simply bringing an orange stick moistened with water or a special pencil for rhinestones to it and it sticks to it (there are special pencils for attaching rhinestones on sale). It is put on a fresh varnish, corrected, trimmed, it sticks to the varnish and releases the stick.

Sterilization of instruments at home

In nail salons, sterilization of the instrument is carried out in a dry-heat cabinet.

Manicure tools

At home, you can use the oven for these purposes. In a specially dedicated bowl, metal tools should be laid out, the oven turned on at 250 degrees and warmed up for 15 minutes.

If during the procedure a wound was inflicted and blood came out, the instrument is soaked in a solution before sterilization chlorhexidine or wiped three times with 70% alcohol(in the presence of special pharmacy products, processing is best done with them, according to the instructions).

Files and orange sticks can also be soaked in a disinfectant solution.. But if there was no blood while working with them, it is enough to wipe them.

Below you can find a detailed video on the sterilization of manicure instruments, some information will be useful to you at home.

What pharmaceutical products can be useful

In the pharmacy, in addition to chlorhexidine, you can buy hawthorn tincture 70%. This alcohol solution can be used as a disinfectant.

The professional line of pharmacy sterilization products is very diverse. Disinfectants are divided into two types: for hands and for metal tools. A pharmacist in a pharmacy will always tell you what products are available.
More may be needed glue BF-6. This is a medical adhesive for treating wounds. It is convenient for cuts, disinfects and seals the wound instead of a plaster.

It's good to have a tool on hand. from warts "Mountain celandine", brown color balm from herbs. If a wart is found during the manicure procedure, it can immediately be cauterized with this balm.

Baths and oils for strengthening and growth of nails after manicure

For nails to be healthy, they need to be nourished and treated. Aggressive environment makes them thin and brittle, appear on them. To avoid this, it is good to do with sea salt.

You don't have to buy expensive sea salt, you can use the one sold in grocery stores. You can add it with a manicure for steaming nails.

In the process of soaking the nails with such water, a phenomenon called osmosis. This is the exchange of salts of two environments. Nails, like appendages of the skin, are an excretory organ. The nail effusion comes out through microscopic holes on the surface of the nail.

After taking a course of antibiotics, it is formed very actively, preventing artificial nails from sticking to the nail bed. That is why after taking antibiotics, two weeks must pass before nail extension.

Those who have been in sea water for a long time on vacation notice improvements in the condition of their nails. Baths do not have to be done for a long time. 15 minutes is enough. This procedure can be carried out in the evening at the TV.

After the bath, hands are lubricated with a nourishing cream. The best creams - with fruit oils. It can be avocado, aloe, apricot oil. Just don't confuse them with essential oils. This is a completely different product.

If the cream says that it contains mineral oil, it is better not to buy such cream. These are products of chemical distillation of oil. Not good for nails.

You can always look beautiful, you just need to get used to it.

This article will introduce you to the different types of manicure. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each type, as well as give a brief description of their main features.


It is one of the most common types.

Characterized by:

  • the need to use scissors and nippers to give the nail plates the desired shape and;
  • by moving the cuticle with a pusher towards the nail bed, and then cutting it;
  • cleaning the ptergium - the layer under the cuticle, using the sharp tip of the pusher.


  1. Long-term wearing of a manicure, as the cuticle grows more slowly with its proper removal.
  2. Nails take on a well-groomed appearance.


    1. During the removal of the cuticle, it can be damaged, as a result of which the burrs will peel off.
    2. Incorrect damage to the cuticle can cause accelerated regrowth and stiffness.


In this manicure, the cuticle is not trimmed.


  • the cuticle softens under the influence of the remover, and then moves back to the bed. For these purposes, an orange stick is used;
  • to make the hands look well-groomed, the procedure is performed at least once a month.


  • Non-traumatic type of nail care.
  • The procedure is completely painless.
  • Reduced risk of infection to a minimum.


  1. Such a manicure will not cope with hard, rough skin without scissors and nippers. Therefore, this type is not suitable for everyone.


Similar to the classic type.

Characterized by:

  • the need to soften the hands in the bath;
  • shift and trimming of the cuticle;
  • the nail plate is polished with a buff;
  • and then they are made oval;
  • for coating, a bright varnish having the consistency of a cream is used.


  1. There is a moisturizing effect.
  2. Nails acquire a natural shine.


  1. When cutting the cuticle, it can be damaged, as a result of which burrs will appear.
  2. Improper damage to the cuticle can cause accelerated growth and keratinization.


Has its own distinctive features.


  • refusal to use metal accessories to create a manicure;
  • wood files and a buff are used, which is covered with suede fabric of natural origin;
  • the cuticle is treated with a softening serum;
  • the nail plate is cleaned, and then a paste containing minerals and esters is applied to it;
  • using mineral powder and buff, the master polishes the nail until a pearly natural shine appears.


  1. Various nail defects are not masked with varnish.
  2. The texture of the nail plate is improved by natural means that improve the appearance of the nail on its own, making it healthy.
  3. Natural paste heals the nail by filling its microcracks.


  1. Requires frequent updating of manicure.
  2. The therapeutic effect is achieved through a course of procedures.


Looks like a European manicure.

Characterized by:

  • a pair of bright varnishes is used, which are applied in stripes, layering on each other;
  • the nail treatment procedure is identical to the European type of manicure.


  • Visually lengthen the nails when applying vertical stripes.
  • Does not damage the cuticle.
  • Removes the risk of infection.


  1. This care will not cope with tough, rough skin without scissors and nippers. Therefore, this type of nail care is not suitable for everyone.
  2. Requires frequent updating of manicure.

SPA manicure

Necessary for caring for the skin of hands and nails, their healing. It is a complex procedure. Includes the use of a brush tray.


  • an exfoliating procedure is carried out, ending with peeling;
  • massage is done;
  • masks are applied to the brushes;
  • manicure is complemented;
  • nail plates are covered with means for strengthening.


  1. Gives skin softness and hydration.
  2. Reduces the activity of age-related changes.

This type of manicure has no drawbacks, apart from individual intolerance to cosmetics.


All care procedures are performed by a special apparatus using various nozzles.


  • the shape of the nails is given with the help of rotational sawing movements of the nozzle of the device;
  • nozzles polish the nail to a shine, and also process the cuticle;
  • done only on dry brushes.


  1. The difficulty of using the device at home.
  2. Incorrect selection of the speed mode or nozzle will lead to thinning of the nail, cuticle injuries.


It is one of the types of classic manicure.


  • a bath with lotion is used, heated to 45 degrees;
  • brushes are kept in lotion for a third of an hour;
  • then a classic manicure is performed.


  1. Softens rough skin.
  2. Accelerates blood circulation.
  3. Promotes high-quality absorption of nutrients.
  4. Great option for dry or rough skin care.


It is better not to use for oily shiny skin, they can be replaced with vitaminized and mineral masks.

Types of decorative manicure


They are nails of small length, having the shape of a square with rounded edges.


  1. the nails are covered with a light varnish that has a natural shade;
  2. the “smile” zone along the edge of the nail is highlighted in white;
  3. there is also color, when the “smile” is color;
  4. two-tone design consists of using a pair of contrasting colors;
  5. also use additional elements, emphasizing the lower edge of the “smile”, for example, with rhinestones.


  • Gives brushes a well-groomed and elegant look.
  • Suitable for almost all clothes.
  • It looks festive, but also suitable for daily wear.
  • As the nail grows out, natural tones merge with the color of the nail, making the regrown area invisible.


This design is popular, so it will not surprise others.


Appeared in the twenties of the last millennium. It looks like a jacket, only it is not a “smile” that stands out, but a hole; There are several types of such a manicure.


  1. most of the nail is not painted with varnish, only the hole is processed, and then the entire nail is covered with a top;
  2. the nail plate and the hole are painted in different shades;
  3. a metallic color is used to highlight the well;
  4. decorative elements are also used.


  • Special help to easily perform a manicure.
  • Hands look bright and interesting, suitable for any occasion with the right choice of colors.


The difficulty of drawing the hole by hand, if you do not use special stickers.

It is a gradient design.

Characterized by:

  • several shades are combined that smoothly transition into each other;
  • there are a couple of options for such a manicure;
  • different shades cover one nail plate in any direction;
  • develops from the thumb to the little finger, or vice versa.


  • Looks trendy and interesting.
  • Suitable for weekdays and weekends. The gradient will be a great option for the holidays.


  1. Difficulty doing it yourself.
  2. You must either mix the colors yourself or have a wide range of color shades available.

cat eye

Manicure with an iridescent strip.

Characterized by:

  • magnetic varnishes are used;
  • a strip is formed on a dry coating by bringing a magnet to it for 15 seconds;
  • after drying, a protective layer is required.


  • It has deep color and volume.
  • Easy to perform at home.
  • Gives hands an interesting nuance.


A small color range of magnetic varnishes.


Spectacular manicure that is easy to perform.


  • a couple of drops of varnish are added to a container filled with water;
  • drops are converted into a pattern with a needle;
  • a finger nail up is immersed in water, located under the varnish, and then rises out of the water;
  • the drawing is transferred to the plate;
  • the design dries and is covered with a top coat.


  • Any girl can easily complete this design.
  • Speed ​​of execution.
  • Each nail will have an individual pattern.


  1. The inability to create a clear picture.
  2. The impossibility of guessing the spread of varnish on the nail after it has been transferred.


Delicate design for sophisticated natures.


  • real lace materials are used;
  • modules necessary to create a design are cut from the material;
  • the nail plate is covered with colorless varnish, on which lace is immediately laid;
  • 2 layers of top are used for fixing.


  • Perfectly complements an evening or festive look.
  • Gives the girl tenderness and emphasizes femininity.
  • Ease of implementation.


  1. It is difficult to find thin lace.
  2. In the process of execution, it requires speed of action so that the varnish does not have time to dry.


Creation of drawings using silicone impressions.


  • nails are covered with a base and dried;
  • a drawing is selected, varnish is applied to it;
  • the stamp is applied to the plate;
  • drawing is ready.


  • Large selection of kits for .
  • The drawing is clear and uniform.
  • Allows you to make the thinnest lines.


  1. Requires additional tools, such as a stamp, scraper, cliché.
  2. Requires the acquisition of skills.
  3. Expensive kits.

Any of the described types of manicure is beautiful in its own way. The main thing is to choose the right style and color scheme for clothes and occasion. At the first unsuccessful attempts at design, you should not give up, you need to train regularly, and soon you will become a real professional.

Despite the growing popularity of European unedged technology, classic manicure is used in practice by many masters both in salons and at home. It solves the problem of a too rough cuticle, which is simply impossible to soften with a remover at a time, so you have to carefully cut it with scissors or nippers. Classic cut manicure can optionally be combined with spa treatments, Brazilian manicure method and other types of professional nail treatment before applying gel polish. Mastering a classic manicure is not difficult, no special expensive tools, like with a hardware manicure, are required, so this technique is great for home use, including by beginners.

Features of trimmed manicure

The difference between a classic edged manicure and other techniques lies in its name. In the European technique, the cuticle is softened with a remover, and then pushed back with an orange stick. Classical manicure uses metal tools (scissors, wire cutters, spatulas, etc.). The cuticle is first softened, and then carefully trimmed. The main disadvantage of this type of cuticle treatment is the possibility of damage to the delicate skin around the nail. There is also a small, but the likelihood of infection. However, experienced craftsmen masterfully cope with this technique, and it does not cause any complaints from customers. In addition, as mentioned above, the European technique is not suitable for all girls due to too rough cuticles. Masters recommend starting with a classic manicure, and then gradually moving on to a European unedged manicure when the cuticle becomes softer.

Also a distinctive feature of the classic manicure is the use of water. Before starting to manipulate the client's hands, the master prepares a hand bath to soften the cuticles.

The main advantages of classical technology :

  • Available for home use;
  • Suitable for working with rough cuticles;
  • Does not require large expenses;

Disadvantages of edging :

  • Careless handling of the instrument may cause injury to the cuticle or nail plate;
  • After the procedure, burrs often form.

In general, the technique is simple to perform a manicure at home and is quite popular.

The list of necessary tools for manicure

For a classic manicure, you will need the following set of tools and cosmetics:

  • Nippers, scissors, shovels, pusher;
  • Liquid for disinfection of hands;
  • Disinfector for tools;
  • Disposable nail files and buff for nails;
  • Dust brush;
  • Hand bath and saline solutions to strengthen nails;
  • Remover for too rough cuticles, nail and cuticle care oil.

Classic manicure technology: a step-by-step lesson with a photo

The technology for performing a classic edged manicure will be easiest to show with the help of a step-by-step photo lesson. Each master in the process of work can carry out some additional manipulations, use a variety of tools and cosmetics. Now you don’t often see classical technology in its pure form anymore, everyone in the learning process brings some of their own chips to it. Beginners, having gained experience, combine techniques and select the optimal manicure process for themselves. Classical technology consists of 5 main stages. Let's see how to do a classic manicure for beginners.


Preparing the client's hands with a skin antiseptic. The master at the same time works in disposable gloves.


The first step is to soften the rough skin around the nails and this can be done with a bath of warm water. The time is calculated individually, approximately the process takes from 5 to 15 minutes. Additionally, you can use sea salt to strengthen nails, aromatic oils and special cosmetic care supplements. If the cuticle is very dense, then you can additionally use a remover (apply it before the bath).


With the help of a pusher, you need to carefully clean the softened pterygium from the side rollers and under the cuticle. Movement should be from the bottom up. Next, you need to remove the cuticle with forceps, you need to start from the free edge and try to cut the cuticle in the form of a single strip (thus eliminating the possibility of further formation of a burr). Forceps in relation to the nail plate (when cutting the cuticle) should be at an angle of 90 degrees so that there are no cuts. If necessary, you need to walk with a pusher in the area under the cuticle. Skin residue and dust can be removed with a soft brush.

Pay attention to how to hold the tongs correctly and to their position in the hands.


If gel polish is not required, then you can treat the cuticle and nail with a special oil enriched with vitamins and minerals.

Classic manicure with gel polish

If gel polish is required after a classic manicure, then a number of additional nail manipulations must be performed to prepare them for gel polish application.


In order to improve the quality of adhesion of the base coat to the nail plate, it is necessary to set a slight roughness, namely, to walk over the entire surface of the nail with a buff, slightly pressing on it. Also, after the procedure, it is necessary to clean off all the dust with a brush.


Using lint-free manicure wipes soaked in natural nail degreaser, we remove dust, moisture and cosmetic residues from nails.


Many manufacturers recommend using a dehydrator and primer as additional means for preparing the nail plate. They are applied before the base (first dehydrator then primer). The dehydrator removes excess moisture from the nail, and the primer creates a sticky layer on the surface for better adhesion of the coating to the nail. Many masters do without them. It depends on what brand of gel polish you use (usually the manufacturer indicates all the necessary steps for performing a manicure).

The dehydrator dries quickly enough in the air, it is not necessary to send it to the lamp.

The primer has a liquid consistency and is applied in a thin layer. The coating dries in the air. Drying time 30 seconds.


Manufacturers of UV coatings for nails produce single-phase and three-phase gel polishes. Single-phase do not require the application of a base and finish coat (these are 3 in 1 coatings). But when using three-phase gel polishes, it is necessary to apply a base coat, followed by its polymerization in a lamp. The standard drying time for gel coatings in LED lamp is 30 seconds, in UV lamp 2-3 minutes, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.

The base is applied in a thin layer. For additional strengthening of the client's nails, it is better to use rubber coatings, they have a thicker consistency and level the surface well. Also remember sealing the butt.


2 layers of colored gel polish are applied to the base with interlayer drying.

The main drop must be placed in the center, and then gently stretch it with a brush.

To make a manicure under the cuticle, during the application of the second layer of gel polish, you need to take a thin brush, push the cuticle as far as possible and gently walk the brush along the entire edge of the nail.


The final step is to apply the top coat (top) in one or, if necessary, two layers. After polymerization, you need to remove the sticky layer with a cloth moistened with a nail degreaser.


After completing the classic manicure with gel polish, the cuticle area is covered with a special care oil.

Video tutorial on applying the correct application of gel polish in a classic manicure

French manicure classic

Classic French manicure (French) is performed using different technologies: a smile line is drawn with a brush by hand, special stencils are used, the tip of the nail is dipped in acrylic powder or sparkles, a special French brush is used. Whichever method you choose, the technique for preparing the nail plate will be approximately the same. The exception is the stage of creating the substrate: you can use the base and the subsequent application of light gel polish, or you can use special colored translucent bases for the jacket in your work. Different materials can also be used to draw a smile line: thick gel polish or thicker gel paint.

Step-by-step instructions for performing a classic jacket

Photo with options for a simple nail design

At the end of this review, we posted a selection of photos of a classic manicure with gel polish for long and short nails of various shapes. Perhaps looking at these photos of beautiful nails, you will get fresh ideas for your work. Beginners tend to use the classic colors of manicure: red, pink, beige, blue, gray, white and black.

The perfect manicure is every girl's dream. The condition of the hands and nails is an indicator of grooming. All fashionistas want to learn how to learn how to do a manicure on their own. This knowledge will save you not only finances and time, but will also allow you to make a beautiful manicure at home, introducing your own unique attributes into the design and implementing your own ideas.

A home manicure, subject to a step-by-step technique, is in no way inferior to a salon procedure. Information from articles and video tutorials is enough to master the rules of manicure, and in practice to fulfill the intended nail art.

The basics of manicure include information about the possible forms of the nail plates, how to remove the cuticle, and the features of nail care. Knowing the secrets of manicure, you can bring to life the most daring and original solutions. It doesn't matter if you are doing a manicure for every day or tailoring it for a special occasion, manicure secrets and tricks from professionals will help you achieve spectacular results. All about how to do a manicure at home.

Do you know step by step how to make beautiful nails at home. Proper manicure includes a number of mandatory steps. Home manicure or salon manicure does not play a special role. They are only distinguished by the greater experience of the master and the availability of professional equipment.

To create a beautiful manicure at home, you will need tools such as:

  • manicure scissors;
  • nail file;
  • tweezers;
  • a wooden stick or a metal spatula to push back the cuticle.

Naturally, you can not do without a decorative coating, but better not one. The richest assortment of varnishes can turn anyone's head. Everyone wants to know how to do nails without using nail polish remover, because even the most experienced and accurate girl can make a mistake and she will need a correction. You also need a base coat and a top coat.

The technique of the procedure is represented by three options for removing the cuticle:

  • Edged (tweezers).
  • European (gel remedy).
  • Hardware (using nozzles).

Gel is the most popular way to make beautiful nails at home without cutting the cuticle. With it, you can quickly and effectively soften the skin and, after the allotted time, simply remove it with the remnants of the product. You will get a neat, light manicure without the risk of infection or damage to the painful area.

If you prefer the hardware method, you need not only to buy a device, but also to master it. But then you can very quickly process the nail plates, rollers, remove the cuticle, etc. without burrs and injuries.

So, how to make a manicure, a step-by-step technique:

  • First of all, you need to remove the remnants of the previous nail art: wipe off the varnish, remove the stickers, etc.
  • Next, make a hand bath to steam the skin. Water should be warm, close to hot, but comfortable temperature. Enter a few tablespoons of vegetable and essential oils, this will help soften the cuticle.
  • The next step is to remove the cuticle in any way you choose.
  • After, you need to move on to the shape of the nails.

What to build on when choosing the shape of nails?

The answer to the question of how to make a beautiful manicure at home is impossible without a story about choosing the shape of the nails. The shape of the nail plates is one of the mandatory steps in the process of creating the right manicure. It depends not only on the individual characteristics of a person, personal preferences and fashion trends play a significant role. Depending on the season, one form or another becomes a trend. Do you know what forms are?

There are the following types:

  • pointed.
  • Almond-shaped.
  • oval.
  • rounded.
  • Square.

The basics of manicure say that the choice of form is influenced by self-awareness. It is the pointed form that is preferred by self-confident women, quite powerful and characteristic. The correct manicure for such persons is a geometric design that emphasizes the shape of the nail plates.

The almond shape is typical for flirtatious young ladies. It has been popular over the past years. The secrets of an almond-shaped manicure are that absolutely any design looks advantageous on such plates, creating a real testing ground for fantasies and creativity: from the simple to the most interesting.

The oval shape is characteristic of conservative girls. How to make the perfect manicure is not a problem for them. They stand firmly on their feet and rarely make changes. Harmony and naturalness are their main principles, including the issue of nail art.

They will repeat their favorite design from time to time until something new sinks into their hearts.

The rounded shape of the nails is considered the most versatile and traditional. Girls who give preference to her are considered to be romantic natures. This form adds charm and femininity. How to make nails rounded? It is necessary with the help of a nail file only to round off the corners at the ends, and leave the top straight and even. The rounded shape is a cross between oval and square variations.

Making a manicure at home with this form is as easy as shelling pears, because even a simple transparent coating will look great on them. You can choose a solid color design or a gradient, an intricate pattern or a cool pattern. The rounded shape is also good for new fashion trends, so it will be possible to create even the most original manicure at home with it.

As for the square shape, it is considered the most beloved in recent times. It goes well with nails of different lengths and widths. For lovers of French manicure, this form is especially close. This design is quite simple, so a beautiful DIY manicure is quite doable, even if you have little skill. French is a great manicure for beginners, allowing you to get stylish nails with a minimum of skills.

Keep in mind that when shaping the nails, you need to wield the file in one direction, this will save them from foliation. Agree, why then painfully treat the nails, if you can prevent this unpleasant phenomenon. File movements in both directions are one of the most common mistakes that girls face when carrying out the procedure on their own.

The right coverage

After shaping, it is the turn of the coating. There are a lot of subtleties in this process. It is necessary to go through the nail polish remover again in order to degrease the surface immediately before the new coating. The next step is the base layer. As a rule, such a varnish not only prevents the yellowing of the nail plates, but also levels them, preparing them for further actions.

Now distribute the selected decorative varnish over the nail. You can learn how to do a manicure so that the varnish lies perfectly evenly by mastering the technique of applying a decorative coating:

  • Attach the brush to the base of the nail in the center and move it to the edge.
  • Returning to the starting point, move the brush to the side with arc movements, covering the space of the nail on the left side.
  • Repeat the manipulation with the right side of the nail plate.

You need to do this quickly, until the varnish has time to grab, then you get an even layer, without roughness. Do not forget that you will need to go through the fixer from above. It will help maintain the presentable appearance of the created nail art for a longer period, and also provide it with an attractive shine.

Now you know everything about how to make a beautiful manicure without leaving your home. Your nails will always be well-groomed and elegant, subject to the proposed recommendations.

And now let's talk about the simplest actions that will help make your nails well-groomed and beautiful. These actions are called by one well-known word - manicure.

To do it right manicure you will need the following items:

Nail file (avoid metal files, they are too rough);

Sharp nail scissors;


Nail polish remover (without acetone);

A bowl of warm water;

Soft brush for cleaning nails;

Wooden or plastic stick to push back the cuticle;

Moisturizer, oil or nail balm;

Base for varnish, nail polish, protective coating for varnish (the last item is optional).

To do the right manicure, we will follow a certain procedure.


If the nails were varnished, then you need to carefully remove it;

Wash your hands and brush your nails with a soft brush. Then dry your hands;

- take a nail file and give them the desired shape. File your nails carefully at the corners. By cutting too much, you thereby weaken the nail. If the nails are too long, it is better to cut them first. This should be done while the nails are wet. Movements when filing nails should be from the edges to the middle. After giving the desired shape to the nails, you can check their smoothness. To do this, run each fingernail along the old tights - there should be no puffs;

Now we will make a warm bath (you can add a decoction of chamomile to it) and immerse your fingers there for 10-15 minutes;

After taking the bath, the skin on the fingers around the nails softened and everything superfluous can be removed. But not the cuticle! This thin skin is needed to protect the root of the nail from dirt and bacteria. Just push back the cuticles with a wooden or plastic stick. Manicure is a pleasant procedure, no need to be zealous in the process of removing rough and excess skin;

Lubricate the skin of the hands and nails with cream, oil or balm. Massage your hands and each finger for several minutes;

In fact, the manicure is finished. But if you want to varnish your nails, then proceed to the next step. Remove any remaining cream from your nails and pat them dry. (If you oiled your hands, you will have to wipe your nails with nail polish remover). Apply base coat, nail polish and top coat in sequence.

Little tricks:

You can cut only wet nails, and file with a nail file, on the contrary, only dry ones;

Products containing acetone degrease nails. As a result of the use of such products, the nails cease to shine. Therefore, try not to use such means;

Often the lacquer cap dries to the bottle. To prevent this from happening, lubricate the thread with a thin layer of petroleum jelly or carefully wipe the neck of the bottle before closing;

To keep the varnish longer, apply not one, but 2-3 layers;

The problem of premature drying of varnish can spoil the entire process of painting nails. To keep the varnish longer in its liquid form, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator;

Mixing varnish is best done by rolling the bottle between the palms. When we shake the varnish, bubbles form;

Some varnishes contain substances toluene and formaldehyde, which cause allergies. When buying varnish, it is advisable to pay attention to this.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails incredibly adorn the hands, so a manicure is a necessary and mandatory procedure not only for women, but also for men. After all, systematic nail care is not only their beauty, but also health.


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