Pants for cycling. What if the jeans are too big. Elements of a summer bike uniform

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After looking at the price tag for similar pants in local stores, I decided to order in China, there was no great urgency. At least twice the price turned out to be offline, in my local stores. So please don’t write, like, but it’s cheaper here and why buy in China, since I bought it, it means it was more convenient for me.

The price tag seemed quite attractive to me, but I didn’t expect the pants to be so high quality, I was very surprised. Well, now in more detail

It was a bit of points, threw off until 17.97. Enslaves the store with its points :)

I will say right away that I am not a specialist in this area, so I will review these specific trousers based on my feelings

Material: 86% Polyester, 14% Spandex. The material is quite pleasant to the touch. What is most interesting, the material in front is denser and slightly rough, the material in the back is softer and smoother. It’s overwhelmed that we have pants for autumn and winter, but I think this means the Chinese winter, so only autumn and early spring will be more relevant for us.

What was not unimportant for me when choosing these pants was the possibility of everyday wear, not just cycling. Or rather, the lack of a sewn-on diaper, well, I don’t like it, and my bike is mainly for city driving, I don’t wind a hundred kilometers a day.

The next important point is the choice of size, so as not to miss when ordering online. Decided not to insure, and trusted the table. I chose size XL according to my height and weight (78kg and height 180cm), it fit right next to me, although, as I understand it, cycling pants should not be loose.

Great price, just great.

There was no factory packaging, the pants were in a bag with the logo of the gearbest store

I have already accumulated similar packages, my wife adapted them to her clothing needs, since the packages are quite dense and have a clasp.

We take out the trousers, I did not find any foreign chemical smell, the factory tags are in Chinese.

The tags should have info on how to wash and so on. Here are the recommendations in our correct language:

Wash at temperature: 30 °
do not iron, do not tumble dry
do not bleach, do not iron

In short, you need to be extremely careful when washing so as not to spoil it. Although the stated pants are not afraid of cold, moisture, high temperatures, but are afraid of an iron and a washing machine with its terrible spin)

Here is a small measurement, maybe it will help someone with a further choice

The pants taper to the bottom, but there is a lock, which I quite liked, since I don’t really like very narrowed pants, although it’s quite comfortable when riding a bike, the legs do not interfere with the ride.

On each side there is a fairly deep pocket with a zipper, and one small one at the bottom. The palm will completely fit into the side

There are reflective elements, which is also quite useful when driving at night.

Well, let's see what they represent from the inside

Huge pockets

Leg bottom

The tailoring quality is good, there is nothing to complain about at all, but if only a couple of protruding threads)

Now it’s a little hot in them, but in order to take a picture I had to put them on.

After trying on, and walking down the street, I regretted that I didn’t take a brooch size, although maybe I’m not used to tight pants :)

The pants left a pretty good impression of themselves, it's a pity that there is only one color, I would take another one for myself. I'm also thinking of buying a sports jacket or a trowel for them to make a set. The material is good for its cost, but it is waterproof only in front, on the back there is another fabric that will still get wet. So far, unfortunately, I can’t check out all the charm of these pants, it’s not the season anymore.

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If during cycling there is an uncomfortable sensation in the groin area, then you should not run for a new saddle, this will not correct the situation, it is better to buy high-quality cycling pants.

Cycling clothing has not been a luxury item for a long time, it is a necessary piece of equipment, and if you can get by with a regular sports uniform when riding short distances, then for a long trip, cycling clothing has a number of advantages that should not be neglected.

Wearing cycling pants improves riding comfort through three main features:

  • A pad or diaper provides a smooth interface, unlike conventional center seam models;
  • Bicycle pants reduce or completely eliminate friction while riding providing a snug fit of the fabric to the body;
  • Moisture Control: Spandex, Lycra, and other specialty fabrics used to make cycling pants allow moisture to evaporate, while cotton traps moisture, causing excess heat, rashes, and bacterial growth.

The main qualities of cycling pants

  1. Practicality
  2. Clothing for cyclists has many additional details available. Things are made from special fabrics, so it is comfortable to ride in them for a long time and in strong winds, and in rain, and in hot weather. Things do not get wet, do not rub and do not cause any discomfort.

    In addition to cycling pants for warmer weather, there are special cycling shorts that you can read about.

  3. Traffic safety.
  4. Bright colors and reflective elements ensure safe riding even on dark streets, while the fit of clothing allows you to safely drive through difficult areas and not get caught on the road for protruding objects.

Style selection

Cycling pants come in a variety of styles. The upper part always hugs the waist and goes down below, reaching the level of the knee.

For additional protection from the sun, wind or rain, you can choose three-quarter length cycling pants that are longer than usual.

Chest pants rise at the waist and have suspenders on the shoulders. The main style of cycling pants for women can be like a skirt, but in general they are similar to universal pants.

The main parameters when choosing pants

  • The elasticity of the fabric is an important criterion allowing complete freedom of movement.
  • The absence of protruding elements that can rub while riding. High-quality expensive pants usually do not have flaws; when choosing fakes, you must carefully check each seam.
  • Cycling pants must be measured before buying, the wrong size will cause a backlash: it will create additional friction; will hinder movement or press in the groin area.
  • Also, before choosing cycling pants, you need to remember that there are significant design differences in male and female models.

Pampers on cycling pants

Pampers on cycling pants - padding in the groin area, made of soft breathable fabrics with antibacterial impregnations.

The diaper reduces pressure on the groin area, which reduces the risk of chafing.

When wearing, it is important not to wear underwear under the diaper, as this will impair the functionality of the cycling pants.

The main task of a bicycle diaper is to remove the evaporated liquid and protect the perineum from the occurrence of diaper rash.

Previously, all cycling pants with diapers were made with suede lining, which was uncomfortable and not very hygienic.

Modern models of cycling pants are equipped with multi-layer diapers with fleece filling, which are as close as possible to the body and have additional pads with an absorbent effect.

The choice of the optimal model depends not only on the manufacturer, but also on the individual physiological characteristics and sensations when wearing pants.

Manufacturers of cycling clothing are constantly improving their models and are looking for the perfect design to maximize the repetition of anatomical shapes.

How to choose the perfect cycling pants

When choosing, you should be guided not by pricing or a prestigious brand, but by the full conformity of the cut to the figure of the cyclist.

Expensive things will last much longer than ordinary ones, but buying branded underwear is only worth it if you ride constantly.

You should choose the appropriate model of cycling pants as carefully as possible, before buying you need to try on the thing, since even very expensive models can be completely uncomfortable to wear.

If desired, you can pick up pants with straps, this issue is decided on an individual basis, depending on personal preferences.

The difference between female and male models

Cycling pants should always fit the body tightly, this is one of the important parameters of sports cycling clothing.

Many men and women wear cycling pants of the same cut below the hip, but there are significant differences in the style from the hip and above in the female and male models: women have a longer and thinner waist, so a fitted cut is required.

Men's cycling pants feature a short front seam.

But the anatomical structure of the body is different, so it is possible to wear models tailored for the opposite sex, but in any case this does not apply to cycling pants with diapers, since the structure of the pad is calculated on the characteristics of a particular sex.

The difference between cheap and expensive models

Most cheap models are still made with a piece of suede sewn in, the clothes have an internal seam, some suede pads are impregnated with an antibacterial compound and several layers of special foam of various configurations.

Expensive models are made exclusively from high-tech fabrics, do not have internal seams and therefore are of better quality and more comfortable.

Caring for your cycling pants

Read the care label carefully before washing your cycling clothing.

If for some reason there is no label, then it is better to wash the cycling pants by hand and only in cold water, without using any chemical detergents, it is better to use ordinary washing soap, so the thing will not lose its impregnation properties and will last much longer.

Specially designed cycling clothing will always be much more comfortable than any other.

First of all, this is the convenience of planting the fabric, then moisture removal, which prevents the possibility of catching a cold while riding.

Also, the cycling pants tightly wrap around all the joints, keeping them in the right tone, and the most important achievement of the cycling pants is the cycling diaper, which negated chafing and involuntary skin injuries during.

Reading 7 min. Views 1.4k.

Every sport has its own uniform. And cycling is no exception. Of course, if you ride a bike to work, it would be inappropriate to wear a bike uniform, but in other cases, we say yes to cycling clothes.

Why do you need a bike uniform?

  1. Bright clothes make you visible in the stream of cars, drivers will pay attention to the cyclist
  2. Veloform provides ventilation and removes perspiration from the body
  3. In the rain, a quick-drying form will warm you, protect you from the wind
  4. Cycling shorts reduce friction from the saddle in the groin area
  5. Tight-fitting clothing will not catch on the chain of the bike, glued seams will not bring discomfort
  6. Lightweight materials save energy.

Elements of the summer bike uniform:

  • T-shirt
  • Underpants
  • Hats
  • Cycling socks

Elements of the winter bike uniform:

  • Jackets
  • Overalls
  • Long Sleeve Jumpsuits
  • Bicycles
  • thermal underwear
  • Bicycle shoe covers

How to dress for the season?

Summer cycling uniform is shorts and a T-shirt. In changeable weather in the summer, an elongated set of cycling clothes is suitable: a jacket with long sleeves and ankle-length pants. An alternative to the kit is to wear bicycle stockings and bicycle sleeves. By the way, an elongated shape will save you not only from bad weather, but also from burning in the sun. With an elongated version of the bike shape, a “striped” tan is not terrible.

Insulated form in appearance it looks like a summer elongated one, but it is sewn on fleece. In such clothes, the body gives off moisture, but does not saturate.

Winter cycling clothing- this is a thermal jacket, thermal pants and gloves with insulation. The chest in the form should be insulated, and the back and sleeves should be breathable.

Don't forget about the headache r, it is needed at any time of the year. Cap in summer, hat in winter. When it's snowing, wear bike goggles.

Useful advice:

When outfitting for cycling, look not only at the thermometer, but also at your well-being in the veloform. If you are cold, warm up regardless of the season. But do not rush to put on shorts with the onset of the calendar summer, if it is +15 degrees Celsius outside.

Cycling shorts. How not to be shy about diapers?

From debate, friction and inconvenience, the crotch is protected not only by cycling shorts, but also by cycling shorts. They are of three types:

  • Actually cycling shorts (swimming trunks or boxers) with diapers.
  • Cycling shorts as part of the uniform - long and tight
  • Loose cycling shorts with a built-in diaper.

Bicycle shorts are selected according to three parameters:

  • Breathable material. The best option is a combination of spandex and man-made fibers, but such a piece of cycling clothing is expensive
  • Croy. We choose seamless shorts that will not rub when riding. Cycling shorts are sewn from 4.6 or 8 strips of fabric. The more stripes, the more comfortable the fit.
  • The size. First, you should choose your size. Secondly, check the convenience not only when walking, but also when landing on a bicycle. Of course, taking a bike into the fitting room is a bad idea, but it’s worth discussing with the seller the possibility of returning the goods after fitting “in the saddle”.

Now let's talk about cycling. This is the main component of cycling shorts, which distinguishes them from ordinary wardrobe items. It protects the delicate skin of the perineum from sweating and abrasions. That is why they do not wear underwear under cycling shorts or cycling shorts with a diaper.

Choosing cycling shoes

Cyclists use different shoes for trips:

  • Non-cycling shoes (ordinary sneakers, sneakers, sandals, even slates)
  • Cycling shoes
  • Contact cycling shoes

Contact shoes are bought complete with similar pedals. On shoes and pedals, the pattern on the sole fits perfectly. The design is expensive, but when driving, the leg will not come off. Cons of contact shoes, in addition to the price - it is extremely difficult to move on the ground in them, they are only suitable for cycling

Cycling shoes are tight-fitting shoes without laces. The laces often get caught in the chain, so cycling boots are fixed to the leg with rubber inserts. Summer shoes come with a slightly ribbed sole, and the winter version of cycling shoes is equipped with spikes.

Useful advice:

Choose waterproof, non-staining shoes in dark colors for skiing. In the new white Adidas, you may make a splash, but you will certainly get them dirty while driving.

And in order to keep your feet from sweating inside the shoes, wear light high socks. Some advise wearing footcloths so as not to spend money on special socks for cycling.

For travel and for work

Bicycle for you - not just entertainment, but the main means of transportation? Then in the choice of clothes you have to show imagination. It is clear that you won’t ride a bike in trousers and a jacket, but if the work dress code allows light jeans or cotton pants, go ahead with the iron horse. By the way, you can go to work in a bicycle uniform, and then change into a “suit of a decent person”.

Today, many brands are developing men's casual looks adapted to cycling. For example, the River Island brand creates jackets for everyday wear with reflective inserts and loops at the waist for attaching a bike lock. Levis has also developed a collection of jeans and jackets made of stretch fabric with reflective and water-repellent elements.

Russian veloform

The Russian national cycling team uses the form of Italian production. But there are also good domestic manufacturers that create clothes for cycling.

The most popular Russian cycling uniform for men is called, oddly enough, "Katyusha". The summer kit on the manufacturer's website costs 3800 rubles. The cycling jersey is made of 100% polyester, which will keep the body dry for a long time. Coolmax fibers are responsible for this, whose sections are four-channel, which increases the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fiber by 20 percent.

This fiber structure allows you to quickly transfer moisture from the body to the fabric, where it will evaporate. Clothing from Katyusha dries quickly and is well ventilated. In addition, these special fibers are two times softer than cotton, more pleasant to the skin. Bicycle shorts from "Katyusha" consist of polyester and elastane. The two materials provide good moisture wicking and elasticity. Domestic cycling shorts can be stretched 4-6 times, and it will return to its original state without folds. In shorts, a bicycle diaper is provided, we will cover the contours of the body.

An alternative to Katyusha was the Nalini cycling uniform. Cyclists immediately warn that when ordering via the Internet there may be a size mismatch, it is better to come to a specialized store and try it on. The Russians acquired the Nalini franchise in 2005, since then the form has gained great popularity in the market.

There are many sites on the Internet where they offer to order a form for a bicycle. If possible, take the form from a retail store, where you can try it on, in which case, return it.

Why is a cycling uniform better than regular clothes?

Of course, in a tight fit you can’t put a mobile phone and other important things in your pocket, but there are a huge number of pluses in wearing a bicycle uniform.

  • Cycling T-shirt(Jersey). The more you move, the more you sweat. Polyester T-shirts quickly absorb and evaporate moisture. With moderate riding and light wind in a cycling uniform, the cyclist's chest will always remain dry. True, how to make sure that the back has time to dry before it fogs up, the developers of the form have not yet come up with.
  • Glasses and helmet. Firstly, these elements of the form will distinguish you from athletes of other types. The glasses have a sun protection effect, and also protect the eyes from dust and debris. It is especially important to wear bike glasses when riding on gravel or in a column of cyclists.
  • Gloves. Remember how after the first bike ride you rubbed calluses on the outside of your index finger? This wouldn't happen with gloves. In bicycle gloves, the steering wheel does not rub, sweaty hands do not slip off the control. In addition, the structure of the gloves redistributes the load on the hands, after a long trip they will not hurt.

Helpful Hints:

When choosing a form for cycling, pay attention not only to the size of the model, but also to its size.

Wear bike protection with your uniform:helmet, elbow pads

Wash your uniform a couple of times a week if you ride your bike every day. For the convenience of the “lower” elements of the form (pants, T-shirt, shorts) there should be several sets.

Don't wear a uniform that cuts you. Bicycle clothing should be tight but not tight.

Many years ago, the most eminent cyclists dressed like ordinary onlookers - in comfortable pants and a shirt, and even with a jacket. Time changes professionals. Athletic uniforms were shortened and became tight-fitting, and now strangely dressed cyclists in bandanas, tight jackets and shorts began to appear in the city.

Consider what modern cycling clothing is, its features and constituent elements. Let's touch on the shorts with diapers loved by everyone and the features of operation in the conditions of Russian frosts.

Does it make sense to use

We can say that all riders are divided into two camps in their attitude to modern cycling clothing, especially the male part of them.

One camp is the conservatives. For them, a bicycle is either a means of transportation that can be ridden in both a formal suit and casual jeans, or “just a bicycle” that is no different from other sports activities.

These guys dress in sweatpants and shorts, sometimes they ride in camouflage, which is convenient for subsequent walks in nature. The "conservatives" usually include non-professionals - lovers of rare walks or experienced "severe" riders, whose riding style no longer requires any special equipment.

On the other hand, more and more cyclists are dressing in comfortable and modern clothes. Bicycle models are very technologically advanced, and a lot of money is invested in their development. Modern cycling clothing has many tasks regarding ordinary things:

  • ventilate the body of the cyclist - cooling is very important, especially during intensive riding;
  • remove sweat - wet skin is the main cause of discomfort when riding;
  • mitigate the negative effect of the load on the body - various dressings and reinforcements will allow you to get tired less and not injure the joints and the musculoskeletal system;
  • optimize aerodynamics - up to 80% of the air resistance when skiing falls on the body, and the drag force can be effectively reduced.

Both sides are right. Modern technologies make it possible to seriously simplify skiing and reach new heights, but this requires sacrificing both time choosing clothes and serious sums. A set for professional racing costs several thousand dollars. In addition, many simply do not like the look of modern sportswear, in which unisex rather than male models are more common.

Warm weather clothing

Usually they ride a bike in warm weather, very often in hot weather. It is clear from the operating conditions that the classic idea of ​​a bicycle uniform is created by the American meme MAML - middle-aged man in lycra (a middle-aged man in lycra), which appeared due to the abundance of many office workers in parks, on and embankments in the United States in recent decades, concerned about their health, who put the maximum use of modern technologies at the forefront.

Summer clothes for cyclists are light, tight, made of synthetic materials focused on body cooling and heat dissipation. In addition to the classic T-shirt and shorts, gaiters and sweat-wicking bandanas are often used under the bike helmet.
In autumn and spring, as well as during adverse weather conditions, moisture and windproof windbreakers are used.

Additional elements in the cold

Looks special set for riding in winter. Cycling clothing is changed for the cold period completely. Even cycling pants, visually repeating the summer version, are lined from the inside with insulating materials and lose their ventilation pockets.

A separate type of footwear with Gore-Tex technologies and analogues, lightweight insulating insulation. Balaclavas and goggles for face protection, specialized gloves with an elastic coating of several fingers (for using the brake), warm jackets. Perhaps the market for winter accessories for bicycles is one of the most rapidly developing and not well-established. There is a constant exchange between the cycling market and the widest selection of sports equipment for skiing and snowboarding.


Let's move on to the main elements of the veloform. Of course, it all starts with T-shirts and T-shirts.

What elements and features should you pay attention to when choosing a bike jersey?

  • Material First of all, it is the sensations of the body. You will have to spend a lot of time in a T-shirt, and it should be comfortable and pleasant. Next is ventilation and sweat removal, which again depend on the material.
  • Seam quality- a coarse thread and even small flaws will lead to problems after a couple of washes. The seams may come apart or start chafing the skin, making it impossible to wear the garment. It is especially important when it is women's cycling clothing.
  • Cut at shoulders and waist- we should not forget that most of the time on the bike is spent with arms outstretched forward. The shirt should sit well with the body tilted and arms outstretched.
  • Reflective elements is an important element of road safety.

In winter, the convenience of the sleeves is important, since they have to come into contact with gloves, and the windproof properties of the material.

The subject of special love of all “conservatives” is cycling shorts. They are also "shorts with a diaper" or cycling shorts. Specialized models originally appeared for road racing on the respective bikes, but are now used in cross-country.

Although this element causes a smile, the "diaper" is a key part of the cycling shorts, which is responsible for absorbing the shock of the saddle and removing moisture from one of the cyclist's problem areas - friction constantly occurs between the legs and sweat accumulates, which needs to be removed.

Important factors when choosing cycling shorts:

  • Availability and quality of execution of "pampers".
  • The design of shock-absorbing silicone inserts - it is desirable that they not only be, but also be divided into several segments - this is how the greatest shock-absorbing effect is achieved.
  • Fitting of the legs - they protect the leg from chafing and should not move.
  • Elasticated waist or "braces" to attach to the shoulders - the shorts must not move or slip during use.

Separately, there is a class of cycling pants. These include both elongated shorts that are tight and remove heat and sweat, as well as versatile options. First of all, these are “gaiters”, which are worn under tight pants in winter or used separately in cool weather. By design, they are no different from shorts, except for the elastic band on the lower leg.

"Pampers on cycling shorts"

Universal cycling pants are pants with ventilation pockets that are additional to the “diaper” and often come unfastened at the leg. Pants are designed to protect the legs from moisture and cold for riding in winter and in rainy weather.

Thermal underwear and jackets

There is no separate class of thermal underwear for cyclists. Even professionals take underwear for outdoor activities, but there are some limitations - you need to choose the size very carefully so that you can use underwear with tight cycling clothing.

Jackets, on the contrary, are subject to a minimum of requirements. All-purpose windbreakers should protect the body, fit comfortably and not interfere with movement. Suitable for both specialized cycling models (more elastic fit, longer sleeves and lower back), as well as regular sports items of clothing.

It should be noted that jackets are clearly divided into men's and women's, as their cut is seriously different.


As in other areas of the bicycle market, manufacturers pay special attention to accessories. They are most often bought, and they please cyclists incomparably more than new clothes of “large” items of equipment.

What accessories are useful from those offered by the market?

  • Slimming leggings- a controversial element that is gaining popularity. Tightening the calf muscles is already used by professionals, but has not yet gained popularity among amateurs.
  • Balaclavas and goggles for winter skiing are mandatory, without them there is no point in “going on the ice”, i.e. ride in winter. This is both dangerous and inconvenient.
  • Sweat-wicking underwear- additional elements similar to thermal underwear, but performing the opposite function - to cool the body and remove sweat, as do the elements with diapers. A rare and expensive pleasure.
  • - there are separate articles about them, but it is important to select them in accordance with the clothes already used.


Cycling apparel is a big market with a huge number of designs coming into mass production from sports teams and their suppliers. Choosing clothes for cycling should be based on several basic parameters:

  • material– depending on the tasks, it should be different;
  • figure– any clothing for cycling should be comfortable;
  • functions- each item of clothing has its own task, and this task must be completed, and the best example of this is diaper shorts.

By critically approaching the things in the store and evaluating them from all sides, it is very easy to choose the perfect thing for riding. Of course, if money is not an issue, cycling clothing, like all professional equipment, is not the cheapest product.

You can buy it on the website of our partners.

The jeans you like in the store are sometimes too big. What if you still want to buy them? In no case do not refuse to buy. Just like not giving up your favorite pants that have become big as a result of a successful diet. And there is no need to be upset in these cases either. Another thing is needed: to reduce jeans. This can be done not only in the workshop, but also at home.

How to shrink jeans

There are several ways that really help to make pants smaller.

By washing

Hot water can affect your jeans and make them look smaller.

When hand washing, you will need capacious containers (basin, baby bath) and boiling water. But detergents are not useful: the work is done with clean trousers.

Jeans are immersed in boiling water and kept in water for 10 to 15 minutes. In another container (you can in the bath). From boiling water, the thing is immediately immersed in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Now it remains to wring out, dry and iron the pants using steam.

Machine wash

When using a washing machine, only the maximum temperature wash function (95°) is required, no rinsing! The highest temperature is also needed for drying. You can also use a hot battery.

Important! Having the ability to shrink from hot water, jeans can stretch during wear. Therefore, washing can be reduced, but not more than 2 weeks.

With stitching

Laundry is usually used as a temporary method. For a permanent change in size, the trousers are sutured. The work is carried out both completely with the entire product, and with individual parts that have become problematic.

Materials and tools that will be required when working with jeans at home

If you are constantly engaged in needlework, you will have all the necessary tools at hand. The rest of the girls and women need to prepare the following:

  • matching color threads;
  • needles for basting and stitching;
  • pins;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or pencil;
  • wide elastic band;
  • sewing machine.

The presence of an assistant is very useful!

How to sew in jeans that are too big

We will tell you how to sew jeans in different places.

How to sew jeans at the waist. Instruction

The most common case is when the pants fit well, but are clearly large at the waist. There are several ways to fix this.

The easy way

Put on your jeans and tuck in a few tucks at the waist to make it shorter. You got some kind of darts. Try to distribute them evenly, without collecting all the excess fabric in one place.

Secure the hoods with pins. After that, you need to carefully rip the belt in places of the tucks and carefully sew them up. The fabric, which turned out to be superfluous, is cut off, after which the belt is sewn again.

Important! Try not to make too long darts at the back, on the buttocks: this will pull up and shorten the back of the legs.

The hard way

This method will take more time, but you will be pleased with the result.

Work begins with ripping off the belt loop and label, which are located at the back. After that, you have to carefully unpick the belt (from the seam - 10 cm in each direction) and the step seam (by 8 cm). We carry out work with the back seam:

  • fasten excess fabric with pins;
  • we outline and check during the fitting;
  • if necessary, we correct, after that we perform a machine seam;
  • on the front side we make a double seam with a thread matching the color of the stitching.

Continuing work, we sew up the ripped step seam and also perform stitching. After that, we move on to the belt. Having measured how long it should be after sewing, we cut off the excess fabric, not forgetting to take into account the stitching allowances in the calculations. We sew on a shortened belt, return the back loop and the company label to the product. Work is done!

Important! In order for the product to look of high quality after re-stitching, do not forget to remove all old threads in a timely manner after tearing off and how to iron the seams after you have torn the old ones and made new ones.

Reducing the size with a wide elastic band

Another way to reduce jeans at the waist will require a wide elastic band. Getting started, we undermine the belt from the wrong side in the back of the trousers.

Cut off the elastic (you need a length that is slightly less than the waist line on the back). We fix the elastic band on the belt with pins and try on the pants. If the elastic has not pulled the belt together enough, we adjust its length with pins. After that, we sew an elastic band, and then a belt. Now your jeans will fit perfectly at the waist. And on the back of the belt, only a small assembly will be visible.

How to sew jeans in the hips. Instruction

If jeans dangle in the hips, they are sutured in this place. First, it is planned how much tissue needs to be removed. To do this, put on trousers turned inside out and pin the excess material with pins.

Having removed the jeans, a seam line is outlined with chalk or a pencil from the inside. After that, the belt and pocket are torn off, the side seam is ripped open and a new one is made. In conclusion, 2 decorative stitches are made from the face of the product.

How to sew jeans on the back seam. Instruction

You can remove unnecessary volumes in the buttocks area if you redo the back seam. In this case, you will also have to first remove the belt loop and the label from the back. The trousers are then put on to mark and secure how much fabric needs to be sewn up.

Having removed the jeans, they make a basting seam, and after an additional fitting - a machine one. After removing excess fabric, the seam is processed, and stitching is done from the face. The last step is sewing on the belt, belt loops and labels.

How to sew jeans on the sides in the legs to change their model (from wide to narrow). Instruction

If the fashion has taken a rapid turn and the newly bought jeans clearly do not fit into it, do not immediately push them away. When switching from wide or flared trousers to tight ones, everything is fixable.

Action algorithm:

  • We put on the inside-out jeans and mark the desired width of the trousers with pins.

Important! If flared trousers got into a mess, jeans are narrowed below the knee, when working with wide legs - along their entire length.

  • After removing the jeans, they make a basting and check it during the fitting.
  • If the preliminary seam does not need to be adjusted, machine stitching is performed.
  • Iron the product, and then cut off the excess material.
  • Perform processing and external stitching.

Tips for downsizing jeans at home

The work of self-reducing the size of jeans will require perseverance and painstaking work. The experience of experienced craftswomen will help.

Jeans Sewing Tips:

  • Perform work on a clean, but already worn product. This will give you an idea of ​​how much the jeans stretch as you wear them.
  • Take your time and don't rush! It is better to do an additional fitting to fit the pants to your figure than to ruin the thing.
  • Do not rip the legs completely, turning them into a skirt: not everyone succeeds in sewing them correctly in the crotch area on their own.
  • Use double stitching and extra stitches at the end of the seam - this will improve the quality of your work.

Follow all the steps carefully and carefully, and you will succeed!


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