A single mother with many children: what kind of state assistance can you count on. What benefits are due to single mothers What does a single mother of many children receive

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Raising one three or more children for each mother is a huge job. Not only is a woman alone, it is difficult for her morally, but physically she has to provide for all the children and herself alone. It is not easy to remain in such a situation, the state is trying in every possible way to support privileged categories of citizens with the help of various subsidies, benefits and additional payments.

The status of a single mother, to whom it applies

According to statistics, about 30% of women in Russia are raising children alone. However, not everyone is eligible to receive benefits and payments. In order to understand the meaning of this concept, we will understand the following:

  • If the child was born in a marriage and subsequently the parents divorced, then the mother will not be recognized as a loner, since she is entitled to alimony from the father of the child
  • If the child's birth certificate contains the surname, name, patronymic of the father, then such a woman is also not recognized as single.
  • If there is a dash in the father column, then she can be attributed to single mothers, even if she marries in the future

Important! In cases where a woman was married and divorced, but three hundred days have not passed at the time of birth, the child will be recorded in the name of the former spouse

In such a situation, a woman is not entitled to benefits, however, she can still receive the status of a single mother:

fall under the status Do not fall
she became pregnant and gave birth, being unmarried, and the registry office did not record the recognition of paternity by her current partner;

· an unmarried woman has undergone an adoption procedure;

The fact of paternity was established by the registry office, but went through a challenge in court. If the DNA examination and the court confirmed that the man is not the biological parent, then the woman can subsequently receive benefits as a single mother.

Russian women who divorced their husbands. It doesn’t matter at all how the ex-spouse behaves further - evading the payment of maintenance amounts does not affect the mother’s status in any way;

women who gave birth to a baby out of wedlock, but their partner or cohabitant was recognized as the father of the child (in the registry office or by court order);

· Russian women who have become widows, have deprived their husbands of their paternal status, or whose husbands have been declared missing;

Russian women who gave birth to a baby within 300 or less days from the date of filing a divorce.

Benefits for single mothers

benefit Explanation
Benefit in kind Up to two years of age, free meals are provided in the dairy kitchen, necessary things at birth, medicines, an envelope for discharge
Power compensation Up to three years you can get cash and food
Utilities Discount on utility bills, as well as free garbage collection up to a year and a half
massage There is a right to arrange a free massage
Meals at school Meals are provided free of charge
Queue and payment d / s Enrollment in a kindergarten without a queue, as well as its payment with a 50% discount
Sanatorium treatment Once every 2 years you can go to a sanatorium or rest home for free
Medicines Up to three years to get them for free, then at a discount
tax deductions Personal income tax provides a benefit of 2,800 thousand rubles for each child under 18 years old
Dismissal from work The mother is insured against dismissal until the child reaches the age of 14, unless of course she violates all the rules at work
Additional leave Mom has the right to take plus one vacation for two weeks

Payments to single mothers: amounts and types

Help for single mothers is assigned from the birth of the third and subsequent children .

  • With early registration, a woman can apply for an allowance in the amount of 613.14 rubles.
  • Based on the income of a mother with many children, or if she was not employed, she was entitled to a payment in the amount of 16350.33 rubles.
  • After the birth of a child, a care allowance is assigned up to 1.5 years. At the birth of the third and subsequent children, the amount of the allowance is within the limits of 6131.37-23089.04 r
  • Maternity capital - issued for the second and subsequent child
  • It is single-born individuals who are paid 15,000 rubles at a time
  • Monthly payment fixed for each region
  • an increased amount of child allowance up to 1.5 years - 6 thousand rubles a month (or 80% of the salary, if the single mother did not return to work, but immediately went on a new decree);

Important! Residents of Moscow and the Moscow region are provided with an allowance of 10 living wages at the birth of their third baby. It is shown to parents who are not yet 30 years old.

Examples of benefits in various cities of Russia

City Benefit
Moscow They pay 750 and 675 rubles to cover the cost of buying food for children under 3 and inflation. Separately, 4 thousand rubles are transferred monthly to the mothers of children under 3 years old, and after reaching the specified age and until the age of majority, they are paid 2 thousand per month;
Kursk Students who become single mothers monthly receive 900 rubles additionally
Kostroma One-time payment in the amount of 2800
Penza 1000 rubles to collect the child for school
Sakhalin From 1.5 to 6 years, the child is paid an allowance in the amount of 9500 rubles.

Subsidies provided for mothers of large families

One of the varieties of subsidies for single mothers of many children is the provision of housing subsidies. It is as follows :

  • Funds are provided free of charge, but you must meet a number of requirements.
  • Purposeful use of funds: money can be spent on the purchase of housing both in the primary and secondary markets, however, in the "primary" it can only be bought if the house is completed an 70%
  • The acquired property must not be under arrest, be collateral
  • You can use the subsidy within 6 months from the date of registration, otherwise you will have to submit documents again.
  • An additional condition is the citizenship of the Russian Federation and residence for parents.

The calculation formula is:

Subsidy amount = average market value of 1 sq. m. m. in the region * S * %

Important! The amount of payment that the state can provide is usually between 10% and 70%, however, the maximum limit is usually paid to residents of rural areas, and urban citizens can receive no more than 40%

House building subsidy

The state also provides subsidies for the construction of a house to large families - the conditions for receiving them and the method of calculation are similar.

If a large family decides to build a residential building, then it can apply for a subsidy. There are two ways to provide it:

1. Before building a house: in this case, money is given out for the necessary materials and payment for work and services

2. Or after, in this case, the expenses of the family that already exist are compensated

Important! It is worth considering that these funds are targeted, it will be necessary to confirm their use.

The amount of the subsidy varies from 50-100%, depending on the regional authorities, the number of children in the family, the area norms and the cost per square meter

Benefits and compensation for a single mother in 2020

The status of a large family in the Moscow region can be obtained by a family with three or more children. To do this, you need to contact the social security authorities or register on the public services website, confirm your account with any bank or Pension Fund, and then submit an application.

Benefits for large families are of two types: regional and federal.

federal benefits Regional
Children under 6 years of age are entitled to free medicines, as well as prescription drugs Compensation for half of the utilities, families who do not have centralized heating are provided with a benefit for the purchase of coal and its transportation, you can apply for registration at the microfinance center, the website of public services or social protection
Admission of children to preschool institutions without a queue Having received a social card for a resident of the Moscow Region, where there is a child under seven years old, one of the parents and the child is provided with free travel in public transport and free travel in Moscow's surface public transport and in the metro.
Free meals in schools Provision of free vouchers to a sanatorium or camp, or their partial compensation
Issuing a school uniform Possibility to get a land plot for free: for this it is necessary that all members of a large family be Russian citizens, parents must have lived in the Moscow region for at least 5 years, all children must be minors.
You can visit cultural attractions once a month One of the parents is exempt from paying vehicle tax
obtaining preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase of building materials and housing construction In cases where a child in a large family is studying full-time for the first time and the family income does not exceed the subsistence minimum, he is entitled to a monthly allowance in the amount of 4 thousand rubles
employment through the employment center with the possibility of easier work If a third and subsequent child is born in a large family, and its income is below the subsistence level, a one-time payment of thirty thousand

Conditions, documents and where to apply for benefits and subsidies

For registration of benefits and subsidies, you must contact the social protection authorities, the microfinance center, or independently register on the public services portal, having previously received a password for your account, only after confirming your identity, all the services of the site will be available to you.

Documents that you will need to provide to receive benefits:

  • Originals and copies of all passports of adult family members and birth certificates of minors.
  • a statement about this from any of the parents;
  • certificate of a large family;
  • certificate of the need to provide benefits (on low income)

The same list of documents must be submitted to the management company.

To receive subsidies for the construction or purchase of housing, a more detailed list of documents will be required, such as:

  • Copies of parents' passports;
  • birth certificates for each child;
  • a certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family, as well as an extract from the house book or apartment card;
  • certificate of absence of debts on utility bills;
  • a document confirming that the family has the status of a large family;
  • certificates of income of each parent and documents on real estate owned by the family.

The decision to issue a subsidy is considered for two weeks. A construction subsidy can be transferred before the start of work on the construction of a house in order to purchase building materials and pay for the services of builders, or after completion of work in order to compensate for the expenses of parents with many children.

Answers to common questions

1.Question #1:

What tax benefits are due to a mother of many children?

Tax benefits are amounts that are not taxed. They are provided for children under eighteen years of age. These benefits include:

  1. reduction of the land tax rate, its non-payment on time;
  2. discounts on rent for the use of land for farming;
  3. exemption from paying the registration fee for those engaged in entrepreneurial activities;
  4. return of 20-70% of the kindergarten fee; the opportunity not to pay rent for land plots for farming or peasant farming;
  5. 30% discount on utility bills.

Benefits for parents:

- early retirement, for women at 50 years old, but the experience must be at least 15 years

Extended vacation by 14 days

Training in the employment center, employment

There are different situations in life. Sometimes a mother finds herself in such a position that she has to raise a child alone. Then she has a legal status, giving the right to various benefits and benefits. This year, as in previous years, payments were indexed. In the article, we will consider what is installed single mother's allowance and other nuances related to this issue.

Benefits at work.

So, a single poor mother only in exceptional cases, in connection with:

  • liquidation of the organization in which she worked,
  • failure to fulfill their own labor duties (at the same time, this fact must be documented, for example, when an order was issued to impose a fine on the employee),
  • violation of the labor schedule (lateness, absenteeism, disclosure of secret information),
  • providing false information about his person when applying for a job.

In addition, it is considered that:

  • If a woman has a growing baby, less than 5 years old, it is impossible to force her to work in night shifts (from 22 to 6 in the morning). This requires her consent. The exception is professions that are associated with night shifts (for example, a night watchman).
  • If the child is under 3 years old, she cannot be involved in business trips and work beyond the prescribed hours. This can only be done with her consent.
  • A single mother whose child is under 14 years of age and the mother of a disabled child under 18 years of age may work on a reduced work schedule.
  • A woman raising a disabled child can count on 4 days off per month in addition to the existing ones.
  • The mother of a child under 14 years of age can receive two weeks if she wishes.
  • A single mother can choose the time that is convenient for her.

When a single mother gets a job, the future employer cannot refuse her due to her status. For this, more compelling reasons are needed, for example, a mismatch of an open vacancy.

A single mother is supposed to when her child is sick. When it comes to inpatient treatment, the mother is paid additional assistance, the amount of which depends on her length of service.

The first 2 weeks of the mother's illness are paid full wages, then - 50%. When it comes to outpatient treatment, experience does not count.

Cash payments.

Benefits for poor single mothers come down to the following:

  • on pregnancy and childbirth. It is issued once and is equal to the salary.
  • 655.49 rubles for registration in the early months (up to 4 months),
  • Benefit. Paid until he is 1.5 years old. It is 40% of the average salary of an employee. This is more than the minimum allowance when earnings exceed the minimum wage.
  • Compensation equal to 50 rubles. Paid from 1.5 - 3 years. From January 1, 2020, the allowance from 1.5 to 3 years will be about 10,000 rubles.
  • Allowance for a child from 3 years to 18 years in Moscow - 6336 rubles. + 792 rubles for the rise in food prices;
  • Cash support paid for the first child before he is 1.5 years old. Those mothers who gave birth to their first child, starting in 2018, are entitled to count on it. The poor in this case will be considered people whose income is less than 1.5 PM per person in the family. Moreover, the allowance itself is equal to 1 PM in a particular region. (about 15,000 rubles)
  • If a second and subsequent child is born to a single mother, the mother is entitled to.

Social benefits in 2020.

A single mother can receive:

  • money to cover the increase in inflation to compensate for the increase in the cost of providing for the life of the child,
  • free trips by metro and ground transport,
  • compensation for the purchase of baby food for the first 3 years of a child’s life,
  • reimbursement of part of the money that was transferred to the account,
  • targeted assistance: clothes, sets for newborns, shoes, medicines,
  • the priority right to and school educational institutions, the payment of increased scholarships,
  • priority right to massage and other physiotherapy in children's medical organizations,
  • free and DOW,
  • discounts on sports clubs, music schools and other additional education,
  • trips on preferential terms (up to) to sanatorium organizations and other institutions so that the child can restore his own health and avoid diseases in the future. Provided once a year.

Who can apply for benefits and benefits.

It is clear that a woman who has the status of a poor single mother. But when will the mother be recognized as such?

To do this, one of the following conditions must be met:

  • the spouses are divorced, and the father does not transfer funds for the education and maintenance of his own child, while the baby lives permanently with his mother.
  • The child was born when the parents did not register the relationship or were already divorced. At the same time, it is necessary that more than 300 days have passed since the divorce or death of the spouse. In this case, the ex-husband is recognized as the father, and it will not matter if he is the biological father.
  • Parent's father.

In addition, a prerequisite is that the father is not listed on the baby's birth certificate.

As an exception, the mother can write down any person there, but then she should be given a certificate at the registry office stating that information about the father was entered into the document according to the mother.

When the right of a single poor mother to benefits and benefits ends.

Help for a poor single mother will be terminated in several situations:

  • if the child grows up and turns 18,
  • if a woman goes out and a man adopts a child,
  • if a woman begins to receive sufficient wages to provide for a child on her own.

A single poor mother is also entitled to a deduction from the tax.

It is laid until the total income based on the calendar year does not exceed 350,000 rubles. When this value becomes greater, personal income tax is removed from all earnings.


The state provides assistance to single poor mothers. For its registration, in most cases, it is enough to contact the local MFC and the place of employment.

What is the law of a single mother.

In Russia, there are quite frequent cases in which a woman is engaged in raising children without male support. The reasons for this are different, but in any case, the child is forced to grow up in an incomplete family. To raise a worthy member of society out of him, the mother spends enormous forces, while working hard to provide her child with everything necessary and keep up with rising prices. In the article we will talk about the benefits [allowances] for single mothers in Moscow in 2020, what size and procedure for obtaining them.

The government sees the complexity of the situation and, being interested in the development of the future generation of Russian workers, is trying to support single mothers in all spheres of life. Benefits and allowances for single mothers are approved at the federal level, but the regions have the right to supplement existing support measures with their own payments and in-kind assistance. Thus, the capital of Russia has its own state child allowances, which can only be received by Muscovites.

Types of state support for single mothers

To know for sure what benefits and allowances for single mothers can be provided in a particular region, you need to get advice from the district department of social protection of the population. The amount of payments varies depending on the place of residence of the mother and is influenced by the following points:

  • the number of children
  • the fact that the parent has an official place of work,
  • mother's average earnings per family member.

Both parents from a complete family and a single mother can be assigned:

  • one-time support measures,
  • monthly payments for children,
  • reimbursement of some costs
  • help in kind,
  • subsidies for purchases and payment for services,
  • various benefits. Read also the article: → "".

Who is eligible for Moscow benefits and allowances

Capital benefits, payments and other measures to support families with children intended for single mothers can only be claimed by women who have permanent registration in Moscow and are registered with the local Social Security Administration.

List of benefits and allowances for single mothers in Moscow in 2020

Firstly, a single mother has the right to issue all the same regional lump-sum payments as women who are married and raise children in a complete family:

welfare Amount (rub.) Terms of receipt
A one-time payment to a woman who is registered in a antenatal clinic or in a district clinic before the 20th obstetric week of pregnancy. 600 Early registration in the LCD.
Supplement to the allowance for BiR. 1500

● value for 140 days. vacation in BiR is 7 thousand rubles,

● for 156 days. - 7.8 thousand rubles,

● for 194 days. - 9.7 thousand rubles.)

The woman lost her job due to the closure of the company within 12 months before applying to the Employment Center.
One-time compensation on the occasion of the birth (adoption) of a child. ● If the child is 1st: 5500,

● if 2nd, etc. – 14500,

● if triplets and more children - 50 thousand rubles.

Appeal to the USZN no later than 6 months after the appearance of a child in the family.
One-time payment to a young single mother (up to 30 years old). ● If the 1st child is 76535 (5 subsistence minimum amounts),

● if the 2nd is 107149 (7 PM sizes),

● if the 3rd is 153070 (10 PM sizes).

Contact USZN no later than 12 months from the date of the baby's birth.

Secondly, a single mother can apply for the assignment of payments intended for low-income families to her if she meets the requirements for applicants. To do this, the part of a woman's earnings per family member (average per capita income) must be below the Moscow subsistence level.

If the average per capita income is higher than the subsistence minimum in the capital, a woman can apply for benefits in a different amount:

Other social guarantees for single mothers

In the capital, children from complete and single-parent families also rely on benefits in kind. A single mother can also apply for them:

  1. Free clothes for the newborn (provided at the maternity hospital).
  2. Free travel in public transport (up to age 7).
  3. Free access to cultural events (within the norm).
  4. Dairy products for babies under the age of 2 (from this year it is planned to replace this benefit with money - 750 rubles).
  5. Free medicines for a child under 3 years old.
  6. Exemption from payment for cleaning the territory of an apartment building (until the baby is 1.5 years old).
  7. Half the cost of attending kindergarten for a child.
  8. Free massage in a children's medical institution.
  9. Breakfast and lunch are free of charge for the child at school.
  10. A voucher to the sanatorium once a year without charging a fee.
  11. Compensation for the payment of an apartment issued under a rental agreement, subject to the payment of taxes by the landlord.
  12. 30% discount on the education of a child in a music, art school and other development institutions in Moscow (until the children come of age).

Working privileges for a single mother

Labor preferences apply to single parents throughout Russia, including in Moscow:

  1. A single mother cannot be made redundant until her children are 14 years old. The only exception is the constant admission of violations of labor discipline. Read also the article: → "".
  2. When a company is liquidated or an individual entrepreneur is closed, a single mother must get another job.
  3. An employee is entitled to payments for children:
  • child care allowance for the period of stay on the corresponding vacation;
  • allowance for medical treatment institution;
  • payments to the mother when treating a child at home (10 days of the employee’s stay at home are fully paid, the rest of the time is paid in half).
  1. Refusal of a single mother in work because of her status is impossible.
  2. A woman is entitled to a reduced working day or a personal work schedule if her child is not yet 14 years old.
  3. Overtime work and duties on weekends and holidays do not apply to a single mother while her child is under 5 years old.
  4. A single mother can go on a business trip only with her written consent.

Tax credits for mothers

A single mother is entitled to a 50% reduction in the tax base for personal income tax. In the case of the first child, 1400 rubles will not be taxed, with the second and all subsequent children - 3000 rubles. The rule is valid until the child is 18 years old (or 24 years old if he is studying).

Housing benefits for women

A single mother can join the housing improvement waiting list and participate in any government program to help families buy a home. For example, she can apply for a subsidy to purchase an apartment for a young family if she is under 35 years old.

Part of the rent can also be reimbursed at public expense if the landlord pays tax on rental income.

When do child benefits stop?

When a single mother remarries, but her new spouse does not adopt her children, benefits and benefits remain with her. Otherwise, the right to the status of a single mother disappears. If the child officially got a job, payments for him also stop. Read also the article: → "".

Measures of state assistance to single mothers with many children

If a single woman is raising several minor children at once, she can count on additional assistance:

  • a one-time payment of 14 thousand rubles in the event of the birth of a third baby, 50 thousand rubles for the birth of triplets (a young mother under 35 years old will be paid 48 thousand rubles for each newborn);
  • monthly reimbursement of payment for the phone in the amount of 230 rubles;
  • an annual allowance for the purchase of uniforms for the school in the amount of 5 thousand rubles.

Where to go for help

For tax benefits, in addition to the employer, you can contact the local branch of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

How to apply for benefits and benefits for a single mother

As in most such cases, the applicants applied to the local branch of the SZN Office, but today the registration of Moscow payments is possible only through the official website of the city services of the capital.

Required documents for registration

On the website of Moscow city services, you will need to upload the following electronic copies of documents:

  1. Birth certificate for all children (from the registry office).
  2. A certificate from the registry office (form No. 25) and a note stating that the details of the baby's father are entered in the birth certificate according to the mother.
  3. Certificate of family composition (from the housing department, the Administration of the settlement or the passport office).
  4. Certificate of marriage or divorce (from the registry office).
  5. Help 2-NDFL from the last place of employment, if a woman changed jobs less than 12 months ago.
  6. Certificates from educational institutions where children study
  7. Medical report if the child is disabled.

Legislative acts on the topic

Decree of the Government of Moscow dated December 6, 2016 No. 816-PP On the amount of individual social payments in 2017
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 08.12.2015 No. 828-PP About additional state benefits for single mothers
Decree of the Government of Moscow dated April 6, 2004 No. 199-PP About the one-time “Luzhkov payment”
Law of the city of Moscow dated September 30, 2009 No. 39 Issues of youth policy in Moscow
Law of the city of Moscow dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 On social support for families with children
Law of the City of Moscow dated 03.11.04 No. 67 Monthly state allowances for children

Typical mistakes during registration

Mistake #1. The woman, before applying for benefits for the poor, calculated the average per capita income, including the earnings of her new husband, who did not adopt her children, and came to the conclusion that she was not entitled to payments for the poor.

In the case when the new spouse of a former single mother does not adopt or adopt her child, his salary should not be taken into account when calculating the average per capita income of the family.

Mistake #2. A single mother has applied for a refund of rent for a house, while she rents it informally without a tenancy agreement.

The condition for providing compensation for rented housing is its execution under a rental agreement with the payment of income tax by the landlord.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. Where is the money transferred after the approval of the application for state benefits in Moscow?

The amounts of all state benefits are credited to the Muscovite's social card.

Question number 2. When should single mothers apply for Moscow social benefits for children?

Some payments must be made before the child is 6 months old, others - up to 12 months. The general recommendation is that you should not apply for benefits if the account begins crediting during the last months of maternity leave, otherwise the B&D benefit will be taken into account in the calculation of family income, which will lead to a decrease in the amount of payments or to forfeit them. .

Not every woman who raises a child without the participation of a father is considered by our legislation to be a single mother. Such a status and related social support from the state is received only by a woman who has given birth to a child out of wedlock and in the absence of a joint application of the parents or a court decision to establish paternity. In the birth certificate of her baby, respectively, there will either be a dash, or the father's surname is written by the mother's surname, and the name and patronymic - at her direction. At the same time, the registry office issues a certificate of an approved form confirming her status (form No. 25) to a woman.

If the child has an official father, then a woman is not entitled to any benefits as a single mother, even when the unfortunate father does not live with his family and does not pay alimony.

Single mother: benefits and benefits in 2020 and by whom they are provided

It would be logical to assume that the state should take care of socially unprotected citizens. And some payments to single moms are indeed set at the federal level. But often, what and when the allowance will be, a single mother learns from friends or from local news. This is because part of the preferences for this category is at the mercy of the local authorities, which establishes them based on their own understanding and financial capabilities. And the provision of concessions in the field of labor relations has traditionally been entrusted to employers.

Social support measures

As before, one cannot count on any special allowance for a single mother in 2020. However, in order to improve the financial situation of single mothers, they may be granted various social privileges established at the local level. These benefits typically include:

  • free sets of linen for a newborn;
  • free children's dairy kitchen;
  • extraordinary admission of the baby to kindergarten;
  • discount on payment for kindergarten;
  • the purchase of certain drugs for free or at a discount;
  • free services of a massage therapist in a children's clinic;
  • free meals in the school cafeteria;
  • discount on utility bills.

Benefits in matters of labor and employment

It is clear that in order to raise a baby alone, you must have a stable income. Therefore, one of the most significant guarantees for a single mother raising a child under 14 is the statutory prohibition on dismissal at the initiative of the employer, except in cases of complete liquidation of the enterprise or on guilty grounds (truancy, being in a state of intoxication, etc.). That is, when carrying out measures to reduce staff in an organization, it is impossible to dismiss a single mother on this basis.

Until the child reaches the age of five years, the direction of a single mother on business trips, involvement in overtime work, work at night, weekends and non-working holidays can be carried out only with her consent. And until the child turns 14, the mother can work part-time (although the salary will be proportional to the hours worked).

If the organization has concluded a collective agreement, then it may establish the right for single mothers to receive additional annual leave without pay at a time convenient for them for up to 14 calendar days.

Payments and benefits

At the federal level, child benefits for a single mother practically do not differ from payments for children raised in a complete family - neither in the list of types, nor in their size. So, the amount of the single mother's allowance in 2020 will be:

  • maternity allowance - depending on the amount of earnings, but not less than 34,520.55 rubles;
  • fixed one-time payment at the birth of a child - 16,350.33 rubles;
  • monthly payments for caring for a baby up to one and a half years old - in the amount of 40% of average earnings, but not less than 3065.69 rubles;
  • monthly payment for child care from 1.5 to 3 years - 50 rubles;
  • monthly or quarterly payment to low-income single parents with children under 16, depending on the region.

In addition, working single mothers are entitled to double the tax deduction. A tax deduction is a statutory amount of income on which income tax is not withheld. That is, a person will receive a large amount in his hands. A tax deduction in the amount of 2,800 rubles per 1 child is provided to singles until the moment when the annual amount of income does not exceed 350,000 rubles.

What documents are needed to receive benefits

To receive social support measures for a single mother, the relevant social security authority must provide:

  • statement;
  • the passport;
  • birth certificate of the child (original and copy);
  • certificate of form No. 25, which was mentioned above.

To receive benefits provided to low-income families, you will still need a certificate from the place of residence on the composition of the family.

Summing up

For some reason, it is widely believed that being a single mom is beneficial. But, as we can see, no special child allowance for single mothers in 2020 in Russia, unlike some European countries, has been established, and this status gives little privileges. Therefore, in material terms, it is much more profitable to establish the paternity of the biological father and require him to pay alimony. However, the position of a single parent has its advantages: you don’t have to ask anyone for permission to go with the baby to rest in another country or, for example, ask the child’s father to bring a certificate from work stating that he did not use the appropriate benefit at his place of work .

Today, a single mother with many children is not uncommon. Often women refuse to register their father in favor of financial support from the state.

In addition to federal support measures, a number of developed regions have additional preferences.

Benefits in Russia in 2020

The category of single mothers with many children includes women who take care of at least three children, the eldest of which has not reached the age of majority. Accordingly, the bar can be carried up to 23 years of age, subject to full-time education.

The corresponding status is assigned if the children are not born in an official marriage or after 300 days from the date of the official divorce. Another case is the impossibility of establishing the identity of the father or challenging paternity in court.

The status of a single mother with many children does not contradict the possibility of being married. However, there are different judicial practices on this issue: often the court leaves the status of a single mother if her new husband has not adopted children, respectively, he does not have the obligation to raise and support them.

What are the

Benefits for single mothers include preferences in the main areas of life:

  • social;
  • labor;
  • housing;
  • medical;
  • educational, etc.


Housing issues are resolved, in general, in a standard manner. However, for this category of persons, various housing programs are provided. Subsidies, subsidies for the purchase or construction of housing stock are offered.

Single mothers with multiple children can participate in federal and regional programs. As a rule, there are a number of requirements for participants:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • lack of housing in the property;
  • permanent residence in Russia.

How much allowance per child

The legislation provides for monthly payments until the youngest child reaches one and a half years, which in 2020 are:

  • for the unemployed - 6284.65 rubles (for the second and subsequent child);
  • for employees - 40% of the salary, but not less than the specified amount.

Permanent benefits are accrued until the age of majority. Their size depends on the region of residence.

In Moscow, they pay 1,200 rubles for each child from a large family in order to compensate for the rise in prices, as well as 675 rubles to smooth out the upward trend in food prices (until children reach 3 years of age).

Child benefits from different fathers

When it comes to single mothers, there is, in principle, no point in talking about the fathers of children. And even if the children are actually born from different men, this does not exclude the possibility of receiving all the due benefits and payments at the federal and regional levels.

Labor privileges

The Labor and Tax Code of the Russian Federation establish significant preferences for mothers with many children.

  1. A woman cannot be fired until the youngest child reaches the age of 14 (or 18 if the child is disabled), even if the owner of the enterprise or administration changes. In the case of a fixed-term contract, after its expiration, the average salary must be paid for another 3 months.
  2. 100% compensation for sick leave, even if this is not provided for by law due to lack of experience or output.
  3. The impossibility of attracting on holidays and weekends if there are small children.
  4. Additional unpaid 14-day leave at the request of the employee.
  5. Tax deduction for personal income tax: 1400 rubles - for the first two children, another 3 thousand for the third and subsequent.
  6. Raising five or more children allows, with sufficient experience and IPC, to retire at 50 years old.

To be eligible for an early pension, the youngest of five or more children must be 8 years old and have at least 15 years of insurance experience. With an insurance period of 20 years, a woman with two or more children can also retire early if she has worked in the Far North for at least 12 calendar years or in areas equivalent to it for at least 17 calendar years.


Among the additional payments at the level of the subject of the federation, a monthly payment in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the third and subsequent child is established.

You should contact the social security authorities or the MFC for it.

Paid until the third birthday of the youngest of the children.

Not in all subjects it was decided to assign this allowance. It is necessary to clarify in the bodies of social protection of the population whether this privilege is established in your subject of the Russian Federation.

Other surcharges have been established in the regions. They are both permanent and one-time. For example, in the Kostroma region, lump-sum benefits in connection with the birth of a child, in Sakhalin, additional payments are provided for babies aged 1.5-6.5 years who do not attend kindergarten.

Financial assistance from the state: what money does he receive

Depending on age, the amount of benefits for each dependent varies. Most of all, funds are relied on for a minor under three years of age, then benefits and compensations are reduced. However, large amounts can be offered by the regions if the budget of the subject allows it.

Monthly payment for children

The amount of monthly payments depends on the age of the children. So, differentiation occurs according to the following age categories:

  • up to 1.5 years;
  • 1.5 - 3 years;
  • 37 years;
  • over 7 years old.

Benefit amount: how is it calculated

The calculation of the amount of payments is made only for working single mothers with many children. As a general rule, the amount of the benefit is 40% of the available earnings.

All regional benefits are calculated according to the rules of the subject of residence. Appointed for various reasons, they rely only on permanent residence, and sometimes mandatory registration in it.

What allowance does he receive for children from three years old

This type of benefit is paid until the youngest dependent is 18 years old. The exact amounts of payments are not set at the level of the Russian Federation and completely depend on the laws of the subject. They are much smaller than those that rely on raising children under three years old.

What gets after 18 years

Maintaining the status of a mother of many children and, as a result, receiving support is possible even after reaching the age of 18. The main condition is to receive full-time education in a Russian university or secondary school and be under 23 years of age.

Education in foreign educational organizations is taken into account only if it is provided for by an international agreement.

The procedure for granting benefits to single mothers

Receiving benefits is possible only if you have the status of a mother of many children.

Depending on what preferences a woman receives, the appeal is submitted:

  • to social protection (benefits and compensations);
  • to the tax authorities (personal income tax deduction);
  • employer (granting leave, compensation).

Design rules

To apply for benefits, a woman must contact the social security authorities by submitting documents there:

  • written statement;
  • the passport;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • confirmation that she is not married;
  • bank account details;
  • documentary confirmation of the status of a mother of many children.

If we are talking about benefits, the amount of which depends on earnings, information on employment and wages (or being registered with the labor exchange) is also attached.

Thus, at the level of the federation and subjects, benefits are provided in the main areas - social, labor, tax, housing, medical. Their appointment is possible if at least three children officially do not have a father.

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