Love divination “Deep psychological compatibility. He wants to be with me but doesn't want to leave the closet He wants to be with me

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Hello dear readers! Women are not always easy to understand. Not everyone likes to advertise their own feelings and actively show sympathy for a young man. Some of us believe that this is the only way to win the guy we like. Men, in turn, are tormented by the question: “Does she even like me?”

Today we will talk about how to understand that a girl wants a relationship. I will tell you how she behaves at the same time, why she can be afraid and hide her own feelings, and also what a young man should do in an age when the phrase “Let's meet” remained only in the arsenal of schoolchildren, and even then not all.

What you really need to know about a woman

It is difficult to imagine a man who says the phrase: "Let's meet with me." Pairs are formed somehow spontaneously. People start, call up more often, spend time together at home, and after some period they come together or decide to get married.

So is there any point in trying to find out if a girl wants a relationship or not, when you can just deploy so-called hostilities around her? If she willingly makes contact, agrees to go to the cinema or restaurants with you, answers calls and even starts writing herself, then this means that she is not against this novel.

If you encounter various obstacles, for example, she finds excuses to once again refuse to walk together, and avoids meetings in every possible way, this means that.

There is nothing wrong with starting to show sympathy for a girl without even being sure that she likes you. I can recommend a book Marina Komissarova Love. Defrosting Secrets». In it you will find a lot of advice on creating a harmonious relationship with a woman whose feelings you are not sure.

Everything in life is scary to do only the first time. It does not matter whether this novel ends in a happy marriage or you spend several months of your life on them. After that, it will be much easier for you to communicate with the opposite sex, and will not cause horror. This experience will be very helpful.

A warning to men in love

If you experience some discomfort in communicating with a girl and want to protect yourself from rejection, then you can watch the woman a little and try to find out if she feels sympathy for you.

I must warn you right away that in this way you deprive yourself of some opportunities, because you can remember a thousand stories when a girl did not pay attention to a guy until he showed himself. Sometimes you need to go on several dates to make sure that you really like a man.

Feelings indicators

And yet, let's talk about, which, I remind you, do not necessarily give an absolute guarantee of feelings.

If you notice that a woman often looks at you, it means that she likes you and naturally, she wants to start an affair with you.

The girl is trying to show her strengths in your presence: she is beautiful, begins to communicate more with others, often jokes herself and laughs, if it happens at work, then she can begin to show initiative and excessive activity.

Some women choose radically opposite behavior. It all depends on her experience and the role she chooses for herself in the relationship. Perhaps she will try to look more modest, be silent more often, try to hide from your gaze, blush, or in some other way show embarrassment. You will think that she is afraid of you.

In any case, your presence (or appearance) does not go unnoticed. How to mark these changes? The woman you choose is unlikely to immediately identify your appearance every time. Watch her the moment you enter the room.

That's all for me. See you soon and don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

Psychologists talk a lot about the fact that compatibility is the key to a long and happy relationship. It is based on many factors, on what partners expect from a relationship and how similar these expectations are, on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roles of a man and a woman in a couple. This tarot love divination will help you understand how you and your chosen one are suitable for each other. The spread analyzes the hopes and fears about love, which also have a huge impact on relationships. With the help of this fortune-telling, you can become closer to your loved one.

Make a layout

How does my partner see me in a relationship?

The first position “What does a partner see me in a relationship” will tell you what character traits, tastes and habits your partner notices in you in the first place. From this card, you can judge what image of you has developed in his head.

What am I really

The second position "What I really am" will show your true face in this relationship. How do you present yourself to a partner, how are you used to behave. By comparing the first and second cards, you will understand how much your loved one knows the real you.

How do I see a partner in a relationship?

The third position "How I see a partner in a relationship" will show the image of a loved one that you have.

What is he really

The fourth position "What he really is" will reveal what you may not notice in his behavior.

How does he want to see me?

The fifth position “What he wants to see me” will tell about the secret desires of a loved one, about his ideal of femininity.

How I want to see him

The sixth position "How I want to see him" will tell you about your ideal of masculinity.

My hopes in love

The seventh position "My hopes in love" will answer the question of what you expect from this relationship. Expectations can be both positive and negative. If a negative card has fallen out, this indicates that you are controlled by fears and complexes.

Greetings gentlemen, Alexander Panferov is in touch and today I will describe how to understand that a girl is excited and wants you, and also whether she wants sex or is it just flirting. I immediately warn you, all the signals below should be considered comprehensively and in context.

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Often girls imitate sexual signals just to get what they want with the help of flirting and take control of a man's mind. Yes, when we think about sex, we lose our vigilance and sanity, to put it mildly. Girls know about it and are happy to use it.

Sometimes these signals are even unconscious.

While a man wants a girl, he is controllable, he wants to please her. It was as if they were hinting at us all childhood, if you want to fuck, sorry, sleep with a girl, you need to take care of her, give gifts, be nice, make compliments.

Sorry guys, this is not true. Such a scheme, more often than not, only delays or even excludes the moment of sexual intimacy. When a girl wants sex, she experiences similar sensations, a girl for good sex and the ocean will fly over. But they approach the choice of a partner more selectively + to everything the social framework and beliefs.

The guy is looking for a new one, and the girl is looking for a better one. Remember this phrase. But now is not about that. As I said, we men are about 8 times worse at reading non-verbal signals. If we saw female lust, we could also use it. Not for mercantile purposes like women, purely platonic, as befits a man)) In general, two people would be satisfied. And so we went to disassemble the signals

Signals are false or meaningless

The girl put on a sexy dress- maybe she's just used to looking good, it's stupid to think that this is especially for you. And a large neckline is not a symbol of her accessibility, it is quite possible that she is aware of her beauty and has learned to command male behavior.

Can you recognize signals of interest?

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Talking about a breakup- either just stupid, or teasing, but still she is stupid. This is a topic that is unpleasant for most men. She certainly implies that she is free. But who likes to think about those who loved her tra.. before.

A woman can look at you intently, and at that moment imagine how you fuck her ...

Keeps your eyes on you for a long time- interest is focused on you, okay - she seems to like you! But the fact that she is ready to sleep with you does not mean, alas.

playing with hair- yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. At this time, the signal is outdated, as it is used simply as a method of attracting male attention to a girl. It's mostly just flirting.

Playing with decorations- used to be considered a sexual signal, but I do not take it into account. Such fine motor skills are often used for calming. It is more likely that the girl is just nervous or shy. maybe, of course, from what wants you. But it is better not to take this signal into account.

How to understand that a girl is excited and wants a man?

TOP 20 clear signs that a woman is ready:

  1. Showing the neck - exposing the neck is an almost instinctive sexual signal that symbolizes trust and submission. In the animal kingdom, the neck is a weak point, wolves bite into the neck of enemies to kill. This gesture indirectly means that the girl is putting herself into your hands.
  2. Stroking is sexual stimulation. Pleasant sensations from tactile touches. And it doesn't matter if she strokes you or herself when you see it.
  3. Invasion of your personal space - goes itself to rapprochement. direct and explicit signal of approach. But it may not mean lust.
  4. Random touches are random just for you.
  5. Tilt of the body - stretches towards the object of interest.
  6. Provocative questions - inclines your thinking, sexually impudent. Congratulations, you are rocked emotionally. Maybe they're just teasing.
  7. Sexual themes - you are teased and persuaded to think about sex in an obvious way.
  8. The sexually aggressive behavior of a girl means that you missed all the previous signals and she does not intend to waste time. Knows what he wants.
  9. Lip licking is a symbol of swollen (excited) labia. Most of the girls are not aware of this, but use this technique.
  10. She sits on you, presses, rubs against you - she is already almost trying to fuck you .. be active already.
  11. She does not hesitate to be alone with you - it means that the girl has confidence in you and does not exclude the fact of sexual intimacy.
  12. The girl puts her hands between her legs - a gesture of containment of sexual tension. The gesture is indecent for women, which means that it is often done unconsciously. Tries to control himself. This is a very powerful signal that the girl wants you, probably the ship has already leaked, you understand.
  13. Plays with hair - yes, these are very mediocre, but still sexual signals. The girl is a coquette, the gesture is outdated exactly, like this concept.
  14. Demonstration of the wrists - for example, when smoking.
  15. Demonstration of armpits is as old as playing with hair, but these gestures (13,14,15) retain their relevance as sexual signals, as they are rarely reproduced consciously by girls.
  16. Eyes - a playful, lively look, slightly closed eyes, a brilliant fucking ... well, so I was often told. It is difficult at first to understand that the girl wants you, by the look. Understanding what the eyes are talking about comes only with the experience of communication and with the development of the “Calibration” skill. One sage of seduction said: "Look for the devil in her eyes."
  17. Tries to woo you - helpfulness is not flirting, it means that the girl really wants to please you in many ways. She cooks for you, gives you a massage, puts things in order, gives something, even if it is insignificant. This also includes the fact that the girl respects you. This is a good prerequisite for sex. Of course, there are exceptions, as with any rule, and maybe your house is simply unbearably dirty, so it’s cleaned up.
  18. I came to meet you in stockings - my favorite signal, I love stockings. This is their tool of seduction, a good signal.
  19. Dragging food off your plate - girls are happy to share food with a man they like. And they will rather refuse the proposed unsympathetic person in her opinion.
  20. Embarrassed by you and blushing when interacting - “you can make her feel embarrassed, you can sleep with her today” is an old saying in seducer circles. Blush on the cheeks is a great signal.
  21. Makes you compliments - as we know, this is not quite the norm for a girl, she shows undisguised interest in you and admiration.

Well, I wanted 20, but I got carried away, because there are a lot more of them.

There are exceptions to any rule, and it is necessary to consider signals in context and it is good if they are groups of sexual signals. 1 or 2 sexual signals separately may mean nothing at all.

Do girls want sex and how often?

Trust me they want it more than us

As I like to say, and the phrase is absolutely justified and verified.

Girls are just as lustful animals as we men are.

All equally. Social norms, of course, constrain women's behavior, but in their heads the same lust. One of my friends said:

If I woke up in the morning and didn't masturbate, the day was wasted.

2 weeks without sex and a lamppost turns me on.

Another quote from a woman:

Yes, I want every day, several times a day

Here I want to note and this is important, these phrases do not apply to those guys who look mediocre, unkempt, fat, insecure, the reality is that you rarely become the embodiment of female sexual fantasies. Therefore, sports will help you, a good hairstyle, style and tan. And yes, drive out any losers who will say that appearance is not important for a man. All handsome, laugh at you freaks.

It does not necessarily become a world-class model, but elementary care and your own style should be.

Sorry if I overreacted, but I don't care. I just want to hit some characters to motivate them. My intentions are pure and noble. There are no criteria that describe the correct facial features of a man, other than the usual proportions and symmetry, but the criteria that describe the number of abs cubes are obvious.

In general, who does not strive for beauty, he loses most of the women in his life. They have to cheat, talk, persuade - the handsome ones just take it. Anything they want. Handsome people are more trusted, they listen better and there are many more bonuses. Being beautiful doesn't mean being dumb. Choose the path of development, your life, you decide.

Test the passage above through women's opinion, so you will know its veracity through their eyes.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you?

She lingers in front of your face close, and looks into your eyes. Just enough distance to lean in and kiss. You did not understand? She expects it from you, kiss already! In general, stop looking for the right moment, just kiss already.

How to understand that an older woman wants you?

Everything is the same, only they have even less problems. Libido with age in girls only rises, and so on until the menopause. At 40, if a woman wants sex, she behaves like a 17-year-old boy, only much more confident and wiser.

Social pressure on girls

Girls are vulgar, but not in male societies. remember this

Girls are always afraid of male condemnation. And therefore, even if a girl really wants sex, she hides it. Norms of behavior, such labels in society as chastity, whoredom, whore, slut, nymphomaniac.

What a good girl would love to be labeled like that, even chastity now sounds nasty "Virgin" like there's something wrong with her. Therefore, girls do not discuss vulgarity in the company of men, but they do not choose words among themselves. And of course, depending on what, it is a company of men.

How can I refuse if I don't want it?

Hahah guys)) Yes, it happens, I understand. Just be gallant and try not to offend her. She will be offended anyway!)) Girls are not so used to rejections, it hurts them terribly. Yes))

It is not necessary to do this, such views are usually tied on the contrary. Everything must be strict

If you are going to refuse, then you do not need to squeeze and excite her. And he clearly said once that you don’t want it now and that’s enough. If you don’t understand, take her by the forearms and repeat, looking straight into her eyes. If that doesn't work, call a cab and send her home. In general, be cool. The man said, period, you don't even need to explain anything. Just no and control your behavior. If you say one thing and show another, she won't believe you.

At such moments, you do not think how to understand that a girl wants you)) When she tries to fuck you, sorry for the expression. Favorite paragraph in this article)))) Thanks for the questions guys. Girls are unpredictable, after you didn’t give her, she can even fall in love with you, she can hate you. Although these are just 2 sides of the same coin.

As always, please look in context and try to get the gist of it. Once you catch the essence and analyze in detail each gesture is no longer needed.

Sincerely, Alexander Panferov.
Specially for Men's University 2017

I'm 26 years old, he's 25, I feel so bad right now ... because of a breakup with a guy whom I don't understand and with whom there are no points of contact, everything is normal in sex, but this is not enough. But I need him, I want to be with him, but he doesn't want to be with me... we are too different
I'm selfish, I'm used to thinking only about myself and what concerns me. He's used to thinking about others so that they feel good. I like to shift responsibility to other people, he lives alone and is used to doing everything himself, unlike him, I am absolutely not independent.
I often lie or keep back to my relatives, on the contrary, he says everything right in the face, even if it’s unpleasant. He does not understand how this is possible. I am not striving for anything; my gray life suits me. He does not understand how it is possible to live without striving for anything.
I earn little. He earns 3 times more than me and wonders why I am not looking for a better paying job.
We went with him to relax for a week at sea - I threw tantrums at him, bringing out emotions - he calmly ignored my tantrums. We swore because of the little things, but there were so many of these little things that we eventually got tired of each other. We decided to part as friends.
We have nothing in common with him - tastes are different, hobbies too, everything is completely different.
He thought I would change, but I don't change...
I don’t know where to start, I can’t take it and change at once. I understand that he is right in telling me all this, in my heart I completely agree with him, but in reality I don’t. It hurts me to hear about my shortcomings.
I really want to be with him - but he has no feelings for me - I know ... This hurts me.
I'm used to the attention of men - what they do, what I want - but this does not work with him. He feels my game, the moments when I try to manipulate him - and cuts them off at the root. When I lie, he brings me to clean water.
I want to really want to be with him and I don't need anyone else.
But how? How to make him respect me, so that he has feelings for me?

Hello Ninel! let's see what's going on:

But I need him, I want to be with him, but he doesn't want to be with me...

why do you need it? What does he give you and the relationship with him? what are you experiencing? What do you feel? is he someone who can help you grow and take a mature position? because you don't want to do it yourself?

think about what kind of relationship were between you - as between a man and a woman, or as between a parent and a child? who were you? What is he tired of - FROM you or FROM relationships?

why doesn't he want to? what do you see? How does he see the relationship between you? how are you? you and he need to clearly see and hear - what exactly was NOT so in the relationship? who was waiting for what? what and who motivated? what does each of you see?

used to think only about myself and what concerns me

I like to shift responsibility to other people.

I often lie or keep back to my family

I earn little.

why do you write about yourself in contrast to him? Only in this way do you realize what is NOT enough for you? Then what's stopping you from growing up? learn to take responsibility for yourself and bear?

what's stopping you from telling the truth? what happens if you take a mature position? - yes, it will be difficult - but this is what distinguishes a mature person from a child - why do you NOT want to grow up? are you afraid? unsure of yourself? don't know what to do?

He thought I would change, but I don't change...

is that what he told you? those. in fact, he did not accept you - and waited for you to change? in the end, he got out of the relationship - he changed the situation for himself!

He feels my game, the moments when I try to manipulate him - and cuts them off at the root. When I lie, he brings me to clean water. he feels NOT the game - but IMMaturity and that is exactly what he does NOT support! it is for you as a hope to grow - only you can help yourself in this!!!

Ninel, if you really decide to figure out what is happening - feel free to contact me - call - I will be glad to help you!

Good answer 7 bad answer 1

Hello Ninel! You are aware of your shortcomings and want to change - and this is the most important thing! Of course, changes cannot happen immediately, they will be gradual, but they will be necessary! The main thing is to really want it. First you need to accept your shortcomings, agree with them. Then start inventorying them. What exactly do you dislike about yourself? You can write down your shortcomings on paper and write next to each shortcoming how they interfere with your relationship. For example, lying prevents me from establishing trust, no one believes me, etc. This will help you understand what exactly you have to work with. The next question is - why am I lying - or doing this and that), what does this give me? Then you will know what you really want when you lie. For example, I want to be thought well of, or I am afraid that people will think badly of me. Then it will become clear why you are lying. And the third step - and how can I be sure that they think well of me without deceiving me. This work is not easy, but worth it. It is worth doing it, because it will give you a lot - the joy of real, sincere communication, without manipulation. Good luck to you!

Good answer 6 bad answer 1

Ninel, is it "painful for you to hear about your shortcomings"? But you yourself write about them (if this is considered a disadvantage, for many the above is not a disadvantage at all) ...

"How to make him respect me, so that he has feelings for me?" - for starters, respect yourself, show your feelings to yourself!

"I want to really want to be with him and I don't need anyone else" - it's important to decide here ... You have no common ground, except in bed ... What do you need? For what? And so on...

Such questions are resolved internally with a psychologist (if you have already decided to figure it out).

Good answer 5 bad answer 2

Hello! My name is Irina, 23 years old. I met a guy at my new job. By his looks, by the fact that he touched me, I often realized that he liked me. I liked him too. I took the phone number. Then he began to write that he really liked me, that he wanted to see me and all that. We started dating him. Events developed quickly, all this literally within two weeks. Then he started acting strangely. At work, he was detached, no longer approached, did not hug. But he talked, as if nothing had happened, as usual, and nothing personal. Naturally, I didn’t cling either. I didn’t understand what was the matter. But I realized that we were no longer together ... I called him, asked what happened, that I did not understand anything. He was silent, then answered that he thought that I had someone, because I corresponded with someone on the phone and did not want scandals, so I decided to part so peacefully quietly. I replied that I was in shock, I have no one but him and I had to tell about it then or somehow make it clear. He said that he is a secretive person in general. Apparently, he did not want to clarify the relationship. A few days later, the company and the employees went to nature to relax. He could come up again and hug me, take my hand. As a result, when we were left alone and started talking, he said: I’m not the person you should worry about, I’m not today, they’ll put me in jail tomorrow, I’ve never had a girlfriend for more than two weeks, but I don’t know how dating girls, I don't even have an education, what would your parents say?

I cried ... I don’t know why, but I fell in love with him very much. Although he did not show me the attention that other guys did. A lot of people like me, but I don't like them. I want to be with the strong manly man that I saw in him.

Then he asked: tell me, what do you want? I answered: I want to be with you ... He said: all the same, I don’t understand why you hold on to me so much ... Then he began to hug me, tell me to smile, pick him up and kiss me. And at that moment I began to think ... Does he want to be with me or does he still allow me to love him?

At work, he can hug me, kiss me, look with a gentle look ... But outside of work he doesn’t call anywhere ... And when I wrote to him: when I’m with you, I’m happy ... He sent back: clever) **

When I wrote to him: I want to see you ... He replied: you will see tomorrow)

It turns out ... he does not need me ??? how should I behave? If he doesn't want to be with me, why doesn't he let me know? or waiting for me to step aside. But it is clear that he is jealous of others. Maybe he's afraid of something? I thought I was afraid of a serious relationship or something ..


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