How to make up big eyes beautifully. Makeup for big eyes, basic rules. Stages of eye makeup, their features

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To paint lips is a whole art, you can transform your entire face in a few minutes with the right and carefully applied lipstick. Or spoil the impression by drawing a curved outline, choosing the wrong color. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances of the correct lip makeup, the secrets of application and the subtleties of color selection.

Lip makeup

There are several basic tools:

  • Lipstick is the most common option. Its texture is soft and moisturizing. It is convenient to paint, the tube fits in the smallest handbag, you can literally fix your makeup on the go. Care products have been developed, they combine the functions of a balm;
  • Pencil - used to be used to create a contour so that the lipstick stays on better. But now, many use the pencil as an independent tool - it is persistent, the color turns matte, the pencil lasts for a long time;
  • Glitter - used to give shine. In summer, on a hot day, it is more comfortable with glitter than with a full-fledged make-up. It is possible to paint with glitter over lipstick to make the image brighter;
  • Liquid lipstick - the packaging is similar to gloss, but the color is not pale, but rich, bright. Especially popular are liquid matte lipsticks that dry out and last 3-4 hours;
  • Tint is a novelty in the field of make-up. The tint is applied like a gloss, then dries, removed with a film. After removing the film on the lips remains a shade that mimics the natural color. The tint lasts for several hours, being removed with a make-up remover.


Before applying makeup, it is useful to perform a number of procedures, then the final result will be better:

How to paint lips with lipstick

There are several secrets on how to make up lips with lipstick. If the makeup is daytime and you do not need to adjust the shape, then you can do without a pencil. If the exit is planned for the evening, then without a pencil anywhere. To make up the lips evenly, you need to draw a shape with a pencil with neat short strokes. First you should make up a tick on the upper lip, on the lower strip. After filling the corners, and already from them move to the center. Movements are slow and precise. Having drawn a contour, you should move on to lipstick. It is more convenient to paint lips with a special brush, or apply lipstick from a tube, but then shade it. In this way, the color will be more uniform, make-up will last longer. To improve durability, you can blot the first layer with a napkin. Then powder, apply lipstick again.

How to paint lips with a pencil

If a solemn event is planned, it is necessary that the makeup last for a long time, you can paint your lips instead of lipstick with a pencil. Soft pencils are suitable for this purpose. If the pencil is hard, you can injure the skin. If there is no other, you can soften it. You need to hold the lead for a couple of seconds over the fire, for example, matches, lighters. The pencil will become much softer. Now you can paint. You need to draw a contour, then proceed to fill the entire area. The pressure on the pencil is minimal, the strokes are short. If you need to make up your lips to make them look plump, then you need to apply strokes crosswise. It is necessary to paint with strokes diagonally in one direction, and then in the other. To add shine, you can apply gloss on top, but this will reduce the durability of makeup.

How to paint lips with gloss

It is not difficult to beautifully paint lips with gloss. Usually in a tube there is a good applicator, which is convenient for applying gloss. You can avoid applying a pencil with this method of creating makeup. The shape of the lips is not ideal - you can use a flesh-colored pencil. After applying the gloss, you need to take it with you - the durability is low, after an hour, an hour and a half, you will need to paint it again.

How to paint lips with matte lipstick

Matte textures are the most capricious - it is difficult to paint, the durability is less. Before applying lipstick, you need to make sure that the lips are perfectly smooth - every flaw will be visible. It is better to use a scrub before painting your lips, and use a balm in a minimal amount. If this is not done, then the product will lose its dullness. Matte lipstick is liquid - you should paint more carefully, after drying, you will not be able to correct the flaws. You need to remove the persistent product with vegetable oil or micellar water.

How to paint with tint

This tool is gaining popularity, so not all girls know how to paint their lips. It is important to paint with a tint for the first time when there is no need to go anywhere. It is better to practice, see what the result will be, and after that apply it “to the exit”. Tint should be painted carefully - if you go beyond the boundaries, then the final result will be sloppy, as if the lips are crookedly made up, inflamed. After you need to let the tint dry for 15-20 minutes, remove the film with a gentle movement. Apply lip balm on top. If you do not need to remove the tint, then after absorption - the makeup is ready.

Makeup for various lip shapes

Each girl has her own unique lip shape, but there are several main types. Each type differs in features in applying lipstick.

How to paint thin lips

The main goal in this case is to paint the lips so that they appear larger. You will need to apply a dense foundation, concealer to the area around. Next, paint the outline with a pencil slightly departing from the natural border. It is important to observe proportions: the upper lip is usually slightly smaller than the lower. You should not radically change the shape - it will look unnatural. Carefully paint over the outline, there is also an option to add a drop of gloss. You can paint small lips with a special lipstick to increase volume - such products burn a little, due to this, the lips become plumper.

How to paint big lips

If by nature the lips are plump, then there should be no difficulties in applying makeup. If there is a desire to reduce their volume, then you need to paint over the lips, the area around them with a concealer, a dense foundation. Use a pencil to make up the shape, reducing the volume. Strongly stepping inside should not be - there is a chance to overdo it, make an unnatural appearance. It is better not to paint with gloss, leave the tone matte - this way the lips seem thinner.

Heart lips

This form looks very attractive, sexy. But if the incision is too small, then you can visually enlarge it. You just need to draw out the corners. We apply the cosealer to this area, after which we paint the corners with a pencil a little wider than usual. Do not stretch the shape too much - the Joker's smile will not decorate anyone.

Protruded lips

If the incision is too large, then you can reduce it a little. You need to draw a contour with a pencil already. By the way, you can apply tips for narrow lips - by increasing the volume, you can visually narrow them.

Color selection rules

Choosing the right lipstick color is not easy. It is necessary to take into account the color of the skin, eyes, hair, type of makeup.

classic rule: one accent in makeup.

For example, the eyes are made up brightly - lipstick should be chosen pale. If a bright color is chosen, then the eyes should be painted more modestly. But fashion trends often advise breaking the rules. Therefore, you need to choose a color based on personal preferences.

  • Light shades, pale pink, nude shades are suitable for daytime makeup.
  • In the evening, it is permissible to paint lips with lipstick of bright colors - from red to the most daring berry shades.
  • Fair-skinned girls will suit light shades of pink, brown, light brick shades. All cold shades are the right choice.
  • Dark-skinned people can choose brighter colors - red, dark colors: brown, dark pink, berry. Warm shades are what you need for such girls.
  • Fair-haired girls or with light eyes should choose peach, coral colors.
  • Dark-haired, dark-eyed girls can freely choose any bright or dark color. The darker the hair color, the bolder the color choice can be.

How to paint lips with red lipstick

Red lipstick is truly the queen among all other lipsticks. Having painted her lips, not a single girl will go unnoticed. The main thing is to choose the right shade - classic red will suit almost everyone, dark colors (for example, dark wine) will suit brunettes, and light shades are created for blondes and red-haired girls.

Also, if you make up your lips with red lipstick, your teeth will also look brighter. Therefore, you should think twice before choosing this color - if the teeth are not perfectly white and even, the whole effect of red lipstick will disappear.

Basic rule- if the lipstick is red, then all makeup should be neat, thoughtful.

Uneven complexion, pimples on the skin, poor choice of shadows - all this is more noticeable when choosing a red color. The method of applying red lipstick is not difficult. It is important to paint a neat outline, then fill the entire surface. To make the outline look clearer, you can resort to tricks. After applying lipstick, you need to walk along the border with concealer, shade. So the outline looks brighter, neater.

How to paint lips on video

To fix all the rules for applying lipstick, you can watch the video. The expert will show you how to paint lips correctly, how to make a neat contour.

If you have really big eyes, we have only good news for you: almost any makeup, even if it is minimal, will look great on your face! After all, all the other girls only think about how to make up their eyes so that they seem bigger. All you need to do is create a beautiful cut to your already expressive look.

We offer several options for how to make up big eyes. All of the options listed below are available at home and do not require the help of a makeup artist.

The first and easiest way is a minimum of cosmetics. Let's figure out how to do this makeup step by step. Use only mascara and a thin line of eyeliner on the upper eyelid. You can draw this line not even from above, but from the inside, as if between the cilia. The lower eyelid can be highlighted with a light pencil, as in the photo. Let the color of the lips be natural so that the eyes play a major role in this image.

Another way to highlight big eyes is to make them up with dark shadows. The photo uses shades of gray, but you can also try brown, dark green, purple and other colors.

The next makeup is more complicated, so you need to disassemble it step by step. With dark gray shadows, create a beautiful halo in the outer corner of the eye, while capturing the crease of the eyelid. Partially, the shadows should go beyond the limits of the moving eyelid and gradually and gently move into the tone of your skin, as in the photo. Beige shadows with a spark paint over the inner corner of the eye. Eyeliner should outline both the upper and lower eyelids. Makeup is quite festive, so it requires the use of mascara.

Big Eye Makeup Secrets

In addition, here are some secrets for girls on how to make up big eyes. Use them at home and your look will always be radiant and unique.

  • Large eyes should frame beautiful wide eyebrows. If nature has rewarded you with eyebrow threads, you need to make them up with a pencil or make them.
  • If you outline the eyelid, make it thin. To do this, you need to either sharpen the pencil sharply, or skillfully use liquid eyeliner.
  • If big eyes make you look like a doll, be careful with mascara. Don't use mascara that lengthens your lashes. If the color of the lower lashes allows, try to make up only the upper ones.

Makeup for bulging (almond-shaped) eyes

Some girls are not happy that their big eyes look too bulging. How to make up big bulging eyes in such a way as to hide flaws? Follow the tips below and create your own custom makeup step by step at home.

  • Choose matte shadows, large bulging eyes do not tolerate any glow, with it this bulge will be even more noticeable.
  • If you draw arrows, the line should practically come out from under the eyelashes so that it looks like a natural shadow. To make up the eyelids in this way, you will have to practice, but the result is so natural that it is not a pity to spend time on it.
  • Use shades slightly darker than your natural skin color to make the eyelid appear to be drawn into the shadow and become less prominent.
  • Glitter on the eyelids is contraindicated for you, but shining lips, on the contrary, are recommended to divert general attention from the eyes. So you can make up your lips as you please!

The photo shows an example of how you can make up large bulging eyes (almond-shaped). For makeup at home, matte gray shades are used that hide imperfections. Nevertheless, the look attracts attention.

So, there are many makeup options for owners of chic expressive eyes. Which one to use is up to you!

But how to paint big eyes? Note that owners of large eyes should approach makeup with extreme caution, because due to the excessive use of mascara, pencil, shadows, eyeliner instead of expressive and bright eyes, you can get the wrong result that you expected.

Often, big eyes are, unfortunately, far from ideal, either convex or round, so you need to paint such eyes adhering to certain rules.

Makeup for bulging eyes

For makeup of this type of eyes, we use shadows of a dark shade, which we apply on the upper eyelid from the base of the eyelashes to the crease. Owners of such eyes are not recommended to use shadows with mother-of-pearl and / or light colors, as they will make the eyes even more prominent. In the middle of the eyelid, apply the darkest shadows and blend them, heading towards the outer corner of the eye. You will also need a dark pencil, which is advised to draw the lower eyelid.

Makeup for round eyes

You can use the recommendations for bulging eyes. However, there is some difference: mascara is applied to the eyelashes, and the lower eyelid is darkened with a dark pencil. To give a more oblong shape, it is recommended to draw a line of the lower eyelid beyond the border of the eye. There are certain simple rules that allow you to emphasize both expressiveness and depth of large eyes. Smooth lines that are applied with a pencil or eyeliner should be the most elegant and thin, that is, almost invisible. It is better to apply the contour with a pencil from the inside of the eyelid. We use shadows of a dark tone that best match the color of the eyes. It is advised to apply shadows to the center of the moving eyelid, after which the shadows are smoothly shaded, going beyond the boundaries of the eyelid. Only shadows of dark shades can emphasize the luxury and depth of large eyes.

To visually “open up” the look, you can use light or pastel shades of shadows. In this case, it is advised to apply a little shadow on the inner corners of the eyes.

How to paint big eyes correctly, while not looking tasteless and defiant?

If there is too much mascara on the eyelashes, then large eyes will look very unnatural. Therefore, it is recommended to apply mascara in one layer and only on the upper eyelashes. But if you are fair-haired and nature has rewarded you with light eyelashes, then the mascara is applied to the upper and lower eyelashes, but also in one layer.

Eye makeup should take into account the contour of the eyebrows. Large eyes will be in harmony with wide eyebrows, but eyebrows with a “thread” can ruin even professional makeup. If wide eyebrows are neatly shaped, tinted a tone darker than the natural color, they will become an excellent frame for large eyes.

It is undesirable for owners of large eyes to apply bright eye makeup, but you can use bright lip makeup, which will be a great addition. Regarding the technique and color shades of lipstick, you can use whatever you like, however, the tones should not be light.

The big eyes of the fair sex attract the attention of men. Each eye is beautiful in its own way, this beauty can only be spoiled by the wrong make-up. Let's figure out how to emphasize and not spoil the beauty of the eyesgiven to us by nature.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to paint big eyes correctly.

It should be remembered: expressive round eyes do not tolerate dark shadows. Well, we will start the makeup in a standard way: by moisturizing the skin, for this we use our favorite eye cream. And we begin to create an image. Below you will find photo steps on how to paint the eyes and detailed tips on eyeliner, as well as applying contours and shadows on the eyelids.

We paint the upper eyelid with gray shadows with mother of pearl (large eyes will not spoil this tone), while we do not forget that the outer corner of the eye should be slightly lighter than the general tone (quite a bit, without sharp color transitions), near the eyelashes the color is richer, and higher to the eyebrows easier. It is important not to overdo it, the multi-layered gray will turn black, this cannot be allowed. And girls with slightly protruding eyes should make the tone lighter already in the central part of the eyelid.

So, how to paint big eyes and match the tones to the color of the eyes? No one forbade diversity; instead of gray, you can make up your eyes with brown, blue, or blue. Although choosing one of these tones, it is necessary to take into account the color of your eyes in order to get an aesthetic combination. For example, brown eyes will be, green-eyed beauties can safely use green shades, light blue, blue and gray will not spoil the blue tone. Gray color will suit any eyes. Carefully use red shadows, following the fashion trend, you will doom your eyes to an unhealthy or drunk look. After all, fashion trends are not for everyone.

We briefly considered the question of how to paint eyes with a round shape with different shadows, and now let's talk about how to draw eyeliner correctly. When the shadows are applied, you can proceed to the next step: eyeliner. There is no single formula for everyone. Girls with a regular eye cut need a thin line on the upper eyelid, it can be slightly extended to create a sly look. Do not pay much attention to the lower eyelid, a feathered pencil and nothing else is needed. With a special desire, draw a thin line, the thinnest, with eyeliner along the edge of the eyelid. For beauties with round eyes, eyeliner in the lower eyelid is strictly prohibited, otherwise the look will turn out terrible. Only tone with a pencil, for round eyes eyeliner is not required at all.

Next, curl your lashes with mascara. It is better to apply a couple of layers of mascara, just make sure that there are no lumps. Big eyes look great with long lashes. But just don't overdo it. If you naturally have short lashes, you can use lengthening mascara.

We shared with you the basic rules for applying shadows and now you know how to do makeup for big eyes. Now we will cover this topic in more detail, and also talk about how to properly perform makeup in accordance with one or another eye color, and at the end of the article you will find a detailed video lesson.

Photo how to paint big eyes. Eyeliner, contours and shadows.

Photo how to paint big eyes.

Of course, big eyes are beautiful, but sometimes we, fickle girls, want to reduce them at least a little. And here decorative cosmetics and tricky tricks will definitely come to the rescue.

Many young ladies thoughtlessly use the entire proposed wide range of products to brighten their eyes. But is it right? Mascara in several layers, thick black eyeliner, heavy bright shadows - all this is a screaming taboo for big eyes.

Owners of an open look need to be especially careful when applying makeup. After all, the excess of cosmetics will look stupid and funny on such persons, while blocking other advantages - for example, a beautiful lip shape or a chiseled nose.

So that all your pluses remain with you, and your eyes become a great addition to a romantic look, you should pay attention to a few makeup rules that tell you how to paint big eyes. First of all, all lines (pencil or eyeliner) should be thin, smooth and flying. Do not overload the eyelids with color! It is better to apply a pencil from the inside of the eyelid.

Regarding eyelashes: do not forget that eyelashes that are overly dyed in several layers will not suit already large eyes. It is better to paint only the upper cilia, leaving the lower ones in their natural form. However, if they are naturally light, it is worth giving them a little color.

Shadows need to be shaded, achieving the effect of a soft glow on the eyelids. Big eyes look great when framed with dark shades, it's better if they match the shade of the eyes themselves.

Do not forget to mark the inner corners of the eyes with light spots of pastel milky shadows. This will give them openness and give the effect of a "live look".

Don't forget to also pay attention to the shape of your eyebrows. They should correspond to large eyes, that is, be acceptably wide. After all, thin threads in place of the eyebrows will only spoil the whole impression of your beautiful eyes. Eyebrow color should be about a shade darker than your natural hair color. Only in this case, the face with makeup applied to it will look harmonious. Remember that more is not better.

Big eyes of different types: both round and bulging - this is not some kind of natural defect, this is just a small flaw with great virtues, you can easily veil it, giving the appearance a new charm and attractiveness. After all, the soul of a person is reflected in the eyes, and therefore they simply cannot but be beautiful!

Having learned how to paint big eyes, you will replenish your knowledge box, which will definitely come in handy in the future to create the perfect make-up and a memorable image.


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