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All people have heard about the Laws of Nature.
Everyone says: "Breaking the laws of Nature, you will get into trouble." We began to search for these Laws. But, alas, they did not find it. They are dispersed in Space-Time. And we asked the question of the Universe-the Supreme-Teacher-himself: "What are they, the Laws of Nature? Laws of the Cosmos?" And the answer came from the depths of our Consciousness, from the Source of Truth. These Laws are before you. There is no limit to these laws.

1. The law of commensurability or the law of Harmony.

2. Law of Karma or Newton's 3rd Law: Every action is equal to a reaction. What goes around comes around.

3. Law of the spiral or evolution: Everything returns to normal.

4. One vibration of Love balances, harmonizes, neutralizes all vibrations of Chaos: All white light rests on Love.

5. Law of space: Any vibration released into space is amplified by tens, thousands, millions, billions of times. It is connected with the structure of the matter field of your space. The structure of the substance of Your Universe depends on the structure of the elements of Your Universe, which include 128 elements. (We are talking about the Hydrogen Universe, but there is Diamond, Phosphorus, etc...).

6. This law says that: God gave reason to man to help evolution, and not vice versa.

7. Physical world. There is a struggle between darkness and light, or Light /-/ and Light /+/, and this is an organic world. Everything wants to come out of the darkness.

8. The law of form. Communication in space arises on the basis of the law of form: Like is drawn to like.

9. The law of obstacles. They are necessary for the improvement of human Consciousness. The blows of the Spirit are nothing else than progress along the spiral of evolution, according to the principle of a jet engine.

The law of steps or spirals. It is impossible to jump over the steps at once, but if commensurability is achieved, then it is possible. But this is an exception to the rule. According to the law, 1st stage is assigned to human consciousness in 3 years, 3rd stage in 9 years. But if a person's body is ready to receive high-frequency energies and the Spirit rushes to the Higher Spheres, then in 1 year, it is possible to go through 3 steps. We remind you that this is rare in the universe. You have this exception on Earth, otherwise the death of the Earth. The process has begun.

11. Embryo - is the beginning of all Existing. It has everything.

12. "O" space or Nothing, where there is no plus or minus. This is the germ of space. Embryo of Infinity. Penetrating into "O" Space, one can correct or violate physical laws.

13. The laws of ascending and descending energy act on a person and on Everything Existing. They should be in balance, in harmony and at rest. It is necessary to combine two teachings: Agni Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. From the human consciousness, which is in a state of Harmony and Peace, comes only one vibration - Luminous Love. This is God, there is the Sun, there is Truth.

14. Truth is one, but you can go to it in different ways. Everyone

There is a path to Truth. How many people - so many ways. The shortest one is

Path of the Heart, Path of Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. A spark will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit. But the spark must come from the Free Will of man.

15. Law of Free Will. You have 30% free will in the physical world, 70% unconscious karmic energy. We have 100% free will in the Fiery World. This means Our Will is given to God and is like a bird. Will of God - Atmosphere of the Earth. The Bird is Absolutely Free in the Earth's Atmosphere. In the Subtle World there is 70% free will, 30% - karmic, unconscious. Humanity is Free in the Choice of the Spiritual Path. It is necessary to keep the axis of the Earth in balance, and to keep it clean. If part of the axis is darkened. The earth can change poles. First of all, it is necessary to fix in the minds of people that the pure axis of the Earth is the basis of their existence.

16. Shar's law. Everything in Existence strives for the shape of a ball (for perfection).

17. The law of concentration or universal gravitation. Psychomagnet law. All processes in the physical world are based on this Law, as well as in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds.

18. Law of repulsion of resultant forces. Two equal forces will repel each other. If they are not equal, then the weaker one will be absorbed by another, stronger one.

19. The law of one-time ascent. Applicable to people. Warn only once. (You cannot step into the same river twice.)

The law of the dark (impurity). The dark ones strive for grouping, (The pig will find dirt everywhere).

21. Do not ask - do not do. Without a call (Call of Love), no one will reach.

22. Law of aspiration. What you strive for is what you will get. (If you want power, you will get it, but unconscious, blind, which will control you). If you want Light, you will receive Knowledge. If you want the Holy Spirit, you will receive the Holy Spirit.

23. Small and Great are equivalent in their Nature.

24. The lower the consciousness, the more rigid the framework, the less the degree of freedom. The higher the consciousness, the greater the degree of freedom. For example: a stone is the 1st degree of freedom of consciousness, a person is the 4th degree of freedom of consciousness, the natural instincts of an animal are the frame of evolution.

25. One for all, and all for one. Each is responsible for all, and all are responsible for one. Mankind is one person, One organism is one cell.

26. Each coil of psychic energy will be born 1/3 higher in quality.

27. The psychic energy poles /+/ and /-/ are connected by the corridor "O" of the Space between the Worlds, Universes, molecules, atoms.

28. The concentration of psychic energy is fraught with an explosion. Therefore, it is harmful to concentrate psychic energy both in the human body and in the state, class, on Earth, without giving it away for the construction of the World: Light, Love, Harmony.

29. The highest psychic energy is the fiery energy - the Holy Spirit. This energy does not rape consciousness, it is thinner than human consciousness, and even more so the consciousness of a stone, plant, animal, element. It is ruled by Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. If the human Consciousness enters this state, then the Holy Spirit does not slow down to enter the person from within. This is a high frequency vibration - energy. To live constantly in the Holy Spirit on Earth is very difficult, hard in the human body, in the physical, but very easy in the mental body (in the body of the mind). For example: Every cricket, know your hearth. According to Senka and a hat.

Blasphemy destroys the Holy Spirit.

31. The open gates of Consciousness create a flow or corridor of psychic energy of the plane on which the consciousness is located. For example: Trouble has come, open the gate. Consciousness in low frequencies in the Antiworld.

32. An equilateral triangle is a symbol in which all paths of psychic energy are equal, but for different planes of consciousness.

33. The capacity of consciousness or its filling with psychic energy depends on the degree of striving towards the Divine Infinity. A person who, dying, sends a thought to the Divine Infinity, (and when the consciousness is ready) no longer incarnates in a physical body, will become a Spiritual being - the Spirit of the planet. Systems, Universe, World.

34. The laws of psychic energy are the same for all types of Cosmos (Micro- and Macro-,) /+/ = /-/ , then there is Harmony, Peace.

35. The embryo of psychic energy is Light and Love, a crystal of psychic energy is given to everyone from birth. It can be:

1. Waste

2. Donate

3. Pollute

4. Expand to Divine Infinity

Light - is God - masculine.

Love is the Mother of God - the feminine principle. Here, too, there must be a balance. If there is a lot of Light, but little Love, psychic energy goes hard, if there is little Light, Love becomes blind, that is, it approaches Darkness. And Darkness will not keep you waiting.

36. Heavenly Father and Mother are given to everyone, but only a few people who radiate the Vibrations of the Holy Spirit remember them, in the physical body (the body of Darkness for the Spirit) they are very difficult to bear, since these are higher energies. The shock to the person will be strong. There are cases when the physical body is not ready or the consciousness is not ready to receive very high-frequency energies of the Holy Spirit. These energies descend according to the law of Karma. Then instead of grace or destruction of the physical body or loss of reason or one's personality. But for an aspiring person who consciously wanted to help the cause of evolution, this will never happen. The teacher won't allow it.

37. The embryo of psychic energy is located in the region of the heart chakra. This is the Crystal of the Spirit. (For all other objects and organisms in the center or the Golden Section). Embryo - /+/ in the anti-worldly body, /-/ - in the worldly body.

38. Do not give more than 1/3 of psychic energy - to the World, to Man. Recoil 2/3 - illness (mild, severe), 3/4 - death. One-time issuance of energy is not more than 10% to the World, and cannot be given to the Anti-World.

39. With an Agni Yogi, the release of psychic energy occurs in obedience to the rhythm of Karma: personal, state, planetary, universe. At the initial stage, the "lamp of the desert". The stage "the lion of the desert" - there is an awareness of the release of energy, the same stage - the knowledge of the Arhat. (Here, free will is 65%).

Two psychic energies harmonized, being in balance, give the power of seven psychic energies, equal to - 1 ps. energy increased by 7 times.

41. Psychic energy directed at destruction, making a circle, destroys the creator himself, and directed towards good, gives good to the creator. Under the law /З/.

42. Imprudent issuance /-/ of energy does not free from the laws of nature, the law of the circle, but deep repentance softens the blow.

43. The problem of building up a crystal of spiritual energy is subject to the law of free will, known only to God.

44. A denser psychic energy draws in a less dense one (Law of vampirism).

45. The key to managing your psychic energy lies in:

1/ Awareness of it.

2/ Love and its illumination (of the darkened areas, and its spiritualization).

Z/ Harmony and peace.

4/ Its immeasurable expansion and realization of it in the Divine Infinity.

5/ You can manage when you see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it.

6/ When you realize the Lord in yourself /+/ and /-/.

7/ When there is straight-knowledge and discipline of thought, you are the master. Lord of thought.

This is based on the control of the psychic energy of the World and the Antiworld.

46. ​​Law of the Mirror. Each /+/ of psychic energy corresponds to /-/, but /-/ is two orders of magnitude lower. Otherwise there would be no victory of Light, but there would be an eternal struggle of Darkness and Light.

47. Law of Nature. /+/ Energy of the World is two percent more than /-/, then there will be balance in the World. Harmony, Peace, otherwise there would be no evolution. On Earth, 47% of 100% of the Earth's axis is polluted with /-/ energy. Critical condition 52%. Then - the explosion of the planet.

48. In the psychic energy of a person there is the poison "EMPIRE", that is why it is so difficult for a person to accept the substance of grace. The percentage of poison is a critical amount leading to death, it is 52% of the whole body, 35 - 51% - mild disease - severe disease, 31 - 34% - predisposition to disease. "IMPERIL" moves along the lines of channels of Karma, thereby attracting black spirits (congenital diseases). But there are illnesses of free will - a person himself began to accumulate "IMPERIL" (he was healthy, started smoking - he died of lung cancer). And there are Divine illnesses when a person begins to absorb "IMPERIL" himself in order to process it into Light. Imperil and aeroperil (in the Earth's noosphere) /-/ psychic energy that can be turned into /+/. And those who suck in are sure to receive the Ray of Grace through the Teacher of Humanity. Otherwise, death. The Ray of Grace transforms this poison if a person, not sparing himself, helps the cause of evolution. (Psychics, charlatans, sorcerers do not have this ray, which means they do not help the laity).

49. The laws of psychic energy are immutable; they operate both in the Small body and in the Higher. The more perfect the consciousness, the more perfect psychic energy it possesses.

Each person, improving, reaches "O" Space. At first, he occasionally gets there, then constantly, and, leaving the bodily shell, he goes either into the Light or into the Light/-/ his Spirit goes. His psychic energy goes along the blade of a knife. Through "O" Space, all phenomena occur, and it is through it that one can instantly get into other Worlds, or Antiworlds. If the Spirit commits a betrayal, then he immediately falls into the Light/-/ - Darkness-darkness, if the feat is conscious, then into /+/, into the Light World. Karma /-/, /-/ thoughts, will/-/, disharmony, ignorance, narrowed consciousness, unpreparedness of the physical body, lack of faith in the Lord - all this hinders the pure "O" channel. Then, through the "O" channel, entities penetrate into the Soul, Mind, Body of Man, through the protective veil that the consciousness penetrates, guests from all the Worlds come, mostly bad ones, as they are drawn by ectoplasm and Spirit (fire) emitted by man.

51. Plants and animals do not all have a developed channel of zero "O" Space. It depends on consciousness. Developed "0" channel has a cat, piranha fish, rose flower, cockroaches, rats.

52. A certain imbalance of developed consciousnesses, with faith in the Lord, is now observed in the world. It is not enough to have a developed consciousness, one must believe in the Lord, otherwise a person appears - the king of Nature, and he is not a king, but a child. The king is yet to be.

53. Disease of the internal organs, swelling of the glands is generally associated with the rhythms of psychic energy, with the ebb and flow.

54. Growth of the endocrine glands, and glands in general, is due to the fact that the mechanism responsible for the balance of the supply of psychic energy /+/ and /-/ - is disturbed, this place is located in the cerebral cortex on the right side 5 cm above the ear. Massage the system (3 x 15 minutes per day). Clockwise.

55. Awareness of oneself continuously in different Worlds and frequencies of energy is Immortality. In a dream one can become aware of oneself from time to time - this is the first step towards Immortality. But Immortality is impossible without the expansion of Consciousness, without Light, Love, Harmony and Peace of Consciousness. This is one of the basic laws of energy.

56. Release of psychic energy (from attachment to the material in the Soul, from all vibrations of Evil, Fear, Hatred, hypocrisy, irritation, lies, theft, gluttony, self-pity, pride, selfishness, etc.). And the direction of this inexhaustible source to increase Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. Awareness of oneself and the Lord in oneself and in all Existing. Expansion of Consciousness - this is the path of the God-Man, the path of transformation of oneself, the surrounding material world. This is written in fairy tales. We were born to make a fairy tale come true, that is, being. This is the law of evolution /+/ - worldly and /-/ - anti-worldly.

57. Union of two psychic energies on the basis of the law of necessity. Everything in Nature strives for a ball, and two balls will merge into one, but if one is larger or thinner, then the principle of a matryoshka is formed - Space is formed, which is nothing more than a merger of various bodies - mental energies.

58. Psychic energy is subject to ebbs and flows throughout Nature, obeying the rhythms of Microcosm and Macrocosm.

59. Psychic energy presupposes the development of 3 degrees - steps in one cycle.

7 cycles - 1 period

12 periods - 1 epoch 360 epochs - 1 cycle and second order and so Infinity.

Psychic energy is deposited in the region of the crown. This reserve influences our posthumous existence. If the psychic energy is /+/, then the Spirit can incarnate either on other planets or on Earth. Embodied by talent or genius. If the psychic energy is /-/, then it can go to cosmic processing, to the Antiworld, preserving /+/ the grain. Or incarnate on Earth in lower states in an animal or in bad living conditions. A good incarnation on Earth requires /+/ a supply of psychic energy of 12-12 g, a talent of 4-10 g, a genius of 3-7 g. On another planet = 0.64 g. A negative supply of psychic energy /-/. For the animal state, the accumulation of imperil antimatter is 5-12 years, for a bad incarnation - 3-8 years, for chaos and cosmic processing - 10-11 years. A large amount of energy reaches a negative point, and then an explosion. Everything black as a result of the explosion turns into Light.

61. Excessive outflow of psychic energy occurs as a result of improper use of the reserve of psychic energy. But, in addition, it is a constant flow of energy. Our body burns slowly (because psychic energy constantly expires - ectoplasm is released). There may be an excessive outflow of ectoplasm as a result of stress, fear, fright, a desire to help a lot, physical fatigue and overstrain, etc. (or as a result of the rhythm of the Micro- and Macro Cosmos - environmental conditions, atmosphere).

62. Psychic energy is used and nourished by the entire surrounding space. Space is a collection of bodies, and all bodies feed on psychic energy, both /+/ and /-/. Vampire, Antiworld feeds on /-/ psychic energy. Man, plant, animal - /+/ psychic energy. The free will of a person is to eat /-/ or /+/. The highest positive psychic energy is the Holy Spirit (Light Spirit). The highest negative energy is the Lower Spirit (Dark Spirit). The signs are different, but the stock itself is the same.

63. Psychic energy is processed by endocrine glands in humans. Appendix - processes the psychic energy embedded in food. Tonsils - psychic energy of air. Endocrine glands - the energy of people. If there is a lot of it, then they become inflamed, that is, they do not have time to process, in this case - Treatment:

1-2 tbsp. appendix - hunger.

1 st. tonsils - do not breathe from 10 - 30 sec. 5-6 times a day.

1 - 2 tbsp. endocrine system - loneliness in nature.

64. Psychic energy is the resultant of all forces in the body.

65. The laws of psychic energy are inseparable from the laws of Nature.

66. Psychic energy in the human body is transferred from one plane of consciousness to another with the help of special channels, such as "O" Space.

67. Mental energies are concentrated in the body of a man from birth. in the area of ​​the sex chakra, and in women in the area of ​​the heart chakra, but it also happens vice versa, or a mixed state. For a sunny person, a crystal of psychic energy should be above the crown of the head. People have 5 races, - races - in the Spiritual Heart.

68. In the perspective of the development of the human body, all men or at least one third of men on Earth should move to the 4th chakra, 1/3 of women - to the 8th chakra. When everyone is on the 8th chakra, the Era of Light and Love, Harmony and Peace will come - a disharmonious person will not be able to stay in this era.

69. The Age of Fire has begun. That is, the entry of Fire into the human body, into his consciousness will continue for 3507 years. How long does it take for an organism to mutate? Everything in the Cosmos is subject to Fire. Fire is the psychic energy of comprehension, awareness, intelligent energy.

When pumping psychic energy, some civilizations of the Antiworld use special techniques: forcing depression, explosions of the individual's consciousness, connecting to the subconscious, false religion. Using the imperfect mental apparatus of a person, they can also connect to consciousness. Man himself gives way to the Antiworld - curiosity, disbelief in the Lord, in the Higher Reason of the Perfect Heart, the Light Forces are used. (Hence, fear, ignorance, UFOs - these are creatures mainly from the Antiworld - they use the energy of the destruction of our World).

71. Seven postulates of the development of Psychic energy in a person.

I/ Awareness of psychic energy with love through the heart in Everything Existing, including in oneself.

2 / Faith in the Lord, Teacher (in Light, Love, Harmony).

Z/ There should not be denial inside a person (Yes, everything is possible in this World, Expanded Consciousness, and Subconsciousness, I accept everything with gratitude).

4/ Observance of hygiene of thought and body.

5/ Development goes only through the center - the sun of man, through the Spiritual Heart.

6/ The whole organism is built only on bestowal through the Spiritual Heart - Light, Love, Harmony.

7 / Improving yourself, help - give a helping hand to the imperfect.

72. Untimely opening of the centers can lead to the death of the human body, i.e. the principle of gradualness is needed:

1) - the heart chakra opens - the 4th

2) - 3rd eye opens - 6th chakra

3) - the center of the bell - the 7th chakra

4) - kundalini - 1st chakra

5) - 5th chakra

6) - 2nd chakra

7) - 3rd chakra. The last 8th chakra for the descent of the fiery stream is the connection with the Fiery World. If you start with 1 - madness if 4 and 7 are closed. If from the 8th - fire centers if 4 and 7 are closed.

73. The discrepancy between the opening of the chakras and the general readiness of the body can also lead to sad results - the body must be trained, adapted to overload. Fiery Baptism includes oxygen starvation, fear, the pulse reaches 250 beats per minute, the kidneys work 10 times harder, the liver with a 5-fold overload, the circulatory system is 10 times overloaded, the excretory system is 10 times overloaded - this is with indulgence a fiery stream on a person from the inside, this is what sport was invented for. Man has little time left - Planet Earth is in danger.

74. The development of psychic energy is accompanied by a change in the state of consciousness. It can be scary, uncomfortable, unpleasant - therefore, there must be a strong connection with the Teacher, and through him with the Hierarchy. Symptoms are various - physical: hot flashes, colds, numbness of some parts of the body, tingling, pain. (Prayer: "At the Fiery Baptism or. I realize You, Lord, Teacher, and with gratitude I accept Your Energy from within from the Spiritual Heart").

75. By accepting the fiery transmutation from within with its Consciousness and Heart, humanity thus provides itself with an almost natural source of energy. Warm buildings, food, cars are not needed (computers, televisions, telephones, airplanes - all this is much better for the person himself inside him). The power of the Antiworld is coming to an end. The Era of Light, Love, Harmony is coming.

76. The transmutation of centers is invariably accompanied by the release and acceptance by the human organism of the subtlest energies, and therefore the hygiene of thought will be natural, since everyone will be able to read the thoughts of another person.

77. The psychic energy accumulated by the previous incarnation (the parable of unrealized talents from the Bible) acts not on creation, but on destruction. And first of all, it destroys itself, if it is not used in this incarnation for the good.

78. Psychic energy is constantly released in the form of ectoplasm, and often ectoplasm is used for other purposes, for example, during a session by a medium - feeding semi-conscious creatures or unconscious shells in which there is no Spirit of Truth - hence so many all sorts of ridiculous predictions. Ectoplasm of the highest quality - the Holy Spirit, brings good, comes from the inside from the Spiritual Heart from the nuclei of the cells The Kingdom of God, Heaven is within us. Impure ectoplasm is a favorite delicacy of the imperfect spirits, the obscured ones. Therefore, with pure ectoplasm, there will be pure Spirits near you, dirty Spirits will not be able to eat.

79. Upon reaching the stage of the "desert lion" in Spiritual Practice, the psychic energy of a person becomes completely controlled, that is, the task of a person is to make it controlled by Consciousness, Reason, thought, but not by Feeling. The only Feeling is the Feeling of Love for everything that exists, equal to the sum of Joy, Beauty, Unity, Harmony. That is, psychic energy must be controlled by Light - (Knowledge, Mind) and Love (Harmony, Unity, Beauty, Joy). Both one's own and someone else's psychic energy.

When distributing psychic energy in the organs, it is most concentrated: 1-heart, 2-spleen, 3-kidneys, 4-liver, 5-stomach, 6-lungs, 7-uterus, 8-urinary bladder, 9-ovaries, 10-intestines , as well as on the steps of consciousness - a smart heart, spleen, etc., stupid intestines.

81. The law of the exchange of mental energies in space. Everything exchanges, Everything feeds each other.

82. Law of the cosmic magnet. The Spiritual Heart is a small cosmic magnet (located in the center of the chest). An impure, black, gray heart goes against the Cosmic magnet. And it can create its own separate little world, it destroys everything, goes against the flow of All That Is. Based on this: the sympathy of people, peoples, nations, in the physical world or in any other world, substances. Also relations between states, all surrounding phenomena.

83. Psychic energy in a person can move along the channels, just as in Space. Distortion of information comes from a person, from pollution of his Spirit, psychic energy goes through the channel of the Heart, from inside, out, that is, Light, Love, Harmony goes from Heart to Heart.

84. When receiving heart energy, a person often uses it for other purposes. According to God's plan, he must transform it into a convenient, acceptable one and send it further to people, the world, nature, animals, plants, i.e., strengthen it, and he often spends this blessed energy on evil, or even turns it into imperil or aeroperil. Man should help evolution, not hinder it.

85. The psychic energy of Luminous Love absorbs all negative or dark energies, recycles and illuminates them.

86. Plants, animals, stones have positive psychic energy - worldly, and /-/ negative psychic energy - anti-worldly. Example: oak /+/ gives, aspen /-/ takes.

87. The psychic energy of a person will be pure and luminous if it aspires to the Lord (Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty). It will descend in the form of the Holy Spirit from within from the Spiritual Heart outward and will intensify as the Human Spirit ascends to the Lord and merges with Him. And in contrast, the psychic energy of a person will be dirty, dark, destructive, and will go from outside to inside and will control a person if his aspirations are selfish: pride, selfishness (selfishness), power, money, fame, sex, alcohol, etc. e. everything that nourishes the Antiworld, the World of the Unclean Spirit. These include sorcerers, psychics. Man is conceived by God as a beloved child who should repeat his father, but here on Earth he deviated from this Plan, and instead of the White Sun, he becomes the Black Sun

White sun


The Energy of Creation, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Beauty is aimed at expanding Consciousness, at merging. The unification of all that exists, for creativity, health, longevity, for happiness only to give, shine and love.

Black Sun


The energy of destruction, compression - consciousness, matter, separation of all Existing. Sooner or later, having reached a critical point, an explosion of consciousness / separation / is inevitable. For a person, this happens in the form of insanity / an explosion of consciousness / or the destruction of the matter of the physical plane - illness, death. This energy is directed to Grief, Chaos, meaningless existence without creativity /like a robot/. Loss of the meaning of life. After all, everyone can return to Cosmic cooperation. There is Free Will.

88. It is impossible to put pressure on psychic energy, otherwise it will shrink, and an explosion / madness, wars, Karabakh, Moldova / will be inevitable. The law of free will. Therefore, the Forces of the Lord will never order, indicate directly, but only indirectly, advise, leaving the Right of Choice for the Man.

89. Blows of the Spirit along the path of evolution- help to move psychic energy. Dark forces or Light /-/ play here a fulcrum, obstacles. The process is similar to the action of a jet engine.

. Luminous psychic energy. When the channel is clean, i.e. coming from within, it is open - it brings good, evolution, a state of ecstasy, when it is dirty, i.e. open outside - it brings pain, discomfort, death, destruction. A pure heart, pure thoughts, moral deeds - this is one single emanation. It is Love for all things. All this will contribute to the evolution of Mankind.

91. When the crystal of psychic energy is destroyed, which is given to everyone from birth by God, is also released /-/ psychic energy, goes to the Antiworld and feeds his henchmen, servants, slaves.

92. Deposits of luminous psychic energy, the energy of Grace, are observed on the walls of energy vessels, as is the poison of imperil, the poison of irritation. In spiritually developing people, the body intensively produces phosphorus, which is formed when the substance of Grace combines with the elements of the body. Solar people glow even in the dark, like Jesus Christ, all the Saints, Helena Roerich Sergei Radonezh, but Representatives of the Antiworld, UFOs can also glow. They are very dangerous for people.

93. When the poles of psychic energy /+/ and /-/ collide, the substance of Grace is formed, the energy of Grace is the Ray of God's Grace.

94. The Substance of Grace is found in sprouted grains, living water, in ozone, in sea zones.

95. Darkness or Light/-/ and Light /+/ employees, but not enemies. Example: sit in the room Light /+/ compared to the basement. We went out into the street, into the Sun, and then the room Light /+/ turns into Light/-/ in comparison with the Light /+/ of the Sun. This is what happened on your planet - the basic Cosmic Law of Commensurability - Harmony is violated. Because of this, another law comes into force - centripetal acceleration. In Nature, everything revolves: an atom, a cell. Earth, Universe. Due to the violation of the Law of Harmony, the Earth either remains in this Universe or flies out into the Antiworld, into Chaos. While the Earth has crossed the Universal Equator, the Earthlings still have the opportunity to escape. Victory will be for the Forces of Light!

96. There is a certain point, when Space is filled with matter, i.e. compaction point, the densest substance of this Universe is 131051 tons per 1 cm cubic, and more than that, a Black hole is formed. And then - the explosion of space. The Earth attracts /-/ psychic energy due to the radiations of the Earthlings. And it is a Black Hole.

97. The fusion of psychic energies is uncontrollably happening all over the World., although Chaos does not want to and interferes with this. After all, it feeds on the energy of separation and constantly checks the strength of the unification of energies. Therefore, the Lord does not send Trials to the Human Spirit. Man himself creates chaos and forces of destruction of Nature by his free will. They are Unconscious everywhere except the Earth. They are the Unconscious, but here the Unconsciousness has become possessed of the germ of consciousness because of the sorcery of people. There is no such thing anywhere in space.

98. The time of energy merging depends on the rhythm. Example: the inner rhythm of a person, the rhythm of day and night, the rhythm of the Cosmos, the rhythm of Nature, all the same.

99. Psychic energy, being perfected in the body, presupposes the presence of white crystals of Grace. They are deposited in places where the centers are opened; a person of the sixth race should have 49 centers. Rules of a person of the 6th race, otherwise - poor health: 1. Do not drink alcohol. 2. Do not eat meat, products associated with decomposition. 3. Don't smoke. 4. Radiate the energies of Light, Love, Harmony, Joy. That is, to be the White Sun, the Source of Pure Energy in Space. 5. Sex - rarely - 2-3 times in a lifetime. 6. Physical change in appearance. Blond hair - golden, green eyes, height - 2-3 m. for men, 180 cm for women.7. People of the 6th race fly, pass through walls, walk on water, have the abilities of telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and have subtle taste sensations. 8. A person of the 6th race does not know how to think badly, any bad thought will cause physical suffering. 9. Man of the 6th race will live 600 years. 10. Calmly tolerates radiation, ultra, infra-rays, does without food, air. 11. The body is a densified astral, that is, on the physical plane 1/3 of life, in the astral body 2/3. 12. Everyone Absolutely creative people, brilliant in all areas. 13. They hardly eat physical food, they eat accumulated solar energy or directly from Space. 14. Very kind, pure, like children, cheerful, beautiful.

The psychic energy of a person can manifest itself to the extent that his Consciousness contains it. But it is subdivided into the finest and the coarsest, that is, it has a gradation in two planes. The cross is a symbol of the intersection of two planes. The Subtle World lives in a plane perpendicular to us, our dimension, and also has gradations, a manifestation of psychic energy.

/+/crossing of the cross is the Heart of the Two Worlds, the channel "O" of Space is the entrance for the two Worlds into each other. But if it is a fiery circle and a cross, then this sign draws the Antiworld and its representatives into their World, acts as an elevator. This sign is a protection for our World, and a funnel for the Antiworld. They go straight to their home. "You are our friends/-/, employees, but we don't need you. Go to your home," - mentally put this fiery sign on the Antiworld and say these words.

101. Unexpressed psychic energy gives a person and any creature suffering / physical, moral, for example: in a rough person, consciousness is on the 1st and 2nd chakras and the state of gratitude or disposition in him will differ from the same state in a person located on 6 -7 chakra and if more refined. The manifestations of psychic energy are different. The first one is roughly expressed, it will crush, break, growl, hug from Love so that you suffocate, i.e. send it to the Antiworld, and She will become /-/energy, although a person received it /+/. In a person of 6-7 chakras, intelligent, cultural, psychic energy will pour out into gratitude, but of a different scale, he will do it to someone else, that is, double it /++/. Therefore, a person from childhood should be an extrovert, not an introvert, an altruist, not an egoist, refine his energies, be a cultural intellectual, so that the energy received is directed to creation, and not to destruction. To be a White Sun, not a Black Sun.

102. As much psychic energy enters a person as he can contain it, like a ball of rubber air can contain it, otherwise destruction of either oneself or the environment will begin. For example, if a person is an egoist, then when he receives an overdose of psychic energy, he has an explosion of consciousness - insanity, if he is an introvert, then the environment is bad for him, destruction, if he is partially an introvert, then he has physical pain. If a person is an altruist and an extrovert, then this energy enters the Human from the inside from the Fiery planes, is processed and transmuted into the physical plane for the Good, the Human radiates it. Altruist, extrovert - an open system to the Fiery World - from within to the physical plane, and closed to the physical World from the outside. And an egoist, an introvert - is open from the outside to the physical plane and a closed system for the Fiery World, he is the Black Sun.

White sun

Altruist, extrovert. .


Black Sun

Egoist, introvert


Therefore, the first one will not get sick, neither AIDS, nor cancer, nor a sorcerer, no one from the outside is afraid of him. it is protected from within by the Fiery World.

103. Psychic energy aspiring to Infinity is the energy "O" of Space. If Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Benefit are directed to Infinity from within from the Heart or to Divine Infinity, then this energy turns into the energy of "0" Space.

104. Psychic energy bound by a degree of freedom has a potential. The greater the degree of freedom, the greater the potential of psychic energy. The greatest potential of psychic energy on the physical plane is in a person, it is a person, having the maximum degree of freedom, who can help the cause of evolution, turn physical planes into subtle, fiery, superfiery planes, transmute energies.

105. The psychic energy of a maniac (100% representative of the Antiworld) manifests itself on the physical plane from the subtle world /-/ Antiworld. The psychic energy of a Holy person is 98% of the worldly energy /+/ directed from the subtle plane /+/, from the Fiery World /+/. Why not 100%, but 98%, because 2% falls on the energy called bodily, which is the energy of the physical plane, i.e. the Holy Light Man has a physical body, and the sunny, fiery man does not have a physical body, but has superfrequency fiery body.

106. Psychic energy, forming into crystals of Grace /+/ and into imperial/-/, enhances or reduces a person's potential, in its manifestation on the physical plane, i.e. energy depends largely on the free will of a person. One can be born with a low potential of Grace /+/, but thanks to one's aspirations to the Lord, to Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, to do Good for everyone, a person can increase his average abilities to brilliant ones. The potential of energy depends on Karma. Karma in the process of life either adds or takes away % of energy and depends on the person's life program. But above all this there is the law of Free Will.

107. The law of the spiral movement of psychic energy provides: everything returns to its own circle, but an order of magnitude higher or lower, that is, the circle does not close, but turns into a spiral. We return to those energy conditions, but 1/3 higher or lower, depending on the striving of our Spirit, but if the circle closes, all the lessons of life are passed by a person from the beginning. Some people like to run around in a circle called the Circle of Hell.

108. The law of psychic energy is identical to Maxwell's II Law.

109. Lord of the Universe

the desire of psychic energy to move,

/-one; -∞/ movement of energy to the outside in depth,

/+1; +∞/ aspiration of energy from within outward.

For all Worlds: physical, subtle, fiery, superfiery.

O-energy "O" of Space is Absolute Light, Harmony, Love, Peace, Joy, Creativity, Kindness, Tenderness. The Absolute differs from other energies in that this energy creates God-Man, God, Lord, Creator, who is present in All That Is.

Psychic energy retains its properties even after a long time, i.e. time has no power for her.

111. The nature of the opening of the third eye is inextricably linked with the receipt of high-frequency energies by a person. These energies penetrate through the crown of the head, causing the crystal of existence to be cleansed, on which the image of other spaces, worlds, and times is projected. Pictures that can be seen with the third eye can be received through various channels. Sometimes it happens that the third eye is open, but the energy in the inner TV comes not from within from God, the Fiery Worlds, but from the outside, destroying the person himself. This is what happens to unspiritual people. Their energy is taken from the future from the person himself or from his children.

112. Law of psychic energy - Law of the tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is a symbol of your space: shape, taste, movement, color, sound, smell. Everything is based on the principle of a tetrahedron.

113. With the help of letters, numbers, smells, sounds, thoughts, words, one can change the direction of psychic energy from the subtle world to the physical world.

Direction of energies:

from the subtle world to the physical clockwise

from physical to subtle - counterclockwise

If one looks from the Fiery World to the physical, i. top down. These laws are given from above. From within!!!

114. Mathematical proportion means: Above, who generates energy - numerator, denominator - where creative fluidic currents go, i.e. creativity is proportional to the progenitor.

115. The fluidic currents of any person or God-Man Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed carry within themselves a potential picture of the development of matter, like a seed of a dispute. In a dispute, truth is born. In / + / side to our world for development - this is God-Man and Humans or for degradation in / - / side - these are sorcerers, psychics, people radiating / - / psychic energy, that is, a program is laid in their life currents like in a computer. The Holy Spirit also contains a program for evolution. It comes from within from the Fiery planes, from the nucleolus of the nucleus of each cell of the body to the physical plane.

116. Disproportionate development of matter, inharmonization depends on the consciousness of matter itself. The wider it is, the brighter it is, and the more Love it contains, the less the development of matter deviates from the plan of the Almighty.

117. The symbol of an equilateral triangle. Holy Trinity - these matters are equal, there is no deviation from the plan of the Almighty.

118. The infinity of the development of matter is embedded in any point of the Space.

119. Man, his psychic energies evolve depending on the expansion of the Consciousness (light + love + harmony + peace) and on the Awareness or degrade from the narrowing of the Consciousness. The freedom of manifestation of psychic energy on the physical plane is given to man. The priority of energy suppression belongs to the dark principle in a person, which can manifest itself in the form of laziness, fear, forgetfulness, it is not interested in the potential /+/ of Grace being realized on the physical plane. Parable of talents (do not bury talent in the ground).

The psychic energy of a Human is always directed to the Almighty. And if a person resists this program, he may experience illness, misfortune, blows of fate. But it is necessary to distinguish, if a person has degraded, or rather his Spirit, then his mental energy is directed by the Antiworlds for destruction, and not for creation, often this happens unconsciously, that is, a person is a puppet in the hands of destructive forces, or Antiworlds.

121. Psychic energy is perfected Infinitely. In a Fiery person, psychic energy is distributed evenly, of the same density.

122. The heart chakra of a solar person, like the Sun, radiates direct rays, superfrequency energies and grows like a fiery flower and rotates clockwise.

As many as 247 laws of the Cosmos - and everyone will be immeasurably happy, who will read to the end and the processor will not smoke

All people have heard about the Laws of Nature.
Everyone says: "Breaking the laws of Nature, you will get into trouble." We began to search for these Laws. But, alas, they did not find it. They are dispersed in Space-Time. And we asked the Universe-the Supreme-Teacher-himself a question: “What are they, the Laws of Nature? Laws of the Cosmos? And the answer came from the depths of our Consciousness, from the Source of Truth. These Laws are before you. There is no limit to these laws.

1. The law of commensurability or the law of Harmony.

2. Law of Karma or Newton's 3rd Law: Every action is equal to a reaction. What goes around comes around.

3. Law of the spiral or evolution: Everything returns to normal.

4. One vibration of Love balances, harmonizes, neutralizes all vibrations of Chaos: All white light rests on Love.

5. Law of space: Any vibration released into space is amplified by tens, thousands, millions, billions of times. It is connected with the structure of the matter field of your space. The structure of the substance of Your Universe depends on the structure of the elements of Your Universe, which include 128 elements. (We are talking about the Hydrogen Universe, but there is Diamond, Phosphorus, etc...).

6. This law says that: God gave reason to man to help evolution, and not vice versa.

7. Physical world. There is a struggle between darkness and light, or Light /-/ and Light /+/, and this is an organic world. Everything wants to come out of the darkness.

8. The law of form. Communication in space arises on the basis of the law of form: Like is drawn to like.

9. The law of obstacles. They are necessary for the improvement of human Consciousness. The blows of the Spirit are nothing else than progress along the spiral of evolution, according to the principle of a jet engine.

10. The law of steps or spirals. It is impossible to jump over the steps at once, but if commensurability is achieved, then it is possible. But this is an exception to the rule. According to the law, 1st stage is assigned to human consciousness in 3 years, 3rd stage in 9 years. But if a person's body is ready to receive high-frequency energies and the Spirit rushes to the Higher Spheres, then in 1 year, it is possible to go through 3 steps. We remind you that this is rare in the universe. You have this exception on Earth, otherwise the death of the Earth. The process has begun.

11. Embryo - is the beginning of all Existing. It has everything.

12. "O" space or Nothing, where there is no plus or minus. This is the germ of space. Embryo of Infinity. Penetrating into the “O” Space, one can correct or violate physical laws.

13. The laws of ascending and descending energy act on a person and on Everything Existing. They should be in balance, in harmony and at rest. It is necessary to combine two teachings: Agni Yoga and the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. From the human consciousness, which is in a state of Harmony and Peace, comes only one vibration - Luminous Love. This is God, there is the Sun, there is Truth.

14. Truth is one, but you can go to it in different ways. Everyone

There is a path to Truth. How many people - so many ways. The shortest one is

Path of the Heart, Path of Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. A spark will ignite the flame of the Holy Spirit. But the spark must come from the Free Will of man.

15. Law of Free Will. You have 30% free will in the physical world, 70% unconscious karmic energy. We have 100% free will in the Fiery World. This means Our Will is given to God and is like a bird. Will of God - Atmosphere of the Earth. The Bird is Absolutely Free in the Earth's Atmosphere. In the Subtle World there is 70% free will, 30% - karmic, unconscious. Humanity is Free in the Choice of the Spiritual Path. It is necessary to keep the axis of the Earth in balance, and to keep it clean. If part of the axis is darkened. The earth can change poles. First of all, it is necessary to fix in the minds of people that the pure axis of the Earth is the basis of their existence.

16. Shar's law. Everything in Existence strives for the shape of a ball (for perfection).

17. The law of concentration or universal gravitation. Psychomagnet law. All processes in the physical world are based on this Law, as well as in the Subtle and Fiery Worlds.

18. Law of repulsion of resultant forces. Two equal forces will repel each other. If they are not equal, then the weaker one will be absorbed by another, stronger one.

19. The law of one-time ascent. Applicable to people. Warn only once. (You cannot step into the same river twice.)

The law of the dark (impurity). The dark ones strive for grouping, (The pig will find dirt everywhere).

21. Do not ask - do not do. Without a call (Call of Love), no one will reach.

22. Law of aspiration. What you strive for is what you will get. (If you want power, you will get it, but unconscious, blind, which will control you). If you want Light, you will receive Knowledge. If you want the Holy Spirit, you will receive the Holy Spirit.

23. Small and Great are equivalent in their Nature.

24. The lower the consciousness, the more rigid the framework, the less the degree of freedom. The higher the consciousness, the greater the degree of freedom. For example: a stone is the 1st degree of freedom of consciousness, a person is the 4th degree of freedom of consciousness, the natural instincts of an animal are the frame of evolution.

25. One for all, and all for one. Each is responsible for all, and all are responsible for one. Mankind is one person, One organism is one cell.

26. Each coil of psychic energy will be born 1/3 higher in quality.

27. The psychic energy poles /+/ and /-/ are connected by the corridor “O” of the Space between the Worlds, Universes, molecules, atoms.

28. The concentration of psychic energy is fraught with an explosion. Therefore, it is harmful to concentrate psychic energy both in the human body and in the state, class, on Earth, without giving it away for the construction of the World: Light, Love, Harmony.

29. The highest psychic energy is the fiery energy - the Holy Spirit. This energy does not rape consciousness, it is thinner than human consciousness, and even more so the consciousness of a stone, plant, animal, element. It is ruled by Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. If the human Consciousness enters this state, then the Holy Spirit does not slow down to enter the person from within. This is a high frequency vibration - energy. To live constantly in the Holy Spirit on Earth is very difficult, hard in the human body, in the physical, but very easy in the mental body (in the body of the mind). For example: Every cricket, know your hearth. According to Senka and a hat.

30. Blasphemy destroys the Holy Spirit.

31. The open gates of Consciousness create a flow or corridor of psychic energy of the plane on which the consciousness is located. For example: Trouble has come, open the gate. Consciousness in low frequencies in the Antiworld.

32. An equilateral triangle is a symbol in which all paths of psychic energy are equal, but for different planes of consciousness.

33. The capacity of consciousness or its filling with psychic energy depends on the degree of striving towards the Divine Infinity. A person who, dying, sends a thought to the Divine Infinity, (and when the consciousness is ready) no longer incarnates in a physical body, will become a Spiritual being - the Spirit of the planet. Systems, Universe, World.

34. The laws of psychic energy are the same for all types of Cosmos (Micro- and Macro-,) /+/ = /-/ , then there is Harmony, Peace.

35. The embryo of psychic energy is Light and Love, a crystal of psychic energy is given to everyone from birth. It can be:

1. Waste

2. Donate

3. Pollute

4. Expand to Divine Infinity

Light - is God - masculine.

Love is the Mother of God - the feminine principle. Here, too, there must be a balance. If there is a lot of Light, but little Love, psychic energy goes hard, if there is little Light, Love becomes blind, that is, it approaches Darkness. And Darkness will not keep you waiting.

36. Heavenly Father and Mother are given to everyone, but only a few people who radiate the Vibrations of the Holy Spirit remember them, in the physical body (the body of Darkness for the Spirit) they are very difficult to bear, since these are higher energies. The shock to the person will be strong. There are cases when the physical body is not ready or the consciousness is not ready to receive very high-frequency energies of the Holy Spirit. These energies descend according to the law of Karma. Then instead of grace or destruction of the physical body or loss of reason or one's personality. But for an aspiring person who consciously wanted to help the cause of evolution, this will never happen. The teacher won't allow it.

37. The embryo of psychic energy is located in the region of the heart chakra. This is the Crystal of the Spirit. (For all other objects and organisms in the center or the Golden Section). Embryo - /+/ in the anti-worldly body, /-/ - in the worldly body.

38. Do not give more than 1/3 of psychic energy - to the World, to Man. Recoil 2/3 - illness (mild, severe), 3/4 - death. One-time issuance of energy is not more than 10% to the World, and cannot be given to the Anti-World.

39. With an Agni Yogi, the release of psychic energy occurs in obedience to the rhythm of Karma: personal, state, planetary, universe. At the initial stage, the “lamp of the desert”. The stage “the lion of the desert” is the awareness of the release of energy, the same stage is the knowledge of the Arhat. (Here, free will is 65%).

40. Two psychic energies harmonized, being in balance, give the strength of seven psychic energies, equal to - 1 ps. energy increased by 7 times.

41. Psychic energy directed at destruction, making a circle, destroys the creator himself, and directed towards good, gives good to the creator. Under the law /З/.

42. Imprudent issuance /-/ of energy does not free from the laws of nature, the law of the circle, but deep repentance softens the blow.

43. The problem of building up a crystal of spiritual energy is subject to the law of free will, known only to God.

44. A denser psychic energy draws in a less dense one (Law of vampirism).

45. The key to managing your psychic energy lies in:

1/ Awareness of it.

2/ Love and its illumination (of the darkened areas, and its spiritualization).

Z/ Harmony and peace.

4/ Its immeasurable expansion and realization of it in the Divine Infinity.

5/ You can manage when you see it, feel it, smell it, hear it, taste it.

6/ When you realize the Lord in yourself /+/ and /-/.

7/ When there is straight-knowledge and discipline of thought, you are the master. Lord of thought.

This is based on the control of the psychic energy of the World and the Antiworld.

46. ​​Law of the Mirror. Each /+/ of psychic energy corresponds to /-/, but /-/ is two orders of magnitude lower. Otherwise there would be no victory of Light, but there would be an eternal struggle of Darkness and Light.

47. Law of Nature. /+/ Energy of the World is two percent more than /-/, then there will be balance in the World. Harmony, Peace, otherwise there would be no evolution. On Earth, 47% of 100% of the Earth's axis is polluted with /-/ energy. Critical condition 52%. Then - the explosion of the planet.

48. In the psychic energy of a person there is the poison “EMPIRE”, that is why it is so difficult for a person to accept the substance of grace. The percentage of poison is a critical amount leading to death, it is 52% of the whole body, 35 - 51% - mild disease - severe disease, 31 - 34% - predisposition to disease. “IMPERIL” moves along the lines of channels of Karma, thereby attracting black spirits (congenital diseases). But there are illnesses of free will - a person himself began to accumulate "IMPERIL" (he was healthy, started smoking - he died of lung cancer). And there are Divine illnesses when a person begins to absorb “IMPERIL” himself in order to process it into Light. Imperil and aeroperil (in the Earth's noosphere) /-/ psychic energy that can be turned into /+/. And those who suck in are sure to receive the Ray of Grace through the Teacher of Humanity. Otherwise, death. The Ray of Grace transforms this poison if a person, not sparing himself, helps the cause of evolution. (Psychics, charlatans, sorcerers do not have this ray, which means they do not help the laity).

49. The laws of psychic energy are immutable; they operate both in the Small body and in the Higher. The more perfect the consciousness, the more perfect psychic energy it possesses.

50. Each person, improving, reaches the “O” Space. At first, he occasionally gets there, then constantly, and, leaving the bodily shell, he goes either into the Light or into the Light/-/ his Spirit goes. His psychic energy goes along the blade of a knife. All phenomena happen through “O” Space, and it is through it that one can instantly get into other Worlds, or Antiworlds. If the Spirit commits a betrayal, then he immediately falls into the Light/-/ - Darkness-darkness, if the feat is conscious, then into /+/, into the Light World. Karma /-/, /-/ thoughts, will/-/, disharmony, ignorance, narrowed consciousness, unpreparedness of the physical body, lack of faith in the Lord - all this hinders the pure “O” channel. Then, through the “O” channel, essences penetrate into the Soul, into the Mind, the Human Body, through the protective veil that the consciousness penetrates, guests from all the Worlds come, mostly bad ones, as they are drawn by ectoplasm and the Spirit (fire) emitted by a person.

51. Plants and animals do not all have a developed channel of zero “O” Space. It depends on consciousness. Developed "0" channel has a cat, piranha fish, rose flower, cockroaches, rats.

52. A certain imbalance of developed consciousnesses, with faith in the Lord, is now observed in the world. It is not enough to have a developed consciousness, one must believe in the Lord, otherwise a person appears - the king of Nature, and he is not a king, but a child. The king is yet to be.

53. Disease of the internal organs, swelling of the glands is generally associated with the rhythms of psychic energy, with the ebb and flow.

54. Growth of the endocrine glands, and glands in general, is due to the fact that the mechanism responsible for the balance of the supply of psychic energy /+/ and /-/ - is disturbed, this place is located in the cerebral cortex on the right side 5 cm above the ear. Massage the system (3 x 15 minutes per day). Clockwise.

55. Awareness of oneself continuously in different Worlds and frequencies of energy is Immortality. In a dream one can become aware of oneself from time to time - this is the first step towards Immortality. But Immortality is impossible without the expansion of Consciousness, without Light, Love, Harmony and Peace of Consciousness. This is one of the basic laws of energy.

56. Release of psychic energy (from attachment to the material in the Soul, from all vibrations of Evil, Fear, Hatred, hypocrisy, irritation, lies, theft, gluttony, self-pity, pride, selfishness, etc.). And the direction of this inexhaustible source to increase Light, Love, Harmony, Peace. Awareness of oneself and the Lord in oneself and in all Existing. Expansion of Consciousness - this is the path of the God-Man, the path of transformation of oneself, the surrounding material world. This is written in fairy tales. We were born to make a fairy tale come true, that is, being. This is the law of evolution /+/ - worldly and /-/ - anti-worldly.

57. Union of two psychic energies on the basis of the law of necessity. Everything in Nature strives for a ball, and two balls will merge into one, but if one is larger or thinner, then the principle of a matryoshka is formed - Space is formed, which is nothing more than a merger of various bodies - mental energies.

58. Psychic energy is subject to ebbs and flows throughout Nature, obeying the rhythms of Microcosm and Macrocosm.

59. Psychic energy presupposes the development of 3 degrees - steps in one cycle.

7 cycles - 1 period

12 periods - 1 epoch 360 epochs - 1 cycle and second order and so Infinity.

60. Psychic energy is deposited in the region of the crown. This reserve influences our posthumous existence. If the psychic energy is /+/, then the Spirit can incarnate either on other planets or on Earth. Embodied by talent or genius. If the psychic energy is /-/, then it can go to cosmic processing, to the Antiworld, preserving /+/ the grain. Or incarnate on Earth in lower states in an animal or in bad living conditions. A good incarnation on Earth requires /+/ a supply of psychic energy of 12-12 g, a talent of 4-10 g, a genius of 3-7 g. On another planet = 0.64 g. A negative supply of psychic energy /-/. For the animal state, the accumulation of imperil antimatter is 5-12 years, for a bad incarnation - 3-8 years, for chaos and cosmic processing - 10-11 years. A large amount of energy reaches a negative point, and then an explosion. Everything black as a result of the explosion turns into Light.

61. Excessive outflow of psychic energy occurs as a result of improper use of the reserve of psychic energy. But, in addition, it is a constant flow of energy. Our body burns slowly (because psychic energy constantly expires - ectoplasm is released). There may be an excessive outflow of ectoplasm as a result of stress, fear, fright, a desire to help a lot, physical fatigue and overstrain, etc. (or as a result of the rhythm of the Micro- and Macro Cosmos - environmental conditions, atmosphere).

62. Psychic energy is used and nourished by the entire surrounding space. Space is a collection of bodies, and all bodies feed on psychic energy, both /+/ and /-/. Vampire, Antiworld feeds on /-/ psychic energy. Man, plant, animal - /+/ psychic energy. The free will of a person is to eat /-/ or /+/. The highest positive psychic energy is the Holy Spirit (Light Spirit). The highest negative energy is the Lower Spirit (Dark Spirit). The signs are different, but the stock itself is the same.

63. Psychic energy is processed by endocrine glands in humans. Appendix - processes the psychic energy embedded in food. Tonsils - psychic energy of air. Endocrine glands - the energy of people. If there is a lot of it, then they become inflamed, that is, they do not have time to process, in this case - Treatment:

1-2 tbsp. appendix - hunger.

1 st. tonsils - do not breathe from 10 - 30 sec. 5-6 times a day.

1 - 2 tbsp. endocrine system - loneliness in nature.

64. Psychic energy is the resultant of all forces in the body.

65. The laws of psychic energy are inseparable from the laws of Nature.

66. Psychic energy in the human body is transferred from one plane of consciousness to another with the help of special channels, such as “O” Space.

67. Mental energies are concentrated in the body of a man from birth. in the area of ​​the sex chakra, and in women in the area of ​​the heart chakra, but it also happens vice versa, or a mixed state. For a sunny person, a crystal of psychic energy should be above the crown of the head. People have 5 races, - races - in the Spiritual Heart.

68. In the perspective of the development of the human body, all men or at least one third of men on Earth should move to the 4th chakra, 1/3 of women - to the 8th chakra. When everyone is on the 8th chakra, the Era of Light and Love, Harmony and Peace will come - a disharmonious person will not be able to stay in this era.

69. The Age of Fire has begun. That is, the entry of Fire into the human body, into his consciousness will continue for 3507 years. How long does it take for an organism to mutate? Everything in the Cosmos is subject to Fire. Fire is the psychic energy of comprehension, awareness, intelligent energy.

70. When pumping psychic energy, some civilizations of the Antiworld use special techniques: forcing depression, explosions of the individual's consciousness, connection to the subconscious, false religion. Using the imperfect mental apparatus of a person, they can also connect to consciousness. Man himself gives way to the Antiworld - curiosity, disbelief in the Lord, in the Higher Reason of the Perfect Heart, the Light Forces are used. (Hence, fear, ignorance, UFOs - these are creatures mainly from the Antiworld - they use the energy of the destruction of our World).

71. Seven postulates of the development of Psychic energy in a person.

I/ Awareness of psychic energy with love through the heart in Everything Existing, including in oneself.

2 / Faith in the Lord, Teacher (in Light, Love, Harmony).

Z/ There should not be denial inside a person (Yes, everything is possible in this World, Expanded Consciousness, and Subconsciousness, I accept everything with gratitude).

4/ Observance of hygiene of thought and body.

5/ Development goes only through the center - the sun of man, through the Spiritual Heart.

6/ The whole organism is built only on bestowal through the Spiritual Heart - Light, Love, Harmony.

7 / Improving yourself, help - give a helping hand to the imperfect.

72. Untimely opening of the centers can lead to the death of the human body, i.e. the principle of gradualness is needed:

1) - the heart chakra opens - the 4th

2) - 3rd eye opens - 6th chakra

3) - the center of the bell - the 7th chakra

4) - kundalini - 1st chakra

5) - 5th chakra

6) - 2nd chakra

7) - 3rd chakra. The last 8th chakra for the descent of the fiery stream is the connection with the Fiery World. If you start with 1 - madness if 4 and 7 are closed. If from the 8th - fire centers if 4 and 7 are closed.

73. The discrepancy between the opening of the chakras and the general readiness of the body can also lead to sad results - the body must be trained, adapted to overload. Fiery Baptism includes oxygen starvation, fear, the pulse reaches 250 beats per minute, the kidneys work 10 times harder, the liver with a 5-fold overload, the circulatory system is 10 times overloaded, the excretory system is 10 times overloaded - this is with indulgence a fiery stream on a person from the inside, this is what sport was invented for. Man has little time left - Planet Earth is in danger.

74. The development of psychic energy is accompanied by a change in the state of consciousness. It can be scary, uncomfortable, unpleasant - therefore, there must be a strong connection with the Teacher, and through him with the Hierarchy. Symptoms are various - physical: hot flashes, colds, numbness of some parts of the body, tingling, pain. (Prayer: “At the Fiery Baptism or. I realize You, Lord, Teacher, and with gratitude I accept Your Energy from within from the Spiritual Heart”).

75. By accepting the fiery transmutation from within with its Consciousness and Heart, humanity thus provides itself with an almost natural source of energy. Warm buildings, food, cars are not needed (computers, televisions, telephones, airplanes - all this is much better for the person himself inside him). The power of the Antiworld is coming to an end. The Era of Light, Love, Harmony is coming.

76. The transmutation of centers is invariably accompanied by the release and acceptance by the human organism of the subtlest energies, and therefore the hygiene of thought will be natural, since everyone will be able to read the thoughts of another person.

77. The psychic energy accumulated by the previous incarnation (the parable of unrealized talents from the Bible) acts not on creation, but on destruction. And first of all, it destroys itself, if it is not used in this incarnation for the good.

78. Psychic energy is constantly released in the form of ectoplasm, and often ectoplasm is used for other purposes, for example, during a session by a medium - feeding semi-conscious creatures or unconscious shells in which there is no Spirit of Truth - hence so many all sorts of ridiculous predictions. Ectoplasm of the highest quality - the Holy Spirit, brings good, comes from the inside from the Spiritual Heart from the nuclei of the cells The Kingdom of God, Heaven is within us. Impure ectoplasm is a favorite delicacy of the imperfect spirits, the obscured ones. Therefore, with pure ectoplasm, there will be pure Spirits near you, dirty Spirits will not be able to eat.

79. Upon reaching the stage of the “desert lion” in Spiritual Practice, the psychic energy of a person becomes completely controlled, that is, the task of a person is to make it controlled by Consciousness, Reason, thought, but not by Feeling. The only Feeling is the Feeling of Love for everything that exists, equal to the sum of Joy, Beauty, Unity, Harmony. That is, psychic energy must be controlled by Light - (Knowledge, Mind) and Love (Harmony, Unity, Beauty, Joy). Both one's own and someone else's psychic energy.

When distributing psychic energy in the organs, it is most concentrated: 1-heart, 2-spleen, 3-kidneys, 4-liver, 5-stomach, 6-lungs, 7-uterus, 8-urinary bladder, 9-ovaries, 10-intestines , as well as on the steps of consciousness - a smart heart, spleen, etc., stupid intestines.

81. The law of the exchange of mental energies in space. Everything exchanges, Everything feeds each other.

82. Law of the cosmic magnet. The Spiritual Heart is a small cosmic magnet (located in the center of the chest). An impure, black, gray heart goes against the Cosmic magnet. And it can create its own separate little world, it destroys everything, goes against the flow of All That Is. Based on this: the sympathy of people, peoples, nations, in the physical world or in any other world, substances. Also relations between states, all surrounding phenomena.

83. Psychic energy in a person can move along the channels, just as in Space. Distortion of information comes from a person, from pollution of his Spirit, psychic energy goes through the channel of the Heart, from inside, out, that is, Light, Love, Harmony goes from Heart to Heart.

84. When receiving heart energy, a person often uses it for other purposes. According to God's plan, he must transform it into a convenient, acceptable one and send it further to people, the world, nature, animals, plants, i.e., strengthen it, and he often spends this blessed energy on evil, or even turns it into imperil or aeroperil. Man should help evolution, not hinder it.

85. The psychic energy of Luminous Love absorbs all negative or dark energies, recycles and illuminates them.

86. Plants, animals, stones have positive psychic energy - worldly, and /-/ negative psychic energy - anti-worldly. Example: oak /+/ gives, aspen /-/ takes.

87. The psychic energy of a person will be pure and luminous if it aspires to the Lord (Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Beauty). It will descend in the form of the Holy Spirit from within from the Spiritual Heart outward and will intensify as the Human Spirit ascends to the Lord and merges with Him. And in contrast, the psychic energy of a person will be dirty, dark, destructive, and will go from outside to inside and will control a person if his aspirations are selfish: pride, selfishness (selfishness), power, money, fame, sex, alcohol, etc. e. everything that nourishes the Antiworld, the World of the Unclean Spirit. These include sorcerers, psychics. Man is conceived by God as a beloved child who should repeat his father, but here on Earth he deviated from this Plan, and instead of the White Sun, he becomes the Black Sun

White sun


The Energy of Creation, Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Beauty is aimed at expanding Consciousness, at merging. The unification of all that exists, for creativity, health, longevity, for happiness only to give, shine and love.

This concludes and

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247 LAWS OF THE COSMOS OF EL MORIA Topic No. 3 101. Unexpressed energy gives a person and any creature physical, moral suffering, for example: a rough person has consciousness on the 1st and 2nd chakras and his state of gratitude or disposition will differ from the same the state of a person who is on the 6-7 chakra and if more refined. The manifestations of psychic energy are different. The first one is roughly expressed, it will crush, break, growl, hug from Love so that you suffocate, i.e. send it to the Antiworld, and It will become/-/energy, although a person received it /+/. A person of 6-7 chakras is intelligent, cultural, psychic energy will result in gratitude, but of a different scale, he will do it to someone else, that is, double it /++/. Therefore, a person from childhood should be an extrovert, not an introvert, an altruist, not an egoist, refine his energies, be a cultural intellectual, so that the energy received is directed to creation, and not to destruction. To be a White Sun, not a Black Sun. 102. As much psychic energy enters a person as he can contain it, like a ball of rubber air contains, otherwise destruction of either himself or the environment will begin. For example, if a person is an egoist, then when he receives an overdose of psychic energy, he experiences an explosion of consciousness - insanity, if he is an introvert, then the environment is bad for him, destruction, if he is partially an introvert, then he has physical pain. If a person is an altruist and an extrovert, then this energy enters the Human from the inside from the Fiery planes, is processed and radiates to the physical plane transmuted for the Benefit of the Human. Altruist, extra-vert - an open system to the Fiery World - from within to the physical plane, and closed to the physical World from the outside. And an egoist, an introvert - is open from the outside to the physical plane and a closed system for the Fiery World, he is the Black Sun. White Sun Altruist, extrovert. Primary Black Sun Egoist, introvert it is protected from within by the Fiery World. 103. Psychic energy aspiring to Infinity is the energy "O" of Space. If Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, Joy, Benefit are directed to Infinity from within from the Heart or to Divine Infinity, then this energy turns into the energy of "0" Space. 104. Psychic energy bound by a degree of freedom has a potential. The greater the degree of freedom, the greater the potential of psychic energy. The greatest potential of psychic energy on the physical plane is in a person, it is a person, having the maximum degree of freedom, who can help the cause of evolution, turn physical planes into subtle, fiery, super-fiery planes, transmute energies. 105. The psychic energy of a maniac (100% representative of the Antiworld) manifests itself on the physical plane from the subtle world /-/ Antiworld. The psychic energy of a Holy person is 98% of the worldly energy /+/, directed from the subtle plane /+/, from the Fiery World /+/. which is the energy of the physical plane, i.e. the Holy Light Person has a physical body, and the solar, fiery person does not have a physical body, but has a superfrequency fiery body. 106. Psychic energy, forming into crystals of Grace /+/ and into imperial/-/, enhances or reduces a person's potential, in its manifestation on the physical plane, i.e. energy depends largely on the free will of a person. One can be born with a low potential of Grace /+/, but thanks to one's aspirations to the Lord, to Light, Love, Harmony, Peace, to do Good for everyone, a person can increase his average abilities to brilliant ones. The potential of energy depends on Karma. Karma in the process of life either adds or takes away % of energy and depends on the person's life program. But above all this there is the law of Free Will. 107. The law of the spiral movement of psychic energy provides: everything returns to its own circles, but an order of magnitude higher or lower, i.e. the circle does not close, but turns into a spiral. We return to those energy conditions, but 1/3 higher or lower, depending on the striving of our Spirit, but if the circle closes, all the lessons of life are passed by a person from the beginning. Some people like to run around in a circle called the Circle of Hell. 108. The law of psychic energy is identical to Maxwell's II Law. 109. -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -∞ plane of consciousness+1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +∞ plane of consciousness 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0∞- + plane consciousness Lord of the Universe. 110. Psychic energy retains its properties even after a long time, i.e. time has no power for her. 111. The nature of the opening of the third eye is inextricably linked with the receipt of high-frequency energies by a person. These energies penetrate through the crown of the head, causing the crystal of existence to be cleansed, on which the image of other spaces, worlds, and times is projected. Pictures that can be seen with the third eye can be received through various channels. Sometimes it happens that the third eye is open, but the energy in the inner television does not come from within from God, the Fiery Worlds, but from outside, destroying the person himself. This is what happens to unspiritual people. Their energy is taken from the future from the person himself or from his children. 112. Law of psychic energy - Law of the tetrahedron. The tetrahedron is a symbol of your space: form, taste, movement, color, sound, smell. Everything is based on the principle of a tetrahedron. 113. With the help of letters, numbers, smells, sounds, thoughts, words, one can change the direction of psychic energy from the subtle world to the physical world. Direction of energies: from the subtle world to the physical clockwise from the physical to the subtle - counterclockwise. If one looks from the Fiery World to the physical, i. top down. These laws are given from above. From within!!! 114. Mathematical proportion means: Above, who generates energy - numerator, denominator - where creative fluidic currents go, i.e. creativity is proportional to the progenitor. 115. The fluidic currents of any person or God-Man Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed carry within themselves a potential picture of the development of matter, like a seed of a dispute. In a dispute, truth is born. To / + / side to our world for development - this is God-Man and Humans or for degradation to / - / side - these are sorcerers, extra-sensory people, people who radiate / - / psychic energy, i.e. in their life currents the program is laid down, as in a computer. The Holy Spirit also contains a program for evolution. It comes from within from the Fiery planes, from the nucleolus of the nucleus of each cell of the body to the physical plane. 116. Disproportionate development of matter, inharmonization depends on the consciousness of matter itself. The wider it is, the brighter it is, and the more Love it contains, the less the development of matter deviates from the plan of the Most High. 117. The symbol of an equilateral triangle. Holy Trinity - these matters are equal, there is no deviation from the plan of the Almighty. 118. The infinity of the development of matter is embedded in any point of the Space. 119. Man, his psychic energies evolve depending on the expansion of the Consciousness (light + love + harmony + peace) and on the Awareness or degrade from the narrowing of the Consciousness. The freedom of manifestation of psychic energy on the physical plane is given to man. The priority of energy suppression belongs to the dark principle in a person, which can manifest itself in the form of laziness, fear, forgetfulness, it is not interested in the potential /+/ of Grace being realized on the physical plane. Parable of talents (do not bury talent in the ground). 120. The psychic energy of a Human is always directed to the Almighty. And if a person resists this program, he may experience illness, misfortune, blows of fate. But it is necessary to distinguish, if a person has degraded, or rather his Spirit, then his mental energy is directed by the Anti-worlds for destruction, and not for creation, often this happens unconsciously, that is, a person is a puppet in the hands of destructive forces, or Anti-worlds. 121. Psychic energy is perfected Infinitely. In a Fiery person, psychic energy is distributed evenly, of the same density. 122. The heart chakra of a solar person, like the Sun, radiates direct rays, super-frequency energies, and grows like a fiery flower, and rotates clockwise. 123. Involuntary outbursts of psychic energy occur as a result of imbalance in the work of the chakras, which, in turn, depends on the Consciousness. The narrowed Consciousness does not contain energy and starts throwing out energies, bombarding its protective fiery network, for example: get angry, be afraid, envy, lie, be jealous of a person. Immediately, a hungry spirit sticks to a person, the essence begins to feed on ectoplasm, and a hole is formed in the biofield. Then, in this case, the nourishment of the Consciousness by the Holy Spirit from within is excluded: a person is like a closed-type power plant. 124. Space emissions occur for the same reason. The Fiery Brotherhood is worth huge efforts to process this /-/ energy and keep the Earth in balance. People do not know to whom they owe their quiet, peaceful existence. We need as many people as possible who would help process this /-/ energy, and become little Suns conscious, not unconscious. 125. In Cosmos, it is the conscious energy that helps evolution is highly valued. (There is a conscious energy that is against evolution, but, ultimately, it also helps evolution, as it reveals weak points.) 126. The psychic energy of Nature is very pure, it is the Holy Spirit. It purifies and gives Strength, Support, Joy, Health, Creativity. Seek to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit. The short way to this lies through the Heart (Prayer: I realize myself every moment of Eternity in Light, Love, Harmony, Peace). Awareness - this is the merging with the Holy Spirit - that is, light, ideally light, which has never been visited by the Darkness of ignorance. Virgin Pure Spirit. 127. The painting on the temples of ancient India means: the ascent is difficult, betrayal plunges you into hell, delay in evolution, the tempting serpent is always near, be careful, man. 128. Make attempts, do not turn away. The Teacher is always there, just keep your Heart pure, help will not be slow to come to you. This is a solar sign, it protects well from the attacks of the dark on the physical plane (fight, blows, theft, lies, treason). 129. EARTH - its spectrum of AURA SABYZKR 130. SABYZKR 131. Psychic energy, moving in a spiral, improves with each new coil, but only upwards, it becomes high-frequency, while degradation goes down, it becomes low-frequency. So you can't stop. Stop of rotation - and then the spiral begins to shrink, and then an explosion of Consciousness is inevitable. And that is madness or death. When a spiral explodes in a person, then he has to start climbing again from the beginning, but not at this point in space, for example, not here on Earth, but on another planet. 132. LLC UUU MMM - so it is correct to pronounce, with this sound the energy of Grace is born. UUU OOO UUU MMM - for the Earth. AAA LLC MMM - for the Universe. AA O UU MM - for the Galaxy. AA LLC MM - for the Commonwealth of Galaxies. AAA LLC UUU MMM - for the Divine Infinity. Evolution Involution of the Spirit of the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Consciousness "U" - the spiral of psychic energy goes up or down in increasing order. "O" - the energy goes to the circle. "M" - at a given point of Space. "A" - energy comes from "O" Space. This is the meaning of the sounds "U", "O", "M", "A" in the solar language. Each letter 2 sec. pronounced. It is necessary to pronounce a combination of these sounds 3 times a day. 133. It is urgent to conserve a large amount of psychic energy, an untouchable reserve, which will be needed in an emergency situation (in the form of a teraphim). This takes 5 minutes. per day (choose for this the Bible or another non-metal object - beads - amber, jasper, etc.) to think that the Light from your Heart enters the Bible. Then the teraphim has an accumulator of high-frequency energies, to do this for a year, starting from today. 134. The Law of Harmony is the Unification of everything that exists, through free will, consciousness of psychic energies. Antiharmony is the Unification of all Existing by suppressing consciousnesses. Disharmony is Chaos, disunity. Hence Light is knowledge, it is evolution, upward movement, perfection. Love unites everything, harmonizes, cements space, preventing Chaos, because space is a collection of bodies that enter into each other. On Love, the White Light rests. Love holds both the World of the Holy Spirit and the world of the Unclean Spirit, only here is Love with the sign /-/. 135. Psychic energy has the ability to penetrate everything; there is no place, distance or time where psychic energy would not penetrate. This is one of the fundamental laws. 136. Balance in the Universe is maintained by the Hierarchy of Light. Both on Earth and in the World, the Hierarchy of Light maintains balance (the Atlanteans hold the Sky, i.e. the giants - the giants of the Spirit of Light and Love). The balance in the body of a person is set to automatic mode in order to release the consciousness of a person to a higher work, to help balance on the Earth, in the System, in the Galaxy, in the Universe, in the Divine Infinity. Nourish the Spaces from within with Light, Love, Harmony and Peace. But a person uses his Consciousness to destroy the balance of the Earth, Nature, as a result, the balance in him is disturbed, then he gets sick, suffers. The Law of Equilibrium is also one of the basic Laws of Nature. 137. Psychic energy is improved Infinitely, and if a person learns to harmonize it, he will receive tremendous power on the physical plane. It's the same as a light bulb and a laser beam in comparison, both are based on light, in the 1st case diffused, in the 2nd concentrated. What needs to be done for this to harmonize energy and gain strength: 1. be kind, with an open pure Heart "White Sun"; 2. be at rest, i.e. radiate evenly Light, Love, Harmony and Peace; 3. to measure one's own and others' energy with the possibility of one's own and others' consciousness. 138. The natural abilities of a person are conserved because they are designed for an open self-improving system, from within, for the "White Sun". The "Black Sun" or the "Vampire Vacuum Cleaner" have natural abilities not for the evolution and creation of the surrounding World and the Environment, but for involution and destruction, and are expressed unevenly and inharmoniously. 139. The psychic energy of a person develops in accordance with the enclosed "Program of a Man", the program is invested from birth into the DNA matrices. In the Hydrogen Universe, water is the basis of the DNA matrix. And water is to the physical body what the Holy Spirit is to the fiery body in the diamond world. 140. The star-shaped form of psychic energy carries a huge potential. 5 ends denote 5 exits and entrances of psychic energy, rough very strong energy. 6 ends - stand for 6 channels of inputs and outputs, getting thinner. 7 ends - 7 channels of inputs and outputs, it becomes even thinner (it can still manifest itself on the physical plane). 8 ends - 8 channels of entry and exit (the 8th channel is fiery, participates in the Above consciousness, it is not on the physical plane). 9 ends - this star denotes the end of this world, the Hydrogen World. One can enter this world by passing through the stage of an 8-pointed star, the fiery stage. 10.11-mean rejection of worldly energy - refer to the higher Antiworlds, where Light and Darkness are employees, or Light /+/ and Light /-/ employees. The civilization of the Antiworlds has reached a fairly large development. They can move in space, change shape. On Earth, their representatives are UFOs. They also obey the Higher Mind, but without the Heart. There are countless worlds. 12 - the final star - the Star of the Diamond World. 141. The laws of psychic energy of this planet, this Hydrogen World are quite general, and basically other worlds are built according to the same scheme, there are exceptions, but they are insignificant. Consciousness is a perfecting psychic energy, evolving or degrading, involuting. It exists in Nature. To feel like Consciousness in its purest form, and not just the human body, or to be aware of oneself as a stone, plant, animal, planet is the task of a person in life, that is, to be aware of oneself outside the body, outside space, outside of time, or to be aware of oneself in all bodies , Spaces, Times simultaneously. This is the great Task of Man. 142. Above consciousness, Consciousness, Subconsciousness, in principle, one and the same. The difference is that a person more or less regulates the Consciousness. Subconsciousness and Above consciousness are still Unregulated energies by a person, only to those who are given the Ray of Grace and connection with the Teacher. Their Teacher regulates these flows in order to endure the incandescence of consciousness. Subconsciousness and Above consciousness are the entrances to the Fiery World. Lowering the consciousness into the heart, we thereby enter into the Above consciousness. Realizing ourselves in a dream, we enter the Subconscious, where there is also a gradation: the Subtle World, the Fiery World. The psychic energy of the Above consciousness contributes to obtaining knowledge of the cosmic, i.e., internal and external Micro-, Macro-Cosmoses, the future, other worlds, spaces and dimensions. The psychic energy of the Subconscious contributes to the acquisition of knowledge concerning a given individual, a given grain of the Spirit. Ultimately, the Subconscious merges with the Above consciousness, with the Divine Infinity. 143. One-sided development of a personality is fraught with the fact that psychic energy rushes in one direction (similar to a laser that can heal, but can also destroy), and the White Sun is not obtained, but the laser. But on the other hand, it helps people achieve success in any area. This path is longer for the improvement of the Spirit, in evolution. Basically, all the Spirits incarnated on Earth use this path. But if you follow the path of the White Sun, it will shorten the time of perfection - this is the path of the Agni Yogi. In one incarnation one can learn and achieve development (the consciousness of psychic energy) more than in hundreds of ordinary incarnations. (One year of an Agni Yogi can be equal to millions of years of an ordinary person). 144. Relations with the Lord depend on the consciousness of Mankind. In the beginning, once upon a time, a person was in consciousness on the first chakra. His consciousness - relationship with the Lord were such as: 1st stage: Slave - Master. The slave felt only fear for the Lord, and thought that the Lord - the Lord brought only a whip for him. Stage 2 - 2 chakra - Servant-Master, and the Master constantly punishes the servant and says that he is the only Master of the servant, jealous of him. In fact, it is the human consciousness that builds relationships with the Lord in this way. Stage 3 - 3 chakra - still a Servant, and the Lord is the Lord, but already one who can love, encourage a servant, but in case of misbehavior, punish. 4th step - 4th chakra - Son - Father. The son may be erring, or he may be obedient, good. Either way, the Father loves him. The task of Christ was to raise the consciousness of people who were mainly on the 2nd chakra, to raise it to the level of the 4th chakra. 5th step - 5th chakra - student - teacher. Start of cooperation. 6th step - 6th chakra - employee - Hierarch (Teacher). 7 chakra - Teacher - Hierarch (Teacher). Sign of the Teacher of the Age of Aquarius Buddha, Maitreya, Morya. 145. Employee of the Cosmos - A person who has assumed responsibility. A spirit that tirelessly works for the benefit of Evolution. The Cosmic Co-worker is obliged to strictly fulfill the Teacher's orders, since the measure of the Teacher's responsibility is even higher. The human mind does not and cannot contain huge information, all the wealth of the Cosmos - Nature. Student - Teacher - an unbreakable chain. The psychic energy of an employee through a circuit (such as an electric current) is inextricably linked with the psychic energy of the Teacher. If an employee is angry, then waves of black flame go to the Teacher, if he lies, is afraid, takes alcohol, all this hits the aura of the Teacher, the closest mediator between God and man. Who, if not the Teacher, chooses how much energy the Employee's Consciousness can accept. The direction of the currents given by the Teacher is different. The direction of the current of psychic energy changes the configuration of the molecules. If a person begins to perceive the subtlest currents - energies of all directions, then cells, molecules, atoms get used to not having a rigid form. The speed of the currents changes the density of matter. For example: 3 m / s - this current gives a burning sensation, 5-7 m / s - the body is torn apart, 14 m / s - it seems to a person that a turbine is working inside him, and the so-called "prickly current" - 17 m / s sec. The speed of the fiery wave for the cure is 151 m/sec - this wave removes the tumor, cancer, influenza, for acute respiratory infections - 139 m/sec. Damage to organs, restoration of their form and function 251 m/sec (not every organism can perceive under normal conditions and normal consciousness). When the consciousness is immersed in the Peace, the Harmony of the Lord, this happens very easily, the susceptibility of currents, the effect lasts from minutes to months, depending on the damage to the organs. The current density in the human body affects its transparency (ie, in principle, the same density of matter). /+/ currents - harmonious, reveal in a person the ability to expand (expand matter, make it the thinnest, send it to less dense layers), i.e. then the human body becomes huge like the Lord, God. The mass of energy received by a Human when receiving a current depends on the possibility of the Human Consciousness to accept this energy, otherwise a state of disharmony, not harmony, will arise. Man can also receive Cosmic currents. The task of the Teacher is to help the Consciousness of the Student, process, transmute the energy, make it from chaotic harmonious, turn it from hard to soft, from cold to warm, tender, so that the surrounding people, plants, animals, i.e. feed on energy. one of the main tasks of Man is to transmute the psychic energy of the Cosmos. This is also a cosmic law (A person must become the White Sun - a transmitter - a link between the subtlest and gross energies, the subtlest and gross matters = vibrations). 146. The psychic energy of a Human is a treasure that every person possesses. The Grain of the Spirit is the germ of this energy, given to it by God in order for this grain to grow and increase throughout human life, so that all the layers surrounding this grain would be transmuted in quality by the same Grain. It is very difficult. The energies that are in the Soul are the first layer of environmental energy, affect the incarnation of a person, Karma (the threads of Karma end here), affect abilities, illnesses, the entire life level-path. The Angelic Soul on the earthly plane is either pure white or with a hint of pink or blue, i.e. The soul has color. There are a lot of colors between the Black and Angelic Souls. The soul has weight - this affects in what plan it will be after death, because. its weight, color, density attract the corresponding energies after the death of the physical body. On the physical plane, the Soul also attracts the corresponding energies. Every evil thought, every evil deed is deposited in the Soul. The body is directly connected with the Soul. A soul with a wormhole and a body too. A pure Soul can also have illnesses from the fact that if it excessively gives out energy for 1 time per day, month, year. According to the Law of Cosmos-Nature, 30% of the output of energy is a pre-illness, 40-50% is a disease, 60-70-80% is from a serious illness to death. The norm is 4% energy output. When the Consciousness is expanded into the Divine Infinity, the World Soul is obtained - the Energy of the Spirit of God. It enters the Grain of the Spirit. It is inexhaustible if it goes for evolution, transmutation of other Souls and Bodies. But it is exhaustible when it goes to the Antiworld, to involution, degradation, destruction. The Law of the Cosmos - the more you give, the more you receive (but for a one-time issue you give out one part, you get seven parts of energy). Debt in payment is red (although debt in itself is bad). There is a struggle on the physical plane for Souls. The task of the Antiworld is to make the Soul /-/ destructive, the task of the World is /+/. Make the soul creative. There are many anti-worldly loopholes to the Soul: 1) sex, 2) money, 3) alcohol, 4) fame, 5) power, 6) pride - the main ones. There are 40 Human sins, we list 12. These are: 1) lies, 2) fear, 3) hypocrisy, 4) envy, 5) irritation, 6) laziness, 7) cruelty, 8) selfishness, 9) betrayal, 10) ignorance , 11) greed, 12) condemnation. 147. The psychic energy of the Cosmos, shrinking to Infinity, leaves this world for the Antiworld, while the following processes take place: 1) the energy of the mass from /+/ becomes /-/; 2) the energy of the connection is converted into the energy of destruction; 3) the energy of a point in space is converted into the energy of space; 4) all the energies of Chaos undergo changes during this process, they are organized into rough, physical matter; 5) the heat of the energy of Creation turns into the cold of the energy of Destruction, processes with the release of heat turn into processes of absorption of heat. For example: summer - winter Mother Nature. In the World, there are more reactions with the release of heat; in the Anti-World, the main reactions are with the absorption of heat; 6) when transferring from "O" Space (and these reactions described above are fed by the energy of "O" Space), energy corridors are formed, along which this energy goes. Energy "O" of Space is filled with Virgin Pure Matter. It is never polluted (by the Unclean Spirit). The legend of the virgin Mary, in Islam, in paradise; virgins - Gurias; 7) this process also generates special energy whirlwinds, as a result of which the stellar matter accumulates into mundane clots. 148. Psychic energy of a Person whose perception of the environment is disturbed, i.e. the consciousness is modified (drugs, alcohol, madness), it is directed to the emergence of the Worlds of Retribution, where a Man can get after death, where the Consciousness finally turns into pieces, into Chaos. (This happens with alcoholics, drug addicts, with an unnaturally tired person, with severe stress, pain, because all these states violate the Cosmic balance, and hence the Cosmic law). 149. Cosmic laws are well described in the proverbs of the people, accumulators of qualitative worldly psychic energy. 150. Like is cured by like, but only the best in quality. The physical fire is destroyed by the Fire of the Spirit (or rather it is extinguished, then the destruction of the physical plane stops). If a person does not have energy congestion, that is, the channels are clean, then upon receiving the Holy Spirit, recovery from the disease is immediately observed, that is, this Spirit has a Pure Soul. And if there is dirt in the channels, then recovery and cleansing of the body occurs due to exacerbation or intensification of pain. Fight fire with fire. If the disease is from the cold, then they are treated with cold, that is, doused with cold water. If the disease is due to heat, for example, a tumor, it is treated with Spiritual Fire. The washing out of diseases by the Holy Spirit from the inside takes an average of 3 years. Cleaning of the Augean stables.

I know myself as the World of Unity Klimkevich Svetlana Titovna

El Morya and "247 Laws of the Cosmos"

851 = Only Knowledge gives the True Faith and as its peak - complete trust in the Creator (30) = The unique energy of the Earth contributes to the growth of consciousness of the entire universe =

"Numeric Codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy

I Am That I Am!

I am El Morya! I salute you, Lord!

Svetlana, as you say, “knocking on the rail” is useless, if there is no one around, no one will hear anyway.

What am I talking about, about the fact that we met “by chance”, you and El Morya’s book “247 Laws of the Cosmos”, where the book came from, do you remember? Someone said and you bought. And if I hadn’t called the railroad, you wouldn’t have heard that there is such an Author – El Morya, it turns out that it’s not the author at all, but the Lord. But you understand this now, but then I was the Author for you. Well, it’s good that you believed in me, who else would you start reading “247 Laws of Space”. And that they were written by a simple person of the earthly plane, who received information from me, then you simply would not understand this. It is impossible to tell a Person of the level of Social Consciousness that this is a Telethinned Universal Connection, he will not understand, because he does not yet have the Knowledge of the Unified Energy-Informational Structure of the Cosmos, because it is with this intention - to teach a Person the Higher Laws of the Cosmos - that the Hierarchy of the Creator comes.

The Father-Mother Creator passes on all his Knowledge to the Children, because they have already grown up and can receive a legacy from the Father-Mother Creator.

Svetlana, every Human of the Earthly Plan will be able to understand and accept the Higher Knowledge, because the Divine potential is initially laid in him, it just needs to be developed in Time. Therefore, Time does not end - "There will be no end of the world" - there will be a New Year! Only this Year is not Earthly, but Galactic, and it lasts according to earthly standards - “Long”, so we will develop our Higher abilities and capabilities for a long time to master the expanses of the Universe.

In Unity there will be something for everyone to do, it is interesting and fun to master the unknown, the Creator in Development, Creation in Development, Life is Eternal - Infinite - Universal.

El Morya - inspires, inspires "knocks on the rail" - People, wake up in the Spirit! Take your Power! Become the creator of your own reality, become an adult, receive a legacy from the Creator!

People wake up reluctantly, everyone always loves to “sleep” more than to work on their awareness. But nothing, the potential of the chemical mind of a Human is not yet known to him, and the Creator knows what he has laid in a Human, he knows - they will wake up - Everything, the instrument of awakening is in the hands of the Creator, He created all the Worlds, knows how to wake up. And you will know how the Creator wakes you up, if you want to understand this, there is no mysticism, there are the Laws of Creation, and you must master them. Everything is clear and concrete when consciousness has grown to this issue.

BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE: Keys of Enoch - opens the Ecumenical secrets, try to understand them. Our books, Svetlana, prepare a Person for the Higher School of the Spirit, and everyone in it will have to study.

We knock - "knock on the rail"! We wake up - we wake up the "sleepers"!

The morning of the Galactic Age of Knowledge has come, rise, let's go to the School of the Unified Consciousness of the Creator of the World of Worlds!

Love you!

El Morya! Manu of the Sixth Race!

Thanks, Vladyka! I love! Svetlana.

This text is an introductory piece.

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