Remove nasolabial folds for 1 week. How to remove nasolabial folds in one week. Remove nasolabial folds with gymnastics

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Time takes its toll and our skin begins to age and sag, especially in the nasolabial folds. With age, the structure of the skin begins to change, it renews much more slowly, loses collagen, becomes dry and weak, and it begins to sag on the cheeks, and the shape of the nasolabial folds and lips becomes blurred and has lost contour. Such skin changes can occur not only due to age-related changes, but also genetics, frequent weight changes, harmful exposure to sunlight and stress can also affect. Today we will talk about how to remove nasolabial folds in a week.

Home way.

A good moisturizer will help you fight sagging skin and restore the contours and shape of your cheeks and lips. It will help tighten the skin and rejuvenate it, just stick to light formulas so as not to clog pores. Also, the cream should contain vitamin A (retinol), vitamin C and alpha and beta hydroxy acids. These components will help the skin to actively renew itself, become more elastic and toned.

Also, to prevent sagging of the chin and cheeks and the appearance of rough wrinkles in the nose and mouth area, proper skin care will help you. Start exfoliating your cheeks, chin and neck with alpha hydroxy, glycolic or lactic acid treatments. It stimulates collagen regeneration, evens out skin tone and reduces wrinkles.

Massage into a firming serum that contains retinol and peptides to produce and saturate skin with collagen, which helps increase elasticity and reduce nasolabial folds. This works by firming and lifting the skin and keeps it taut, preventing sagging cheeks and jaw resulting from loss of their volume.

Start hydrating with powerful antioxidant ingredients like Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin C, and Alpha Lipoic Acid. They fight free radicals that destroy collagen and improve skin elasticity and firmness and relieve swelling in the nasolabial folds.

medical way.

To remove wrinkles in the cheeks, nose and lips, there are many treatments ranging from Botox injections (which relax the muscles of the nasolabial folds), chemical peels (deep chemical exfoliation) and laser resurfacing (another form of intense peeling). These treatments dramatically improve your skin's surface texture in multiple treatments, the frequency of which depends on the specific treatment.


This is the most effective way to prevent sagging skin, especially in the nasolabial folds, and to prevent signs of aging. How it works. The toxin temporarily paralyzes the muscles, helping to smooth out the wrinkles that are created during facial expressions - whenever you change facial expressions. Perfectly relax wrinkles, remove swelling and soften the muscles of the pubescent corners of the mouth. Botox injections are safe in the hands of experienced doctors and help restore youthfulness and smooth skin for up to 3 months.

Laser and chemical peel.

Not interested in a facelift? There are non-invasive procedures that will help remove nasolabial folds very quickly. These are infrared and laser treatments that help stimulate the development of new collagen deep in the skin and smooth wrinkles and lines around the mouth and cheeks. Although these procedures are expensive, but when you go through several sessions, the results will be visible and you will be impressed with the effect. It is worth going through several procedures to improve the appearance, remove enlarged pores and speed up the process of skin renewal so that it becomes smooth and toned.

As skin ages, it produces less natural oils - especially the top layer - and the skin dries out and becomes wrinkled and wrinkled. In addition, the skin structure is not as elastic and flexible as it used to be, so the recovery procedure will take longer to bounce back after the procedures. Visible results after them: you will remove fine lines, deep folds and wrinkles, dry patches and swelling. And the problem of nasolabial folds will not bother you for 6 months or more.

All about beauty and rejuvenating procedures at KrasotkaInfo!

Nasolabial folds are longitudinal wrinkles on the face that start from the wings of the nose and end at the level of the corners of the lips. Appear due to excessive activity of the facial muscles, skin aging, endocrine diseases, etc. Before removing nasolabial folds, determine the cause of their formation. To combat them, they resort to salon procedures, surgery, massage, face-building, and the use of cosmetics. The choice of technique is determined by the presence of contraindications, the depth of wrinkles, age.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Insufficient tone of facial muscles and skin aging are the key causes of the formation of nasolabial wrinkles. Provoking factors also include:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diabetes;
  • ptosis (sagging) of the cheeks;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • improper facial care;
  • frequent stress;
  • chronic diseases;
  • hypodynamia;
  • smoking;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • diet abuse;
  • frequent visits to solariums.

Usually, skin folds appear after 22-25 years of age and become more pronounced over the years.

How to remove nasolabial wrinkles in the salon

In the salon, the correction of nasolabial folds is carried out in different ways. They are divided into the following types:

  • superficial;
  • instrumental;
  • injection.

The choice of the method of combating wrinkles depends on the age of the patient, the severity of the defects.

Expressed wrinkles need serious procedures. It is a professional cosmetologist who can help remove nasolabial folds.

Wrinkle smoothing by instrumental methods is carried out in several sessions. To maintain the result, it is recommended to use anti-aging cosmetics, homemade moisturizing masks, etc.

laser resurfacing

The procedure provides for the evaporation of epidermal cells with a laser in problem areas. Grinding stimulates tissue repair, due to which nasolabial mimic wrinkles are smoothed out. Three types of laser are used for the procedure:

  • low intensity;
  • erbium;
  • carbon dioxide.

The procedure does not cause discomfort and takes from 20 to 60 minutes. Thermal effect on tissues accelerates collagen biosynthesis, due to which the epidermis becomes more elastic.

Paraffin therapy

Paraffin applications are a simple and safe way to remove cosmetic defects. The essence of the procedure is to apply a hot mask to the nasolabial wrinkles. Due to the heating of tissues, the metabolism, the production of elastin and hyaluronic acid are accelerated.

Paraffin therapy takes no more than 25-30 minutes. But to achieve the desired effect, the procedure is repeated 3-8 more times. Applications are used both to eliminate and to prevent skin folds on the face.


Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a toxic substance produced by botulinum bacteria. The poison paralyzes the muscles in problem areas, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out. Correction of nasolabial folds with Botox is one of the unsafe cosmetic procedures. Frequent injection of the drug into the skin is fraught with complete immobilization of facial muscles.

Possible side effects of botulinum toxin therapy include:

  • allergic reactions;
  • change in facial expressions;
  • vision problems;
  • violation of speech function.

Over time, Botox dissolves and the contractile activity of the muscles is restored. But along with it, nasolabial wrinkles also return, so the therapy has to be repeated at intervals of 6-10 months.


The procedure provides for the nutrition of the epidermis with hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) in two ways:

  • injection - a solution is injected into the skin folds on the face through a microneedle;
  • laser - hyaluronic acid is first applied to problem areas, and then treated with laser beams.

The non-injection procedure ensures the saturation of tissues with useful substances, thereby accelerating cellular metabolism. But within 1-3 days after the session, the face sometimes looks puffy due to tissue edema.


The introduction of fillers based on hyaluronic acid under the skin is the best method for smoothing wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Do not forget that wrinkles appear from a lack of moisture in the skin. Therefore, moisturize your skin with creams more often. Especially do not forget about them after sunbathing (on vacation or after a solarium).

During the procedure, the cosmetologist injects gel-like preparations with hyaluronate into the problem areas. Due to this, the production of skin cells is enhanced:

  • protein substances;
  • natural hyaluronate;
  • elastin;
  • collagen.

Bioreinforcement is a conservative and less traumatic way to eliminate skin folds. Provides rapid tissue renewal, restoration of facial contours and increased elasticity of the epidermis.


The injection technique allows you to reduce nasolabial folds, eliminate age spots, peeling and other cosmetic defects. The effectiveness of the procedure is due to the therapeutic properties of medicinal preparations that are introduced into problem areas. For mesotherapy are used:

  • multivitamin solutions;
  • lipolytic fluids to accelerate lymph flow in tissues;
  • homeopathic medicines with herbal extracts;
  • products with hyaluronic acid.

To combat noticeable wrinkles on the face, restorative preparations with collagen, L-carnitine, peptides, elastin, etc. are used.

Other Methods

For the correction of nasolabial wrinkles are often used:

  • chemical peeling - removal of the surface layer of the skin with chemicals, which provides natural tissue regeneration in problem areas;
  • radiofrequency lifting - treatment of tissues with high-frequency current, which stimulates metabolic reactions;
  • lipofilling - transplantation of fat cells from the buttocks into the nasolabial wrinkles.

The use of mesoscooters also provides an acceleration of the metabolism of the epidermis. The needle roller massager stimulates blood circulation, thereby enhancing collagen synthesis.

How to get rid of nasolabial wrinkles at home: purchased products

Professional and home cosmetics contain bioactive ingredients that restore firmness, elasticity and healthy appearance to the skin. The effectiveness of conservative treatment of nasolabial wrinkles depends on the composition of the drugs, the frequency of their use.

Pharmacy preparations

To smooth out deep wrinkles on the face, external agents based on plant extracts, retinol, hemoderivate from cattle blood, ergocalciferol, zinc are used:

  • Radevit;
  • Badyaga;
  • Retinoic ointment;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Burr oil;
  • Aekol;
  • Curiosin;
  • Lyoton;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Foretal.

Pharmaceutical preparations are used in accordance with the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Specialized anti-age cosmetics

Anti-aging cosmetics are anti-aging professional products. They do not help to hide skin defects, but remove them, stimulating the biosynthesis of useful substances. By increasing the level of hyaluronic acid, proteins, elastin in the epidermis, nasolabial furrows and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Removing nasolabial wrinkles is quite simple at home, for this it is not necessary to contact a professional cosmetologist.

The composition of high-quality cosmetics should include:

  • retinol;
  • tocopherol;
  • horse chestnut extract;
  • hyaluronate;
  • escin (triterpene saponins);
  • seaweed extracts;
  • squalene;
  • arginine;
  • pentavitin, etc.

Anti-aging cosmetics are available in the form of day and night creams, serums, masks, lotions, balms, corrector pencils:

  • Beauty Spa Genesis Big Bang;
  • Kleraderm Botofit cream;
  • Phytomer Youth Reviver Age-Defense mask;
  • Declare Night Repair Essential Serum.

The big disadvantage is the high cost of such funds.

How to smooth out nasolabial folds at home: folk methods

Home remedies based on natural ingredients are a simple and effective way to combat age-related skin changes. They prevent aging, stimulate cell renewal and smooth out nasolabial wrinkles.

Base and essential oils

Vegetable oils contain a complex of useful substances that improve skin metabolism. To correct wrinkles on the face are often used:

  • Vitamin blend. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil into 5 ml of castor oil. Then add ½ ampoule of retinol and 3 drops of bergamot essential oil. Apply exclusively to problem areas for 20 minutes every other day.
  • Anti-aging solution. 10 ml of sesame oil is mixed with 1 tsp. melted cocoa butter, 3-4 drops of patchouli and sandalwood essential oils. The agent treats the nasolabial area 1 time per day for 10 days.

Grape seed, olive, avocado, cocoa, cranberry seed oils are used as base oils. Geranium, bergamot, rose, fennel, lavender or patchouli essential oils are added to speed up the metabolism in the skin.

cosmetic ice

To rejuvenate the skin of the face, ice from decoctions of herbs is often used. To cope with the furrows in the nasolabial region, boil and freeze:

  • succession;
  • yarrow;
  • aloe;
  • peppermint;
  • hop;
  • coltsfoot;
  • calendula;
  • St. John's wort;
  • sage;
  • burdock root;
  • dog-rose fruit.

Wipe the face with cosmetic ice along the massage lines for 3-5 minutes twice a day.

Homemade creams and fluids

Fluid is a cream with a lightweight texture that is easily absorbed.

To reduce nasolabial skin folds in 1 week, you need to use:

  • Fluid with retinol. In 30 ml of peach oil, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A, 1 g of melted beeswax, 2 g of lanolin. The finished mass is applied to the nasolabial area daily at bedtime.
  • Gelatin cream. Mix 1 tsp. gelatin, glycerin, aloe juice and honey. Pour 50 ml of boiling water and leave for 10 minutes. Apply the cream to the folds 2 times a day.

Do-it-yourself creams are used instead of purchased cosmetics for 1-3 weeks.

Anti-aging masks

To prevent skin aging after 30-35 years, use the following recipes:

  • Clay mask. 1 st. l. blue clay is mixed with a decoction of chamomile until a creamy mass is obtained. The mixture is applied to wet skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle for 15-20 minutes every 2 days.
  • Mask with honey. It is necessary to dissolve 5 g of gelatin in a small amount of water, adding 1 tbsp. l. castor oil. Pour 5 ml of cream and 1 yolk into the mixture. Means to treat the problem area 1 time per day for a week.

With dry skin, it is undesirable to add lemon juice, mustard and other drying components to anti-aging masks.

Other recipes

The skin will become more elastic and healthy looking when using:

  • steam baths with essential oils;
  • tonics from chamomile broth;
  • cleansing lotions with calendula;
  • paraffin applications.

Facebook building and other facelift exercises

Special gymnastics for the face increases the tone of mimic muscles, due to which the skin is tightened. To reduce skin folds at home, you need to perform simple exercises 1-2 times a day.

How to remove the nasolabial fold at home:

  • Tightly clenching the lips, alternately press them to the teeth and pull them into a tube. Do 20-30 repetitions.
  • Opening the mouth wide, push the lower jaw forward and linger at the extreme point for 3-5 seconds. Do 10 repetitions in 3 sets.
  • Take a deep breath through your mouth and puff out your cheeks. Then press the fingers on the corners of the lips and lift them up for 3-5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times.

Facebook building should be done daily for 1-2 months. To enhance the effect, after gymnastics, a relaxing facial massage is done.

Who needs a surgical facelift

Even minimally invasive procedures for the correction of nasolabial wrinkles are fraught with complications. They are resorted to when conservative methods are ineffective. Indications for surgical skin tightening on the face are:

  • deep nasolabial wrinkles;
  • omission of the corners of the lips;
  • smoothness of the contour of the face;
  • ptosis in the cheeks;
  • static wrinkles near the mouth.

Operative techniques are indicated for people with pronounced age-related changes in the skin.

How to prevent skin aging

Withering of the integument is associated in 80% of cases with vitamin deficiency, dehydration, and a slowdown in metabolism.

Separately, I would like to highlight bad habits, for example, smoking. A smoking woman cannot boast of a healthy and young face.

To prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face, you need:

  • eat a balanced diet;
  • use moisturizers;
  • drink up to 2 liters of pure water per day;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • do sport;
  • stop smoking;
  • take multivitamins.

The exclusion of provoking factors and a healthy lifestyle prevent skin aging. But if wrinkles do occur, you need to use special cosmetics, hardware techniques, home or pharmacy creams to correct them.

Currently, medicine, like cosmetology, uses the entire available arsenal of technical means. However, they have not yet come up with a “magic” procedure that can fight age-related changes that occur both inside the human body and are noticeable on the skin. As practice shows, women care more about the prevention of wrinkles and other signs of aging, men pay much less attention to this aspect, so the question of how to remove nasolabial folds worries the fair sex most often.

The skin of the face is a multi-layered structure penetrated by nerve endings, blood and lymphatic vessels. Their normal functioning ensures the delivery of all necessary nutrients, balanced regeneration processes. However, the slightest failure in this system is reflected in the form of noticeable changes in appearance.

Do not forget about the muscle fibers located under the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat. With active facial expressions, talking, the muscles contract, which causes a process of constant stretching of the skin. In young girls, the tissues have a sufficient coefficient of elasticity, however, with age, the cells lose moisture, nutrients, their renewal processes slow down and the skin gradually sags, mimic wrinkles appear.

One of the early signs of aging is the formation of nasolabial folds that stretch from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. As a rule, such a defect is accompanied by a change in the oval of the face, which sometimes requires additional correction.

The reasons for the appearance of such a lack of appearance are:

  • changes in the cellular structure that progress with age;
  • improper skin care or its complete absence;
  • hereditary predisposition to early signs of aging;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • wrong diet;
  • a sharp loss of body weight, which leads to a rapid thinning of the subcutaneous fatty tissue, sagging skin and, as a result, the appearance of nasolabial folds;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • insufficient intake of nutrients necessary for the skin of the face with food (in this case, the deficiency should be compensated with the help of special vitamin complexes);
  • the influence of aggressive environmental factors (long exposure to the scorching sun, poor environmental conditions);
  • frequent sudden changes in temperature (for example, if the specifics of work are related to business trips to countries with a different climate);
  • individual features of the structure of the facial skeleton (in particular, malocclusion);
  • insufficient fluid intake, doctors emphasize that for an adult the daily norm is 1.5 liters, and in the hot season or with regular physical exertion - more;
  • various chronic pathologies of internal organs and epidermal cover.

The technique of how to remove nasolabial folds depends on the severity of this cosmetic defect. At the first signs and to prevent their occurrence, regular facial massage and simple exercises, natural-based masks that can be prepared at home are sufficient.

However, when deep wrinkles appear, professional help from a specialist is required. Correction of the defect is carried out by injections of Botox and hyaluronic acid, peeling and skin resurfacing. In some cases, you have to resort to plastic surgery in a hospital. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds as early as possible.

To avoid unpleasant sensations bordering on pain during mesotherapy, it is necessary to start the fight against the signs of aging after 25 years. For this, it is not necessary to visit beauty salons. It is enough to regularly use creams, the components of which are selected in accordance with the age characteristics of the skin. At this stage, there are enough funds to apply before bedtime, after waking up. It is also necessary to use tonics, make-up remover milk, make cleansing and toning masks 1-2 times a week.

After 35-40 years, the choice of cosmetics for makeup and skin care should be approached more responsibly. Creams should contain collagen, elastin, coenzyme Q10, amino acids, vitamins A and E, biologically active enzymes. Several times a year, it is recommended to contact a cosmetologist for a course of intensive care.


According to the actress Brigitte Bardot, who is firmly entrenched in the fame of the world's sex symbol, one simple rule helps her to preserve her beauty and youth: do not confuse jars with night and day creams.

Even a regular massage has an excellent effect, as can be seen from the photo from the “before and after” series, and according to reviews, the result can be improved by supplementing it with the use of serums and special masks. In the hot season, before going outside, it is necessary to apply foundation or make-up base, which protect the skin of the face from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation. Of course, cosmetics alone will not solve the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds, but its correct selection will help postpone mesotherapy sessions, contouring and other expensive and painful anti-aging procedures.

Correction of nasolabial folds: a complex of gymnastics, methods of hardware cosmetology

A complex of special exercises will help to cope with the first age-related signs of skin aging. They should be performed once a day, especially since such gymnastics will take no more than 5 minutes.

It is worth noting

During the warm-up in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, blood flow and metabolism are activated, therefore, it is recommended to apply nutritious serums or an oil solution of vitamin A or E to the skin beforehand.

Correction of nasolabial folds with the help of gymnastics is carried out as follows:

  • Pull your lips forward, as if preparing to drink a cocktail through a straw. Freeze in this position for 10-15 seconds, repeat 5 times.
  • Take air into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. Roll it over, as you would when rinsing the mouth, until discomfort appears. Repeat for 60 seconds.
  • Sit up straight, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through pursed lips. Do up to 10 times.
  • Buy a set of balloons and inflate one every day.
  • Widely part your lips in a smile, and then bring them together in the form of a tube.
  • Sing the sound "o", while the lips should be tense.
  • Alternately stretch the upper lip towards the chin, and the lower lip towards the tip of the nose.

It is worth noting

Gymnastics is effectively combined with facial massage.

Correction of nasolabial folds and facial wrinkles is more effective with the use of modern cosmetic procedures.

An alternative to plastic surgery in a specialized clinic are:

  • Microneedling. It is carried out using a mesoscooter - a massage roller, on the surface of which about 200 tiny needles are applied. After treatment of the nasolabial fold area, biologically active preparations with a lifting effect are applied to the skin. This procedure is considered more gentle compared to laser peeling and other anti-aging therapy methods.
  • Contour plastic. It consists in introducing special preparations into the problem area (they are also called by analogy with the English word fill - to fill). The basis of these solutions is hyaluronic acid, which promotes the production of collagen and elastin in the skin. Thus, the skin acquires smoothness, even contour and healthy appearance. At the risk of developing an allergic reaction, preparations with hyaluronic acid are replaced by other means similar in action.
  • Lipolifting. According to the technique, this procedure is similar to contour plastic surgery. However, instead of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, the cosmetologist uses his own lipid components. They are taken with a sterile syringe from the area of ​​the fat layer of the abdomen, thighs or buttocks, cleaned and injected into the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. The main advantage of this procedure is the long-term effect.
  • Mesotherapy. One of the most common salon procedures. Using a sterile syringe, a solution containing a complex of vitamins and biologically active substances is injected under the skin.
  • Mesothreads. The doctor straightens the skin in the problem area and, using special needles, introduces reinforcing agents that have a powerful lifting effect. The result of the procedure is noticeable almost immediately and lasts for 2-3 years.

Correction of nasolabial folds in a beauty parlor is undoubtedly more effective than various masks. A specific procedure is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin condition. The price also plays an important role, since the drugs used are not cheap. But received during sessions of anti-aging therapy is stored for a long time, especially with proper concomitant care.

How to remove nasolabial folds: methods of surgical intervention

There are several methods of plastic surgery to eliminate such a defect in appearance. One of the most common is a surgical facelift (this procedure is also called a facelift). But such an intervention is quite difficult to perform and is associated with a certain risk of complications, therefore, it is carried out not only to eliminate nasolabial folds, but to correct deep wrinkles and smooth out the oval of the face.

Such plastic surgery is indicated for women (although recently men also turn to surgeons for help) aged 40 to 65 years. Subject to all the recommendations of the doctor, the effect of such a procedure as removing nasolabial folds lasts 5-10 years.

Carry out the operation as follows. Under general anesthesia, the doctor makes incisions, removes excess fat, skin. Of the complications, there is a risk of damage to the facial nerves and, as a result, a violation of facial expressions, the formation of scars and keloid scars, an allergic reaction to anesthesia, infection of the wound. Within a few days after the procedure, edema remains on the face, hematomas, traces of incisions.

Another way to remove nasolabial folds is endoscopic facelift. Such surgery is less invasive, and for this reason, in most cases, there are no complications. But such an operation is not suitable for the correction of deep wrinkles, sagging cheeks and a double chin.

Surgical excision of the nasolabial folds is currently practically not performed. This procedure is much more effective than facelift, the result lasts longer. But a significant disadvantage of this method, how to remove nasolabial folds, is visible scars on the face.

Removal of nasolabial folds: recipes for natural remedies for home use, massage and prevention

To correct wrinkles, you can also use your own prepared products. Unlike professional cosmetics, their cost is much lower, and according to many women, such mixtures are practically as effective as purchased facial skin care products.

Nasolabial folds can be removed using the following recipes:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, one egg white, 1 tsp. honey. Mix, apply on face and leave for 30 minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Grind a few tablespoons of oatmeal on a coffee grinder, dilute with kefir to a mushy consistency, add 1 tsp. honey and iodized salt on the tip of a knife.
  • Soak a glass of beans in cold water for several hours, boil them in a small amount of water and rub through a sieve, then add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Melt in a water bath 50 g of paraffin, 5 g of cocoa butter (it is better to buy it in a pharmacy), spermaceti and any vegetable oil. Apply to the skin for 20-30 minutes and cover with a napkin.
  • In a separate bowl, pour 4 tsp cold water. regular gelatin, put 8 tablets of spirulina in another, add a small amount of water and leave for 30-60 minutes. Then add a teaspoon of lemon juice, a few drops of oil retinol acetate to spirulina. Heat the diluted gelatin a little and mix the contents of two bowls. Apply to the skin and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Mix starch (it is better to take potato starch) with cream of maximum fat content preheated to room temperature. Keep on face for up to 25 minutes.


Rejuvenating and nourishing masks should be done twice a week.

Injections of hyaluronic acid and other drugs from the arsenal of mesotherapy can replace regular facial massage. For this procedure, it is not necessary to visit a beautician. Simple movements can be performed independently. The main thing is stroking along the nasolabial folds alternately on each side, holding the skin from excessive stretching. You need to continue such a massage until a feeling of warmth appears.

Then you should put your fingers on the corners of your mouth and move in a circular motion along the nasolabial folds to the wings of the nose. The next movement is to smooth the skin from the wings of the nose towards the ears. You can finish the massage by “drawing” a figure-eight figure in the problem area with your index fingers.


Removal of nasolabial folds with massage can not be carried out on dry skin. You must first apply a nourishing cream or oil solution of vitamin A or E to your face.

Avoiding the appearance of nasolabial folds is almost impossible. However, it is quite possible to postpone their occurrence as much as possible.

To do this, it is enough to follow certain simple rules:

  • regularly use moisturizers, tonics and other skin care products;
  • quit smoking;
  • observe the drinking regimen, but at the same time do not consume large amounts of liquid before bedtime;
  • do not sleep lying on your stomach;
  • observe the principles of proper nutrition, especially when losing weight, with too much body weight, a loss of more than 4-5 kg ​​per month can lead to the formation of wrinkles;
  • in the morning after washing, wipe the area of ​​\u200b\u200bnasolabial folds with an ice cube;
  • drink freshly squeezed juices, fresh greens are especially useful;
  • regularly do anti-wrinkle exercises and facial massage.

Removing nasolabial folds is not an easy task even for a professional. However, modern technologies allow you to get rid of shortcomings in appearance for a long time and prolong youth. With small defects, folk remedies, combined with daily care and massage, are also able to correct the situation.

Nasolabial folds are mimic wrinkles that look like furrows from the corners of the lips to the nose. With age, the depth of these folds increases. Therefore, in order to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of the skin, you should use various means to remove and prevent the appearance of mimic wrinkles. As a rule, Botox injections and plastic surgery are used in this case. But these procedures are quite dangerous and expensive. Therefore, you can try folk remedies to combat this problem. In this article you will find how to remove nasolabial folds, before and after photos, as well as the most effective and popular remedies for fighting mimic wrinkles.

The main methods of how to remove nasolabial folds in 1 week at home

To preserve youth and beauty for as long as possible, it is required to remove the nasolabial folds and tighten the oval of the face. This effect can be achieved not only with the help of expensive drugs or cosmetic procedures. Proper nutrition, daily skin care, special massage and exercise are required. You can also use recipes for masks and lotions based on natural ingredients.


One of the most effective methods for eliminating nasolabial folds is a special facial gymnastics. There are a number of exercises that can significantly reduce the depth of facial wrinkles in a week.

  • Tube. The lips should be pulled out with a tube, and hold them in this position for 10-15 seconds. Relax your muscles. Repeat several times.
  • Pouting lips. Take air into your mouth and move it from one cheek to the other for a minute. Exhale slowly and repeat.
  • Proper breathing. Inhale slowly through your nose, then exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Smile. Stretch your lips into smiles and hold for a few seconds. Then bring your lips into a tube and also hold in this position. Do it for 2-3 minutes.

In general, facial gymnastics will take 10-15 minutes. If you perform it daily, you can prevent the formation of nasolabial folds, as well as make facial wrinkles less noticeable.


Among the methods of how to tighten the nasolabial folds at home, facial massage is one of the most effective. Massage can be performed independently. It is recommended to pre-cleanse the skin, as well as apply an anti-aging cream to it. The surface of the hands should also be cleaned.

  • Place the middle and index fingers of each hand on the corners of the lips. Then press them against the skin and slowly lift them up. Hold at the highest point for 20 seconds. Repeat 2-3 times.
  • Two fingers should be placed on the bottom of the wings of the nose. Then slide your fingers down the nasolabial folds, go back up. Continue massaging for 2-3 minutes.
  • The most effective exercise is performed with three fingers. Three fingers should be placed on the central part of the chin, spread the skin and gradually rise to the nose. Then slowly raise your hands over your cheeks to your eyes. This exercise provides an excellent anti-aging effect, but it must be done carefully so as not to damage the skin.

homemade masks

An excellent remedy for nasolabial folds is the use of various masks based on natural ingredients. For their preparation, available components are used, which can be found in the refrigerator or purchased at the pharmacy.

  • Clay mask. To eliminate mimic wrinkles, you can prepare a mask based on pink or green clay. To do this, clay is mixed with a decoction of herbs. Additionally, you can add a little essential oil of peach, almond or tea tree.
  • Gelatin mask. With its help, it is possible not only to clean the pores and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also to remove nasolabial folds. To prepare it, pour gelatin with warm water, add a little essential oil. Apply to skin and leave for 15 minutes. Then remove it like a mask-film.
  • A mixture of oils. To prepare an anti-aging mask, you can use a mixture of various vegetable oils. A combination of olive, coconut and peach essential oil works great. Additionally, you can add vitamin E to the mixture.

Nasolabial folds, how to remove at home: reviews

Lena, 35 years old: “The nasolabial folds appeared after 30 years. Self-massage turned out to be the most effective remedy - the effect appeared almost immediately.

Vika, 53 years old: “For nasolabial folds, preparations based on hyaluronic acid were used. But the effect is short-lived, and the procedure is expensive. Therefore, I abandoned it in favor of homemade masks. If done regularly, mimic wrinkles are almost invisible.

Marina, 48 years old: “To get rid of nasolabial folds, I do this exercise: I take air into my mouth and beat my fingers on the folds for 20-30 seconds. After a few days, the wrinkles become less deep, and then disappear.

Most women over 30 are interested in how to remove nasolabial folds on the face at home. Folds are deep mimic wrinkles that appear with age in almost every person.

The oval of the face begins to change with age: it “floats”, the features become blurred, deep mimic wrinkles appear, and the skin begins to sag. The reason for everything is the destruction of the protein structures of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, as well as a decrease in the amount of nutrients to renew the cells of the epidermis.

To slow down the aging process and tighten the oval of the face in the shortest possible time, you need to:

  • improved blood circulation and lymph movement. This can be achieved using special exercises for massage and gymnastics for the face, water procedures. Most cosmetic masks contain substances that stimulate blood flow to the face.
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in the subcutaneous epidermis. For this, acupressure, special gymnastics and cosmetics are often used;
  • saturation of the skin with moisture. This is impossible without hyaluronic acid. You can increase its level by taking tablets (capsules), as well as using masks, creams and patches with this substance.
  • increase in the amount of collagen, elastin and nutrients in the epidermis. To do this, you need to eat right, use creams and masks with proteins and minerals, use a wide range of folk cosmetology products.

Hyaluronic acid from nasolabial folds: tablets or capsules?

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is necessary to solve the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds at home. It is one of the most important components of human tissues, the amount of which may decrease over time.

For the skin, it is indispensable, as it performs the following functions:

  • maintains and distributes water in tissues;
  • increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • protects tissues from the adverse effects of the external environment.

Almost all anti-wrinkle cosmetics contain hyaluron. Also, cosmetologists recommend using it in its pure form. You can use the acid in tablets and capsules. Regular intake of such drugs helps to improve the water balance in skin cells, smooth out deep wrinkles, make the skin more elastic and resistant to age-related changes.

The choice between whether to take the substance in tablets or capsules is quite difficult. It is believed that tablets are better absorbed, and capsules contain more active ingredient. Therefore, experts recommend taking pills for young girls for prevention, and capsules for older women.

Exercises against nasolabial folds

Gymnastics by Greer Childers

Breathing exercises from Greer Childers is a system of breathing and massage movements that help restore skin elasticity and get rid of deep wrinkles. Exercises are built on the work of the muscles of the face and body, due to which the latter are strengthened, become more elastic.

When doing gymnastics from Gear Childers, it is important to monitor your breathing and use 10 approaches to each exercise with short breaks.

Gymnastics by Carol Maggio

Facial aerobics by Carol Maggio at home will show you how to remove nasolabial folds without resorting to expensive surgeries and cosmetic procedures. The technique helps to strengthen the facial muscles, and make the appearance of the skin more toned and youthful.

The following exercises will help remove deep nasolabial wrinkles:

All Carol Maggio exercises must be performed while sitting on a stool or chair. In this case, the stomach should be pulled in as much as possible, and the hips should be tense.

plastic bottle exercise

Gymnastics for the face using a plastic bottle is very simple and affordable to do at home. During the exercise, muscles are involved that are practically not involved in everyday facial expressions.

To complete the exercise, you will need a 1 liter plastic bottle. It is necessary to pour one standard cup of water into it. Then the neck of the bottle (for convenience, you can wrap it with gauze or a bandage) should be wrapped around your lips and lifted up for the longest possible time.

After a while, the exercise can be complicated. While holding the neck of the bottle, you need to run your tongue along the inside of the cheek in the place where the nasolabial folds are located. 10 movements are made on each side.

Massage against nasolabial folds

Asahi massage

the deep muscles of the face and the lymphatic drainage system are activated. Before the massage, you need to familiarize yourself with the location of the lymphatic vessels and not affect them. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend contacting a specialist at first.

After a month of Asahi massage, you can forget the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds. Even at work or at home, daily 10-minute treatments are enough. Before the massage, the skin must be cleansed. If this is not done, rosacea, rashes and acne may appear on it.

Massage movements start from the forehead and end with the chin. All the time it is necessary to move in the direction of the lymphatic flow, without affecting the nodes. During the procedure, you need to use the basis for massage. It can be cosmetic milk, decoction of flax or oatmeal, water with essential oils. Do not use too oily foundation. This provokes morning swelling of the face.

Shiatsu massage

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese practice of acupressure on the body. There are many variations of this procedure, which are often combined with prayer and meditation. Shiatsu massage can be done on your own or with the help of a specialist.

Exposure with fingers to certain points on the body helps to start the processes of rejuvenation and restoration of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Active points are located on almost all parts of the face. In order to remove nasolabial folds, it is necessary to act with fingertips on the points at the corners of the lips, wings of the nose, under the chin, on the cheekbones and cheeks.

Before the massage, the skin must be cleansed. Shiatsu massage experts recommend doing it in the morning immediately after sleep, when a person is as relaxed as possible.

Indian massage

Indian massage is a kind of yoga for the face. With it, you can get rid of nasolabial folds without resorting to other cosmetic procedures.

  1. The mouth should be opened as wide as possible, imitating a scream. This exercise helps relieve tension from the facial muscles.
  2. The lips should be pulled forward as much as possible and squeezed a little, imitating the sound “o”, and then stretched into a smile. It is important to feel the tension of the muscles of the cheeks and cheekbones.
  3. You need to take a large amount of air into your mouth, and squeeze your lips tightly. Simulating the movement of the ball, it is necessary to move the air from one cheek to another for 10-15 seconds. Then slowly release the air.

Homemade masks against nasolabial folds

bay leaf mask

A decoction of bay leaf perfectly tones and tightens the skin, and a large amount of minerals and antioxidants helps to smooth out deep wrinkles and rejuvenate.

To prepare the mask, you need to mix one egg white with a tablespoon of warm olive oil. Then a tablespoon of crushed dry laurel leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for several minutes. The liquid is strained and mixed with oil and protein. The mixture must be applied to the nasolabial folds for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.

Berry mask

For a berry mask for nasolabial folds, you can use cherries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, but strawberries are most effective. The berry can be used in several ways.

In the first, the berries are cut into slices and laid out on the skin, smeared with olive oil for half an hour. In another case, the berries are crushed to a pulp and mixed with 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. It is important that the berries are as fresh as possible.

Gelatin mask

Gelatin is necessary for the skin to constantly renew and rejuvenate. The mask from them will "saturate" the surface of the skin with pectin. To prepare the mask, you need to dissolve the gelatin in a water bath. Then one capsule of retinol (vitamin A) and half a teaspoon of lemon juice are added to the mixture.

If the skin is quite sensitive, you can add a spoonful of olive oil. The mixture is then applied to the skin and left to dry. The gelatin mask is removed from the face like a film, tightening and cleansing the skin.

Composition of fish oil

In folk medicine and cosmetology, fish oil is popular because of its omer-3 fatty acid. It helps to strengthen local immunity and prevents free radicals from worsening skin condition.

To get rid of nasolabial folds, you need to mix 2 parts of olive oil, starch and 1 part of fish oil. The mixture is applied to areas of skin with wrinkles for 20 minutes. You can do this mask once a week.

clay mask

Clay is welcomed in cosmetology due to the huge amount of minerals in its composition. For the mask, it is necessary to prepare a herbal tea in advance. For it, you can use an infusion of chamomile, sage, mint and other plants that are good for the skin.

The liquid is mixed with cosmetic clay to the state of thick sour cream and applied to the entire surface of the face except for the eyelids and lips. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of oil to the mask, preferably argan oil.

Starch mask

The effect of a mask with starch will help to effectively deal with the problem, how to remove nasolabial folds at home. Professionals compare the effect of its impact with Botox.

For a cosmetic product, pour 1 tablespoon of starch with 2 glasses of water and wait until a jelly-like liquid forms. Then 5 tablespoons are poured into the same place. carrot juice and 1 tbsp. heavy cream or sour cream. The mixture is applied to the skin in layers every 5 minutes, and washed off after 20.

herbal compress

Herbal compresses are recommended by cosmetologists for healing the skin and stimulating collagen production. Without it, it is impossible to get rid of deep wrinkles. For cooking, you can use sage, birch leaf buds, chamomile and coltsfoot inflorescences.

For a compress you need a warm decoction. You need to lower a clean sheet mask into it, and then place it on the skin of the face. You can keep the compress until the tissue has completely cooled.

coffee mask

In cosmetology, coffee grounds are often used. It simultaneously acts as a mask and as an effective peeling.

To prepare the mask, mix 2 tbsp. l. used thick drink, 1 tbsp. olive oil, a little salt, sugar and cinnamon. The mask should be applied lightly, massaging the problem areas, and rinse thoroughly after 10-13 minutes with warm water.

Yolk mask

The yolk mask allows you to fight skin aging and protects it from the appearance of deep age wrinkles. This is facilitated by a large amount of albumin and vitamin A in egg yolks.

To combat deep wrinkles, you need to mix one egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then a few drops of peach oil are added to the mixture. Just 15 minutes on the skin is enough to make it velvety toned after the first procedure.

banana mask

There are two masks based on banana puree. The first is suitable for dry skin. To prepare it, a gruel of two bananas must be mixed with 2 tbsp. heavy cream and mix thoroughly. Puree can be applied to the face, lightly rubbing into the skin.

The second mask is ideal for problem skin. To crushed bananas, you need to add a few tablespoons of olive oil, yolk, a spoonful of flour. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 20-23 minutes.

honey mask

For the preparation of a honey mask, beeswax and exclusively natural honey are used. Both components are heated to a liquid state and mixed with each other. Then half a teaspoon of onion juice and aloe juice are added to the liquid. The mask must be kept on the face for half an hour. With the appearance of burning and itching, the cosmetic must be immediately washed off.

Spirulina mask

Spirulina is a type of algae that is widely used to fight wrinkles. The substance can be purchased at pharmacies or specialized stores in the form of tablets or powder.

Spirulina mask will help remove nasolabial folds, wrinkles, age spots at home. Read below how to prepare it.

Gelatin is used to prepare the mask. It must first be dissolved in a water bath. Then two powdered seaweed tablets are added to the gelatin. The finished mask is applied with a cosmetic brush to problem areas. After 20 minutes, it hardens and is removed. It is necessary to use such a mask every 3 days for a month.

Use of cosmetic ice against nasolabial folds

A special “washing” with ice is a cosmetic procedure that will help start regenerating processes on the surface of the skin, improve the production of collagen and elastin.

Alignment of deep nasolabial wrinkles occurs due to the “shock” effect of cosmetic ice. A sharp cold leads to a rapid narrowing of blood vessels, thereby improving blood circulation. Ice can be purchased at a beauty store or you can make your own.

To prepare it, you can use the following:

  • green tea - tones and heals the skin;
  • aloe - helps to recover sensitive and problematic skin;
  • rice water - helps to acquire a beautiful uniform color;
  • fruit juices (watermelon, grapefruit, lemon) - perfectly tone the skin.

The liquid is poured into special containers for ice and left in the freezer. You need to use ice daily, without washing it off, but blotting the skin with a towel.

Professional cosmetics from nasolabial folds

Lifting patches

Lifting patches for the face are made on the basis of a hydrogel. Upon contact with the warm skin of the face, the substance begins to dissolve, and the active components penetrate the tissues faster.

Patches that help to cope with the problem, how to remove nasolabial folds at home, are very convenient to use. Their shape is chosen anatomically so that the patches can be applied exclusively to the problem area.

The active ingredients adenosine and glutathione make the skin renew faster and tone it up. Thanks to them, the surface tissues of the face strengthen their defense against negative external factors.

Cream Deoproce

Revitalizing Deoproce cream effectively copes with deep nasolabial folds and avoids mimic wrinkles in the future. This can be achieved due to the unique composition: mucin (snail mucus) and Japanese yam extract.

The main action of the product is to increase skin elasticity, heal local irritations and get rid of minor imperfections, such as scars and wrinkles.

Pomegranate Collagen Mask

Pomegranate Collagen mask contains pomegranate extract and collagen. The pomegranate contains many beneficial substances for the skin and the female phytoharmone estrogen. With age, it is produced less and less, because of which the processes of aging and withering of the skin are accelerated.

Collagen is necessarily used to fight wrinkles. This protein is necessary for building a "framework" in the upper tissues of the face. The lack of protein leads to the gradual destruction of this "framework", which is the cause of sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

Cream mask ARAVIA

Cosmetologists called ARAVIA cream-mask a real energy for the skin. This tool is based on components of plant origin, and its action helps to maximize the renewal and healing of mature skin.

The cream mask contains olive oil, grape seed extract, soy, collagen and hyaluronic acid. Experts recommend using this remedy primarily for women with very dry skin.

Cream Professional Solutions

Cream Professional Solutions is an innovative cosmetics in the fight against deep wrinkles. The fight against the signs of aging in this case occurs due to the action of the substance resveratrol. Currently, it is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants and is able to restore skin structure even with very deep wrinkles.

Cream Techni Liss First PAYOT

Anti-aging cream Techni Liss First PAYOT is recommended by cosmetologists as a means to combat the first signs of aging.

The active substances of the product, which includes diamond powder and a special Liss Process complex, allow you to moisturize the skin daily and stimulate constant cell division. This contributes to the regular renewal of the skin and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles.

The use of mesoscooters

A mesoscooter is a cosmetic device, which is a special roller in which the finest steel needles are placed. There are also more expensive options made of gold, platinum and precious alloys. During the procedure, the needles of the mesoscooter pierce the skin, which contributes to a better penetration of useful substances from masks and creams.

Advantages of using mesoscooters:

For the cosmetic procedure, special cocktails and concentrates with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and herbal ingredients are used.

Filler use

Fillers are cosmetic preparations that will help to cope with the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds at home. Wrinkles are smoothed by filling the subcutaneous tissues with special substances.

Fillers to combat deep wrinkles can be used in the form of subcutaneous injections and cosmetic preparations (creams, masks, serums, etc.). The latter can be used at home.

Fillers may include the following components:

Bath procedures

To reduce age-related changes on the skin, cosmetologists advise women to visit the bathhouse and sauna more often.

Thermal procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face:

  • moisturize the skin due to the long-term effect of water vapor;
  • activate metabolic processes and tissue renewal;
  • improve blood circulation.

At home, a bath can become a full-fledged beauty parlor. Exposure to high temperature and humidity allows you to more effectively cleanse the skin of the face. When visiting a bath or sauna, it is recommended to use scrubs and peels for the face on a natural basis.

It's safe to say that going to the bath is a great way to get rid of nasolabial folds at home. During cosmetic procedures, the skin warms up, and the pores open wider. At this time, more nutrients and minerals enter the subcutaneous structure.

After bath procedures, the epidermis is renewed, the skin is smoothed, becomes soft and supple. The reduction in the number of wrinkles occurs due to the acceleration of metabolic processes and saturation with moisture.

Deep wrinkles on the face always spoil the appearance. But to get rid of them, it is not necessary to use expensive procedures in beauty salons. The use of massages and gymnastics, folk cosmetology products and special devices will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin at home.

Video on how to remove nasolabial folds

How to remove nasolabial folds quickly and without surgery at home:

Correction of nasolabial folds:


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