Fabric triacetate: characteristic where applied. The one who weaves the fabric There are a lot of threads and winds into a ball

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What cannot be spoken about must be silent.
L. Wittgenstein

Alexander Feodosievich Gryaznov (October 15, 1948–November 7, 2001) has been known to all graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University for the past thirty years. His life and professional path - and for a philosopher this is almost the same thing - went straight and did not experience sharp turns, there are no moments in it that could attract the attention of a biographer. In 1971 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, remained at the Department of the History of Foreign Philosophy of the same faculty. In 1976 he became a candidate of philosophical sciences, in 1991 - a doctor. He started his university career as an assistant and finished as a professor. He had about sixty publications, prepared four monographs. The first of them was devoted to the philosophy of the "Scottish School" (1979), the next three were to Ludwig Wittgenstein and Wittgensteinianism. These works did not aim at any revolutions in philosophy, and they are hardly known to anyone outside the circle of professional philosophers. In recent years and until the last term, he translated a lot of contemporary authors on the philosophy of language and the philosophy of consciousness. So, in the first issue for 2002 of Otechestvennye Zapiski, his translation of John Searle's report was published posthumously, with a brief introductory article. Of course, throughout his university career he gave lectures - a general course on the history of modern Western philosophy, separate courses on Hume, Kant, Russell, Wittgenstein, analytic philosophy, etc. Where is the peculiarity and unusualness in this fate, what can be said about Alexander Feodosievich, leaving behind the traditional obituary (and necro-false) pathos?

He was a wonderful person. Everyone who knew him personally kept their memories, everyone on whom he could have a personal influence, somehow this influence was refracted and perceived. However, it is impossible to say how this trace of a personal beginning remains in the world, because here, apparently, the sphere of that “about which one should be silent” begins. Some sparks of events and spoken words make it possible to catch a glimpse of the inner concentration of the last years of life. Alexander Feodosievich was seriously ill, but did not interrupt his activities until the last moment, did not give up, finished translating another book - the book of a living American professor. One can only guess what was behind this painstaking work for a philosopher - a person whose nature of activity is habitually associated with “last questions”, reflections on the meaning of life, etc. However, this is a different philosophy and other philosophers.

Gryaznov did not belong to those for whom philosophy is an existential teaching or a form of expression without fail of one's thoughts and experiences. Rather, he expressed academic spirit in the most exalted sense of the word, a subtle and fragile product of European civilization, the essence of which was once expressed by Karl Jaspers, who said that the main quality of an intellectual is his inconspicuousness. The tension of the “good life” pours itself out here not in words, but is realized in the very integrity of existence, it does not tell about itself, but shows herself.

A. F. Gryaznov belonged to the last mature generation of Soviet scientists, when the era, tired of breaks and breakdowns, finally dozed off under the calm mud of stagnation. The golden time of the Russian intelligentsia, which was mostly exchanged for trifles, for empty opposition, internal squabbles. In this environment, their idols, teachers of life, original thinkers arose. But there were also those who took advantage of this time to begin patiently weaving and patching the fabric of a rather shabby and torn culture - torn both by time and by many visible and invisible sections. It is that fragile background of cultural continuity, a continual tradition that is not noticed, but to which - as we are naively sure - we can always refer to in books written or translated by someone. The inconspicuous, painstaking work of a person living in dimensions and periods that are very different from the scale of our everyday life. The tension of understanding past eras, efforts to enter into disputes and problems devoid of their living context. Harmful, as Nietzsche believed, the bacillus of history, giving immunity from naive self-confidence, but taking revenge by slowing down life, which favors the naive energy of delusion. Attention to the other, curbing the too human desire to absorb, assimilate, to say without fail one's own. That work, without the constant continuation of which we always run the risk of being in barbarism of self-existence and self-thinking. The superficial consciousness believes that the fabric of culture is woven by itself, that its existence and maintenance can already guarantee the very existence of certain institutions, while genuine and intelligent work here is always a personal decision and a project supported only by the author himself.

Of course, much can be said about A. F. Gryaznov’s professional achievements: he was the first to analyze the “realistic” philosophy of the Scottish School, put Wittgenstein in the context of continental traditions, considered the concept of linguistic meaning in connection with various forms of human activity, etc. All this, however, almost always with one, but an important caveat: for the first time "with us." For better or worse, it turned out historically that one of the most complex and thankless works of Russian culture is translation, translation, establishing links with those contexts from which it is cut off, isolated for a longer or shorter period of time. Only she allows sometimes to reach that degree congeniality, which provides the global significance of its individual manifestations, a complete and even anticipatory understanding of what is happening in the traditionally for us "European" foreign culture. (Sometimes it is believed that Marxism was the European one that prevailed in Russia in the last century, but this is not so - even Marxism there came out different, having little in common with its Soviet version, and steps towards "their" Marxism were shouted at sometimes harsher than other liberties.) The fate of the interaction of Soviet Russia with the philosophical trends of the twentieth century turned out to be especially tortuous. The beginning of the century still had time to catch the spring of the phenomenological movement (they even translated (or retold) the main works of Husserl published at that time), but the thought of the other two main characters of the century - Wittgenstein and Heidegger - had to be introduced (under the brand of the notorious "criticism") into Russia already in the bowels of an ideologically unambiguous system. Alexander Feodosievich was, of course, not the first to study Wittgenstein, but nevertheless he did it most consistently, revealing in his publications both the historical genesis and the fate of “Wittgensteinism” in general, made abstracts, wrote articles and books. Let's not talk about an "outstanding role" - after all, such a widespread desire to establish himself as an ordaining "chief specialist" was completely alien to him. Even more important, perhaps, was his university activity (in recent years he read not only at Moscow State University, but also at the Russian State University for the Humanities), which revealed to the audience the historical context and the essence of modern methods of philosophizing in their authentic form. Finally, when the time came, all the texts and all the authors came to this prepared ground, they came as if it were natural and self-evident...

Alexander Feodosievich in recent years was busy with modern analytical (or post-analytical) philosophy, selected and translated texts, invited foreign professors (with many of whom he was in correspondence) to give lectures at the university. In 1993, under his editorship, the most representative and to date anthology of analytic philosophy ("Analytic Philosophy. Selected Texts" (1993)) was published. Another amazing quality, rare in our time, when texts appear faster than they can be read, was that he constantly and carefully followed the emerging philosophical literature, understood its landscape and configuration of interests.

In our last conversation, which took place a few days before his death, Alexander Feodosievich unexpectedly spoke about one of my special articles, far from his immediate professional interests (and, in a good way, interesting only to a dozen specialists in the world), but which he, what was immediately noticeable, carefully read. He said that "it would be good to do the same in analytic philosophy." And so he left, encouraging ...

“Philosophical evolution of L. Wittgenstein” (1985), “Philosophy of language L. Wittgenstein” (1986), “Language and activity. A Critical Analysis of Wittgensteinianism (1991).

Reading time: 3 minutes

Triacetate, what is this fabric? This is an inexpensive artificial matter based on cellulose. Outwardly similar to silk, but it has all the properties of chemical materials. It has good consumer properties and is popular in combination with low cost. It is used in the manufacture of various things.

What is it made of, characteristics

The composition of the material - waste cotton or wood pulp. They are acetylated completely or partially. Because of this, it is considered safe for the environment.

Fabric according to the description is similar to natural silk. Shines and shimmers, pleasant to the touch. Better silk holds pleats and pleats. They are indistinguishable from the outside. Smooth, glides on easily. Triacetate Features:

  • the use of complex drawings;
  • a combination of several shades in one piece of matter;
  • creating an ombre effect, sharp or smooth transitions.

Positive properties of matter:

  • Resistance to the influence of environmental factors, including ultraviolet radiation. Things do not fade in the sun, for a long time they look like new.
  • Dirt-resistant - the material is easy to wash. Pollution is not absorbed deep into. He doesn't shed or shrink.
  • It drapes well, which allows you to make folds of any kind.
  • Does not cause allergies and irritation. Pleasant feeling of perfect smoothness on the skin.
  • Elastic and resilient. It stretches well when dry.
  • Wear resistance, strength. Deformation resistance.
  • A low price for a canvas that looks no different from silk.
  • Fungus, mold and insects are not interested in this material. Moths won't eat a triacetate dress.

Despite the apparent advantages, triacetate has significant disadvantages. This explains its low cost. Negative qualities:

  • Poorly absorbs water, absorbs less than 6% of the liquid. Because of this, unpleasant sensations arise when wearing.
  • Poor thermoregulation. In combination with low hygroscopicity, it is unpleasant to be in such clothes in the heat.
  • Doesn't let air through. In such clothes, the skin does not breathe, does not receive enough oxygen.
  • When wet, the strength is reduced by more than half. Things after washing should be dried carefully, avoiding stress.
  • Triacetate is a fabric that accumulates static electricity. Matter is highly electrified.
  • Does not withstand the action of acetone, some acids and alkalis. May stick to the iron and melt at high temperatures.

Due to significant disadvantages, these fibers are not always used to create fabric in their pure form. They are mixed with linen, silk. Sometimes combined with synthetic fibers. Semi-woolen yarn with the addition of triacetate does not form pellets, does not shrink. Blended fabrics have all the positive properties of the fibers of which they are composed.

For coloring, you have to use special dyes that do not damage this material. Despite the fact that the fabric is UV-resistant and does not deteriorate from it, it passes most of the sun's rays through itself.

How to distinguish triacetate from real silk

A few simple ways:

  • Set fire to a piece of fabric. Natural silk will give the smell of burnt hair. Artificial melts and does not have this smell.
  • The natural material heats up, taking the temperature of the skin. If you apply a triacetate fiber to the body, it will remain cold.
  • If you wrinkle and smooth a piece of fabric, natural matter will quickly smooth out. Chemical will not return to its original state.

The material is quite new, it was put into wide production only in the last century.

Where apply

Where is triacetate used:

Many modern fashion designers use this material for tailoring. Due to the low hygroscopicity, cellulose triacetate is used (awnings), umbrellas, raincoats, bathroom curtains. The resistance to UV rays makes it suitable for making swimwear and shorts.

Care rules

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wash items by hand or in a washing machine. Either the silk program is recommended, but the standard mode is also selected.
  2. The number of revolutions should be minimal, because the fabric is easily torn when wet. The water temperature is up to 70 degrees.
  3. Use regular powder. Do not use products with chlorine or other aggressive substances in the composition.
  4. If there is a stain, do not rush with stain removers. In most cases, it is easy to wash off.
  5. Triacetate dries quickly. The clothes are dried straightened out, because they also deform quickly. You can hang it on your shoulders.
  6. Ironing is only a last resort. Iron the thing at the minimum temperature from the wrong side. Set the mode to "silk" or "wool", if they are present on the iron. At a temperature of 300 degrees matter will melt.
  7. They store things on a hanger so that there are no creases after lying folded.

Triacetate is a good material for making inexpensive casual and swimwear, home textiles. The low cost and silk appearance make it more popular. After wear, the thing is not a pity to throw it away and buy a new one.

Riddles magic story: answers to the game from social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte. Guesses for levels 1-50. There are solutions for all tasks of the game. Any help.

Once upon a time there was Alyoshka and his best friend, the ginger cat Vaska. Friends were very fond of walking, wandering into the very depths of the forest. And they always found their way back, but one day... they met Baba Yaga and her henchmen on the forest path. The villains grabbed Vaska and told Alyoshka: "If you want to return your friend, find us, and guess all the riddles." And they disappeared. Alyoshka was sad, but quickly gathering courage, he firmly said to himself: "Vaska and I will definitely return home!"

But it's not easy to get a friend back. To begin with, you will have to correctly answer a lot of riddles - easy, medium and rather difficult.
Are you ready to solve all the riddles and go through a magical story? Forward! And we will help you with the right clues for all levels of the game.

The game "Riddles: a magical story" - answers to levels 1-10

Riddles: Level 1
A voice is heard through the field and woods.
He runs on wires -
You say it here and hear it there.
(answer: telephone)

Riddles: Level 2
An annual bush, drops a leaf every day.
A year will pass - everything will fall off.
(answer: calendar)

Riddles: Level 4
Mokhnatenka, mustachioed,
Sit down and sing a song.
(answer: cat)

Riddles: Level 5
Not a mouse, not a bird
frolicking in the forest,
Lives on trees
And chews nuts.
(answer: squirrel)

Riddles: Level 6
I am white as snow, in honor of everyone,
And you like me, but to the detriment of your teeth.
(answer: sugar)

Riddles: Level 7
There is a back, but does not serve, four legs, and does not walk,
But he always stands, and tells everyone to sit.
(answer: chair)

Riddles: Level 8
Who walks the night and walks the day
Not knowing what laziness is?
(answer: hours)

Riddles: Level 9
They'll open, they'll close
Here she creaks and whines.
(answer: door)

Riddles: Level 10
Not a bush, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn
Not a person, but talking.
(answer: book)

Riddles: a magical story - riddles for levels 11-20

Riddles: Level 11
He sits bulging eyes, speaks French,
Jumps like a flea, swims like a human.
(answer: frog)

Riddles: Level 12
There are many, many threads, but it doesn’t wind into a ball,
He does not sew clothes for himself, but always weaves cloth.
(answer: spider)

Riddles: Level 13
What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire?
(answer: sun)

Riddles: Level 14
Sisters are standing in the field - a yellow eye, white cilia.
(answer: daisies)

Riddles: Level 15
Itself with a cam, a red barrel,
Touch - smooth, bite - sweet.
(answer: apple)

Riddles: Level 16
I go, I go, but there is no trace.
(answer: boat)

Riddles: Level 17
Fluffy carpet, not woven by hands, not sewn with silk,
In the sun, in the moon, it shines with silver.
(answer: snow)

Riddles: Level 18
He wanders importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft feathers.
(answer: goose)

Riddles: Level 19
It's given to you, and people use it.
(answer: name)

Riddles: Level 20
Day and night it knocks
It's like it's set up.
It will be bad if
This knock will stop.
(answer: heart)

While Vaska was warming himself on the stove, Alyoshka went for a walk with a faithful balloon.
If they knew that they would meet Leshy, they would have stayed at home.
Leshy Sharik caught and does not let go, he demands to guess riddles. Help Alyoshka!

Game Riddles: a magical story - hints for levels 21-30

Riddles: Level 21
Run, run - do not run, Fly, fly - do not fly.
(answer: horizon)

Riddles: Level 22
What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?
(answer: anchor)

Riddles: Level 23
Three eyes - three orders, red is the most dangerous.
(answer: traffic light)

Riddles: Level 24
Who speaks all languages?
(answer: echo)

Riddles: Level 25
Two brothers look into the water, they will not converge for a century.
(answer: coast)

Riddles: Level 26
Not water, not land - you can’t sail away on a boat and you can’t pass with your feet?
(answer: swamp)

Riddles: Level 27
Autumn rain walked around the city,
The rain has lost its mirror.
The mirror lies on the asphalt,
The wind will blow - it will tremble.
(answer: puddle)

Riddles: Level 28
I option:
If you want a vinaigrette -
Follow her into the garden
She has a beautiful color
Both outside and inside!
(answer: beets)
II option:
Church-tumbler: a smooth pantry.
(the clue consists of 6 letters: decanter)

Riddles: Level 29
The plant is prominent, but the name is offensive.
(5-letter answer: burdock)

Riddles: Level 30
On a piece of paper, on a page - either dots, or birds,
Everyone is sitting on the stairs and chirping songs.
(answer: notes)

Alyoshka and Vaska decided to take a walk through the forest again, but they met Baba Yaga on the way.
Baba Yaga grabbed Vaska and said: "Guess our riddles - I will return your friend."
What to do here, you need to guess!

Game Riddles: a magical story - solutions for levels 31-40

Riddles: Level 31
A miracle bird, a scarlet tail, flew into a flock of stars.
(answer: rocket)

Riddles: Level 32
What without pain and without sadness brings to tears?
(answer: bow)

Riddles Level 33
I am related to Moidodyr, turn me away,
And I will wash you alive with cold water.
(answer: faucet)

Riddles Level 34
It splatters with fire, thunders like thunder.
(answer: cannon)

Riddles: Level 35
A wedge lined up in the sky, birds large and slender.
They fly south. What is the name of the worthy?
(answer: cranes)

Riddles Level 36
In this living creature, oddly enough,
The nail is very easy to hit.
But it's not made of wood
And prances: "And-hoo!".
(answer: horse)

Riddles Level 37
The Motherland gave the order, and he immediately went to the Caucasus!
Jumped at night with a parachute - the road, sometimes a minute!
(guess: paratrooper)

Riddles Level 38
This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.
(answer: bicycle)

Riddles Level 39
I option:
He swings and a bed, it's good to lie on him,
He will shake in weight in the garden or in the forest.
(the answer consists of 5 letters: hammock)
II option:
I am in a dark house, holding on to my coat.
(answer of 7 letters: hanger)

Riddles: Level 40
I held your tail in my hand, you flew, I ran.
(answer: ball)

Alyoshka is very friendly with forest birds. And when trouble happened - Koschei stole a little chick - Alyoshka immediately came to the aid of a friend.
Villains, let's get our riddles here, we'll guess everything!

Game Riddles: a magical story - answers to levels 41-50

Riddles Level 41
Water craftsmen build a house without an axe.
(answer: beavers)

Riddles: Level 42
What is the name of a teenager who studies maritime science?
(answer: cabin boy)

Riddles Level 43
I keep hot, I keep cold
I will replace the oven and the refrigerator for you on the campaign.
(answer: thermos)

Riddles Level 44
We hang on thin branches and we have berets on our heads,
As soon as the time is right, the boar will immediately find us.
(answer: acorns)

Riddles: Level 45
What kind of helicopter is this flying over lakes, meadows, over flowering fields?
(answer: dragonfly)

Riddles Level 46
We, with ram's horns, rush down the hill ourselves,
And how to climb a mountain, we begin to rest.
(answer: sled)

Riddles: Level 47
We all know this bird - it lives on a pole,
As nature blossoms, it sings wondrous songs.
(answer: starling)

Riddles: Level 48
I option:
Everyone should know this fruit: it is similar to the edge of the moon.
(the answer consists of 5 letters: banana)
II option:
Made for liquid, and liquid will escape there.
(answer of 7 letters: strainer)

Riddles Level 49
I will display everyone and everything, but I am silent and do not judge.
(answer: mirror)

Riddles: Level 50
The egg is heavy, there is a ring in the egg,
You take the ring - you take away the egg.
(answer: kettlebell)

Similar games

Hello again! This material belongs to a whole series of articles in which answers for the game Puzzles Magic Story in Odnoklassniki.

In turn, we note that this material contains answers to levels from 11 to 20 of the Magic Story Riddles game in Odnoklassniki. You are welcome, use and rejoice!

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to riddles 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

Level 11 - Riddle:

He sits bulging eyes, speaks French,

Jumps like a flea, swims like a human.

The correct answer to riddle number 11: FROG

Level 12 - Riddle:

There are many, many threads, but it doesn’t wind into a ball,

He does not sew clothes for himself, but always weaves cloth.

The correct answer to riddle number 12: SPIDER

Level 13 - Riddle:

What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire?

The correct answer to riddle number 13: SUN

Level 14 - Riddle:

Sisters are standing in the field - a yellow eye, white cilia.

The correct answer to riddle number 14: daisies

Level 15 - Riddle:

Itself with a cam, a red barrel,

Touch - smooth, bite - sweet.

The correct answer to riddle number 15: APPLE

Game Riddles: Magic story. Answers to riddles 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

Level 16 - Riddle:

I go, I go, but there is no trace.

The correct answer to riddle number 16: BOAT

Level 17 - Riddle:

Fluffy carpet, not woven by hands, not sewn with silk,

In the sun, in the moon, it shines with silver.

The correct answer to riddle number 17: SNOW

Level 18 - Riddle:

He wanders importantly across the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry

Wears red shoes

Gives soft feathers.

The correct answer to riddle number 18: GOOSE

Level 19 - Riddle:

It's given to you, and people use it.

The correct answer to riddle number 19: NAME

Level 20 - Riddle:

Day and night it knocks

It's like it's set up.

It will be bad if

This knock will stop.

“I don’t sew clothes, but I always weave fabric” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions


Cross in essence


insect in the corner

A bug crawled on a large chamomile, but fluttered in a hurry and got tangled in the nets (who set up the nets?)

What insect did the Belgian classic Maurice Maeterlinck compare the chrysanthemum flower to?

Predatory arthropod

Arthropod, arachnid

The hexagon that shocked Cousin Benedict from Jules Verne's The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain

Who is a haymaker

Flies killer

Solitaire card

Hypostasis of Arachne

A film by David Cronenberg

In heraldry, it symbolizes work, caution and wisdom, and in fortune-telling from dreams, it symbolizes treason or a lawsuit.

Of the fish, the most terrible enemy for him is the trout, of the amphibians - the toad, of the reptiles - the lizard, of the birds - the starling, but the most terrible enemy for him is man.

Lithograph by French graphic artist O. Redon

. “Who hung a net on a birch branch to dry?” (mystery)

In 1870, Starley built the first bicycle of this kind.

Mutated Man by Tobey Maguire

. “He cooks nets like a fisherman, but he never catches fish” (riddle)

He goes out to catch flies with a "net"

One of Spiderman's appearances

. “not for fish, but for setting up nets” (riddle)

Fear for an arachnophobe

Who is this mischief?

Object of study of arachnology

Tsokotukha's abuser

Tsokotukha kidnapper

Animal of the arthropod order

Karakurt in essence


Tsokotukha dragged into a corner


Karakurt, like a tarantula


Flycatcher with "net"

Tsokotukha dragged away



Who did Arachne become?

Eight-legged fly fighter

Master of the web trapping web

Host of the web

Weaving nets to hunt flies

Hunter for the Fly-Tsokotuha

fly hunter

Weaving nets for flies

Arthropod descendant of Arachne

Tarantula, karakurt, cross

terrarium dweller

Flycat with nets

Horror for an arachnophobe

Many-legged flycatcher

Host of the network from the web

Many-legged egg-eater

If evening, then according to Dali, it promises hope

. "nickname" of Sergei Troitsky

Phalanx as an arthropod

. "aiming" for Moscow mayors

Uncle Shnyuk from the cartoon

Who dragged the fly into the corner?

Predatory arthropod weaving a web, arachnid

. "Nickname" of Sergei Troitsky

. "Aims" for Moscow mayors

. "who hung a net on a birch branch to dry?" (mystery)

. "not for fish, but for setting nets" (riddle)

. “I don’t sew clothes, but I always weave fabric” (riddle)

. "he cooks nets like a fisherman, but he never catches fish" (riddle)

Who dragged a fly into a corner

Who is a mischief

Fly catcher with "net"

M. pavuk, pavok, pavko, pavel, mizgir, fly thief, setnik, purse, tenetnik, a well-known insect everywhere. Spider, spider eggs. Spider, spider and arachnid insect. Catch spider flies pokele legs are not plucked! Web, spider. peacock, cobweb fibers, cobweb threads or fabric. Cobweb, cobweb, related to the web. Sweep the cobweb. Here is a spider, a spider, a spider; eka spiders! Spider cf. spider nest. Spider plant. Anthericum

The Six Legs That Shook Cousin Benedict from Jules Verne's 15-Year-Old Captain

He goes out to catch flies with a "net"

Who did Arachne become?

Solitaire, which is in second place in the Klondike field in the ranking among office workers

Weaves nets for flies


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