Funny congratulations on the day of the doctor. Funny and funny SMS congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker (Medic) Funny congratulations on the Day of the Medical Worker

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In June, representatives of one of the most complex and important professions celebrate their holiday (Day of the Medical Worker). Most doctors will celebrate it at their workplaces. Therefore, colleagues, relatives and friends usually choose cool and short congratulations to doctors. In order not to distract too much from work, and at least for a few minutes to cheer up with an original humorous wish.

Congratulations on Medic's Day short sms cool

1. Let the mood be on the rise,
Prosperity always reigns in your house,
Hearts are filled with goodness and love
Happy Medic Day! And happiness without end!

2. Let the chambers be free
And decent salaries for doctors,
Let the regimen be observed by all patients,
And don't forget to say thank you.

3. I wish you to cure everyone,
Let only laughter sound on the planet,
Let there be no sadness, no troubles,
I wish you brilliant victories
And love, and wonderful friends,
And happy days to you, doctors!

4. I wish you a doctor's day
No syringe or probe
Glory to the beautiful warriors
Medical Front!

5. May medicine flourish,
And doctors don't know.
Let everything be in order:
Love, family and life in abundance!

6. Nurses, short skirts,
Put on a suit, doctor,
On the day of the physician I wish from the night
Walk until morning!

Let health not fail
In a year, the salary will increase,
Let the crisis pass by
And only joy in life awaits!

7. Prisoner of the white coat!
Let your salary grow
Life will be rich in happiness
And health - in three girths.

Let the chamber empty
The feast of Hippocrates
From dawn to dusk
No syringe, no medication!

8. We wish you to work without shocks and stress.
Big salaries, golden weekends,
Family events are only wonderful for you,
Satisfied always and "easy" patients.

Life without humor is not life. Without jokes and jokes, we would get much less positive and positive emotions from life. Smiling and laughter make us rejoice, feel delighted, feel happy. Each of us loves fun, so your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpresenting funny congratulations on Medic's Day is not so bad. On the contrary, it is very good, and now you simply have to stick to it.

The main thing is that the humor that you offer to the hero or hero of the occasion is appropriate. Unfortunately, a bad joke can have the exact opposite effect on a person of what you expect. Therefore, carefully select jokes and jokes so that your congratulations can be easily called appropriate and suitable for.

If you doubt your creative abilities, then do not hesitate to use our help. Take a couple of funny and cool congratulations in this section of our site, and you no longer have to compose anything and think about anything. You will have a ready-made version of comic words in your hands, which you just have to read. Together with Vlio, you can congratulate a person exactly the way you want. Good luck!

On the day of the physician, they celebrate their holiday
And the doctor, and the orderly, and the nurse,
With all my heart, all the people wish you
Health, happiness, joy, kindness.

Let your skill grow over the years,
And pleases with a successful result,
Let the patients, parting with you,
Thank you sincerely!

Congratulations on mobile

Nurses, short skirts
Put on a suit, doctor,
On the day of the physician I wish from the night
Walk until morning!

Let health not fail
In a year, the salary will increase,
Let the crisis pass by
And only joy in life awaits!

In this festive and bright hour,
We wholeheartedly, sincerely congratulate,
People in white robes, who every time
We trust our lives and health without looking back.

All the doctors to whom we are in response today,
With Big reliable, respect and love,
We wish you well, prosperity and long years,
Happiness, love, fortitude and good health.

Let your salary be meager
And don't feel it
But without the Hippocratic Oath
Can't get through the day!

For health you are mountain,
And you will drive away the disease,
Not looking for peace
And vanity wagon!

But on Medic's Day at least
Get out of business a little
Be carefree and weak
After all, it's time to relax!

A wonderful holiday has come today,
We congratulate our doctors
There is no nobler profession of a doctor,
He is always ready to help the sick.

We wish good, love from the bottom of our hearts,
The patience you always need
Because the Hippocratic Oath is unbreakable,
Well, good health to you for many years!

Diagnoses, medicines, healing recipes,
And crowds of patients in succession ...
This one - injections, and this one - two pills,
And by the evening our doctor is not himself.

Therefore, today it is useful for doctors
Relax and forget the difficulties.
We wish grateful and kind patients,
And to make them easy to treat!

The medical profession is loved by the people,
Hospitals are afraid of anyone, like fire.
And the doctor calmly comes to the hospital -
He is like family to all patients.

Someone will stroke, someone will hug,
Who will be healed with a kind word.
Let it be with you, beloved health worker,
It never hurts at all!

Walk today, health worker, and drink,
Dance, and do not spare your knees!
Today is your day, take a break from work,
Leave all your worries and worries behind
And tomorrow you will return in a white robe,
To serve a noble cause again.

Congratulations on Medical Day!
May you have enough will and strength
Treat any patient
No matter how difficult it is!

Let there be enough hope and faith
Let there be enough love, warmth,
Put the patient on his feet
Forget injections and bandages!

I know that you are merciful
No Doubt - Hippocrates
With people like you to work
I was overjoyed and overjoyed!

One of the Sundays
July hot summer
Let's not celebrate fools day
And not even a holiday of the planet -

We honor all medical professionals
From chief to orderlies,
We wish, seeing success,
Create a soulful couple with him!

Let the eyes of the sick heal
(Only your wonderful views).
Long live the medic! Vivat!
Everything will turn out the way it should!

Our business is to congratulate, your business is to put you back on your feet after a stormy celebration. But you forgive me, because today we celebrate the Day of the Medical Worker! Dear friend, I wish you iron nerves to be able to listen to your patients, beautiful handwriting so that they understand you, as well as good wages to allow yourself to celebrate each of your professional holidays on a grand scale.

I will decorate the syringe with ribbons,
I'll attach flowers to it...
Search at least a hundred hospitals
The best nurse is you!

Medicine is your forte
People in a noisy crowd
Cheerfully rushing from all legs
Your office to be treated.

Accept congratulations
Happy sisters and doctors day!
Into the hands of your patient
Get - already healthy!

Like a fish in the sea, yeah
You are difficult at work.
May you always be like this
Paramedic all the way!

Put away the bandages, needles, stethoscope,
After all, today is your personal holiday!
Rest bacillus, virus and microbe,
May everyone have a day off today!

I wish you, my chief worker,
Our medicine, very expensive...
So that every patient is glorious,
Already healthy and with a generous soul!

How many times have you been thanked for your work! Do not count! And here is another reason to do it! And even if you have a day off today, you won’t be able to get away from congratulations, because this is the International Day of the Medical Worker! Hurray, healers and healers! And accept the most unusual and non-standard wish - health to you! Here!

"Hooray! Hooray!" I shout today to all doctors,
Nurses, orderlies all - cheers!
Interns modest and venerable doctors,
Even for those who are about to retire.

You are enemies of microbes and dangerous viruses,
In the fight against diseases, a syringe helps you.
"Hooray!" today to all the beautiful magicians
Outpatient clinics, clinics and hospitals.

May everyone love, appreciate, respect you,
Awarded prizes, gifts and flowers.
Suffer from loving you and lose
Consciousness from your beauty.

Look for beautiful, funny and short congratulations on Medical Worker's Day, then come to me. And again, I will surprise you with a huge selection of poems and wishes in prose, you can also download pictures for free and send musical greetings.

From year to year, we celebrate and congratulate all those who are fighting for our lives, these are not employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but employees of medical institutions. The holiday was officially approved back in 1991, though the number is always changing. But in order not to get confused, the day of the physician is celebrated in Russia on the third Sunday of June.

Of course, on this day, not everyone is sitting at luxurious tables or dancing at a corporate party, some of the employees of doctors, nurses and other colleagues work as usual. For them, this day is special, because they are doing their duty.

I suggest you, friends, to get acquainted with my huge selection of congratulations in verse and prose for doctors of different categories. Choose your favorite poem or short SMS, download it for free and send it to your friends, doctors and doctors.

You can change congratulations in prose, remove unnecessary words, or add your own wishes. These are not poems where there is a rhyme, these are wishes in your own words, from the heart. They can be official, short, long and sincere, it all depends on who you will send in SMS or read.

I suggest that you familiarize yourself with several options for congratulations on the day of the physician in prose, which can be sent to colleagues, girlfriend or mother.

Happy Medical Worker's Day! I wish your hopes and dreams come true. So that the joy of doing what you love brings inspiration and incentive. So that every working day is a step towards professional growth and development. Be happy, healthy and successful!

What you do for people cannot be overestimated. Because you help people live fulfilling lives and very often just save lives! I congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker and wish you great success in your noble and necessary work. I wish you the respect and love of colleagues and patients, long and happy years of life, good health, warmth and love! Let your hearts not cool down, but always be sympathetic and hot!

Congratulations on the Day of the Medic. I wish you life without injections from loved ones, without heart wounds and soul injuries. May every day bring smiles of gratitude to patients, pleasant surprises from loved ones, joyful news and incredible strength to fulfill all plans.

Please accept our sincere congratulations on this professional holiday - Medical Worker's Day!

Health is the main wealth, without which a happy and fulfilling life is impossible, so your work will always be in demand and respected! Thousands of people owe you their not only getting rid of diseases, good health and mood, but also saved lives!

We wish you the love and attention of your loved ones, success in your work, grateful patients and simple human happiness!

You protect our health, tirelessly save lives and do not spare yourself at work, so let yourself never have any ailments, there will be time to rest, and the payment for your work will correspond to the wasted energy. Happy Medical Worker's Day, dear doctors!

There are no simple professions in medicine. You do not just work with people, you save them, you treat them with deeds, care, and sometimes with a kind word. May everything come true for you! Live long, do not get sick, because we all need you!

I am pleased to congratulate you today on your professional holiday, Medical Worker Day! After all, every day, under your care there are many people who need help, the Ros-Registr website reports. The country is proud of people like you, who make an integral part in the development of our country! May your priceless hands never fall, and your eyes do not know disappointment and grief. After all, you do good every day. Many are very grateful to you! Happy holiday to you.

At the beginning of summer, when it is green, sunny and beautiful around, people in white coats celebrate their professional holiday. Dear doctors and nurses, paramedics and obstetricians, laboratory assistants and orderlies, we sincerely and cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Medical Worker! Please accept the words of gratitude for the high professionalism, patience, kindness and generosity! Good health to you, dear doctors, good mood and success in all your endeavors!

I congratulate you on the Day of the Medic! On this day, I want all your wishes to come true, and your dreams to come true. May your work bring income and moral satisfaction, may the joy of bright moments and good deeds never be erased from memory!

Friends, today there will be a lot of congratulations in poetry, prose, comic and beautiful for colleagues, a little less pictures. Therefore, I propose to visit my previous article, which contains the most beautiful pictures for medical workers by category and profession.

You can download them absolutely free of charge, then just send it to the addressee and that's it.

Who does not like comic and funny wishes, I think that's it. This category is just for you, my friends, here you will find short, beautiful, funny congratulations in verse to the doctor, nurse and colleagues.

Today we praise doctors,

We'll do a great day for the doctor:

Let's measure the temperature

Then let's go to the procedure.

What will the doctors tell us?

An injection or an enema in the morning?

Ultrasound, and maybe exercise therapy,

Lotions, mouthwash...

We wish our doctors

To receive here and there

Not from the bosses of the pendels -

From patients pretzels.

To keep you out of work

And a century not to know such care,

How to heal patients

But regularly receive

For those healthy on the site,

Who wears a mask for vaccinations

Who does not shout: "Oh, ah it hurts!"

And he does not bother with complaints.

Unmeasured dough for you,

So that life is beautiful

So that you can live well

And don't worry about your health!

On the Day of the Medic of Flowers, the river

Let it flow into your hands

And patients let the crowd

It will bypass you.

Work makes you happy

So that you do not lose heart

They pressed firmly on the gas

With a brand new Ferrari!

You are always on duty

In the battle for health!

Be happy in the account

Bypassed, so grief!

Let all diseases spread

Your spirit, class and strength,

To life in all its glory,

It brought joy!

If flu, cold, tonsils,

The eye does not see, the nose is broken,

The Doctor means by all means

Hurry to help us.

Anesthetize and heal

The right person will write a prescription.

With our glorious medicine

We will live to be 100 years old.

We congratulate you on the Day of the Medic,

And we say thank you.

Taking the Hippocratic Oath

And all your life you are faithful to her!

Dear Doctor Aibolit

He is sitting in the office.

Prescribes pills for everyone

At the reception is not bored.

Giving information to people

It stabs, cuts, heals, sews.

And today is a beautiful day

Accept congratulations...

Well, and our medicine -

Never forget.

Be healthy, don't get sick

Drink raspberry tea more often!

Be healthy, live richly,

Let your salary allow everything,

May you enjoy this work

Treating people - there is no more important concern!

We wish you, doctors, healing happiness,

Love, like alcohol, pure harmless,

Let the joys be without GMOs,

Squirrels and UFOs are not seen!

Happy Medic's Day, wisest healer!

Let's just get a phonendoscope -

And patients jumping out of bed

Like horses, they gallop!

And, like cognac, let life intoxicate, in the composition

Having a bouquet of tart-sweet feelings,

And in each observed joint

From happiness, let the flying effect!

Prisoner of the white coat!

Let your salary grow

Life will be rich in happiness

And health is in three girths.

Let the chamber empty

The feast of Hippocrates

From dawn to dusk

No syringe, no medication!

I wish you, doctors, iron nerves,

Fewer papers to fill out useless,

Sick not boring, sparing checks,

And most importantly - an eye from the happiness of the brilliant!

And to raise your salaries quickly,

Appoint siphon enemas to ministers!

Well, such cool congratulations, I'm sure you liked them.

Of course, on this June day, first of all, you must congratulate your colleagues, because this is a comrade who is on the same path with you. If you are not around on a solemn date, send a beautiful or cool verse to your colleagues.

Happy Medic's Day, dear colleagues!

And let those bad times pass

When you are underestimated in something.

I wish that everyone loves you

Gave joy, roses, compliments

Both on holidays and in ordinary moments.

For patients to be grateful

You have been respected and appreciated!

I congratulate you, colleagues,

With our main, glorious day.

With medicine, everything in life

We go hand in hand.

I wish you all health,

To not have to be treated

So that everything that you dreamed about

Definitely came true.

I wish you happy moments

More positivity in life

Only grateful patients

What will they say thank you for everything!

Let your salary grow

After all, you are a doctor!

And there will be everything that is necessary in life,

So that happiness always awaits you.

We worked, we sweated

So that people don't get sick

Missed, didn't drink

For them to be healthy.

And today we rest

Famously we celebrate the holiday

exemplary team,

Very friendly and smart.

I want to wish, colleagues,

So that success awaits you

In personal life and in the service

And, of course, true friendship!

Fewer difficult patients

More joyful moments

For diseases to recede

Never stressed!

Don't fret, don't worry

Do not swear, but laugh,

Laughter prolongs the years

And adds health!

Let money love you

Curl side by side, fly,

They climb with impudence into the wallet,

Every day brings a holiday!

Let the authorities respect

Really appreciates, encourages,

Don't skimp on surprises

Fulfills all whims!

But we are not born with a bast,

There will be quits with the management:

We will remember your generosity

And we will follow orders!

Let, dear colleagues,

Days bring you golden

many good adventures

And have fun!

Happy health worker's day, dear colleagues,

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

For a good heart and golden hands,

Let fragrant flowers surround you!

Gratefully all the people smile

And give, with joy, love and warmth,

And all good things are multiplied a hundredfold,

For your sincere sensitivity, kindness!

May all your expectations come true

Dreams come true, hopes, good luck,

Fate will give you for wisdom and efforts,

Good health and strength reserve!

May luck accompany you in life

For people needed, noble work,

And fortitude, skill and inspiration,

To great happiness and success will lead

Who will lend a helping hand

When it's not good

And who does not hurt the injection

And cuts with a scalpel easily.

Who are we afraid of as children,

When the device buzzes in the mouth,

And we call on the carriage,

03 is hammered into our phone.

He proudly bears the name - physician

And our low bow to him,

Today is your day and we will celebrate -

We are together your holiday and mine.

We celebrate this holiday

We are a close-knit team.

Let everyone get

Prizes instead of "thank you"!

I wish grateful patients

And bonuses in addition to salary!

Let the working moments please

Dear colleagues will be nearby.

Patience, do not lose health

And take care of the nerves for the family.

Get more rest,

Let the heart be warm with love.

Short and funny congratulations on the day of the medical worker are very popular, and rightly so, because it's funny and fun.

Health and patience

To the work of the mood,

Pleasant communication,

The abundance of the immensity.

Laughs life coquettishly

Friendly on Doctor's Day!

You darn us with a needle,

You lubricate the wounds with iodine,

You endure wages steadfastly,

Be silent, like partisans.

Thank you, family, for your concern,

For your invaluable work,

For hard work

For deliverance from the diseases of the fetters!

Happy Medic Day to you!

Good luck and good

Health and success

I wish you.

Congratulations on the day of the doctor,

We wish you success in life,

Salaries are big indecent,

To always be great.

Let the mood be on the rise

Prosperity always reigns in your house,

Hearts are filled with goodness and love

Happy Medic Day!

And happiness without end!

With medicine, you are on you

And you are doing great!

Let dreams come true

Life will be great!

You put on a white robe, -

It was a bold act.

And, with the disease in an eternal dispute,

Save us from sickness.

On this day and all year round

Glory and honor to you!

I wish you a holiday mood

To your salary increase.

medicine day today

We hasten to congratulate you

Sensitive. kind. noble,

With your big holiday.

Happy Medic Day!

There is a reason to scream

Vivat, medicine!

Today is your holiday

Big and beautiful!

The sick are not harmful to you,

notable success,

We wish with love

To you - health!

Medic Day! And we congratulate you!

Of course, we wish everyone good health!

Live and work with dignity

Let everything be calm in medicine!

We wish the sun bright and the sky bright,

Success at work, career growth for you,

Realization of the cherished desire,

So that everything in life is given simply.

We wish you prosperity on the day of the Medic

And respect among colleagues.

Worthy let the efforts be appreciated,

Live happily ever after!

I congratulate you on the day of the doctor,

I wish you great success!

We'll all be healthy, I know -

You have no other options.

I wish you always accurate diagnoses, effective medicines, happy smiles of grateful patients, and that you turn to your colleagues only with work questions.

You can copy wishes in prose or in verse, most importantly, do not forget to congratulate your doctor friends, colleagues, doctor's mother or doctor's father on their professional holiday on Sunday.

You patients instead of "Goodbye"

Say "Be healthy!" with a smile.

For your daily efforts

The whole world congratulates doctors today!

And you accept our congratulations,

We wish you good health and love,

And so that only the best moments

You could be happy in life!

Who can not be imagined without a white coat?

Who deserves more pay?

Who is ready to work from night to morning?

Of course, our favorite doctors!

Your holiday today, doctors of the country!

We really need your experience and knowledge,

We are glad to congratulate you and wish you

So that everything comes true, what you could dream of!

On the Day of the Medic, we congratulate you brightly,

In life - a lot of luck!

To all doctors and nurses,

United by the word "doctor"!

The windows are open in the rooms,

And there are no sick people in them today,

Your holiday heals them,

And the flower vases are cramped!

Bow to you low for your efforts,

Good luck to all doctors!

And let universal recognition

The reward will be given to you!

Day of the health worker is the most important holiday,

Happiness to you all, heart medicine!

Honorable work, but the hardest work -

Fight the disease to the end.

Pediatricians on a beautiful day

Celebrate their holiday.

Your work is valuable and worthy -

Anyone will confirm this.

May they only be healthy

your patients,

Take it to your

Some compliments.

Thank you for the good

Tenderness and care.

Let joy bring only to you

Important work.

You can send these wishes on the day of the medical worker to the pediatrician, the head doctor, colleagues and friends.

In conclusion, I would like to wish everyone who is related to medicine, who helps us overcome diseases, good health and patience. Dear doctors, doctors, dentists, surgeons, neurologists, ENTs and nurses, thank you so much for your work.

Friends, I hope I didn’t upset you, and you were able to find beautiful, funny, funny and short poems for your friends, colleagues and bosses for the day of the medical worker. On this day, send wishes in prose or a beautiful cool postcard, a musical or video greeting, express your gratitude.

Media news

Partner news

Every third Sunday in June, since 1980, in Russia and many former republics of the USSR, a holiday is celebrated dedicated to people of the noblest profession. Medic's Day, and this is exactly what this holiday is called, is celebrated modestly, even chamberly. On Medic's Day, congratulations are heard mainly at home, in families. Officially, doctors are congratulated, but a pompous event is never made out of a holiday. A real doctor does not boast of his profession. The more a doctor does to save lives, the less he talks about it: that's just the way it is. However, on their professional holiday, doctors, nurses, paramedics and pharmacists deservedly accept words of gratitude as the best congratulations. It is on this day that it is customary to talk so much about the dedication of doctors who save patients at the cost of their nerves, health, and often life. It is interesting that people who are far from medicine speak seriously about the work of a doctor. Doctors love to joke, tell jokes about life in hospitals, play pranks on colleagues, and generally act like children. Humor helps doctors relax and relieve stress, constantly experienced not only at work, but also after it.

Beautiful congratulations on Medic's Day in verse

Congratulatory poems for Medic's Day can be divided into two categories: comic and serious. Serious poems are dedicated to doctors who saved the lives of the wounded in the war, surgeons who take responsibility for the patient's life, offering to urgently operate on him. Rescued patients, expressing their gratitude to the doctors who saved them, often find no words to properly thank the doctors for their courage and work. Then poetry comes to the rescue. Comic quatrains are usually dedicated to colleagues by doctors themselves: among doctors there are many talented poets, artists, musicians.

Diagnoses - accurate, anamnesis - quick,
Actions of confident, correct thoughts,
More patients are very grateful,
Colleagues to experienced, not mediocre.

And the cardiograms are not straight, but in a zigzag,
Go through life so that you have a victorious step,
High salaries, career growth,
To achieve everything with inspiration and simply,
Without tachycardia up to climb,
And donors of happiness so that you do not need.

Work with a smile, with normal pressure.
And be in excellent physical shape.
Thank you for your work, thank you for being!
Happy Medic Day! Medicus medico amicus est!

On this beautiful summer day
I want to wish you
In the midst of other people's diseases
Don't forget about yourself.

Let life be long, bright,
Without sadness and worries.
There will be many gifts in it,
The sun shines all year round.

All wishes will come true
In reality, not in a dream.
What you gave to people
May it come back to you twice.

Happy Holidays
Strength and patience
We sincerely wish!

Fewer patients
More kind words.
May every healthcare worker
Always be healthy!

Good luck and luck
And we wish you joy!
Happy Medic's Day sincerely,

Official congratulations on Medic's Day in prose

The prose of congratulations always comes from the heart. Colleagues and workmates are congratulated by senior comrades, at home sons and daughters working in medicine are congratulated by their parents. Dads and moms - doctors on the morning of Medic's Day are greeted by their children, giving them cards and pictures with kind words.

Our dear doctors, doctors and all medical workers! Today, on your holiday, we wish you more happiness and joy in your life! To have fewer patients, but more salaries! May all patients get well soon! So that there are no difficulties in work and in life! Thank you for being with us, and we can always turn to you for help. After all, only you help us recover from all ailments!

Our dear doctors, nurses, paramedics and orderlies, we congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you to be healthy, successful, energetic doctors. May your salary grow exponentially, and the number of grateful patients never decrease.
On the day of the medical worker, I would like to thank our doctors for the safety of life and health! We wish you bright prospects, strong immunity from ailments and conflicts. Development, progress and colossal achievements in your professional field. Good mood, responsiveness, kindness and success!

Short congratulations on Medic's Day (SMS)

Medic Day is not celebrated on such a large scale as official holidays that have become non-working days - May 1 or 9 or March 8. Even the day for this celebration was chosen as a non-working day. Doctors can't rest for long. Having given the Hippocratic Oath at the institute, they rush to the aid of any sick or injured person. For doctors of our time (however, it has always been like this), there are no days off. Do not distract them from work or leisure either: just read them a short congratulation on Medic's Day.

Happy Medical Worker's Day
I congratulate you.
May you always be happy
And your whole family.

You are a real person
For many - even God
You are many lives in reality
I was able to save you from death.

Save a lot of people
For this, praise and honor to you.
Happy Honey Day. worker
Thank you for being in this world.

About hospitals, about doctors
I've heard a lot.
It's good that among them
There are doctors from God.

On the holiday of physicians I wish
All doctors - victories,
Long and successful life
And absolutely no trouble!

Short SMS congratulations on Medic's Day

Even easier and shorter doctors can be congratulated by sending them small SMS. It can be jokes, anecdotes, funny poems or just congratulations from the heart. Do it on a Sunday morning in June, fill the hearts of your loved ones in the doctors with the warmth of your wishes.

paramedics cordially,
Congratulations on your day!
May health be eternal
And the rest - we'll make money!

Friendly in white chambers
White robes are included.
Let's all shout "Hurrah!"
Happy birthday, doctors.

God bless you for your souls
For your good spirit,
After all, someone chooses money
And someone, nevertheless, is good!

Funny congratulations on Medic's Day

Doctors are cheerful people, with humor. Of course, they will appreciate your funny congratulations on their professional holiday - Medic's Day. These can be comic postcards, and funny pictures sent by e-mail, or a prank letter that came by the simplest mail and “suddenly” found by your relatives in the mailbox.

Someone is a tooth, and someone is a liver,
Someone is a grandfather, someone is a son,
Heals our bodies and souls
Medicine, medicine.
Intravenously, orally
They will help us - we know for sure.
With professional date
Congratulations, congratulations!
We wish you a hundred years
Blossom - do not get sick!

Medic's Day is celebrated by people in dressing gowns
They are responsible for the lives of others,
And night and day, the guys rush to the ambulance,
And fate so often depends on them.
Today is a really important date
So I want to bow to you for your work.
Let the deputies raise your salary,
Someday they will come to you too.

Let all the doctors walk famously
Celebrating your holiday legally,
And the sick sit quietly,
Or at least once let them be treated at home.

Measuring each other's pressure,
And drinking medicine for you caustic,
Translation let send congratulations
Wishing you good health.

Be sure to come up with unusual, original and memorable congratulations on Medic's Day. Let your little surprise make the life of a close doctor or healthcare worker a little brighter and a little happier.


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