Easter Bunny. How to make an Easter Bunny What can you make an Easter bunny out of? How to make an Easter bunny out of cotton

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In this article, we will tell you about different ways to make your own Easter bunny. Let's start with the simplest version of this Easter craft for kids. The most accessible material for children's creativity is paper and cardboard. You can make an Easter bunny very easily and quickly from strips of thick paper or cardboard rolls.

The photo below is another example of how to make an Easter bunny out of paper. To make this Easter bunny craft, your child must first cut out several strips of paper that are the same width. The head of the Easter Bunny is made of a strip of paper glued with a ring. The ears are glued on top separately. To make paws, it is necessary to make small incisions on both sides on the strip that is intended for the body. Glue the finished Easter bunny onto a strip of green paper - "grass".

An interesting craft for Easter is an Easter bunny from a sock. To make an Easter bunny from a sock, you will need a regular sock with a high top. You will also need bank elastic bands, ribbons, decorative pompoms, purchased doll eyes. As filler for the Easter Bunny, we recommend that you use rice.

How to make an Easter Bunny with your own hands:

1. Fill the sock with rice. Adjust the amount of cereal yourself, depending on the size of the sock. Tie the sock with elastic bands in two places to create the head and torso of the Easter bunny.

2. Cut the top of the sock in half to make the ears for the Easter bunny.

3. Decorate the Easter Bunny. Glue on his eyes, make a nose and cheeks out of pompoms, tie a bow

From colored cardboard, clothespins, decorative pompoms and puppet eyes, you can make such cute Easter bunnies. With such Easter bunnies, it is appropriate to decorate the house for the holiday.

See what an adorable Easter bunny you can make from an ordinary egg using pumpkin seeds. To make this Easter craft, you'll need a hot glue gun and store-bought doll eyes. Doll eyes can be purchased at children's craft stores.

Many different Easter bunnies can be made from the so-called. waste material. For example, the Easter bunnies in the photo below are made from cardboard toilet paper rolls and disposable spoons. The noses of the Easter bunnies are made of purchased decorative pompoms, the eyes are purchased doll eyes.

Even one disposable plastic spoon will make a wonderful Easter Bunny. Judge for yourself. With such an Easter bunny, you can decorate a pot with a houseplant for a holiday or an Easter composition. Children can play with the Easter Bunny as a toy. Note: we want to draw your attention to the fact that the muzzle of the Easter Bunny must be drawn by the so-called. permanent (indelible) markers. The clothes of the Easter Bunny are made of napkins, the body is made of a cotton pad, and the paws are made of a cotton swab.

A lot of Easter bunny crafts from disposable plates can be found on the Internet. Here are just a few of them.

At the beginning of this article, we already told and showed you how to make an Easter paper bunny very simply and quickly. Now we will tell you about a more complex way to make an Easter bunny out of paper. We will learn how to fold an Easter paper bunny using the origami technique. The photo below shows a detailed diagram of the origami Easter bunny.

For kids, there is another very fun way to make an Easter paper bunny. We trace our palm on paper, cut it out. We cut off the middle finger, bend the thumb and little finger. Voila! The Easter Bunny is ready! It is appropriate to decorate a postcard for a holiday or a children's application with such a paper Easter rabbit.

A beautiful Easter bunny can be made with a child using the papier-mâché technique. To do this, you will need a balloon, which must be inflated to the desired size. After that, it is desirable to hang the ball by a thread. Next, it must be lubricated with any greasy cream or petroleum jelly and pasted over with pieces of newspapers or printer paper in several layers. At the end, you need to glue the ball with pieces of colored corrugated paper. Or you can leave the ball white, and when the glue is completely dry, paint it with paint in the desired color. Note: use ordinary PVA glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 as glue, or homemade paste.

Wait until the glue is completely dry, then make a small hole in the paper. Deflate the balloon and take it out through this hole. Decorate your Easter Bunny. Attach the Easter Bunny ears, tail, make a muzzle.

Charming Easter bunnies can be quickly and easily made with your own hands from pompoms. To do this, you need to make two pom-poms from yarn: one is larger (for the body), the other is smaller (for the head). Then tie or glue them together. Glue the ears cut out of felt, eyes and beaded nose to the Easter bunny. That's it, the Easter Bunny is ready!

Good day to all. It's no secret that very soon it will be Easter - the warmest and most sincere holiday. And it is also filled with special colors, and allows you to gather all your relatives, relatives and loved ones on this day. Let me remind you that this year we will celebrate the Holy Resurrection of Christ on April 8th.

If you are a frequent guest of my blog, then you are already fully armed and ready for this event. Because we have already considered the main points in detail: we learned how to bake and cook, too, and we can even creatively approach the design of the house and the table.

But today I have another idea for you. And I want to talk to you about the cute fluffy symbol of the holiday, the Easter bunny (hare). This tradition came to us quite recently, from Germany, but is already gaining momentum and is very popular.

This product can act as an independent gift toy, a souvenir, or be in the form of a stand for dyes or act as a basket for other attributes of the holiday, as well as decorate the interior.

This time I have selected the most beautiful and original, in my opinion, options for crafts, and I present to your judgment the detailed processes for their manufacture. I remind you that all works are taken from the free access of the Internet.

Master class on making an Easter Bunny with egg pockets

And we will start with the most popular product that flooded the entire Internet. It is understandable why, since the following rabbits are a real find, because it is not difficult to do, but it looks just perfect.

So, attention! For those who know how to crochet, I propose to make such cute animals here. I am sure not only children will like this decoration.

We will need: threads of different colors, hook, scissors, needle, eyes, nose, mustache, ribbon, cone.

Work process:

1. We will start by knitting a pocket. To do this, with a beige thread, dial 78 in. p. and connect them in a circle, then 3 in. lifting and 11 st. s / n, then 1 tubercle (1 yarn over, then insert the hook into the base loop and pull the thread, this must be repeated 3 times. Then grab the thread and pull through the loops to the last, and then through the last two loops). * 12 tbsp. s / n, 1 tubercle-repeat from * 4 times and close the row of connections. Art.

2. So you will need to knit 4 more rows, while increasing by 1 tbsp near the tubercle in each row. s / n, so that in the fifth row between the tubercles there are 16 columns. Knit the tubercles respectively into the tubercle of the previous row, inserting the hook below the loop. After tying, fasten the thread and cut.

3. Now let's see how to tie the torso. You need to dial 78 in. n. and connect them in a circle. Next, knit according to this pattern:

1 row: 6c. n. and 1 c. n turn, 6 tbsp. b / n and 1 c. p. turn;

2 row: 6 tbsp. b / n;

3-4 row: at the beginning, add 1 tbsp. b / n, 6 tbsp. b / n and 1 c. p. turn;

5-10 row: 7 tbsp. b / n;

11-16 row: decrease in each row 1 tbsp. b/n. Tie white and beige ears together.

5. Tie the muzzle: 1 row - white thread 5 in. n. + 1 c. p. turn; 2 row - 4 tbsp. b / n, 1 c. p. turn; 3-4 row - 4 tbsp. b / n; 5-6 row - subtract 1 tbsp. b / n in each row.

6. It remains to put everything together. Fold the torso and pocket together with the edges and tie 1 next to st. b / n white thread. And along the upper edge of the pocket, tie 1 row of st. b / n with a white thread, while capturing the tubercles of the body.

7. Thread a decorative lace or ribbon into the holes on the neck. Fill the head with filler, then sew on the muzzle, glue the eyes and nose, and make the antennae.

The finished bunny is best placed on a flower pot or cardboard cone.

By the way, I found this craft on an excellent site, country of mothers.

And I want to show you in what colors you can still make such a product.

And for your convenience, I am sending you a photo description of such a cute souvenir. You just have to save and print, and then link.

Or maybe you have already made such a cute egg stand? If yes, then don't be discouraged, but read on, there will be many more options.

Crocheted bunnies with diagrams and descriptions

Well, since we are talking about knitting, it is logical now to talk about it.

There are a large number of toys that can be crocheted and knitted. And for those who are fond of such needlework, it will not be difficult to do Easter work from threads. The main thing is that the schemes are at hand. I tried to find detailed descriptions on this issue. I hope you choose something from the next selection.

An excellent sweet couple, and clothes can be sewn from felt or fabric.

But look what simpotyagi with wheelbarrows!!

This is a very simple option, but it looks no worse than the rest. And if you are just starting to master the crochet technique, then this idea is for you.

Look at what cool warm warmers, I think this table design will definitely not go unnoticed, such cute animals will make everyone smile involuntarily.

I also liked this version of the heating pads, made as a single napkin, but you can also knit them separately.

And since I'm talking about napkins, here's a non-voluminous version of the Easter decoration.

Or such a delicate work, do not forget to starch it!

And here is a variant of a knitted basket with our eared animal, beauty and nothing more.

You see how many knitted ideas, choose whatever your heart desires.

How to make a felt bunny for Easter?

We will need: sheet felt of different shades; colored floss threads; sewing needle; colored thin satin ribbons; synthetic winterizer or any other suitable filler; simple pencil; scissors; paper.

Work process:

1. First, make a craft template on a piece of paper or cardboard. You need two different sized Easter eggs and one bunny.

2. Now cut out the hare template and transfer it to a piece of felt sheet folded in half, cut out two identical parts.

3. Remove the back part for now, but we will decorate the front part with embroidery. Start with the flower by forming its petals from loops of thread, securing each with small chain stitches.

4. The middle of the petals must be filled with stitches.

5. Take a thread of a different color and form voluminous stitches in the center and do not completely pass the needle through the fabric to the front side, wind the turns of the thread on it, and then insert it again into the fabric after a small gap and pull the entire thread through the turns, as a result get the original bulk stitch.

6. Make three or four of these three-dimensional stitches.

8. Take black threads and embroider the muzzle, eye and nose with them.

9. Now you need to connect the front to the back. Sew them evenly along the edge, and start from the lower right edge upwards with a floss thread in a contrasting color. Use a regular needle-forward stitch. The stitches should be even, uniform and small in size.

10. At the top of the ears, insert a piece from a thin satin ribbon, approximately 4-5 cm long. Form a loop and sew into the toy.

11. When your workpiece is practically sewn, fill it with padding polyester, which is then evenly distributed inside.

12. When sewing up the bottom of the toy, insert another piece of ribbon in the center, 3-4 cm long.

13. This is what you should end up with.

15. On the front of the egg, embroider a decorative flower with a voluminous center with colored threads, just like you did embroidery on a hare.

16. Connect both halves, starting from the lower right edge, sew with a needle-forward seam.

17. In the upper central part of the egg, insert the end of a piece of satin ribbon, the beginning of which is sewn in at the bottom of the animal.

19. Now cut out the template for the large egg. Cut out on fabric.

20. On the front, also embroider in the form of a flower.

21. Sew the details by sewing into the central part of the free end of the piece of tape, the beginning of which is sewn into the bottom of the previous small egg.

22. Stuff the workpiece with padding polyester and sew it to the end. Cover the junction of the ribbon and the egg with another bow.

23. You can also add one small bow at the junction of the first piece of tape with the bottom of the toy.

24. Your souvenir is ready!! It turned out to be an Easter pendant.

Many more souvenirs can be made from felt. Below will be given options for finished work.

We create crafts in the form of Easter bunnies from paper

If you want to do needlework with your children, then the following master class is definitely for you. Firstly, you will get a lot of pleasure from joint activities, secondly, the materials you need are the most ordinary and not expensive, and thirdly, everything is done simply, but it looks cool.

I propose to make you such funny paper rabbits.

You will need: paper, glue, black cardboard, scissors.

Work process:

1. First, cut into thin strips in the form of rectangles.

2. Then glue the eight-pointed star, spreading glue in the middle.

3. Now also glue the top of the paper to make a ball.

4. Make another ball in the same way, but only smaller. Connect them to each other with glue.

5. Cut out the ears and glue the pink center.

6. Cut out the necessary elements: eyes, muzzle, teeth. Draw a nose. Glue all the elements.

7. These are the funny ones.

And of course, paper crafts made using the origami technique are in demand. Therefore, catch options and folding schemes.

Such rabbits are best made from thick paper or colored cardboard.

How do you like this box? You can put any character in it.

How do you like this option for a decorative stand. By the way, it can be folded from paper, napkins or fabric.

Or here is such a fluffy with cabbage.

Here's another great table setting. From napkins you can make such rabbits.

Look what a wonderful and cool stretch!

Here are some very simple options from paper cones.

Or some hugs like this. The main thing is to prepare templates, then cut and glue.

Well, even kids can cope with such work, so educators, take note.

How to sew rabbits out of fabric?

And now I suggest you make a great congratulation or bright home decor. We will create with you from improvised materials. After all, we need scraps of fabric, buttons and braid, and a great mood.

You will need: pieces of multi-colored fabric; thermal gun or glue; scissors; threads; paper; interlining; needles; pins; beads; buttons; braid; synthetic winterizer; wire; wooden blocks; acrylic paint; sample.

Work process:

1. Print and cut out the template.

2. Stick a piece of interlining on the fabric, fold in half. Attach the pattern to the fabric and cut out two blanks.

3. Cut the braid or lace, and make a collar for the bunny by bending the ends of the braid to the wrong side of the fabric. Sew on eyes (you can take beads or buttons).

4. Now fold the front and back sides of the craft together, sew them, but leave a small hole to fill the toy with padding polyester. After filling, sew up the opening.

6. Glue the nose, make a mustache.

7. Additionally, you can make a loop of thick threads. Or make a stand using a wooden block. Paint it in any color and cut 10 cm of wire and attach a hare, make a hole in the bar and glue the wire there with a mass of a heat gun.

In the same way, you can sew a chicken, hen, rooster or egg.

And now I want to offer you to sew such cool eared ones. And they are made, you won’t believe what, from simple socks.

You will need: a sock with a long shin; thread and needle; small socks; scissors; stuffing; ribbons, beads, etc.

Work process:

1. Take a sock and fill it with any filler.

2. And to make the torso, tie part of the sock into a knot, thus leaving the lower leg for the ears.

4. Now cut the remaining edge of the sock in half to the knot.

5. Cut out the ears from these parts.

7. Using a few seams, highlight the handles.

8. Take a baby sock and cut off the top to the heel, fold the edges inward and get a handbag pocket, glue or sew it on the tummy.

9. Now shape the face, glue the eye, nose, teeth.

10. You can put an egg in the pocket and glue the ears on it. Your craft is ready.

We sculpt a bunny from salt dough or plasticine

Plasticine, or salt dough, is an excellent tool for making any souvenir. It is also popular to use polymer clay. If you have these materials and you have a fantasy, then you can easily mold this fluffy Easter symbol or follow the following pattern.

You will need: any material for modeling, stack.

Work process:

1. Prepare the necessary material. Take one stick.

2. Divide it into 4 equal parts.

3. Roll up a sausage from one part. From the second one more. These will be the paws.

4. From the third, form a ball. This will be the head.

5. And from the fourth form the torso, flattening it at the base.

6. And then smooth all the corners.

7. And press the top a little.

8. Blind small ovals from pink.

9. Blind two oval ears from white material and stretch the pink oval.

10. Form the paws according to the pattern.

11. Then blind the eyebrows.

12. Connect all the parts together. Blind the tail, muzzle and teeth. Designate a stack of eyes.

13. Insert black small balls into the holes for the peephole. Draw cilia and mustache. Additionally, you can mold a decorated egg.

And I offer a couple more photo options:

We sew a souvenir in the form of Tilda (patterns inside)

Toys depicting long-eared rabbits have become very fashionable in our time, and they are called "Tilda". If you know how to sew such products, then for this holiday, you can prepare such crafts. It will look very stylish, and if you are going to give such a bunny, then this will be a great gift. Even I would not refuse such a present.

If you have never tried to sew such a toy, but you really want to test your strength, then I found an excellent video for you. The author shows and explains everything in detail.

And of course, without patterns in sewing, nowhere, so I saved a couple for you, I think you will appreciate it.

And please note that all patterns are full size.

DIY Easter Bunnies

Well, here we come to the most interesting moment. When we learned what souvenirs can be made from and in what technique, I can safely now show you options for finished animals. Now you can choose what you like best and make for this bright holiday.

  • Bunnies from plastic or paper cups, and you can also use a paper sleeve or egg coasters.

  • Lovely knitted babies.

  • fabric options.

  • Here's another fun idea for painted egg cups.

  • Wooden rabbits.

  • Delicate silhouettes made of fabric and felt.

  • And how do you like this option from a terry towel? Cool gift for kids.

  • Or here's another variant with a folding scheme.

  • But the sympathy from simple thick threads.

  • Here are some more cute bunnies on felt sticks.

  • This work is made of cardboard, and glue a paper cupcake pan on the back.

  • Rabbits Tilda.

  • "Sleeping" bags made of fabric.

  • And original coasters made of salt dough.

And on this bright and colorful note, I end today's article. I hope, as always, was useful and interesting. I want everyone to stay positive!

P.s.: and it started snowing here, this is such a spring now.

Spring is already in full swing, and very soon one of the most important Orthodox holidays will come - Easter.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to the fact that the symbol of Easter is primarily colored eggs and Easter cakes. But gradually other symbols enter our lives. Easter bunnies are also among them - a symbol of fertility and fertility.

Last year, Krestik already talked about where this symbol came from, and also showed master classes on making a wonderful Easter bunny using various needlework techniques.

The wonderful tradition of making DIY crafts for Easter is preserved, and today we want to offer you other options.

Gypsum Easter Bunny

To make such a rabbit, we need:

  • Gypsum (alabaster, etc.)
  • Vegetable oil
  • Empty tin can or plastic cup
  • tassel
  • Stir stick
  • Kinder Surprise Egg
  • Plasticine
  • White acrylic paint
  • Thick colored paper
  • Dry grass, moss or decorative sisal
  • Ribbon
  • Small flower pot

Let's take an egg from a kinder surprise (these will be molds) and grease them from the inside with vegetable oil (so that the gypsum is well behind the molds later)

And plasticine will be needed for small rings - coasters. A mold fixed in such a stand will definitely not turn over.

We take a dry mixture of gypsum and dilute it with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

Pour the resulting mixture into molds. And let it dry completely.

Carefully remove the frozen halves. If the edges are uneven, then they must be sanded with sandpaper. Wash off the dust with water.

This procedure is best done with gloves!

Let's move on to decorating. We paint the blanks with white acrylic paint.

While the paint dries, cut out two blanks for the ears from colored paper.

And we collect everything with the help of a thermal gun.

As you can see in the photo, the edges of the lugs are beautifully decorated with machine stitching. This can be done on a sewing machine, or you can do it easier. Pierce small holes along the edge of the ears, and then draw a line with a regular pencil. You will get an imitation of a machine line.

We draw a muzzle for a rabbit and plant it in a pot. Decorate with grass or sisal, tie a ribbon.

The basis for the rabbit does not have to be made independently from gypsum. You can take an empty chicken egg (a more fragile option) or buy a wooden blank.

And carefully sew the hole with a hidden seam.

With the help of a ribbon or rope we tighten the ears. Sasha is ready!

Optionally, you can make a muzzle for a rabbit out of contrasting fabric.

Master class original

Fabric rabbit

Textile bunnies are great DIY Easter gifts!

To make one such rabbit, we need:

  • cotton fabric
  • synthetic winterizer or other filler for toys
  • small piece of cardboard (optional)

We cut out the template of the future rabbit from paper:

And transfer the pattern to the fabric, folded in half.

We pin it with pins so that the parts do not move and sew two sides on a sewing machine, leaving a small unsewn space for eversion (it is most convenient to leave a hole from below, on the rabbit's stomach).

This method - first sew the details, and then cut them out - is great for small elements: the fabric does not crumble, it shifts less.

Cut out with small allowances. To make it convenient to turn the toy, we make small cuts in the places of bends.

We turn it out, carefully straightening all the corners.

And we sew the ears in half. We carefully tie the threads.

We stuff the toy with synthetic winterizer or other filler.

So that the rabbit can stand without support, you can make him a stand. To do this, cut out a small oval from cardboard, and a slightly larger oval from cotton fabric. We cover the cardboard stand with a cloth. We tighten the edges with a “forward needle” seam.

Good afternoon, dear needlewomen!

Do we love holidays because we expect something good and fun? But a special thrill causes a special and bright triumph, this Easter.

On the Easter It is customary to give small Easter souvenirs to loved ones: decorated eggs, Easter cakes, Easter baskets, Easter toys, for example, a bunny.

A handmade gift on this bright day will be especially valuable. Your child will surely enjoy making an Easter souvenir with you. We have selected for you interesting and simple Easter souvenirs that you can make with your own hands.

DIY Easter basket

All believers are waiting for Easter with trepidation, this is the brightest and purest holiday. There are many Easter souvenirs in stores, but it will be much nicer to receive a gift made by yourself. We invite you to make a simple Easter basket with your own hands. Master class from the Best video channel.

To make an Easter basket, we need:

  • Disposable Sauce Container
  • Ribbon
  • Lace
  • tulle
  • Cardboard for pen

So, prepare such a disposable container.

Cut off the lid of the container

Cut out the bottom of the container

Lubricate the walls with glue,

Wrap it with satin ribbon.

Now decorate the container with openwork, grease it with glue on the reverse side,

and glue the openwork ribbon around the circumference of the Easter basket.

To form the handle of the basket, cut a strip of cardboard, wrap it with a satin ribbon and put it on glue.

Your beautiful Easter egg basket is ready! Put a piece of tulle and a beautiful egg inside.

Happy Easter!

Also watch the video on how to make an Easter basket with your own hands.

Easter basket video

Easter egg made of threads

An Easter egg made of threads is a fragile and beautiful souvenir for this holiday.

You can put small chickens in them. Master class by Elena Ozhegova.

  • Styrofoam egg
  • Polyethylene film
  • needles
  • Cotton or silk thread
  • Glue or liquid glass
  • tassel

First, we cover the foam blank with polyethylene, since the threads can stick to the foam, then we stick the needles, as shown in the photo.

Then we wrap the egg with threads in a chaotic manner.

We get the first open half of the Easter egg. For the second, one row of needles is needed. Now glue the two halves together.

The junction of the halves can be tied with a beautiful ribbon.

Watch the video on how to make a craft for Easter

Easter craft video

DIY Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny with Kinder Surprise is a great gift for a child for Easter.

In order to make an interesting and simple Easter towel bunny, we will need:

  • Towel
  • Two rubber bands for money
  • Ribbon
  • Kinder Surprise
  • toy eyes

Put the towel in front of you

Roll it into a tube on both sides.

Bend the resulting tourniquet and form a muzzle with rubber bands from money.

Tie a ribbon around the rabbit's head.

Tie a bow at the back of the ribbon.

Put Kinder Surprise in the rabbit's tummy.

A beautiful Easter Bunny is ready!

Watch the Make it easy channel video tutorial on how to make an Easter Bunny.

easter bunny video

DIY Easter Bunny

You can also make a simple craft for Easter - this is an Easter bunny from a sock and cereal.

Easter craft supplies:

  • Groats
  • Threads
  • Sock
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon
  • felt-tip pen

After watching the video below, you can easily make an easy craft for Easter with your own hands.

DIY Easter Bunny video

Text prepared by: Veronica

The tradition of giving painted eggs for Easter is present in many European countries. Christianity and paganism are closely intertwined in this tradition, so much so that it is difficult to find that dividing line.

For example, in our country, on Easter, painted eggs are written by the participants of this bright holiday (by the whole honest family), decorating them with amulets, as our ancestors did before Christianity.

But in Europe, in particular in Germany and Austria, eggs, literally "carries" ... who would you think? Easter Bunny, or as it is also called - Bunny! Cool?

If we consider this Easter phenomenon as symbols, then a hidden meaning (again paganism) is revealed to us, encrypted in symbols: Eggs - the birth of life and everything new, and the Rabbit - fertility! As you can see, this is also a wish for well-being, knowledge, self-improvement! So let's take for granted this message-blessing from the ancestors, albeit not quite our relatives, but "second cousins" ...

Well, progress moves forward, introducing and mixing the most bizarre customs and cultures, shuffling like a deck of cards ... and we just have to keep up with the times and quickly respond and adapt to changes!

Well, Rabbit, so Rabbit! Let them lay elaborate eggs for the joy of all the kids, who for this purpose tried to behave diligently and were obedient for a whole year!

So, for kids waiting for a MIRACLE in the form of an Easter bunny, we present several suitable options, from a variety of materials and with varying complexity of work.
The Japanese origami technique comes to our aid, which means that our rabbit will be completed.

Option number 1

Let's not waste too much time on the description. In the origami technique, it is better to see once than to read many times:

Watch the video of making a rabbit:

Option number 2

You can make such cute bunnies by carefully following our photo or video instructions:

Style - Tilda, making an Easter Bunny. Master Class

As you noticed, both rabbits and rabbits can be Easter bunnies - Tilda puts a special emphasis on this! If you are a fan of this style, roll up your sleeves and let's get started!

Prepare for work:

  • Paper pattern (attached);
  • Any available filler (holofiber, synthetic winterizer ...);
  • The fabric from which the rabbit itself will be made is preferably natural;
  • Bright pieces of fabric for a dress or a rabbit costume;
  • Needle with thread;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Floss threads or small beads for the eyes;
  • Ribbons, buttons, beads - for decoration.

First, consider the pattern, then download it and print it, transfer it to the fabric and, leaving 0.5-1 cm for seam allowances, carefully cut it out of the fabric.

After that, we proceed to stitching paired parts, strictly following the pattern. We leave the places where the dotted line is on the pattern unsewn, these places are designed so that you can easily and quickly turn the workpiece on the front side, fill it with filler, and after that sew it with a blind seam, bending the cuts inside the workpiece.
Ears are not stuffed with anything!

When sewing legs on a rabbit, do not forget to insert them into the lower part of the body that has not yet been sewn up, and then you can sew everything together.

Do not stuff the legs and arms too much, they should lie quietly in the desired position, and not stick out in different directions!

Paws and ears are sewn very carefully and carefully, for this a special secret seam is used. Before sewing on the ears, iron them well and give them the desired shape!

We embroider the eyes of a rabbit with floss, if you want, sew on small shiny black beads.

Well - you coped with this task, it remains only to come up with a suitable outfit for the Rabbit from all kinds of bright pieces of fabric, beads, ribbons ...
Finally, sew a handbag for this rabbit and load it with painted Easter eggs - the kids will be delighted!


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