Origami paper cat. How to make a paper kitten with your own hands. How to make an origami fox out of paper, master class

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These cute kittens are easy to make. Look at the photo, repeat each action and after 20 minutes you will have a paper kitten on your shelf. And then two. The most difficult thing in crafts is to figure out how to make ears. And even a preschooler can handle the rest of the work.
So let's get started. Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally. Expand. Starting from the corner through which the fold passes, fold the two sides of the sheet towards the middle.

Fold the piece in half, connecting the opposite corners.

Bend the sides inward so that at the bottom you get right angles.

Expand the craft from top to bottom.
Bend the bottom corner up strictly in the center to the edge of the folded sheet.

Bend the lower left part of the craft so that the fold runs along the edge of the triangle - the pointer points to that place.
You should get such a figure.

Bend the folded part again and do the same with the right side of the craft.

Expand. You have two lines - markings.

Turn the folded sheet over to the other side.

Bend the bottom of the craft up so that the fold goes through the intersection of the lines.

Unfold the folded sheet as shown in the photo.

Bend the upper sides of the craft along the folds to the middle (look at the pointer).
Like this.

Now we need to make the cat's head and ears. Bend the two side corners of the upper triangle so that you get vertical side lines, and the inside of the sheet (in the photo it is white) is closed.

At the top there is a "pocket". Open it and bend the sides as shown in the photo.

Drop it down. You have an "envelope".

Turn the right side of the craft to the left so that the resulting "envelope" is inside.

Fold the top right side of the workpiece in half.

Flip the movable part of the workpiece to the right and fold the left part of the part in half.

Bend back.

Open the piece in the center.

Bend up the two moving parts of the workpiece along the lines just made. Now the ears of the kitten have become visible (look at the pointer).

Now hold the right ear of the kitten with one hand so that it does not open, and with the other hand pull the sheet of paper and open it on the same side.

Bend the sheet along the fold as it lays down.
Do the same on the left.

Bend both bottom sides to the middle.

Fold the craft in half lengthwise so that the kitten's head is on top.

Make a tail for the cat. To do this, bend the right side of the craft down, as shown in the photo.

Anyone can make a cute origami cat. The voluminous craft is made in a simple technique, although it seems complicated.

Take plain paper and follow the step by step tutorial to turn it into a funny pet. You will need one double-sided sheet to work. But in order not to delay the pleasure, use plain white for printing documents on a printer for training. If this is your first craft, carefully repeat the steps dismantled in the photo.

How to turn a sheet of paper into a cat

Don't know what origami is? Then his technicians. This is not only fun, but also a useful hobby.

First, bend diagonally across the square and press the sides of the rhombus into the center. After that, bend the workpiece in half.

Bend two small red triangles at the top and bottom in half towards the center of the figure. Having opened the workpiece, fold the right side to the border of white and red. Form the following curves.

Additionally form a fold on the border of red and white. In the master class, the red color is taken for clarity, but you can make a cat out of red, gray or even black paper. We bend the top of the workpiece along the lines.

By connecting the right side of the protrusion with the left, create a fold.

The action is similar for the other side. Using the last bend, form the head.

Perform similar actions on the other side.

Then fold both sides to the middle. Bend the figure in half along the Y axis.
Folding the right side to the center, we create a bend.

Use it to point the right side down. Reduce the cat's tail by bending between the top and the central axis.

Lift the end of the tail up at a right angle. When creating a cat's face using the origami technique, you need to tuck the sharp edge a little. Then unscrew both parts, under the head, forming the front paws. The cat is ready!

Show the children how to make a paper kitten with their own hands, they will definitely be interested in this exciting process!

The child's creativity begins with cute and kind crafts, in which different animals often appear. The cat family has always occupied the first places in needlework, since the cat itself carries the meaning of comfort in the house and family peace. There is nothing complicated in the question of how to make a cat out of paper, you just need to collect suitable materials near you and start creating a figurine.

Origami "Cat"

In the technique of creating compositions from paper, the art of origami always pops up; for beginners, the figure of a cat is not difficult.

First you need to take a regular sheet of paper and make it square. To do this, pull one corner to the other edge of the sheet to form an isosceles triangle, and cut off the excess part of the sheet.

The first part of origami: a square folded in half, but we already have it, since we did the previous step. We fold this triangle in half again to make the triangle even smaller. This is necessary to outline the middle line on a large triangle. From this midline, we need to wrap two side corners into small triangles. If you put the part on the table, it will look like a three-petal tulip. The last step in creating the cat's face is to fold the top corner of the part to the two previous triangles. On the other side of the part, you can draw eyes, mustache, mouth. When folding origami, you can use the following scheme:

For the body, you need to again make a square sheet, which is also bent in half. Holding the part with two free vertices of the triangles to the left hand, bend the corner on the right up a little to form the tail of the cat. After that, we attach the head to the body, you can also build a cat collar from a lace. You get this product:

Volumetric craft

Without resorting to the origami technique, you can also make a cute craft in the form of a cat. For this you will need:

  • colored paper, cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils or pens.

The following templates can be used to make parts:

In this craft, templates can be printed on a printer or redrawn by attaching a sheet of paper to the screen. Each template is transferred to paper or cardboard of the selected color. If paper is used, then the details of the "paw", "tail" are glued to the cardboard. The body is made from a sheet of cardboard folded in half and fixed with glue at the junction. Such a cat is assembled from the details:

Another type of paper cat can be made from a thick cardboard roll, the top of which is crumpled on one side and the other. These details should be decorated with paints, outlining future cat faces in front of this pencil.

On the opposite side of the muzzle, below, it is necessary to make a hole for the wire tail with an awl, which can also be painted and needs to be gently bent before attaching. The cat family is ready:

You can also make a cat in a natural pose on all fours. For the body, cardboard is used, which is folded in half along its greatest length, after which a cut is made in the middle, forming paws. The head and tail are also made of cardboard, and for the elements of the muzzle, the details can be cut out of paper. Everything is held together with glue. Below are templates for simple and elegant variants of such cats.

To make a cat with your own hands, you can choose a completely different needlework technique. For example, for a cat made by quilling, you will need:

  • strips of paper 5 mm wide;
  • tweezers;
  • strip twisting tool;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper.

For the head, you will need a piece of five turns of paper, for the body - of six, while slightly elongated. Details are glued and glued to paper-canvas. The ears are twisted in the form of droplets, the legs are in the form of semicircles, they also sit on the glue. The mustache is cut into thin straight stripes and attached to the muzzle, the tail is made from a strip twisted at the end. Get a cat like this:

In addition to this type of cat-themed paper art, bookmarks, cat-shaped packages, even a hat can be made from this material, the details for printing of which are given below.

For a bookmark from colored paper, you need to cut off a strip measuring 10 × 5 cm. We draw one of the edges of the strip in the form of a cat's head, cutting out pointed ears and drawing a cat's muzzle. Just below the head, on the body, you need to draw two identical U-shaped paws, directed along the length of the strip. These paws should be circled with a blade or a clerical knife along the contour, while the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe paws at the top should not be cut. After that, the cat bookmark is ready:

To make a paper cat-packing, you need to print the following template for the torso:

Then you need to make the details "tail", "eyes", "ears", "nose", "paws" and fasten with glue to the body. This will be the packaging:

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A selection of videos on creating paper cats:

Would you like to learn how to make a cat out of paper? Just follow the step by step manual and everything will work out. This craft includes origami elements, but it is absolutely not difficult. I made a black cat for Halloween, I will use this example as a basis, but your cat can be completely different colors.

What materials will be needed?

  • Black cardboard, preferably thick;
  • Yellow colored paper for the eyes;
  • Scissors, glue stick, black felt-tip pen, simple pencil.

Do-it-yourself paper cat step by step

Cut the black cardboard into two even pieces. One half will be the head, and the other half will be the body.

Let's make the body first. Fold the piece of cardboard in half. Draw a half circle on one side.

Cut out a semicircle on two pieces of folded cardboard at once. This is part of the cat. It has a body and 4 legs. Try not to make them too thin, that is, do not make the semicircle very large. My paws are 3 cm wide and my body height is 4.5 cm.

Make cuts on the top of the paper fold. These are the places where the body is attached to the head and tail. Also bend the bottom of the paws. But this step is not only for the completeness of the paper cat, or beauty. In the original, the cat is glued to green paper on these folds. It seems that the cat is standing on a green lawn.

Now let's move on to creating the black cat's head. To do this, take the second half of the cardboard and cut off a strip on its narrow side, a little less than 4 cm.

This stripe will be a chic tail. The ends of the strip need to be slightly narrowed. However, later I cut off one narrow tip, making it straight, since the tail did not hold well in the slot of the body. There is a suspicion that my cardboard is not hard enough. Perhaps you will succeed.

Let's continue with the head. The remaining cardboard, the one from which we cut the strip for the tail, fold in half. Round off the ends of the forked piece of paper.

Open the paper and make side cuts on only one part of it, up to the fold area.

Then return the paper to the folded position and stick out the ears.

Cut out long narrow eyes from yellow paper and draw vertical pupils with a felt-tip pen. Cut out a mustache from black cardboard - 6 strips, about 5 mm wide and 9 cm long. You also need a nose.

Trim the cat's face, round off sharp corners. Glue the eyes, mustache, and nose on top.

Place the head in the slots on the back, placing its back half in the slot, and the tail. The cat is ready. You can stick it to the green paper for stability or leave it like that. Now you know how to make a paper cat for Halloween and more. The cat turns out to be rather rather big, of course, if you need smaller sizes, you need to take half as much paper.

Black cat with a witch, see how to make it.

Dark trinity together. Step by step bat.

Folding paper figures is a very popular technique that is diverse and involves not only complex volumetric crafts, but also simple ones. This article will tell you how to make a cat using easy classic patterns.

How to make an origami paper cat

We bend one square from left to right diagonally, then bend the left corner a little to the right so that it looks like a tail. On this torso is ready.

For the head, we place the second sheet of paper with one of the corners up and bend it down exactly in the middle. We add both upper corners of the triangle, combining their vertices with the vertex of the corner below. Having pressed the folds, we bend the same corners up not to the end, so that two triangles form in the foreground and one corner peeks out between them in the background. Then you need to pull these corners to the sides and straighten the folds made in the previous two steps.

Before us is again a triangle with a top at the bottom and 4 fold lines. Next, we separate the layers of paper from below and press the paper inward in those places where folds have formed from past actions. The result should be a rhombus with ears. Its top must be folded back, the fold carefully ironed and tucked into layers of paper so that nothing sticks out from the back. At the end, we insert the torso inside the head and straighten the cat's paws to the sides. Ready!

How to make a cat out of A4 paper

This option is more difficult, but also suitable for beginners. We make a long rectangle by bending the sheet in half. We shorten it from one end by 10 cm, unfold the rectangle and cut it along the fold line. From these parts you can make two cats. One of the resulting rectangles must be folded in half in the same way as before, then push the fold. Turning the paper with the opening side towards you, you need to bend one of the halves up. We do the same on the other side, so that the result is a semblance of an accordion. It is very important that all fold lines are carefully ironed.

Next, unfold the sheet until it was folded in half, lay it with the fold down and fold the corner up from the left side. Open the workpiece and find the triangle formed by the folds, turn the paper so that it is on top.

The point of the top of the triangle looks down, it is necessary to bend the top of the paper to this point and unfold the sheet completely, after pushing the fold. It turned out another smaller triangle, which will be the head of the cat. Bend the edges down along the pressed lines to make a rectangular box. Then close the lines of the lower part with each other, pushing the triangle until the workpiece is completely closed.

Unfold the folded paper so that the head is on the left, then fold one of the sides in half towards you, not reaching the left side. Turning the workpiece over, you need to perform the same steps with the second part. The body is ready.

Now you need to form the cat's face along the outlined lines, carefully pressing the triangle inward. Then press the pressed lines to the top horizontal line. Look at ready-made templates in order to do everything correctly and accurately.

You need to form the ears along the upper vertical lines, next to which there are small triangles. They need to be bent towards the center. Turning the cat with its back to you, bend the resulting fold between the ears a little back. At the same time, the ears themselves will also be bent a little from the inside. The head is complete, it remains to give the torso a believable look.

The torso must be bent and straightened in half horizontally, then slightly unfolded and bent the lower part back at a right angle. At the same time, we form the paws: for this, you need to turn the resulting fold up with an angle until the corner closes. Roll the part that is behind into a tube and unfold it slightly, as a result you should get a spiral tail.

The final touch will be placing the cat in a stable position. Slightly open the paws without touching the neck. She must remain collected. You can decorate the figurine if you wish. Such cats made of paper with a pattern look great.

It will be much more difficult to make a modular cat with your own hands, but it will look voluminous and impressive. In general, you can master the origami technique on your own by watching various master classes and video tutorials. It is ideal for classes with children, as it teaches them to read diagrams and drawings of varying complexity, develops logic and visual-figurative thinking, teaches them to persevere and persistently achieve a goal.

Working with paper provides a wide field for imagination and captivates even adults. The constant striving for perfection and the development of more complex figures delights a person. In addition, the process itself serves as an excellent relaxation and relaxation for the body.

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