Can a baby 9 months. The development of a newborn child is the ninth month of life. Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

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Although at nine months your baby cannot speak yet, but he already understands a lot, knows and knows how. Nine months is the time for the baby to master and improve another important skill - standing up.

Your child already knows...


67-77.3 cm.
7.8-11.4 kg.
43.5-49.0 cm.
43.6-52.0 cm.
66.4-76.8 cm.
7.5-10.4 kg.
42.4-48.5 cm.
43.6-51.0 cm.

Physical development of the child in the ninth month of life

During the ninth month of life, the child gains about 500 grams in weight. For the entire period of life 5900-6000 grams.

The length of the body during this month increases by 2 cm. The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the ninth month.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 9 months of age

At this age, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of fine motor skills, this contributes both to the development of speech and, in general, is very useful for the baby.

Speech development in the ninth month of life

By nine months, children know and understand well not only their name and the words "mom", "dad", but also the names of many objects around them. If you ask a nine-month-old baby to show one or another object, a toy (which he has seen before), then most likely he will accurately point to it.

In the arsenal of the baby, a lot of sounds and intonations appear, his babble more and more begins to resemble meaningful speech.

cognitive development

Your baby is becoming more and more aware of himself as an independent person. Thus, at nine months, a child can distinguish his reflection in the mirror from the reflection of a child of a different age.

The child actively responds to the requests of adults to show the cube, ball, spoon and other items.

Can fulfill simple requests such as "give", "on".

Shows in the picture, in the reflection or on the face of the parents, the nose, mouth, eyes.

At nine months, the baby is very fond of tearing, crumpling paper, he is interested in plasticine and clay.

Can pick up small objects with two fingers. Takes items out of a box or drawer with pleasure. Many kids already know how to put objects in boxes or jars, and at the same time correlate them in size.

Baby motor skills at 9 months

The baby can independently sit down and sit for quite a long time.

Improved crawling skills. So a nine-month-old baby begins to crawl not “in a bellies way”, but on all fours (leaning on his hands and knees). The baby crawls more and more actively and for long distances.

Some babies try to move around the floor in a sitting position, it looks very funny.

At nine months, the baby can stand up with support and take a few steps with the handle. Some, especially nimble kids, try to take their first independent steps.

At this age, children can climb on the sofa, climb over small obstacles, go down and up the sloping hill.

The kid with great zeal begins to imitate the actions of adults - he drinks from a cup, puts a hat on his head, takes a spoon.


By the age of nine months, many babies have no fear of strangers, but all children are individual, so some can communicate with guests with pleasure, while others, on the contrary, get scared, cry and hide behind their mother.

Attachment to your favorite toy is more and more noticeable.

The facial expressions of the baby are becoming more and more diverse.

Ninth month baby care

Since the baby begins to move long distances and explores neighboring rooms, it is necessary to ensure that the environment is safe and at the same time interesting for the child.

Encourage the child's desire for independence, let him do some things himself, for example, while bathing, give him a soft washcloth in his hand, let him dry himself with a towel, let him try to drink from a cup and so on.

Pay attention to the physical development of the child - massage and gymnastics are great for this.

Continue to do hardening procedures - "air baths", water procedures, walks in the fresh air.

Since many babies acquire teeth by nine months, it is gradually possible to accustom the child to caring for the oral cavity. For this, special children's toothbrushes are suitable, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Potty train, so if the baby woke up in a good mood, then immediately after waking up, he can be put on the potty.

Baby food at 9 months

By nine months, more and more place in the child's diet is occupied by adult food. The baby has a need to chew, as teeth are actively developing.

At nine months, the child's diet continues to expand, the volume of products increases.

Gradually, you can switch to dishes cooked in a denser form. For example, meat can be offered in the form of meatballs.

When moving from pureed food to pieces, remember to do this gradually. First, mash your food with a fork. Give it to your baby in small portions. After the child gets used to the new consistency, you can increase the serving. Then try to give food in pieces.

The most useful cereals at this age are buckwheat and oatmeal.

Breast milk at this age is about 1/3 - 1/4 of the daily diet of the child.

  • Fruit juices - 80 ml;
  • Fruit puree - 80 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 40 grams;
  • Yolk - 1/2
  • Vegetable puree - 180-200 grams;
  • Milk porridge - 180-200 ml;
  • Minced meat - 50 grams;
  • Fish puree - 50 grams;
  • Liver mince - 30 grams;
  • Kefir - 200 ml;
  • Crackers, cookies - 10 grams;
  • Bread - 10 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 grams;
  • Butter 5 grams.

Approximate diet for a 9 month old baby

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), chicken yolk 1/2; cottage cheese (15 grams), fruit puree (30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable puree (160 grams), meat or fish puree (40 grams), fruit puree (30 grams);

18:00 - Breast milk (or adapted milk formula) or adapted kefir - 140 ml; cottage cheese (30-50 grams); cookies (10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

Necessary examinations at 9 months

As before, you need to visit a pediatrician to find out how much your baby has grown and how much weight he has gained. Also, the doctor will evaluate his neuropsychic development.

At nine months, you need to visit a number of narrow specialists - a surgeon and a dentist.

Also, the pediatrician will give a referral for an ECG.

How to play with a baby at 9 months?

At this age, games aimed at developing fine motor skills are useful.

You can start playing with your baby in games with a simple plot. For example, a bunny is dancing, a doll is drinking from a cup, a frog is jumping.

It is interesting for the kid to collect a tower from cubes, put objects into the holes intended for them, or simply put them in a box or jar.

Kids love to play hide and seek. Cover a small toy with a handkerchief and the little one will certainly want to check if it is there.

Play with your child in "patties", "magpie-white-sided".

Roll the ball, leave it in the box. Show and explain how to put rings from a pyramid on a stick, how to insert one cap into another.

What toys are suitable for this age?

Toys at this age should be aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby. These can be: rattles, activity centers, pyramids, cubes, caps, toys with ropes, musical toys, hammers with squeakers, soft books and books with thick cardboard pages, bathing toys and others. You can make toys yourself, for example, fill transparent plastic bottles with cereals, pebbles or multi-colored beads. Just do not leave your baby alone with toys and small objects so that he does not choke on them or put them in his nose or ear.

Of course, nature has laid a lot in your baby, but he can fully open up only thanks to you. Now the baby has the most active time to explore the world, help him. Give your child more time, engage with him, tell and show him everything that interests him, and then his achievements will not keep you waiting.

A 9-month-old baby is becoming more independent. He reacts more vividly to the outside world, begins to manifest himself as a social "element" - a personality. During this period, you can and should play with him, because in an interesting game he will acquire new skills.

Educational games are very important for a small child, through them he learns the world around him - try to occupy him. In communication with you, he will show his social, intellectual and sensory-motor abilities.

At 9 months, parents may notice signs of the formation of the baby's personality. Among other things, he begins to show his emotions vividly.

Achievements of the child by 9 months

Of the sensory-motor (sensory-motor) capabilities, the following can be noted:

  • the child claps his hands;
  • he takes large objects with both hands, brings them closer and examines them;
  • he takes small objects with one hand;
  • he manipulates two toys at once;
  • it crawls and can change direction 180 degrees;
  • stands up with the help of an adult.

These skills can be imitated in a doll. Take the doll, show the baby how she gets up, walks, eats, goes to bed. All actions can be accompanied by a story about what exactly the doll does - it will be equally interesting for both the girl and the boy. It will be very good if the baby tries to take the doll and play with it himself.

The intellectual abilities of the baby should include the following actions:

  1. the child remembers what you played with him yesterday;
  2. actions with the usual repetition of the same situations are not interesting to him;
  3. he may be afraid of open space and climbing to heights;
  4. with him you can play simple hide and seek and "Big, small";
  5. the baby can repeat words of two syllables;
  6. he understands you, that is, he has a passive vocabulary;
  7. he makes attempts to explain something to you with the help of gestures, for example, when he does not want to eat, he turns his head away;
  8. the baby responds to your requests and tries to fulfill them.

From the foregoing, it is clear that the child's abilities at 9-10 months relate to communication with their parents and the beginning of the use of the speech apparatus.

For the baby to speak correctly, do not use diminutive derivatives of words, do not distort your speech. Speak clearly and legibly, pausing between words. Control your facial expressions, try not to make unnecessary gestures - this is difficult, but your baby needs it.

Educational games

There is a certain set of games that will help you stimulate the development of your baby. But you have to deal with it patiently every day.

Buy your baby toys equipped with various buttons, handles, wheels. Show how you can press the buttons and turn the handles, turn the wheels. Give your child an old phone with buttons. The more imagination a child has to show, the better.

Object Manipulation

"Magic Bucket". Tie ribbons on several toys, lower them into a bucket, then take them out of the bucket by the ribbons. When all the toys are taken out, show the child an empty bucket, say: “There is nothing. Empty," and spread your arms. Let the child repeat your actions.

"Collecting Plates". Put plastic plates in a pile, put them next to the child. Then, one at a time, remove the plates and set aside, collect again in a pile.

"Pyramid". Buy your baby a plastic or wooden pyramid. Show how you can remove the wheels from the stick and put them back on. Accompany your actions with the words "big, small, red, blue."

Manipulations with game and household items are an important aspect of the development of the baby and his skills.

Development of the child's intelligence

A 9-month-old child needs to develop the speech apparatus. To do this, do the simplest exercises with the tongue. Here is a list of exercises:

  • tickle like a horse;
  • smack, as if kissing;
  • make a “balabolka” with your tongue on the upper lip - at the same time, the sounds “bl, bl, bl” should be made;
  • inflate your cheeks and tap them with your fingers to “pop the bubble”.

Teach your child to pronounce syllables. To do this, lifting the baby and lowering it down, say “jump-jump”, lowering it to the floor - “bang”, shaking it left and right - “tick-tock, tick-tock”, tossing it with your knees - “but, but, but”, stopping - “whoa”. You can just say the syllables "yes, yes, yes", "ma, ma, ma" and so on. Say syllables with pauses. The child will repeat after you.

Try to teach your baby to distinguish relatives from each other. Tell him: "This is a woman, this is dad, this is mom." Look for toys with him. Put 3 toys in front of him and ask: “Where is the bear? Where is the ball? Where is Lyalya? Play with your child in "Ku-ku", "I'll catch up", "There is a horned goat." These are wonderful educational games for young children of 9 months, which are very useful for them.

Assimilation of causal relationships

To get the attention of the baby, you need to make sudden action. For example, put a toy behind your back and, pulling it out from behind your back, say: “Here is a bear,” and putting it back, say: “There is no bear.” By repeating the procedure with different toys, you will ensure that the child remembers their names. Hang bright pictures with different animals and objects on the wall. Bring the child to the wall, stroke the picture with the cat, say: “Good kitty”, with your free hand bring bread to the picture, say: “Eat, kitty”, and so on. The child will learn to understand the correspondence of the drawn animals with the real ones, and you can enhance the effect by showing him a kitty on the street.

You can help your child identify the cause and effect relationships of what is happening by auditory associations. To do this, hang bells with different sounds near the doors of the apartment. Take the baby in your arms and walk around the apartment - when you open each door, different bells will ring. The child will understand when you entered the kitchen and when you entered the bathroom.

Play with the baby in "Okay", singing: “Okay, okay, where did you live? By Grandma". This activity perfectly develops coordination of movements. If you do not know the rules of a game, you can find and watch a video or photo about it.

Toys for 9-10 month old baby

Here are the games for leisure with a child of 9 months you need to buy:

  1. Xylophone, toy piano, drum and other musical instruments.
  2. Pyramids and other toys that involve inserting one part into another.
  3. Constructors for the smallest and cubes.
  4. Books with colorful, bright pictures.

Consider placing items within reach of the child to entertain them. Place empty shelves below, put beautiful children's books, cubes, plastic jars and bowls, balls, toys that he needs.

It is especially convenient to make such a place in the kitchen so that the baby has something to do while mom is preparing dinner. Remove all sharp and cutting objects upstairs, then the child will not be able to get hurt, additionally close the electrical outlets with protective caps.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that a certain breakthrough is taking place in the behavior of a 9-month-old baby - the child becomes skillful and energetic, he clearly expresses his individual preferences. He likes something, but he doesn’t like something, he gets smarter. If you put a small toy under his sweater, he will immediately unscrew the edge of the sweater and get it, you can think of other similar situations.

If your baby does not know how to do something (we recommend reading:)? Do not despair - this does not mean anything. He will learn everything he is supposed to, a little later. Children who are capable in the future may not talk until they are three years old and not ask for a potty (we recommend reading:). The games offered to the child during this period, he will master a little later - perhaps this will happen at 10 or 12 months. Take time for your baby, spare no effort, and in return he will delight you with new skills.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in Clinical Psychology

The development of a child at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

The role of a parent is very difficult and responsible.

It would seem that in 9 months you have already managed to get used to the fact that your life revolves around a small treasure, you were able to learn to understand it, but you still worry every day that your child receives the best care, enough love and attention.

Baby development at 9 months has a number of features that parents should be aware of.

Physiological development of a child at 9 months

In a month of his life, the baby grew a little, stretched up, the volume of his head and chest increased by half a centimeter.

You can find out how the physiological parameters of a nine-month-old baby have changed from this table:

Most babies have 6-8 teeth by 9 months. The lateral and central incisors are added to the existing teeth (first they appear on the lower jaw, then on the upper).

Growing teeth can cause a baby's physical discomfort (pain, fever), worsen his sleep and appetite, make the baby nervous and capricious.

You will see that the baby is trying to relieve pain and speed up the process of teething by putting everything in his mouth.

Do not interfere with this, just replace the inappropriate, in your opinion, object with a rubber toy or a special silicone cooling ring.

Psychological development of a child 9 months

The emotions of a child at 9 months are very rich.

He willingly shows you joy, happiness, sadness, fear.

He learns to get what he wants with the help of whims or crying, so you should not allow yourself to be manipulated.

A kid at this age does not tolerate loneliness and requires that mom, dad and other people close to him spend as much time with him as possible.

Mom remains the main person in his life, a special emotional connection is established with her, which must be maintained, so do not rush to go to work from the decree.

It will take a long time until your child will feel comfortable in the presence of strangers.

In the meantime, he is wary of new faces and does not want to spend time in their arms.

Treat with understanding his desires, as soon as the baby grows up, he will feel calmer in the presence of strangers.

What should a child of 9 months be able to do in order not to doubt his normal development?

To be sure of the normal development of your baby, you should know what a child of 9 months can do.

Most children at this age have the following skills:

As the baby grows and rapidly gains weight, mother's milk or diluted dry formula is no longer enough for him to saturate.

They should be no more than 1/3 of his daily diet.

Feel free to replenish the baby's menu:

  • puree, juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • milk porridge;
  • boiled yolk;
  • meat and fish purees;
  • bread and cookies;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • fresh fruits such as banana, apple.

Since a nine-month-old child already has teeth in his mouth, you should not leave them without work, interrupting any dish into a homogeneous liquid puree.

Leave small pieces that the child could chew. Bread and cookies do not always need to be soaked, sometimes let the baby chew on them.

You can also let the baby “scratch growing teeth” on a banana (just peel off the skin 🙂) or a whole apple.

At 9 months, you can transfer the child to full three meals a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with additional meals during the day (second breakfast, afternoon tea) and light snacks (cookies, vegetable / fruit puree, cottage cheese).

A nine-month-old baby still spends at least 12 hours, or even 2/3 of the day, in sleep.

His night sleep lasts 10-12 hours.

But the daily periods of activity are increasing.

Some mothers complain that they cannot put their child to sleep in the afternoon, not only for the third time, but also for the second. If during the day your baby goes to bed only once, then try not to make noise at this time so that the child sleeps well and does not act up.

But to indulge a baby who does not want to go to bed at all during the day is not worth it, nine-month-old children need an afternoon nap.

What else do parents need to know about the development of a nine-month-old baby?

About it in the video:

Baby development at 9 months with games and simple exercises

Since a nine-month-old child requires increased attention, this should be used, and during periods of his wakefulness, try to teach him something new, read poems or fairy tales to the baby, sing songs to him, tell him something interesting (but not long), entertain with useful developing games.

Here are ways to spend time with the benefit of the baby:

    Many parents, laughing, say that their children at 9 months resemble parrots, because they repeat everything they hear.

    Take advantage of this to teach your baby to speak single words, imitate the sounds uttered by animals or inanimate objects.

  1. A nine-month-old child is able to knead plasticine with his fingers, so you can sculpt something simple with him.
  2. Instill in him a love of books by looking at the pictures together and explaining to the child what is drawn there.

    In the meantime, the child should buy books with hard sheets so that he cannot tear them.

    To satisfy the baby's desire to tear paper, give him old newspapers and magazines.

  3. Build something together from cubes, collect pyramids, the simplest mosaics.
  4. Teach him to pour small objects: pebbles, nuts, beans, sand, not only with handles, but also with a spatula, for example.

Baby development 9 months, of course, has some features, but still not so different from what you knew about eight- or seven-month-old babies.

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A nine-month-old baby undergoes dramatic changes in appearance and development. He is very active, shows curiosity, and does not like to be left alone in his crib for a long time. The baby's favorite pastime is playing on the floor with her toys. Therefore, the mother has more and more free time, and her task is to monitor the baby and communicate with him.

At 9 months, the child's skeletal and muscular systems develop especially actively, as preparation for upright posture begins. When a child is 9 months old, his development and nutrition change somewhat.

Norm of height and weight

Since the baby begins to move more actively, his weight gain is much slower than before. During this month, he can gain from 300 to 550 grams and grow by 1-2 centimeters. Thus, a nine-month-old baby by the beginning of the 10th month has a weight that is 8.5 or 9.5 kilograms and a height of 69 to 73 centimeters.

Pediatricians use special tables that indicate the average statistical parameters characteristic of a given age, including the weight and height of a 9-month-old child. However, about one toddler in ten of his peers will not meet the specified intervals, nor should this be considered a pathology.

A number of factors influence body weight, its length and girth of the head, and they cannot be ignored. Most often, these are hereditary characteristics and the nationality of the parents. In addition, male babies have slightly more weight and height. When the height and weight of a child is measured at 9 months, the norm for male babies is slightly larger than for girls.

Normal daily routine at 9 months

The daily routine of a nine-month-old baby is almost the same as that of an eight-month-old baby. However, it should be noted that some changes are taking place in his diet, and the number of games for development is expanding.

Therefore, the daily routine of a 9-month-old baby by the hour looks approximately as follows:

  1. Around 6 or 7 in the morning, the baby wakes up and receives the first feeding.
  2. From 6.30 to 8.30 he is awake, and at this time, the mother conducts mandatory hygiene procedures, air baths and massages.
  3. From 8.30 to 10 o'clock in the morning (or according to other sources from 9.30 to 11) you should sleep, and it is advisable to spend it in the fresh air.
  4. At 10 or 11 o'clock the second feeding is carried out.
  5. After that, the little one spends two hours actively exploring the world, doing exercises with his mother, playing.
  6. Around 2 p.m., the next feeding begins.
  7. After eating, you can take a second walk at this time the baby should sleep.
  8. At 16 00 to 18.00 educational games and exercises are held.
  9. At 6 or 7 pm it's time to eat again.
  10. After eating, you can take a walk with the baby for a couple of hours, it is very good if other family members are also present.
  11. At about 9 pm, you can spend communication with the child and quiet games, as well as bathing. During this period, preparation for sleep takes place.
  12. At 10:00 the child eats for the last time and goes to bed.

Such an approximate schedule should be followed, but always taking into account what individual physiological needs the baby has. The most important thing in the schedule is to maintain 4-hour intervals between feedings and walk at least twice a day. And in the rest of the time that the child spends actively, perform physical exercises with him, perform hygiene procedures, engage in educational games.

Sleeping mode

How to put a baby to sleep at 9 months? Usually now it is not difficult if the child is not hungry and feels fine. It is important at the same time to continue to observe a certain regimen and not to tire him too much with games. Babies can still wake up at night and beg for food, but not because they are hungry. In this way, they satisfy their psychological need for closeness with their mother. For some babies, these awakenings continue until the end of breastfeeding.

There are certain norms of sleep at 9 months. At this age, you should sleep twice a day for two hours and ten hours at night. The mode of daytime sleep may change somewhat, since at night a small person already sleeps much longer than before and wakes up later. Although for some children, the sleep schedule does not change compared to last month.

Features of feeding

Feeding includes breast milk or formula, as well as the introduction of new foods. Milk should make up about a quarter of a baby's total daily diet at nine months of age.

Here is a table of an approximate diet for a child at 9 months:

  • juice from fruits and vegetables about 80 grams;
  • wheat bread 5 grams;
  • butter and vegetable oil, 5 grams;
  • cottage cheese or kefir about 40 grams;
  • cereals from cereals up to 180 grams;
  • half the yolk twice a week;
  • meat 50 grams;
  • vegetable puree up to 180 grams;
  • fruit puree up to 80 grams.

It is best to give cottage cheese along with kefir during evening feeding before bedtime. In addition, at 9 months, lean fish, steam meatballs from meat should be gradually introduced into complementary foods. For puree, you can use several vegetables with the addition of a small amount of greens. Porridge should be boiled from a mixture of cereals, provided there is no intolerance. But it is not recommended to use semolina porridge at this age, since up to one year it will be difficult for a baby to digest it, and problems with the intestines may occur.

From the above diet, it becomes clear that at nine months, the baby gradually begins to get used to ordinary adult food. At this time, his jaws are intensively developing and teeth begin to appear, so the little one feels the need for constant chewing. To increase the chewing load, it is recommended from time to time to give him solid pieces of food - an apple, a carrot, a cracker.

The 9-month-old breastfeeding regimen is not too different from the artificial one, except that the first one receives breast milk twice a day, and the second - an adapted formula.


Many mothers may have a question about how to develop a child at 9 months? Before answering it, consider what he should already be able to do at this age:

  • a child of 9 months should be able to sit down and lie down, and in this position to get toys;
  • hold toys in both hands, prefer one and ignore the other;
  • move around in a walker for 10 minutes without signs of fatigue, while jumping and squatting;
  • walk, leaning on the back of a chair and moving it;
  • it’s good to crawl on the bellies, and some children can already move freely on all fours;
  • take objects with two fingers, gently touch them, tear paper;
  • hold certain objects confidently in his hands, but at the same time he opens his fingers with great difficulty, so it is rather difficult to take a toy from him;

The mental development of the baby also changes:

  • he knows how to name syllables and associate them with certain people or objects;
  • begins to show character and express his attitude to what is happening by changing intonation;
  • knows his name well and responds to it, turns around, smiles;
  • may laugh, be offended or angry;
  • points a finger at an object that is hidden in a closet and asks to get it;
  • begins to realize himself as a separate person, examines his reflection in the mirror with interest;
  • understands simple requests well, knows how to nod his head, as if saying “yes” or “no”;
  • can imitate some sounds (“sneeze”, “meow”, “bark”);
  • when his mother dresses him, he already puts his hands in his sleeves and takes off his hat on his own;
  • while playing hide and seek, he can find a person, not only when he sees him, but also by sound;
  • actively replenishes the lexical smell, and remembers some points, therefore, during this period, adults should carefully monitor their behavior and words spoken in his presence;
  • often uses toys to hit them one into another or throw them up, watching how they fall.

Games and activities for development

Games with a baby at 9 months should be not only entertaining, but also educational. During this period, it is recommended that the mother continue to carry it in her arms, as this has a beneficial effect on the child's psyche.

To develop speech skills, you need to have constant conversations with him, as with an adult, look at pictures and comment on what is drawn. It is advisable to try to discuss, showing them to the little one.

In order for the baby to start learning to crawl, you can make a simple device. To do this, take a blanket or a large towel, roll it into a roll, and pass it under the baby's chest. Then put a toy or an object of interest to him nearby and help him crawl to him, holding the ends of the blanket. If he tries to get on all fours, then you need to prop up his legs in turn.

Of great interest to the baby will be a house with a tunnel through which he can move. It should be purchased at the store, or made independently using unnecessary boxes.

Educational games for a 9-month-old child consist in his participation in the construction of structures - pyramids or turrets. At that age, he still does it poorly, therefore, if the baby was able to successfully place a cube or ring on top, then he should be praised for this. It is necessary to allow him to destroy what has already been built, since at the moment he really likes to watch how objects fall.

A regular roll of toilet paper will help train fine motor skills. It should be given to a child for unwinding and tearing paper into shreds. Such an activity is not only delightful, but also a good workout for the fingers.

The first acquaintance with the structure of the human body takes place with the help of a doll. She is at this age needed by both the boy and the girl. The ideal option in this case is a toy that is as similar as possible to the little one. Putting her opposite, you should tell and show where her arms, legs, nose, and so on. After the baby, at the behest of the mother, should show it himself.

In the bath, it is useful to take two plastic cups, and teach the child to pour water from one to the other to develop coordination.

Fine motor skills become better when a container of cereal is taken and small objects or toys are buried there. The task of the baby is to find them there and pull them to the surface.

It is useful to play "patty" like in the video above, clap your hands to the beat of some fun music, or to the rhythm of a children's song.

When a child is 9 months old, the development and nutrition of the baby are completely dependent on his parents, it is especially important that the mother does everything right.

your child

Nutrition and baby care

Sleep and safety

Educational games

Learning the names of body parts

Game 1. "Who is in the mirror?"

Self-awareness is a long process, but it is at 9 months that the baby begins to guess that the girl or boy in the mirror is his reflection. Games with a mirror allow you not only to get an idea of ​​your appearance, but also to learn the names of parts of the face and body.

You will need

A large mirror (hanging in the bathroom or hallway), a new hat, hairband or multi-colored paper hat that are easy to put on and take off.

Game plan

1. Take the child in your arms and stand with him in front of a mirror or sit on a chair with the baby on his knees. Position yourself so that you can see not only the reflection of the child, but also your own. 2. Put on a hat that he has never seen before and let him admire himself in the mirror. 3. Ask the baby to show where the hat is, where is his head, where are the eyes, eyebrows, nose, etc. 4. Put the hat on yourself and ask the baby to show where you have different parts of the face. Pay attention to the child that everything that he shows is visible in the mirror! 5. Repeat the same with the hat and hairband.

Note to parents

1. Pay attention to what the child likes to put on his head the most, and in the future play with this item. 2. Try not to mislead the child with phrases like: “Wave your hand to the girl / boy!”. On the contrary, repeat to the baby more often that it is he who is reflected in the mirror! The game was prepared by Maria Baulina, a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in child neuropsychology and the development of the child's psychological functions.

Development: watching the baby

The kid now knows a lot and is ready to vigorously explore the world around him from morning to evening. Nine-month-old boys weigh 8.0-9.9 kg with a height of 69.7-74.2 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 7.3-9.4 kg and 67.7-72.6 cm*.

Most children of this age actively crawl, leaning on their hands and knees. There are babies who move using the “fifth point”: pushing off with one leg, they seem to bounce on the pope in the right direction. Some children move from place to place on all fours, but with straightened knees. The child controls his body more and more confidently and already knows how to change his position during movement.

A nine-month-old baby successfully learns to express his emotions and desires through facial expressions and meaningful gestures. He may, for example, wave goodbye or ask for pens, as well as demonstrate his displeasure at the proposed food or toy. The memory of the child becomes more long-term. Now he can repeat the actions that he saw a week ago: for example, try on a hat in front of the mirror in the same way that his mother did last Friday.

Children not only remember and distinguish objects, but also learn their purpose. The baby will not study the cup, as before, carefully feeling it and tasting it. He will immediately try to bring it to his mouth to drink.

The child comes up with various games to make sure that the objects are “permanent”: for example, he puts a toy in a bucket and immediately knocks it over to see the toy again and make sure that it is not lost. In this way, the baby realizes that objects do not disappear when they are not visible.

Observing the development of different children, some general patterns can be distinguished: first the baby will get up - and only then will he go; first he will learn to “rake” objects with his hand - and then grab them using his thumb and forefinger, and shift from one hand to another. However, in which area the child will develop faster depends on his individual characteristics and abilities. Some children train their legs hard to get up as soon as possible, others are focused on the handles - they always want to take, turn and feel something. Attentive parents will almost always be able to determine what the baby will start doing earlier: walking, talking, or confidently manipulating objects.

*Based on data provided by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) based on the results of the Multi-Focus Growth Standards Study (MGRS).

It included children who were cared for in accordance with WHO health guidelines, such as breastfeeding and the mother not smoking. To date, the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards against which the development of children can and should be compared, regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding, and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Behavior: understand the baby

Children continue to study the reactions of adults to their actions. If the baby threw a spoon on the floor, he does not at all seek to be naughty: he wants to know what mother's action will follow. In this way, the child accumulates information about causal relationships. Most likely, the child will throw the spoon on the floor more than once to check whether the mother's reaction remains the same.

The baby has favorite toys. Take seriously a child's affection for a teddy bear: an attempt to temporarily separate the baby from your pet by sending the toy to the laundry can cause a real tantrum. To avoid such a situation, get a "double", which at least for a while can replace your favorite bear.

The kid understands many words and begins to correlate the sound of the word with its meaning. Your baby will confidently look from one parent to another, “answering” the questions: “Where is your mother?” or "Where's daddy?". Mom's request: "Give me a cup, please!" - will be gladly done, especially if at this moment the child is looking at the cup, and the mother holds out her open palm where it can be placed. If everything turned out right for the crumbs, he will be happy to participate in this “game” again and again.

At nine months, babies are willing to play back and forth games. The baby can spend a lot of time trying to take off dad's glasses, wait until dad puts them back on his nose, and tries to take them off again. One of the options for such a game is “talking on the phone”: a child and mother pass one “phone” to each other and take turns saying something into it.

For a nine-month-old baby, the whole world is one big interesting game where everything needs to be explored and tried. Any thing can become a participant in fun fun - from an old glove to a pot that a child has learned to pull out of the closet on his own. Be sure to praise the child for his achievements, imagination and ingenuity.


The daily diet of a nine-month-old baby should include the following products: 400-500 g of breast milk (or adapted milk formula if breastfeeding is not possible), 170-200 g of vegetables, 170-200 g of porridge, 60-80 g of fruit, 60-70 g juice, 60-70 g of meat, 40 g of dairy products.

The baby already has a fairly varied menu, but do not forget the basic rules for introducing complementary foods: you can add new foods only when the baby is healthy; you can not introduce a new complementary food or supplement a week before and after vaccinations; you can not enter several products at the same time; You need to start complementary foods with a new product with small portions, increasing them gradually.

For now, it's best for babies to puree their food, but small soft pieces of fruit in breakfast cereal will help the baby learn to chew food. The process of chewing is important for the proper development of speech.

Keep a close eye on your baby's reaction to complementary foods, and don't forget that mother's milk is still the ideal food for a nursing baby.

Many children at this age try to eat on their own. Support the baby: give him the opportunity to manage food himself - first with your hands, and then with a spoon. Place a teddy bear next to your baby and pretend to feed the toy. The child will definitely want to feed his friend with you and will try to repeat your actions as accurately as possible.


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breastfeeding is the best way to provide ideal nutrition for the healthy growth and development of infants; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important implications for maternal health.

Baby care

Your child has turned into a little fidget who categorically does not like any business that distracts him from active exploration of the world around him. Changing a diaper, washing, changing and even feeding are now a very difficult task for a mother.

To begin with, the baby needs to be “caught” and kept in one place. Turn it into a fun game. In a “terrible” voice, say: “Now I will catch you!” - and, grabbing the crawling child by the legs, joyfully exclaim: “Gotcha!”. Soon, the baby, satisfied and tired of the game, will calm down, and the mother will be able to slowly do all the necessary things.

To interest the child, give him the opportunity to "independently" perform the necessary procedures. Show him how to use a soft sponge for washing and a fluffy towel for wiping, teach the baby to put on socks and hold a spoon in his hands. Praise the baby for diligence, even if the bath is delayed, and the kitchen will have to carry out an unplanned cleaning.

Education and communication: we are engaged with the baby

At this age, the child not only reacts to intonation, but also understands many words and phrases. Children love to "talk" with adults. Always respond to attempts to "talk" to you so that the baby better masters the rules of dialogue. Read picture books with your baby and imitate the sounds associated with the depicted animals or objects. Place the child on your lap so that he has the opportunity not only to carefully examine each drawing, but also to watch his mother's expression on her face and touch her lips with her fingers when she reads.

Develop your baby's logical thinking with the help of the game of "shifters". Place the toys in front of the child, turning them upside down. See if the child corrects the wrong state of things, or leaves the bear on its head and the cup upside down.

Assemble a “touch” kit: put in a box pieces of fabrics that feel different to the touch, a dishwashing sponge, a piece of linoleum, a wooden cube, etc. The kid will take these items out of the box with interest and put them back, learning to distinguish between materials “by touch”.

Pulling items out of a drawer or box is one of your baby's favorite activities. Make it harder for him to put three different items that your child uses every day into a box, then ask him to give you one of the items, such as a spoon or a ball. Be sure to praise the child if he correctly fulfilled your request.

The pyramid also remains one of the favorite toys of the baby. It is still too early for a baby to “correctly” collect it, but the process of stringing rings on a rod is extremely exciting for him. You can complicate the game and shake the pyramid when the child tries to put on the next ring.

Toys with buttons, as well as toys for sorting and building, help develop fine motor skills and attention of the baby. Use them to explain to your baby the concepts of shape, size and color.

Use a ball or toys on wheels to help your baby crawl and move around. When playing with a baby, it is better to use a soft ball that is easy to grab and feel. You can play the ball not only together, but also with the whole family: roll it to each other, toss it, accompanying each action with a counting rhyme or calling the game participants by name.


At this age, children spend a lot of energy on active games and learning new objects and phenomena. For harmonious development and good rest, they need at least 15 hours of sleep*.

Even the most independent babies still need the gentle hugs of mom and dad to feel safe and fall asleep sooner. Try to slowly spin with the baby in your arms to a quiet, calm melody before putting him to bed. This will help the baby relax.

Many nine-month-olds have a favorite item that they refuse to go to sleep without. It can be a plush toy, a blanket or dad's flannel shirt - the main thing is that the item is soft, has its usual smell, and that you can sleep in an embrace with it. The baby begins to become attached to the "cuddle" at the age of six months. With this special toy or thing, the baby is associated with feelings of comfort and security. Parents will have to make sure that nothing happens to the “hug”: otherwise the child’s mood and sleep will be spoiled for several days. Try to prepare a second identical or very similar replacement item in advance to help your baby cope with a possible loss.


(*) The above norms are averages, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of the "norm" is always the well-being of the baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


With the growth of children's activity, parents have to think about additional security measures.

Look at your house through the eyes of a child: it may seem to you that a toaster or an electric kettle is standing high, and the baby will not be able to reach them, but he can easily pull the wire and knock over a heavy object.

"Not!" and "No!" - words that a nine-month-old baby understands well, but does not pay much attention to them. However, they can and should be used if the child reaches for an outlet or electrical appliances. Say a firm "No!", block access to a dangerous object and switch the baby's attention to another activity. Give your child a safe opportunity to satisfy their curiosity: leave the bottom drawers of the cabinets open and leave things that will not harm him. Over time, the child will understand that some objects and actions are prohibited, and will learn to distinguish dangerous objects.

Do not leave a child unattended in a chair or child seat unless it is fitted with a seat belt or is not sufficiently stable.


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