“My dad is the main thief of the country”: Liza Peskova wrote an unexpected post

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The nickname of the thief in law was Sidor, my dad.
My dad, a thief in law, nicknamed Sidor, lived in the thirties of the twentieth century. For them, these were the years of Stalin's five-year plans, for others - a time of enrichment.
My dad served in the French legion during the First World War, as a captain. He was a Don Cossack and went on the attack, across the way, with a lance on his horse. He was captured, he was released from the French legion.
The civil war began, dad joined the reds. He served with the division commander, Parkhomenko, as a clerk for his beautiful handwriting. Often the divisional commander shouted to his clerk: "Sidorenko, carry the laws!"
In the interval between the battles with the White Cossacks, it was not clear who was for the Reds, who was for the Whites.
At one time, Old Man Makhno was building his own republic. He did not serve either for the whites or for the reds. He robbed his fellow villagers, so Gulyai Pole appeared.
Old Man Makhno had four brothers. All of them walked along Gulyai Pole.
Once my father recaptured a convoy with the loot from Old Man Makhno. My mother turned out to be with the convoy. She became my father's wife. Thus my mother became a trophy from the loot. Old Man Makhno hid part of the loot in Seryabryany Bor. There is a mound there, no one knows about it until now. I know that place.
Old Man Makhno has gone into oblivion, and the mounds, as they stood, are still standing with looted wealth and with sabers sticking out during the draft of the mounds. I am the only one who knows the place. I can show black diggers.
This is how the story goes!
My dad got rich, became a horse thief, rode a cart, without a machine gun. The gypsies processed him, stole all his wealth and made him half-destitute.
Fate is not a villain, dad learned to fall and get up. He was strong in spirit.
My grandfather was named Makhno. It turned out, during the subsequent study of the roots of the pedigree, that my grandfather, the brother of Old Man Makhno, Nestor. Nestor, and his patronymic is Ivanovich.
When I was alive, I did not know my grandfather, I knew only by name, Trofim, from the stories of my mother. It turns out that my godfather, also Makhno, Leonty.
My mother, Khristinia Trofimovna, is the sister of Old Man Makhno. My mother's trophy turned out to be in the court and quite to the point.
During the time of the Tatar-Mongol yoke, more than a thousand two hundred years ago, Genghis Khan also had a brother, his name was Tengiz. Nickname Sidor. Archery was excellent and quite deft.
I consider it appropriate to recall my family tree. My ancestors were the rulers of inner Mongolia, over 800 years ago. One of them was named Chon-Bol-Khan.
Previously, the rulers were called khans, now they are called presidents. Khanate and polygamy are in the blood of our ancestors. They should not be condemned. These are the customs of the ancestors.
In today's world, customs are outdated. I thought for a long time: "Where does our family come from ivory boxes, on the lids of which there are scenes from biblical stories?"
My dad didn’t play everything with the gypsies, he left something for himself in a stash.
The nickname Sidor and his wealth also become clear. The question arises: "Why a thief in law?" The explanation for this is simple, from the previous story. Dad enjoyed authority, owned a "black cash desk", which was called a obshchak. The authority and the obshchak are followed by thieves' showdowns, gatherings, judging. The thief in law for his time was King Solomon.
The time of the Great Patriotic War has come. Someone went to the front, someone remained in the rear. My dad was one of the first to go to the front, although he was not of military age. He was a horse-breeder, dragged artillery guns on horseback, was wounded. In 1946, he was treated at the Kharkov military hospital.
After the war there was a terrible famine, the family was starving. Dad remembered the old Ural sins. At that time the GPU was not bored. It was called "Death to Spies". Dad ran away from the hospital, came to Bogodukhov, put me on the porch of his own house, took a loaf of bread and an onion from somewhere, as I remember now. Of course, he was already wanted for old sins. Dad collected things, it would seem, for exchange for food, said to return and said goodbye, did not give parting words. I ate this onion, dad left and was like that. I never saw him again.
Once it seemed that dad came to me, like Hemingway, according to the story "The Old Man and the Sea." Dad came, sat down on the pier, at the pier, was silent and thought about something for a long time. Probably, he dreamed of his youth, wild life, deeds and misdemeanors.
So I did not know where his grave was. He filed several times on the wanted list, but all in vain. No friends, no witnesses, no acquaintances, I live as a bean, alone, I hide from what I told


THE Wanderings of the Prodigal Son!

Thief in law, dad Sidor, lived in the thirties! He served in the legion, captain, like that! He went into battle, went on the attack, he deserved glory for himself! Twisted all then, life went like a wheel. He got rich and fell again and did not remember about it. He was an excellent horse thief, he rode a cart. He had something in his stash, but did not know about it! The terrible dad sank into hunger, but where, I don’t know. I know he was a thief in law, he was not proud of it. It seemed to me once that dad was at the pier. He thought about free life, because he loved it! I have been living without a dad for a long time, but I love him, there is no strength! In my life, like Sidor, I have done a lot of wisdom! I made up my mind and I don’t repent of that, I only became stronger in spirit. And now I am delighted, the hour of the writer has come! I am writing for you, reader, I am talking about my dad. I think you will learn more, you, about my work!

The 19-year-old daughter of Russian Presidential Press Secretary Liza Peskova is often criticized by social media users for her statements made on her Instagram page. This time, the girl decided to answer all ill-wishers with humor.

“In general, the conscience completely tortured. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: not one of the yachts, not one of the palaces, not one of the jets could close my eyes. None of the servants could comfort me. revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of, sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino beluga caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you don't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age.

I sleep on marble, covered with eider down. Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold. Gold, of course, is mined by the people. The procedure, of course, is done with public money. 1% discount using the special industrial code "DengiPeople" Some serfs write that, while living in a palace, I cannot talk about 5-storey buildings. Why not? My palace has 6 floors, so the reasoning is quite reasonable. I do theft.

I am very lucky, because my dad is my main thief of the country and teaches me all the intricacies of this profitable art. Recently, he supported my undertaking with a chest with loot. With the promo code “Daughter of the Thief”, a discount on a new course for young ambitious entrepreneurs. I have 13 slaves: Juan, Juan, Agafry, Verello, Chuk, Arkady, Basilio, Sho, Ki-Ji, Tochuku, Vasya, Dima, and you can imagine the third one yourself. Once I sent Agafria to a closed sale of sanctioned products, and instead of pool cheese he bought camembert. Well, I think everyone will understand me, I had to fire the ignoramus.

I heard that people work, but I am sure that I will not know your servile lot. I don’t study anywhere, because I’m stupid from birth, but this is not a problem, since, of course, they will buy me a diploma! In the end, if I need something - I'll just buy a slave with the money of the people! So the future is mine!” - Liza Peskova wrote in her personal blog.

In the comments, the opinions of the girl's subscribers were divided: some users appreciated her humor, while others considered the joke unsuccessful, noting that there is some truth in every joke.

Recall that many criticize Lisa Peskova for the fact that, while living in France, she speaks on topics directly related to Russian politics. In particular, a few days ago, the girl supported the idea of ​​​​renovating Moscow's five-story buildings, while at the same time criticizing the desire of the Moscow authorities to make the city pedestrian. Lisa's subscribers felt that the girl could not talk about such topics while living abroad, and invited her to return to Russia.

A series of scandals around the Ministry of Health and Social Development has severely hit the family of Minister Mikhail Zurabov. For his father, his 11-year-old son Fedor receives nuts. The mother of the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, Engelina Robertovna Zurabova, told how her son's scandalous "fame" hits his family. The principle “Zurabov is to blame for everything” affects, first of all, his relatives.


- Recently, 11-year-old grandson Fedor came to me with the words: “Grandma, and who is Chubais”? - says Engelina Robertovna. - He complained to me that at school he was constantly told that "your father is even worse than Chubais." The child had one single question: “What, is my dad a thief? Did he steal something? Why is he being treated like that?" Unfortunately, despite the fact that the school where the grandson studies is not easy and the children of wealthy parents study there, the son of Mikhail has to listen to this.

The minister's mother recalled how she dissuaded her son from taking office as head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development.

- He told me then that he was already a wealthy person who did not need money. And he explained his departure to the government with a desire to benefit society, - shared with Engelina Zurabova.[…]

Lilia Rakshenko, Georgi Lazarov

Original material

05/06/2017 - 16:24

The daughter of the press secretary of the President of Russia, Elizaveta Peskova, published a compromising post on her Instagram page. The message of the daughter of a famous politician caused a lot of hype on the network.

The daughter of Dmitry Peskov called her father "the main thief of the country." The girl finally responded to the numerous criticisms in her address with a very ambiguous post. 19-year-old Lisa turned to her subscribers: “I can no longer be silent,” and said that she was the daughter of the main thief and billionaire of Russia. With sarcasm, the girl said that her menu consists of lobsters, and she sleeps on marbled beef. In addition, her father teaches her to steal, and she herself does not study anywhere, because dad will buy a diploma. Lisa also added that she does not even know how it is to work, and will never understand the “servile share”.

In general, the conscience completely tortured. I can’t fall asleep anywhere: not one of the yachts, not one of the palaces, not one of the jets could close my eyes. None of the servants could comfort me. The hour of revelation has come. I am Peskova Elizaveta Dmitrievna, daughter of the main billionaire and thief of the country, press secretary of the head of state. This is the first text I write myself. All others are ordered. A whole team of serfs plows, to whom I pay your money for the sake of PR. My diet consists of lobsters sprinkled with macadamia and saffron, littered with albino beluga caviar, and Devon crabs. In short, of everything you can't afford, since your slave pocket is my pocket, embroidered with 60 carats of diamonds. I hope you won't have to explain that all the fluid that enters my body is not younger than my age. I sleep on marbled beef sprinkled with eider down. Before each physical effort, I do my favorite procedure - a golden body wrap. The procedure consists in wrapping the body in a pure ingot of gold. Gold, of course, is mined by the people. The procedure, of course, is done with public money. By special promo code "People's Money" 1% discount. Some serfs write that, while living in a palace, I cannot talk about 5-storey buildings. Why not? There are 6 floors in my palace, so the reasoning is quite justified. I am engaged in theft. I am very lucky, because my dad is my main thief of the country and teaches me all the intricacies of this profitable art. Recently, he supported my undertaking with a chest with loot. Use the promo code "Daughter of the Thief" to get a discount on a new course for young ambitious entrepreneurs. I have 13 slaves: Juan, Juan, Agafry, Verello, Chuk, Arkady, Basilio, Sho, Ki-Ji, Tochuku, Vasya, Dima, and you can imagine the third one yourself. Once I sent Agafria to a closed sale of sanctioned products, and instead of Pule cheese, he bought Camembert ... Well, I think everyone will understand me, I had to fire the ignoramus. I heard that people work, but I am sure that I will not know your servile lot. I don’t study anywhere, because I’m stupid from birth, but this is not a problem, since, of course, they will buy me a diploma! In the end, if I need something - I'll just buy a slave with the money of the people! So the future is mine! Posted by nomade. Elizabeth. me cool (@stpellegrino) Jun 1, 2017 at 8:47 PDT

Elizabeth, of course, was joking, but few appreciated this joke. Most of the subscribers reacted sharply to the sarcastic statement of Peskov's daughter and began to angrily comment on her post. It is worth noting that Lisa has long had a lot of questions, because she has repeatedly compared Europe and Russia, and not in favor of the latter.

A family of graceful noses Publication from nomade. Elizabeth. me cool (@stpellegrino) Apr 22, 2017 at 12:04 pm PDT

Look at me when I "m talking to you You looking at me but I"m looking through you I see the blood in your eyes I see the love in disguise I see the pain hidden in your pride I see you"re not satisfied I see the truth in your lies I see nobody by your side But I "m with you when you are all alone And you correct me when I" m looking wrong I see the guilt beneath the shame I see your soul through your window pane I see the scars that remain Posted by nomade.elizaveta.me cool (@stpellegrino) Jan 25, 2017 at 12:05 pm PST

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