Has a single mother. The status of a single mother: who is considered by law. The status of a single mother in Russia

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In social law and the labor code, the concept of a single mother is interpreted differently. In most cases, it means a woman who is raising a child alone, and there is a dash in the father column. The name of the father may be indicated from the words of the mother. A single mother will have the right to receive all types of assistance from the state, as well as a complete family.

But at the same time, there are additional state benefits in 2019, in order to receive them, you must apply for the status of a single mother. Statistics show that every year the number of women raising children on their own is only growing.

Legally, the status of a single mother is when there is no information about the father in the birth certificate of the baby. But in fact, this definition is very vague, since in many cases this decision is made by a woman. And this infringes on the rights of the father, who would like to support and raise a child, but has such an opportunity. However, who is recognized as a single mother by law? What does the birth of a child out of wedlock and unknown paternity mean?

The concept of "loner" is applicable in the following cases:

  • Lack of a joint application by both parents to the vital registry office to establish paternity;
  • There is no court decision on this matter.

A single mother is defined as a woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or after 300 days after a divorce, but paternity has been challenged in court, there is a court decision that the man is not the legal father of the child. In other cases, a woman can take a child to raise, and will be considered as having the status of a single mother.

Only a woman who has issued a certificate of a single mother can be considered a mother raising a child alone. However, in labor law there are wider benefits for this category of women, a single woman is considered to be a woman who, for various reasons, raises a child without the help of a second parent (incapacity, death, divorce, lack of cohabitation).

At the same time, she can take advantage of the organization of the labor process. In relation to social benefits, such parameters do not apply.

How to get status - paperwork

Not every mother can get the status of a single mother; you need to prove your right to receive a certificate by filling out a certificate on a special form at the registry office. This document indicates that the woman is a single mother.

Not every woman can get a certificate. To prove her eligibility for the status, she must fill out a certificate in the form 25 of the registry office. The certificate is evidence that she is a mother raising her children on her own. The certificate indicates the data on the child, it is this document that confirms the status.

All necessary documents are collected and submitted to the social security authorities to confirm the status. And only after that, accrued benefits will be transferred to the mother's account. A certificate is issued to the woman. On its basis, a citizen of the Russian Federation can receive subsidies for utility bills, as well as benefits in labor relations.

Registration of the status of a single mother is necessary only if the father is not at all. If there is a spouse, and he pays alimony, then a woman with a child cannot apply for state assistance. A woman guardian can also become a single mother.

Categories to which the status does not apply

In 2017, according to Russian legislation in the Russian Federation, the following categories of women cannot be classified as single mothers:

  • Incomplete family. A woman who survives a divorce cannot obtain single status, whether she receives alimony or not;
  • If a woman gave birth to a baby within 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage or the death of her husband. In this case, the Family Code comes into force, according to which the former spouse is considered the father, regardless of whether he is the biological father or not;
  • If there is a court decision against a man whose paternity has been established, or if paternity is established by a man on a voluntary basis. Whether the parents live together or not.

In other cases, suitable for the law, a woman is entitled to this preferential status, and should be interested in questions about where to get or receive a single mother certificate.

Privileges and benefits

It should be clarified what rights a single mother has in labor relations. The rights of a single mother under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are as follows:

  • In the event of a reduction in staff, this category of persons has the right to remain at work if the child is under 14 years of age. Upon dismissal, it may be declared illegal, even if her qualifications do not correspond to the position she holds. It is also impossible to do this when changing the management of the enterprise;
  • When an enterprise is liquidated, mothers raising a child alone are required to offer an alternative position. Responsibility for subsequent employment lies with the administration of the organization;
  • Obtaining the status entails the right to receive benefits for the care of a sick child, the amount of payments depends on the length of service during treatment in a hospital. For outpatient treatment, this time is paid in full for the first 10 days, then at 50%;
  • A woman has the right to take 14 days' leave at any time without pay. At her request, she may be given a reduced part-time job until the child reaches 14 years of age. A mother with a baby under 5 years old should not be involved in overtime work, going out at night, holidays and weekends;
  • Employment benefits are provided by the laws of the state. There is no such reason to refuse employment to a woman with a child, in this case it is necessary to provide a justified refusal;
  • The tax deduction for a woman living alone with a child is set at a double rate until the child reaches 18 years of age. This means that she receives a double deduction for income tax for each child. This right is retained until the children reach the age of 24 if they are studying full-time at a university.

There are other types of assistance for single mothers, which are worth asking the administration of each region. For example, these citizens have benefits for paying for kindergarten, can receive baby food in a dairy kitchen for free, and purchase a number of documents at a reduced cost.

It makes sense to get a status in order to receive privileges in obtaining a primary place in a preschool institution, not to pay for garbage collection until the baby is 1.5 years old, to receive free vouchers to a sanatorium and use the services of a massage room at a polyclinic.

All this means that a single mother has more opportunities to enjoy various benefits provided by the state free of charge or at a reduced cost. Also, a single mother can participate in the target program Young family - affordable housing, if her age has not reached 35 years.

Negative points of status

Along with the obvious advantages of this status, there are many disadvantages. In our country, the stereotype is still alive that it is better to have a bad father than none. In this regard, women who decide to raise a child alone are condemned by many. And the child will have questions about where his dad is. Although the formal presence of a father will save the situation a little.

In addition, there are many more disadvantages of being a single mother. And it's not just that it's hard to raise a child alone.

Woman giving birth and raising a baby alone cannot receive child support. For the reason that legally she does not have such a right, exceptions are cases when the baby's father acknowledges paternity voluntarily. In the future, the child will not be legally entitled to inherit from the father. He can inherit property only if a will is drawn up in it.

It makes sense to raise a child for one woman who does not have a relationship with a man from the very beginning. In this case, it does not make sense to involve the father of the child in the upbringing of the baby, sometimes it is easier to do it yourself. There are many advantages to giving up alimony and the possibility of future inheritance, especially when a man refuses to acknowledge himself as a father.

The Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the obligation of parents to provide material conditions for the life and development of children. A woman who raises a child alone faces many problems in solving this problem. To help single mothers, the state has developed a set of measures in the form of benefits, subsidies, and the creation of special working conditions.

In Russian legislation, there is no exact interpretation of the term "single mother". An explanation of who can be attributed to this category is contained in the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 28, 2014 (paragraph 28). The document specifies in which cases a woman raising children on her own is considered a single mother.

Labor law under the definition of "single mother" implies the fact of raising and maintaining a child without the financial support of the second parent. This means that the father, for some reason, does not take part in the care of the children (for example, is wanted for alimony or has died).

You can apply for state assistance only if you have officially established belonging to a group of beneficiaries.

When a woman receives the status of "single mother"

In itself, the fact that a child lives without paternal care with one mother does not serve as a basis for assigning additional benefits.

A woman is assigned the status of "loner" in the following cases:

  • information about the father is not indicated in the birth document (there is a dash in the corresponding column ");
  • the certificate is completed on the basis of the mother's application;
  • when a baby appeared in a civil marriage, paternity was not established;
  • children were born after 300 days after the divorce;
  • the child was adopted out of wedlock.

Legislation guarantees women, whose spouse has died or officially lost parental rights (by court decision), benefits in the performance of their labor duties. However, the right to obtain the status of a loner in such situations is not provided.

Who are not considered single mothers

Women are not eligible for inclusion in the singles exemption under the following circumstances:

  • mother alone provides for children after divorce;
  • alimony was not appointed after the dissolution of the marriage;
  • the father is limited in parental rights;
  • the widow gave birth to a baby no later than 300 days after the death of her husband;
  • paternity is established by a court decision;
  • the child is adopted by a new spouse.

Important! If paternity is included on the birth certificate, the man is legally considered the father of the child.

How to officially become a single mother

The execution of documents confirming the right to state assistance is carried out by the municipal departments of social protection of the population.

The procedure for obtaining preferential status includes the following steps:

Consideration of the application in the social protection authorities takes from 10 days to 1 month. After the expiration of the period, a decision is made on the recognition (refusal) of the right to benefits. Notification of the decision made is sent by Russian Post to the address indicated in the application.

Documents for obtaining status

A key role in obtaining a preferential category belongs to a certificate from the registry office. The extract form is approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. The certificate is issued on the basis of an application when registering data on the birth of a child. The document confirms that there is no information about paternity or made from the words of the mother. An extract from the registry office can be requested at any time after the baby is registered.

The validity period of the certificate is from 30 days to 6 months (varies depending on the region of residence of the mother). If during the validity period of the paper the woman did not apply to the social security authorities, she will have to order a new extract from the registry office.

In addition to the certificate of form No. 25, the package of documents includes:

The full composition of the package of documents is determined in each specific case. Simultaneously with copies, original papers are presented.

Important! The absence of any certificate is the basis for refusal to assign preferential status.

Before applying to the department of social protection, you need to write a statement. The application can be handwritten or typed on a computer.

The application must indicate:

  1. The exact name of the social security authority;
  2. Personal data (last name, first name, patronymic, passport details, registration address and address of residence, contact phone number);
  3. Request for the assignment of the category of a single mother;
  4. Information about the child (last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth);
  5. List of applications.

Social Security will not accept a petition that contains corrections and strikethroughs. The application date must match the submission date.

Registration of belonging to a preferential category does not require additional financial costs. The procedure is carried out free of charge.

Advantages and disadvantages of a special position

Any legal status has its positive and negative sides. Registration of belonging to a privileged category is beneficial if a woman experiences financial difficulties. In a situation where the mother is able to independently provide the child with decent living conditions, it is not necessary to apply to the social protection authorities.

Benefits of becoming a single mother

The state provides support to women in raising children. In addition, registration of a preferential category requires much less time and financial costs than establishing paternity in a court of law. Regional authorities are also developing various assistance programs. Allocate social, labor, material, housing and tax options for benefits.

The widest range of benefits for single mothers is provided by labor legislation.

Women are given the following options:

  • involvement in overtime work only by written consent;
  • leave during the summer months at the request of the mother;
  • additional days of rest without maintenance;
  • ban on night shifts.

Attention! The legislation prohibits the dismissal of a single mother, however, she, in turn, is obliged to observe labor discipline.

A single mother cannot be fired due to job cuts. If the organization is liquidated, the woman should be assisted in finding employment.

Social privileges include:

  • priority provision of a place in a kindergarten;
  • discounts on paying for visits to educational institutions (up to 70%);
  • free school meals.

An incomplete family has the right to improve living conditions. Single mothers can participate in subsidized housing programs. The state partially compensates for the expenses of a woman for creating conditions for raising children.

Single mothers receive health benefits:

  • free medicines for a child under 7 years old (from the list of medicines of the Ministry of Health);
  • provision of a certificate of incapacity for work for an unlimited period (for the care of children under 7 years of age);
  • free massage for a child (for medical reasons).

The state exempts a single woman from the need to pay property tax. Working parents who raise children alone are entitled to a double tax deduction when calculating wages (article, Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The official status of a loner allows you to make many decisions on your own (for example, about leaving (or moving) to another country). If the child's mother marries, she does not need to ask the biological father's consent to the adoption.

Legislation does not provide for separate benefits for women raising children on their own. In some regions, there is a program of material support for poor mothers from the local budget.

Negative points

Before applying to the social protection authorities, a woman needs to assess the negative aspects of the status of a loner.

If paternity is not officially established, there is no possibility of collecting alimony. In addition, children will not be able to claim inheritance property after the death of the father.

Denial of eligibility for benefits

In some cases, departments of social protection refuse to assign a woman the status of a single mother.

The most common grounds for a negative decision are:

  1. Incomplete package of documents;
  2. Submission of false information;
  3. Failure to comply with legal requirements.

Municipal authorities are required to send a written notice to the address of the applicant indicating the specific reasons for the refusal. The decision of officials can be appealed to the court.


According to Rosstat, the number of incomplete families is increasing every year. The task of the state is to help a woman create normal conditions for the life of a child. Obtaining the official status of a single mother facilitates the solution of many issues related to education.

However, the adoption of a baby by another man or the recognition of paternity by a court decision entails the loss of the right to benefits.

So, we are talking about the legal status of single parents. This concept is contained in a number of articles of the Labor and Tax Codes when securing labor and tax benefits for this category of citizens. So in article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation it is determined that widows (widowers), single parents, guardians or trustees, adoptive parents are tax deductible in double size. At the same time, the Labor Code says that a single parent is one of the parents who is not in a registered marriage.

So the concept of "single parent" applies to a parent who has never been legally married, and to a divorced parent. There is also a preferential list for the admission of children to preschool institutions, in which the term "single parent" is used. “Single parent” means that the name and surname of the second parent do not appear in any documents, i.e. in the birth certificate of the child in the column "father (mother)" there may be a dash or the name of the father may be entered arbitrarily, at the request of the mother.

During the registration of a child, a medical document on the birth of a child, as well as passports of both parents, is submitted to the registry office. If the parents of the child are legally married, a certificate of registration of their marriage is also submitted. According to the law, a single mother can write down a child born or adopted by her in her last name, and the name and patronymic of the child is already indicated at will; the father of the child in this case does not have any rights and obligations, incl. does not pay alimony, and the child's mother receives state social support and protection. That is, there is no record of the father in the birth certificate of the child, or the record of the father of the child was made in the prescribed manner at the direction of the mother. In this case, the registry offices issue a certificate, which is the basis for making an entry about the father of the child, and which is a document necessary to provide benefits to single mothers.

If the father left the family, but he is listed on the birth certificate of the child (based on his statement of paternity or marriage certificate), then the woman is not a single mother. In other words, divorcees and widows are not single mothers.

What is the difference between "single mother" and "single mother"?
A single mother is a woman who has given birth or adopted a child without a father, i.e. She is neither a widow nor a divorced woman! By the way, dictionaries and encyclopedias do not contain a detailed interpretation of the concepts of "single mother", "single mother's family". The legal term "single mother" appears for the first time in the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 8, 1944 "On increasing state assistance to pregnant women, mothers with many children and single mothers ...". This document states that a single mother is a woman who is not legally married and has illegitimate children. At that time, the term included a broader category of mothers raising children in families without a father, incl. and divorced women and widows.

Today, the concept of "single mother" is identified with single motherhood, and families of single mothers of different marital status are called incomplete or maternal families.
“Incomplete family” is the family of a parent who, due to various reasons, alone brings up and is responsible for the child (children) living on his behalf.

That is, a single mother is a mother whose children initially have a father, he is recorded in their birth certificates, but she is forced to raise children alone (due to divorce, death or death of her husband, etc.). That is, widows and divorced women fall into the category of "single mother", but no longer fall into the category of "single mother"!
At the regional level and in local regulations of enterprises and organizations, additional benefits are allowed for single mothers. And then they use the broader concept of "single mother". In such cases, widowed and divorced mothers are equated with single mothers. Each employer decides for himself based on the financial, material and other capabilities of his organization and fixes this decision in an order, a collective agreement on which women to classify as single mothers and what benefits to provide them.
It is impossible to put identity in terms: "single parent" - "single mother" - "single mother". Persons raising children without a mother also include:
- fathers raising children without a mother;
- men raising their adopted children without a mother;
- guardians and trustees raising children without a mother;
- stepfathers raising children without a mother;
- adoptive fathers raising children without a mother.

However, the Labor Code does not list the conditions under which a man is recognized as a single father. And in everyday life, a single father is considered a man who has a child (children), whose mother died, disappeared, was deprived of parental rights, stays in a medical institution for a long time, left children to his father during a divorce, is in prison. To confirm the status of “single father”, you must have documents certifying that a man is raising children without a mother. This may be a court decision declaring the wife missing or deceased, a court decision on divorce, a death certificate of the wife simultaneously with the submission of a certificate from the housing and communal authority (HOA, housing department, etc.) on the cohabitation of children with the father.
In accordance with the Family Code, the father of a child is the person who is recorded as the father in his birth certificate. A stepfather is a person who is married in accordance with the established procedure with the mother of the child. The guardian of a child under the age of fourteen and the guardian of a child between the ages of fourteen and eighteen is a person in respect of whom there is a decision of the head of the local administration to appoint him as a guardian (curator) and who has been issued a certificate of guardianship (certificate of the guardian).
And in the next article, we will consider what benefits exist for single mothers at the present time.

The number of incomplete families in the Russian Federation is growing, and usually the mother remains the only breadwinner for children. For financial assistance, she turns to the state in order to receive benefits and allowances, which are established by law, for single mothers.

How to get the status of a single mother in 2020 is of interest to many women, since benefits are provided for them in almost all areas of life. There is a Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81 “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”, it regulates the basic benefits and payments that parents, including single mothers, can claim.

Who can get the status of a single mother

Who is considered a single mother in Russia? She can be called a woman whose father is not registered in the document on the appearance of a child.

Other signs:

  • the paternity of a particular citizen has not been established by the courts, on the basis of evidence, in particular the results of a DNA examination, that is, there is no judicial determination on this issue;
  • after a divorce between spouses, more than 300 days have passed;
  • there is no statement from both parents during the procedure for registering a newborn in the registry office;
  • a woman who carried out the procedure for the adoption of a child, at this time, without being in a marriage union;
  • children appeared in a woman who at the time of their appearance was not in a registered marriage.

Attention! Many mistakenly believe that if a woman divorces the father of her children, then she can legally be considered a single mother, this is not so. When she was left alone with the children as a result of a divorce, it means that a certain person is in the paternity section of the documents for the birth of children. And this factor no longer gives the right to call her a single mother, even if the father after the divorce does not take part in raising children.

During the registration of the child in the civil registry offices, the woman is issued a certificate in the form No. 25, she confirms that the mother is the only parent.

The surname of such children is assigned to the mother, and in the father column, at the request of the woman, a dash is put down or the information that she provides is recorded.

Important! If the certificate was not issued on the day the children were registered, the woman has the right to apply for it on any day. Employees, having raised all the documents, are required to issue a certificate even after the lapse of time.

Legislative consolidation of status

As of 2020, there is no definition of a single mother in legislation.

There is a definition of a person with family responsibilities and a single parent raising a child on their own. These concepts are enshrined in the Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of 2014, which regulates the work of persons with family responsibilities raising young children on their own. The main features of the status of a single mother, according to the above document:

  • responsibility for the upbringing and development of the child;
  • actual child care;
  • father died, deprived of parental rights, restricted in parental rights, declared missing, incompetent.

Attention! Legally, the definition of a single mother applies only in the field of labor law, it does not allow a woman to receive social benefits.

The key point for using benefits in the field of labor law for mothers is that she alone brings up, educates, feeds her children. She doesn't even need to have an ID to use these privileges.

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In 2020, the Labor Code provides many benefits for single mothers. For example, when reducing the staff, it has an advantage, as well as many incentives and benefits in organizing the working day.

Who is not eligible for status

Women not eligible for this status:

  • if she was left alone, after a divorce, the father is recorded in the appropriate column on the birth certificate;
  • the paternity of the children was established in court or voluntarily;
  • the child appeared before the expiration of 300 days from the date of divorce or other circumstances, for example, the death of a spouse (part 2 of article 48 of the Family Code of Russia).

Status procedure

Getting benefits for single mothers in 2020 in the Russian Federation is more profitable and easier than trying to establish paternity and seek formalization of maintenance obligations for the father.

How to get the status of a single mother? Some believe that obtaining a certificate in form No. 25 is already the basis for recognizing such status for it, but everything is not so simple.

To assign the status of a single mother and receive her benefits and other payments, you need to contact the social protection department or the MFC with a certain list of documents. A certificate in form No. 25 will only be a confirmation that a woman can be classified as a single mother.

Required documents

To obtain the status of a single mother, you need to contact the department of social protection of the population or the MFC by registration with a certain list of documents. These documents include:

  • a statement written by a woman demanding that she obtain this status;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • the applicant's passport or other identity document;
  • a certificate stating that the child lives with his mother, and not with his father or with another person (can be ordered at the passport office);
  • documents showing the applicant's income for the last three months preceding the date of application;
  • certificate in form No. 25, a decision of a judicial authority or other document confirming the fact that this person belongs to the category of single mothers;
  • documents confirming the presence / absence of other family income (certificates from the school / kindergarten);
  • account details for the transfer of benefits;
  • documents confirming the absence of a father in children.

After submitting documents for obtaining the status of a loner, she will have to wait for the decision of the employees of the body, which they must make no later than 10 days from the date of their receipt.

If, at the request of the applicant, a positive response is received, then a certificate will be issued that will confirm the rights of a single mother.

Denial of eligibility for benefits

When submitting documents, it is not always possible to get a positive answer.

If, after reviewing the documents, the answer is negative, then a notification will be sent in which the refusal will be clearly reasoned. Employees have no right to refuse without explanation. Such a decision, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can be appealed in court, if there are grounds for this.

You can remove the status of a single mother from a woman if:

  • when she got married and the new husband adopted her children;
  • if, the documentation that a single mother submitted to the social protection authorities for registration of benefits will contain false information.

Pros and cons of becoming a single mother

In addition to receiving benefits and benefits from the state, a woman who has registered the status of a single mother may notice the appearance of positive or negative points when making certain transactions or completing documentation.

This may concern both herself and a minor child.

Benefits of becoming a single mother

  • obtaining benefits in many sectors: labor relations, social;
  • free movement of children. For example, it will not be necessary to obtain permission from the father for the child to travel abroad. Such a problem always arises between parents, even though the father, not wanting to participate in the upbringing, simply does not allow him to leave for another country, due to tense relations with his mother;
  • if the new husband of the mother wants to adopt the child, the consent of the biological father will not be required;
  • the father will have no right to his maintenance of the child in his old age.

Attention! This is a very controversial topic in the Russian Federation, but there are a lot of cases when a man made a requirement for his adult child in terms of his content. This cannot be called fair, since he himself did not take part in the upbringing, and did not help his child with money.

Negative moments in acquiring status

  • a woman is not entitled to sue for child support until a man officially recognizes the child as his. If this happens, the status of a single mother will be removed, and she will no longer be able to claim payments from the state.
  • children are deprived of the right to inherit property under the law from their father and his close relatives.
Important! A single mother needs to think carefully about what will be more profitable and better in her case: to receive benefits from the state and have full rights to children, or to wait for alimony from their father, which may never be followed.

Attention! In the Russian Federation in 2020, benefits, although not great, are there. A woman who has received the status of a single mother can always apply for them. To do this, you need to complete all the documents and get a certificate certifying this fact.

Reading 6 min.

In our world of rather complex relationships between men and women, it is no longer surprising that the female half chooses to raise a child alone. In other words, they become single mothers and sometimes consciously. Who are single mothers and what is their legal status, what rights and benefits do they have in society, and what benefits can their children count on?

Who is recognized as a single mother

Are endowed with the status of "single mother"Not recognized by single mothers
A woman who has given birth to a child (children) out of wedlock, and provided that the paternity of the child has not been established (when registering the child in the registry office, a joint application of the parents is not presented or there is no court decision to establish paternity).A woman raising a child (children) in an incomplete family as a result of divorce or widowhood.
A woman who gave birth to a child in marriage or within 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage, if the spouse (ex-spouse) is recorded as the father of the child, but paternity was successfully challenged in court.A woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the dissolution of the marriage, its recognition as invalid or from the moment of the death of the spouse. In this case, the former spouse is recognized as the father of the child, even if he is not the biological father of the child.
A woman, not being married, adopted (adopted) a child.An unmarried woman who is raising a child whose paternity has been established (voluntarily or by a court order).
A woman raising a child whose father was deprived of parental rights.

If, for example, a woman's husband died, then officially she is not a single mother, she becomes a widow. Unfortunately, such situations are not taken into account for some reason, and a woman who actually has to raise a child alone is not entitled to appropriate benefits.

Is it possible to be married and be a single mother?

Yes, it is possible that if a woman has a child in the certificate of which there is a dash in the column “father” or he (the father) is recorded from her words, and she got married, then she does not lose the status of a single mother in relation to this child and remains with her the right to receive a monthly allowance at an increased rate per child.

However, if the spouse, after registering the marriage, adopts or adopts a child, then the woman ceases to be a single mother, and loses the right to receive additional benefits.

A single mother receives all the same benefits as women from complete families, but usually in larger amounts:

  1. A one-time allowance for women registered before 12 weeks of pregnancy - in 2019 - 649.84 rubles.
  2. Benefit for pregnancy and childbirth. From January 1, 2019, the procedure for calculating this allowance has changed (according to the Federal Law of February 25, 2011 No. 21-FZ, now certain periods will be excluded when calculating average daily earnings).
  3. One-time allowance at the birth of a child in accordance with the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ “On State Benefits for Citizens with Children”. Its size in 2019 is 16,759 rubles. (110,775 rubles when adopting several children who are brothers and / or sisters, a disabled child or a child over 7 years old).
  4. The monthly allowance for the period of parental leave up to one and a half years - from 01/01/2019 is calculated based on the earnings of the insured person for the previous 2 years. In 2019, the minimum amount is 3277.45 rubles. at the birth of the first child and 6584.89 rubles. at the birth of a second child.
  5. Maternity capital in the event of the birth of a woman's second child. Its size does not depend on whether one mother is raising a child, or together with her father.

Other types of allowances for single mothers and their amounts depend on the subject of the federation in which the family lives. For example, in Moscow, a mother has the right to:

  1. Monthly allowance for children under the age of 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years.
  2. Monthly allowance for children from 1.5 to 3 years.
  3. Monthly compensation payment for reimbursement of expenses for the increase in the cost of living for children under the age of 16 (or 18 for students of general education institutions that implement state programs).
  4. Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades the payment of alimony, for children under 3 years old.
  5. Providing in-kind assistance (including free sets of baby clothes for newborns; free baby milk meals on a doctor's prescription, issued in medical institutions for children under 2 years of age).
  6. Monthly compensation payment for caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 or a disabled child under the age of 23 (disabled people of group I or II who do not work). Benefits for children under 3 years old.

The amount of benefits depends on whether the income received by a single mother is above or below the subsistence level. For example, in Moscow in 2019 the cost of living will be 18,781 rubles.

That is why it is better to apply for benefits for single mothers not in the period in which the last months of sick leave payments, payments in connection with pregnancy and childbirth fall, since income according to the certificate will be overestimated. If a woman marries, but the spouse does not adopt (adopts) her child, his income is not taken into account when calculating and assigning benefits.

The amount of payments and benefits for single mothers should be clarified in the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

What other benefits are due to a single mother

A single mother is entitled to a monthly allowance for a child in a larger amount than others, regardless of the level of material security of the mother and her living conditions:

  • an additional amount is paid up to 1.5 years;
  • every single mother has a legal right to receive annual additional material assistance from the state;
  • a single mother cannot be dismissed from work at the initiative of the administration when the child reaches the age of 14, except in cases of liquidation of the organization, when dismissal with mandatory employment is allowed. Mandatory employment of these employees is carried out by the employer also in cases of their dismissal at the end of a fixed-term employment contract (contract). For the period of employment, they retain their average salary, but not more than three months from the date of expiration of a fixed-term employment contract (contract);
  • single mothers are given 100% sick leave pay for caring for a child up to 14 years of age for a longer period than other women;
  • they are also entitled to annual leave without pay, attached to the main leave or separate from it for up to 14 days at a time convenient for them;
  • it is prohibited to refuse to hire and reduce wages to employees for reasons related to the presence of children. When refusing to hire a single mother with a child under the age of fourteen, the employer is obliged to report the reason for the refusal in writing. Denial of employment may be appealed to the court;
  • in case of need, she has the right to priority housing;
  • a single mother has the right to unhindered placement of a minor child in a children's institution for full state support;
  • A schoolchild of a single mother can count on free meals in the school cafeteria - the decision on this is made by the principal of the school. The same goes for free textbooks;
  • in the territorial departments, in order of priority, free (or with partial surcharges) vouchers to sanatoriums and health camps are issued at least once every two years (you need to pull the prefectural workers);
  • benefits are also provided for the purchase of certain medicines, a list of which should be in every children's clinic. Some medications are 50% off.

An important help for a working single mother is the double personal income tax deduction provided in accordance with par. 7 sub. 4 p. 1 art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in 2019, for single mothers, the standard deduction for the first child is 1.4 thousand rubles, for the second - 2.8 thousand, for the third and subsequent - 3 thousand rubles. For a disabled child of groups I and II up to 18 years old or full-time students up to 24 years old, 24 thousand rubles are allocated.

Unfortunately, single mothers should not count on serious state assistance, especially in financial terms. Not to mention the fact that if a woman actually raises a child alone, but his father exists somewhere, she cannot be called a single mother, but officially goes into the category of “incomplete family”.


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