Games for kids and for the little ones. We develop a child in a year

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Hello blog readers! Today I want to talk about the most popular games with a one-year-old child. There are a lot of them, but I will highlight a few. How to play with a child at 1 year old?

Your baby is one year old… He crawls well, begins to walk independently, pronounces some words “mom, dad, give, nanny-yum” and actively learns about the world around him. From a year to two, a child is interested in everything: he begins to use a spoon on his own, spread porridge on the table and on his own, taste everything, touch it.

Parents and adults who are involved with him should help the kid increase vocabulary in a playful way, develop his thinking, walking skills, motor skills and other skills.

In order to understand how to play with a child at 1 year old, you need to learn that classes should bring joy and positive emotions to your child. You can play with the little one everywhere: on the street, at home and at a party. On a walk, tell him: this is the sky, trees, sand, etc. Show, pronounce what color objects are. So the child will remember more words, learn shapes, colors.

Outdoor games

Tear off a leaf, let the child sniff it, stroke it, shake it. An adult at this moment must describe the object. For example, the leaf is green, small, smooth. In the learning process, let the baby touch the tree trunk and say "it's big, rough." Try to remind more often “this is a tree”, “this is a leaf”. To check if the child remembers the names, ask him the question “where ...”, if he remembers, he will point to the desired item.

Playing in nature with a one-year-old child, seemingly elementary actions help develop spatial thinking in a child. Show the difference far/near, thick/thin. Come or bring the little man to the tree. Let him try to hug him, and say in a low voice: “thick trunk”, then let the baby hug the trunk thinner, and you say in a thin voice: “thin”.

Children show great interest in playing with pebbles. You can draw a circle and show them that you need to hit a stone within it (you can change it to a hoop with a ball) or draw a line and throw stones beyond it. In the warm season, you can allow the child to throw stones into a puddle, touch it, stamp a foot into it (of course, if you have wet wipes on hand). All this is included in the cognitive process: how the sprays fly, how the puddle changes.

It’s good if a child at 1 year old knows how to focus on the game, and does not stick around on the playground. Interest in stones can be interesting to beat. Divide the pebbles into piles: in one large, in the other small, or in one light, in the other dark. Let a one-year-old child compare which pebble is larger / smaller. In the sandbox, the stone can be buried / dug up.

Parents should be glad that the baby shows interest in stones, sticks and other objects and actions with them, because this develops his imaginative and logical thinking. He needs to independently throw, touch, break, shift. Ordinary objects, in comparison with ready-made toys, provide more opportunities for the development of fantasy.

One year olds love to play in the sandbox. You can draw on the sand with your finger or stick. Molds and spatulas will come in handy. If these are not available, ordinary sour cream cups and spoons will do to make sand cakes.


You can spend leisure time with a child of 1 year using the designer. This activity develops sensorimotor skills and fine motor skills. The pieces should be about the size of a baby's palm (too small blocks can be swallowed by a child). Compiling figures (castles, garages, etc.), he develops a fantasy. The blocks at the designer are produced in different colors in order for young children to study them. Adults, during the game, should pronounce the name of the color so that the learning process is organic.

With the help of different sizes of parts of the designer (large and small), the baby will learn to understand the difference which parts are larger / smaller. Together build towers of different heights, and explain to him which is higher and which is lower. The development of fine motor skills in a one-year-old baby is promoted by elementary actions for adults, for example, tearing off adhesive tape from a designer. Teach him to wrap the details of the designer in foil, and then unfold them back.

Bring interesting ideas to life. For example, stick one picture on several parts of the designer, separate it and ask the kid to assemble the whole picture from the parts.


From the age of one, you can teach your child to work with plasticine (dough). It can be plucked, cut, rolled, created in different shapes (kolobok, sausage and others). Classes with plasticine train fine motor skills, develop creative thinking, imagination. Modeling makes it possible to perceive three-dimensional images, positively affects the intellectual and emotional development of the crumbs.

Music lessons

Children's songs are good educational games for a child of 1 year old. They contribute to mental development, memorization of certain actions, parts of the body: “we stomp our feet, clap our hands”, etc.

Development of the imagination

Drawing is one of the most necessary activities at this tender age. This is a way to build a trusting relationship between an adult and a child. You can start by using finger paints. It is better to take sheets of large size so that he feels room for action (you can take wallpaper). Sponges, napkins can serve as prints. Give the child the opportunity to draw kalyaki malaki as much as he wants.

Over time, he himself will want to highlight lines, shapes, colors. Wax crayons can be offered as writing utensils, and felt-tip pens should be put aside for later.

Doll games

With a one-year-old child, you can play the same thing many times. Like feeding a doll. Only then does he realize what is required of him and remember the game. Help him push the stroller with the doll, or feed the whole army of toys, or roll the car. Some children themselves are included in the game, others will study the simplest entertainments for a long time. The main task is to teach the action with the subject (combing, putting to bed, etc.), so that later he can play on his own.

In a playful way, it is necessary to develop the baby's breathing so that he can easily pronounce all the sounds. Let him blow snowflakes from the palm of his hand, which will be made of cotton, polystyrene, pieces of paper. Teach him how to blow out the candles.

Children are delighted with the games on their knees, which end with the words “into the hole of boo”, and the child seems to fall into the abyss. It is useful to play with a massage ball.

Before going to bed, a child at 1 year old can be entertained with calm games, picture books (show in the picture “the dog is sleeping”, “the cat is washing himself”), massage with rhymes.

After 1 year, the baby actively absorbs information, learns the world around him, learns to communicate with parents and others in an “adult way”. It is important to support the aspirations of the child, to direct his energy in the right direction, to interest, to fill the life of a little man with vivid emotions.

Educational games for children from 1 to 2 years old at home are an affordable way to enrich the inner world, broaden their horizons, improve speech and physical development. Each section describes useful, effective exercises on various topics. Most games are played with accessible, inexpensive equipment. Sometimes nothing is required at all, except for the desire to help the baby move to a new stage of development.

Development of agility, coordination of movements and strengthening of muscles

Always show your child how to do the exercise. Consider the level of physical development, Gradually increase the difficulty of tasks.


Create a limited space, lay out curbs for the path from cubes, rope, small toys. Show yourself how to pass a segment of the path. Take the baby by the hand, walk along the path. Change the width (from 30 cm to 1 meter) and the length of the path (as much as the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room allows).

Gradually complicate the task: create turns, make a "snake". Teach your child not to knock down fences, walk inside the track. For a change, show how to stomp along the path on toes, heels, and move in jumps.


Arrange plastic pins, light boxes or cubes, give the child a ball, show how to roll it, knock down objects. First you need a large diameter ball, later buy a smaller one.

Overcoming obstacles

Invite your son or daughter to crawl under a table, a large chair. Lead by example (of course, crawl where your build allows). Buy a couple of fitballs, show how you can crawl on all fours around them or between the balls.

More options:

  • sit on the floor, bend your knees. Let the little sportsman crawl under them;
  • get on all fours, arch your back up like a cat. The child should crawl under you.

ball games

Classes are always of great interest:

  • mom (dad) and baby sit on the floor opposite. Roll the ball to each other;
  • take a medium-sized ball, show how to throw it on the floor. Give the ball to the baby in the hands, repeat the same action together. Now ask the child to throw the ball on their own;
  • buy balloons, inflate. Task: toss the ball up so that it does not fall to the floor. Always show how to act;
  • accurate shooter. You will need a box plus a ball. The task is to throw the ball into the box. Change the size of the ball and capacity, the distance to the box.


Start simple, gradually complicate the task. Make sure that there are no sharp corners, heavy objects nearby. Have fun from the heart.

Types of jumps:

  • take the child under the armpits (by the handles), jump together. Sing a funny song, for example: “Jump-jump, jump-jump, the bunny jumps into the tower”;
  • later show how the bunny jumps. "Paws" in front, bent at the elbows;
  • next exercise: lift a soft toy above the child’s head, let him jump, get it. Know the measure so that the baby is not upset if you hold the bear too high.

Charging with music

Entertainment plus health promotion. Doing exercises with fun, rhythmic music is much more interesting than just counting. Do it with enthusiasm so that the child understands: charging is not a punishment, but a useful, fun thing.

The most dexterous


  • lay out small objects with non-sharp edges on the floor. The task for the child is to walk from one end of the room to the other, stepping over small pillows or newspaper balls;
  • put rings or hoops on the floor so that the baby can easily step from one to another. The task is to go through the room along the chain of hoops.

Classes for the formation of speech and communication skills

Work out at home, on a walk, talk with your baby more often. Create a pleasant atmosphere, praise for achievements, never humiliate your son or daughter if the child cannot understand how to complete the task for a long time.

Singing out words

A simple, effective exercise for the development of speech. Sing in syllables: “Ma - she and I - let's eat. Se - year - nya on o - bad taste - on - I ka - sha and cat - le - that. Ask the baby to sing something, for example: “Ma - sha boo - baby, eat.”

Fairy tale with repetition

A fun game for the development of speech. Remember: “Someone lives in a little house, someone lives in a low one?” Also: “Grandfather pulls and pulls a turnip, but he can’t pull it out.” Soon the child will repeat the words, phrases after you.


A useful game not only entertains children, but also develops parts of the brain. Pronounce "ku-ku" in different ways:

  • close your eyes with your hands, let the baby repeat after you;
  • cover the baby's face with your palms, after the words "cuckoo" remove the handles;
  • hide behind the door and look out after the word "cuckoo";
  • teach your child to cover your face with your palms, to say “cuckoo”.

Have pity on the doll

Show how to pump, feed, put to bed soft toys, baby dolls, dolls. Buy small cribs, high chairs, a table so that the baby has a place to practice. If there is no such set yet, select a large chair for games, on which you can equip a house for animals and dolls.

A useful game develops the skills of caring for living beings. Learn to feel sorry for toys, treat animals, sing songs to them.

We speak with different voices

A fun, exciting game perfectly trains the speech apparatus. Sing a song or say a familiar phrase from a poem in your normal voice, then high, then low.

The pronunciation always makes children laugh if you press your nose with your thumb and forefinger (you get a nasal voice). Different voices is an effective exercise to familiarize yourself with speech patterns.

Fees for a walk

Game for the development of imagination, speech skills, mental abilities. After a year and a half, many children love to dress up their dolls, soft animals. Invite your child to take their favorite toy for a walk, but assemble it “in an adult way”, with clothes, shoes, and other useful accessories.

Ask questions, develop a thought so that the child creates logical chains.

Here are some questions:

  • Who will you take for a walk?
  • What will the bear wear?
  • What hat is suitable for a bear?
  • What to put on a teddy bear's legs?
  • What to take if it's raining?
  • What will happen if the bear goes for a walk without socks and shoes?
  • How will you treat the bear cub if he catches a cold?
  • What will we feed the bear for a walk?
  • What sweets does your teddy bear like? And so on.

We take care of loved ones

Does the kid already know how to feed his animals and dolls? Offer to take care of mom, dad, sister, grandmother, other family members. Show that you are tired, accidentally hit a corner, want to eat, and so on. During the game, the child learns to sympathize, to show care.

Advice! Don't overplay by pretending to hit. There is no need to cry sobbing, otherwise the child will be frightened. Show that you feel better after his "treatment", thank the little doctor.

Who says what

Pick up cards with images of animals, beasts, birds. Be sure to add a picture with a drawn baby. Choose large, clear images.

Your actions:

  • point to the first picture, say: "This is a cow, she says M-u-u-u." Ask your son or daughter to repeat, say several times;
  • when the first character is learned, move on to the second and so on;
  • later, ask the child to tell as much information about the living thing as possible.

We turn into animals


  • pick up a few cards with a picture of a cat, dog, cow, donkey, chicken, and so on;
  • take turns taking out cards from a pile, depict an animal or a bird from the picture;
  • do not be shy, show the baby an example, ask him to demonstrate a dog or chicken;
  • first, choose familiar animals and birds that the child saw on the street or with friends (relatives) at home.

How to breed and how to give to children? We have an answer!

Read about the symptoms and treatment of eye astigmatism in children.

At the address, learn about the treatment of hemangioma in newborns with folk remedies.

Activities that develop specific skills

Pick up a few boring exercises to develop dexterity, understanding the concepts of "more - less", perseverance, learning different colors. As the game progresses, the child will learn to build a house, draw, sculpt, repeat certain actions for you.

Here are some useful, interesting activities:

  • building a house, tower, garage from cubes;
  • pyramid games, comparison of rings by color and size (per year);
  • drawing with finger paints, felt-tip pens, pencils;
  • arrangement of toys (dolls, animals) by height;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • laying out pictures from coffee beans (closer to two years);
  • classes with a nesting doll (the child learns to disassemble, assemble, combine a drawing);
  • search for items in different corners of the room;
  • laying out a traffic light from circles;
  • a description of the items that the baby uses every day (toothbrush, crib, spoon, pot, cup);
  • comparison of the properties of different objects. For example, a hard cube is a soft pillow, liquid tea is loose salt, light cotton wool is a heavy spoon, and so on.

Many psychologists recommend classes with a designer. The game develops several skills at once: perseverance, imagination, fine motor skills. For children under two years old, choose a simple designer with bright, large details, convenient grooves. Show a sample in the photo, let your imagination run wild: let the kid come up with the object he wants to build. Help, but do not do the work for your son or daughter.

Imagination games and creative tasks

Useful activities:

  • invent fairy tales about your favorite toys, loved ones, the baby himself and his parents;
  • offer several cardboard boxes, watch how the child adapts them for play;
  • together make a gift to relatives. Even at 1.5 years old, children can use finger paints to create a handprint or a flower from strokes;
  • offer to build a garage for cars or a house for dolls from improvised materials: chairs, boxes, cubes;
  • play tourists. A ready-made house made of soft fabric on a rigid basis is perfect. Children like the "tent" of a blanket stretched over two chairs;
  • arrange a concert for dad and other family members. At 2 years old, children can show a lot of funny movements, sing a simple song. Turn on funny songs, sing along, participate in the performance;
  • unusual instruments. Show how you can make a drum out of a bucket (plastic, not metal) and a regular spoon. So that the baby does not pester everyone with drumming, offer “real” instruments: a metallophone, a toy piano.

Pick up a few games, see what activities are more interesting for your son or daughter. Do not think that in the period from one to two children still know little, they are poorly versed in many things. The kid often surprises adults with his imagination and skills. Useful, exciting games for children from one to two years old will help all-round development, give the joy of communicating with parents and the outside world.

From the following video you can learn about educational board games for young children:

The thought of a child from 1 to 2 years old cannot yet do without a hand, the baby “thinks with his hands” (K. Hutt), disassembling, scratching, breaking. Thus, the baby transforms objects into a form accessible to him. The child's thinking is occupied with what is nearby, what can be touched, felt, tasted, unscrewed or disassembled. The understanding of the speech addressed to the child is developing more and more, at the age of 2, the baby not only replenishes the vocabulary, but also builds sentences. The child begins to actively use speech for communication, it becomes a means of developing thinking and regulating behavior. The kid more and more masters object actions (handling objects according to their generally accepted purpose), curiosity grows, the first questions appear: “What is this?”, “Why?”, “Why?” The perception of color, shape, size develops. The child continues to show play actions in the form of imitation of the actions and behavior of adults. Improved coordination. The child is accustomed to cleanliness and self-regulation of their physiological functions.

  1. Games that develop the physical data of the child, coordination, strength and dexterity
  1. Clap clap

Goals of the game: development of coordination and accuracy of movements, performance of actions for comparison, development of attention, development of auditory and visual analyzers, massage of the active zones of the palms of the hands, development of the ability to navigate.

Note to parents. Mental development is often ahead of the physical. It is worth noting that physical development is a powerful stimulus for mental development.

Game progress: the participants of the game become in a circle, the leader is selected (see the options for counting in the chapter “Grandmother’s Chest”), who becomes in a circle and begins to pronounce the poem and show movements, all the rest perform movements after him:

Repeat after me

Clap-clap-clap in front of you.

And then over your head.

Left, right, don't rush

Show me your hands.

Let's sit down - clap,

And get up - clap,

They didn't get tired of clapping.

Let's clap even behind the back,

Again then over your head,

Clap-clap-clap in front of you.

Repeat after me.

The pace is set arbitrarily as the participants in the game have mastered the movements. At the end of the game, the host will praise those who were the most attentive and did the exercises correctly.

Note to parents.Accuracy - the ability to give a movement or idea a finished look.

  1. Steeplejack

Purpose of the game: development of coordination, tenacity of hands, body muscles.

Necessary materials and visual aids: Swedish stairs or a vertical ladder in the playground.

Game progress: bring the baby to the stairs, put it on the bottom step, help to catch the crossbar with your hands. Show your child how to climb a vertical ladder while supporting him. You can cheer up the baby by saying:


One and two

I climb hard.

Head is not spinning

I stare upward.

The kid quickly learns the principle of moving up, the situation is more complicated with the descent, so at first it is recommended for adults to shoot him from the reached height. In the future, he will master under your control the descent from the stairs.

I'm slowly descending

From a small peak.

I put my foot carefully

I lower my hand quietly.

It turns out nimbly

The earth doesn't shake.

After climbing or descending, be sure to praise the little climber.

Note to parents. Play with children only in a good mood, otherwise the game will not bring joy to you or your child.

  1. racing

Goals of the game: development of coordination of movement, development of speed and dexterity, a positive attitude towards the competitive process.

Necessary materials and visual aids: bright toys, 2 chairs, whistle.

Game progress.

1st option: the game is played at home: chairs are placed at a short distance from the players, toys must be placed on the chairs, at the expense: “One, two, three, run” or at the whistle, the participants in the game must run to the chair and take the toy. After the first part of the game is over (they ran to the chair), the participants in the game must return to their original positions along with the toy. To continue the game, the following participants perform the opposite actions: they carry the toy to the chair and return back without it. If the dimensions of the room do not allow placing chairs and for the safety of the players (only kids play), you can play without chairs, toys can be placed on the floor. The winner is sung a cheerful song.

2nd option: we play for a walk. It is best to play in a park or forest, toys are placed on the ground or on a stump at a short distance. The course of the game can be the same or slightly changed at your discretion.

  1. Charger

Goals of the game: development of coordination and accuracy of movements, performance of actions for comparison, development of attention, auditory and visual analyzers, massage of the active zones of the palms of the hands and feet, the ability to navigate, strengthening the muscles of the body.

Necessary materials and visual aids: rhythmic music, whistle.

Game progress.

1st option: turn on rhythmic music, put the child in front of you, start reading the poem cheerfully, performing clear movements, make sure that the baby does not go astray. If he falls behind, slow down a bit. When the child is fully accustomed to the pace and exercises, you can increase the pace. You can also use a whistle to start the game and movements (“We start the game” and you blow the whistle).

Let's clap our hands:

One, two, three, one two, three.

Let's stomp our feet:

One, two, three, one two, three.

Sat down - once,

Got up - two

The head shook.

Three, four - jumped, sat down, sat down.

They stomped, they slammed,

After playing, praise your child for their efforts.

2nd option: you can invite the baby to blow the whistle to start the game, the child likes it very much, and he will complete this task with great pleasure. A little later, you can offer the baby to play an exercise game: the child shows the exercises, and you repeat them. In this case, you can perform exercises to music or you voice a poem, and the baby shows movements.

  1. Gymnast

Goals of the game: development of coordination and accuracy of movements, tenacity of hands, development of visual analyzers, massage of the active zones of the palms of the hands, the ability to navigate, strengthening the muscles of the body.

Required materials and visual aids: crossbar.

Note to parents. If a child has fear, you should not insist on continuing the game or exercises, and even more ironically or shame.

How to play: play at home, lift the baby to the level of the bar, let him hook with his hands, then carefully release the child so that he can hang on his own. After he gets comfortable, you can show him how to pull up on the bar, while you help the child cope with lifting the body, supporting him and lifting him up. When lifting up, you can say:

Hooked on very tight

Got drunk like I'm a clothespin.

grasping hands,

Muscles are strong.

Hung and pulled up

Left, turned right.

Hung a little more

Dad is very strict.

Says it's time to go

And my dad and I are on the way.

At the same time, encourage the baby, praise for successes and possible achievements.

We play for a walk. The course of the game is the same as when playing at home. Make sure that the baby does not get hurt on the metal bar. It is advisable that dad show the baby how to pull up and hang on the crossbar, what exercises can be performed in the position of hanging on the crossbar. Approval and praise are essential for a child.

It is important to know that when a child simply hangs on the bar, the back muscles, intervertebral ligaments and muscles relax, which contributes to proper posture and relaxation of the spinal muscles.

Note to parents. The child's center of balance is imperfect. Games aimed at developing a sense of balance should be carried out with the obligatory insurance of children by adults.

  1. tightrope walker

The purpose of the game: the development of coordination of movement, "balance", tactile sensitivity of the feet.

Necessary materials and visual aids: string or crayon, light handkerchief.

Game progress: tell the child a fairy tale about a tightrope walker, about how dexterous he is. Invite your child to practice to be agile, like a tightrope walker. Lay out the rope on the floor, preferably in a straight line. Ask the child to walk on the rope and not fall (do not leave the rope). Show your child how hands can help in this situation. At the end of the path, praise him for his agility. Complicate the task, invite the baby to walk along the "rope" blindfolded. Blindfold the child's eyes with a light handkerchief, and let him try to walk along the "rope". Control over the correct execution is provided to the receptors of the baby's feet. At first, insure the baby, be there, and with your eyes closed, the child is most vulnerable. At the end of the journey, be sure to praise the “rope walker” for his dexterity and courage.

You can also play on a walk, then instead of a rope, use a line drawn in chalk, and give the child the opportunity to draw the “rope” himself, and then walk along it. Praise is required at the end of the game.

  1. Tiger cub (kitten)

Goals of the game: strengthening the muscles of the back, developing coordination of movements, imagination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a blanket, a toy cat.

Game progress: ask the child to show how the cat walks. Observe what the child will do in the role of an animal, how he will behave, how he will move. Ask the child to show how the cat moves, using the toy as an example.

Tell your child that there is a big tiger cat in Africa that says “rrr” instead of “meow”. Ask the child to show how the tiger will behave if he gets into your apartment, what he eats, where he will sleep, etc. At the same time, read the poem to the child:

Don't stand too close

I'm a tiger cub, not a pussycat.

Praise the "tiger cub" for the fact that he knows the rules of behavior of a big cat in the apartment and follows them.

  1. Grasshopper

Purpose of the game: development of body muscles, coordination of movements, ability to jump.

Game progress: It is best to play outdoors on the lawn, where you can see grasshoppers. Ask the child to jump like insects jump. Tell the kid a riddle:

From the branch to the path

From grass to blade of grass

jumping spring,

Green back.

To consolidate the result, when you come home, ask the child to show dad (mom, grandma or grandpa) how grasshoppers jump.

  1. I'll jump, I'll reach

Purpose of the game: development of coordination, vestibular apparatus, accuracy, speed of movements, fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to make decisions independently.

Necessary materials and visual aids: strong rope, bright toys, candy wrappers, balloons, tinsel.

Game progress: fasten the rope so that it is at a height slightly higher than the height of the baby plus his outstretched arm. Hang various toys at different heights on a rope in a checkerboard pattern. Items should be freely removed if the child reaches out to them, or you have to help the baby release the toys that were obtained. The goal of the game is for the child, taking out a toy, to freely be able to take it, then reach out, then jump.

At the end of the game, count how many toys the child got, praise him.

Note to parents. The child does not always have to be the winner in the game, he must know that there are defeats.

  1. Who will collect the toys faster

The purpose of the game: the development of the ability to navigate, the competitive process.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toys, empty boxes.

Game progress: carefully place the toys out of the box on the carpet or on the floor (the child should not see that you put them). Play the situation so that the toys are tired of lying in the box and they want to take a walk, but they are tired and cannot climb back into the box. Invite your child to help them get home to the box. As soon as the baby begins to collect toys, invite him to fold them in a race. At the end of the game, count who collected the most toys. Praise the winner.

At first, the game is used as an independent game, later it is used at the moment when the child is taught to collect and put away toys after the game. After the game, when you need to clean up the room, invite the kid to play this game, he will pick it up with pleasure, and the count will determine the winner. After the toys are assembled, put the box with them in place.

  1. Rocking bridge. boat

Purpose of the game: development of flexibility, coordination of movements, back muscles.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a blanket.

Game progress: spread a blanket on the floor, sit on it, call the baby, lie on the blanket so that the child’s muscles relax, roll over on your stomach and play “rocking bridge”, “boat” (grab your feet with your hands behind your back and swing up - way down). Make sure that the child tenaciously grabs the feet, otherwise the hands will break and the rocking chair will not work. Before rocking, ask the baby to lift his legs and bend back.

Toddlers like to swing, they perform this exercise with great pleasure. To the beat of the movements, if you play the "boat", you can sentence

Wei, wei, breeze,

Pull the sailboat

Drive the ship -

To big water!


silver bottom,

golden shore,

Drive the chips along the waves!

After playing, be sure to lie on your back with your child so that the muscles that were tense during the game relax.

Note to parents. Flexibility is the ability to make a wide variety of movements with different amplitudes, as well as the ability to express a variety of ideas.

  1. Ball traveler

The purpose of the game: the development of coordination of movements, throwing power, competitive spirit, observation, attention.

Necessary materials and visual aids: tennis balls.

Game progress: play on a walk, tell your child a little story about how a small tennis ball loves to travel and is waiting for this moment when it will fly and see everything around. Show your child how the ball flies. Offer to send the ball on a journey. When you pick up the ball from the ground, look around, name everything you could see while flying. Move forward and name again what the travel ball saw.

Next stage : stand with the baby on the same line, pick up the ball and send them on a journey. Find out whose ball flew further, say what each of the balls saw (the child is trying to tell that he saw his ball, and you - that he saw yours). Praise your child for being curious and observant.

  1. catch the ball

The purpose of the game: the development of dexterity, coordination of movements, the ability to play in pairs.

Necessary materials and visual aids: ball.

Game progress: show the baby how to catch the ball, stand in front of the child, take the ball and gently throw it towards the child. Try to get into his hands so that at first he learns to hold the ball. The kid will quickly learn to catch and hold the ball in his hands. Praise him for successful attempts. Give encouragement when you fail.

The next stage: the baby throws the ball to you, and you catch it, sometimes you can make “mistakes” so that the child has a stronger opinion that others are wrong and this is not scary or offensive.

As the baby masters the game, you can increase its pace, throw power, distance from each other.

  1. ice slide

The purpose of the game: the development of the vestibular apparatus, body muscles, coordination of movements, independence skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: flooded ice slide.

Game progress: for the first time, together with the baby, climb the hill and slide down it on a cardboard, a special board. In the future, let the child act on his own: let him climb the hill himself, roll down from it. Come to the rescue whenever the baby is in trouble. Praise your child for being smart and persevering.

We can't go home

We decided to ride down the hill,

Hill, hill, cool,

Show us well.

Note to parents.From early childhood, on specific situations, explain to the child the figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings.

  1. bench

Purpose of the game: development of balance, vestibular apparatus, dexterity, purposeful actions.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a low wide bench, an impromptu bench - a board that was placed on low, stable supports.

Game progress: put small bright toys on a bench approximately at an equal distance. Invite the child to walk along the bench and collect toys. At first, if necessary, support the baby when he tries to pick up toys from the bench.

When the child is comfortable, give him a bucket or basket in his hands. Ask the baby to collect toys in a bucket or a small basket, and say:

I carry, I carry a box,

I'm going for a berry in Borok,

There are no berries in the forest,

There is no red in the forest.

I carry, I carry a box,

I'm going for mushrooms in Borok,

There are no mushrooms in the forest

I'll take an ant.

In the future, the task can be complicated: lay the toys either on a bench or on the floor and again ask the baby to collect them in a bucket or basket. Observe how the child copes with the task, praise for the manifestation of independent decisions. Be sure to praise the child, and as a reward, let him play with the collected toys.

  1. Track

Goals of the game: development of tactile sensitivity, massage of the active zones of the foot, prevention of flat feet.

Necessary materials and visual aids: various materials for the construction of the path: sand, small round pebbles, a piece of land with and without grass, a shallow puddle.

Game progress: it is best to play outdoors, in the country. Build a path from different materials, walk along it barefoot with your baby, stomp your feet on different materials to feel the difference between them. The baby especially likes to stomp his feet on the water. Let the game be fun, on an emotional upsurge.

Top, top

In full spirit

I stomp for two

Top, top,


Crazy Cossack.

  1. Sled

Purpose of the game: development of coordination of movement, balance, vestibular apparatus, independence skills.

Necessary materials and visual aids: sled.

Game progress : the hill should not be very steep, and there are not a lot of people around. Ride down the hill for the first time with your child, then try to get him to climb up on his own. It is desirable that you be nearby for the first time, because he will be able to get into the sled on his own with great difficulty. Help him with this. The kid should try to carry the sled behind him, while you explain to him the meaning of the proverb: “If you like to ride, love to carry sleds.” The child really likes to do a lot of things himself, so this should not be a problem. If the problem still arises, try to distract the baby and leave the slide. If the situation repeats itself again, then you will repeat your actions. The kid will definitely understand what you don’t tell him about and why you don’t lecture. Be sure to praise your child for any manifestation of independence.

  1. Owl and Sparrow (Catch-up)

Goals of the game: development of coordination of movements, the ability to play in a team, the ability to act on a team, the development of a visual and auditory analyzer, artistic imitation.

Necessary materials and visual aids: whistle.

Game progress: using a counter (you will find options in the chapter "Grandma's Chest"), choose who will be the sparrow and who will be the owl. When the facilitator reads the poems, both the sparrow and the owl try to do the actions that the poem says (pre-read the poem several times, make out what it is about, ask him to show what the sparrow and the owl are doing). The game is fun, especially when the baby plays the role of a sparrow. Praise your child for artistic ability.

The owl came to the sparrow

The hotel brought.

Glorious hotel -

Ruddy pie.

She put the cake on the table

The oak table broke.

Sparrow got scared

Rushed out of the hut.

And the owl screams after

Like blowing a trumpet:

"Stop, sparrow, don't run,

Have a pie for me!

The pie is rich, baked,

Flavored with molasses honey.

  1. Games for children from 1 to 2 years old, aimed at developing fine motor skills of hands
  1. Educational games for children from 1 to 2 years old

A large number of active points are concentrated on the palms and fingertips, which stimulate brain activity and activate human abilities.

  1. Knead the dough

The purpose of the game: the development of fine motor skills of the hands, active areas of the palms and fingers.

Necessary materials and visual aids: flour, a wide bowl, a glass of water.

Game progress: put a wide bowl in front of the child on the children's table, pour a little flour there, let the baby tinker a little with dry flour, then pour a small amount of water into the bowl, show the child movements (in the air) so that he can knead the dough, while saying :

Knead, knead the dough

And it's out of place!

Kneaded with yeast -

You can't hold on to the reins.

I mix, I mix the dough

There is a place in the oven

I will bake a loaf

Move over, come on!

Let the child tinker with the "dough" to his heart's content, let him try to make bread, pies, etc. out of it. After playing together, remove everything from the table, clean it up.

Note to parents. It has been observed that children most of all like to help their parents in their daily activities. Use this to build rapport and trust.

  1. We collect peas

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills, tactile sensitivity of fingers, visual analyzer.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a bucket, peas or beans.

Game progress: scatter peas (beans) on the carpet, start collecting them in a bucket, attracting a baby with a knock of peas on the bottom of the bucket, or ask a child to help you collect peas for you. Watch carefully what the baby will do. Pretty quickly, he will collect all the peas for you. Praise your child for diligence.

  1. Let's start drawing

Goals of the game: the development of fine motor skills, the development of a sense of color, shape, the development of imagination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a brush, watercolors, gouache, a piece of drawing paper, clean hand rags, coloring books with developing color pictures.

Game progress: put the baby at the children's table.

Option 1: You can buy coloring books for the little ones in bookstores. The color in these wonder books appears when you wet the picture. The kid should be shown how all this happens if you “paint” the picture with a brush with water. Let the child color the book on their own. Together with him, consider the resulting pictures. Tell what color and what shape the objects are in the picture, ask what is shown in the picture.

Option 2: invite the child to draw a picture on the paper with paints with a brush. After he finishes drawing, ask him to tell you what is shown in the picture. Praise the child for the invention.

3rd option : invite your child to draw a picture on paper with gouache and hands. Place clean rags next to him with which he can dry his hands. Give your child complete creative freedom. After the picture is finished, ask him to tell what he painted. Praise the kid for the invention. After playing together, put the workplace in order.

Note to parents. Organize a place for the child to play and a table for creative activities. From an early age, teach your baby to be neat and orderly.

  1. Sorter

The goals of the game: the development of fine motor skills of the hands, tactile sensitivity, the development of perseverance, the ability to bring things to the end, the development of a sense of color and shape.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a wide bowl, two boxes, beans and peas.

Game progress.

1st option: pre-mix a small amount of peas and beans in a wide bowl, ask the baby to help you sort the beans and peas into different boxes. Try to make the baby do the main work, praise him for his diligence and perseverance.

2nd option: mix beans of different colors in a wide bowl, again ask the baby to help you.

If the child is tired or distracted, take a break, play an outdoor game, and then start picking the fruit again. If this does not help, stop the game, after a few days, return to it again.

  1. "Crabs" clung

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of hands, accuracy of movements, quick wits.

Necessary materials and visual aids: crab hair clips, cardboard box.

Game progress.

1st option: show the child a hairpin, explain how you can attach it to the wall of the box. Ask your child to attach all available hair clips to the side of the box. Ask the child where else to attach the "crabs". Give your child a field for independent activity. Praise him for his ingenuity and ingenuity.

2nd option: try to play "crabs" that cling to clothes, while the baby needs to quietly approach dad or mom and attach the "crab" to their clothes. If he succeeds, dad or mom will have to attach the "crab" to the baby's clothes, merrily catching up with him. At the end of the game, the "crabs" are collected in a box until the next game.

  1. Clock: rearranging the hands

Goals of the game: development of fine motor skills of hands, accuracy of movements, skills in performing small work, knowledge of counting, development of articulation.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toy clock.

Game progress: put the child in front of you, show him the clock, ask him what the clock says and how they walk, while tilting your head to the right and left.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Not sleeping for a minute

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Already a few days.

Tick-tock, tick-tock.

The hours are tired.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

Slowly they got up.

You are very surprised and do not know what to do. Invite the kid to work for hours and translate the hands himself (one division, two divisions, etc.), while he must imitate the sounds of the clock. Praise your child for his work.

  1. We collect, disassemble the pyramid

Goals of the game: development of accuracy of movements, fine motor skills t> vk, development of a sense of color and shape, independence in decision-making.

Necessary materials and visual aids: plastic pyramid.

Game progress: put the child on the floor or at the children's table (at the request of the child), put the assembled pyramid in front of him, ask him to show you how it is disassembled. Say what color the ring is being removed at the moment, large or small.

After the pyramid is disassembled, ask the baby to assemble the pyramid, observe in what order he will assemble the toy. At first, do not focus on this, the main goal is to collect the pyramid.

In the future, explain to the baby how to assemble the toy correctly. Successful attempts, as well as any independent actions, are marked with praise. If something does not work out for the baby, distract him, remove the pyramid, return to the game after a few days from where you left off.

  1. Trainer ring

Goals of the game: development of hand strength, massage of the active zones of the palms.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a rubber ring-simulator for the muscles of the hand.

Game progress: put the child in front of you, show him the simulator ring, let the baby play with him a little. Show how strong you are and can squeeze the ring. Help your baby squeeze the ring with both hands too. Constantly encourage and praise your child.

I will be strong

And I know this for sure.

Everything will be nothing

To all of you, I promise.

You can hold competitions for the number of compressions of the simulator ring: whoever squeezes the ring the most times is the winner.

  1. Mosaic

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of hands, imagination, independence in the game, color perception.

Necessary materials and visual aids: mosaic.

Game progress: put the child in front of you or at the children's table, put a mosaic in front of him. Show your child how to remove and insert the carnations into the cells. At the same time, say what color you took the carnation. Give your child the freedom to be creative. After the pattern is ready, be sure to praise the baby, show the work to dad, grandmother. Fold the mosaic into the box carefully with your child until the next time.

Note to parents. Save the baby's drawings and, if possible, crafts, they will help you in the future in communicating with the growing and maturing child.

  1. magic beads

Purpose of the game: development of fine motor skills of hands and imagination.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a harsh thread, a thick needle with a blunt end, pasta with a hole in the middle of various sizes and colors, a wide plate.

Game progress : put the pasta mixture in front of the child, thread a harsh thread through the eye of the needle together, show how you can string the pasta on the thread, while asking the baby to choose the sequence of the set of beads. At the end of the game, carefully tie a harsh thread so that the beads do not crumble. Magic beads can be presented to mom, grandmother. Praise your child for endurance and diligence.

  1. Wrappers

Goals of the game: development of fine motor skills, imagination, development of emotional contact.

Necessary materials and visual aids: candy wrappers, a small box.

Note to parents. The baby's tendency to collect the most unexpected and unusual items with an explanation of their use suggests the work of imagination and creative thought.

Relax, fingers.

Purpose of the game: relaxation of the muscles of the hand.

Game progress: stand facing each other, stretch your arms forward, saying, clench your fingers into a fist and return to the starting position, at the end of the poem, shake your hands freely:

We played, we drew

Our fingers are tired.

We'll get some rest

And we'll start playing again.

Hos - floor - ceiling

Purpose of the game: development of motor skills, accuracy of movements at the request of adults, attention, emotional contact.

Necessary materials and visual aids: rhythmic music.

Game progress: turn on rhythmic music, stand facing each other, saying: “Nose - floor - ceiling”, point at the indicated object with your finger, speed up the pace, then change the sequence of words: “Ceiling - floor - nose”, etc. Encourage the baby, if he made a mistake, make mistakes yourself. The game should be fun, despite the mistakes and failures.

Praise the child at the end of the game for attentiveness, accuracy of movements.

sha for diligence.

  1. Games for the development of the creative abilities of a child 1-2 years old
  1. Games that activate the cognitive and creative abilities of children

Note to parents. Most children learn facts with enviable ease, but it is more important that they can acquire knowledge and express ideas on their own.

  1. Up down

The purpose of the game: the development and consolidation of the names of the directions of movement up and down, the speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: tennis ball, sketchbook, colored pencils, Swedish ladder.

Game progress.

1st option: put the child facing you, pick up a tennis ball, throw it up, then throw the ball down from a small height or just let it go. Do the movements several times, while saying:

Head raised, so up,

If lowered, then down.

Be sure to check how the child learned head movements with the concepts of "up" and "down". Ask the child to show with his hand how the ball flies up and down. Give the child a ball in his hands, tell a short story about how the ball loves to fly and jump, while asking the child to show how the ball jumps up and down, and then vice versa: up, down.

2nd option: use the previously described game "Top climber", when conducting it, tell the baby:

We climb up, we raised our heads,

We go down, head lowered.

After the child descends from a height, check how he learned the concepts of "up" and "down".

Option 3: On a landscape sheet, draw an arrow showing the direction up or down. Tell the kid a fairy tale about a cunning arrow that wanted to confuse everyone so that no one knew where it was flying, but a magician came and unraveled the secret of the arrow. Explain how the arrow is arranged: it has a tail (body) and a roof of the house (point), it moves with the point forward. Explain to the baby how you can find out where the arrow flies: “Look at the arrow, where is the roof of the house (point)? If the head is raised, it means that the arrow flies up, if it is lowered, then it is down.

Draw a few arrows on the album sheet, ask the baby to figure out where the arrow is flying, for clarification, ask him to show the direction of the arrow with his hand.

Another trick: in order to unravel the movements of the arrow, you need to take a pencil and draw a line from the tail of the arrow to the roof of the house, if the hand runs away from the baby, it means up, if it approaches, then the arrow flies down.

Note to parents.The child most of all loves incredible stories. Use them when you play with your baby.

  1. Back and forth

Goals of the game: development and consolidation of the names of the direction of movement forward and backward, speed of reaction, coordination of movement, attention, development of the visual and auditory, vestibular analyzer.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toys, stool, toy box, whistle.

Game progress.

1st option: put a stool at a short distance from the baby, a box with toys near the child. Ask to take the toy to the stool on the whistle. When the whistle blows, tell the baby clearly and clearly: "Go ahead." After he puts the toy on the stool, say: "Come back." When your child approaches you, blow the whistle to bring the toy back to the box.

2nd option: tell the child about the cunning eyes (parents' improvisation): a long time ago, all the animals did not walk the way they do now, but the way the eyes want (which means forward) or back (back).

Invite the child to try to go where the eyes and back want, while giving the command: “Eyes go forward”, “Back back”. In the future, omit the words "eyes", "back": "Forward, backward."

The performance of the game requires coordination from the baby, in any case, he will try to see what is behind him so as not to fall.

Continue the tale of sly eyes: but the eyes always wanted to see what was behind them, they constantly peeped, but they were uncomfortable. They didn’t see everything and once went to the trick and just closed, but the back did not expect this, fell and hit hard, their eyes began to cry ... They suggested that the back should carefully look at the road. If she is tired, then her eyes will do it themselves, only for this you need to turn around. Since then, the eyes have been moving forward, and when it is necessary for the back to go back, the eyes turn the whole body and do its hard work behind the back.

Invite the baby to do what the eyes did: the eyes went forward, turned around and now go back. Fix the name of the directions “forward”, “backward”, ask the child to move forward and backward on command or on a whistle.

Praise the child for the speed, quick wit and correct execution of commands.

  1. Color and shape

The purpose of the game: the development of a sense of form and color, speed of reaction, ingenuity, attention.

Necessary materials and visual aids: balls and cubes of various colors, sizes, empty boxes.

Game progress: put cubes and balls in a large box, put it in front of the child. Ask him to put the balls in one box and the cubes in the other. When the kid copes with the task, again ask him to put the balls into boxes according to their colors, then sort the cubes into the same boxes. When the task is completed, ask the child to arrange the toys in boxes according to their shape.

All family members can take part in the game, everyone is given a box with cubes or balls and empty boxes, sorting by color and shape is in a race.

Do not forget to praise the child for the accuracy and accuracy of completing tasks.

Note to parent.The child quite often takes part and enjoys the game in which he is not a winner.

  1. Observation (or which toy ran away, etc.)

Purpose of the game: development of observation, logical thinking, assessment of the situation, the ability to express one's point of view, the ability to play in a team.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toys large and small, catchy and inconspicuous, scarf, brooch, various bright jewelry.

The course of the game: with the help of a counter, a leading wizard, a guest (a player who enters and leaves the room), a page (a player who rearranges toys from place to place at the direction of the wizard) are selected.

The guest (the first con let it be one of the adults) goes out the door. At this time, the wizard and the page arrange the toys in a strict order (it is best to take no more than 5 toys) and cover them with a light scarf.

The guest knocks on the door, entering the room, bows to the wizard and asks him to give him a brooch, beads, etc. The wizard agrees, but asks to complete three tasks, if he completes them, he will receive a magical decoration as a reward, if not, then the wizard will turn him into stone. For a few seconds, the handkerchief is removed from the toys, then the toys are covered with it again, the wizard sends the guest out the door.

Task one: the page, at the direction of the wizard, hides one of the toys. Then the guest enters, he must guess which toy has run away.

Task two: the page rearranges the toys in places, the guest must guess which toys are rearranged.

Task three: the page removes or puts on a dress, hat, shoes, etc., the guest must guess what has changed.

If the guest correctly completes all three tasks, he receives the promised decoration and becomes a wizard. With the help of counting points, the roles of page and guest are distributed between the remaining players.

If the guest makes a mistake, then the wizard turns him into stone, the guest must portray some animal (on the instructions of the wizard, so that none of the other players know the task) and freeze for a few seconds. If others guess what kind of animal it is, then the wizard will disenchant the guest. If not, then the guest sings a song or tells a poem in person (shows actions and events with gestures). The game starts from the beginning.

Note to parent.The ability to take risks (not to be afraid to express one's opinion and take actions) is a necessary element in the development of creative abilities.

  1. Big small

Goals of the game: development of a sense of size, consolidation of the concepts of "big", "small", development of attention, speed of reaction, fine motor skills of hands, competitive spirit.

Necessary materials and visual aids: toys of different sizes, empty boxes, figures cut out of colored cardboard, a whistle.

Game progress.

1st option: put the toys prepared for the game in a large box, ask the baby to sort them according to the principle “big”, “small”. When the task is completed, praise him for his efforts.

All family members can take part in the game, each of which is given a box with toys and empty boxes, sorting begins with a whistle, the losers sing a song to the winner.

2nd option: prepare in advance figures cut out of colored cardboard, large and small squares, triangles and other figures, put them in a common bright box and give the box to the baby. If he cannot open it, help him with this. Carefully consider together with the child what is in the box. Invite your child to sort the figurines by size into empty boxes. After the task is completed, ask them to sort the figures into different piles according to their shape. Be sure to praise your baby. If he made a mistake in choosing, go back and sort out the mistake, let the child put the figure in the pile in which, in his opinion, it should lie.

All family members can play this game. The kid likes the competitive process, and he begins to play with even more pleasure.

  1. detective and keeper

The purpose of the game: the development of observation, logical thinking, assessment of the situation, speed of reaction.

Necessary materials and visual aids: a bright magic box (treasure).

Game progress: using the counter, select the detective (the player who is looking for the treasure), the keeper of the treasure (the player who constantly hides the treasure).

The investigator (best if the first investigator is an adult) leaves the room, and the keeper (best, a child and an adult, as a keeper and assistant) hides the treasure. The detective must find the treasure, while he can ask three questions of his choice, to which the keeper can only answer "yes" or "no". The purpose of the keeper is to confuse the detective. If the detective finds the treasure, then he becomes the keeper, if not, he fulfills the desire of the keeper (sing, dance, portray an animal, etc.). At the end of the game, do not forget to praise the most successful players, note the original questions and attempts to solve the problem. The kid at the end of the game can distribute prizes from a magic box with a treasure.

The sooner you play such games with your child, the sooner the child will independently make decisions and assess the situation, even with the help of an adult (the role of an assistant to the keeper or to the detective) at the first moment. The child's interest in playing under these conditions will not wane for a long time.

  1. Games for children 1 - 2 years old using improvised materials

When a child is not very interested in store-bought toys, parental ingenuity comes into play. This is what happened in our family.

We are lucky to become the parents of a little researcher who constantly needs to offer something new, interesting, unusual. Then we began to invent games with improvised materials. It is very exciting, and most importantly economical. As it turned out, many do-it-yourself games are not at all difficult to make. We learned something in developmental classes, the kid suggested something, we remembered something from childhood.

I will say again that the recommended age is indicative. Some children can easily cope with tasks earlier, others a little later. All kids are different. Also, not all developmental activities with a child from a year old may appeal to him, but some will definitely appeal to him. Experiment!

  1. Games for the development of fine motor skills of children (from 10 months)

Of course, this type of activity requires parental supervision. Small items here are pebbles for an aquarium (as an alternative - small pebbles), buttons, beads, bells and other sewing accessories. But games with such small objects are very useful for the baby and should be present in his daily life. The safety precautions are simple: they played and removed to a place unknown to the child.

A favorite game can be, for example, picking up pebbles for an aquarium in a non-spill cup. We started playing at the age of 10 months, and by the age of one, the child was already doing well on his own. But, at first, he needs to be shown how this is done, or rather, to direct his hands. That is, take his pen with his hand, grab a pebble and put it in a glass.

The little ones have good muscle memory, and they easily remember hand movements.

Pebbles can be bought at a pet store, building supermarkets, and a glass at an office supply store. Instead of pebbles, you can take buttons, beads, small lids, and so on.

Over time (from about a year and a half), you can teach a child to sort objects by color: in a blue cup, objects are blue, in yellow - yellow.

Also, from beads, buttons, pebbles and a baby pencil case, you get an excellent rattle!

  1. Educational game for children "Find a couple" (from a year to a year and a half)

Quite an interesting game, which can also be made from improvised means.

The first variation of the game: cut images of familiar objects into halves and invite the baby to find a pair. What does it look like? Several pictures depicting a ball, a house, a tree, a cat, etc. cut into two parts and offer to the child. The pictures themselves can be printed, drawn, taken as postcards or clippings from magazines. His task is to find two halves and assemble the drawing. For the first time, the child is offered two pictures (4 parts), gradually increasing their number.

The second version of the game provides for the presence of a large number of two identical items.

For example, two blue bottle caps, two cubes of the same color, two mittens, two balls, two identical parts from the designer, two intercom chips, etc. It is desirable to have about 20 items (10 pairs). We put half of the items in a bag, the other half in a cup (or place it on the table). The task of the child is to get the item out of the bag and find a match for him from the cup. Quite an exciting game for children one and a half - two years old. The number of items can be varied and changed. And you don't have to buy anything.

  1. Hair bands (from one and a half years)

Moms of boys, have you seen such small children's hair ties in stores? And mothers of girls themselves will understand what it is about. Another game for developing finger motor skills is stringing rubber bands on a marker or felt-tip pen. The main thing is that the diameter of the marker is slightly larger than the rubber itself. The child must make an effort, learn to stretch the rubber band to put it on a pencil or marker.

  1. Plasticine games for children (from 1 year old)

Dear readers, I won’t talk about simple modeling from plasticine, this is the first thing that comes to mind. I will offer an alternative: gluing pieces of plasticine onto a sheet of paper.

To do this, you need a piece of plasticine (one or more colors) and paper. The task of the child is to tear off small pieces, roll up balls and, pressing with a finger, stick them to the paper. Plasticine balls can not only be pressed down, but slightly smeared. With such a task, a one-year-old baby will definitely cope. But do not forget to show and guide the child's hands.

When the baby learns such a game, you can diversify it. To do this, give the baby something small (noodles, beans, peas, pieces of foil or colored paper, beads) and show that they can be glued to plasticine. You get good crafts.

Another variation of this game. Laminate the image of a tree without leaves and invite the baby to “glue the leaves”.

Green in summer, yellow in autumn, and snowflakes in winter. In the same way, you can prepare a ladybug without spots, a brush of mountain ash without berries, etc. After the game, the plasticine is easy to assemble, and the stencil remains until the next creative lesson.

  1. Educational game for children "Studying forms" (from a year to a year and a half)

At the age of one year, children are already quite good at distinguishing basic geometric shapes. This can be used for playing. Parents need to prepare the same number of cubes (can be of different colors, sizes) and balls (for big or table tennis).

It is necessary to put the balls and cubes in one box and ask the baby to sort them. Balls in one pile (cup, tray, box), cubes in another. During the game, you need to speak with the child the actions and forms of objects, teach generalization.

  1. Educational games for children with covers (from one and a half years)

Another handy material is plastic bottle caps. When there are a lot of them (30-40 pieces), you can lay out geometric shapes, lines, snakes, zigzags with them, build towers, sort by colors. Spill-proof lids also come in handy.

  1. Dance classes for children (from the year)

There is a lot to be said about music lessons. You can diversify them by dancing with pompoms, ribbons, paper birds. It is enough to take roll sticks and attach a satin ribbon to the pointed end (sold at any fabric and accessories store). Instead of a ribbon, you can take a New Year's "rain" and teach your child to dance with them. Girls will especially like it. Well, and moms, because it's so cute!

  1. L dough epka (a game for children from 1 year old)

Unlike plasticine, it is not scary if the child puts the dough in his mouth. Salt dough products can also be dried. Gouache or food coloring will diversify the color of the dough. A mouse, a bird, a hedgehog, a worm will be an excellent gift for a grandfather or grandmother.

  1. Drawing for children (from 9 months)

Everything seems to be clear here: pencils, watercolor, gouache. Some children do not need to show anything at all, they themselves will come up with better parents.

And some people need to be interested. In addition to the brush, you can draw with your fingers, cotton swabs, foam rubber sponges, toothbrushes, and make prints. Pencils can be used to trace objects, palms, draw details, etc.

Try drawing a simple pattern on paper with a wax candle, and then have your child paint the drawing with watercolors. It will turn out to be a rather interesting craft. In this technique, you can, for example, make a snowflake for the holiday. Older children can be offeredlive coloring pages , whose heroes can be revived.

  1. Educational games for children for coordination (from 1.5 - 2 years old)

When the baby begins to confidently walk and run, you can offer him such a game. You will need: table tennis balls (10 pieces), a spoon, a basin. The balls are scattered on the floor. The task of the child is to pick up the ball with a spoon and bring it to the basin. The task is not easy, it perfectly trains coordination of movements, accuracy and patience. You can also pour water into the basin and launch the "boats". For older children, you can play a game in the form of a competition.

  1. Container with cereals (game from 1 year old)

This is probably one of the most favorite children's activities. Many are simply delighted with it, but what good is it! Buckwheat, peas, beans, noodles are poured into a plastic container with a lid ... The child is given spoons, cups, a strainer and enjoy the silence.

Under the container, you can spread a piece of fabric to make it easier to clean up after the game. Over time, you can teach your child to hide the toy in the croup, and then look for it. Also offer acorns, cones, walnuts. The most important thing after the game is to close and remove the container in an inaccessible place.

  1. Stringing beads (from the year)

Another type of game with small objects. The essence of the game is clear from the title. It is necessary to prepare beads and wire. Everyone can play!

The most important thing in classes is to praise the baby for successes and not pay attention to failures. From the first time, many games will not be clear to the child, but over time, he will definitely learn everything! Another plus of such developmental activities is that they provide for the direct interaction of the child with an adult. And this means you can spend time together, fun and useful.

Motor activity is very important for the physical development of the child. The irrefutable expression “Movement is life” is well known. Soviet scientist I.A. Arshavsky repeatedly proved the connection between a high level of activity and good health, emphasized the special importance of motor activity in the development of the whole organism.

And you can also ask dad to file thin branches in the forest (about 1-2 cm in diameter, 20-30 cm long), lay them in a row and walk along them like a bridge, you can tie them with a thin strong rope so that you can easily fold and remove .

Rolling toys. It is worth mentioning wheelchair toys here. They are now sold in all sorts of shapes and colors, some children are happy to learn to walk by rolling such toys. Maybe this method will suit your baby?

Outdoor games for children at the age of 1, training running

Who is faster? Invite the baby to race to get to the toy, to the dad, to the kitchen. It's easy to play this game all day long. Who will run to the sandbox faster?

Catch me. Another game that can be played all day long. Invite the child to catch you and run away, then you catch the baby, and he runs away.

We ran to visit. Prepare two toys, for example, a bear and a dog, place them in different corners of the room or in different places on the street and offer to run to visit the bear, and then visit the dog, and even race. Turn on moving music, it will be more fun.

We tease the beast. This is a whole block of games, reminiscent of the game "at the bear in the forest", familiar to you from childhood. The main idea is this: the baby sneaks up to the sleeping animal, the animal wakes up, and you need to run away from it. Pairs for this game: a bear and rabbits, a frog and mosquitoes, bees and cubs, a wolf and kids, a fox and rabbits. It's more fun if a big company is playing.

Outdoor games for children at the age of 1, training jumps

We jump on numbers and letters. Draw numbers or letters on the pavement, and let the child jump over them, at the same time teach the count and words. Or lay out and fix with adhesive tape on the floor pictures of animals, and to which animal the child jumped, he calls.

By the islands. Draw with chalk or tape paper islands on the floor and say that you can only jump on land. On the islands, you can put a small treat, or you can lay out the puzzle pieces and then assemble the picture, it is convenient to use cubes with a picture for this.

Through puddles, over clouds, over bumps. One day, invite the child to jump through the puddles to the bath, on the other, through the clouds to get to the kitchen for dinner. Jumping over bumps in the swamp, you can look for a treasure that you hide under the last bump.

Get some candy. Hold the candy slightly above your baby's height and let him make several attempts to get the candy before he jumps. If you don't eat candy, replace it with a toy or fruit.

Jumping rope or objects. An easier option for yearlings is to jump over a rope or ribbon, stick, etc. lying on the floor. Make the game more difficult by raising the rope, ribbon, etc. higher.

Let's have fun jumping. You can just jump to fun music with your child. With seeming simplicity, this game can bring you a lot of positive emotions.

Entertaining outdoor games for children in 1 year

Show the animal. Think of an animal and show it to the baby with the help of pantomime, make a sound that is characteristic of this animal. Let the kid guess. And then invite him to guess the beast for you. Or just think together how you can show a sparrow, a horse, a bull, a dog, a cat, bees, a bear, a hare, etc.

You can imitate different mechanisms - cars, trucks, steam locomotives, airplanes.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

Hide and Seek. Everyone's favorite game! Hide yourself, then look for your child. Yearlings hide their faces under a scarf or cover them with their palms and think that they hid well. Walk around a little, saying out loud how difficult it is for you to search, and that you can’t see where your child is hiding at all, and then “find” the baby and laugh together.

Sun bunnies. Take a mirror and let the sunbeams, and let the baby catch them. Then change places.

Physical education minutes

And a few more ideas from enthusiastic mothers who play with their babies according to scenarios "Fairytale Kaleidoscope". As part of one of the creative tasks for the Three Little Pigs, they spent physical education minutes with their crumbs. Such simple and funny exercises to songs well known to mom will be a good help in organizing the physical activity of kids.

Physical education minute to the song of the three little pigs

I tried to come up with a warm-up for the child after sleeping to the song of three little pigs, so I left the melody, but replaced the words with my own, except for the chorus. It turned out like this:

It's time for us to wake up
We've got to go, we've got to go (let's stretch)
Waiting for Naf-Naf for a long time in the morning,
We are with you in the morning (clap our hands).

We will call Nif-Nif,
Let's call, call, (waving with one hand)
And we'll call Naf-Naf,
Let's call, call (waving with the other hand).

We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf.
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

Let's stretch our arms together
Knead, knead, (squeeze-unclench fists, raise-lower elbows, or any other hand movements)
Let's stretch the legs together (we walk, raising our legs high)
And we will build a house (raise our hands high up and spread apart - we show how big the house is).

To the chorus we crawl on all fours:
We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf, gray wolf.
Where do you go, stupid wolf,
Old wolf, dire wolf?

The daughter rushes around with laughter when her mother gets on all fours, depicting a wolf. Therefore, the warm-up smoothly flowed into catch-up hide and seek from the mother wolf.

Anna Popova and daughter Euphrosinia 1 year 6 months, St. Petersburg.

Fizkultminutka on a poem about pigs

For physical education, they took a poem about pigs:

This pig dances briskly, (jump)
This one is waving its tail at us, (we wag our booty)
This one washes a piglet, (we wash)
This one wears a wig, (put hands on head)
This one eats a gingerbread, (we show with our hands how we eat)
And her name is Baby (hands to the sides).

Elena Gevorgyan with her daughter Nastya, 1 year 10 months old, Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region.

We hope that we have offered you such outdoor games for children 1 year old, which will help you to move with your child in a fun and useful way.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

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At the age of about 1 year 3 months, the most interesting and most important for a baby are still object games, i.e. games during which the child twists and turns toys and other objects, feels them, gets acquainted with their purpose. Repeating many times the same actions with objects, the baby learns their physical properties, accumulates his own experience of interacting with them, and, of course, improves motor skills, hones skills and abilities.

I have previously published several articles with a selection of our games for developing sensorimotor skills. In today's article - a little more difficult classes, approximately designed for babies older than 1 year 3 months. The breakdown by age, of course, is somewhat arbitrary and is done only to make it easier to navigate in a variety of games. So don't wait until a certain age, but use the activities in this article when you feel that the child is ready.

I want to note that many of the games from the articles "Educational games for children 1 year old" are still relevant even after the age of 1 year 3 months, in particular,.

Well, now I present to your attention another 10 options for educational games:

1. Sort items

At this age, you can begin to offer your baby the first "analytical" games. Those. the baby will need not only to touch, press, open something, but also think it over carefully before doing it.

So, invite your child to sort with you any items into two boxes. For example, divide the cubes into red and green. You can sort not only by color, but also by size (large and small) or shape (circles and squares). At the first stage, use only one criterion for sorting! Besides, try to ensure that at first, in all other properties, the objects are completely identical . Those. for example, if you are sorting the cubes into red and green, it is desirable that they be the same size. This will make it easier for the child to understand.

What else can be sorted? In-shell nuts are good for sorting: put large (walnut) in one bowl, small (forest, or cedar) in another. In the kitchen, you can sort sweets into 2 varieties, separate beans from pasta, etc. Yes, in principle, you can sort almost any small things that come to hand.

You can also make special cards for sorting . On some cards, draw all large objects, on others - exactly the same objects, only small ones. Alternatively, draw circles on some cards and squares on others. In our games, we used ready-made sets from the "School of the Seven Dwarfs" to sort by bloom and by size. The sets, frankly, are nothing special, but if you are too lazy to make cards yourself, then they will do.

To begin with, sort the objects into only two groups, when the child catches the essence of the game, you can add more varieties. Those. increase the number of colors, shapes or sizes involved in the game.

To maintain interest in the game, you can not only sort objects into faceless boxes, but distribute the boxes to your favorite toys and announce to the baby that, for example, the Cheburashka loves only circles, but the bear loves only triangles, so we need to help them arrange everything correctly.

A separate layer are games on sorting by color . In the article "" you can find several options for such sorting. For example, here is such a sorter from a tea box and multi-colored mosaic details. No worse are sorters with designer details, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc.

Of the non-homemade options, the best color sorter, in my opinion, is magic chest of drawers. Here, in addition to the fact that the child learns to distinguish colors, he also trains fine motor skills - he learns to direct small details exactly into the hole, and also to put them in insert frames. The task is not easy and very exciting. The child can sit for an hour

If colored sorters are already tired, then you can take a closer look at the chests of drawers " Forms" or " Animals"

And finally, if you want to include more colors and shades in your game and at the same time are a lover of beautiful and eco-friendly Montessori toys, then sorters in the form colored gnomes, nesting dolls and wooden bowls.

2. Play with water

According to my observations, games with water transfusion become interesting to a child even earlier than at 1 year 3 months. The first actions that need to be mastered are pouring from a glass into a glass, filling one large container with another smaller dish (for example, we scoop water into a bucket with small glasses). After these actions are mastered, you can learn pour water into glasses from a small teapot or jug . We studied on a teapot 20 centimeters high.

During such a game, the main thing to teach the baby is to hold the kettle correctly. Explain to the child that the kettle should be held with the right hand (if he is right-handed) by the handle, and with the left hand a little hold on the other side, while lifting the kettle so that it does not touch the edge of the cup, otherwise the glass will fall. Of course, at first you will need to keep the kettle with the baby, because. this task is not easy.

The pouring of water from the kettle into glasses, of course, can be played in an interesting way. Seat the toys and tell the baby that he is now facing a responsible task - to pour tea for all the toy guests.

3. Sift cereals through a strainer

Another educational game invented by the famous. This game is aimed at introducing the child to the sieve and its interesting property - to separate large from small. For class, you must first mix semolina and beans in a bowl. And then, together with the baby, you need to use a strainer with a handle to separate the beans from the semolina. Put the sifted beans in a separate bowl.

During the game, explain to the baby that the beans remained in the strainer, because they are large and cannot pass through the holes in the sieve, and the semolina is small, so it is sieved through the holes.

4. Collect puzzles from 2 parts

Show your child how you can get a single picture from two parts. For this fit the most simple puzzles or split pictures (labyrinth, My shop, KoroBoom). At this age, Taisiya and I played like this: I took one half of the animal and began to substitute different options for the second halves to it, Taisiya showed which half, in her opinion, was suitable and which was not. My daughter really liked this game, but she did not want to collect pictures on her own at this age, the real "" we started at 1.5 years old.

5. Cut vegetables and fruits

This game will require set of cut vegetables or fruits (Ozone, KoroBoom, My shop) . Typically, such vegetables consist of two halves (and sometimes more pieces) that adhere to each other with Velcro. Also included is a wooden knife.

The game is very useful, because in it the child learns to coordinate his actions. It is not as easy as it might seem - to guide the knife exactly along the cut, and even holding the vegetable with the other hand. And it is necessary to teach the baby to hold the vegetable with the second hand, this is how we develop in him the ability to do different actions simultaneously with both hands. And the child learns independence, and the more persistent he is, the faster he will amaze you with his “culinary” skills.

6. Collect the pyramid, choosing the right size ring

Because at this age, the baby is already quite good at distinguishing small objects from large ones, you can slowly teach him to assemble a pyramid, stringing the rings in the correct order. To do this, you need to explain to the child that when collecting a pyramid, you always need to focus on the largest ring. We found the largest ring - put it on the rod, from the remaining ones we are again looking for the largest. At first, it is better to use small pyramids of 3-4 rings, or if the pyramid is large, you need to limit each choice of the baby to 3-4 rings.

Similarly, you can learn to assemble a pyramid from. In addition, the caps can also be assembled in reverse order - starting with the smallest one, and then sequentially cover with larger caps, as if hiding the previous ones.

Taisia ​​and I regularly practiced building pyramids and towers from caps. At 1 year 4 months, she was already building them (from 6-7 rings or caps) practically on her own, with a minimum amount of my help. I offered my daughter a choice of 3-4 parts, from which she chose the right ones. But most of all, Taisiya loved to consistently hide the caps one under the other.

7. Assemble a nesting doll, picking up a half on your own

The essence of the lesson is similar to the previous one - the game teaches the child to navigate in size and select the appropriate ones. Naturally, while the baby will not fully collect nesting doll (My shop, labyrinth, KoroBoom) without your help, at this stage he needs to constantly prompt, explain and clearly demonstrate why one half is suitable and the other is not.

When we were just learning how to assemble a nesting doll, we played like this: I put all the “heads” in one direction, and the “legs” in the other. Then she took one “head” and offered several “legs” to choose from. The understanding that not every “legs” will fit one specific “head” came to Taisiya somewhere in 1 year 2 months, since then we began to slowly but surely learn the art of sizing.

8. Collect mushrooms / berries

Another interesting game was born to us by itself, when counting set "Mushrooms" (labyrinth, My shop, KoroBoom). The essence of the game is as follows: the baby needs to find the mushrooms pre-arranged around the room (instead of them there may be other identical objects, for example, berries, small balls, leaves).

Mushrooms need to be arranged in advance while the child is not in the room. Some mushrooms must be placed in the most prominent places so that the baby feels interest in the game and understands that everything is working out for him. And some need to be placed in such a way that you have to look a little, for example, behind the leg of a chair, under a typewriter, etc. But don't overdo it! The game develops attentiveness and observation well.

9. Dress up dolls by putting on clothes

So far, the baby is unlikely to cope with dressing ordinary dolls, but on flat dolls, he will already be able to fully realize his design endeavors. On sale you can find various sets (Ozone, My shop, KoroBoom) (usually for bathroom play), consisting of dolls and a rich assortment of clothes and accessories for all occasions - wear whatever your heart desires.

Taisiya fell in love with this game very much just somewhere at the age of 1 year 3 months. And to this day, we periodically return to it, bathing in the bathroom. There are two characters to dress up in our set, so there is room for story games as well.

10. Study opposites on real objects

The older the baby becomes, the more things begin to interest him, the more concepts he is able to understand. You can also study various concepts from books, but the baby will learn everything much better if he is shown the essence of certain things in reality. For example, it is very interesting to study opposites. What exactly to study?

    Take two plastic bottles and fill them with water, pour a little into one and a lot of water into the other. Let the child pick up each of the bottles, explain that one of them is heavy and the other is light.

    Take two plastic bottles, pour hot water into one of them, and cold water into the other. Feeling the bottles, the baby will learn these concepts well.

    Lie down with the baby first on the pillow, and then on the floor. Explain that it is pleasant and comfortable to lie on the pillow - it is soft, but not so on the floor - it is hard!

    You can explain the concept of "empty" and "full" to the baby using the example of an empty and full glass, or a bucket of sand.

Well, and stuff like that, you can come up with a lot of similar examples in life!

11. Play with simple mosaics

And another 1 year 3 months is a great time to start joining mosaics! But only, of course, to the simplest, baby ones. The main task of the mosaic at this age is not to teach the child to create pictures and not to develop imagination, but to teach the child to work with small details and learn colors.

It is not at all necessary to immediately insert the details “correctly” when playing. As a rule, at first, children are too passionate about the process to pay attention to the color of the details. First, let the child simply insert the parts into the holes, training unyielding fingers. Well, you pronounce the names of those details that the child takes, so that this information is slowly deposited in his head. And only when the baby is comfortable with the game and you understand that your information “did not go past your ears”, offer to insert the blue part into the blue hole, and the red one into the red one.

Here are examples of very good, baby mosaics. From wooden (and quite budget) - this is " butterflies"(as in the photo just above)," cars". From plastic - " funny buttons".

That's all. If everything from this article has already been mastered, go to the next collection -!


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